August 18, 2016


August 18, 2016
241 Pine Street
Abilene, TX 79601
August 18, 2016
STAR Teacher
grant deadline
is August 26
The deadline is near!
The Abilene Education Foundation STAR Teacher Grant
application is still open, but
the deadline is Aug. 26 at midnight.
Teachers may apply for up to
$1,000. AEF is excited to announce we have $50,000 to
give away again this year.
Applications can be found at
Here are a few tips for submitting successful grant applications:
1. Grant applications must
be completed online and submitted by the Aug. 26 deadline. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
Applications must include signatures from the appropriate
campus principal(s).
2. Proofread the completed
grant application carefully.
3. Proposals submitted in a
grant application should
demonstrate creativity and
innovation in educational programming and may include
classroom supplies, manipulatives and equipment, and/or
field trips, but not food.
4. Be concise. Information
presented in the grant application should be clear and to the
point, but still descriptive
Continued on Page 7
Photos by:
Mindy Morris
AUGUST 18, 2016
Medical insurance enrollment
still open, but closing fast
Open Enrollment for Medical Insurance is available for
just a couple of more days. It will end on Monday, August
If you intend to make a change to your medical plan,
medical bridge plan, or re-elect your FSA, we encourage
you to visit to make your changes.
You must re-elect if you are electing the same amount.
The Medical Bridge plan and the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) are available for assistance with medical expenses that your insurance does not cover.
If you have further questions, please go to the websites
for Aetna and/or First Care for more information. These
sites contain a wealth of information, including Benefit
Booklets, Enrollment Guide (Aetna), Prescription Drug
Formularies, etc.
If you want to make changes to your coverage, the instructions for the TCG Services enrollment website are in
the “Announcement” doc on page 3.
Please make sure all dependents are listed in the
“Dependent Information Section,” even if you are not
covering them on your insurance plan at this time.
You will not be able to add them to your plan should
they lose other coverage, unless they are listed now during this Open Enrollment period.
If you want to keep the same medical plan and cover
the same dependents, you do not have to go online. Your
current election will automatically rollover with the new
rates on September 1, 2016.
If you want to sign up for the Medical Bridge Plan or set
up a Flexible Spending Account for Medical Reimbursement, log on and set these up now.
If you renewed your flex account during spring enrollment in May, you do not need to go online unless you
want to increase or decrease the amount flexed.
Please contact the Benefits Office at Ext. 1042 if you
have any questions.
Page 2
 First Day of Classes
 Tennis: AHS Eagles, CHS Cougars in AISD
 Football: AHS Eagles @ San Angelo
Central, 7:30 p.m.
Football: CHS Cougars vs. Keller High @
Shotwell Stadium, 7:30 p.m.
 Tennis: AHS Eagles, CHS Cougars in AISD
 Board of Trustees Budget, Tax Rate &
Agenda Review @ One AISD Center, 5
 Football: AHS Eagles vs. Midland Lee @
Shotwell Stadium, 7:30 p.m.
 Football: CHS Cougars @ Grapevine,
7:30 p.m.
 Labor Day Holiday
 Football: AHS Eagles vs. CHS Cougars @
Shotwell Stadium, 7:30 p.m.
 Cross Country: AHS Eagles, CHS Cougars
in Eagle Invitational @ Sherrod Park,
8 a.m.
 AHS, CHS Bands in West Texas Fair & Rodeo Parade, 10 a.m.
 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting @
One AISD Center, 5 p.m.
 Football: CHS Cougars @ Frenship, 7 p.m.
 Football: AHS Eagles @ Odessa High, 7:30
Click here to see full
2016-17 district calendar of events
AUGUST 18, 2016
Page 3
New faces; New places
New faces. Familiar faces in
lanueva’s former position as
different places.
Associate Principal at AHS,
As we approach the fourth
and Jeff Howle comes over
Monday in August, the 2016from Clack to become an AHS
17 school year will be no
assistant principal. Lori Ladydifferent than any school
man also joins the AHS team
year: new administrators joinas 9th Grade Academy ining the district and changes in
structional specialist. She
duties for some AISD veterpreviously served as assistant
ans. Most of the major adprincipal at Woodson Center
ministrative announcements
for Excellence. At Cooper, Jay
occurred before the concluAshby moves from assistant
sion of last year, but others
principal to 9th Grade Acadewere made over the summer
my instructional specialist,
and Marlyn Young, formerly
One AISD Center: As anof Madison Middle School,
nounced in May, the Curricucomes to CHS as an assistant
lum and Instruction Departprincipal. Monica Warnment has new leadership as
Walker moves from the
Dr. Abigayle Barton comes to
downtown C&I department
New principals for 2016-17: (front row from left) Stevanie Jackson, to become the assistant printhe district. Dr. Barton has
been an administrator in the Bonham; Deb Hollingsworth, Jackson; Robert Morrison, AHS; (back cipal at Woodson Center for
row from left) Debra Stewart, Ortiz; Alison Camp, Austin; Tina
C&I Department in Corpus
Wyatt, Madison; and Todd Bramwell, Clack.
