Authorization by Panama Maritime Authority (Private Maritime
Authorization by Panama Maritime Authority (Private Maritime
Authorization by Panama Maritime Authority (Private Maritime Security Company) With reference to Merchant Marine Circular–245(MMC-245) dated on December, 2012 by/from Panama Maritime Authority, we, Aegis International Inc. has been authorized by Panama Maritime Authority as Private Maritime Security Company according to Merchant Marine Circular – 228, 243(MMC-228, MMC-243) and Resolution No. 106-13DGMM. A. Attachments 1. Merchant Marine Circular – 245 2. Authorized Letter(Spanish Version.) 3. Authorized Letter(English Translation Version.) B. Reference Mata & Pitti Law Firm located in Panama City, Republic of Panama. Lawyer on behalf of Aegis International Inc. Ms. Cristina Mata Tel +507.264.5570 | Fax +507.264.6127 Advanced Tower, 1 Floor | Panama City, Panama PANAMA MARITIME AUTHORITY MERCHANT MARINE CIRCULAR MMC-245 PanCanal Building Albrook, Panama City Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 501-5355 To: Ship-owners/Operators, Company Security Officers, Legal Representatives of Panamanian Flagged Vessels, Panamanian Merchant Marine Consulates and Recognized Organizations (ROs). Subject: Authorized Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) transiting High Risk Areas Reference: MMC-228 MMC-243 Resolution No.106-13-DGMM of March 8th, 2012 Resolution No. 106-74-DGMM of May 9th, 2013 1. This Circular has the purpose to inform users, according to Merchant Marine Circular MMC-243, about the list of Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) authorized by this Administration to offer their services as Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel onboard Panamanian flagged vessels transiting High Risk Areas. 2. The Panama Maritime Authority has recognized the following companies as PMSC which are authorized to grant the use of security, armed or unarmed personnel on board the Panamanian flag vessels to transit exclusively in High Risk Areas, which are described in our MMC 230: 1. BRITANNIA MARITIME SECURITY LTD. 2. SECURE A SHIP LIMITED 3. SECURISÖHLEN MARITIME PRIVATE SECURITY LTD. CO. 4. OCEAN PROTECTION SERVICES LIMITED 5. AMBREY RISK LIMITED 6. REDFOUR MSS (MARITIME SECURITY SOLUTIONS) LTD. 7. PORT 2 PORT MARITIME SECURITY LIMITED 8. CONTROL RISKS SERVICES LIMITED 9. ESS & SA BV-EXCLUSIVE SECURITY SERVICES & SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT 10. SEA GUARDIAN S.G. LIMITED 11. ASSET MARITIME SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED 12. SEA MARSHALS LTD. Prepared by: Translator Control N°: F-RIN-04-01 Revised by: Compliance and Approved by: Compliance and Enforcement Deputy Chief Enforcement Chief Version: 05 Date: 21 January, 2013 Page 1 of 4 13. DIAPLOUS MARITIME SERVICES LIMITED 14. SOLACE GLOBAL MARITIME SERVICES 15. ATLAS INC. LIMITED 16. OFFSHORE MARINE SECURITY LTD. 17. SEAGUARD SECURITY LLC. 18. PROTECTION VESSELS INTERNATIONAL LTD. 19. GUARDIAN MARITIME SERVICES LIMITED 20. CASTOR VALI LTD. 21. AEGIS INTERNATIONAL INC. 22. UNITY SPS LIMITED 23. SALVUS MARITIME SECURITY LIMITED 24. ORCHID MARITIME LTD 25. ORION NAUTICAL RISK SOLUTIONS FZ LLC 26. MARINE SECURITY INTERNATIONAL S.A. 27. MARINE PIRATE BUSTERS CC 28. ENVOY360 RISK MANAGEMENT FZ LLC 29. GROSVENOR GLOBAL RISK LIMITED 30. GOAGT LTD 31. LSS, LTD 32. INTELEDGE INC. 33. SHIELD INTERNATIONAL SECURITY 34. MARINE SECURITY INTERNATIONAL ADVISOR INC. (MSI) 35. INFINITE SECURITY SOLUTIONS LTD. 36. GEMINI MARITIME LIMITED 37. UNITED GUARDS SERVICES LIMITED 38. BLACK PEARL MARITIME SECURITY MANAGEMENT LIMITED 39. ALPHARD MARITIME PTE. LTD. 40. ARCH SHIPPING FZ-LLC 41. DC RMS LTD 42. HART SECURITY UK LIMITED 43. TRISKEL SERVICES LIMITED 44. REGAL DEFENSE SOLUTIONS LTD. 45. HR MARITIME CONSULTANTS LTD. 46. CITADEL MARITIME LIMITED 47. CORINTHIAN PROTECTION INTERNATIONAL LTD Prepared by: Translator Control N°: F-RIN-04-01 Revised by: Compliance and Approved by: Compliance and Enforcement Deputy Chief Enforcement