March`s PAL DEMO! - Peninsula Art League
March`s PAL DEMO! - Peninsula Art League
March 25, 2014-5:30pm PAL Meeting Gig Harbor Methodist Church 7400 Pioneer Way Gig Harbor, WA 98335 . Please do not park in the visitor’s spaces in front of the church. March’s PAL DEMO! Ned Mueller: Primarily Oils – His Best Work – from Process to Finished Painting "In this PowerPoint presentation I will show the best of my work from the last 30 or so years of working as a fine artist. It will include drawings and paintings done in oils, pastels and gouache of landscapes, portraits and figures. I will talk about my process of painting from concepts in studies to finished paintings, both studio work, models and plein air. People may ask questions throughout the presentation. I will also have some original works for people to look at and some of the work is available for purchase. The presentation should take a little over an hour. I have been drawing and painting for over fifty years and we hope that you can join us for a wonderful evening talking about art." 1 2014 PAL Board and Chairs Position Name Email Phone President* First Vice President* Second Vice President(s)* (members shows) Secretary* Treasurer* Board Members at Large* GHAA Rep./Plein Aire Summer Art Festival Rep. Member Representative Membership Chair Regional Juried Show Chairs* Newsletter Editor* Newsletter Distributor Monthly Programs* Kate Griswold Jo Ann Sullivan Cathie Johnson Greg Trathen Mary McInnis Charli Meacham (253) 871-2906 (360) 876-0742 (971) 241-5418 (253) 265-3669 (253) 858-9224 (253) 858-9388 Anne Knapp Hillaire Radowik Karen Wilsey Cecile Anderson Susan Dinteman Carlene Salazar Becky Eagle Judy Buskirk Terrissa Van Matre Kate Griswold Jean Grover Tina Salter Kris Nail Roberta Rogers Anne Knapp Myrna Binion Sherri Bonsell Patti McQuillin Charlee Glock-Jackson Lynn Guenard Roma Loemer Sandra Erikson Cathie Johnson (backup) Stephanie Cardinal Open Video Library Hospitality Chairs Bi-Monthly Exhibit Workshops Scholarships Equipment Storage WEBsite/Publicity Screenings Committee Drawing You In Chair Drawing You In Co-Chair beckyeagle@comcast,net See Member Directory Paintit@wavecable,com (253) 265-6700 (206) 293-1269 (253) 549-2929 (253) 549-4646 (360) 443-2086 (253) 278-0942 (cell) (253) 228-1184 (253) 857-0543 (360) 430-4850 (360) 876-0742 (253) 858-0029 (253) 228-1184 (360) 871-3549 (253) 858-8808 (253) 857-3142 (253) 857-4222 (253) 858-4032 (253) 857-9261 (253) 857-5604 (253) 265-6123 (253) 851-1610 (253) 468-7981 (971) 241-5418 (253) 222-3023 * Susan needs a partner or two for the Regional Juried Show - Volunteer NOW for fun and excitement! Your support makes it all happen, and you help support PAL’s reputation for excellence! PAL Video/DVD Library A special “Thank You” to Charli Meacham for her donation of 11 videos by watercolorist Terry Madden, including techniques for Color, Wet on Wet, Saving Whites, Values, Correcting Techniques, Trees, Skies, Shadows, Reflections & Rocks, Texture, and Water. Check them out at Kimball Gallery! 2 Happy viewing. Jean Grover March’s President's Message: Hi Everyone, I thought our February meeting was great. We had such a great turnout, so many upcoming events and a wonderful demonstration by Lynda Lindner. The opportunities for each of us as artists is exciting. My head is swimming just trying not to let something slip by. We continue to add new members and returning members which is so important since some of the faithful are beginning to feel somewhat overwhelmed. In looking back at newsletters from previous years I have to chuckle when each year the new President expresses the question of “how did this happen?” That was my thought also, but I have to say it has been a great little push for me that I probably would not have felt capable of. As an artist, which I consider myself in very loose terms, I am so grateful to be involved with so many talented people who are so generous in sharing their talents and helping me learn and grow. Not having any formal training, my idea of creating a wonderful piece of art was looking at something and trying to paint it. As I watch other artists work I see that in most cases they put down the colors and pull their creations out of the colors instead, often layer by layer. This for me is akin to the process I am feeling about myself, discovering a little more about myself as I go. I hope that more of you who are on the fence about getting more involved, whether because you are shy, too busy, or just have never considered it, will step into the circle just a little further. We’re a long way off from elections so you are safe there. I