Christi ISD for several years.
At the middle school level,
Dr. Joe Alcorta, who has served as Director of Personnel, is
Don Kuciemba is the new assistant principal at Clack and is
now the Executive Director of Human Resources, and Kari Leong joined there by Joshua Newton, who moves from Madison to
is now an Executive Director for Student Services. Ryder Apple- become Clack’s new instructional specialist. At Madison, Wyatt’s
ton comes from Waxahachie ISD to be the new Director of Ca- new administrative team includes two new assistants, Stephanie
reer & Technical Education.
Hammer (AHS Language Arts teacher) and Brent Cofer
Former campus administrators – Carla Garrett of Austin Ele(Breckenridge ISD). Dr. Lisa McCool, who served as principal at
mentary and Gustavo Villanueva of Abilene High – are now Exec- Long Elementary School, is a new assistant principal at Mann.
utive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education. Jeff
Elementary: Four new elementary principals were named last
Brokovich, who led the Elementary Education office before
admirably filling in as principal of Ortiz Elementary last spring, is
• Austin Elementary – Alison Camp, who was the instructional
now the Executive Director of Instructional Support. He assumes coordinator at Ward Elementary;
the role formerly held by Billy Stone, who retired in December.
• Bonham Elementary – Stevanie Jackson, previously the 9th
Another former campus principal, Cyndi Smith of Madison
Grade Academy instructional specialist at Cooper;
Middle School, is now the Director of Professional Development. • Jackson Elementary – Deb Hollingsworth, promoted from
In one other districtwide move, former AHS assistant principal instructional coordinator at Jackson to replace the retiring Roy
Rene McAden is the new Director of Transportation as she
Sharp; and
takes over for Randy Gover, who accepted a position with an• Ortiz Elementary – Debra Stewart, who was the 9th Grade
other district.
Academy instructional specialist at AHS.
Secondary: New principals at Abilene High and two middle
Also announced this summer is the addition of six new assisschools highlight the changes for 2016-17. Robert Morrison,
tant principals at the elementary level. Each of the new adminiswho was principal at Sweeny High School, succeeds the retiring trators will share duties at two campuses. They are Leslye RobJennifer Raney at AHS. Rodney Brown also retired as principal erts (Johnston, Lee); Kevin Wellborn (Bonham, Bowie); Misty
at Clack Middle School and will be succeeded by Todd Bramwell, Caddell (Austin, Jackson); Tabitha Coffman (Taylor, Thomas);
who was a junior high administrator in Red Oak ISD. Meanwhile, Gretchen Reicheneker (Dyess, Reagan); and Cody Martin
Tina Wyatt, formerly principal at Bonham Elementary, is the
(Bassetti, Ward).
new principal at Madison Middle School
Two campuses, Martinez and Ortiz, will continue to be served
In addition, there are more new faces and changes among
by their assistants – Mary Helen Gonzalez at Martinez and Mike
secondary administrators. Patricia Anderson moves into VilKinslow at Ortiz.
AUGUST 18, 2016
Page 4
Community steps up for Walk for Graduates
The Board of Trustees
When: Saturday, Sept. 17
and Abilene ISD are hosting
We need the community’s
a community walk to
Time: 9:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. involvement to help us reach
search for students who
these students and ensure
Where: One AISD Center
are not enrolled for the
that they get that diploma.
2016 - 2017 school year.
The community’s help is vital
As a community and
to the success of the walk!!
school district partnership
Abilene ISD invites anyone
9:30- 10 a.m. - Registration and Continental Breakfast
effort, “Every Student
18 or over to participate in
10 - 10:30 a.m. - Volunteer Training
Counts: Abilene ISD Walk
the event. You may sign up
10:30 a.m. – Noon - Abilene ISD Walk for Graduates
for Graduates” is a door-to- Noon – 12:30 pm - Return Materials
by visiting
door program to recover and
students who are not in
clicking on the “Every Stuschool.
the latest, most innovative programs dent Counts AISD Walk for GraduWhen students are not in class at
available to help them find their way ates” story to register online.
the beginning of the school year,
back to the classroom.
