June 2010 Newsletter - Surfside United Methodist Church
June 2010 Newsletter - Surfside United Methodist Church
Surfside United Methodist Church June 2010 Dear Surfside Friends; It is hard to believe that another year of ministry will soon have passed for Pastor Kim and me. In a few weeks, Pastor Kim will begin her fourth year of pastoral ministry at SUMC and I will begin my third. We are both excited about being appointed for another year to serve as the pastors of this truly great congregation. Thank you for your continuing affirmation and support of our pastoral leadership. In late June, one of our former pastors and current District Superintendent, the Rev. Quay Adams, will retire from our Annual Conference. I have invited Quay to preach at our worship services on a Sunday later this summer. This will allow us the opportunity to honor Quay and Mildred for their many years of ministerial service. The Marion District will hold a Service of Celebration for the Adams on Sunday, June 27, at 4:00 p.m. at the Macedonia UMC in Mullins. Please contact me if you plan to attend. JUNE USHERS 8:30 AM Ron Wing (C) Barbara Wing Bruce French David Gover 11:00 AM Tom Benfield (C) Tim Gamble Jay Parrish Larry Tuttle HOST CLASSES FOR SUNDAY MORNING FELLOWSHIP TIME June International Class July Discovery Class Aug. Discipleship Class Sept. Fellowship Class Annual Conference will be held this year June 10-13, at the Convention Center in Florence. Please see the article in this newsletter concerning the items we are collecting for our soldiers. Information regarding other projects are listed on the collection box at our parking lot entrance. We are also collecting a monetary offering for the Central Conference Pension Initiative. The donations will support retired United Methodist pastors in Africa, Asia, and parts of Europe. We will show a short video in worship on May 30, explaining this outreach. Our delegates to Annual Conference will place our congregation’s gift in the offering during the Conference Worship Service on Thursday, June 10. Please give generously and mark your gift, “CCPI.” The Staff-Parish Relations Committee is working hard to secure a new Director of Youth, Young Adults, and Family Life Center Ministries. We have received over forty resumes from interested persons. We hope to have our new staff member in place on July 1. Please pray for our Interview Committee. By the time you read this we should have broken ground on our new Columbarium. We hope to have the governing documents available in a few weeks. If you’ve noticed the beautiful flowers growing around the church, say thanks to Harvey and Rosemary Purcell and the Garden Club and also Tom Blandford. They spend hours at the church every week watering and tending to their flowers. I also want to thank all our volunteer receptionists and greeters for doing a wonderful job of welcoming people to our church. Also, a shout out to Bruce French for all he does in promoting and advertising the ministries of SUMC. Finally, a great thanks to all of you who work and sacrifice to support the life and ministries of this vital congregation. Be blessed, PAGE 2 A NOTE FROM THE PARISH PASTOR HOW STRONG ARE YOU? Have you ever thought about some ways in which you might need to strengthen your faith? Have you ever thought about what kinds of things intimidate you? Have you ever given any thought as to whether there is anything which intimidates God? The story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego is a wonderful account of three strong, faithful people who were willing to stand up for God against all odds. If you remember the story,, from the third chapter of the Old Testament book of Daniel, the king was exceedingly angry with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego because they wouldn't bow down to the king's god. So the king decided that he would show those three who was really in charge! The king had a fire heated up seven times hotter than usual.....and then he ordered his strongest soldiers to tie the trio up and throw them in the fire. The fire was so hot, in fact, that while following orders, the soldiers themselves died, just from the heat of the fire! Good Day Ladies! Vegetables and flowers are growing in my garden and we are enjoying some of the lettuce and green peas for dinner most nights. My neighbor girl, Elizabeth, comes over to help each time I go outside. She is so eager to help. I give her a specific duty which is usually to water everything. She reminds me how we need to be like little children in our faith. Eager to do the duties that God has given to us. Just as Elizabeth waters my gardens with such