May 26, 2011—Watercolor Artist Val Persoon Watercolor Painting
May 26, 2011—Watercolor Artist Val Persoon Watercolor Painting
May 26, 2011—PAL Meeting 7:00 P.M.—Public Welcome Boys & Girls Club—8502 Skansie Ave, GH 253-502-4670 May 26, 2011—Watercolor Artist Val Persoon Watercolor Painting Demo at Meeting Heron Weather (above) This Way (right) And Days End (below) From Val: During the PAL Demonstration, I want to show some of the recent texture effects I have been working with. If you haven’t seen them used I will do a small demo of the following textures: Soap, tinfoil, gauze, and gesso. All rather powerful treatments when used in large scale. I will demonstrate a full set wash (relative to a glaze but scarier); with a major view of a directional wash as an entree. Val Persoon is an interpretive watercolor artist who finds an unending source of creative energy from discovering and developing new techniques using traditional supplies. Color, composition, edges, and lately mood, are elements of a painting that get her full and undivided attention. When choosing subjects, she reaches first, for her face-to-face confrontations with the ordinary. Val strives to control the balance of power in her art, to give the techniques she uses more strength than the subjects. She finds watercolor a long-lasting and rewarding challenge. 1 PAL Board for 2009 & 2010— President: Anne Knapp 253-265-6700 1st VP Co-Chair George Hineman 360-876-0568 2nd VP Carol Lemon 206-409-2564 253-857-9261 Show Chair With Patti McQuillan as assistant 2nd VP Secretary Mary McInnis 253-858-9224 Treasurer Jon Lonning 253-851-4866 Mem @ Large Sherry Weitzel 253-265-1575 Mem @ Large Virginia Alvarez 253-851-0015 Mem @ Large Rhene Johns 253-858-8668 Newsletter Ed Myrna Binion 253-857-4222 253-853-2178 Festival Chairs Russ and Christy Camerer PAL Committee Chairpersons: Membership Debbie Dorn 425-442-1140 Nwslttr Distribution Roma Loehmer 253-851-1610 Program Co-Chair Carol Lemon 206-409-2564 Program Co-Chair Susan Blais 253-278-4313 Regional Show Kathy Thurston 253-265-1712 Kristin Nail 360-871-3549 Hospitality Nancy Bartlett 253-851-3911 Video Library Charli Meacham 253-858-9388 253-858-6191 And Bi-monthly Exhibit & Sunshine Chris Cotton PAL Workshops Jeanne Crider 253-857-5132 Scholarships Sherrie Bonsell, 253 858-4032 Poster & Plein Air Sherrie Weitzel 253-265-1575 Equipment/storage Patty McQuillan 253-857-9261 Web Mistress Charlee Glock-Jackson 253-857-5604 Screenings Marti Green 360-871-2906 & Michele Sleight 360-876-0117 PAL Blog Kari Tirrell Publicity Judy Buskirk 253-549-7389 Publicity Charlee Glock-Jackson 253-857-5604 2 Presidents Message May 2011 Lots going on in PAL these days! Lots of opportunities to participate and volunteer to keep our group going strong: First and most important- we will need a new President this Fall. I am at the end of my 10 year stint on PAL board- 8 years as secretary and 2 years as President. I will be devoting more time and energy on the drive to get a Visual and Performing Arts Center for our Gig Harbor. I am happy to ―ease‖ interested candidates into the job- please call me if you you are considering, so I can give you information of job and have you attend a board meeting. We need someone to step up in order to move forward as an organization. We will also need help with some other board positions- watch for information. Summer Art Festival is coming July 16th and 17th and we need a lot of help. Please sign up with Christy Camerer to help- it's a lot of fun, and you can earn a free t shirt with 4 hours volunteer time! The Gig Harbor Arts Center Alliance is working to get a Visual and Performing Arts Center for our community. We had an interesting Proposal from Gino Grunberg to donate land on Harbor Hill for the project in exchange for ongoing Sunday morning rental of the large performance hall for Church Services. More sites are still in the mix of opportunities. We are in process of contacting any organizations who can help or would benefit to build our task force. We need everyone to talk openly with friends and relatives about how important this project could be for economic and cultural development for the Greater Gig Harbor area. Fun free artists growth opportunities this summer- Plein Air group and Drawing You In (figure drawing), watch for article with information. Keep on painting! Anne Knapp The PAL Video Library has moved! It is now easily accessible at the Kimball Expresso Gallery, 6950 Kimball Drive just off Pioneer. Go to the art gallery side of the store and look for the “restroom” sign. The Video Library is just inside the swinging “bar” doors. You