ABILENE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 241 Pine Street Abilene, TX 79601 325.677.1444 September 9, 2016 Time to help AEF help our students, staff The Abilene Education Foundation believes teachers are the true game changers in AISD. Thanks to your tremendous support to AEF through payroll deduction, we can be proud that during the 2015-16 school year, AISD teachers were awarded over $50,000 which greatly impacted the learning of the students in AISD and helped change the game for grant winners! Whether you give once a month or a one-time donation, your gift is a taxdeductible contribution that quickly grows because community supporters dedicate matching funds to provide programs for teachers and students of AISD. AEF is the only foundation in our community that gives back 100% of its payroll contributions to benefit Abilene ISD teachers and students. This year we are asking each campus to change the game to make a difference for our students. Look for more information on Page 6. ATEMS floats its boat, Pg. 3 New Year. New Schools. Bonham principal Stevanie Jackson Johnston Ribbon Cutting Lee Elementary School Expansion/Renovation Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Bonham library September 15 • 9:30 a.m. SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Community invited to participate in 2016 AISD Walk for Graduates The Board of Trustees and Abilene ISD are hosting a community walk to search for students who are not enrolled for the 2016 - 2017 school year. As a community and school district partnership effort, “Every Student Counts: Abilene ISD Walk for Graduates” is a door-to-door program to recover students who are not in school. When students are not in class at the beginning of the school year, trained volunteers will go to their homes, offer encouragement and support, and provide information on the latest, most innovative programs available to help them find their way back to the classroom. Abilene ISD wants each student not only to graduate from high school but also be prepared for post-secondary opportunities. We need the community’s involvement to help us reach these students and ensure that they get that diploma. The community’s help is vital to the success of the walk!! The walk is scheduled for Sept. 17th. Abilene ISD invites anyone 18 or over to participate in the event. You may sign up by visiting and clicking on the “Every Student Counts AISD Walk for Graduates” story to register online. For more information contact Jeff Brokovich at Help for TEAMS parent portal access is now available An email address and temporary hotline have been established to assist parents in accessing student information through TEAMS Parent Self-Serve. Parents may email their questions or issues to or call 325-794-3810 to access the Temporary Parent Self-Serve Hotline to receive help. If parents call the hotline after working hours, or if the technicians are busy assisting others, a message can be left by the caller and it will be returned as soon as possible. Parents can also access this help contact information on the district website by clicking on the “Grades” icon on any district/ campus home page. The volume of calls will be monitored, and when we feel like the temporary hotline can be discontinued, the email address will remain in operation. During this time of high volume need of help, if campus personnel receive inquiries from parents, they may direct them to the email address or hotline number. Campuses may also internally transfer calls to the Hotline at Extension 3810. Page 2 UPCOMING EVENTS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Football: AHS Eagles vs. CHS Cougars @ Shotwell Stadium, 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 Cross Country: AHS Eagles, CHS Cougars in Eagle Invitational @ Sherrod Park, 8 a.m. AHS, CHS Bands in West Texas Fair & Rodeo Parade, 10 a.m. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting @ One AISD Center, 5 p.m. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Football: CHS Cougars @ Frenship, 7 p.m. Football: AHS Eagles @ Odessa High, 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 AISD Walk for Graduates @ One AISD Center, 9:30 a.m. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Band : Craig, Mann & AHS Parking Lot Concert @ AHS, 6 p.m. Choir: CHS Broadway Review @ CHS Auditorium, 7 p.m. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 End of First Six Weeks Dyess Constitution Day Flag Raising @ Dyess Elementary, 8:30 a.m. Football: CHS Cougars vs. Austin Bowie @ Shotwell Stadium, 7:30 p.m. Football: AHS Eagles @ Haltom, 7:30 p.m. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Tennis: AHS Eagles @ CHS Cougars, 4 p.m. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Football: AHS Eagles vs. Keller Fossil ridge @ Shotwell Stadium, 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 Band: AHS in West Texas Tournament of Bands @ Odessa Click here to see full calendar of events SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Page 3 Float the STEM Boat ATEMS, ACU partnership hopes to build interest in programs T he Academy of Technology, Engineering, Math & SciIn preparation for this exciting event, a group of math, science, ence, in partnership with the Abilene Christian Universi- and engineering teachers from ATEMS worked together during ty Department of Engineering, is excited to host the 1st the summer to build their own boat and then tested their boat Annual ATEMS Cardboard Boat Invitational @ ACU. at ACU on Aug. 19. The test was a huge success, with the teachThe culminating event will er-constructed boat provoccur on Saturday, Oct. 15, ing