Five Year Integrated - Annamalai University
Five Year Integrated - Annamalai University
Annamalai University A State University Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC Faculty of Arts Faculty of Science Faculty of Marine Sciences Faculty of Indian Languages Faculty of Education Integrated Programme Admissions - 2016 Five year Integrated Programmes Prospectus 2016-2017 Information & Instructions to Candidates CHANCELLOR : His Excellency Dr. K. ROSAIAH Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu PRO-CHANCELLOR : Thiru P. PALANIAPPAN Hon’ble Minister for Higher Education Government of Tamil Nadu VICE-CHANCELLOR / : Prof. Dr. S. MANIAN REGISTRAR (i/c) : Dr. K. ARUMUGAM CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS (i/c) : Dr. RM. CHANDRASEKARAN Annamalai University, one of the largest unitary, teaching, and residential Universities in Southern Asia, was established and incorporated in the year 1929 as per the Annamalai University Act 1928 (Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1929). Now, the Annamalai University Act, 1928 has been repealed and replaced by the Annamalai University Act, 2013 (Tamil Nadu Act 20 of 2013). His Excellency the Governor of Tamil Nadu is the Chancellor of the University. CONTENTS I. About the University 03 II. Facilities 04 III. Five Year Integrated Programmes 08 IV. Eligibility Criteria 10 V. Method of Selection 12 VI. Reservation of Seats 12 VII. Fees & Scholarships 13 VIII. Code of Conduct 18 IX. General Instructions 19 Faculty of Arts Department of Commerce Department of Economics Department of English Department of History Department of Library & Information Science Department of Philosophy Department of Political Science Department of Population Studies Department of Sociology Centre for Rural Development Faculty of Science Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology Department of Botany Department of Chemistry Department of Earth Sciences Department of Mathematics Department of Physics Department of Statistics Department of Zoology Department of Microbiology Department of Computer & Information Science Faculty of Marine Sciences Faculty of Indian Languages Department of Tamil Faculty of Education Department of Psychology 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 Established in 1929, Annamalai University, accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC in 2014, is one of India’s largest public residential universities with Ten Faculties and 49 departments of study. The University has initiated several innovative teaching programmes over the years and has been a pioneer in distance education. About the University About The University Annamalai University has a commendable track record in projects and publications and has been awarded the PURSE Programme by the Department of Science and Technology. Nineteen departments are supported by UGC-SAP, Sixteen by DST-FIST and two departments have attained the status of Centre of Advanced Study. The University has been rated Seventeenth in the country among the Top 100 institutions of Higher Education and Second in the State by SCImago Institutional Ratings. Annamalai University has joint research and innovation partnerships with 24 institutions across the USA, Europe, Australia, Japan, and the UK. The list of partners include prestigious institutes like Karolinska Institute, John Hopkins University, and University of Michigan amongst others. Two of the most notable international collaborations in which Annamalai University is the Co-ordinating Institute include the Indo-EU FUNCFOOD Project and the 21st Century Indo-US Knowledge Initiative. There are several ongoing research projects with international foundations and industrial players like Bayer, CavinKare, Dow Agro-sciences, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, HCL, L&T, Accenture and Huawei. For details visit 3 Facilities II. Facilities Central Library University Canteen 4 Facilities Sports Pavilion Hostels 5 The University Library, named after the eminent scholar, statesman and former Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Sir C.P. Ramaswami Aiyer, serves as a knowledge hub for the students and staff. Quite a good number of journals can be accessed through the Infonet facility. Science Direct is subscribed through which 340 journals can be accessed. 6 The sports complex of the University, spread over several acres, houses facilities including Tennis court complex, basketball complex, volleyball complex, athletic standard track, cricket field & nets, football field, hockey field and a wooden floored indoor stadium. 7 III. FIVE YEAR INTEGRATED POSTGRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMMES (UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM) Duration : Five Years (Full-Time - July to April) Medium of Instruction: : English Programmes Offered The Government of Tamil Nadu in its G.O.(Ms.) No.75 Personnel and M.A. Economics Administrative (M) M.A. English Department dt. 30.06.2011 and M.A. History G.O.(Ms.) No.25 Higher Education M.A. Philosophy, Culture and Tourism (K2) Department dt. 22.02.2013 M.A. Political Science has Reforms recognized all In tegr a ted P . G. Programmes awarded Annamalai equivalent Programmes Five Year Degr ee by the University to as corresponding UnderGraduate offered Degree by State Universities for the purpose of employment in public service. 8 ARTS * M.A. Population and Development M.A. Sociology M.Com. M.Lib.I.Sc. (Library Science) M.R.S. (Master of Rural Studies) Five year Integrated Programmes SCIENCE * M.Sc. Bioinformatics M.Sc. Biotechnology M.Sc. Botany M.Sc. Chemistry M.Sc. Geology M.Sc. Information Technology M.Sc. Mathematics M.Sc. Microbiology M.Sc. Physics M.Sc. Software Engineering M.Sc. Statistics M.Sc. Zoology MARINE SCIENCES * M.Sc. Ocean Science & Technology INDIAN LANGUAGES * M.A. Tamil EDUCATION * M.Sc. Clinical Psychology The University reserves the right to conduct the above programmes, subject to a minimum number of students in each programme. 9 Eligibility Criteria IV. Eligibility Criteria 4.1 Minimum Eligibility Marks FACULTY OF ARTS PROGRAMME ELIGIBILITY M.A. English M.A. History M.A. Political Science M.A. Economics M.A. Sociology M.A. Population and Development M.A. Philosophy, Culture and Tourism M.Lib.I.Sc. M.R.S. Master of Rural Studies A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent thereto M.Com. A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent thereto (Commerce and Accountancy Group only) FACULTY OF SCIENCE PROGRAMME M.Sc. Mathematics M.Sc. Physics M.Sc. Chemistry 10 ELIGIBILITY A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent thereto with a minimum aggregate of 40% marks under academic stream in the following subjects viz. Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry. A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent thereto with a minimum aggregate of 40% marks under academic stream in the following subjects viz. 1. Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics 2. Physics, Chemistry & Biology 3. Physics, Chemistry & Botany 4. Physics, Chemistry & Zoology 5. Physics, Chemistry & Computer Science. A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) Examination OR Equivalent thereto with a minimum aggregate of 40% marks in any one of the following combinations. 1. Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry 2. Biology, Physics & Chemistry 3. Botany, Physics & Chemistry 4. Zoology, Physics & Chemistry PROGRAMME ELIGIBILITY M.Sc. Biotechnology A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent thereto under academic stream any science subject with a minimum aggregate of 40% marks. 1. Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics 2. Physics, Chemistry & Biology 3. Physics, Chemistry & Botany 4. Physics, Chemistry & Zoology 5. Physics, Chemistry & Biochemistry M.Sc. Bioinformatics A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent thereto with a minimum aggregate of 40% marks under academic stream with Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Computer Science. M.Sc. Microbiology A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent thereto under academic stream with Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Computer Science or Biochemistry or Home Science or Agri. or any Vocational Course with Biology or Botany and Zoology. M.Sc. Geology A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent with Science Subject. M.Sc. Statistics A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR an Equivalent examination thereto under academic stream with Mathematics / Statistics / Business Mathematics / Computer Science as one of the subjects. M.Sc. Zoology Eligibility Criteria FACULTY OF SCIENCE A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent thereto with a minimum aggregate of 40% marks under academic stream in the following subjects viz. Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Zoology and Botany. M.Sc. Botany A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) Regular OR Vocational with Botany / Biology OR Vocational course with Agriculture / Plant Protection as one of the Papers. M.Sc. Software Engineering A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent thereto under academic stream with Mathematics, as one of the Subjects. M.Sc. Information Technology A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent thereto under academic stream with Mathematics, as one of the subjects. 