may check out a video for one month from the day you check it out. Ex: Out on Jan. 19…due Feb. 19. There is a $1.00/day late charge. If you have suggestions of a video you would like to see PAL own please email General PAL Meeting— May 26, 7:00 p.m. Public Welcome—Boys & Girls Club, GH PAL Members Screening—5:30—just before May Meeting—see page 9 Regional Show Prospectus— Posted online at website or contact Kris Nail or Kathy Thurston Summer Art Festival—July 16 & 17 downtown Gig Harbor 3 Award Presentations: First place winner- Kelsea Hill "Sailboat Sunset" -$100 & certificate from PAL documenting First Place -Poster framed by Russ and Christy Camerer -Art Teacher-Christine Burris-Peninsula HS -$100 Second Place Winner- Jackson Irvine "The Octopus Above The Bridge" -$50 & certificate from PAL documenting Second Place Poster framing donated by Bluewater Artworks NOT PICTURED: ****Third place winner............Christy Coots did not attend. Award $25 and certificate given to Christine Burris for Christy. Poster entitled: "Orca Whale" "Kelsea Hill is a senior at Peninsula High School and is actively involved in dance and theatre. She recently finished up PHS's production of Footloose and loves everything about both performing and visual arts. In the fall she will be attending either BSU, WWU, or UO where she will major in advertising and minor in performing arts to keep as much creativity and art in her future as possible. Kelsea hopes to spend this summer in New Jersey and New York where she will begin to explore the world of arts on her own." Russ and Christy Camerer will be needing plenty of volunteers to help out at this year’s Gig Harbor Summer Art Festival. They have a good list of artists and food vendors and plans are moving right along for another entertaining and exciting festival. Be a part of it! Volunteer! That’s the way to meet and get to know your fellow PAL members and to be a part of the excitement. Contact Russ and Christy at 253-853-2178 or email them at A more specific list of needed volunteers will come in an email soon—be watching for it! Chris Cotton is the Featured Artist at the Kimball Gallery from May 2 to June 6 with a variety of her Acrylic Abstract Paintings. You are invited to join Chris for an Art Reception on Sunday, May 22nd from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. at the Gallery/Coffee Shop. Please stop in to see her work and enjoy the company! 6950 Kimball Dr., GH, 98335 ―Viewing the Heavens‖, Acrylic Original - $350.00 4 For Sale—Julian Travel Easel—$77 when new— now $50 OBO Like new! Call Chris Cotton 253858-6191 Kari Tirrell had two paintings accepted into the Pastel Society of the West Coast's 25th annual "Pastels USA" open exhibition. Her painting "Laundry Day, Venice" FRAMES FRAMES FRAMES Suitable for watercolor, pastel and oil in sizes that can be matted to hold both large and smaller work. Some have glass/plastic or linen liners or open wood frames. Mary Lou Frank 851-1602 (shown below) won the Terry Ludwig Award. Sent by Dori Wheeler: I don't know how many artists around here remember Gini McDonough, who used to own "Cellar Arts" in Gig Harbor. (She's been out of the area for many years living and teaching in Prescott, AZ) Sadly, Gini passed away Easter Sunday after many of years dealing with COPD and other health problems. She was a talented folk artist and also created wonderful Russian Floral paintings. She was a dear friend to me and she will be sorely missed, as a friend and as a true artistic talent. Thank you, Dori Wheeler Exhibits; Fumiko Kimura is among 7 artists exhibiting their recent paintings at American Art Co. 11th & Broadway, Tacoma, WA. May 14 - June 25, 2011. Opening reception, Saturday May 14, 2pm-4pm. She will demonstrate on May 21, 2 pm. Open every day except Sunday and Monday.... Tues. -Sat.10am 5pm; Art Walk: 5pm-8pm. 253-272-4227 She will also show her recent semi abstract sumi paintings in a group exhibit at Flow Gallery, May 19 -June 11, 2011. 301- A Puyallup AVe. Tacoma, WA. Opening reception, Thursday Art Walk, 5 -8 pm. May 19. 