St. Michael the Archangel - Louisville


St. Michael the Archangel - Louisville
St. Michael the Archangel
The Monthly Newsletter of
St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church
Louisville, Kentucky
May 2012
Brothers and Sisters,
Christ is risen!!! Truly He is risen!!!
With this joyous proclamation we greet each other throughout the Paschal
season. It is a proclamation of joy because it means freedom. Freedom from
death and decay, freedom from passions and sin, freedom from darkness and
ignorance, freedom from anger and resentment, freedom to begin anew
amidst the healing power of Christ within us.
We can choose to carry not only the words of the season but the joy of the
season throughout the year. The women saw the empty tomb of Christ and
chose to be joyful and proclaim the Resurrection. The men at first chose to
disbelieve their story and remain in sadness. Luke 24:8-11
St. Seraphim of Sarov speaks about this joy:
You cannot be too gentle, too kind. Shun even to appear harsh in your treatment of each other. Joy, radiant joy, streams from the face of him who gives
and kindles joy in the heart of him who receives. All condemnation is from
the devil. Never condemn each other. We condemn others only because we
shun knowing ourselves. When we gaze at our own failings, we see such a
swamp that nothing in another can equal it. That is why we turn away, and
make much of the faults of others. Instead of condemning others, strive to
reach inner peace. Keep silent, refrain from judgment. This will raise you
above the deadly arrows of slander, insult and outrage and will shield your
glowing hearts against all evil."
What we choose is up to us. Let us choose to have glowing hearts filled with
joy, thanksgiving, and compassion to our neighbor. Christ is risen!!!
Your father and fellow pilgrim,
Father Alexis
On the Feasts of
Ascension &
News From Around
St. Michael
Icons at St. Michael
Midwest Antiochian
Women’s Retreat
Upcoming Family
Midwest Parish Life
“Six Days of
Images at St. Michael
May/June Calendars
Orthodox Book Club
3701 St. Michael Church Dr.
Louisville, KY 40220
(502) 454-3378
On the Feasts of the Ascension & Pentecost
come alive, that our life should change, that the
chasm should be closed which divides what is
Godly in each one of us from what still belongs to
corruption, sin and death . Let us spend this time
in expectation and in prayer, so that when together
we sing the prayer of invocation to the Holy Spirit,
“Come, and abide in us,” it should not be just a
routine prayer, but the culmination of our longing
for God and our love of God, so that our weakness
should be laid open before Him as the soul can
open itself to love and joy. And then, however
sinful and weak we may be, we shall be able to
receive once again, in a new way, a new measure
of that grace which makes us nearer and dearer to
God, that God Who entered into glory in the flesh
that bears unhealed the wounds inflicted by our
sin, because our sin still persists.
We are coming up on the period between the feast
of the Ascension of the Lord and the feast of
Pentecost. The prophet Isaiah says that He – the
Christ to come – was wounded for our sins, that
He took our frailties upon His shoulders and that
by His wounds we are healed.
When we think of the Risen Christ appearing to
His disciples and giving them His hands to touch,
inviting St. Thomas to test the reality of the
wounds on His hands, feet and side, we tend to
forget that in His Ascension Christ also bore in
His flesh the wounds inflicted by our sins. That
— in some incomprehensible way — Christ, not
only risen, but having ascended into heaven and
sitting in glory at the right hand of God the Father,
bears in His human flesh the wounds that human
sin has inflicted. He still carries our human frailty
on His shoulders, and both Christ’s
Resurrection and the terrible days of His
Passion are now enshrined in the mystery
of the Triune God. All the sorrow of the
world, the sin, the pain, and the horror
were laid on Christ, and neither by His
Resurrection nor by His Ascension did He throw
them off. Christ remains the Lamb of God slain
before the creation of the world for the salvation
of the world.
In his Ascension Christ also bore in His
flesh the wounds inflicted by our sins.
How wonderful is our God! With what gratitude
can we contemplate Him for we who are but halfbelievers, we who live so badly are loved by Him,
He believes in us, He hopes all things, and by His
strength He can give us everything if only we give
Him the right, the power over us, the opportunity
to act freely. Let us then prepare reverently for the
coming of the Holy Spirit upon us.
When on the day of Pentecost He sends down His
Holy Spirit on His disciples, on the Church, and
into the whole world, He sends it as it were in a
double way. On the one hand we are the Body of
Christ, living, tortured and wounded throughout
the ages, bearing on ourselves the wounds of the
Savior, fulfilling in ourselves that which was
lacking in the earthly sorrows and physical
suffering of Christ. For the Church is called upon
to be the Body of Christ which is broken for the
sins of men and for the salvation of mankind. And
because we are that Body, however unworthy we
may be, we participate in this gift of the Holy
From a sermon delivered by Metropolitan Anthony of
Sourozh on May 18, 1980.
But on the other hand the Holy Spirit descends on
us not just because we are already joined to Christ,
but because we are frail, weak, and sinful, and
only the strength of God which is made perfect in
human weakness is able to save us. It is not only
as the Body of Christ that we receive the Holy
Spirit, but collectively as a sinful society, and
individually as sinners desperately in need of the
strength of God for our salvation.