11 Method of Selection FACULTY OF MARINE SCIENCES PROGRAMME M.Sc. Ocean Science & Technology ELIGIBILITY A pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent thereto under Academic Stream in the following subjects Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry & Biology. FACULTY OF INDIAN LANGUAGES PROGRAMME M.A. Tamil ELIGIBILITY A Pass in H.Sc. (10+2 level) OR Equivalent thereto. FACULTY OF EDUCATION PROGRAMME M.Sc. Clinical Psychology ELIGIBILITY A pass in H.Sc. (10 + 2) OR equivalent thereto. NOTE: In the case of SC/SCA/ST candidates, a pass is the minimum qualification for all the above Programmes. 4.2 Minimum Age Applicants should have completed 17 years of age as on 01.07.2016. V. Method of Selection Selection of candidates to the above programmes will be made on the basis of the performance of the candidates in the qualifying examination, besides an interview. VI. Reservation of Seats Reservation of seats for candidates belonging to ST/SCA/SC/MBC/DNC/ BC/BC (Muslim)/OC communities will be made as per rules and regulations of the Government of Tamil Nadu. Among the above reservations, 3% of seats have been included for differently abled persons as per norms laid down by the Government. 12 7.1 Tuition and other Fees The details of First Year Tuition and other Fees to be paid by the student are as follows: S.No. Programme Fee (`) 1. M.A. (English, History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Population & Development, Philosophy, Culture & Tourism, Tamil) M.R.S. (Master of Rural Studies) 4,295/- 2. M.Com. 7,195/- 3. M.Lib.I.Sc. 9,295/- 4. M.Sc. Mathematics 6,895/- 5. M.Sc. Statistics 9,495/- 6. M.Sc. (Physics, Geology) 10,595/- 7. M.Sc. Chemistry 11,395/- 8. M.Sc. (Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Botany, Information Technology, Microbiology, Ocean Science & Technology, Software Engineering, Zoology) 14,895/- 9. M.Sc. Clinical Psychology 10,595/- Fees & Scholarships VII. Fees & Scholarships 7.2 ADMISSION TO HOSTEL Admission to the hostel is Compulsory and no associate will be allowed. The room rent and establishment charges will be at the rate fixed from time to time. 7.3 ENDOWMENTS Based on the terms & conditions stipulated hereunder, Medals and Cash Prizes with Merit Certificates will be awarded to eligible students at the time of Founder’s Day Celebrations and Annual Convocation. 13 Fees & Scholarships 14 13 A) FOUNDERS DAY CELEBRATIONS 1. The Annamalai University Prizes for securing the First Rank in all the Five Year Integrated Degree Programmes. 2. Thiru V. Marimuthu Prize for securing the highest marks in M.A. English & Communication Degree Examinations. 3. Thiru B. Anand IAS Prize for securing the First Rank in the M.A. English & Communication Degree Examinations. 4. Hon’ble Justice Thiru S. Ratanavel Pandian Prize for two poor and deserving students of Third Year M.A. Integrated Applied Economics based on performance in the Second year M.A. Examinations. 5. Dr. K.N. Ramanujam Prize for securing the highest marks in the subject “Elements of Accounts” in M.Com. 6. Thiru M. Razaak FCA Prize for securing the highest marks in the subject “Income Tax Law & Practice” in M.Com. 7. Prof. A Subbiah Prize for securing the highest marks (GPA) to outgoing final year student of M.A. Economics/M.A. Applied Economics. 8. Dr. K. Ramaswamy Prize for securing the highest marks up to VIII Semester of M.Sc. (Physics). 9. Dr. Kasthurirangan Prize for securing the highest marks in the subject “Mechanics & Special Theory of relativity” in M.Sc. (Physics). 10. Dr. S.P. Thiyagarajan Prize for Male & Female students securing the First Rank in M.Sc. Biotechnology. 11. Dr. Harsh K. Gupta Prize for securing the First Rank in M.Sc. Ocean Science & Technology. 12. Prof. V.S. Ramamurthy Prize for securing the First Rank in M.Sc. Ocean Science & Technology. 13. Dr.G.Shanmugam Prize for First and Second Rank in M.Sc. Applied Geology. 14. Writer N.C. Mohandoss Prize for securing the First Rank in M.A. Tamil. 15. Pulavar P. Gurusamy Prize for securing the highest marks in First year M.Sc. (Information Technology). 16. The Annamalai Commerce Alumni Prize for securing the First Rank in Integrated M.Com. (I to X Semester) Degree Examinations. Fees & Scholarship B) CONVOCATION 1. The International Conference on Natural Products and Biomedical Technology Prize for securing the First Rank in M.Sc. Biotechnology Integrated Degree Examinations. 2. Dr. M. Ramanathan, Vice-Chancellor Prize for securing First Rank in M.Sc. Ocean Science & Technology (Five year Integrated) Degree Examinations.. 3. Prof. Dr. N. Malathi Endowment for securing First Rank in Third Year Five Year Integrated and First Rank in Fourth Year Five Year Integrated Degree Economics examinations. C) SCHOLARSHIPS SANCTIONED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF TAMILNADU 1. Application Fee Concession to SC/SCA/ST and Converted Christian Students: Entrance/Course Application fees concession is granted to students belonging to SC/SCA/ST Community and Converted Christians by the Government of Tamil Nadu (G.O. No. 111. 22.09.1998). 2. Tuition Fee Concession to SC/SCA/ST and Converted Christian Students: Full Tuition fee concession is granted to students belonging to SC/SCA/ST community and converted Christians under the rule 92 of Tamil Nadu Education Rules by the Government of Tamil Nadu [92TNER]. 3. Post-Matric Scholarship: Covering special fees, examination fees, and maintenance charges will be awarded to students belonging to SC/ SCA/ST Community provided Parents’/Guardian’s income from all sources does not exceed Rs.50,000/- per annum, ST Rs.2,50,000/- per annum, and Converted Christian (converted from SC/SCA/ST ) Rs.2,00,000/- per annum. 4. Higher Education Special Scholarship: In addition to the Post Matric Scholarship, Higher Education Special Scholarship is awarded to hostel students belonging to SC/SCA/ST and Converted Christian community and the number of scholarships is limited by the Government. The parents/guardians annual income from all sources should not exceed Rs 2,00,000/- per annum. 5. Fee Concession to Blind Students: Under rule 92 (TNER), Full Tuition fees concession is granted to blind Students belonging to all communities whose parents/Guardians annual income does not exceed Rs.24,000/-. 6. Scholarships for Women students undergoing P.G Programme: This Scholarship will be awarded to students belonging to SC/SCA/ST Community studying in the Faculties of Arts/Science. There is no income ceiling. 15 Fee & Scholarship LIST OF ENDOWMENTS NAME OF THE ENDOWMENTS Padma Bhushan Dr. Rajah Sir Muthiah Chettiar Silver Jubilee CAS in Marine Biology Endowment Prof. PL. Ramasamy & Tmt Pon. Alagammai Endowment Saijo Lions Club-Madras Poovai Lions Club Endowment Annamalai University Physics Ph.D. Awardees Endowment Shri Sundareswari Muthuthambi Memorial Endowment Ananthathandavapuram Shri Durga Manisundaresa Charities Endowment Dr. Avvai Natarajan Endowment Thiru Meyyappan Chettiar & Late Tmt M. Meenakshi Achi of Shanmuga Sundaram Endowment Shri Mangai Rathinam Endowment South Africa Rangasamy Pakkiri Pillai Dhanalakshmi Ammal Endowment Hon’ble Thiru Justice S. Natarajan Endowment Vi. Micro System (P) Ltd. Endowment Dr. S. Agesthialingam Incentive Endowment Rani Lady Meyyammai Achi Birth Centenary Endowment Hon’ble Dr. Puratchithalaivi J. Jayalalitha Incentive Endowment Shri Subramaniam Memorial Endowment CAS in Linguistics Silver Jubilee Endowment Prof. Rm. Sethunarayanan Endowment Wg. Cdr. K.G. Radhakrishnan Endowment AUETAA Endowment Shri A.R. Lakshmi Achi Endowment Prof. V. Shanmugasundaram Endowment Thiru Ramesh Raminani Community Pharmacy Endowment Er. M.S. Abdul Salam Memorial Endowment AUETAA S. Rajagopal Endowment Pon-Pudupatti M.PL.Rm Family Endowment 16 Kalyan Endowment Prof. M. Ruthinasamy Centenary Endowment S.R.N. Badri Rao Endowment Dr. M.R. Madhavan Endowment Honble Justice V. Rathinam Endowment Fee & Scholarship Goschen Memorial Endowment Major M. Kunchithapatham Manivizha Endowment Rajarathinam Endowment for Ranganathan Scholarship Thiru Kesav Raghavan Endowment Prof. V. Ganapathy Iyer Memorial Research Fellowship Endowment RKSDJ Endowment Bhuvaneswari Sivaprakasam Endowment Srilochani Varadarajalu Endowment His Holiness Arul Thiru Bangaru Adigalar Incentive Endowment Prof. V. Balaiah Endowment FEAT – 1956-60 Batch Engineering Alumini Fund Endt Vallalar Endowment Ramasamy Padayatchiyar Endowment Note: All Scholarship income certificate taken after April 2016 should be produced. Few Scholarships are sanctioned to the Meritorious students from the Endowments instituted in the University as per the terms and conditions of the each Endowment. Note: To make easy disbursement of scholarship amount, the students are requested to open a Bank Account in their names in Annamalainagar 17 Code of Conduct VIII. Code of Conduct 1. Students shall conduct themselves in an exemplary manner so as to be model for other students. 2. Students will have to strictly adhere to the rules and regulations of the University. 3. Students shall be present during all working days and sincerely apply themselves to studies. 4. Students shall attend classes regularly and punctually and should fulfill the minimum attendance requirement of 75% as prescribed by the University, to be eligible to appear for the University Examinations. 5. Use of tobacco, liquor and plastic is prohibited in the campus. 6. Use of mobile phones and other electronic gadgets is not permitted in the classrooms, examination halls, faculty premises, university organized functions / programmes / extracurricular and co-curricular activities. 7. Students are forbidden from using motorized vehicles, including powered two wheelers, inside the campus. 