newsletter - North Country Arts Center


newsletter - North Country Arts Center
A non-profit 501(c)(3) cultural organization providing opportunities,
encouragement and promotion for artists in the North Country since 1971.
Published Quarterly
January - March 2015
The organization known since 1971 as the North
Country Arts Center, going forward, will be known as
NORTH COUNTRY ARTS. It has a new logo (above
right) which will be seen on all the publicity of its
many programs in the region, including its monthly
exhibitions at the 2nd Floor Gallery in the Glens Falls
City Hall; the December Juried Art Show and the
July Juried Photography Show in the Friends Gallery
of Crandall Public Library; the Youth Visions Show in
which regional high schools participate and seasonal
shows in the Art in Chestertown Gallery; and shows
in various regional galleries.
New this year, NCA is collaborating with the Rare
eARTh Gallery and Events to have two North Country
Arts Shows at 176 Glen St., in downtown Glens Falls.
The Gallery will be open Wednesdays - Saturdays
from 11am--6pm and Sundays 12--6pm. The first
show will have its opening party on Friday, January
23 from 6 to 8pm with a closing reception Saturday,
February 28, from 2 to 4pm. The second show opening party will be Friday, March 13 from 6 to 8pm with
a closing reception Saturday, April 25, from 2 to 4pm.
During this time the Art in Chestertown Gallery will be
closed and will reopen in May. Information about
future shows in the Downtown Glens Falls Gallery will
be forthcoming. These shows will provide the public
with a look at the talented two- and three-dimensional
artists in the north country region. Paintings, batik,
sculptures, jewelry, wood carvings, and many other
works of artisans in the region will be available. Art
represented by the Rare eARTh Gallery will also be
exhibited. The public is invited to celebrate this new
collaboration and attend the opening PARTIES.
Artists interested in participating should request a
contract form from
North Country Arts, 6 Pine St., Glens Falls, NY 12801
Art In Chestertown “Bright Holidays” Exhibit
In This Issue
NCA New Logo & New Location
President’s Message
Member News - Marion Kratky
Member News Bob McDermott & Linda Zila
2nd Floor Gallery Exhibitors
 Don Russell, Mixed Media
 Members’ Show
 Dave Francis - Pastels
2nd Floor Gallery Schedule
2015 Workshop Series
Art in Chestertown Gallery Schedule
New Glens Falls Gallery Schedule
Congratulations Raffle Winner
Juried Show Award Recipients
Welcome New Board Members
Welcome New/Renewed Members
Membership Application Form
NCA Board Members
President’s Message
Dr. Jacquiline Touba: President
As we enter the new year of 2015, we are
launching the new brand of this 43-year old
organization. While the official name is still North
Country Arts Center, the new public face will be
North Country Arts with a whole new logo, as
seen on the front of this newsletter. This logo will
be on all our future cards and other materials so
the public will begin to make the connections
between all that is being done by NCA. Our new
Marketing Committee has been working very hard
to accomplish this goal by year’s end.
We applied for a New York State Council on
the Arts Decentralization Grant, which is administered by LARAC, to help with artists’ fees for a
new spring workshop series that will be presented
at the Shirt Factory in Glens Falls. More details
about this in a separate article.
We have not yet received word about the GF
City grant for the new hanging system. I hope we
shall have it by the next member show at the 2nd
Floor Gallery in February. Do start planning what
you will submit for this upcoming show.
Our goal to provide additional opportunities to
artists to show their work has culminated in sharing a gallery in Glens Falls for the winter while the
Art in Chestertown Gallery closes temporarily until
the end of April. (See the accompanying article.)
An out-of-town member show will take place in
Ticonderoga in 2015 and in May 2016, there will
be a juried show at the Shirt Factory Gallery. We
are continuing to explore other venues and opportunities for our members and yet to become
members beyond what we are already doing.
Another goal is to increase our membership so
if you know of budding or accomplished artists or
artisans who are not currently members, I ask you
to share the member form in the newsletter with
them. The more members we have, the more we
shall be inspired to reach for the stars. Together
we can bring NCA into the limelight and be recognized as one of the premier ARTS organizations
of the region.