For this reason we must prepare ourselves for the
feast that will be upon us. We must come to it in
our frailty, but with absolute openness, with all our
longing for God in order that our souls should
Our St. Michael Pre-School Students
on Palm Sunday, April 8
News From Around St. Michael
Organizational Reports and Upcoming Events
Kroger gift card several times during the year, we
could easily fund the trip to the Antiochian Village
and provide more scholarships. The gift card works
like a debit card that can be loaded at check-out or
the customer service desk at your nearby Kroger.
The card can be used for gas or groceries. For each
dollar that is put on the card, Kroger will donate 4%
to the fund. Please see Mindy for questions
regarding this program or contact her via e-mail at
The Care Calendar project is a webbased system that helps to organize
meals for our St. Michael families
during needed periods (births,
illnesses, deaths, etc.). Currently, we
are not aware of any families in need of the Care
Calendar. However, if you know of someone, please
contact Father Alexis ( or
Michelle Nicholas (
This is a wonderful ministry, and is open to all
families in the St. Michael community. Also, thank
you to those who helped provide meals to the Hunter
family after the birth of Brian and Kendra’s third
Dates for Session I at the Village are June 17-29 for
two weeks and June 17-24 for one week. Contact
Charles or Brittany Abdelahad with questions.
The Village is now in “unchartered territory” with
over 1,000 registered campers (a record!!). For those
who have not yet registered, there might be an
opportunity to get a room. Additional cabins are
currently being built and should be ready by the first
session (so there is hope!). The Summer of 2012 is
going to be unbelievable, so don’t miss out! To
learn more, go to
camp.html or contact Charles or Brittany Abdelahad.
Thank you for your continued support. We
recently donated approximately $400 worth of
ham to the Healing Place for their Easter
Dinner. They are always so happy when we
are able to help. Your Welfare Fund also continues
to donate $100 each month to the St. Michael Food
Pantry. Please remember the box for monetary
donations to the Welfare Fund is located in the
church’s Narthex. May God continue to bless you
for your support.
Make plans now to celebrate
Mother’s Day with your
church family on Sunday,
May 13. A full meal will be
prepared by the men of St.
Michael after Divine Liturgy. Tickets are $10 for
teens and adults 13 years and older and $5 for
children 12 years of age and under.
The St. Michael choir would like
to thank the community for their
support during Lent, Holy Week
and Pascha. The choir – and
chanters – participated in all the
daily services for the entire Lenten cycle, and we
were blessed to have this opportunity to serve you.
We are currently taking a much-needed break and
will return to holding weekly practices beginning in
The St. Michael Chapter of OCF
held its last meeting for the 2011
spring semester on April 17. On
that day, we held Bright Tuesday
Vespers with Fr. Larry from
Church, in conjunction with the Episcopal Student
Ministry. Thank you to Fr. Alexis and Fr. Larry for
their guidance and assistance throughout the past
school year. We will start up St. Michael’s OCF
Please help support our St. Michael
campers who will be attending the
Antiochian Village this summer by
obtaining a Kroger Gift Card from
Mindy Diemer. If you would use the
again in late August when the 2012-2013 school year
begins. Please continue to contact us via our
Teen SOYO will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast on
Saturday, June 9 at Applebee’s as a fundraiser.
More details will be available in the Sunday bulletin
and on the St. Michael website as the event gets
THE CHALLENGE! June 23-July 3 or July 10
Attention High School Juniors & Seniors! Before
you decide what to do with the
rest of your life, make a decision
about this summer! CrossRoad
is an engaging ten-day summer
institute for Orthodox Christian
high school juniors and seniors
of all jurisdictions. It takes
place each summer on the campus of Hellenic
College/Holy Cross School of Theology in
Brookline, Massachusetts. CrossRoad will offer two
sessions. Students from across the United States and
Canada are invited to take part in an exciting
summer vocation exploration program designed to
help them discern their life callings and match their
God-given gifts with the needs of the world.
Thank you to everyone who donated books, DVDs,
CDs, and video games to U of L’s Honor Student
Council’s Fair which raised money for Kosair
Children’s Hospital. As always, your generosity is
greatly appreciated.
Also, thanks to those who donated candy and plastic
eggs for the Children’s Easter Egg Hunt held after
Agape Vespers on Sunday, April 15. We had over
1,000 eggs that were hidden across the St. Michael
As always, please feel free to contact Charles or
Brittany via email with suggestions or questions
All high school, college, and grad
school graduates are asked to submit
their photo and information to the
church office no later than Sunday,
May 27. Our graduate recognition
day will be held on Sunday, June 10.
Now in its seventh year, CrossRoad combines the
greatest gifts of Hellenic College and Holy Cross
Orthodox School of Theology through faculty
instruction and participation, an enthusiastic staff of
graduate students, a beautiful campus, and the
exciting city of Boston. Students participate in daily
classes with Orthodox faculty and attend Vespers
each evening at parishes throughout the Boston area.
Through a generous gift of the Francis Maria
Foundation for Justice and Peace, the Antiochian
Archdiocese will grant several $2,500 scholarships
to students attending an accredited college. A
completed 2012 Francis Maria Scholarship
Application and all supporting documentation must
be postmarked by May 15 and received by May 22.