5 The Artists’ Edge in Silverdale is looking for instructors to begin a series of classes and demos this summer. We are interested in artists of all backgrounds to teach many mediums, techniques and ages. If you are interested in teaching a series of classes or a one day demo, please contact Jessica McCourt at . Please provide a class overview, amount you charge for services and times available to teach. You can also reach Jessica in our Silverdale store Mondays and Tuesdays from 12-7pm at (360) 698-3113. Misty Morning Blues by Michele Sleight was awarded Second Place for mixed media in the Helen Norris 41st Annual Open Art Competition. It can be seen throughout the month of May at the Sidney Gallery, 202 Sidney Avenue, Port Orchard. Call For Artists / Deadline for applications: July 1, 2011 / The 5th Annual Rainier Arts Festival, September 30th, October 1st & 2nd 2011. In its fifth year, the Rainier Arts Festival seeks to gather inspired artisans and art appreciators together for this annual event. With free admission, the festival showcases a variety of artists and their work in a family friendly environment. Wellattended and highly promoted, RAF is held in a park-like setting on the approach to the only year-round entrance to Mt. Rainier National Park. This festival is quickly gaining acclaim among artists and art appreciators from the Pacific Northwest. Please visit our website at for more information and an application. Deadline for applications is July 1, 2011. Gig Harbor Library added INTERNATIONAL ARTIST to its magazine collection this year. The magazine is "for artists by artists from around the world." From Judy Buskirk Tra, la, it's May and lots happening in Gig Harbor. Check out Dad and Me; new location for Farmer's Market, Kitty #3 and, of course, FREE art. Jenni Woock Attention Artists—If you would like to be a plein air painter during the upcoming Gig Harbor Garden tour, please check out the website for information at This is always a great event, well attended and for a good cause—please take a look at the website, contact Joyce Forrester, Garden Tour Liason, and mark your calendars for the Pre-Tour on June 11th. Regional Show News: The Regional Show will be hung Monday October 3rd at the Gig Harbor Civic Center. The Show will run October 6-Dec 2nd. Reception is Thursday October 6th in the Civic Center Chambers. PAL Members - paint! paint! paint! or is that pastel! pastel pastel! July 15th is the due date for entries. Entry forms are posted on the website under forms, or members can always call Kris or I for forms as well. We are looking forward to having Richard McKinley jurying the show and providing a fabulous three day pastel workshop. Prizes are coming from: Framers Workshop, Ebb Tide Gallery, Peninsula Retirement Residences and more to come! Kathy Thurston – reach me at and reach Kris Nail at 6 Summer Painting Opportunities—Anne Knapp Hooray- Spring is FINALLY here! Lots of flowers and more sun means it's time to ―dust off‖ the plein air equipment and get ready to paint out doors. If you have not participated in ―painting from life‖ (either painting landscapes or figure painting with a live model), you have two opportunities coming this summer. On Wednesday afternoons at the Uptown Pavilion, PAL is again paying for a costumed model to pose for artists. This is a great service to have a free model to paint, and the reference photos you take can be a real help all year long. Last year we had some high school students join us, and it was fun to see how they did and pass along tips. Watch for more information on this. If you would like to help with this event, call or email Anne Knapp. On Thursday mornings, the plein air group is going to do landscape painting out around Greater Gig Harbor area. We will start our season June 23rd and run up to Labor Day (with the option to continue if the weather stays nice). We have been invited to paint at a Lavender Farm near Vaughn on July 7th- and all are invited return the following 2 days for their Lavender Festival, they'd love to have artists painting on farm for event- and you might make good connections to public. I have some new sites to explore this year and a couple old favorites, and I am always interested to hear if you know of an interesting place to paint. To get email notices of locations, sign up with If you want to see improvement in your work, painting from life may be the best way. Working from a model or in the field forces you to address what is really there, observe light and shadow, simplify, and work fast. There is the added bonus of connecting to other artists and observing how others work and set up for their media. There is often the possibility of connecting with the public (I always carry a few business cards with my website info). It's good to get out of the studio and enjoy the season! Jeanne Crider, her sister LaVonne and friends from the FOE have be hatching a lot of birds for the Maritime Gig Festival Parade. Members of the FOE (Eagles) 2809 will march or ride on the float with a bird on his or her shoulder on June 4th in Gig Harbor. That’s a lot of sewing—each bird has 6 buttons in various spots—50 birds—that’s quite a project. 