Opportunities for International Students Internship


Opportunities for International Students Internship
Hochschule Ulm
Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Joachim Hering
The City of Ulm - Where to find us
The City of Ulm - Where to find us
The Region of Ulm
Situated in southern Germany
between Stuttgart and Munich
(1h by high speed train)
Lake Constance is close
Music festivals during summer
Skiing during winter
Ulm has around 150.000 inhabitants
(including Neu-Ulm)
Hochschule Ulm
Three Campus Sites
Hochschule Ulm
Facts and figures
 Institutes
 Bachelor courses
 Master courses
 Students
 Female students
 International students
 Professors
Hochschule Ulm
Bachelor Degree Courses
Electrical Engineering and Information
- Digital Media
- Communications Engineering
- Industrial Electronics
- Automotive Electronics
Production Engineering and Production
- Production Engineering and
- International Energy Economics
- Sustainable Energy Competence
- Energy Systems Technology
- Industrial Engineering/Logistics
Mechanical and Automotive
- Mechanical Engineering
- Automotive Engineering
Hochschule Ulm
Bachelor Degree Courses
Mechatronics and Medical Engineering
- Medical Engineering
- Mechatronics
Mathematics, Natural and Economic
- Computational Science and
Computer Science
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Business Information Systems
- Documentation and Computer
Science in Medicine
- Health Information Management
Hochschule Ulm
Institute of Computer Science
 Real Time Systems and autonomous robots
 Business Information Systems
 Operating Systems and Software
 Industrial Image Processing
 Computer Networks
 Medical Documentation
Hochschule Ulm
International Relations
Partner universities all over the world
ESEO Angers
ENIB Brest
ENIT Tarbes
ILIS Lille
Helsinki Metropolia UAS
TAMK UAS, Tampere
Centria AUS, Kokkola
University of Halmstad
Linköpings Universitet
Högskolan Dalarna
Technikum Kärnten
Fachhochschule Technikum Wien
Fontys Hogeschoolen Eindhoven
University of Kavala
Universidad de Pais Vasco, San Sebastian
Universidad Ramon Lull Barcelona
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Universidad de Salamanca
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Universidad Leon
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Universidad de Valencia (EPS Gandia)
University of Bradford
De Montfort University
Napier University Edinburgh
Technical University Kosice,
University Zilina
Obuda University
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Istanbul
Technische Universität Lodz
German University Cairo
German Jordanien University
Adama University
Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara
ITESO Guadalajara
Siberian State Aerospace University, SibSAU
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
Kettering University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Lawrence Technological University
University of Memphis
California State University
Central University of Technology Free State, Bloemfontein
Hubei Automotive Industries Institute
Yangzhou University
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Pontivicia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso
Pontivicia Universidad Católica del Peru, Lima
Hochschule Ulm
Department of Computer Science
Opportunities for International Students
 Practical work
 Internship at local industry
 Short term projects at University’s laboratories
 Academic semester
 Bachelor Courses (mostly taught in German)
 International Engineering Program (IEP)
 Master “Information Systems”
Hochschule Ulm
Department of Computer Science
Opportunities for International Students
 Practical work
 Internship at local industry
 Short term projects at University’s laboratories
 Academic semester
 Bachelor Courses (mostly taught in German)
 International Engineering Program (IEP)
 Master “Information Systems”
Opportunities for International Students
Internship at local Industry
 Opportunity to get to know a company
 Requirements:
 You still need to be student at your local University
 Good English Skills
 Internship should last at least 3 months
Opportunities for International Students
Internship at local Industry
 We support you as an international student in your
 Finding a placement for you
 Orientation week (get to know Ulm, opening a
bank account, health insurance, …)
 German language courses
 Finding a place to live in one of our three halls of
 A free 6-month bus ticket which is valid
on all buses and trams
Opportunities for International Students
Internship at local Industry
Some examples of companies close to Ulm
 About 43’000 ambulatory patients per year
 1’139 beds
Opportunities for International Students
Internship at local Industry
Some examples of companies close to Ulm
 IT-Solutions for radiology and cardiology
 Hospital Information Systems
Opportunities for International Students
Internship at local Industry
Some examples of companies close to Ulm
 Defense and security division
 Development and production of complex security
electronics (e.g., airborne radar for the Eurofighter)
Opportunities for International Students
Internship at local Industry
Automotive Industry close to Ulm
Hochschule Ulm