Scholarships will be granted in July.
Go to for more
Teen SOYO is gearing up for the
Parish Life Conference (June 28July 1) and the Antiochian Village
Camp this summer. If you are
interested in participating in the
Bible Bowl and/or the Oratorical
Festival at the Parish Life
Conference, please reach out to Charles or Brittany
Abdelahad. We continue to study the Book of
Romans on Wednesday evenings with Father Alexis.
St. Michael is blessed to have so many
families to serve. Father Alexis and
others have sought to provide many
programs that allow us to gain more
knowledge and enrich our spiritual lives.
As we grow in our understanding of our
Lord and how He would have us live our lives, we
seek ways to help Him. Our charity and stewardship
Applications may be downloaded from the website at, or by calling (617) 8501309. Applicants must currently be in their junior or
senior year of high school, and scholarships are
available for all participants.
toward others is a reflection of our love for Him.
Currently, the Church School has two programs that
can use your help. No donation is too small.
just as He would never turn away from us. We
don’t take “summer breaks” from this blessed
“Hands Across the Sea ~ India” – As you have
seen in the Sunday bulletins and on the walls of the
Parish Hall, we are now accepting donations that
will help a school in India as they strive to improve
the lives of many. If you are able to contribute,
please make your checks payable to “St. Michael”
and write “India” on the memo line. If it is a cash
donation, please put it in an envelope marked
“India.” You may place your donation in the
collection basket on Sundays, send it to the church
office, or give it to Janice Deeb Gritton.
Your St. Michael Parish Council
took a “break” during the month of
April in order to journey through
Lent with the rest of the community.
Even though we didn’t “officially”
meet, the following tasks were
Electrical work around the St. Michael
A new dance floor in the Church Hall,
refinishing of the stage in the Church Hall, and
repairing the carpet in the Double Classroom.
Lenten “Food for the Hungry” Boxes – Our
Church School children can deliver their boxes to
the Church Narthex from now until the end of May.
Thank you for this stewardship that will help to feed
many in our area and abroad.
Thank you to all those that have donated their time
talents, and funds to see these projects through!
Our next meeting will be held on Monday, May 7.
The last day of Church School will be on Sunday,
May 13. We all know what a busy world this is. In
many families both parents work, and all families
try to help their children participate in extracurricular activities. So when Sunday morning
arrives, planning to be at church an hour early in
order that the children may attend Church School
seems difficult. However, please know that our
teachers are working to provide interesting and
creative lessons. Won’t you please help us make
these last few Sundays have 100% attendance?
MICHAEL would like to say THANK YOU ….
. . . for your donations for the Pascha Card
— we collected $2,089;
. . . for supporting the Palm Sunday Dinner
and the bread sale — our profit was
... for those who assisted with the breakfast
on Holy Thursday morning; and
. . . to those who dyed eggs for Pascha.
2012 Parish Life Conference Transportation – If
you are interested in attending the Parish Life
Conference (June 27-July 1 in Oak Brook, Illinois)
and would like to sign up for transportation, or have
any questions, please see Mary Jean Ciresi in the
Parish Hall following Divine Liturgy. The deadline
for signing up is Sunday, May 6.
We will also continue our long-established tradition
of providing students with an icon at the end of the
school year. The teachers will present these when
the children arrive for their last class on May 13.
The first grade students will also receive a Bible.
Our celebration will continue following Divine
Liturgy when Father Alexis will call all of the
children and teachers to the altar for a closing
prayer. If your child has been unable to participate
in Church School this year, please ask them to join
us at the altar. This occasion is for everyone!
The Father’s Day Cookout will be held on
Sunday, June 10 following Liturgy. We will be
grilling hot dogs and hamburgers and all the fixings.
Please make plans to attend. The cost is $10 per
family or $5 per person. More information will
follow in the Sunday bulletins. If you would like to
help, please contact Judy Searcy at 267-0767.
As another year of Church School comes to an end,
we know that the lessons learned in these classes, in
Church and in our homes are the lessons that guide
every minute of our lives. We have learned what
our Lord expects of us and we never set that aside,
Antiochian Women Scholarships are available to
women who choose to continue their education to
improve their circumstances and those of their
families. To be eligible, the woman must be at
least 25 years old, be a member in good standing,
be actively involved in the parish, be applying for
or registered in an academic or trade study
program, and demonstrate financial need. The
application deadline is June 1.
For more
( or Dianne O’Regan
commemorate a special event or loved one. The
May, June and July schedules follow below.
Coffee hour dates tend to fill up quickly, so to
secure YOUR date, please contact Meskerem
Eshetu (425-3821) or Kim
Thomas (491-4935)
Coffee Hour Sponsors for the month of May:
Sunday, May 6 — “Kentucky Derby” Pot Luck
Sunday, May 13 — Mother’s Day Meal
Sunday, May 20 — Kiros Gebremariam, Abreha
Genet & Family
Sunday, May 29 — Daniel Tegene, Meskerem
Eshetu & Family
St. Maria Skobstova Committee – For the month
of May, the coordinator will be Bibi Monsky (8951628). For the month of June, the coordinator will
be Nora Mike (491-0452). If you would like to
assist with visits during these months, please call
either Bibi or Nora. Parishioners that are on the St.
