Newsletter April 2016 - The Federation of Fairfield Infant and


Newsletter April 2016 - The Federation of Fairfield Infant and
Dear Parents and Carers,
A jumbo newsletter this time! Just so much good news to share with
you all including some lovely photographs of the end of term awards
and the school play which was, as always, a phenomenal success. It
was a pleasure to hear all your great comments about 'Pig' and good
to know that it's not only us who think our children are very
talented. Many congratulations to all our amazing talented children
and the equally amazing Mrs Livingstone and the staff team who
supported her.
April/May 2016
Fairfield Infant School
High Road West
IP11 9JB
Tel: 01394 283206
Fax: 01394 283895
Colneis Junior School
Colneis Road
IP11 9HH
Tel: 01394 284052
Fax: 01394 273425
Unfortunately on May 9th I will be going into hospital to have a large
ovarian tumour removed. Regardless of the further treatment I may
or may not need I am told that I will be recovering for the rest of
this term and not back at school until September. Mrs Marks and Mr
Rimmer are all ready for my departure! We have worked together to
ensure that we have made all necessary arrangements to ensure that
the Summer term runs as smoothly as possible. I am very grateful to
them both and all the Fairfield and Colneis staff for their desire to
do all they can to help. It’s at times like these that I’m very aware
of the great team we have. I know that you too, as always, will
continue to support the school in every way you can.
Very best wishes to you all, especially to parents of children in year
six who will leave us this summer.
Mrs Jane Reed
Letter Mrs Reed 1
Fairfield 2-6
Colneis 7-16
Joint School 17-21
Term dates 22
Information on the school website
We would encourage you to log on to the school website to find helpful ways to assist your child.
Recently added:
Information on the upcoming Jump Rope For Heart sponsored event can be found by clicking on the
information banner at the top of each page or clicking on the ‘Curriculum’ tab, and ‘Special Events’.
Friday 22 April, 1.15-3.15pm Science course for Parents held at Fairfield (week 1 of 5)
Thursday 5 May Nursery children walking to fruit market
Friday 6 May Year 1 Victorian Day
Thursday 12 May Year 1 trip to Jimmy’s Farm
Saturday 14 May, 2-4.30pm Friends of Fairfield Summer Fair
Commencing Sunday 15 May Christian Aid Week (see page 6 for details)
Monday 16 May, 1.30pm Reception Open Afternoon*
w/c Monday 16 May Jump Rope Skipping fundraiser for British Heart Foundation
Monday 23, Tuesday 24, Wednesday 25th May Book Fair Visit
Wednesday 25 May, 8.50-10am Reception Stay and Play
Friday 27 May PD Day
Monday 30 May – Friday 3 June Half Term
Wednesday 8 June, 8.50-10am Reception stay and play
Wednesday 8 June Y2 visiting Y5 buddies at Colneis
Tuesday 14 June Pantomime ‘The Railway Children’ for pupils only
Friday 17 June Year 1 den building day—parents invited in for the morning
Monday 20 June, 11am-12pm Tour of Colneis for parents of Y2 children moving to Y3
Monday 20 June Year 2 trip to the beach
Thursday 23 June, 1.30-2.30pm Tour of Colneis for parents of Y2 children moving to Y3
Tuesday 28 June, 1.30-2.30pm Tour of Colneis for parents of Y2 children moving to Y3
Wednesday 29 June, 1.30pm Y2 Parents’ Open Afternoon
Thursday 30 June, am Olympic Sports
Monday 4 July Year 2 to Pipers Vale
Friday 8 July Reports Home
Monday 11 July Nursery Sports Day
Monday 11 July Y2/Y3 swap over day
Monday 11 July, 6-7pm Parents’ meeting at Colneis for Y2 pupils moving to Y3
Wednesday 13 July, 3.30-5pm Parents’ Open Evening
Thursday 14 July Sports Day (9.00-10.00am Reception, 10.10-11.10am Y1, 11.15-12.15pm Y2)
Friday 15 July Nursery graduation day
Wednesday 20 July Nursery Party
Wednesday 20 July End of Summer Term
Monday 5 September Start of Autumn Term
* The Parents’ Open Afternoons: Parents are invited into school to work alongside their child in the classroom in a
practical curriculum based activity which supports learning. This will be followed by tea in the hall and the chance
to talk to members of the Senior Management Team and a School Governor.