7 PAL Board minutes April 26, 2011 Meeting held at Anne Knapp’s home, Gig Harbor Called to order at 10:05am by President Anne Knapp Members present: Anne Knapp, Mary McInnis, Jon Lonning, George Hineman, Sherry Weitzel, Carol Lemon, Christy Camerer, Debbie Dorn, Myrna Binion Treasurer’s Report – $157,938 net worth. Our Key Bank investment of $50,000 is currently up 6% for a gain of approximately $3,000 which will be added to our PAL account. Old Business – Gig Harbor Arts Alliance: Anne made the proposal to Gig Harbor City Council and a big thank you to all who showed up! It went very well. She asked them to become part of the task force with their in-house expertise and they were in favor of the idea. They want Anne to return with periodic updates and she will be meeting with several people in the future. We all need to ―talk up‖ the campaign for a performing arts center in Gig Harbor. A location with lots of foot traffic would be best. We found out that Umpqua Bank gives grants to entities like the alliance which means there might be others out there where grants can be sought. Anne brought information on The Oregon Gardens event facility as an example of what we might look for in an arts center. 2011 Regional Show: Dick Blick may give an award in exchange for access to PAL’s email list (email only and no selling of list). Festival: All festival invoices need to go through Jon. Christy will frame the winning poster and it will be presented to the winning artist at the April PAL meeting and we are looking at doing some publicity for the winning artist in the local papers. Next year we will open up the poster contest to online submissions and include South Kitsap High School, homeschoolers, and private/parochial schools. Russ and Christy are currently checking out food vendors. We have 137 booths so far. The PAL art tent can be run by a team of volunteers and George Milliken will head up information booth. The QFC lot may be available to staff and vendors and the farmer’s market at uptown is interested in meeting with PAL regarding the shuttle – perhaps a Saturday-only shuttle to uptown paid for by farmer’s market and possibly run a shuttle from farmer’s market to Kimball P&R? There was talk of putting an Anthony’s sign on the shuttle also to help pay for it. Spring Member show pick up on Friday April 29th 8am to 10am. We are looking at having the fall member show at TCC. If you have any ideas for venues, please pass them on to the board. Summer Member show: Will be at Key Bank again. Carol Lemon and Patti McQuellen will co-ordinate. Membership: Four rosters were returned undeliverable. Please make sure we have your current mailing address. An addendum for the rosters will be at the PAL meeting. If you have a new email address make sure Debbie Dorn has it. We discussed free memberships by way of a drawing. Motion was moved, seconded and passed to make 5 memberships per year available on a need basis. Programs: April: Clark Elster – pastels; May: Val Persoon – watercolor; June: still looking. Drawing You In: Scheduled for Wednesday mornings. Voting members: There is no requirement to attend board meetings but you are encouraged to attend as many as possible; Plein air: Tentatively scheduled for Thursday mornings. New Business Newsletter – Carlene Salazar will be taking over the newsletter. Thank you Carlene Meeting adjourned at 11:40am Respectfully submitted by Mary McInnis 8 PAL Members Screening—5:30 p.m. on May 26. Please bring your art promptly at 5:30, drop it off, leave and collect it at 6:50 just before the meeting begins. Screening guidelines accompany this newsletter or may be found on our website at - Please fill out your paperwork before the screening and attach the info to the front of the art. There is a big change coming in the screening schedule for next year—we will schedule Members Screenings for September, February and May only from now on. That means you will not have another chance to screen after this May Screening until next September. If you plan to show art in the next show coming up on July 16 & 17th during the Summer Art Festival, you must take advantage of the upcoming screening to qualify. Once you are screened in a medium, you are eligible from now on. But, you must be screened in whatever medium you plan to show—watercolor, oil, or whatever—you must be screened in each. Questions? Contact Michele Sleight or Marti Green Membership Opportunity: The Board discussed the financial difficulties which have come up for some of our members as the prices for food and gas have risen so high. Many of our members are on fixed incomes and some are having