Maria list and who do not have visitation
restrictions would welcome more than just the
coordinator’s visits. Everyone in the parish is
invited to participate in visiting on your own if you
would like to do so.
The purpose of the
coordinators is to insure that there is at least one
visit per month for those on the St. Maria list. Jan
Kensicki maintains an up-to-date list and can
readily provide copies. She can be contacted via
email at or by calling her
at 491-6878.
Coffee Hour Sponsors for the month of June:
Sunday, June 3 — “Picnic at the Park”
Sunday, June 10 — Father’s Day Cookout
Sunday, June 17 — Pot Luck
Sunday, June 24 — Mandy Nasr
Coffee Hour Sponsors for the month of July:
Sunday, July 1 — OPEN
Sunday, July 8 — Pot Luck
Sunday, July 15 — OPEN
Sunday, July 22 — Shirley Metry
Sunday, July 29 — OPEN
In May, our Pot Luck will be held on the first
Sunday of the month, May 6. We will have a
“themed” event (it being the day after the First
Saturday in May — the Kentucky Derby!). Please
consider bringing a “Derby” or “Kentuckythemed” dish to share with at least 10-12 others:
For last names beginning with A-F, a salad is
recommended. For last names starting with G-L,
bring an entrée. If your last name begins with M-S,
please bring a vegetable or side dish. And, for last
names beginning with T-Z, please bring a dessert.
Midwest Diocese Women’s Retreat – The
Antiochian Women of the Diocese of Toledo and
the Midwest will be sponsoring their annual retreat
at the Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery
in Rives Junction, Michigan during the weekend of
May 18-20. The retreat leader will be Molly
Sabourin speaking on “Living our Ancient Faith in
a Modern Society” and “Finding Peace in the Midst
of Chaos.” More information follows elsewhere in
this newsletter. Please contact Kh. Anna Kouri
(795-4959) or Dianne O’Regan (930-2671) to
make reservations. The deadline is May 9.
In June, our Pot Luck will be held on the third
Sunday of the month, June 10. (Our “Picnic at the
Park” will be on the first Sunday, and our Father’s
Day Cookout will be on the second Sunday in
June). For last names beginning with A-F, a
dessert is recommended. For last names starting
with G-L, bring a salad or fruit. If your last name
begins with M-S, please bring an entrée. And, for
last names beginning with T-Z, please bring a
vegetable or side dish.
For additional events hosted by the Antiochian
Women of St. Michael, copies of our 2012 calendar
are located in the Church Narthex.
Coffee hours are still available for
sponsorship — it’s a perfect way for you or
your family to honor, celebrate, or
Also, please note the following helpful suggestions
from your St. Michael Coffee Hour Committee:
1) Please remember that we should wait for the
food to be blessed by one of our priests prior to
our partaking of it.
2) In order to show respect for our clergy and their
families who serve us every day of the year,
please permit them to be served first, followed
by members of the choir and the elderly.
3) Many of our families have special dietary
needs, including foods that are gluten-free.
There are those who cannot partake of our
monthly potlucks because these foods are not
available. We wish to accommodate all St.
Michael families, so a table will be provided in
the future for certain types of foods. If you
have a restricted diet (gluten-free), or other
dietary needs, please contact Meskerem Eshetu
or Alana Sheldahl. We would like to organize
a group to participate in bringing these types of
4) Finally, please remember to clean up and take
any personal pans, dishes, serving trays,
utensils, etc. before leaving the Parish Hall.
Prices are $10 for adults and $5 for children.
Reservations will be taken after church through
Sunday, May 6 or you can e-mail or call Sarah
Najjar ( or 409-5777).
Also, if there is enough interest, we can carpool
from the church at 9:30 that morning.
Our June event will be a Louisville Bats game
(currently scheduled for Friday, June 15) at the
Louisville Slugger Field on Main Street. More
information will follow.
Our July event will be a bring-your-own-picnic and
free viewing of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About
Nothing in Central Park (currently scheduled for
Sunday, July 15). Watch for more details!
Also, as you will read elsewhere in this newsletter,
the Parish Life Conference will be held in Oak
Brook, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago) from
Wednesday, June 27 through Sunday, July 1.
For more information on any of these events,
please feel free to contact Sarah Najjar at 409-5777
(home) or via email at
A spring retreat for young
adults was sponsored by the
Fellowship of St. John the
Divine during the weekend of
March 30-April 1 at St. Mary’s
Basilica in Livonia, Michigan.
His Grace Bishop ANTHONY, Father Joe Abud
(from St. George, Flint, Michigan), and our own
Father Alexis, were the guest speakers. Over 60
young adults from 13 parishes throughout the
Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest were in
attendance. (Photos can be found elsewhere in this
edition of the newsletter.)
Mark your calendars for St. Michael’s
Annual “Picnic at the Park” on
Sunday, June 3 following Divine
Liturgy at the Pavilion across from
Hogan’s Fountain in Cherokee Park. We will have
a cookout, and basketball courts and a playground
are nearby. More information is located elsewhere
in this newsletter and in the Sunday bulletins.