Fairfield Assemblies
The following classes will be leading our assemblies at 10.25am:
Thursday 5 May*
Thursday 12 May
Wednesday 18 May
Class 1R
Class RC
Class RD
Wednesday 29 June
Tuesday 19 July, 2pm
Class RA
Year 2 leavers assembly
* Family members are invited to stay for a short presentation to learn more about the Year One Phonics Screening
Check that takes place in June.
Pupils’ Success
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for data protection purposes
Gate Locked at Rear of School
Could we please remind you that the back gate is locked at 9am and re-opened at 3pm. If the
gate is locked, please do not attempt to jump the fence. This could cause injury to yourself and
damage to school property.
Fairfield Uniform Price Increase
For the first time in a number of years, it is necessary for us to increase the price of our school
uniform. This is due to the increased cost to the school in purchasing the items.
With effect from the summer term (April 2016), the new prices will be:
Legionnaire’s Hats
Knitted Hats
Book Bags
PE Kits (consisting of an embroidered PE bag, embroidered t-shirt and shorts)
You can place your order at the school office or by visiting the school shop on ParentMail.
Year One Open Afternoon
At our latest open afternoon, parents joined their children to make Easter wreaths. They had to
use a variety of skills including measuring, cutting, joining and attaching in order to complete the
wreaths. Everyone really enjoyed the afternoon and the children were proud of their work which
they took home at the end of the day. It was lovely to see so many parents and the children
sharing and working together throughout the afternoon.
Lunchtime/After School Clubs
The Lunchtime/after school clubs for the summer term are underway. There are still limited
places on some of the courses. If you would like to book a place for your child, please see the
information below on how to book. Places are given on a first come, first served basis on receipt
of payment. You will not receive a confirmation of booking, however if you have been unsuccessful
in gaining a place you will be informed.
Tennis Afterschool Club
For Reception, Year 1 & Year 2
Running from Monday 25th April to Monday 11th July (no session 2nd May), 3.20-4.20pm
10 weeks at £30.00
Any queries, contact coach Lysette Fulcher on 07889972214.
To book, please collect a form from the school office.
Lunchtime Dance Club
For Year 1 & Year 2
Running from Tuesday 19th April to Tuesday 12th July, 12.15-12.45pm
12 weeks at £18.00
Any queries contact: hamiltonschoolofdance@gmail
To book, please collect a form from the school office.
Premier Sport: Multi-sports Afterschool Club
For Reception, Year 1 & Year 2
Running from Tuesday 12th Apr 2016 to Tuesday 19th Jul 2016, 3.15-4.30pm
14 weeks at £56.00
To book Premier Sport courses, log on to or call 01473 427010
Sports Crazy Afterschool Club
Premier Sport: Football Afterschool Club
For Reception, Year 1 & Year 2
Running from Thursday 14th Apr 2016 to Thursday 14th Jul 2016, 3.15-4.30pm
13 weeks at £52.00
To book Premier Sport courses, log on to or call 01473 427010
Premier Sport: Gymnastics Afterschool Club
For Reception, Year 1 & Year 2
Running from Friday 15th Apr 2016 to Friday 15th Jul 2016, 3.15-4.30pm
12 weeks at £48.00
To book Premier Sport courses, log on to or call 01473 427010
PCSO Visit to Fairfield Nursery
The Nursery children enjoyed a visit from our local Police Community
Support Officers. They were able to try on a police jacket and see
inside the police van. They children also discovered how the police
help in our community.
Friends of Fairfield Summer Fair, Saturday 14th May
Friends of Fairfield would like to invite you to the ‘Royalty’ themed Summer Fair on Saturday
14thMay 2016 2-4.30pm, scheduled to coincide with the Queens 90th Birthday celebrations.
Back by popular demand is Punch and Judy, tickets will be available to purchase in advance, more
details will come out via Parentmail. New for this year are stalls from our local businesses selling
books and children’s toys to name a couple.
Also at the Fair you can expect :
A Bouncy Castle, Games & activities, Story Tent, Sand craft, Photo booth, BBQ and tea/cake
refreshment and Tombolas along with a number of other activities and we welcome the children
dressing up for a parade.
Refreshments - this year each class will be sponsoring a refreshments table, decorating it in
either a Royalty or Seaside theme and we invite parents and carers to provide the cakes /
biscuits for the table. The tables & cakes will be judged and a prize provided for the winning
class in each year.