Chief Version: 05 Date: 21 January, 2013 Page 2 of 4 48. ARGONAUTIS MARITIME SERVICES LTD 49. SEAL SOLUTIONS & MARITIME OPERATIONS LTD 50. MARITIME RISK INTERNATIONAL FZ LLE 51. ASPIDA MARITIME SECURITY CORPORATION 52. ADVANFORT COMPANY 53. SALAMANCA RISK MANAGEMENT LIMITED 54. MORAN SECURITY GROUP LTD. 55. ABURGUS OÜ 56. SPIRIT SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED 57. SWAT SECURITY SYSTEMS EUROPA SL 58. PREMIUMFOCUS LTD 59. SECUREWEST INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 60. NEPTUNE MARITIME SECURITY LTD 61. SPECOPS COMPANY BV 62. MARITIME DEFENCE FORCE LTD. 63. UNIVERSAL MARITIME SOLUTIONS (BVI) LIMITED 64. ZEUS MARITIME SECURITY SERVICES S.A. 65. EOS RISK MANAGEMENT LIMITED 66. BOWLINE DEFENCE LIMITED 67. ORIGIN SECURITY GROUP LTD 68. PSL MARITIME LIMITED 69. SECURITY SERVICES (MARITIME) LTD 70. MARINE INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 71. I.S.D.S. INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND DEFENCE SYSTEMS LTD. 72. OLIVE GROUP FZ-LLC (UAE) 73. G4S INTERNATIONAL MARITIME SOLUTIONS JLT 74. MARINE ONE PRIVATE LIMITED 75. MARITIME & UNDERWATER SECURITY CONSULTANTS LIMITED 76. GEOS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING LIMITED 77. THE TRIDENT GROUP, INC. 78. MARITIME ASSET SECURITY AND TRAINING (MAST) LTD. 79. GALLICE DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Prepared by: Translator Control N°: F-RIN-04-01 Revised by: Compliance and Approved by: Compliance and Enforcement Deputy Chief Enforcement Chief Version: 05 Date: 21 January, 2013 Page 3 of 4 3. All Panamanian flagged vessels contracting Authorized Private Maritime Security Companies from the list above which are recognized by this Administration do not need to request to this Administration for any type of authorization unless the same is required by a Port Authority. 4. For cases in which Port Authorities require an authorization from the Panamanian Flag State, please submit the bilateral agreement signed by both parties and copies of the passports of the armed guards that will board the vessel for the specific transit to the following email address: or through any of the SEGUMAR offices worldwide. 5. The Private Maritime Security Companies already recognized must submit the enclosed PCASP Report (PCASP Report), duly filled and signed with details of their service before the security teams disembark from the vessel to 6. From January 3rd, 2013, only the companies listed above are authorized to provide Security Service onboard Panamanian vessels. 7. Please note your feedback on the performance of Security Companies is important to us. For this purpose we have created a Security Companies Survey for your use. November, 2013 – One company has been added October,2013 – Two companies excluded July,2013 - New companies added and General changes – paragraph 2 June,2013 – New companies added May, 2013 – New Companies added and new reference April, 2013 – New Companies added March, 2013 – New Companies added February, 2013 –New Companies added and new point 7 to include the Security Companies Survey January, 2013 – New Companies added December, 2012 - New Companies added December, 2012 - New Companies added and General changes – paragraph 4 and paragraph 6 July, 2012 – Paragraph 3 modified July, 2012 Inquiries concerning the subject of this Circular or any request should be directed to: Maritime Ships Security Department Directorate General of Merchant Marine Panama Maritime Authority Phone: (507) 501-4224 / 5037 Fax: (507) 501-5401 Email: Prepared by: Translator Control N°: F-RIN-04-01 Revised by: Compliance and Approved by: Compliance and Enforcement Deputy Chief Enforcement Chief Version: 05 Date: 21 January, 2013 Page 4 of 4 s"h PANAMA MARITIME AUTHORITY 6l RESOTUNON DEPARTMENT oerooe/=< » á, RESOTUTION " 106-120-DGMM PANAMA, Novemb€r 15rh,2012 THE UNDERSIGNED GENERAL DIRECÍORATE OF THE MERCHANT MARINE GENERAT DEPARTMENT, us¡ng the facult¡es granted by Law, CONSIDERING: That according to the memorial document