OCCHY is a national and local
community network which was founded
to address substance abuse prevention
and healthy living for our youth. It
seeks to unite the Orthodox Church with
public and private professionals and
community advocates. On Saturday, April 28, St.
Michael, along with the Louisville Metro Police
Department, sponsored a “Prescription Drug Drop”
for expired medications. The LMPD sponsors this
event several times each year in order to stop
prescription medications from being dumped into
the land fills. Unused prescription drugs are also
Our Family Bowling Day was held on Saturday
afternoon, April 28 at Fern Bowl on Bardstown
Road. We had a great time, with fellowship and
fun thrown in with some friendly competition!
On Saturday, May 12, we will visit the Kentucky
Derby Museum and Churchill Downs. The event
will be held from 10 a.m. – 12 noon. We will
begin the day with a film about the historic track
(20 minutes), followed by a self-guided tour of the
museum (45 minutes), followed by a guided tour of
Churchill Downs (approximately 30 minutes).
commonly used (and abused!) by teenagers.
Orthodox Studies — On Monday, April 16,
Father Alexis concluded the current series of
Orthodox Studies classes. We hope to be able to
provide written transcripts from some of these
classes in the future. Father Alexis also has copies
of handouts that were provided to those who
attended. Please check the Sunday bulletins and
the newsletter for future classes.
The 2012 Parish Life Conference will be held
outside of Chicago at the Double Tree Hotel in Oak
Brook, Illinois from Wednesday, June 27 through
Sunday, July 1. The PLC is a great way to meet
people from other Orthodox churches throughout
the region. In addition to meetings of the various
organizations (Fellowship, Ladies, Teens), there
are activities such as the Bible Bowl, Oratorical
Festival, and Creative Arts Projects, to name a few.
Look for additional information in this newsletter
and in the Sunday bulletins regarding travel and
hotel arrangements. We hope to have a large group
attend from St. Michael so that we can support the
2012 PLC as well as advertising our sponsorship of
the 2013 event! Also, registration for both the
conference – and the host hotel – can be made online at “Early Bird”
ticket books and hotel rooms are available for a
discounted price through May 15.
Our next blood drive will be held on
Sunday, May 6 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.
in the Double Classroom. Please contact
Jan Kensicki at
for an appointment, or go directly to the Red Cross
website at Click on the
box that says “Make a Blood Donation
Appointment” (found on the upper right of the
screen) then enter Sponsor Code 0244296. If you
would like to make soup or help to sign in donors
and in the canteen area, please let Jan know.
There is box in the Parish Hall coat
closet for used cell phones. Please
make sure your SIMS card and any
personal information, e-mails or
contacts are removed before
placing your donations in the box.
Adult Orthodox Study — Our
Sunday morning Adult Orthodox
Study classes will conclude on
Sunday, May 13, at the same
time as the Church School.
Please check the bulletin and the
newsletter throughout the summer months for
other educational opportunities. We will resume
our Sunday morning classes at the same time as
the Church School.
Women’s Study — We meet every Monday at
noon in the Parish Hall Library to study the
Scriptures, the worship services of the Church,
current events, and more.
Men’s Study — We meet on the first Saturday of
the month usually at 8 a.m. in the Parish Hall
Library and discuss scripture relating to living the
Christian life as a male in contemporary society.
Check the calendar and bulletins for any changes
in dates or times.
Tuesday Night Bible Study — We gather
following Vespers in the Parish Hall Library and
are led by Deacon Kyrill in St. Paul’s Letters to
the Corinthians.
Teen Study — The teens are currently studying the
Book of Romans for the upcoming Bible Bowl at
the 2012 Parish Life Conference. Contact Charles
or Brittany at for details.
We also hope you have been saving your electronic
equipment: Computers, monitors, wires & cables,
small appliances, cell phones and televisions! We
are working on a date to host this event some time
this summer and will let you know as soon as it is
It’s never too early to start planning for the hazy,
lazy days of summer (and warm, sunny weather),
and what better way to spend it than with your St.
Michael family! In 2012, our Vacation Church
School — for all ages — will be held during the
week of July 9-13. More information will follow
in future bulletins and newsletters. If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact Theron or
Beth Mathis at 290-2979.
The Parents’ Prayer Group meets every Wednesday
from 1-2 p.m. in St. George Chapel (except for the
week of the Senior Luncheon, when we meet on
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.). We are led by Father
Alexis, and it is open to anyone who would like to
pray as a community for the welfare of our
children, grandparents, godparents, fathers,
mothers, aunts, uncles and concerned friends.
Please join us!
on Great and Holy Friday. The meal always
follows the Service of Christ’s Un-nailing from the
Cross and prepares us for the evening services
Blessings on all those who participated in our
annual Evening Vigil that immediately
followed the Matins service on Friday
evening and lasted until the start of the
Vesperal Divine Liturgy on the morning
of Great and Holy Saturday. Members
of our community stayed by the Tomb
of Christ throughout the night and early morning
hours and read from the Book of Psalms by
Thank you to our Ethiopian brothers and sisters
who kicked-off our fundraising projects for the bell
tower and our campers by taking orders for Lenten
meals. Each person who paid $5 received red split
pea, yellow lentils and cabbage, and Injera bread.