For more information contact Jeff
trained volunteers will go to their
Abilene ISD wants each student not Brokovich at
homes, offer encouragement and
only to graduate from high school but or
support, and provide information on also be prepared for post-secondary at 325-677-1444, ext. 5525.
Lowe’s Heroes
More heroes from the local Lowe’s store showed up the week before school to continue their beautifying work at Reagan Elementary.
Several Lowe’s employees were
on hand to continue the work
started last spring when the store
selected Reagan to be the recipient
of a Lowe’s Heroes program for
community outreach. Lowe’s donated $2,500 in materials and provided volunteer labor for landscaping improvements on the campus.
The Reagan Rangers and AISD
want to say “Thank You” to our
Lowe’s Heroes.
August 23
August 30
6:00 PM
Two Small Pieces
of Glass
7:00 PM
Two Small Pieces
of Glass
6:00 PM
Earth to Universe
7:00 PM
Earth to Universe
AUGUST 18, 2016
Page 5
AEF kicks off game-changing 2016-17 campaign
Do you remember a teacher who really
made a difference in your life? I bet when
you think of him or her you can’t help but
Perhaps they lifted you up, fostered your
ability to solve problems or simply offered
you encouragement to give your best.
The Abilene Education Foundation believes teachers are the true game changers in AISD.
Thanks to your tremendous support to
the Abilene Education Foundation through
payroll deduction, we can be proud that
during the 2015-16 school year, AISD
teachers were awarded over $50,000
which greatly impacted the learning of the
students in AISD and helped change the
game for grant winners!
Whether you give once a month or a one
-time donation, your gift is a taxdeductible contribution that quickly grows
because community supporters dedicate
matching funds to provide programs for
teachers and students of AISD.
AEF is the only foundation in our community that gives back 100% of its payroll
Abilene Education Foundation s proud to offer bricks from the
original 1951 Bowie Elementary School building.
The original structure was erected for $226,745 at 1733 S. 23rd
Street. In 1953, an addition was built for $177,149 and a third
addition was constructed in 1984 for $457,566.
In 2014, a new school was built on one end of the property
while students attended school for the last year in the old building. The original structure was torn down in 2015 and students
began the 2015-16 school year in their new building at 2034
Jeanette Street.
Abilene ISD has graciously partnered with AEF to allow Bowie
Bobcats to have this token of the past. Mike Dudley, retired AISD
teacher and current AEF Board member, spent many hours pre-
contributions to benefit Abilene ISD teachers and students.
This year we are asking each campus to
change the game to make a difference for
our students.
If your campus reaches 100% participation, AEF, in partnership with AISD, will
provide your campus with rewards!
Thank you again for supporting the Abilene Education Foundation through payroll deduction and for being a game
changer to the students of the Abilene
Independent School District.
paring the bricks
for this fundraiser.
Monies raised
from the sale
will be used to
support AISD
students and teachers through teacher grants, scholarships, and
other AEF programs. For more information see
The bricks have been cleaned, shellacked, and are ready to sell
for $25.00 each. A plate has been attached to the brick commemorating Bowie Elementary. Bricks may be purchased at the
AEF office, 241 Pine Street.
AUGUST 18, 2016
Page 6
In need of staff
development hours?
Festival events promise to bring
West Texas literature to life
San Antonio novelist Leila
Meacham will receive the A.C.
Greene Award at the 2016 West
Texas Book Festival Sept. 24 at
the Abilene Civic Center.
Festival events are planned for
the entire week of Sept. 19-24,
culminating with the Boots &
Books Luncheon on Saturday,
where Meacham will be honored. Also, the Ricki Brown Abilene Librarian of the Year winner
will be announced.
Saturday morning programming at the Civic Center begins
at 9 a.m. with children’s author
Susan Kralovansky of
Georgetown talking about
writing for children. Kralovansky
will also speak at several Abilene
elementary schools on Thursday
and Friday.
At 9:30 Saturday, Cooper High
teacher Marguerite Gray will be
featured talking about her Revolutionary Faith novel series set in
Charleston, S.C., before and during the American Revolution.
Meacham will be interviewed
at 10 a.m. about her writing success. A retired teacher, she is the
best-selling author of four Texas
epic novels, including Roses and
her latest, Titans.
A new collection of West Texas
Stories, edited by Glenn Dromgoole and published by ACU
Press, will make its debut at
10:30. Several contributing authors, including Jay Moore, Joe
W. Specht and Jim Richmond
from Abilene, will tell about their
stories in the book.
Abilene authors who have had
a book published in the past year
will be honored at the Abilene
Author Showcase reception on
Tuesday evening, and a panel of
Texas publishers will present a
“Getting Published” workshop
for aspiring authors on Friday
afternoon at the library.