determination; we must care for our friends, neighbors, and even strangers in the same way. With a smile on our face and a pep in our step! Thanks for the lesson Elizabeth. Smiles on our faces and pep in our steps! If you were at the Mother & Daughter Banquet that is what you experienced. What a great evening. I have heard such great feedback and want to thank Care circle for all of the hard work they did for this. We have finally submitted the order for the Reading Program. The books should arrive soon and will be available in the library for all to enjoy. Please take part in this learning experience that is here for you all to enjoy. Contact Doris Shoebridge or myself with questions. Think about this little biblical scenario, if you will......did that fire really need to be heated seven times hotter to kill our heroes? Were the strongest soldiers in the army needed to bind those innocent men? Did Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego even need to be bound, since they Summer is here and school is about to be diswere already surrounded by the king's army? Of course missed. Kids will be out and about enjoying the time. not! All those things were done by the king, merely to intimidate Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into back- We as a group are providing snacks for the VBS adult ing down from their faith. volunteers. VBS start on Sunday evening June 27 and ends Thursday July 1. Contact you circle leader or mySo think about that in regard to your own faith commit- self with any questions. ment. How often, in life, do we find ourselves up Finally, I want to give a big Thank You to all against overwhelming odds? And how often do we let the circumstances in life intimidate us into doubt and the executive board members. Thank you for the supworry? 1 John 4:4 reads......"greater is He that is in you port you give me each time we talk and for the comthan he that is in the world". The Holy Spirit, whom we munication to your circles. TEAM -Together Everycelebrated on Pentecost Sunday, is here to help us....to one Achieves More! Have a great month! comfort us....to give us courage. So the next time ~Sandy Wetter life's circumstances line up against you, remember the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.....and remember, if you don't give in, you won't get burned! Blessings and love! Pastor Kim HOPE CIRCLE Members of Hope Circle will be having their annual Spring Luncheon on Thursday, June 3 at 12:00. We will be dining at the Travinia-Italian Kitchen located at Market Commons. If you have not yet made a reservation, please contact Bonnie Maddox. PAGE 3 JOY CIRCLE BEREAVEMENT COMMITTEE Joy Circle will meet at Travinia's restaurant for lunch I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my on Tuesday, June 8th at noon. Please call Bee Swartz Bereavement Committee for all of your help. You all if you cannot attend. are always so willing when I call asking for help in preparing sandwiches, cookies, etc. It is so appreciated and for those who have helped with the serving CARE CIRCLE Care Circle wants to thank everyone who attended of the receptions, thank you. I have been out of town the Mother/Daughter Tropical Dinner last and have not been able to be there for a few of them month! We had great fun sharing food and fellow- and you all have stepped up and came through. You ship, learning Hawaiian words and how to hula and truly make this job easy. best of all --- Pastor Scott dressing up and showing us If there is anyone who would like to be put on the list how it’s done (thanks for being a good sport)! Our for helping with the Bereavement Committee, please th next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 8 at 6:30 give me a call at 995-3125. Again, thank you so p.m. in the parlor. We will be assembling first aid kits much to each of you. for our Salkehatchie families. Please join us! God Bless, Debbie Smith MARY BAKER CIRCLE We will meet at Damon’s for lunch on Wednesday, June 9 at noon. If you haven’t signed up, call Elaine at 238-1320. MOVING THROUGH GRIEF Beginning Monday, June 7th, a class on coping UMW READING PROGRAM with death, dying and grief will be offered from Each Sunday, the children in church are invited to 5:00-6:00 p.m. in the Church Parlor. Unlike our come to the front to hear a special message for them. Healing Circle gatherings of the past, the Moving What if there’s a time and place for a message from Through Grief class will focus entirely on loss them? You’ll find that in the March ‘10 issue of Re- through death. The class will follow a structured sponse magazine. It is challenging, heart-warming, study guide and