Maria Clara Castano: Vice President and Education Committee
Fred Holman: Treasurer and Art In Chestertown Gallery
Chrissey Dittus: Secretary, Membership Chair, Newsletter
Editor and 2nd Floor Gallery at City Hall Co-Coordinator
Carol Barrett: Glens Falls Gallery Coordinator
Jon Segan: Juried Photo and Members Show Coordinator
Anne Smoczynski
Sheri Snedeker: Branding/Marketing Committee Chair
Linda Walker: 2nd Floor Gallery at City Hall Coordinator
Dennis Wilson: Education Committee
NCA member Marion Kratky was awarded 2nd place in
oil in the 23rd Annual Hagaman Art Show and Sale held
October 4 and 5, 2014 at Pawling Hall, Hagaman. The
show had 60 artists participating and was juried by Stu
Marion recently had two oil paintings accepted in the
Adirondack Juried Art Show at the Lake Placid Center
for the Arts (LPCA). The show ran from September 26
to October 18.
Currently Marion has works on exhibit at the SVAN
Gallery, Main St., Northville, the Vail Mills Visitor Center sponsored by SVAN and North Country Arts at the
Chestertown Gallery.
NCA members Bob McDermott and Linda Zila will be
doing a photography show in North Creek's Tannery
Pond during the month of January, 2015. The event's
name will be "Africart" and will showcase photos taken
during their June, 2013 safari in southern Africa
(Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa).
Jacquiline Touba, Ph.D.
The exhibition will open on January 4th and close on
January 30th. There will be a reception and video
presentation on Saturday, January 17, at Tannery
Pond from 5 p.m. to 6:30 pm.
NCA Sponsor
For further information contact Tannery Pond at
(518) 251-2505.
NCA’s 2nd Floor Gallery at City Hall
Exhibit Schedule
Glens Falls , NY
42 Ridge St., Glens Falls, NY
Mon– Fri, 9 am-4 pm
Continuing through the month of January, Don Russell’s watercolors will be
exhibited at NCA’s 2nd Floor Gallery in
the Glens Falls City Hall. The walls will
be filled with Don’s 40 paintings and
20+ drawings centering around three of
Don’s passions: people, pugs and politics.
Don Russell - Watercolors & Mixed Media
December 1, 2014 - January 30, 2015
Reception: Thursday, December 18, 6 PM - 8 PM
February 2 - 27, 2015
Reception: Thursday, February 19, 6 PM - 8 PM
Don credits Mrs. Mahoney, his high school art teacher, for motivating his interest in art, and has high praise for the classes he’s
taken with NCA member Betty O’Brien. Presently he continues
his art education at SUNY Adirondack.
A Bolton Councilman from 1992-1996, Don has always had
political interests and strong political opinions as viewers of his
watercolors will readily notice. One painting, “Benghazi Briefing,”
is especially critical of the administration’s handling of the tragic
Benghazi bombing which killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya.
A pug owner, Don portrays them in many imaginative ways.
Often he depicts pugs as flying gargoyles. One painting is titled,
“Pickled Pug,” and is intended as a Thanksgiving holiday painting
(not shown).
In a disclaimer, Don states, “All opinions, obvious or implied, are
solely that of the artist and not necessarily those of NCA or
NCA’s sponsors and affiliates.” Viewers may find this exhibit controversial, but always imaginative, engaging, and accomplished
with a mastery of the watercolor-tempera medium.
NCA’s 2nd Floor Gallery at City Hall,
Glens Falls, NY
NCA members are reminded that the Members’
Show for 2015 is coming up in February.
All members are invited to exhibit one piece of artwork.
Art is to be dropped off between 10:00 AM - 12 noon
Saturday, January 31, 2015.
The reception will take place on Thursday, February
19th, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. All mediums are acceptable.
Dave Francis - Pastels
March 2 - April 3, 2015
Reception: Thursday, March 19, 6 PM - 8PM
We are looking for artists who would like a solo or group show
in the 2nd Floor Gallery in 2016.
For information about how you can have a show at the 2 nd Floor
Gallery, please contact Linda Walker at (518) 798-0992.
City Hall, Glens Falls , NY
NCA’s 2nd Fl. Gallery will exhibit
Dave Francis’ pastel paintings for
the month of March, 2015 with a
reception, Thursday, March 19th,
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
A Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America, and a
recipient of the Master Pastelist Designation with the Pastel
Society of America, Dave has won many awards for his work.