assure you, you will have fun. As a parting thought I challenge each of you to make a name tag for yourself that shows the artistic you and make a point of meeting someone new at our next meeting. The sun is out, life is good. Kate Griswold, President PAL Meeting Calendar 2014 Month Board Place General March April May June July August September October November December 20th 25th 17th 22nd 22nd 27th 19th 24th No Meetings Summer Art Festival No Meetings Summer Break 18th 23rd 16th 28th 13th 18th No Meetings Holiday Party TBA Place Notes: Member’s Show drop off March 3rd Screening Month 19th-20th Screening Month PAL board meetings are generally on the Thursday prior to the general meeting*. PAL member meeting are generally on the 4th Tuesday of the month. November is an exception due to Thanksgiving. *Changed by vote at January Board meeting. Save these dates on your calendar! 3 PAL Events! Full Moon Gallery Artist! . Don’t forget to sign up to show at the Full Moon Gallery! As representatives of Peninsula Art League it is an honor to share art at the beautiful Full Moon Gallery located in downtown Gig Harbor at 3155 Harborview Drive. Showing Opportunities for PAL members also include TCC Gig Harbor. Contact Roberta Roberts today! Every year we are invited to be “Artists in the Garden” in conjunction with the Gig Harbor Garden Tour. It is fun to get to see the gardens on the tour for free and to paint in lovely places and talk to public about art and what you do as an artist. This year, any artist who has participated in the past (and has artwork from a past Garden Tour) is invited to take part in a special exhibit in June at Kimball Gallery- contact right away to get information and so that we can plan. This exhibit will be “on the map” as part of the “Gig Harbor Garden Tour” the last weekend in June. The Garden Tour always has huge attendance! Make sure that you don’t miss out- contact Anne Knapp TODAY! Chair Affair 2014 Use your creative talents to “re fashion” a piece of Furniture to benefit NW Furniture Bank. See for info and email Dion Rurik ( ASAP to participate. They have chairs available to “adopt” and paint. It’s fun and it gives back to our community. Northwest Pastel Society Workshop: Marla Baggetta will be the instructor. The workshop will be at Donna Trent’s studio June 18-20. NPS member cost is $350. Non member cost is $400, and includes a membership. This will be held in conjunction with the NPS juried show. Marla is the juror. For more information, go to the NPS web site, and to sign up for the workshop, contact Jo Ann Sullivan. The next Member’s show will be in March, 2014, with drop off on March 3rd between 3-5 pm. Kaye Barnes will be the juror and it is in the works for her to teach a three day workshop prior to the reception on March 8th at Kimball Gallery. Be sure you are screened beforehand in whatever media you wish to submit. Reminder: Special Future Net Shed Show: Proposed The Netshed Challenge will culminate in a wonderful six week show at the Civic Center in May for participating screened members. Only screened Artists can participate. Anyone wishing to take part should contact so that we can plan and to make sure you get the latest details. … why are you still reading? ….get painting! ;-) Another shameless plug for painting! 4 Arts Center “Do or Die” Fundraiser- are you OAR-tastic? Our Proposed Arts Center is moving forward. See our website: http:// The Arts Center will be a fantastic gift for our Gig Harbor community, a boost to businesses, and a home for the Arts. It will include both Visual and Performing Arts on a campus setting. For PAL- it means meeting spaces, classrooms and workshop spaces, working spaces for a special project, exhibition spaces (open on weekends!), a gift shop to sell art objects and cards, a chance for collaborative projects with other artists and arts groups. It means JOBS at the Arts Center, and JOBS in the community. For all artists it means better visibility and support in the community, more opportunities to show and sell, more visitors to see your work, more buzz and excitement about art and the artists in our community- and art enrichment for all ages. We have 2 offers of land on the table. HCC wants to donate 6 acres in exchange for right to Sunday morning use of the large performance center, and Peninsula Schools is willing to work out an agreement for use of 4 acres for parking. This would give us the land we need- basically with no fundraising! BUT- this offer will not be available forever unless we ACT. In order to move forward and to create a Public Facilities District, we need to get a high level Economic