a hard time getting by. The Board would like to make 5 free memberships available to our membership on a need basis. No questions will be asked and no criteria needs to be met. If you need a little help paying membership, we would like to do that. Just contact Debbie Dorn, Membership Chair at 425-442-1140 or and let her know you would like to take part in the free membership program for this year. Editorial Comment: by Myrna Binion Thanks! I keep forgetting to say thanks! I got a PAL Scholarship to take Richard McKinley’s Workshop in Gig Harbor in the Fall. I have tried to get into one of his workshops several times, but they just fill right up! I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to take his workshop here at home and I am very appreciative of the scholarship which will help with the costs! Thanks! Our Scholarship Committee, headed by Sherrie Bonsell, just does a wonderful job of taking in applications and keeping track of our Scholarship Program. They also view the art at the local high schools each year and give scholarships to young artists going out into the world. I hope you all know how seriously the committee takes this task and how much effort they put into helping adult artists and young artists meet their goals. Again—Thanks to PAL and to the Scholarship Committee! 9 Steve Pearce— Studio Story Upper left—‖Old Lock‖ Above ―Young Elephant‖ One of the big perks of being the Newsletter Editor is that I sometimes get invited to do stories about artists in their studios. I really enjoyed sitting down with Steve Pearce and his wife, Janet, for an hour or so to just visit . As you can see by the images, Steve works in graphite pencil to do incredibly realistic images. His work is so detailed—it is just amazing. He brings animals to life with character and personality. Steve also does portrait work on commission as well as inanimate objects. His work is complex and takes a lot of time but it is very satisfying to Steve. He has always loved to draw and finds the process very rewarding. Steve’s mother was an artist and many of her works are hanging in their home—his father was a jeweler and Steve worked with him for 14 years, until he became a Fire Fighter in University Place. Steve and Janet share a beautiful, rural property with his mother and father in an adjacent home and their daughter living just down the hill. Their home is warm and welcoming and his studio is a very organized space right off the living area. Newly retired, Steve is looking forward to being a full time artist and Janet plans to help him as his organizer and business representative. Steve is thinking of teaching drawing classes in the Fall. You can find his work at Collective Visions Gallery in Bremerton where he is featured artist along with Anna Hoye through May 28th. The Gallery is at 4th & Pacific in downtown Bremerton—across from Amy Burnette’s Gallery. Steve at his desk - drawing of ―Dandelion Wine‖ 10 Ongoing Classes presented by PAL Members: Decorative Painting—Dori Wheeler, Teacher, Tole and decorative Classes at 253-851-3192 or-8513193 Jeanne Crider CDA , Teacher. Tole and decorative classes and Watercolor 253-857-5132 or Pastel & Oil Donna Trent—call 265-6532 for information "Portrait and life drawing/painting group meets every Friday from 1 to 3 PM at the Peninsula Retirement building (3445 50th St. Ct. NW). Live models. Contact Doug Michie, 851-7579." Chinese Brush Classes— Laura Mosley, 253-377-6025 or 253-884-1081 Sherri Bails—Upcoming Saturday Workshops — see page 6 April Newsletter for details Jewelry Making - Joan Tenenbaum, Teacher. Private instruction in jewelry fabrication. 253-8587478 Judy Shiner— 253 265-8179 Judy Schiner art classes are now Wednesday and Fridays 253 265-8179 Robin Peterson www.Fernwood—info on Sketching classes Tacoma Art Place, 1116 S. 11th, Tac, WA 98405, 253-238-1006, Judy Gilbert – Encaustic http:// Email to inquire about classes & workshops 0r 253-851-9255 Fumiko Kimura—Class: Mixed media collage and sumi collage workshop; Emphasis on abstraction and non-objective composition from realism tradition. June 10, (Friday) 10 am - 3pm, Fircrest Community Center 505 Contra Costa, Fircrest, WA. Call 253-752-3845 for class description and registration. Fox Paw painters meet on Wednesdays at the Fox Island center—if you are interested in painting with them, call or email Cec Anderson 253-549-4646——PAL Members and Fox Islanders welcome—small fee involved. Many thanks to the following for their support of the PAL Regional Show by the donation of prizes: Framers’ Workshop and Dick Blick 11 12
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