Since 2004 he has exhibited his paintings in many northeastern
states as well as in Michigan and New Mexico.
Like many NCA artists, Dave is self-taught. Also like many
outstanding, award winning artists, Dave continues to study and
develop his work. One thing that is important to him in his art is
the striving for better realism. “Imagined Realism” is the term
Dave uses to describe his work. He applies this style to the still
life painting of toys and bricks, to anything that fires his imagination. He likes the challenge of animating still life with personality
and humor.
Dave began his career painting pastel portraits from photographs and then painting landscapes. He finds that the pastel
medium gives a dry, more natural color than other mediums.
Viewers will appreciate the vibrant colors and imaginative
subjects of Dave’s paintings.
Please e-mail articles for the newsletter to Editor, Chrissey Dittus, at or call (518) 573-5550.
This is a quarterly newsletter so articles need to be sent 3 weeks before the issue to allow time for proofing and printing, i.e.
by March 8th for Apr-Jun Issue. Website articles should be e-mailed to Kate Austin-Avon at at any time.
Art in Chestertown Schedule
6378 State Route 9, Chestertown, NY
The North Country Arts 2015 Workshop Series
will be held mainly at the Shirt Factory in Glens
Falls. To maintain a manageable fee structure,
NCA applied for a NYSCA Decentralization
Grant to help fund the fees of the workshop artists. Decisions have not been made concerning
the grant at this time.
For information about the gallery and to learn how you can
display your work in the gallery, please contact Fred Holman
at or at (518) 803-4034.
The details of dates, times and specific location
will be forthcoming in a Workshop Brochure. It
will also be announced on NCA’s website.
NCA’s Glens Falls Gallery Schedule
RARE eARTh Gallery 176 Glens St., Glens Falls, NY
There will be 11 workshop artists giving multiple
hour workshops which will take place mainly on
Saturdays during the spring, 2015. When it is
more convenient for the artist and participants,
the workshops may be given on Wednesday
during the week.
Hours of Operation:
Wednesdays—Saturdays, 11am - 6 pm
Sundays, 12 pm - 6 pm
1st Exhibit: January 23 - February 28, 2015
Opening Reception, Friday, Jan. 23, 6 pm-8 pm
Closing Reception, Saturday, Feb. 28, 2 pm-4 pm
Drop Off Art - Fri. or Sat., Jan.16 or 17
Pick-Up Art after closing recep. Feb. 28 or Sun. Mar 1
The artists involved are as follows:
Linda Buerkley - Collage, - 2 days
David Francis - Pastels
JoAnn Johnson - Paper Batik
Charlene Leary - Textiles - silk dyeing
Chris Gregson Moss - Reverse Applique
Elizabeth O’Brien - Expressive Drawing
Corey Pitkin - Portraits
Tom Ryan - Watercolor, Plein Air
Cynthia Soroka-Dunn - Digital Photography
Dennis Wilson - Chip Carving
2nd Exhibit: March 13, 2014 - April 25, 2015
Opening Reception, Friday, March 13, 6 pm-8 pm
Closing Reception, Saturday, April 25, 2 pm-4 pm
Drop Off Art - Fri. or Sat., March 6 or 7
Pick-Up Art after closing recep. Apr. 26 or Sun. Apr. 27
You may request a contract for entering your artwork
from NCA by e-mailing:
Space will be limited so anyone interested in
pre-registering for a workshop, please contact
Dennis Wilson at
NCA member Maria Clara (Castano)
Russell won the beautiful chip-carved
tray created and donated by NCA
member Dennis Wilson.
The winning raffle ticket was drawn from
over a hundred tickets at the opening
reception of the Art in Chestertown
Gallery’s “Bright Holidays” exhibit.
This exhibit runs through Saturday,
January 3, 2015 with a closing reception
from 2 pm - 4 pm.
Hope to see you there!
Raffle drawing with Fred Holman & Bob McDermott
North Country Arts’ Juried Art Show at the Crandall
Public Library Friends Gallery was held December
1-31, 2014.