discussion based upon the book instructive and even disturbing. Perhaps it is time we "Will I Ever Be Whole Again", by Sandra P. Allistened to them. R.R. drich. Weekly lesson topics include: moving through grief, surviving the loss, abnormal grief, coping with depression, surviving the death of a SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS child, how to help others, and many more! NEEDED We are currently in need of teachers This twelve-week class will be held every Monday for a couple of our children’s classes. from 5:00-6:00 p.m., June through August. There In the Kindergarten-1st grade class is no need to register. No materials are rewe need two teachers for this class. Also, in the quired. Just come to the Church Parlor any Mon4th-5th grade class we need a teacher for about 4 day at 5:00 p.m. Call Pastor Kim if you would like months beginning in July. If you are interested in more information. helping, please contact Belinda McKee at 215-1721 or call the church office. ~~~ NURSERY WORKER NEEDED for Wednesday nights. We are currently looking for an adult worker who can keep the nursery every Wednesday night from 6:15-7:45 p.m. This will be a paid position. Please contact Nan Jones at 450-3513 if you are interested. REMEMBER to check out our website, www.surfsideumc.org. If you would like to begin viewing the newsletter from our website, please sign up by going to the Newsletter link and follow the instructions. PAGE 4 “For the Least of These” GREAT DAY OF SERVICE SC ANNUAL CONFERENCE We are collecting the following items to make care packages for Troops. Please bring your items/packages to the parking lot entrance collection box by Tuesday, June 8, so we can take to Annual Conference. Care package items: Snack Food-single serve canned foods, single serve microwaveable foods, snacks/candy small sizes (nonmelting, no glass jars), slim jims jerky, vacuum-packed meats (no pork), coffee, tea, flavored drink mixes, powdered cream, sugar (small pkg.). Toiletries-travel size hygiene products, brushes/combs, bug repellent wipes, mouth freshener strips, eyeglass cleaner wipes, eye drops, sunscreen, Chapstick lip balm. Entertainment-books, CDs, DVDs, International phone cards, all-occasion cards, hand held games, small toys (for soldiers to hand out). TAKE A STEP BACK IN TIME! There are lessons of life around us in popular culture. Music, television, movies, and books provide great lessons for each of us along our faith journey. In June, we’ll take a look at a few examples of the faith journey of the Barone family from television’s Everybody Loves Raymond. Join the Fellowship Class for some old-fashioned family lessons during Sunday School on June 20th and 27th. Don’t miss out on our summer fellowship in Room 10 following Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall. If you don’t have a class and would like to check out our Adult Sunday School Class for the old and young at heart (ages college to retirement), stop by for a Sunday or two. We are VERY casual. Call Gini Abee 651-1224 for more information. Y’all come on down! DO YOU NEED ONE? Please remember that we continue to have a wide variety of Prayer Shawls available for anyone who is in need. These shawls include shoulder shawls, lap blankets and shawls which fit on walkers! We also have pocket shawls available for distribution to our military personnel, and we have pocket prayer crosses too! If you know of someone - friend, co-worker, family member (they don't even have to be affiliated with our Surfside church) who would appreciate receiving one of our many varieties of prayer shawls, please contact Pastor Kim with your request. Each shawl comes with a gift card which explains our Prayer Shawl ministry. PRESCHOOL NEWS Hello Everyone! We have had another very successful year. I am writing this at the beginning of our final week of school. We are graduating twenty-seven four year olds. Thank you very much for your generous support for our preschool mission. This year was full of exciting events and learning experiences. It is hard to believe it is ending. Our job was to provide a consistently cheerful environment full of new and exciting experiences that aim to allow learning and instill a love for learning. Many important social and educational skills have been taught. All the teachers have provided a challenging and stimulating environment for the children and parents. There is a good change coming! The preschool board, teachers and I are very excited about some positive changes we will be making to the classrooms starting this fall. The children will be more involved in the decision making process in class which will