presented to this Maritime General Department on September 26ü, 2012, the law firm MATA & PITTI in its quality of Legal Agents of the company AEGIS INTERNATIONAL lNC., company duly incorporated accord¡ng to the laws of the Republic of Korea, with reg¡ster N"105-87-58429, with address in #1205 Je¡l 8/0, 256-13 Gongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, Seul, Republic of Korea, have requested to this General Direction authorization for the company: AEGIS INTERNATIONAL lNC, as a recognized and authorized private Security Company by the Panama Marit¡me Authority to provide the service of armed or d¡sarmed security personnel on board Panama flagged vessels as a Pr¡vate Security Ent¡ty to ensure the compliment of the minimum requirement established by the Mar¡time lnternational Organ¡zat¡on ¡n MSC.1/Circf¿$05/Rev. 1 of September 16th, 2011 and accord¡ng to resolut¡on N" 106-13-DGMM, September 2Gth, 2012. That the Law Firm MATA & PlTTl, presented w¡th the appl¡cat¡on a POA duly authorized, Certificate of Registry of the company of its Origin Country and other documents requested accord¡ng to resolution N'105-13 DGMM, March 8th, 2012. That the Resolut¡on Department referred the application of AEGIS INTER ATIONAL lNC., to the Mar¡time Vessel Protection Department, and issued accord¡ng to its techn¡cal criteria Memorandum number 105-02-117 DGMM-DPMB, November 7ü, 2012, ¡n order to be evaluated by the Technical Evaluation Comm¡ttee. With the objective of assur¡ng the Panama Maritime Author¡ty effectiveness and capac¡ty in the control of the recogn¡t¡on and certification process issued by the different companies to the "recognized organizations" the Techn¡cal Evaluation Committee was created accord¡ng to resolution 106-14-DGMM, March 18, 2008, w¡th the purpose of establish¡ng mechan¡sms that according to the criteria of th¡s Maritime Adm¡nistrat¡on, will verify the effectiveness of the Biven facult¡es execution, due to the fact those services will be related with the maritime security. f2, Resolution N" 106-14-DGMM of March 186, 2oo8,one of the main funct¡ons of the Technical Evaluation Committee is to recommend the General Directorate the Accord¡ng to Article 4, approval or reject¡on of equipment, materials, components, that w¡ll be used as alternative media for the compliment of what have been established accord¡ng to Panama d¡fferent Rat¡fied lnternat¡onal Convent¡ons, related with the security regulations, protection and contam¡nat¡on of Panama Flagged vessels ¡n nat¡onal territory. $,A ¡A t, 4, N'$ of the mentioned resolution, other of the Technical Evaluation is also recommending to the General D¡rectorate of the Merchant or rejection of companies that require to grant an specific service on board of flagged vessels or any vessel in the nat¡onal terr¡tory. That accordinB to Article 4, f 5 of the referred resolution, it has been established that one of the dut¡es of the Techn¡cal Evaluat¡on Committee is to recommend regulations, requirement and ¡nternal and external technical procedures for d¡fferent appl¡cations. That the Art¡cle 6 of the mentioned Resolution po¡nts that: " Once the presented documentation have been evaluated, the Committee will recommend the Merchant Mar¡ne General D¡rector the acceptance or not of the applicat¡on and the General Department will proceed with the issuance of a Resolut¡on in which will recognized or refuse the requested." That according to Resolution No. 105-13-DGMM dated March 8b, 2072, the Merchant Mar¡ne General Department, issued a regulation for the private security companies, to prov¡de voluntary service of the armed personnel on board Panama flagged vessels that travel exclusively by high risk pirate attack zones. That the Article 2, 'TO ofthe Resolut¡on No. 105-13-DGMM dated march 8s, 2012, explains: control system for pr¡vate security companies on board Panama flagged vessels, w¡th the purpose of ¡nsure that they comply with the m¡nimum requ¡rements stated by the lnternational Mar¡t¡me Organization (lMO), in the Circular MSC.1/C¡rc.1405/Rev.1 dated ESTABLISH a September 16th, 2011". to dated November 156of 2072, the Technical Evaluat¡on Comm¡ttee recommends the General D¡rector of the Merchant Marine to approve the application presented by AEGIS INTERNATIONAL lNC., as a private security company, to offer voluntary service of armed That accord¡ng Ac:. 