As always we are very grateful for donations, the sort of items we are looking for are:
Raffle prizes (tickets available to purchase on the day)
Tombola items (new unwanted gifts such as candles, toiletries, bottles, chocolates, preserves,
tins, books and DVD’s)
Toys, books and games that are in good condition
Sweets for the Sweet Tombola
Fruit for the Fruit Tombola.
Helpers on the day are appreciated, if you are able to help out then please let the school office
Dig Deep for Worms
Christian Aid week is where people all over the country join together to raise money and
awareness for Christian Aid, a charity that wants to change things for people who are less
This year Christian Aid week commences on the 15th May 2016. The focus is on ‘Wonderful
Worms’ and in class we will be looking at how, in Bangladesh, worms are an extremely helpful aid
in helping others to grow enough food to live. A wormery composting unit in Bangladesh costs
The children will be looking at how worms eat up waste
products (like cow dung!) and turn it into lovely, nutritious
compost for them to grow their vegetables.
During Christian Aid week we will be making printed worms
in class for the children to take home and we are joining in
the fundraising activity by asking you to ‘Dig Deep for
Worms’. We would be grateful if you could attach any spare
change to the printed worm and return these to school by
Monday 23rd May.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Mr Gooch and Mrs Wheeler
Friday 22 April, 1.15-3.15pm Science course for Parents held at Fairfield (week 1 of 5)
Tuesday 3 May, 6-7pm Y6 Mersea Residential Meeting in the School Hall for Parents and Children
Week commencing Monday 9 May Year 6 SATS week
Week commencing Monday 16 May Y6 Battle of Britain week
Wednesday 18 May, 1.30pm Year 4 Parents open afternoon*
Friday 20 May Y3 trip to Foxburrow Farm
Friday 27 May PD Day
Monday 30 May–Friday 3 June Half Term
Week commencing Monday 6 June Year 6 to Mersea Island
Tuesday 14 June M&M Theatre Production of Railway Children
Friday 17 June, 1.30pm Year 3 Parents in for Rainforest Mask Making
Tuesday 21 June Y6 World of Work at FXA
Thursday 23 June, 5-7pm Friends of Colneis Summer Fair
Thursday 30 June Olympics Day – cross year groups team activities
Tuesday 5 July Sports Day
Friday 8 July Friends of Colneis Summer Disco
Monday 11 July Y2/Y3 swap over day
Week commencing Monday 11 July Y5 Tudor week
Thursday 14 July Year 6 Beach study day
Thursday 14 July Y5 Parents’ Open Morning*
Thursday 14 July, 3.30-5pm Parents’ Open Evening
Friday 15 July Year 6 Leavers Disco
Wednesday 20 July End of Summer Term
Monday 5 September Start of Autumn Term
* The Parents’ Open Afternoons: Parents are invited into school to work alongside their child in the classroom in a
practical curriculum based activity which supports learning. This will be followed by tea in the hall and the chance
to talk to members of the Senior Management Team and a School Governor.
Colneis Assemblies
The following classes will be leading our assemblies at 10.20am:
Wednesday 4 May
Wednesday 25 May
Wednesday 8 June
Thursday 9 June
Thursday 16 June
22 June
29 June
6 July
13 July, 2pm
Class 4T
Class 5S
Class 4M
Y6 Leavers assembly
Family members are then invited to join their child’s class following assembly
to share numeracy or literacy based activities
Pupils’ Success
This information has been removed
for data protection purposes
‘Pig’ - What a Performance!
At the end of the Spring term, Colneis Productions (Mrs Livingstone and Mrs Kellett) put on an
amazing play written by Ted Payne and music and lyrics written by Andy and Wendy Rayner. The
play was another triumph with the main character, Pig/Babe being played by Ewan, with support
from Joshua who played Farmer Hoggett and Lily who played Fly. They were all wonderful and
were supported by an amazing cast of 100 pupils from Year 4, 5 and 6. Nearly 800 people saw the
play and all had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed it. Many thanks to all the children who
were the true stars and all the adults who helped with the singing, costumes, staging, make up,
dances, sound, lights and even refreshments! Well done everyone. DVD's will be available to buy
at £8 from Colneis Office soon.
A Step Back in Time for Year 6
Year six recently took a step back in time, spending a day in the life of a WWII evacuee.
The evacuation drama began from the moment children arrived at school on Tuesday morning,
dressed in clothing similar to that worn during the war. All children carried their gas mask boxes,
identity cards and ID labels with them as they walked in silence to wait for their trains. The
drama was kept as realistic as possible; children were referred to by their ID numbers and did
not know where they would be evacuated to, or how long the journey would take.