Feasibility Study done to prove that what we have planned is feasible. It is expensive to get it done right- at least $50,000. Fundraiser linked with Maritime Gig on Friday June 6th at Canterwood has been cancelled until further notice. IRS hasn’t done the 501C3 paperwork. Keep working on the oars. I need donation of old paddles if you have them. I need artists who can decorate the oars in an appealing way to get decent bids at an auction. I can get oars for artists who need them. They can be “working paddles/oars” or decorative oars for the house or garden. We are the Maritime City, and we are putting it on OARSso thinking in terms of maritime themes (scenes of Gig Harbor, NW Indian art, Boats, fish/sealife, etc.) should create the best “money makers”. If we cannot raise the money and get this Feasibility Study accomplished- then this Arts Center can’t move forward. Please consider helping with this project- Find an Oar, sponsor (buy an oar for an artist) an Oar, Decorate an Oar- or communicate some good “Potential Oar Buyers” names to me. Our goal is to do oars soon- so that they can be displayed around town (in store fronts) and create a “buzz”. Let me know if you can help in ANY WAY… Thank You! Anne Knapp Received word Canterwood is cancelled. Keep your ears open and your eyes out for updates. GOLDEN LECTURE: Innovations in Acrylic SATURDAY, MARCH 15 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Gig Harbor United Methodist Church 7400 Pioneer Way 98335 Discover the infinite & brilliant versatility of acrylics! Barbara De Pirro will sift through a mountain of valuable information, guiding you through the basics, while opening up new possibilities. Get a grasp on the many gels, mediums, grounds and how they can change the texture, saturation and intensity of your work. Gain an understanding of how to extend the wet time of acrylics, facilitating blending, shading, glazing and fine detail. Check out the amazing selection of grounds to prepare truly, contemporary surfaces for painting, drawing, pastel, digital printing and mixed media. Discover how acrylics can simulate oil and watercolor, encaustic, even gouache, yet are infinitely more versatile. Whatever your approach as an artist, this lecture will offer the technical knowledge to support your concepts. FREE literature and samples, product test table, plus… get your questions answered! 5 SEATING LIMITED TO 50. NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Contact Judy for more info: PAL member activities: This is for PAL members accepted in other shows: If you have pieces in shows such as Backbone or Kimball galleries or in other shows, this spot is for you! "Ancient Art, New Expressions," an art exhibit featuring the art of Kathy Thurston March 1st-April 30th at Asia Pacific Cultural Center, Open M-F 8:30am-5pm and designated Saturdays. Website: 4851 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98409 Artist Reception, Thursday, March 20th, 4-6pm Gongbi painting is an ancient form of Chinese painting which was recently brought to the United States during a cultural exchange with Chinese artists, as part of art exchanges set up by Asia Pacific Cultural Center founder and artist, Patsy Surh O'Connell. Kathy Thurston the featured artist in this exhibit, took part in the exchange in 2007 and upon returning from China, took Gongbi painting classes taught by Patsy at Tacoma Community College in Gig Harbor This art form was developed in the Han Dynasty during the reign of the Chinese Emperors. Gongbi painting is known as a detail style of meticulous brush painting is done on rice paper with Ink and colors using bamboo brushes. Kathy Thurston's exhibit is a westernized contemporary interpretation of this ancient art form. Her art is inspired by photographing nature as she kayaks, hikes and observes nature in her garden. Her work has been made into cards, prints and tiles. She has recently won awards for her work and it has been exhibited at Tacoma Art Museum as well as Hotel Murano's giftshop, (Creative Forces Gifts and Sundries,) Ebb Tide Cooperative Gallery in Gig Harbor (member) and Millstream on Bainbridge Island. She is a member and past President of Peninsula Art League. contact: Kathy Thurston (253)225-7747 or (253)265-1712 Newsletter Announcements: Reminder: Newsletter dead- line will now be the night of the general member’s meeting for the following month’s newsletter. I expect this to expedite publication to the beginning of the month, to give member’s more planning time to attend events and activities. Please send photos and announcement information! Without YOU, I have nothing to put in here! April Program: Next Demo April 22nd MARK YOUR CALENDARS ! Darrell Anderson will show how to convert a scene into an artistic expression by using tonal markers.! This demo informs artists of any medium or style of working. PAL CLASSIFIED WANT ADS (Must be a paid member to advertise here) Submit yours today ! 