8. Ragging: Students shall not indulge or participate in any kind of ragging. If they are found to indulge in ragging, their names will be removed from the institution roll and criminal action will be taken. Students involved in ragging and other anti-social activities will be expelled and criminal proceedings will be launched against them. 18 9.1. Application Procedure for registration of application is Online from the University website PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION FOR APPLICATION General Instructions IX. General Instructions 9.2 General Instructions for Applicants i. Online Application Number is the Registration Number of the Annamalai University Admissions 2016. ii. The Candidates seeking admission should Register and apply only through Online by logging on iii. The guidelines for registration are availability in the Annamalai University Website Portal iv. The Online application Number should be quoted in all future correspondence. vi. The filled in Online application should be downloaded and sent with all the enclosures either by speed /Registered post or in person to THE REGISTRAR ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY ANNAMALAINAGAR CHIDAMBARAM CUDDALORE DISTRICT TAMIL NADU PIN- 608 002 and should reach on or before 10.06.2016 - 5.30 p.m. vii. Acknowledgement will be sent to the registered e-mail on receipt of the filled in online application by post together with a demand draft for ` 200/- (for SC/SCA/ST) and ` 400/- for Others which is drawn in favour of The Registrar, Annamalai University, payable at Chennai. viii. The candidates shall ensure that the completed online application form with all particulars and enclosures reaches the Annamalai University within the date and time specified. Applications received by Speed post/courier or any other means, after the last date & time will not be accepted irrespective of the date of booking. ix. The University shall not be responsible for any delay in the receipt or for the loss in transit of application form etc., x. Request for extension of time for submission of documents called for, after the specified date and time will not be entertained. xi. Any supporting documents received after the due date or application without required documents/particulars will not be entertained. xii. Photocopy/ Fax copy of the application will not be accepted. 19 General Instructions xiii. Both upper limbs, vision and hearing should be normal for all candidates (including for candidates applying under orthopaedically physically disabled category). xiv. The candidates are directed to enclose the following certificates along with the Online application: Photocopy of 1. 10th Mark Sheet 2. HSC / Equivalent Mark Sheet 3. Transfer Certificate 4. Permanent Community Certificate Card for ST, SC, SCA, MBC & DNC, BC and BCM. 5. HSC Hall Ticket/ Equivalent Hall Ticket 6. Nativity Certificate – if applicable 7. First Graduate Certificate and First Graduate Joint Declaration Form –if applicable xv. Note: Candidates appeared for HSC / Equivalent examination in March 2016 must produce Original Mark Sheet and TC at the time of counseling. However, downloaded copy of mark sheet should be enclosed, others to enclose a copy of Mark Sheet and TC. Candidates are advised to post the completed online application well-in advance before the due date and time. If it is sent by post it is advisable to send by Registered post / Speed post to ensure proper delivery. xvi.. Original mark lists or other certificates should not be sent along with the application. Only self-attested copies of documents need to be sent. 9.3 Instructions for Foreign Students i. Self-supporting foreign students seeking admission should possess a valid passport and a STUDENT VISA issued by the Indian Embassies abroad. Students holding only a tourist visa or entry VISA will not be admitted to any Programme of study. ii. No foreign student shall be admitted to this University without a student visa. Any foreign student who is already studying in a recognized institution in India and wishes to take admission in a higher class after completion of a particular Programme is not required to obtain a fresh student visa from the Indian Mission in his country. Such students are advised to apply to the Superintendent of Police concerned for extension of VISA. 20 General Instructions 9.4 Important Conditions for Applicants 1. The tuition fee and other fees shall not be refunded if a student discontinues in the middle of the programme and resultant vacancy is not filled up. 2. If the student discontinues the programme before commencement of classes and the resultant vacancy is filled up, the fees paid by the student including the caution deposit will be refunded after deducting a service charge of Rs. 1,000/-. 3. Fees for each academic year should be paid well before the due date, failing which a fine as prescribed by the University will be charged. The student shall not be permitted to appear for the University Examination without clearing the fee arrears. 4. Fees for the entire programme together with arrears, if any, shall be payable by the student before Transfer Certificate is issued. However, the Special Fees for the remaining period of the program shall be waived. 5. Caution deposit shall be refunded on application after adjustment towards any dues from the student. Application for refund of caution deposit should be submitted within one year of completing the course. 6. No certificate will be issued, unless the student has cleared all the arrears of fees due to the University. 7. With regard to any dispute arising in relation to admission, examinations, remittance of fees, etc., the place of jurisdiction for the purpose of filing a suit or preferring a complaint or taking any legal proceedings against the University will be Chidambaram Town only. 8. Original Certificates submitted at the time of admission will be returned before the end of second semester. In case a candidate requires the original certificates for valid reasons, he/she may apply for the same with valid proof. The candidates are advised to have with them attested copies of mark lists or other certificates that may be required for applying for scholarships/bank loan, etc. 9. Late applications and applications which are not in the prescribed form or which are not correctly filled in or the prescribed certificates and documents are not received on or before the due date and applications which do not otherwise fulfill the terms of the instructions, will be considered defective and are liable for rejection. The University will not be responsible for any postal or other kinds of delay for the receipt of applications after the due date. 21 General Instructions 22 9.5 General Information The following procedures shall be followed for applying/getting certificates viz. bona fide/Course completion/Mark list, etc. with the fee prescribed by the University. i. General: Mark list for each Semester/Year during the period of study will be issued by the University and distributed through the respective departments of study. On completion of the program, Provisional Certificate and Transfer Certificate will also be distributed through the department concerned. ii. Migration Certificate: This certificate will be issued by the University Office (‘K’ Section) only on demand to those who have planned to undergo higher studies in any Educational Institution in India. iii. Duplicate Certificate: Mark List / Degree / Transfer Certificate: A certificate from the police department is required to be produced for the loss of certificates indicating that the certificates were actually lost beyond recovery. iv. Degree Certificate: Notification will be issued in the leading dailies during September/October every year inviting applications for obtaining Degree Certificate at the Convocation. Students shall apply for the same in the prescribed form which can be obtained from the University. v. Personal File: Students are advised to maintain a personal file containing all academic records such as challan for remittance of tuition fee, exam fee, instrument fee, condonation fee, etc. till the completion of his/her studies. vi. Re-admission: If there is any attendance deficiency during the study tenure of the student, he/she shall apply for re-admission through the Head concerned along with the photocopy of his/her previous semester/ year mark list(s) as proof for having appeared for the University Examinations. vii. Change of Name/Date of Birth: Candidate who wish to change of Name, date of Birth, of his/her name should be made only during the period of study by producing a copy of “Gazette Notification” from the respective Government NO such change shall be entertained after completion for his/ her studies in the University. viii.How to get Certificate: a) Students may apply for any certificates in this University viz., Bona fide, Course Completion, Duplicate mark list, Degree Certificate, Transfer Certificate, etc., either during the tenure of his/her studies on completion of the programme and may obtain the same from the office or by post General Instructions within a fortnight from the date of filing application in the office. He/ she should possess compulsorily 1) a copy of letter where he/she has applied for 2) a copy of remittance challan and 3) any other documents, when there is any lapse of the original submitted to University (or) loss in transaction. b) If students do not receive the certificate/s within the stipulated period, then he/she can immediately seek the assistance of the Section Head/Deputy Registrar of the ‘K’ Section with relevant copy of records that has been already submitted for claiming the certificates, so as to enable them to get the certificate from the office (or) necessary guidance will be provided for the same. c) Students admitted to various programmes of the University, should get back their original certificates produced at the time of admission within three months either on completion