Once at their destination, children were billeted. This involved various locals inspecting the
children’s suitability for a range of roles such as help on dairy farms, seamstresses and help with
housework. Some children were not chosen for being too chatty or too cheeky, and some were
even sent back for speaking out of turn! The children reflected on how it made them feel to be
‘chosen’ to join families, or even not chosen at all, and all recognised how terribly scary it must
have been for the WWII evacuees.
The children also spent a period of time acting out a typical day in a village of evacuees – some
children took on roles as adults (e.g. ARP warden, surgeon, butcher, teacher), whilst others took
on the roles of the evacuated children. Children found this very engaging, eagerly adopting their
roles and acting the way they imagined they should. The surgeon tended to patients with bad
backs and ankle pains, the farmer rose early and gathered his eggs, and the Vicar led prayers for
the soldiers away at war.
Throughout the course of the week, lessons were taught in the style they would have been during
WWII. This involved learning by rote, addressing children by their surnames and teachers as
‘Miss’ or ‘Sir’, and exercise drills on the playground. Children carried their gas masks with them at
all times, knowing that an air raid would be imminent. Whenever the siren did sound, children dived
under the tables for cover until the all clear siren rang.
Children also spent an afternoon participating in a Blitz drama to experience what it would have
been like to walk the streets during a black out. This involved small groups of blind-folded children
being led around various obstacles, such as fallen bricks and pipes, which were set up to resemble
a street during the Blitz.
A Step Back
in Time for
Year 6
Y6 WWII Project
Our Year 6 students worked extremely hard creating their World War II projects.
‘Alfie Strange’ Workshop
Following on from the 'Alfie Strange' production watched by
Years 3 and 4, the children took time looking at 'values' and
producing freeze frames to show a value of their choosing. It was
an excellent production and the children really enjoyed the
Year 4’s St Lucia Week 22-26 February
During Year 4’s St Lucia Week we did a lot of exciting activities. The best thing we did was
making banana bread. Everyone tried a piece of banana bread, it smelt lovely! We also made pom
pom Anansi spiders out of wool with pipe cleaner legs. They were all very colourful. We also
learnt how to dance like the people in St Lucia. There were a lot of steps. You needed a partner
and a big space! We also created a new flag for St Lucia using our knowledge of the island. We
learnt all about the journey of a banana, which is how the bananas travel from St Lucia to be
here in England. But the most important day was Friday when we did lots of drama role play and
Written by Martha, Harriet, Eva, Eden, Flo, Eve, Sophia and Alex M.
Message in a Bottle
We were delighted to receive a letter from a gentleman who lives in Denmark, who had found a
bottle on the beach with a letter from a past Colneis pupil. It would be great to track Adam down
to let him know that his message has been received almost 19 years later! If you recognise the
name, we’d be pleased to hear from you.
Dear Colneis Junior School
and I walked along the
Two weeks ago, my girlfriend
, Vedersø. I found.. among
beach of western Denmark
of plastic garbag
(unfortunately!) large heaps
of plastic, where I could see
beach, a small greeni
like a letter, and it did! It wa
that it contained something
am Emery
written by a boy named Ad
n on November 28 1997.
school. The
He writes:
Christmas a Goldeye game.
Dear friend. I would like for
from Adam Emery.
What would you like? Love
ress of your school. The lett
At the top he writes the add
pale green
was written with pencil on
enclosed a photo of it.
ignment, to send a bottle ma
Perhaps it was a school ass
Perhaps something
and see how far it would go.
many years the bottle has
Nevertheless, consideri
was in very good shape,
been underway in water, it
plastic bottle and pulled the
although wet. I cut open the
dried on a radiator, and as
letter out very carefully, and
you can see it has very little
who sent the letter?
Maybe you can find the boy
nk it’s interesting, that a pup
Anyway, I hope that you thi
er so long ago
from your school sent a lett
d ashore across the North
fact, after many
e drifted on the water most
Sea, in Denmark. It must hav
of the time.