72/2072 personnel on board Panama flagged vessel, that travel exclusively by h¡gh r¡sk p¡rate attack zones. RES()tVES: the presented appl¡cat¡on presented by the Company AEGIS INTERNAÍIONAI lNC. company duly incorporated accord¡ng to the laws ofthe Republic of Korea, w¡th reg¡ster N"105-87-58429, with address in #1205 Jeil B/D, 256-13 Gongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, Seul, Republic of Korea, to present Recognized Pr¡vate Secur¡ty Serv¡ce and duly authorized by the Panama Marit¡me Author¡ty to prov¡de the serv¡ce of the¡r armed or disarmed personnel, on board Panama flagged vessels as a Pr¡vate Security Ent¡ty, to assure the compl¡ment of the m¡n¡mum requ¡rements established by the Mar¡time lnternational Organization (lMO) ¡n the C¡rcular FIRST: APPROVE MSC.1C¡rc.140S/Rev.1 dated September 16 of 2011, and according to the establ¡shed in the Resolution No. 106-13-DGMM dated march 8ü, 2012. that this Admin¡stration can establish control and guidance mechanisms to determine the effectiveness of the service given. SECOND: TO WARN the company AEGIS INTERIYAnONAI lNC, ' 1r...¡ THIRD: TO' any new ré . By this méa the company AEGIS INTERNATIONAL lNC, that they shall adjust their service to ¡ssued by the Maritime lnternational Organization or the Republ¡c of Panama. the company shall be guided by the new parameters once the regulations are in TO WARN the company AEGTS TNTERNATTONAL ¡NC., that the approvals of the pr¡vate security companies, could be revoked or suspended by the Merchant Marine General Department through a resolution in case of failing with the regulations established in the present resolution, or by d¡ssolution or bankrupt ofthe author¡zed company, or when said company fails with the instruct¡ons given by the General Department of the Merchant Mar¡ne, or when there is enough justif¡ed reasons for a change of system. that in case of any complain presented ¡n the service given, the company AEGIS INTERNATIONAI !NC, will be the only and exclusive responsible for th¡s cla¡ms. FIFTH: TO WARN SIXTH: INFORM the interested that against this resolut¡on ¡t w¡ll be possible to ¡nterpose Reconsiderat¡on Recourse or Appeal before this General Department during the five (5) labor days follow¡ng the not¡fication of the same. ACCORDING TO TAW: Law No. 2, .,anuary 17ü, 1980. Law Decree No. 7, February 10d", 1998. Law No. 57, August 6th, 2008. Law No.38, July 31", 2000. Resolut¡on No. 106-14-DGMM, March 18, 2008. Resolution No. 106-34 DGMM, August 22, 2008. MSC.1/1334 lnternat¡onal Maritime Organization. Resolut¡on No. 106-13 DGMM, March 8th, 2012. Resolution No. 105-93 DGMM, Semptember 266,2OL2. NOTIFIED ENG. ALFONSO CASTILLO GENERAL DIRECTOR '/po' .,"u,^ ' í ':.i!$i" E AUTHORITY MARINE GENERAL DIRECTORATE ln Panama, on the month of November, 30 days of 2012 At 10:57 a.m. MATA & PlTTl, has been notif¡ed of the above resolution. THE UNDERSIGNED, CRISTINA MATA PITTI, PUBLIC AUTHORIZED TRANSLATOR, WITH RESOLUTION N'2586, DATED SEPTEMBER 23RD. 2009, WHEREBY CERTIFIES THAT THE ABOVE IS A TRUE AND FAITHFUL TRANSLATION FROM ITS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT WRITTEN IN THE SPANISH LANGUAGE. PANAMA, December 4th, 2012. cRtsTrülA M ¡,i,q TRADUCTORA PUStICA AUiCR]ZADA ¡ESO(UOON N 2sAó OEr 23 oi 5¡ñ c!o(,ta 8.7?2.t95 Da 2C0t @*:. DIRECCION GENERAL DE MARTNA MERCANTE RESOLUCIONES Y CONSULTAS RESOLUCION No. 106-120-DGMM Panamá, 15 de noviembre de 2O12. EL SUSCRITO DIRECTOR GENERAL DE LA DIRECCION GENERAL DE MARINA MERCANTE en uso de las facultades que le confiere la Ley, CONSTDERANDO: Que mediante memorial presentado ante esta Dirección General el 26 de septiembre de 20L2, la Firma Forense MATA & PITTI, en su