Our 2014 Annual Report - Love INC of Lake County
Our 2014 Annual Report - Love INC of Lake County
A Message from Spark This Impact Report shares highlights of Walk With Us Pray for the families and individuals we serve Become a monthly donor Serve on a ministry team Sign up to receive our email newsletters Connect with us on-line how your prayerful support was used in 2014 by our partner churches to serve our community. Thank you for sharing your time, dedi- Our Board of Directors cating your financial resources, and continuing to pray for those we serve. We are blessed to be the hands and feet David Enquist, President Libertyville Covenant Church Rich Basarich, Board Member Gurnee Community Church Jane O’Connell, Treasurer Village Church of Gurnee Steven Whittington, Secretary Christ Church Lake Forest John Pennell, Board Pastor Calvary Chapel of Lake Villa of Christ with you in Lake County! In His Service, Carl ‘Spark’ Ball Executive Director Jeffrey C. Jones Sr, Board Member Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church George Zorich, Board Member Christ Church Lake Forest Love INC of Lake County P.O. Box 7796, Gurnee, IL 60031 www.loveinclakecounty.org 847.782.8630 2014 Impact Report Mobilizing local churches to transform lives and communities in the Name of Christ Your Gifts at Work Move to a New, More Central Facility Mentoring through Manage Your Resources Preparing Children for School Trusting in God’s provision and supported by many volunteers, our office/warehouse moved to Waukegan in June. This new location better connects our partner churches to those we serve. This Love INC budgeting class graduated three students in its first year. Christ-followers walk alongside those wanting to understand how to better use the resources with which God has blessed them. Gurnee Community Church began a new Gap Ministry to provide new school uniforms to Love INC families. The church embraced the families during a ’try-on’ session and the kids left with big smiles! Financial Highlights, 2014 Love INC of Lake County doesn’t exist without the churches—that’s you! Your financial partnership encourages and empowers us to live out our mission in the community together. Mobilize local churches Almost 500 Christ-followers from 34 different churches shared over 11,000 hours of their time as the hands and feet of Christ in Lake County. Transform Lives and Communities, In the Name of Christ These churches and Christ-followers connected over 680 families with almost 1,200 needs. And with each need met, the families and teams shared prayer and time together. Your investment in Love INC of Lake County allows us to continue to provide office and warehouse space, delivery trucks, and other resources for our partner churches, allowing them to serve in the way God wired them. Many Hands from Many Churches Teens from two partner churches lived and served together in Zion for one week in July. Through painting, mowing lawns, and weeding, they shared God’s love with local homeowners. Serving as the Hands and Feet of Christ Whether bringing a bed or dishes into a home, helping a mom select clothing for her children, or serving in a myriad of other ways, Christ-followers bring prayer and compassion into the situation.
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