The net proceeds totaled $477.
In the future, we would like to offer other ethnic
food sales, including Arabic, Greek, Indian,
Romanian, Russian, etc., and will be looking for
people who want to organize and help take lead.
Please contact the Church Office if you are
interested. At present, we have one volunteer for
Arabic food sales, but need additional assistance.
Please help us in our fundraising goals!
Thank you to all those who helped to clean St.
Michael Church, as well as the incredible and
beautiful decorations and floral arrangements by
Amanda Jacobs and Jaclyn Journey and their crew,
that graced the Narthex and Nave.
Thank you to Ron Metry for donating the food for
the Senior Luncheon in March, as well as the new
television for the community room. All members
of St. Michael are welcome to join us on the
second Tuesday of each month in the Holy Trinity
Apartments for food and fellowship!
Thank you to our resident chefs, Jon Vernak,
Charles Abdelahad and Mike Harris
(and their able assistants!), for the
following the Resurrectional Divine
Liturgy early on Sunday morning.
Thank you also to Vicki Kastanis who helped with
the brunch after Agape Vespers.
The “Six Days of Creation” iconography workshop
will be held during the week of August 5-11, 2012
at Asbury Seminary. The seminary is located in
Wilmore, Kentucky (southwest of Lexington, and
approximately 75 miles from St. Michael). For
more information, go to
A “60 Minutes” episode on the shrinking
Christian population in the Holy Land
aired on Sunday, April 22. Bob Simon
reported on the slow exodus from the
Holy Land of Christians (especially
Orthodox). The show is available for viewing via
The roses for Great and Holy Friday
were donated in loving memory of
Anthony and Jean Thomas by their
children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren. May their memories be eternal!
Would you like to learn how to say the Paschal
Greeting in even more languages than the ones that
we use at St. Michael? If so, check out the “Pascha
Polyglotta” website which has the text and voice
recordings for over 250 different languages! Go to
Thank you to the Knobby, Michael and Mitchell
Metry and Wayne and Mindy Diemer families for
sponsoring (and cooking!) our annual Pasta Dinner
Icons at St. Michael
The meaning behind the many images at our church
Holy Equals-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, first teachers of the Slavs (May 11)
The two saints were brothers, born in Thessalonica. St. Methodius, the eldest, served as a soldier for ten
years before becoming a monk. Cyril was the librarian at the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople and became a monk shortly after Methodius. Their first missionary
work was to teach the Khazars (a Mongol people), ultimately converting the Khazar
king to Christianity, along with many of the nobles and commoners. When King
Rostislav of Moravia likewise sought teachers of the Christian faith, Cyril and
Methodius again went forth. This time they devised an alphabet for the Slavic language (based on Greek but adding characters to indicate sounds particular to Slavonic), and used it to translate many of the Greek service books into the language of the
people. Both brothers were repeatedly attacked by Germanic priests of the region,
who opposed the use of the common tongue in the liturgy. At different times, both
St. Cyril and St. Methodius were forced to appeal to the Pope of Rome for protection, who always supported them. After the two saints reposed, attacks on their
work continued, and their disciples were eventually driven from Moravia. Fleeing
south, their disciples found a warmer welcome among the southern Slavic peoples,
and their work bore fruit in Bulgaria (including modern-day Serbia) and other countries. The alphabet that they devised, called Cyrillic after St. Cyril, remains the
standard alphabet of both the Slavonic service books of the Church and the Slavic
languages of today. (The icons of St. Cyril and St. Methodius are located in the
southeast corner of St. Michael.)
Holy Equals-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine and Helen, his mother (May 21)
St. Constantine was born in 272, the son of Constantius Chlorus, ruler of the
western part of the Roman Empire, and St. Helen. Upon the death of his
father in 306, Constantine was proclaimed successor to the throne. The empire was ruled at that time by several Caesars, each with his own territory.
When Constantine learned that the Caesars Maxentius and Maximinus had
joined against him, he marched on Italy. It was on the eve of a decisive battle outside Rome that he saw a radiant Cross in the sky with the words, “In
this sign conquer.” He ordered that a battle-standard be made bearing the
image of a cross and inscribed with the Name of Jesus Christ. The following day he and his forces were victorious, entering Rome in triumph and
being proclaimed “Emperor of the West” by the Senate. In 312, Constantine issued the “Edict of Milan,” which granted freedom of religion throughout the Empire and legalized Christianity. Constantine’s brother-in-law,
Licinius, who ruled in the East, pretended to accept the Edict, but continued
to persecute Christians in his domain. In response, Constantine fought and
defeated Licinius in 324, becoming sole Emperor of the entire Roman Empire. In 324, Constantine founded a new capital and named it “New Rome”
and “Constantinople.” In 325 he called the First Ecumenical Council at
Nicea, attending its sessions himself. Shortly before his death in 337, he
was baptized as a Christian and died on the Feast of Pentecost at the age of
sixty-five. St. Constantine’s mother, Helen, founded countless churches.