New Members
Susan Darrin
Sharon Lee Roberts
Anne Vaccaro
Stacy Webb
Michelle Winnie’s Juror’s Choice Awards were
presented at the opening reception on Thursday,
December 4, 2014:
Ann K. Casselman for “Line of Thought”
Carol Law Conklin for “Growing Sun Energy on Garden”
William Coeur de Ville for “Fan of Wine Among Other Things”
JoAnn Johnson for “Wedding at Positano”
Katherine Torpey for “Barcepus”
Renewed Members
Joanna Albertson**
Lynn Rae Ashley
Nancy Austin
Kate Austin-Avon*
David Avigdor
Nancy Bakemeier
Carol Barrett
Chip Beers
Tony Belle
Rodney Bentley
Linda Buerkley
Ann Casselman
Paul Chapman*
Matt Chinian
Dorothy Christiansen
Dawn Clifford
William Coeur de Ville
Ruth Crotty
Susan Darrin**
Barbara Erwood DeLoria
Penny Downs
Leonard Frazier
Lise Fuller
Linda Gilbert-Schneider
Carol Gregson
Kris Gregson-Moss
Helga Grobel
Gerri Groff
Cathy Hall
Sally Higgins
Brandon Himoff
Caressa Himoff
Fred Holman*
Al Hutchinson
Lynn Jacunski
Hyacinth Johns
Congratulations to these award winners for their
exemplary artwork.
Welcome to new NCA Board Member Carol Barrett
Carol Barrett has taught Beginning Watercolor Painting at the former
Adirondack Community College’s evening division and recently was the
workshop instructor for a Paint N Sip session at the Lower Adirondack
Regional Arts Center (LARAC). Her painting, “The Dancer,” is currently
being used by LARAC since they rebranded their logo.
Carol is a member of several local arts organizations including
LARAC, Lake George Arts, North Country Arts and Upper Hudson Valley
Watercolor Society. She is a past president of UHVWS and is currently
on the Board of Directors of North Country Arts.
Welcome to new NCA Board Member Anne Smoczynski
Anne Smoczynski has a Master’s Degree in Education from SUNY
Buffalo and taught high school business courses for eleven years. She
has served on fundraising committees for numerous not-for-profits and
on the Board of Directors of Adirondack Children’s Troupe and currently
the Boards of North Country Ministry and North Country Arts.
She has written and received grants, created websites and hardcopy and digital newsletters, and presented workshops. Anne has
worked as an Arts Consultant, assisting artists with the business side of
the arts as well as presenting workshops.
NCA Sponsor
Renewed Members
Neil Johns
Wendy Joy-Hayes
Diane Signe Kline
Marion Kratky
Lisa LaMothe
Ann Larsen
Gary Larsen
Emily Latterell
Jim Lauricella
Dolores Marinelli
Bob McDermott
Bernice Mennnis
Jan Palmer
Chip Perone
Donald Polunci
Nancy Polunci
Wayne Rizzo
Kathleen Roberts
Tom Ryan
Bev Saunders*
Jon Segan
Nanson Serrianne
Christopher Smith
Anne Smoczynski **
Cynthia Soroka-Dunn
Pamela Stendardi
Diane Swanson
Lynn Thomas
Tim Thomas
Dr. Jacquiline Touba***
Judith Tully
Larry Vanderburgh
Alice Vollaro
Linda Walker
Stacy Webb
Lacey Weigand
Carol Werner
Carol Whitney***
Dennis Wilson
Linda Zila
* Web member
** Contributing member
*** Supporting
Membership Application - NCA
North Country Arts encourages artists and art enthusiasts to join our thriving organization. We are a
volunteer, non-profit arts organization supporting local art and emerging artists. Become a member today
and enjoy events, artist workshops, and an array of other opportunities offered by nca.
__ New __ Renewal
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: ________________________ City ___________________________ State ______ Zip_______
Telephone: __________________________ Email: _________________________________________
Website: _________________________________________
I am interested in volunteering: ______
Membership Categories
__ Individual $20
__ Family $35
__ Group $50
__ Contributing $50
__ Supporting $100
__ Web $50
__ Patron $250
Please make checks payable to nca and mail to:
North Country Arts, 6 Pine Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801
6 Pine Street
Glens Falls, NY 12801
nca 6