to be quite sea-worthy! at 9 a.m. in the ACU pool The purpose of the Cardlocated within the Royce board Boat Invitational is and Pam Money Student multifaceted. This event Recreation and Wellness provides an opportunity to Center. build student interest in The Cardboard Boat InvitaSTEM (Science, Technology, tional, which consists of Engineering, and Math) both an AISD middle school through a hands-on teamdivision and an ATEMS High based project. It introduces School division, will chalor reinforces several STEM lenge students to engineer concepts to the students their own boats using only including linear measurecardboard, duct tape, and ment, volume, nets, disPictured on the top of the page, ATEMS teachers Ashley West and placement, and buoyancy as glue over a span of four weeks. The preparation will Allison Stanley paddle to shore. Above, teachers form a huddle, from well as teamwork, cooperaalso include up to seven one left with Tracy Long, reaching from the deck; Allison Stanley, Ashley tion, and planning. West, Julee Isenhower, Larry Haney and Stephen Valdez. -hour build dates on their Finally, this event unites own campuses followed by a final build day at the ACU Bennett students, teachers, college mentors, and university professors in Engineering Lab. a common purpose, thereby developing relationships and creThis engineering process will include students researching, ating a bridge from the middle school science and math classdesigning and building their boats, and then testing them in the rooms through the high schools and culminating in the university ACU pool through races and durability challenges. experience. The winners of each of the challenges will be recognized, then For more information about STEM education and ATEMS, the top team in each division will be honored as the Division please contact the Cardboard Boat Project Coordinator, Mr. LarChampion. ry Haney, or ATEMS Principal, Dr. Ketta Garduno. SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Page 4 61 new teachers surprised with a Gift Grant At the 2016-17 New Teacher OriMs. Carlson, a former teacher, entation on Aug. 9-10, the Abilene gave the first donation for the Education Foundation provided 61 GIFT Grants in 2008. new-to-the-profession teachers The AEF provided the “brand with the Judy Dudley new” teachers with a check for Memorial GIFT (Giving $150 to help offset the cost of Incentives for Firstsetting up a classroom. time Teachers) Grant Mike Dudley, retired teacher and to AISD employees. AEF board member, made the anThe grant is named in nouncement at the meeting. Mr. Carlson memory of long-time Retired teacher and AEF board member Dudley encouraged the teachers teacher Judy Dudley. Grant funds Mike Dudley presents a Gift Grant check to to give their best and reminded are for additional classroom ma- two new-to-the-profession teachers. them of the honorable profession terials to enhance those provided by the school dis- they have chosen. trict and are funded by the Martha Scott Carlson EnHe thanked them for choosing AISD as the place to dowed Fund for AEF GIFT Grants (held at the Comshare their gift of teaching. munity Foundation of Abilene by Laura Dyer) and This is the eighth year AEF has been able to assist Mike Dudley. new teachers in this manner. MORGAN JONES PLANETARIUM N OW S H OW I N G Saturday, September 10 Tuesday September 13 Tuesday September 20 Tuesday, September 27 Tuesday, October 4 5:00 PM The Dark Matter Mystery The Dark Matter Mystery 6:00 PM The Dark Matter Mystery 7:00 PM The Dark Matter Mystery 6:00 PM Earth to Universe 7:00 PM Earth to Universe 6:00 PM Sunstuck 7:00 PM Sunstruck 6:00 PM Cosmic Castaways 7:00 PM Cosmic Castaways 6:00 PM Wonders of the Universe 7:00 PM Wonders of the Universe 4:00 PM Dyess historical marker to be unveiled during Constitution Day activities Dyess Elementary School’s annual Constitution Day flag raising ceremony will have extra significance in 2016. On Friday, Sept. 16, at 8:30 a.m., the tribute to honor the 229th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution will also include the official unveiling of a permanent State of Texas Historical Marker on the campus grounds. The marker commemorates that Dyess Elementary was the first school in Abilene ISD to be integrated on Jan. 21, 1963. The Texas Historical Commission approved the permanent marker last year. Replica of Dyess historical marker Constitution Day activities will feature more than 500 students in front of the school reciting the pledge to the U.S. and Texas flags. The pledges will be followed by the singing of the “The Star Spangled Banner” to honor the 202nd anniversary of our National Anthem, which was written on Sept. 14, 1814. Parents, military veterans and the public attend. SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Page 5 Friday, September 9 9:30 PM Saturday, September 10 Need staff development hours? Check out WT Book Festival This year’s West Texas Book Festival will be held at the Abilene Civic Center on Saturday, Sept. 24, and YOU can earn up to six hours of Alternative Staff Development for attending! Register for BOTH three-hour workshops in eduphoria. Many local educators have called this the BEST Alternative Staff Development opportunity of the year. Feel free to register with standby status, if there is a waiting list…and there will be. Sign-in for the morning session will begin at 8:45 a.m., and the author presentations promise to be quite entertaining. Children’s author Susan Kralovansky of Georgetown will discuss writing for children, and then AISD’s own Marguerite Gray (French teacher at Cooper High School) will be featured talking about