calidad de Representante Legal de la Compañía AEGIS INTERNATIONAL INC., compañía deb¡damente const¡tuida bajo las leyes de la República de Corea, con Registro No. 105-87-58429 y con domicilio en #1205 Jeil BlD, 256-L3 Gongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, Séul, República de Corea, han solic¡tado a esta Dirección General autorización para la compañía AEGIS INTERNATIONAL INC., como Compañía Privada de Seguridad Reconoc¡da y autor¡zada por la Autoridad Marítima de Panamá para proporcionar el uso de personal de seguridad armado o desarmado, a bordo de los buques de bandera panameña como Entidad Privada de Seguridad, para asegurar el cumplimiento de los requisitos mínimos establecidos por la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) en el MSC. l/Circ.1405/Rev. 1 de 16 de septiembre de 2011 y en base a lo establecido en la Resolución No. 106-13-DGMM de B de marzo de 2072, modificad a por Ia Resolución No. 106-93-DGMM de 26 de septiembre de 2072. Que Ia Firma Forense MATA & PITTI, adjunta a su solicitud Poder deb¡damente notariado, Certificac¡ón de la constitución de la Compañía en su país de origen y los documentos exigidos por la Resolución No. 106-13-DGMM de B de marzo de 20L2. Que el Departamento de Resoluciones y Consultas de esta Dirección General. remitió la solicitud de la Compañía AEGIS INTERNATIONAL INC., al Departamento de Protección Marítima de Buques de esta Dirección General, el cual mediante Memorando No. 105-02-117-DGM M-DPMB de 7 de noviembre de 2Ot2, emitió su Cr¡ter¡o Técnico para ser valorado por el Comité de Evaluacíón Técnica. Que a fin de asegurar la efectividad y capacidad de la Autoridad Marítima de Panamá en el control de los procesos de reconocim¡entos y certificación que efectúan compañías dist¡ntas a las "Organizac¡ones Reconocidas", se crea el Comité de Evaluación Técnica mediante Resolución No. 106-14-DGMM de 18 de marzo de 2008, con la finalidad de establecer mecanismos que a cr¡ter¡o de esta Administración Marítima, verificarán la efectividad con que las mismas ejecutarán las facultades que le serán delegadas, ya que la calidad de dichos serv¡c¡os estarán directamente relacionadas con la seguridad marítima. Que de acuerdo al Artículo 4, numeral 2 de la Resolución No. 106-14-DGMM de 18 de marzo de 2008, entre las funciones del Comité de Evaluación Técnica se encuentra recomendar al D¡rector General la aprobación o rechazo de equipos, artefactos, ad¡tamentos, materíales y componentes, que serán utilizados como medios alternos para el cumplim¡ento de lo dispuesto en los distintos Convenios Internacionales ratificados por Panamá, relacionados con las normas de seguridad, protección y contaminación de los buques de Bandera Panameña en el territorio nac¡onal. Que de acuerdo al Artículo 4, numeral 3 de la Resolución en mención, entre las funciOnes del Comité de Evaluación Técnica tamb¡én se encuentra recomendar a la Dirección General de Marina Mercante la aprobación o rechazo de compañías que requieran brindar un servicio específico a bordo de los buques de Bandera Panameña o de cualquier buque que se encuentre en el terr¡torio nacional. RESOLUCION No. 106-120-DGMM Pá9. No.2 Panamá, 15 de noviembre de 2012. Que de acuerdo al Artículo 4, numeral 5 de la referida Resolución, se establece que el Comité de Evaluación Técnica entre sus funciones, recomendará normas, requ¡sitos y proced¡mientos técnicos internos y externos para las diferentes solicitudes. Que el Artículo 6 de la Resolución en mención señala que: "Una vez evaluada la documentación presentada, el Comité recomendará al Director General de Marina Mercante mediante Acta la aprobación o no de la solicitud y la Dirección General procederá a emit¡r una Resolución en la cual reconoce o rechaza lo solicitado". Que med¡ante la Resolución No. 106-13-DGMM de B de marzo de 2012, la Dirección General de Marina Mercante, expidió un reglamento que regula las compañías privadas de seguridad, para que brinden un servic¡o de uso voluntario de personal armado a bordo de los