Department of Computer Science
Opportunities for International Students
 Practical work
 Internship at local industry
 Short term projects at University’s laboratories
 Academic semester
 Bachelor Courses (mostly taught in German)
 International Engineering Program (IEP)
 Master “Information Systems”
Opportunities for International Students
Short term projects at University’s laboratories
 Possible areas
 Mobile Device Programming
 Business Information Systems
 Medical Information Systems
 Machine Vision
 Robotics
 Simulation
 …
Hochschule Ulm
Department of Computer Science
Opportunities for International Students
 Practical work
 Internship at local industry
 Short term projects at University’s laboratories
 Academic semester
 Bachelor Courses (mostly taught in German)
 International Engineering Program (IEP)
 Master “Information Systems”
Opportunities for International Students
International Engineering Program (IEP)
US accredited 16+-credits programs
specifically designed for our international
partner institutions
International Mechanical Engineering
Program I.M.E.P
October – December
International Computer Engineering
Program I.C.E.P
April – June
International Electrical Engineering
Program I.E.E.P
April – June
professional courses and liberal
studies taught in English language
International Computer Engineering
Program (ICEP)
Each year April, 1 – June, 30
Accredited professional courses:
 Computer Networks
 Machine Vision
 Operating Systems
 Computer Architecture
International Computer Engineering
Program (ICEP)
Students may also participate in courses from the IEEP
 Analog Integrated Circuits
 Control Technology
Additional courses:
 German History In The Last Three
 German Language
Project work (July):
 Students may also work on small, one month
projects after the regular ICEP courses
International Computer Engineering
Program (ICEP)
The City of Ulm - Overview
The City of Ulm - a Historical Place
The City of Ulm - a Modern Industrial
The City of Ulm - Shopping, Leisure &
Opportunities for International Students
Algunos ejemplos de estudiantes anteriores
Un ejemplo de un estudiante de Salamanca:
La Tarea
„Mi Praktikum en Cassidian GmbH (Ulm, Alemañia)
tuvo como meta el desarrollo de un generador de
código C++, haciendo uso del lenguaje Java. La
aplicación debía leer información de documentos
en formato excel, de contenido restringido, y crear,
en función de ésta, un código fuente en lenguaje
C++ que siguiera unas directrices dadas por mi
tutor de proyecto, Dr. Pierre Bayerl, todo ello en un
período de tres meses“
Opportunities for International Students
Algunos ejemplos de estudiantes anteriores
Un ejemplo de un estudiante de Salamanca:
La Experiencia
„…al llegar a la empresa todo el mundo fue muy amable y
amigable, haciéndome preguntas sobre mis intereses e
intentando buscar formas de propiciar mi rápida adaptación,
tanto al ambiente de trabajo, como a la vida en Ulm. Para mi
tarea en la empresa, se me exigió un nivel importante de
conocimientos, dada mi experiencia, especialmente en lo
referido a ingeniería de software, pero mis compañeros de
oficina nunca tuvieron ningún tipo de problema a la hora de
resolver mis dudas sobre detalles de programación o
requisitos del proyecto…“
Opportunities for International Students
Algunos ejemplos de estudiantes anteriores
Un ejemplo de un estudiante de México:
Experiencia en Alemaña
Estudiante de ICEP
„Si pudiera describir mi experiencia en Alemañia con una
palabra sería "increíble". No tengo palabras para describir
todas las sensaciones, sentimientos y experiencias que
ese año me hizo vivir. Es una aventura a lo desconocido.
Es salirte de tu zona de comfort. Es estar dispuesto a todo,
a aprender, a vivir, a tolerar, a comprender. Los amigos que
hice durante mi intercambio los tendré siempre en un lugar
muy especial, ya que éramos gente que no teníamos más
que una cosa en común: a nadie. Por consecuencia, se
convirtieron en mi familia. Definitivamente ha sido un de
las mejores decisiones que he tomado en mi vida.“
Opportunities for International Students
Algunos ejemplos de estudiantes anteriores
Un ejemplo de un estudiante de México:
La Cultura Alemana
Estudiante de ICEP
„La cultura alemana es muy singular. Eso a mucha gente le
causa conflicto, pero si abres un poco tu mente, te das
cuenta que las cosas pueden funcionar de manera diferente
a como funcionan en tu mundo, y no por eso está
equivocado. De hecho, hay muchas cosas que puedes
aprender de ella para mejorar tu sociedad. El gran
intercambio de culturas que se da en Alemañia genera un
ambiente muy global, con todo tipo de tradiciones, manera
de pensar, gastronomías y estilos de vida, que confluyen
en un mismo lugar de una manera armónica.“
Opportunities for International Students
Algunos ejemplos de estudiantes anteriores
Un ejemplo de un estudiante de México:
El curso ICEP
Estudiante de ICEP
„…La gama de cursos que ofrecen es muy atractiva
para todos los ingenieros del área tecnológica.
Además, con el gran progreso que ha habido en los
últimos años en el área de IT, existen muchas
ofertas de trabajo para quienes están interesados
en tener una vida profesional en el extranjero.“
Hoping to see you soon in Ulm…