of programme or discontinuing the same in the middle of the programme. The University is not responsible for any lapse or damage of the certificates, beyond this period. REGISTRAR (i/c) ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY 23 Department of Commerce The Department of Commerce is one of the oldest Departments in Tamil Nadu with 59 years of Commerce Education and Research. It has well equipped library, Computer Lab with Internet facility. The Department provides Institutional Training in the industries/ Banks/Business Establishments (on the Job Training during study). The Department motivates the students to peruse professional courses such as CA,ICWAI, ACS through its career guidance cell . Programmes Offered M.Com. (5 - Year Integrated) Accounting and Finance (CBCS) M.Com. International Business and Banking (CBCS) M.Com. Computer Applications (CBCS) M.Com. (Five year Intergrated ) M.Phil. Ph.D. (Full Time and External) Specializations Offered Option I Accounting and finance Option II International Business and Banking Option III Co-operative Management Add-On Programmes Training in Accounting Package (Tally Programme) E-learning facility (Banking Operations) Opportunities to study Diploma and Post Graduate Diploma Programme of Choice in Distance Mode. Salient Features Dedicated faculty members Value based Education Career guidance Cell for guiding CA/ ICWAI/ACS/NET/SET aspirants Training and Placement cell(Campus Interview ) Opportunities to undertake research projects from national and International research organizations. 24 EEE NOOK which provides platform for the students to become a good entrepreneur, conducting educational tour and organizing cultural programmes. Commerce Facilities available Co-curricular activities – Students’ Seminars and Special Meetings. Eligibility for all competitive Examinations Accounting and Marketing Jobs Teaching as a Career Students can peruse ICWAI and ACS programmes during the period of study. The Alumni of the Department is well placed in India and Aboard in Universities and Research and Development organizations. Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Commerce Annamalai University Mobile : 9994220202 Tel : 04144-238266 – Ext.311 e-mail : 25 27 Department of Economics (A UGC-SAP Supported Department) The Department of Economics was established in 1929 and through the years it has become a leading centre of economics education in Tamil Nadu. The faculty are dedicated teachers keen to mentor students throughout the period of study. Through conferences and weekly meetings of the Economic Association students are kept abreast with current developments. The Department has been granted Rs.40 lakhs under UGC Special Assistance Programme. Programmes Offered Highlights of Programmes M.A. Economics (5 - Year Integrated) Up-to-date Syllabus M.A. Economics (CBCS) M.A. Applied Economics (CBCS) Students are equipped to face competitive examinations Equivalent to M.A. Economics as per Students trained to carryout State Government Order M.A. Development Studies (CBCS) individual projects under supervision of faculty M.Phil Field Visits Ph.D Student imparted relevant software skills Students imparted training in soft -skills Facilities Department Library with wi-fi connectivity High-end Computer Lab Hi-Tech Seminar Hall 26 Job Opportunities Colleges and Universities Research Institutes Corporate Sectors Economics Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Economics Annamalai University Mobile: 9894122341 email ID: Tel: 04144-238027-Ext. 308 27 Department of English The Department of English was established in 1929. The faculty in the department are well equipped to offer different programmes in English ranging from Masters to Ph.D. The faculty give training in spoken English to the students on campus, especially students hailing from rural areas, so as to make them competent in soft skills to compete with others when they enter the job market after earning their degrees. Programmes Offered Highlights of Programmes M.A. English (CBCS) State of the art training in M.A. English (Five Year Integrated) M. Phil. English communication skills Updated curriculum to enable students to face competitive examinations such as IAS/IPS/ UGC-JRF-NET/ SET/ TNPSC and UPSC Implant training in mass media organizations Excellent job opportunity Ph.D. English Salient Features Placement cell to guide the student for campus placement Excellent library with e-learning and e-journal facilities Qualified faculty with rich teaching and research experience Job Opportunities Teachers in Schools Assistant Professors in Colleges and Universities TNPSC/UPSC Private Sectors Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities 28 Periodic seminars/conferences/ Research Forum workshops Lectures by eminent scholars Movie Club Faculty Forum Sports and cultural Fiesta NSS / YRC English Activities Research Forum: Department of English has constituted a Research Forum to provide a platform for the researchers to discuss as well as articulate their research issues and findings. Movie Club: Every Wednesday a movie related to any one of the prescribed texts is shown to students. English Literary Association: Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of English Annamalai University Mobile: 9843957652 Email ID: Tel: 04144-238266-Ext. 307 29 Department of History Sri Meenakshi College, the nucleus of Annamalai University itself had the Department of History from 1920. When the College took incarnation as Annamalai University in 1929, the Department became a full-fledged one. The Department to its credit possesses a full-fledged Library. Besides, it has maintained a Museum possessing some rare archaeological antiquities meant to impart the variegated aspects of historical knowledge. A galaxy of distinguished historians has headed this Department such as Prof.K.A.Nilakanta Sastri, Prof.P.T.Srinivasa Iyengar, Prof.C.S.Srinivasachari, Prof. P.C.Alexander & Prof.R.Sathianathaier Programmes Offered M.A. History (Two Year) Highlights of Programmes Curriculum enables the students M.A. History (Five Year Integrated) M.Phil. History Ph.D. History (Full-Time, Part-Time & External) D.Litt. History Salient Features 30 to face competitive examinations such as IAS/IPS/UGC-JRF-NET/ TNPSC and UPSC State of the art training with theoretical and practical skills Field Visits and training programmes Opportunities to undertake research projects from national and international research organization Excellent Job Opportunities Job Opportunities Well Equipped Library with Internet Teaching Profession Facility Placement cell to guide the students for campus placement Qualified faculty members with rich experience. Museum Archaeologist Epigraphist Museum Curator Tourism Industry Administrative Service Mass Media Service History Soft Skill Development Training Archaeological Findings in the Museum Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of History Annamalai University Mobile : 9442891836 Tel : 04144-238266 – Ext.321 31 Department of Library and Information Science The Department of Library and Information Science was established in the year 1979. The Department has full-fledged, dedicated and committed team of faculties with rich research experience. The syllabus coverage in the department is on par with the international standards. The multimedia technology is used in regular classes. The UGC has supported the department by its special Assistance programme [SAP] during 2011 onwards. Programmes Offered B.Lib.I.Sc. (One Year) Job oriented curriculum design to M.Lib.I.Sc. (One Year) M.Lib.I.Sc. (CBCS–Two Years) enables the students to face competitive examinations such as IAS / IPS / UGC-JRF-NET / SET / TNPSC and UPSC Library visit and training programme Opportunity to undertake research project Excellent job opportunities M.Lib.I.Sc. (5 Year Integrated) M.Phil. Ph.D. (Regular, Part Time & External) Job Opportunities Public Libraries Special Libraries Academic libraries Corporate sectors Government Institutions 32 Highlights of Programmes Placement The Department Placement Cell which provides training in soft skill and makes the students library ready. The cell organize campus interviews and several students have been placed in reputed organizations. Collaboration Computer Laboratory ICSSR, Department Library UGC NET, SET coaching classes DESIDOC GOETHE Institute, Chennai Placement cell Smart Class Room Directorate of Public Library, Chennai [RRLF] Students given opportunity to participate in Seminars, Workshops and Conferences ALUMNI Association Library & Information Science Facilities available Co-Curricular, Extracurricular and Extension Activities User Education Programme to the students of Annamalai University. Training to Public Librarians in and around Cuddalore District. Library Utility Awareness Programme to the School students in and around Chidambaram Environmental Awareness Programme by the student NSS Volunteers of our department. LIBRARY COMPUTER LABORATORY Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Library and Information Science Annamalai University Tel : 04144-238155 e-mail : 33 27 Department of Philosophy The Department of Philosophy is as old as Annamalai University and it was established in the year 1929. Since its inception, the department was headed by eminent scholars. The department is dedicated to provide a strong foundation in philosophical ideals and values with a dynamic and vibrant focus in thrust areas. The Department has conducted many International, National and Regional seminars to promote South Indian Philosophy and culture. The Alumni of the department are well placed in Government, Non-Government and Private organizations. Programmes Offered