She traveled to Jerusalem and found the True Cross on which the Lord was crucified. In the Holy Land she
established churches at the sites of Christ's Nativity and burial. She died at about eighty years of age. (The
icon of St. Constantine and St. Helen is located on the left side of the iconostasis of St. Michael.)
Saturday, May 12
Don’t even THINK about attending the Kentucky Derby this year (it’s sold out!). Instead, you can
visit the Kentucky Derby Museum and Churchill Downs with the St. Michael community one week
AFTER Derby Day — on Saturday, May 12 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
The Kentucky Derby Museum sits on the front steps of historic Churchill Downs. At the museum,
you can watch every running of the “Greatest Two Minutes in Sports” on video, enjoy hands-on
exhibits, and experience the thrill of Derby Day on a 360 degree screen. We’ll follow our visit to
the Kentucky Derby Museum with a tour of Churchill Downs.
The price for the event is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Reservations will be taken after
church through Sunday, May 6, or you can e-mail or call Sarah Najjar ( or
409-5777). More information on the site can be found at
“PICNIC AT THE PARK” — Sunday, June 3
Our Annual “Picnic at the Park” will immediately follow Divine Liturgy and the Graduate Recognition on Sunday, June 3 (be sure to bring a change of clothes). The
event will be held at the Pavilion/Teepee across from Hogan’s Fountain in Cherokee Park, located at the top of the “Scenic Loop.” The
site can be accessed via numerous roads, including I-64, Cherokee
Parkway, Grinstead Drive or Taylorsville Road and plenty of parking is
Bring a blanket and lawn chairs (lunch will be provided). We have reserved the entire Pavilion from 1 to 6 p.m. There are grills, as well as
fields in which to play soccer or Frisbee, a basketball court and playground, and hiking trails.
Cherokee Park was one of the first properties designed by renowed architect Frederick Olmsted
(who also designed Central Park in New York City). The 409 acre park was originally “built” in
1887 and was considered one of the most famous in the United States. In April 1974, over 2,500
trees and 4,000 shrubs were destroyed by a tornado that also damaged large sections of Louisville. Approximately one year later, every tree and shrub that was lost to the tornado was replanted and patterned after the park’s original design. Today, Cherokee Park provides rolling hills,
open meadows, and woodlands near Beargrass Creek.
For a map of the park and the picnic site, go to
Recent Images at St. Michael
Some events over the past month
Retreat at the Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery
Antiochian Women of St. Michael
March 23-25, 2012
Recent Images at St. Michael
Some events over the past month
Young Adult Spring Retreat at St. Mary’s Basilica, Livonia, MI
sponsored by the Midwest Fellowship of St. John the Divine
March 30 — April 1, 2012
Recent Images at St. Michael
Some events over the past month
Recent Images at St. Michael
Some events over the past month
Recent Images at St. Michael
Some events over the past month
Recent Images at St. Michael
Some events over the past month
Keegan Baldauf, Chrismated on Saturday, April 14
Wayne Lyle, Chrismated on Saturday, April 14
Spyridoula Kastanis, mother-in-law of Vicki Kastanis
Karl Mindeman, brother of Katie Taylor
Friday, June 15
Come out to Louisville Slugger Field on Friday, June 15 with your St. Michael family and
watch the Louisville Bats (the Minor League Baseball Team for the Cincinnati Reds) take
on the Rochester Red Wings (the Minor League Team for the New York Yankees)! The
game begins at 7:05 p.m., and is followed by a Fireworks Show! The normal “ballpark
food” will be available –- hot dogs, brats, and beer — and nearby parking is abundant (and
safe!). Please check upcoming Sunday bulletins, newsletters, and emails for additional
announcements regarding prices. For more information on the Louisville Bats, go to
The Catholicos of India, Baseliose Thomas I, surrounded by hierarchy and priests from the Indian Orthodox Church, blessing the cornerstone of a new hospital sponsored by the Orthodox Church. Our own Fr. George and Chinnu Geevarghese were taking part in the
ceremony. Fr. George is the President & Chief Operating Officer of the project. He is standing on the far left of the first picture and
on the left with Chinnu in the second picture.