aid them in becoming more independent thinkers. Our centers will be more defined by adding shelves and having more educational manipulatives available on a daily basis. These changes will make our preschool even better! The addition of the Mothers Morning Out program this March was a huge success. The eight families who took advantage of the program were very pleased and the children were great! Most of them will be returning in the fall to either the preschool or for another year in the Moms Morning Out program. There are a few openings in the preschool for the 2010 – 2011 school year. If you or anyone you know is interested, contact the preschool soon. We do have two positions we need to fill for the 2010 – 2011 school year as well. The first is a nursery worker for the Mother’s Morning Out program. The hours are Monday and Friday from 8:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. We also need a roving teachers’ aid for the preschool. This job is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Come join the staff! It is very rewarding being able to help influence these young lives. Call me for more information at 238-2734 or my home number is 2933540. Have a Wonderful Summer! Respectfully, Mrs. Carol Ann Thrall Director PAGE 5 Thanks to all the great volunteers who helped with our annual spring Rummage Sale. It was a great event! Surge Parents and Students, It’s June and another successful year of student ministry is complete here at Surfside UMC. We’ve taken three impactful trips, saw students make decisions to follow Jesus Christ, and still others grow in their relationship with Christ and commit to being an avid disciple. This past October was the most successful year of fundraising this youth ministry has ever seen. And now, in July, a whole new batch of youth will be attending the Surfside UMC “right of passage” known as Salkehatchie: Camp Pee Dee. It has been an amazing year! And as my time here at Surfside comes to a close, I cherish all the memories here. It’s no secret that, in moments, people were in disagreement, but that’s to be expected. We’re all imperfect humans, and yet God still lets us be a part of this wonderful body called “the church.” GRADUATION SUNDAY SET FOR JUNE 6TH We will be recognizing our 2010 graduates on Sunday, June 6 during both worship services. Anyone graduating from high school or college please contact Kesha in the church office (238 -2734) or email her at ksims@surfsideumc.org. We will need the graduate’s name and school information. All graduates and their families are invited to attend a breakfast in the FLC beginning at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, June 6. However, what is undeniable is that this church as a whole has grown. God’s Spirit has flooded this community of believers and the passion generated from His Spirit is seen over this entire church. Thank you to Pastor Scott and Pastor Kim for wise leadership. Thank you to all my volunteers: Bill Gulledge, Jim Neely, Brad Hatoway, Ken Sizemore, Brett Moon, Anna Hatoway, Chris Conness, Rebecca Leggett, and Michele Sizemore… there is no way this youth ministry would run so well if it did not have your service. You all are great mentors for these students. It was a joy to work with the passion and love you have to see Christ affect each of their lives. Now, out of the mush and onto our June events! On June 12th we will have a Beach Day at the Myrtle Beach State Park from 1pm-4pm. This is our end of year party. We’ll have a cookout, beach games, and of course have access to the beach! This will be an awesome day in the sun and a great way to say goodbye to the 2009-2010 school year! On June 15th, we’ll be bowling at the Surfside Bowling Lanes from 4pm6pm, and then we’ll meet at the Market Commons movie theatre from 12pm2:30pm (tentative upon the movie time). These are some great hang out times and all youth are invited! Christians can certainly have fun! So let’s have a blast during the month of June! Don’t forget about Salkehatchie! We’re collecting quarters still in the Narthex outside the sanctuary and we leave on July 2nd! Are you ready?!!?!? Blessings, Jon Marcus PAGE 6 The UMM would like to thank all the folks that stopped by to enjoy our Fish Fry last month. I would like to thank all of the men that showed up and gave up an entire day and in some cases three days to make that event happen. It was truly nice to see some new faces in the crowd and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and hope to see all of you at our next Men’s Meeting which will be Thursday, June 17th at 6:45 p.m. Thanks, Brad Hatoway Our weekly exercise classes will continue to be offered throughout the summer months! On Mondays and Wednesdays, there is an Adult Fitness Class offered in the FLC from 9:45-10:45 a.m. Call Pat Messinger for more information at 650-2412. These classes are free. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, a Low Impact Aerobics class is offered in the FLC from 11:00 a.m. until Noon. Call Pastor Kim for more information. These classes are $5.00 per session. On Wednesday morning, two separate Hatha Yoga classes are offered in Room 8/10 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and again from 11:00 a.m.-Noon. Both classes are identical. Call Mary Jo Doggett for more information at 712-2932. These classes are free. These classes will help you be more confident in getting that bathing suit out to go to the beach.....guys and gals!!!! As the season of Spirit Night comes to a close for the summer, we want to extend a huge and gracious thank you to everyone who helped Spirit Night continue to be a huge success in our church! A warm hearted thanks to Jo and Lester Leonard and their entire kitchen staff - Jack and Susan Lee, Ron and Carolyn McClintick and Tracy for the delicious food each and every week! And of course, a warm hearted thanks to our entire set-up/clean up staff, which consisted of nothing but church volunteers! Thank you greatly for all you do each week - putting out desserts, setting up the beverage carts, decorating the tables, rolling the plastic ware, taking out the trash, washing the dishes....the list is endless.....but so it the gratitude! Keep an eye on the bulletins and upcoming newsletters to see when we will begin serving our Spirit Night dinners again in the Fall. PAGE 7 Dear Family and Friends, The children’s ministry is really thriving and all of the children are bursting with energy. Summer break is almost here and choir will be out until September. We had a great turn out for May and loved the singing for Mother’s Day. Bonnie Robin Sparks April 25, 2010 Robin is joining our congregation by Profession of Faith. We are now getting ready to decorate and explore with Galactic Blast VBS. We would love you to help us. Please see the weekly bulletin for dates and times. Hi Everyone! My name is Galileo! I am looking forward to meeting you at VBS Galactic Blast! On June 4 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. we will have a BLAST at Pre-Registration celebration. Waterslides, water games, popcorn, etc. Register a friend and receive a free gift. This will help speed the VBS opening night and we’ll have a great time kicking off summer in the process. So bring your friends and towels. We can’t wait to see you! Just a reminder, VBS still needs volunteers! The dates and times are June 27-July 1; 5:30 -8:45 PM. Thank you! Sincerely blessed, Kelly, Stacey & Leigh WEEKLY Sunday: 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 5:30 PM Morning Worship Fellowship Time Church School Morning Worship AA Meeting EVENTS Tuesday: 9:00 AM Craft Club 11:00 AM Cardio with Cynthia 5:30 PM AA Meeting 6:00 PM Upper Room Living Prayer Hotline 7:00 PM Grand Strand Monday: 9:45 AM Adult Fitness Class Harmony Chorus 12:00 PM Staff Meeting Wednesday: 9:00 AM Prayer Group 5:30 PM AA Meeting 9:30 AM Hatha Yoga 6:00 PM Contemporary Band Rehearsal 9:45 AM Adult Fitness Class 7:00 PM Bell Choir 10:00 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Hatha Yoga 6:45 PM Spirit Singers Rehearsal Thursday: 11:00 AM Cardio with Cynthia 5:30 PM AA Meeting Friday: 10:00 AM Adult Yoga w/Pat 5:30 PM AA Meeting Ju n e 2 0 1 0 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 5 Hope Circle 12:00 Jason’s House Training Jason’s House 9:00 at Travinia’s 2:00 YMCA Summer Camp begins Monday, June 7 and continues Monday-Friday until August 13; 7:00 AM-6:00 PM in the FLC Youth Room. 6 Graduate Sunday Graduation Breakfast 9:45 7 Moving Through Grief Class 5:00 GS Jr. Volleyball 6:00 FLC GYM CLOSED FOR CLEANING/PAINTING OF FLOOR. 8 Horry County Primary Election 6:00-7:30 Joy Circle 12:00 at Travinia’s Care Circle 6:30 9 10 Mary Baker Circle 12:00 at Damon’s GS Jr. Volleyball 6:00 14 Moving Through Grief Class 5:00 15 20 21 Moving Through Grief Class 5:00 22 23 Horry County Runoff Election 6:00 AM-7:30 PM 27 Salkehatchie Sending Forth 16 17 29 12 Jason’s House 2:00 18 19 Jason’s House 2:00 25 26 UMMen 6:45 24 Finance Committee 6:30 28 Moving Through Grief Class 5:00 11 SC Annual Conference in Florence, SC June 10-13 13 Jason’s House 2:00 Jason’s House 2:00 Sat VBS Pre-Registration Celebration 5:00 Jason’s House 2:00 Sunday School Perfect Attendance Trip Father’s Day Fri 30 VBS-GALACTIC BLAST June 27-July 1 5:30-8:45 PM PAGE 9 