M.A. Philosophy Highlights of Programmes Curriculum enables the students M.A. Philosophy, Culture & Tourism (CBCS) M.A. Philosophy, Culture & Tourism (Five Year Integrated) M.Phil. Ph.D. Salient Features 34 to face competitive examinations such as IAS/IPS/UGC-JRF- NET/ SET/TNPSC and UPSC Study and Educational Tour Periodical special lecture Programme Opportunities to undertake research Projects from National and International research organization Excellent Job opportunities Job Opportunities Placement cell to guide the students Assistant Professor for campus placement Excellent library with e-learning and e-journal facilities Qualified faculty members with rich experience Temple Executive Officer Tourism Officer Arts and Cultural Officer Travel Agent and Tour Operator Tourist Guide Philosophy Study Tour—Mahabalipuram Department Library Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Philosophy Annamalai University Mobile : 9843073853 Tel : 04144-238248 – Ext.317 35 27 Department of Political Science & Public Administration The Department of Political Science came into being in the year 1981 consequent on the bifurcation of the till then composite Department of History and Politics. Syllabi for all programmes are fully consonant with that prescribed by the UPSC for All India Civil Services Examination (both for Preliminary and Main Examinations) A Master’s Programme which can prepare the students for successfully taking on the All India Civil Services Examinations conducted by the UPSC and other examinations conducted by State Public Service Commission. Qualified faculty members committed to producing tomorrow’s Bureaucrats/Higher Civil Servants A setting where interaction of faculty and students is encouraged. Programmes Offered M.A. Political Science (5 Year A student friendly ambience Integrated) M.A. Political Science (CBCS) M.A. Public Administration (CBCS) M.Phil. Political Science M.Phil. Public Administration Ph.D. Political Science Ph.D. Public Administration where interaction of faculty and students are encouraged A well qualified and dedicated teaching faculty committed to producing tomorrow’s teachers and bureaucrats. A Master’s Programme which can prepare the students successfully taking on the All India Civil Services Examinations (UPSC) and other State Public Service Commissions (TNPSC). Salient Features Job Opportunities Endowment Lectures by experts Teaching and Research. Weekly meetings for students Special coaching sessions for slow Job opportunities in State and 36 Highlights of Programmes learners Focus on English and Vocabulary improvement Academic and Personal Counselling Guidance for competitive examinations Personality Development Classes Centre Govt. Media and Policy Making Political Analyst State and Centre Legislator Survey Analyst Journalism and Mass Media Political Science & Public Administration Students Trained for soft skills, placement: Very often the department has been conducting numerous activities such as conducting Training, Workshops, Personality Development Lectures, Quiz, Elocution and Oratorical competition for the benefits of the students. Student-Oriented Activities Endowment Lectures by experts Weekly meetings for students Special coaching sessions for slow learners Focus on English and Vocabulary improvement Academic and Personal Counselling Guidance for competitive examinations Personality Development Classes 2. Students placed in organization - Students got recruitment in state civil services, appointed in research institutions, Colleges and Universities and NGOs in the past years. Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Political Science & Public Administration Annamalai University Tel : 04144-238282 – Ext.322 Fax: 04144-238080 e-mail : 37 27 Department of Population Studies Realizing the importance of imparting Population Education in this country, the University started a Centre for Population Studies in August1976.Over the years, the Centre has helped in building a nucleus of Professionals in the field of population and health in India and various countries of the African Region. The Centre for Population Studies functions in consonance with the National Policy of the government of India, and the progress of the Centre has made is commendable. To meet the growing demand for new innovative programs from the students, both Indian and International, seven academic courses have been introduced in the Department. During the past 38 years, students from different countries of Asia and Africa have been trained at the Department. Many, who are trained at the Department, now occupy key positions in the field of Population and Health in Government of Various countries, Universities and Research Institutes as well as in reputed National and International Organisations. The curriculum and Syllabus of the Programmes offered by the Department of Population Studies has been designed in accordance with the University Grants Commission, and other National and International renowned Population Sciences institutions. The programs enable the students to compete in various competitive examinations in India and to be posted in various International Organisations relating to Population and Health. Programmes Offered M.A. Population Studies (CBCS) M.A. Health Social Science (CBCS) M.A. Population &Development (5 Year Integrated) M.Phil. Population Studies Ph.D. Population Studies Job Opportunities Colleges and Universities Research Institutes [ Project Officer, Research Officer, Research Assistant, Field Investigator, etc.] United Nations and International Organizations relating to Population and Health [Programme Officer, Project Coordinator] Census of India, National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) [Statistical Investigators, Statistical Assistant Social Scientists, State Demographer, Family Planning Educator] 38 Eligible for pursuing research programs such as M.Phil and Ph.D after completing Post Graduate Programes in Population and Health in India and Abroad Study Tour—Mahabalipuram Population Studies Scope for Research Studies High-Tech Class Room, Department of Population Studies Hands-on Practice at the Departmental Computer Lab Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Population Studies Annamalai University Mobile : 9444873230 Tel : 04144-238266 – Ext.326 39 27 Department of Sociology 1. The Department of Sociology was started in 1954. During the formative years, three Fulbright American Professors helped in designing the academic courses and also initiated research activities. 2. At present there are five Professors and seven Assistant Professors with a wide range of research curiosity in thrust areas such as Social Issues, Environment, and Social Development. 3. Our department collaborates with leading National and International NGOs for academic and research initiatives of the programmes. 4. The department is currently assisted by the UGC SAP-DRS (Phase-II) category to the tune of Rs. 93.5 lakhs for a period of five years (2015-2019). 5. The Department actively engages the students in extension activities such as Village Adoption, Blood Donation Camps, Camps for Awareness Creation in the surrounding villages. 6. Every year on an average of 15 to 20 Research Articles are published by our faculty members in national and international journals. 7. Since 2000, Our department has successfully completed Nine (3 Major; 6 Minor) Research Projects funded by UGC, World Bank, and State Government. Programmes Offered M.A. Sociology (5 Year Integrated) M.A. Sociology (CBCS) M.S.W. Social Work (CBCS) M.Phil. Sociology Ph.D. Sociology Highlights of Programmes State of the art training with Salient Features Placement cell to guide the students for campus placement. Excellent library with e-learning and 40 e-journal facilities Qualified faculty members with rich experience theoretical and practical skills Curriculum enables the students to face competitive examinations such as IAS / IPS / UGC-JRF-NET / SET / TNPSC and UPSC. Field visits and training programmes Opportunities to undertake research projects from national and international research organization Excellent Job Opportunities Job Opportunities Colleges and Universities NGOs Government Hospitals Social Welfare Sectors Industries as Labour Welfare Officers Periodic Seminars & Workshops Sports and Cultural Fiesta Lectures by Eminent Scholars NSS / YRC / NCC Sociology Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities Social Contribution Awareness Camp at Village The department reaches the population of the surrounding villages (mostly backward and poor) in enhancing their quality of life by organizing special awareness creation camps relating to health, education, hygiene, sanitation, employment, human rights and on eradication of social evils by involving students, research scholars and faculty members. The department also collaborates with the State Planning Commission, Education Department and Department of Rural Development and Social Welfare Department in carrying out research studies. The faculty members also assist the Cuddalore and Villupuram District administration as District Vigilance Members in the verification of Community Certificates. Social Awareness Rally Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Sociology Annamalai University Tel : 04144-238282 – Ext.316 Fax: 04144-238080 Email: 41 Centre for Rural Development The Centre for Rural Development was established in 1989 and it acts as a Nodal Agency in coordinating developmental activities to ensure overall Rural Development in the rural neighborhood of the University with the active involvement of the rural communities. The Centre also promotes research programmes in micro level planning, waste land