buques de bandera panameña, que transiten exclusivamente por zonas de alto r¡esgo de ataques piratas y robo a mano armada. Que el Artículo 2, de la Resolución No. 106-13-DGMM de 8 de marzo de 2012, indica: "ESTABLECER un s¡stema de utilizaclón de compañías privadas de seguridad en las naves de bandera panameña, con la finalidad de asegurar que cumplen con los requ¡sitos mínimos establec¡dos por la Organización Marítima Internac¡onal (OMI), en la MSC. 1/Circ.1405/Rev.1 de 16 de sept¡embre de 2011". Que med¡ante Acta L2/2O72 de 15 de noviembre de 2072, el Comité de Evaluación Técnica recomienda al D¡rector General de Mar¡na Mercante apruebe la sol¡citud presentada por AEGIS INTERNATIONAL INC., como compañía privada de seguridad, para brindar el serv¡c¡o de uso voluntario de personal armado a bordo de los buques de bandera panameña, que transiten exclusivamente por zonas de alto riesgo de ataques p¡ratas y robo a mano armada. RESUELVE: PRIMERO: APROBAR la solicitud presentada por la Compañía AEGIS INTERNATIONAL INC., compañía debidamente const¡tuida bajo las leyes de la República de Corea. con Reg¡stro No. 105-87-58429 y con domicilio en #1205 Jeil BlD, 256-1,3 Gongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, Séul, República de Corea, para prestar el servicio de Compañía Privada de Seguridad Reconocida y debidamente autorizada por la Autor¡dad Marítima de Panamá para proporcionar el uso de personal de seguridad armado o desarmado, a bordo de los buques de bandera panameña como Entidad Privada de Seguridad, para asegurar el cumplimiento de los requisitos mínimos establecidos por la Organ¡zación Marít¡ma Internac¡onal (OMI) en el MSC.l/C¡rc.1405/Rev. 1de 16 de septiembre de 2011 y en base a lo establecido en la Resolución No. 106-13-DGMM de 8 de marzo de 20t2, modificada por la Resolución No. 106-93-DGMM de 26 de septiembre de 2012. SEGUNDO: ADVERTIR a la Compañía AEGIS INTERNATIONAL INC., que esta Administración podrá establecer mecanismos de control y seguimiento para determinar Ia efect¡vidad del servicio brindado. TERCERO: ADVERTIR a la Compañía AEGIS INTERNATIONAL INC., que deberá ajustar su servicio a cualquier nueva regulación emitida por la organización Marítima Internacional o la República de panamá. De este modo, la compáñía deberá regirse bajo los nuevos parámetros, una vez las regulaciones entren en vigor. CUARTO: ADVERTIR a la Compañía AEGIS INTERNATIONAL INC., que las aprobaciones a las compañías privadas de seguridad, podrán ser revocadas o suspendidas por la Dirección General de Marina Mercante mediante resolución mot¡vada en caso de que incumplan con las normas contenidas en la presente Resolución, o por disolución o quiebra de la compañía autorizada, o cuanáo dicha compañía desatienda las instrucciones de la Dirección General de Marina Mercante, o cuando medie causa justif¡cada que amerite un cambio del sistema. ts\ oa Panamá, 15 de noviembre de 2012. RESOLUCION No. 1O6-12O-DGMM Pá9. No.3 QUINTO: ADVERTIR que en caso de reclamos presentados por deficiencias en el servicio prestado, la Compañía AEGIS INTERNATIONAL INC., será la única y exclusiva responsable por estos reclamos. SEXTO: INFORMAR a los interesados que en contra de esta Resolución se podrá ¡nterponer Recurso de Reconsideración o de Apelación ante esta Dirección General, dentro de los cinco (5) días hábiles siguientes a la notificación de la misma. FUNDAMENTO DE DERECHO: Ley No. 2 de 17 de enero de 1980. Decreto Ley No. 7 de 10 de febrero de 1998' Ley No. 57 de 6 de agosto de 2008. Ley No. 38 de 31 de julio de 2000' Resolución No. 106-14-DGMM de 18 de marzo de 2008. Resolución No. 106-34-DGMM de 22 de agosto de 2008. MSC.1/1334 de la Organizac¡ón Marítima Internaclonal. Resolución No' 106-13-DGMM de 8 de marzo de 2OI2. Resolución No. 106-93-DGMM de 26 de septiembre de 2012. NOTTFÍQUESE Y CÚMPLASE, AC/ lLC/ KP *\ AUTOR'DaD ¡^^DrYtr,r A n r xr^ rit^ ^E DINECCION CE\:ER{L I d;:-¿.;ilr- ,' En Panamá, r", ^ delnesde..2L¿_x**_-z:=s__......,,".....2A/.*....... a tu ........... * /..). :: -s2