Kind regards,
Michael Olsen
8800 Viborg
Swimming for Suffolk
Congratulations to Beth and Aidan for representing Suffolk at the swimming inter-counties event
held at the UEA pool in Norwich. Participants represented Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk
we we are delighted to announce that Suffolk won. Well done on your achievement Beth and
Year 3 Recreate Sutton Hoo
On Monday 29 February Year 3 enjoyed a session with Mr Payne finding out about Sutton Hoo and
the Anglo-Saxons. We heard the story of King Raedwald and his burial and imagined we were
rowing along the river Deben and then moving the ship up the hill to Sutton Hoo. We found out
about the objects that were discovered under the mounds at Sutton Hoo and thought about why
they were put there. We then worked in groups to recreate the scene using school objects to
represent the different items of treasure.
Time Travelling Tales
Mrs Livingstone recently ran a writing competition for Young Writers called 'Time Travelling
Tales'. The following children were selected to have their story published in a book of the same
name: Kaitlyn, Cara, Emily, Pippa, Jessica, Harry, Kaci (all Year 6) and Maisie (year 5). Well done
to all for your amazing stories of time travel.
Friends of Colneis Summer Fair, Thursday 23rd June 2016
The Summer Fair is being held on Thursday 23rd June from 5pm-7pm. Please add the date to your
diary and do come along and support the school in our biggest fundraising event of the year.
We are looking for a main sponsor for 1st prize and also printing costs of raffle tickets. It would
be wonderful if there was a local business able to sponsor these. For more information or if you
are able to help in any way, please contact Tracey Spalding or leave a message at the school
office. More information will follow nearer the time. Thank you.
Invaders and Settlers
Our Year 3 pupils worked incredibly hard on their invaders and settlers project. Well done to
you all!
Ear Piercing
Whilst we do not encourage this, if you are considering having your child’s ears pierced please
could you arrange to do so at the beginning of the summer school holidays so that the earrings can
be removed for PE and swimming when the children return in September.
The Federation of Fairfield and Colneis—Governor News
There are two changes to the membership of the governing body this term. Whilst Miss Donnelly
is on maternity leave, Mrs Letts has been co-opted onto the governing body as an associate
governor. Also joining us as an associate governor is Emma Sheppard. Emma has expertise in the
area of Human Resources. We do not have any vacancies on the governing body and between us we
have a wide range of skills and expertise. The names of governors are available on the school web
On 27th April, all the governors from the local primary schools were invited to Felixstowe
Academy to meet with their governing body and meet the Principal. We were given a tour of the
school and talked about transition from primary to secondary school. It was an interesting
At the first governors’ meeting of the term, there will be two topics. The first will be an update
on the Swimming Pool given by Brian Clark who chairs the swimming pool committee. Mrs Marks
will talk to us about the Pupil Premium and the interventions that are used to support children’s
learning. Governors have a responsibility to ensure that this money is being well used to improve
Celia Davies
Chair of Governors
‘Purely for Parents’ – a parents and carers guide to online safety
In Suffolk, Felixstowe Academy are raising awareness of e-Safety in order to build e-Safer
communities. To achieve this, parents and carers are offered the opportunity to attend
Awareness training which will provide you with the necessary skills to keep yourselves and
others safe online.
Felixstowe Academy is committed to safeguarding the children and young people who are part of
the Academy community. You are therefore invited to attend a session which is ‘Purely for
Parents’ on one of the following dates:
Tuesday 24 May 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Monday 13 June 1.00pm – 2.30pm
Wednesday 6 July 9.00am – 10.30am
Please let Felixstowe Academy know if you are able to attend one of the sessions by contacting:
Golden Ticket Winners!
For reading 4 times (or more) a week—our Golden Ticket Winners are:
Daisy —class RA, Luca —class 1A, Ella —class RC, Euan —class 2L, Jack —class 1M
Ellie Rose —class 4T, Ruby —class 4M, Charli —class 5A, Mia —class 4T, Sophie —class 6S
SwimSure Swim School Ltd
Colneis Community Pool, Felixstowe
Let us teach your child to swim!
Term time places available for an immediate start!
Pre-school classes held on Mondays - early afternoon & Thursday mornings
Small groups – maximum 4 children per class
Adult and Child classes held on Thursdays for children aged 4 months- 3 years.
Lessons available for children of all ages and abilities every day after school
And Saturday mornings.
Plus, half term holiday Crash Courses
Tuesday 31 May – Friday 3rd June (4 day course- £31.20 per child)
Suitable for children 3years+
Bookings being taken now!
To book, or for more details, email
or Phone 01473 613269
Follow us on Facebook for updates to our programme.
Star Writer Awards
Winner: Sienna
Maths Investigator Awards
Cross Country Awards
Work Cup and Behaviour Cup
Winner: Fleming
Drama Awards.