development, employment generation, women and child development, health and family planning etc. The Centre is devoted to training young men and women to take up Rural Development as a mission. Programmes Offered MRS (Rural Studies -5 Year Integrated) MRS (Rural Studies- CBCS) M.Phil in Rural Studies Ph.D in Rural Studies Highlights of Programmes Functioning as a Rural Technology Centre to promote technical knowhow and skills Organization of periodic field visits and village stay programmes Achievement of total literacy in the rural community Creation of Rural Industries through industrial co- operatives Functioning as a central nodal agency in promoting integrated Rural Development. Salient Features Computer based power-point method of Teaching 100% Field practical oriented Special training in the areas of Micro level Planning,, Remote sensing, Research appraised, Project Planning & Management etc. Skill oriented Training programme to enrich the human resources Action oriented projects to enable the student to be benefitted though earn while learn scheme 42 Government Institutions: Colleges, Universities, Welfare Ministry, NIRD, NABARD, CSWB, SIRD, etc. NGO’s: SEWA, RATAN, PRADAN-Child Line foundation - CINI Industry : BHEL, SAIL, GAIL, ONGC, Coal India, Indian oil corporation Corporate Bodies: Aditya, Birla, ITC, Satyam, Wipro, Jindal Centre for Rural Development Job Opportunities International Organization: UNICEF, UNDP, UNESCO, World Bank, CARE, CRY, USID, Oxfam, WHO, SEEDS, UNIFEM, Water Aid, Action Aid Social Responsibility Rural Extension Activites Periodic Extension Programme were organized to reach the unreached in order to bring Development of strategy to achieve cent percent employment, zero population growth and Samagra Grama Seva. Extracurricular Activities Through consultancy and networking, the Centre for Rural Development has a Nationwide Networking in the field of Rural Development. It has linkages with various National & International development organizations. It provides a forum for policy decision, Training programmes and exploration of common issues Contact Details The Professor and Head Centre for Rural Development Annamalai University Mobile : 9443665758, 9894985074 e-mail: Tel: 04144-238282-Ext.346, 7368 43 Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology (A UGC-SAP & DST-FIST Supported) Since its inception in 1994, the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology has continuously strived for excellence in both teaching and research. The department is dedicated to providing a strong foundation in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology. The faculty are engaged in research projects that involve unravelling the molecular mechanisms of diseases such as cancer and diabetes and developing preventive and therapeutic strategies. The dynamic and vibrant research focus of the department is reflected by publications, awards, wide spectrum of global collaborations, Scopus rating, and generous funding from national and international agencies. The alumni of the department are well placed in India and abroad in universities, colleges, and Research and Development Organizations. Programmes Offered M.Sc. Biochemistry (CBCS) State-of-the-art training in M.Sc. Biotechnology (CBCS) M.Sc. Biotechnology Curriculum enables students to (5-years Integrated) M.Phil. Biochemistry M.Phil. Biotechnology Ph.D. Biotechnology Job Opportunities theoretical and practical skills face competitive examinations (CSIR-NET, ICMR, DBT) Industrial visit and In-Plant Training. Opportunities for undertaking research projects in prestigious national and international research institutes and industries Placement Details Colleges & Universities Placement Cell for making students Food & Agro Industry Research & Development Industry ready Campus Interviews Many students have been placed in reputed Companies Organizations. Medical Transcription, Coding Pharma Companies Academic Publishing Medical Diagnostics & Therapeutics High-end Research in India & 44 Programme highlights Abroad Development Grants UGC-SAP DRS : Rs.2,33,60,000 DST-FIST : Rs.36,03,311 Ongoing Research Projects Number : 37 Total Amount : Rs.8,85,16,436 Research Output (Since 2007) Books : 4 Chapters in Research Books : 15 Papers in International Journals : 550 Patents : 4 (2 National, 2 International) Ph.D.s awarded : 135 Co-Curricular, Extracurricular and Extension Activities Biochemistry & Biotechnology Resource Generated (Since 2007) Periodic seminars, conferences & workshops Lectures by Eminent Scholars Helix, a sports & cultural extravaganza Biochemical Society Screening and Awareness programmes for non-communicable diseases NSS, YRC, NCC Research Collaboration Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology Annamalai University Phone : 04144-239141 Email: 45 Department of Botany The Department of Botany was established in the year 1932 to disseminate the knowledge of Plant Science. The University Grants Commission, New Delhi has recognized the Department for its excellence in research and teaching. The Department of Botany has been awarded with UGC – SAP – DRS status (III Phase) and DST - FIST. The Department has signed a Letter of Intent with the Tajen University, Taiwan for academic and research co-operation in the field of Bioactive compounds from Medicinal plants. The Department of Botany has signed MoU with the Department of Crop Physiology, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bangalore with the intention of sharing Academic and Research Programmes in the field of Molecular Biology with special reference to the Mangroves of Pichavaram forest. The Department is well equipped with modern laboratories to provide basic and advanced research activities in all disciplines of Plant Science to expose the students to the need of the hour for their future employment. The alumni of the Department are occupying important positions in India and abroad. Programmes Offered M.Sc. Botany (5-year Integrated) M.Sc. Botany (CBCS) M. Phil. Botany M.Phil. Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology M.Phil. Herbal Science Ph.D. Botany Ph.D. Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Ph.D. Herbal Science Excellent Infrastructure Periodic seminars, conferences & workshops Lectures by Eminent Scholars Botanical Society Field Visits NSS Youth Red Cross Job Opportunities Conference Hall Schools, Colleges & Universities Sophisticated Equipment Computer Lab with Internet Facility Research & Development Department Library Well Equipped Labs High-end Research in India & State-of-art Infrastructure 46 Highlights of Programmes Organizations Abroad Research Collaboration Botany Placement Details Placement Cell 100 Campus Interviews DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Botany Annamalai University Phone : 04144-238796—Ext. 354 Fax: 04144-238080 e-mail : 47 Department of Chemistry (A UGC-SAP & DST-FIST Supported) The Department of Chemistry was established in 1929. It is DST- FIST and UGC – SAP (DRS –II) sponsored department. Many of the alumni are occupying high positions in India and overseas. The Department offers five year Integrated M.Sc. Chemistry and research programmes that trains the student in frontier areas of Chemistry .The curriculum is designed so that the incumbent can excel in the subject and can clear various competitive examinations like UPSC, CSIR-UGC, NET, SLET, Group-I and Group-II. The students from the integrated five year course of Chemistry may take up positions in research, educational, Government and industrial organizations . Programmes Offered M.Sc. Chemistry (5 Year Integrated) Competitive curriculum Other programmes Exposure to sophisticated M.Sc. Chemistry (CBCS) two years M.Phil and Ph.D Chemistry Salient Features Placement cell to guide the students for campus placement Excellent main library with e- learning and e-journal facilities Separate hostel facilities for boys and girls. Scholarship facilities to all socially backward classes. Admission based purely on merit as per the rule of Tamil Nadu Government. 48 Highlights of Programmes instruments like NMR, XRD and GC -Mass Well equipped departmental library with internet connectivity Excellent teaching with modern methods like smart class room Co curricular and extra curricular activities like chemical society, NSS, YRC etc. Job Opportunities Chemical industries Teaching assignments Research opportunities Abroad placements Chemistry Research Output Patents -6 Publications– 640 (last six years) Ph.Ds produced – 312 Project funding – 6 crores Impact Factor of research publication Range : 0.3-13.74 Research Collaboration Inter-institutional collaborative projects: Indian Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Guwahati, PSG College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore and DRDO Industrial Collaboration : Cavinkare Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Chemistry Annamalai University Email: Tel : +(91)4144-238282 Ext -331 49 Department of Earth Sciences (DST-FIST Supported) The Department of Earth Sciences (est. in 1953) is dedicated to teaching and research in various fields of Earth Sciences. Over the past six decades, the department has strived to maintain its multidisciplinary approach by applying the concepts of Geology for propagating knowledge and developing skill in the field of Geology, Exploration and Utilization of Natural Resources with an emphasis for management, conservation and preservation. The research programmes are funded by DST, UGC, ISRO, MOES, MOEF, CSIR and BRNS. The Department is supported by DST-FIST Programme. The academic and research contributions of the department are recognised by national and international organisations and are