St. Michael Calendar
May 2012
7:00 am Matins
7:00 am Matins
8:00am Men’s
Bible Study
10:30 am Food
6:00 pm Great
1:00 pm Parents’
Prayer Group
6:00 pm Vespers
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Bible Study
7:00 am Matins
7:00 pm Food
Pantry Prep
9:15 am Matins
9:30 am Church
10:30 am Divine
(Followed by
Derby Pot Luck)
12:30 pm Red
Cross Blood
12 noon
Women’s Study
7:00 am Liturgy for 7:00 am Matins
St. John the
10:30 am Parents’
Prayer Group
12 noon Senior
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Teen Bible
Study & B-Ball
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Parish
Council Meeting
7:00 am Matins
9:15 am Matins
9:30 am Last Day
of Church School 12 noon
10:30 am Divine
Women’s Study
12:30 pm
Mother’s Day
9:15 am Matins
10:30 am Divine
(Followed by
Coffee Hour)
7:00 am Liturgy for
Sts. Constantine
and Helen
12 noon
Women’s Study
6:00 pm Great
Diocesan Antiochian Women’s
Retreat at Dormition Monastery
6:00 pm Vespers
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Teen Bible 7:00 pm Choir
Study & B-Ball
24 Ascension
7:00 am Matins
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Choir
7:00 am Matins
12 noon
Women’s Study
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Bible Study
1:00 pm Parents’
Prayer Group
6:00 pm Great
7:00 am Matins
1:00 pm Parents’
Prayer Group
6:00 pm Vespers
6:00 pm Vesperal
7:00 pm Bible Study
Liturgy for Feast
of the Ascension
7:00 am Matins
1:00 pm Parents’
Prayer Group
7:00 am Liturgy
for Sts. Cyril and 10:00 am
Fellowship at KY
Derby Museum
& Churchill
7:00 am Matins
7:00 am Matins
9:15 am Matins
10:30 am Divine
(Followed by
Coffee Hour)
Deadline to Turn
In Graduate
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Choir
6:00 pm Great
Following the practice of the
Patriarchate of Antioch, the
period from Pascha until
Ascension is fast free. In
honor of the Resurrection of
Our Lord God and Savior
Jesus Christ, the usual fast
days of Wednesdays and
Fridays need not be
St. Michael Calendar
June 2012
Confessions will be heard on Sundays from 9-10 a.m., as well as
after weekday services or by appointment.
7:00 am Matins
8:00 am Men’s
Bible Study
10:00 am Food
6:00 pm Great
Dairy Allowed
Fish Allowed
Wine Allowed
7:00 pm Food
Pantry Prep
Strict Fast — No Fish, Wine or Dairy
7:00 am Matins
7:00 am Matins
9:15 am Matins
10:30 am Feast of
Pentecost Divine
12:30 pm Picnic in
the Park (Pavilion
at Cherokee Park)
7:00 am Matins
7:00 am Matins
7:00 am Teen
SOYO Pancake
Breakfast at
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Choir
7:00 am Matins
9:15 am Matins
10:30 am Divine
12 noon
Women’s Study
12:30 pm Graduate
Sunday (followed
by Father’s Day
7:00 pm Parish
Council Meeting
10:30 am Parents’
Prayer Group
5:30 am Divine
Liturgy for those
going to Village
Camp (Chapel)
9:15 am Matins
9:30 am Church
10:30 am Divine
Liturgy (followed
by Pot Luck)
7:00 am Matins
6:00 pm Great
7:00 am Matins
12 noon Senior
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Bible Study
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Choir
7:00 am Matins
12 noon
Women’s Study
6:00 pm Great
7:00 am Matins
1:00 pm Parents’
Prayer Group
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Bible Study
7:00 am Matins
9:15 am Matins
10:30 am Divine
6:00 pm Orthodox
Book Club
1:00 pm Parents’
Prayer Group
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Bible Study
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Choir
7:00 am Matins
6:00 pm Great
29 Sts. Peter
and Paul
7:00 am Matins
12 noon
Women’s Study
Midwest Parish Life Conference in Oak Brook, Illinois
6:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Bible Study
6:00 pm Vespers
6:00 pm Great
For its next selection, the Orthodox Book Club will read “The Screwtape Letters,” by C. S. Lewis.
Who among us has ever wondered if there might not really be a tempter sitting
on our shoulders or dogging our steps? C. S. Lewis dispels all doubts. In The
Screwtape Letters, one of his bestselling works, we are made privy to the instructional correspondence between a senior demon, Screwtape, and his wannabe diabolical nephew Wormwood. As mentor, Screwtape coaches Wormwood in the finer points, tempting his “patient” away from God.
Each letter is a masterpiece of reverse theology, giving the reader an inside
look at the thinking and means of temptation. Tempters, according to Lewis,
have two motives: the first is fear of punishment, while the second is a hunger
to consume or dominate other beings. On the other hand, the goal of the Creator is to transform us through His love from “tools into servants and servants
into sons.” It is the dichotomy between being consumed and subsumed completely into another’s identity or being liberated to be utterly ourselves that
Lewis explores with his razor-sharp insight and wit. The most brilliant feature
of The Screwtape Letters may be likening hell to a bureaucracy in which “everyone is perpetually concerned about his own dignity and advancement, where everyone has a grievance, and where everyone
lives the deadly serious passions of envy, self-importance, and resentment.”
The next gathering of the Orthodox Book Club will be held on Sunday, June 24, 2012 at 6 p.m. at the
home of Jan & Paul Kensicki.
If you would like to be added to the Orthodox Book Club distribution list, please contact Paul Kensicki at
St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church
Phone/Fax: (502) 454-3378
Stephen Jacobs, Choir Director
Dianne O’Regan, Newsletter Editor
Very Rev. Fr. Alexis Kouri, Protos
Send Newsletter Information to:
Deadline for submissions is the 20th.
Very Rev. Fr. Kunnathu (George)
Geevarghese, Associate
Very Rev. Fr. Gregory Wingenbach,
Deacon Kyrill Schaefer
Deacon Andrew Leake