Winner: Ewan
Fairtrade Awards
Class 6S—Tidy Classroom Award
Abigail and Michael receive the cup
MDSA Award for helping and
good behaviour at lunch times
Music Awards
Progress Awards. Plate Winner: Jake
Most Improved
Handwriting Awards
Courtesy Awards
Cup Winner: Maria
Moment to Shine Awards
Cup Winner: Jeny
Kindness Awards
Winner: Poppy
Celebrating spring term success
at Fairfield and Colneis
during the end of term
awards assembly
Courtesy Award
Cup Winner: Tabitha
Trying Your Best Award
Cup Winner: Shayne-Lee
Sports Relief Success
Thank you for your support raising money for Sports Relief day. The children
added a splash of red to their uniforms and enjoyed making their own fruit
kebabs. Over both schools we were able to forward a total of £512.22 to this
worthy charity.
Fairfield MDSAs
arranged a ‘Guess the
Name of the Bear’
Congratulations to Ethan
Phillips from class 1R who
correctly guessed
‘Champion’ bear.
The whole school enjoyed making some
healthy and delicious fruit kebabs.
The children took part in a Sports Relief ‘Sheeplechase’
Remembering Matthew
Mr Crump and the Eco
Warriors planted a
flowering cherry in
memory of Matthew
Wooby who until July
2015 had been a pupil
at Colneis. Matthew
died in February 2016.
Coastal Parenting Hub
Speaker: Children in divorce and separation (CIDAS)
A service for Children aged 4 – 18 years old who are having difficulty
dealing with their parents' separation
Date: Friday 6th May 2016
Time: 9:30am -11:30am
Where: Salvation Army, Cobbold Road, Felixstowe
ChatHealth—the school nurse messaging service
There’s a new number for texting our school nurse from your mobile phone. ChatHealth, the
school nurse messaging service, is confidential and available Monday to Friday from 9am to
4.30pm. You can message for advice on all kinds of health issues, like toileting, emotional health
and wellbeing, bullying, healthy eating and any general health concerns. The text number for this
service is 07507333356
You can still get in touch with the school nurse in the same way as you might have done before,
if you prefer. To find out more about the School Nurse service and for local contact details
please see the website; Alternatively ask in school for more
School Milk Is Available For ALL Children
A portion of fresh, chilled milk at mid-morning break provides protein, calcium and other vital
nutrients, important for your child's growth and development. It's also a great way to bridge the
gap between breakfast and lunch, re-hydrating your child and helping them to concentrate in
If you would like your child to receive milk during school (with the exception of Nursery and
Reception who automatically receive milk), please contact Coolmilk to register your child. Visit and select "Register your child for milk here", then follow the on-screen
instructions to register and pay.
If your child is over 5 and entitled to benefit-based free school meals, school will fund the cost
of their milk on your behalf. Please contact the school office if you think you may be eligible.
Should you have any queries regarding your child's registration or milk supply, please do not
hesitate to contact Cool Milk directly at or call 0844 854 2913.
Term dates for 2015-2016
Summer Term 2016:
Start of Summer term:
Bank Holiday:
Half term:
End of Summer term:
PD days:
Tuesday 12th April
Monday 2nd May
Monday 30th May-Friday 3rd June
Wednesday 20th July
Monday 11th April
Friday 27th May
Thursday 21st July
Term dates for 2016-2017
Autumn Term 2016:
Start of Autumn term:
Half Term:
End of Autumn term:
PD day:
Spring Term 2017:
Start of Spring term:
Half term:
End of Spring term:
PD day:
Summer Term 2017:
Start of Summer term:
Bank Holiday:
Half term:
End of Summer term:
PD days:
Monday 5th September
Monday 24th October-Friday 28th October
Tuesday 20th December
Thursday 1st September
Friday 2nd September
Thursday 5th January
Monday 13th February-Friday 17th February
Friday 31st March
Wednesday 4th January
Wednesday 19th April
Monday 1st May
Monday 29th May-Friday 2nd June
Friday 21st July
Tuesday 18th April
Monday 5th June
School closure information
For further information on school closures due to severe weather or any other unforeseen
difficulty please tune into the local radio stations or log on to the following websites —
Heart FM on 97.1 or 96.4 FM, Town FM on 102 FM, Radio Suffolk 95.5, 95.9, 103.9 or
104.6 FM,,,