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Zinda Ho Tum
You’ve read the books on the highest shelf of your
library. You probably begin your day by reading 10
blogs written by renowned spokesmen. And surely
congratulations on making it to one of India’s best
MBA College, but why is a thought of incompleteness still lingering in your head? Why does it seem
that although success has been achieved at every
stage yet not enough? May be just because you
don’t live life the way you wish.
To be alive both your heart and soul need to be
holding hands. The dreams that you set should
come to life. To complete your dreams you need
a chance. The chance that could help you change
the way people look at you and make a million
souls smile. Bindaas Andaaz is giving you that
chance to make a reason for life kyunki ‘zindagi
na milegi dobara’. So put down all your gyaan to
prove ki ‘Zinda ho tum’.
Introduction of our business
Bindaaz Andaaz’11 is the platform which allows
E-marketing has been an effective tool for Print-
you to think differently and put your MBA gyaan to
bindaas. Ever since its inception, it has rocked the
some use. So get started with the litmus test for all
web world by creating online marketing opportuni-
you have studied so far. The inspiration for us this
ties. Printbindaas is an online portal with Web-
year is Zindaagi Na Milegi Dobaraa. Three friends
2print technology offering marketing, branding
from various walks of the professional life comes
and print solutions.
together to live a moment. So put down all your
gyaan to prove ki ‘Zinda ho Tum’.
Term “marketing mix” means the factors that a
Our key business
Marketeer can manipulate to influence the sales
1. SME and Professionals:
for their product. Some people may think that in-
Using our Web-to-print technology, SME custom-
fluencing demand means only increasing demand.
ers are able to easily design and order thousands
This is a mistake because occasions may arise
of customised print products. These products
when a marketing person will have to act to reduce
vary from stationary such as visiting cards, letter
the demand for their product. PB Marketeers have
heads, and envelopes to marketing material such
proved the same using their marketing strategy.
as posters, brochures and leaflets. Besides this it
Early marketing teachers presented the market-
offers corporate greetings which are difficult to find
ing mix as 4Ps. Later thinking held that these 4Ps
otherwise with themes such as “customer retention
are good enough for physical goods only and that
cards”, “employee motivation cards” etc.
there was the need to enlarge the marketing mix
to care of services. Thus 3 new Ps were added to
the marketing mix, making 7Ps for services.
The Event
2. Corporate and Franchisee businesses
Phase 1
For corporate customers we set up customised
Printbindaas is looking for new, innovative
online print ordering portal to help provide a faster
marketing ideas for the business.
and cost effective way for a company to order,
manage and track printed business communications. All of their materials are loaded onto an
online catalogue where designated users could
select and order what they need. This helps them
in better brand control, reporting and cost control.
Each team should pick up one of the Business
lines or one product offered by Print Bindaas and
propose a marketing plan followed by the rational
for the marketing plan. Please make a note that
you can propose more than one marketing plan
but depth is more important than the breadth.
3. Educational institutes
Format of the response should be
We address design, print and merchandise
• Business Line ( one of the above)
requirements in premium business schools and
• Define the 7Ps
International schools. Using an online module for
• Marketing plan ( not more than 3 ideas).
yearbooks we make it easy for students to design,
• Benefits of each plan ( Not more than 80 words
collaborate and print yearbooks.
for each plan)
You can elaborate by way of examples. Your
submission should not be more than 2 pages.
Word count : 1000 words
Phase 2
The selected team would be asked to explain the
way the proposed Business line / product could be
promoted. .
Format of the response should be
• Ideas to promote the Business Line (the one you have selected)
• Media selection for the promotion
• Benefits for each medium selected
• Budgeting for the selected media
The lower the budget the greater are the chances
of you being in the final list. However the decision
would be take on the basis of the media selection,
effectiveness of the medium and the budgeting
Word count : 5000 words
Phase 3
The deserving team would be provided with a
budget to execute their idea.
• First Prize : Rs.10,000/-
• A team should consist of 1-3 members each. • Judges decision would be final and would be • Second Prize : Rs.5000/-
There is no limit to the number of entries that binding on all participants. It may not be • Summer internship and PPIs
can be received from a particular institute or challenged by any jurisdictions or authority for • Live projects to Top 5 teams in which they university Competition is open to both first and any reason whatsoever.
would be involved in the implementation
second year MBA Students. However a mix of • If you provide information that is untrue,
of their own proposed strategy for Printbindaas
first and second year students cannot
inaccurate or incomplete, Bindaas Andaaz be formed.
Competion has the right to suspend or
• One person cannot be a part of more than
terminate your participation in the even without further obligation to you.
• And freebies for finalists
Phase Details
Entry date
Close date
Phase 1
Define the 7Ps
18th Aug.
24th Aug.
15 Teams would be shortlisted for the
Phase 2
Phase 2
25th Aug.
31st Aug.
and Advertise
one team.
• Each team can submit only one entry for
• The idea once submitted by a participant, becomes the property of Printbindaas Pvt Ltd.
• Members of a single team can also belong to The company then holds the right to use these ideas, and the participant should accept this without expecting additional compensation of including his/her name and/or likeness and/
or voice/photograph and/or municipality, state and nation of residence and/or details included in submission if Printbindaas.com uses these ideas for promotion and/or advertising
purposes in any manner and in any medium (Including without limitation, radio
Send in your entries at
broadcast, newspapers and other publications bindaasandaaz@printbindaas.com
and in television or film releases, slides,
with the subject in format as below:
video tape distribution over the internet and < COLLEGE>, <PHASE>, <TEAM NAME/
picture date storage) which the
company may feel appropriate.
the competition.
separate B-schools.
5th Sep.
5 Teams make it for
the final phase.
Phase 3
6th Sep.
19th Sep.
25th Sep.
he winner
Note: The details for the Phase 2 and Phase 3 would be provided to the team on selection.
Contact Kishor at
kishor@printbindaas.com or
+91 9860488652