evidenced by high quality original research publications. The alumni of the department are adorning higher position in the field of Geosciences in India and abroad. Programmes Offered M.Sc. Geology (CBCS) M.Sc. Geology (5-Years Integrated) M.Phil. Geology M.Phil. Geoinformatics Ph.D. Geology Ph.D. Applied Geology Ph.D. Geoinformatics Highlights of Programmes The curriculum is designed in accordance with the various competitive 50 exams like CSIR-UGC, UPSC, ONGC, GSI etc.,. Field mapping techniques for different Geological Terrains. Short Geological field Visits & 15 days industrial/ in-plant Training Individual project work in the final semester of their choice While pursuing the PG degree the student can simultaneously complete any two PG-Diploma: 1) Mineral Exploration, 2) Groundwater Exploration & management, 3) Natural resource Management and 4) Petroleum exploration with 50% fee discount in DDE mode and 5) Remote Sensing & GIS (Part time Evening Course). Well-equipped optics lab with individual microscope for each students, GIS lab with 30 computers, Remote Sensing, Hyperspectral lab, Sedimentology lab, Geochemistry lab, Museum and more ... Instrumental Facilities: Laser Beam Particle Size Analyzer, AAS with Hydride generator, Fluxgate Magnetometer, Ion Chromatograph, Gas Chromatograph, TOC, Spectrophotometer, Resistivity meter, Spectroradiometer and more.... Conference Hall and Department Library Research Labs and Wi-Fi enabled Computer Labs Geology Salient Features Job Opportunities Plenty of job opportunities in Government and private sectors like: PWD, TWAD. TAMIN, State Geology Division, Metro Water, GSI. ONGC, Coal India, NLC, NMDC, NRSA, ISRO, Private Mines and Quarry, Oil Companies – Mud logging, Colleges & Universities, Mining and Mineral Exploration companies, Central and State Ground Water Departments, High-end Research in India & Abroad Research Collaboration Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Earth Sciences Annamalai University Contact No. : 04144-238248 Ext. No. 324 e-mail : 51 Department of Mathematics The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 1929, it has earned a glorious heritage of conducting research activities in various fields of Applied Mathematics. The Department is dedicated to providing a strong foundation in Mathematics, in a student friendly atmosphere. The past and present members of faculty of the Department have been conducting research works in different branches of Pure and Applied Mathematics. The alumni of the Department are well placed in India and abroad in Universities, Colleges and Research & Development Organizations. Programmes Offered M.Sc. Mathematics (Five Year Integrated) OtherProgrammes M.Sc. Mathematics (CBCS) M.Phil. Mathematics Ph.D. Mathematics Salient Features 52 Highlights of Programmes The curriculum is designed in accordance with various competitive examinations like CSIR, UGC, NBHM, SLET and UPSC. Computer languages like C and C++ and the corresponding practical modulus are included in the curriculum. After completion of the course the students get employment opportunities in Schools, Colleges, Universities and Research & Development Organizations. Job Opportunities Scholarship facilities to all Schools, Colleges and Universities socially backward classes. Tuition fees only (can be paid in two installments). No Hidden Charges. Admission based purely on merit as per the rule of Tamil Nadu Government. Conference Hall, Computer Lab with Internet connection, Centralized Infonet facility, Library with good number of books Research and Development Organizations Mathematics Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Mathematics Annamalai University Tel: 04144-238248-Ext.330 e-mail : 53 Department of Physics (DST-FIST Supported) The Department was established during 1929 under the stewardship of Prof. S. Ramachandra Rao. The Department was nurtured and developed by Prof. K. Venkateswarlu, Prof. K. Ramaswamy, Prof. V. Shanmugasundaram, Prof.K.Balasubramanian and others. The Department is also actively engaged in research and produced 282 numbers of Ph.D and 1667 research papers in well reputed journals. The Department has well qualified and experienced faculty and excellent infrastructure. Programmes Offered Five Year Integrated M.Sc. Physics Other Programmes Offered: M.Sc. Physics (CBCS) M.Phil Ph.D Highlights of Programmes The curriculum is designed so that Job Opportunities Colleges and Universities Co-Curricular, Extracurricular and Extension Activities Periodic seminars, conferences and Research and Development Organizations Central and State Research Organizations 54 the incumbent can appear various competitive exams like UPSC, CSIRUGC, NET, SLET and TNPSC Excellent hands-on training to students Excellent library facilities with internet connectivity Individual computer to students This course is identical in all respects to two year M.Sc. Physics workshops Special lectures by eminent scientists Sports and cultural programmes NSS YRC Physics Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Physics Annamalai University Tel : 04144-238282—Ext.313 e-mail : 55 Department of Statistics The Department of Statistics was established in Annamalai University in 1956. It is DST-FIST and UGC-SAP (DRS - I) sponsored department. The curriculum was planned to train students in the application of statistical methods of study in various fields, especially, in industries. It then took a leading role developing curricula and syllabi for M.Sc. Statistics and Research programmes. Further faculty members have been continuously involved in initiating research in Applied Statistics and Biostatistics consolidating research in traditional areas and building up platforms for interaction with teaching and research in sister departments of Annamalai University. Highlights of Programmes State-of-the-art training in theoretical and computing using statistical packages Curriculum enables students to face competitive examination (CSIR-NET, UGC) Hands on training for “DATA ANALYSIS” using computer packages, C++, Java, Oracle, SPSS, Systat, Statgraph etc., Opportunities for Research Fellowship for the Ph.D. program through the UGC-SAP and Major Research Projects. It is DST-FIST and UGC-SAP (DRS-I) sponsored department. Excellent Library with internet facilities and Individual computer to students Job Opportunities Block Statistical Officer Placement Details Placement Cell for making students Industry ready Campus Interviews Programmes Offered M.Sc. Statistics (Five year Integrated) Block Health Statistical Assistant M.Sc. Statistics (CBCS) Assistant Statistical Investigator M.Phil. Statistics Assistant Director District Statistical Officers IAS, IPS, ISS (Indian Statistical Service) and NSSO 56 Ph.D. Statistics Statistics Co-Curricular, Extracurricular and Extension Activities Periodic Seminars, Conferences & Workshops Lectures by Eminent Scholars Statistical Association NSS YRC LIBRARY COMPUTER LABORATORY Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Statistics Annamalai University Tel : 04144-238282—Ext.315 Fax: 04144-238080 e-mail : 57 Department of Zoology The department of Zoology was established in the year 1931. The University Grants Commission, New Delhi has recognized the Department for its excellence in teaching and research. The department of Zoology has been awarded with UGC-SAP (DRS-I). The alumni of the department occupying highest positions in India and Abroad. The Faculty are engaged in research projects that involve fish toxicology, vermibiotechnology, vector control, biomedical research, bioinformatics, solid waste management and neuroscience. The intensive research of the department is evidenced by publications, Scopus rating and generating funds from various funding agencies such as UGC, CSIR, ICMR, DBT, DST and MoES. Programmes Offered M.Sc Zoology Highlights of Programmes Skill development in theory and (5 year – Integrated ) practical M.Sc Bioinformatics Syllabi helps the students to get (5 year – Integrated ) through UGC/CSIR-NET, SLET and Two year M.Sc. Programmes various competitive exams such M.Sc Zoology (CBCS) as UPSC, TNPSC, TRB and TET M.Sc Environmental Biotechnology Periodical Seminars, Conferences (CBCS) and Workshops Research programmes Lectures by Eminent Scholars M.Phil Zoology M.Phil Environmental Biotechnology M.Phil Bioinformatics Ph.D Zoology Ph.D Environmental Biotechnology Ph.D Bioinformatics Extension Activities Classes taken to fish farmers Classes taken to prawn farmers Training given to Women self-help Job Opportunities Aquaculture, Sericulture & Pharmacology Industry Research and development group in vermicomposting organizations Free consultancy to major High schools and Higher Panchayats to convert solid waste in secondary schools and colleges to vermicompost Environmental Agencies 58 Periodic seminars, conferences & workshops Zoology Co-Curricular, Extracurricular and Extension Activities Lectures by Eminent Scholars Sports & cultural extravaganza Zoological Society NSS, YRC, NCC Museum Bioinformatics Lab Laboratory Depatrment of Zoology Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Zoology Annamalai University Phone : 04144-238282—Ext. 329 Fax: 04144-238080 e-mail : 59 Department of Microbiology M.Sc. Integrated Microbiology was introduced in 2002, CBCS in 2009 and M.Phil. & Ph.D programmes in 2007–08. In 2014. The Department is also actively engaged in research and has produced more than 40 Ph.Ds and 300 papers in reputed journals. Programmes Offered M.Sc. Microbiology (Integrated) – 5 years M.Sc Microbiology (CBCS) – 2 years M.Phil. Microbiology Ph.D. Microbiology Salient Features Placement cell to guide the The curriculum is designed in accordance with the syllabi for various