6 Ongoing Classes presented by PAL Members: Pastel & Oil Donna Trent—call 265-6532 for information Portrait and life drawing/painting group meets every Friday from 1 to 3 PM at the Peninsula Retirement building (3445 50th St. Ct. NW). Live models. Contact George Millikin 253-858-3672." Watercolor Painting with Tanya STARTING SEPTEMBER 9TH Mondays 10 -1:00 $25 per class South Hill Art Studio- Puyallup, WA We will be exploring watercolor to produce luminescent paintings with a focus on Values, Color Theory, and Limited Palette. Please contact me to reserve your space and get a supply list. Tanya Lemma 253-460-2841 Jewelry Making - Joan Tenenbaum, Teacher. Private instruction in jewelry fabrication. 253-858-7478 Fox Paw painters meet on Wednesdays at the Fox Island center—if you are interested in painting with them, call or email Cec Anderson 253-549-4646— —PAL Members and Fox Islanders welcome—small fee involved. "Go Figure" group meets at Donna Trent's studio . Please contact Donna at (253) 265-6532 for more information and updates. SUMI PAINTING WORKSHOPS Darlene Dihel will be teaching several sumi painting workshops in Bainbridge. If interested please contact Sue Hylen at Bainbridge Parks. She is the Art & Cultural Programs Manager. 206-842-2306 #116 / The classes are all 10:00 to 2:30 call or email Darlene for information. Please note: If you have not paid your PAL Dues, your classes will NOT be listed. I have removed all lists for individuals not listed in the PAL Directory! If you paid late for some reason, please email, so I can verify your status with Cecile. Then send me an up-dated list of your classes. For all other classes, remember to up-date your class information in a timely manner, so it can be published before your class runs! Thanks! Check out PAL’s 2 Blog Sites; add your own comments and posts! — For demo and group information. — For individual accomplishments and shows. 7 Peninsula Art League Members Meeting Minutes February 25, 2014 5:30-8:00 pm United Methodist Church, 7400 Pioneer Way, Gig Harbor Please do not park in the reserved Visitor Parking spaces as requested by the Church. Called to order at 5:25pm by President Kate Griswold Introduction of new members and visitors Newsletter is available via email and online. March Member Show at Kimball (Greg and Cathie) – March 3rd drop off 3-5pm, $10 entry fee; March 7th reception 6-7:30pm; Kay Barnes, juror and workshop instructor; March 31 pick up 3-5pm. We need volunteers to help with drop off, hanging, and pick up. Programs (Judy Buskirk) reviewed the upcoming programs especially the Golden Demo on Saturday March 15 from 11am to 1pm at the Methodist Church in Gig Harbor. Come early as attendance is limited to 50. Anne Knapp reports: Net Shed Show – hang on May 1st; take down on June 16; get on the mailing list for more info as it becomes available or go to the PAL blog Uptown Show – no fee, no awards, just exposure; during the month of June; more info to come; would like to have someone take over the organizing of this event Oars for auction at Canterwood –Cancelled-Stay tuned. Fundraiser for the Gig Harbor Art Center to pay for a $50,000 feasibility study; June 6th; oars can be decorated/painted in any way that is saleable; oars should be done and turned in by April 15 Garden Tour Art Show at Kimball – open to anyone who participated as a demonstrating artist during any Garden Tour year; one per artist to hang on the Featured Artists wall at Kimball; reception June 6, 5-7pm; there is a 10% commission on sales Festival (Hilaire) – we have over 100 applications and we are researching using “Zapplication”, an online application process. Regional Show (Karen Wilsey) – The prospectus is ready to go and was made available at the meeting; we already have lots of awards and sponsors lined up. Arts Commission Liaison (Jeni Woock) – need a volunteer to represent PAL at the arts commission meetings; would be nice to have a PAL member on the Arts Board. Member news – Kathy Thurston has a show at the Asian Pacific Center in Tacoma, reception March 20th Ebb Tide Gallery (co-op) has a couple of openings for 2-D artists Mary McInnis has several Intro to Pastels classes scheduled for this spring and summer Oil painting demonstration by Lynda Lindner. 8 9
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