her Revolutionary Faith series of novels set in Charleston, S.C., before and during the American Revolution. Lila Meacham, this year’s A.C. Greene Award winner and the bestselling author of four Texas epic novels, including Roses and Titans, will share thoughts on her long and successful career. Finally, rounding out the morning program, four contributing authors of the new book West Texas Stories—Glenn Dromgoole, Joe W. Specht, Jim Richmond, and AISD’s own Jay Moore (history teacher at Abilene High School)—will host a lively panel as they share colorful West Texas stories. The afternoon session includes a free Boots and Books luncheon ticket, courtesy of local business sponsors. Enjoy a meal of West Texas barbecue while you hear author remarks, see the Ricki Brown Abilene Librarian of the Year Award presented, and witness the presentation of the A.C. Greene Award. You must cancel your eduphoria registration a week in advance, if you have a change of plans, so a teacher on the standby list can be awarded your luncheon ticket. The annual West Texas Book Festival has many events planned Sept. 19-24. For more information and a complete list of festival activities, see the library website at 8:00 PM 2016 AISD Excellence in Teaching Monday, September 12 9:00 PM Tuesday, September 13 7:00 PM Wednesday, September 14 7:00 PM AHS vs. CHS Football Game Thursday, September 15 5:00 PM CHS vs. AHS Football Game Friday, September 16 8:00 PM School Board Meeting Monday, September 19 9:00 PM School Board Meeting SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Page 6 AEF kicks off game-changing 2016-17 campaign Do you remember a teacher who really made a difference in your life? I bet when you think of him or her you can’t help but smile. Perhaps they lifted you up, fostered your ability to solve problems or simply offered you encouragement to give your best. The Abilene Education Foundation believes teachers are the true game changers in AISD. Thanks to your tremendous support to the Abilene Education Foundation through payroll deduction, we can be proud that during the 2015-16 school year, AISD teachers were awarded over $50,000 which greatly impacted the learning of the students in AISD and helped change the game for grant winners! Whether you give once a month or a one -time donation, your gift is a taxdeductible contribution that quickly grows because community supporters dedicate matching funds to provide programs for teachers and students of AISD. AEF is the only foundation in our community that gives back 100% of its payroll Abilene Education Foundation is proud to offer bricks from the original 1951 Bowie Elementary School building. The original structure was erected for $226,745 at 1733 S. 23rd Street. In 1953, an addition was built for $177,149 and a third addition was constructed in 1984 for $457,566. In 2014, a new school was built on one end of the property while students attended school for the last year in the old building. The original structure was torn down in 2015 and students began the 2015-16 school year in their new building at 2034 Jeanette Street. Abilene ISD has graciously partnered with AEF to allow Bowie Bobcats to have this token of the past. Mike Dudley, retired AISD teacher and current AEF Board member, spent many hours pre- contributions to benefit Abilene ISD teachers and students. This year we are asking each campus to change the game to make a difference for our students. If your campus reaches 100% participation, AEF, in partnership with AISD, will provide your campus with rewards! Thank you again for supporting the Abilene Education Foundation through payroll deduction and for being a game changer to the students of the Abilene Independent School District. paring the bricks for this fundraiser. Monies raised from the sale will be used to support AISD students and teachers through teacher grants, scholarships, and other AEF programs. For more information see The bricks have been cleaned, shellacked, and are ready to sell for $25.00 each. A plate has been attached to the brick commemorating Bowie Elementary. Bricks may be purchased at the AEF office, 241 Pine Street. SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Page 7 Tutors available to help with Math & Science homework Monday – Thursday 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. (except student holidays) SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Page 8 SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Page 9 Michael Valencia Local Coordinator 325-320-0936 Toll Free: 800.942.3524 (FLAG) Email: SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Page 10 For Sale $4000 For Sale Travel Trailer 24ft. $2,500 325-280-3873 (after 4 p.m.) Ninja Kawasaki EX-6 motorcycle. It is matte black. It comes with a Scorpion jacket, Bell helmet, and a bike stand. It has been covered and well maintained. Call or text Mark Bennett 325-660-5815 or April Bennett 325-665-0061 FOLLOW US Abilene ISD @abilene_isd SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Page 11 HSU SPURS D AY C A M P ! OCTOBER 1,2016 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. plus a football game performance Maybe Complex - Dance Studio SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Page 12 325.260.6014 3418 North 1st Street ★Building B, Suite B ★ Abilene, TX 79603 Peakbagger Productions Custom Video Scrapbooks – put to motion your favorite photos with music for any occasion Video transfers from many formats to DVD or flash drive Commercials and Promos Randy Cluck 325-513-5338 SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Page 13
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