competitive examinations like NET, SLET, UPSC and TNPSC. Students have good employment opportunities in various institutions and organisations. Training programmes for placement Equipments Flow cytometer students for campus placement. UV spectrophotometer Excellent library with e-learning Deep Freezer and e-journal facilities Separate hostel facilities for boys and girls. Scholarship facilities for all socially backward classes. Admission based purely on merit following the rule of Tamil Nadu Government. Research Thrust Areas 60 Highlights of Programmes Job Opportunities Bioactive molecules Bio industries Antimicrobial resistance Microbial genomics Teaching assignments Research Microbial products Organic farming Overseas placements Department of Microbiology Best exhibit prize in Science day 2015 Contact Details The Dean Faculty of Science Annamalai University Tel : 04144-238248 – Ext.377 e-mail : 61 Department of Computer and Information Science The Department of Computer and Information Science offers five year M.Sc. Integrated Programmes in Information Technology and Software Engineering and a three year Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A) programme under the Faculty of Science from this academic year (2015-2016) Programmes Offered M.Sc. Information Technology (Integrated) – 5 years M.Sc Software Engineering - (Integrated) – 5 years M.C.A. – 3 years - CBCS Highlights of Programmes The curriculum is designed in accordance with the syllabi for various competitive examinations like NET, SLET, UPSC and TNPSC. Students enjoy good employment opportunities in various institutions and organizations. Training programmes for placement. Salient Features Placement cell to guide the students for campus placement. Excellent library with e-learning and e-journal facilities 62 Job Opportunities Colleges & Universities Computer Industries India and Abroad Placements Department of Computer Science & Information Technology Computer Lab Contact Details The Dean Faculty of Science Annamalai University Phone : 04144-238282—Ext. 377 e-mail : 63 Faculty of Marine Sciences The centre of Advanced Study (CAS) in Marine Biology under the Faculty of Marine Sciences is premier and pioneering Marine institute in India. This is the one and only Centre for Advanced study in Marine Biology in this country. This centre was started in 1957 with the model of Marine Biological Stations of Wood Hole, USA. Conforming to the mandates of our University, the Centre has been actively engaged in teaching, research and extension in the frontier areas of marine science. This Centre has been recognised for its Excellence in research by UGC, MHRD, MoES & DBT, Govt. Of India. Programmes Offered B.F.Sc. (Bachelor of Fisheries Sciences) Highlights of Programmes Curriculum designed towards M.Sc. Marine Biology & Oceanography M.Sc. Coastal Aquaculture M.Sc. Marine Biotechnology (Sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India) M.Sc. Marine Food Technology M.Sc. Marine Microbiology M.Sc. Ocean Science & Technology (5 job market Hands on training on the sea Orientation towards independent research Periodic seminars, conference, workshop and brain storming sessions Lectures by World class scientists year Integrated;-in collaboration with NIOT, Chennai; First of its kind in India M.Phil. in the above subjects Ph.D. in the above subjects Job Opportunities Placements Colleges & Universities Campus interviews Aquaculture Industries Seafood Industries Training to make students ready India and Foreign Research Laboratories for job Many student have been placed in CP Aqua Ltd., Hyderabad Co-Curricular, Extracurricular and Extension Activities 64 MARC Marine Academy & Research Consortium Sub Centre for Yoga Studies SCUBA Diving & Snorkelling NSS &YRC Sports and cultural fetes Marine Sciences Contact Details The Director and Dean CAS in Marine Biology Faculty of Marine Sciences Annamalai University, Parangipettai – 608 502. Tamil Nadu. India. e-mail: Mobile: +91-9442068003 65 Centre for Rural Development தமிழியல்துறை The Centre for Rural பல்கறைக்கழகத் Development, தமிழியல்துறை created in Annamalai in அண்ணாமறைப் தமிழகத்தின்University இரண்டாவது December 1989. தமிழுக்ககன்று To act as a Nodal Agency in முதல் coordinating developmental பல்கறைக்கழகம். ஏற்படுத்தப்கபற்ை பல்கறைக்கழகம். தமிழ்த் activities of research centres, University faculties, Governmental and Nonதாத்தா உ.வவ.சா., வபராசிாியர் கா.சு.பிள்றை, யாழ்நூல் தந்த விபுைானந்தர், நாவைர் governmental organizations, industrial houses, financial institutions and other வசாமசுந்தரபாரதியார், பண்டிதமணி கதிவரசச்கசட்டியார், அ.சிதம்பரநாதன்கசட்டியார், welfare agencies so as to ensure overall Rural Development, besides adopting கசம்மல் வ.சுப.மாணிக்கனார் வபான்ை தமிழ்ச்சான்வைார்கள் பணியாற்ைிய துறை its own innovative extension technology for development after an assessment தமிழியல்துறை. of the existing rural environs, issues and problems. Generation of enriched professional manpower for Rural வபச்சாைர்கறை, Development பைதுறணவவந்தர்கறை, தமிழைிஞர்கறை, எழுத்தாைர்கறை, through intensive training to young men and women to take up Rural தறைவர்கறை, கவிஞர்கறை உருவாக்கியப் கபருறமமிக்கத் துறை. Development as a mission in the rural neighbourhood of the University with தகுதிவாய்ந்த வபராசிாியப் கபருமக்கள், தமிழியல்துறைக்ககன தனிநூைகம், the active involvement of the rural communities. வகுப்பறை வசதி, கூட்ட அரங்கம் என மிகச்சிைந்த உட்கட்டறமப்பு வசதிகறைக் Promotion of research and Action research programmes in micro level ககாண்டது. planning, waste land development, employment generation, women and child development, health and family planning etc. பயிலும் மாணவர்கைின் திைன்வமம்பாட்டிற்காக வாரந்வதாறும் ஆய்வரங்கம், பல்துறை அைிஞர்கபருமக்கைின் கசாற்கபாழிவு, பல்வவறு பயிைரங்கு, கருத்தரங்குகள், தகுதித்வதர்வுக்காக பயிற்சி வகுப்புகள் என மாணவர்நைனின் கூடுதல் அக்கறை கசலுத்தும் தமிழியல்துறை. பல்வவறு சமூகப் பிாிவினர்க்கான கல்வி உதவித்கதாறக, ஊக்கத்கதாறக, கல்விச்சுற்றுைா. வமனிறைத்வதர்வில் வதர்ச்சிப்கபற்ை மாணவர்கள் வநரடியாகச் வசர்ந்துபயிலும் அரசு அங்கீகாரத்துடன் கூடிய ஐந்தாண்டு ஒருங்கிறணந்த பாடத்திட்டம் (ஐந்தாண்டு தமிழ்). M.A. தமிழ் (இரண்டாண்டு) M.A. தமிழ் கசம்கமாழி (இரண்டாண்டு) M.Phil. தமிழ் Ph.D. தமிழ் 38 66 M.A. >taB_mçÅ Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Tamil Annamalai University Mobile : 9842281957 e-mail: Tel: 04144-238282-Ext.309 67 Department of Psychology The Department of Psychology is highly research oriented, it has hitherto several Ph.D. and M.Phil. Degrees to its credit and presently many research scholars have enrolled to pursue their research under the guidance of highly qualified supervisors. As a part of this department’s curriculum it is mandatory that every final year M.Sc. Applied Psychology or M.Sc. Clinical Psychology student must necessarily conduct a research study and submit a project report as a partial requirement for obtaining the PG degree. Staff members of this department have numerous research publications to their credit. UGC and ICSSR major projects are carried out. The department offers “Vallalar Ramaswamy Padayachi” Scholarship to two students every year, besides awarding of ‘Gold Medals’ and ‘Cash Prizes’ to the rank holders in both Applied and Clinical Psychology. Programmes Offered Highlights of Programmes Five year Integrated Programmes Under Community Guidance Service M.Sc. Clinical Psychology Programme every year our Department students visited one village to assess IQ for the school students and give counselling for rural people Training Programme for Farmers on “Health and Hygiene” was conducted (5 year – Integrated ) Two year M.Sc. Programmes M.Sc. Applied Psychology Research programmes M.Phil. Psychology Ph.D. Psychology Career Building M.Sc. Clinical Psychology offers ample scope for career building. There exists a plethora of prospects for psychology professionals in schools, colleges (Medical, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Dental, Engineering & teacher training Institutes), Clinics, Hospitals, Prisons, Counselling Centres, NGO’s, Defence Institute of Psychological research (DIPR) and Human Resource Departments of Industrial Organisations. This department also has a placement cell which assists students to acquire employment pertaining to their interest. 68 Periodic seminars, conferences & workshops Lectures by Eminent Scholars Sports & cultural extravaganza Psychology Co-Curricular, Extracurricular and Extension Activities Psychological Society NSS, YRC, NCC Contact Details The Professor and Head Department of Psychology Annamalai University Phone : 04144-238282—Ext. 314 e-mail : 69 70 At a Glance Notes Notes This brochure-cum-prospectus is published for enlightening those who intend to apply for admission to Post Graduate Degree Programmes of Annamalai University during 2016-2017. The contents covered are subject to change from time to time and the University may make such changes without notice. The University will provide additional information in response to enquiries from individuals and institutions. AT A GLANCE Admission to the 5 year Integrated PG Programmes for the Academic Year 2016-2017. IMPORTANT DATES Online Registration Application Commences From : 11.05.2016 Last Date for Online Registration Application Form : 10.06.2016 Last Date for Receipt of Downloaded Online Application along with enclosure : 10.06.2016 Application Form along with Information and Instruction to the Candidates will be available at the University website Online Application Fee : ` 200 for SC/SCA/ST ; ` 400 for Others. For details, Please refer our University website 71 THE REGISTRAR Annamalai University Annamalainagar - 608 002 Tamil Nadu, India WEBSITE ENQUIRY +(91)4144-238348 +(91)4144-238349 FAX No. 04144-238080 email: RAILWAY STATION Chidambaram (Southern Railway)