JUNE Rendi Guyton Bailey Inabinet Pam Jordan Tommy Sinkway Marianne Skolek Casey Inabinet Pete Longobardi Auburn Parent Riley Reynolds David Sage Delanie Sage Jake Sosebee Herb Funk Joan Reilley Rand Story Brenda Cregger Chrissie Jenkins Sissy McAndrew Stacey Rushing Velva Clyne Jamie Nel Lillian Rowlett Claudette Webb Brad Doughty Caroline LeBlue Dianne Snipes Tim Tusing Lara Adler Bob Young Payton Head James Bardsley Larry Chipps Kathy Flowe Chris Lienemann Dan Roland Norm Yeary Willis Flynn Allison Thomas Tracy Williams Anisa Benton Krista Holder Trey Sansbury Bernie Reynolds 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 Sydney Smith Sylvia Bryant Bill Elliott James Lanford Paul Marold Jackson Watts Gray Ammons Dot Desenberg Steve Hallman Lucy Warner Dee Brunko David Chandler Toni Giese John Hammel Britni Gaddy Susan Jordan Sherri Boschen Rhoda McRae Pat Bunch Natalie Dalton Linda Lamoree Al Morell Joyce Deatrick Spencer Flynn Molly Paluzzi Hart Rist Luke Schabel Andrea Tuton Jamie Buckner Tressie Faidley Ron Gaskins Mary Gray Jill Lanford Michelle Crutchman June Moon Sanky Singletary Karen Welch Andrew Chandler Bryn Evans John Hart Paizley Holder Sylvia Huthmaker Joe Russ Ashley Gasperson Gab Gravatt Joe Mahan June Moeller Jeff Rogers Donald Ryan Christee Jones Jack Jordan Coley McNutt Maddie Prentice 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 Paul VanderWiele William Deatrick Abby Edwards Chris Eisaman Ron Geckle Judy Martin Betsy Wishert 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 Craig and Gloriana Miller Walter and Jeanne Johnson Al and Sarah Beck Norm and Pam Yeary Dean and Lisa Floyd Andy and Jeanne Russo Andy and Doris Ritter Jim and Pat Ellis Robbie and Jennifer Jackson Ralph and Debbie Robinson Randy and Chandra Dalton Chris and Krissy Larson James and Bettie Padfield Ed and Vicki Curlee Chris and Alicia Rife Howard and Joan Hendrickson Bob and Jean Walker Sonny and Nancy Reichert Jay and Katrina Barton Joey and Sally McNutt Donnie and Tracina Schmaus Monty and Kelli Carr Jason and Mary Keller Ed and Gloria Stone Tom and Janet Bates Robert and Sylvia Huthmaker Mitchell and Joan Coleman Larry and Pat Chipps James and Stephanie Lewis Billy and Betsy Wishert Larry and Lisa Couture David and Kim Griffin Ed and Ruth Lilly John and Laureen Lattin Bob and Pat Weaver Steve and Kathy Moore Pat and Judy Walsh 1 3 4 4 5 5 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 13 14 17 18 18 18 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 24 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 SURFSIDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 800 13th Avenue North P.O. Box 14386 Surfside Beach, SC 29587-4386 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Myrtle Beach, SC Permit No. 29 Phone: 843-238-2734 Fax: 843-238-4455 www.surfsideumc.org Church Office Hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Monday-Thursday, 8:30 AM-1:00 PM, Friday RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Church Staff Dr. Scott H. Wachter, Senior Pastor (swachter@surfsideumc.org) Rev. L. Kim Eanes, Parish Pastor (keanes@surfsideumc.org) Jon Marcus, Director of Youth, Young Adult, and FLC Ministries (jmarcus@surfsideumc.org) Kesha Sims, Office Manager (ksims@surfsideumc.org) Glynis Hopkins, Music Director (ghopkins@surfsideumc.org) Sherri Boschen, Church Organist (sboschen@surfsideumc.org) Kelly Williams, Children’s Ministries Director Stacey Cleveland, Asst. Children’s Ministries Dir. Carol Ann Thrall, Preschool Director COMING SOON TO A SANCTUARY NEAR YOU! When you get a moment, check out the reading in 2 Chronicles 5:13-14. In that reading, you will find that the Israelites couldn't have known what was in store for them when they started the praise service for the new temple built under King Solomon. They had singers and instrumentalists playing trumpets, cymbals and other instruments. Together they worshiped God, praising God's goodness, faithfulness and everlasting love. At that point, God's presence was so overwhelming that the priests had to stop doing their jobs in the temple! Imagine if we could have that level of spirit-filled worship experience! Well hopefully, we can as we re-structure and re-vamp our Contemporary worship service for the summer season. Beginning July 7th, you are invited to attend the i-Praise service - a new experience of Contemporary worship. At our i-Praise service, you will experience a new worship format, new praise and worship songs, and a new spirit of celebration! Keep an eye out in upcoming bulletins, and the July newsletter, for more information and details about our new i-Praise service! See you there!