For more information and a
complete list of festival activities,
see the library web site at
This year’s West Texas Book Festival will
be held next month at the Abilene Civic Center on Saturday, Sept. 24, and YOU can earn
up to six hours of Alternative Staff Development for attending!
Register for BOTH three-hour workshops
in eduphoria. Many local educators have
called this the BEST Alternative Staff Development opportunity of the year. Feel free to
register with standby status, if there is a
waiting list…and there will be.
for the morning session will begin
at 8:45 a.m., and the author presentations
promise to be quite entertaining. Children’s
author Susan Kralovansky of Georgetown
will discuss writing for children, and then
AISD’s own Marguerite Gray (French teacher
at Cooper High School) will be featured talking about her Revolutionary Faith series of
novels set in Charleston, S.C., before and
during the American Revolution.
Lila Meacham, this year’s A.C. Greene
Award winner and the best-selling author of
four Texas epic novels, including Roses and
Titans, will share thoughts on her long and
successful career.
Finally, rounding out the morning program, four contributing authors of the new
book West Texas Stories—Glenn Dromgoole, Joe W. Specht, Jim Richmond, and
AISD’s own Jay Moore (history teacher at
Abilene High School)—will host a lively panel
as they share colorful West Texas stories.
The afternoon session includes a free
Boots and Books luncheon ticket, courtesy
of local business sponsors. Enjoy a meal of
West Texas barbecue while you hear author
remarks, see the Ricki Brown Abilene Librarian of the Year Award presented, and witness the presentation of the A.C. Greene
You must cancel your eduphoria registration a week in advance, if you have a change
of plans, so a teacher on the standby list can
be awarded your luncheon ticket.
The annual West Texas Book Festival has
many events planned Sep. 19-24.
For more information and a complete list
of festival activities, see the library website
AUGUST 18, 2016
Page 7
Applications being accepted
for aspiring administrators
If you have aspirations of becoming an administrator, please apply for the 2016-17 Aspiring Administrator Academy: “The Pipeline to the
The format will be slightly altered this year with
a new day and time. We are looking for individuals who have their mid-management certification, or are currently enrolled in coursework. We
hope to limit the academy to the first 12 individuals.
Please send a letter of interest, a letter of recommendation from an AISD administrator, and a
resume to Gail Gregg at
by 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 2.
The academy will meet on Monday evenings
from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the Crockett Room at
One AISD Center. The first session will meet on
Monday, Sept. 26, and meetings will follow on
Oct. 24, Nov. 28, Jan. 23, Feb. 27, March 27 and
April 24. There will be no meeting in December.
Thursday, August 18
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
10:00 PM
Friday, August 19
9:30 PM
Dyess “I Love America”
Saturday, August 20
8:00 PM
STAR Teacher Grants
8:45 PM
Continued from Page 1
enough to understand the proposal. Attaching supporting documentation to the application is not necessary.
5. Define all acronyms used within the grant application. Many of the readers are not familiar with educational jargon, such as EOC or AR, etc.
6. Obtain current price quotes for all items listed on the
grant application budget page by using a new vendor
catalog, visiting the vendor’s web site, or by contacting
the vendor directly. Include current shipping costs as a
part of your grant application budget. Do not include
tax as all purchases are tax exempt.
7. Requests for building improvements are considered
to fall within the district’s funding area and should not
be included in a grant proposal.
If you have specific questions regarding your grant application, please email Christine Curtis-Carr, Executive
Director, at
9:30 PM
Monday, August 29
9:30 PM
Tuesday, August 30
6:00 PM
7:30 PM
Dyess “I Love America”
Abilene ISD GOLD
Handbell Choir
Wednesday, September 1
5:00 PM
7:30 PM
AHS vs. SA Central
CHS vs. Keller High
AUGUST 18, 2016
Page 8
AUGUST 18, 2016
Page 9
Michael Valencia
Local Coordinator
Toll Free: 800.942.3524 (FLAG)
AUGUST 18, 2016
Page 10
AUGUST 18, 2016
Page 11
Felicien Masonga/
Woodson Excel
Rehema Masok/
Bowie Elementary
Abilene ISD
Joseph Holligan/
Abilene High School
MAY 25, 2016
Page 12
3418 North 1st Street
★Building B, Suite B ★
Abilene, TX 79603
Peakbagger Productions
Custom Video Scrapbooks – put to motion your
favorite photos with music for any occasion
Video transfers from many formats to DVD or flash
Commercials and Promos
Randy Cluck
AUGUST 18, 2016
Page 13
AUGUST 18, 2016
Page 14