sampark : October 2013 - Bharat Susamachar Samiti


sampark : October 2013 - Bharat Susamachar Samiti
Get Connected...
In this issue...
Let God Arise...
Introducing our
Journey of KJA,
Love meeting
LOVE ...
Ten Commandments
of Behavioral
News, Updates &
October 2o13
Volume: o3 No: o3
It was a day of shameful defeat for the
Israelites. Probably never, in their life time,
the Israeli soldiers experienced such a defeat.
Realizing the seriousness of the situation, the
priestly leaders advised them to take the Ark
of the Covenant into the battle. They thought
as in the days of Joshua, the ark would turn
their defeat into victory.
But it did not work;
instead it turned out to be one
of Israel’s most horrible days
of defeat. The battle was lost;
Hophni and Phinehas were
killed; the ark was captured.
Hearing the news, Eli, the
elderly priest-judge, fell from
his chair and broke his neck,
thus ending forever the reign
of the priesthood in Israel.
Rejoicing in the victory, the
Philistines took the ark with them, and later
sent it back to Israel for they were afraid.
The ark was at last with Abinadab in
Gibeah. Thus for over two generations, the
Ark was not in the Capital of Israel. When
David, the king, united and solidified Israel
into a secure Kingdom, there was yearning for
the visible symbol of God to be in Jerusalem.
So at last the specially consecrated priests
carried the Ark into Jerusalem.
The entire procession was filled with
song of praise, dance and worship, David was
so excited at the return of God’s presence, and
composed Psalm 68 which begins “May God
Arise!”. It was to be a new day for Israel as
God returned to them. The presence of the
living God has come back among them. A
great day! A blessed day!!
A Quarterly Newsletter of BSS, for Private Circulation Only
George C. K
(Managing Director)
It is a new day for any people when God
is invited to return as their sovereign Lord. The
presence of the Lord in any community makes
a huge difference like the difference between
day and night or life and death. Tragedy of the
present day is that, just as Israel learned to
function without the visible symbol of the
presence of God, many societies easily adapt to
the absence of God. The
absence of God is the absence
of love, light, fire and
holiness. When God is in the
midst of a people, it will
become a loving community,
who have warmth, spiritual
insights and holy lives. But
when God is left in the borders
and not brought into the center
of activities, there are coldlegalistic-relationships,
corruption, and increased unrighteousness and
Let us examine our lives and find out
whether God is in the proper place in our
individual spiritual life, families, group activities
and ministerial front. If not, it is time for us to
cry out loud, cry from our heart , “Oh! God arise,
come back to our midst and take your right
place’.. If He is allowed to be in the center place,
invited to the right place; then things will be
(1) He is a father to the fatherless.
Those who walk with Him need not feel any
insecurity. A few years ago, a small plane
crashed and landed in the back county of Alaska.
The pilot and a teenaged boy survived the crash
with minor injuries. After waiting two days, they
Introducing our Leaders...
Rev. Dr. Simon Samuel,
Luther W. New Jr. Theological College, Dehradun
Dr. Simon Samuel began his journey with New Theological College in the year 1992, and since then he has been
serving the College in various capacities. He took over as the Principal in 2004, and for almost a decade he has led the
College with strength and vision to ensure that NTC become an outstanding and leading center for theological education and
ministerial training, especially in North India. Under his eminent leadership, the college has embraced the challenges of
theological learning and teaching in the new millennium, and has become a well-known and well accepted theological
seminary in north India.
Rev. Dr. Simon Samuel was born in Kerala on 12th November, 1957 in a Christian family. He had his college
education, BA and MA in History, from the University of Kerala. In 1983, while studying Law in the Government Law
College, Mumbai, he received a special call for full time ministry. In obedience to God’s call, he joined Union Biblical
Seminary, Pune, for his theological education, and completed his BD degree in 1988. He then continued his theological
studies in United Theological College Bangalore, and completed his M.Th. in New Testament in 1992. He pursued his
M.Phil degree at University of Coventry via Wycliffe Hall, Oxford in the New Testament Studies and Cultural Studies.
Subsequent to this, he did his doctoral research at University of Sheffield, under Dr. Stephen Moore and Rev. Dr. Loveday
Alexander, and was conferred Doctorate degree (Ph. D.), for his Dissertation in ‘A Postcolonial Reading of the New Testament
Studies and Christian Origins, Cultural Studies and Postcolonial Studies’. (1998-2002).
1 a
started walking to find help. They were rescued and brought to hospital. When asked by the reporters whether he
was terrified during the crash and the walk after that, the boy replied “No, I was walking out with my father, you
see”. It is not ‘where we are’, but it is ‘who is with us’, that determines our security.
(2) When God is in the right place, there is proper guidance.
God is the perfect leader. He never leads from behind, but goes in the front. When Jesus spoke of the good
shepherd, he said, the shepherd goes before the sheep. The sheep follow him, they know his voice (Jn. 10: 4, 11)
Whenever Christ selected a disciple, he said ‘follow me’. When He is in the front, he prepares ways, he overcomes
the difficulties and hindrances, and leads his people in the righteous path.
(3) When God is in the front, there is victory
When God guides us, when His presence is in the proper place, there shall be victory in our lives and efforts.
Heavy down pour of abundant blessings will come from above. Only the rains of God can refresh the weary. Yes,
our nation India needs such a downpour, the people and communities need to be refreshed; we have to experience
Our responsibility is to ask God to arise so that His glory may be revealed once again. His people may rejoice once
again. And His enemy, the devil and all his forces may be defeated and crushed, and God’s people may experience
victory. Our great land becomes a land of righteousness, justice and love. Let God arise!
sampark : October 2013
His Ph.D. Dissertation, “A Postcolonial Reading of
Mark’s Story of Jesus’, reads Mark’s story of Jesus from a
postcolonial perspective. It proposes that Mark need not
necessarily be treated in an oversimplified polarity as an antiorpro-colonial discourse. Instead it may probably be treated
as a postcolonial discourse, i.e., as a strategic essentialist
and transcultural hybrid discourse that accommodates and
disrupts both the native Jewish (nationalistic and
collaborative) and the Roman colonial discourses of power.
This thesis shows that Mark accommodates itself into a
strategic third space in-between the variegated native Jewish
and the Roman colonial discourses in order to enunciate its
own voice. As a mimetic, ambivalent and hybrid discourse
it mimics and mocks, accommodates and disrupts both the
native essentialist and collaborative as well as the Roman
colonial voices.
In the words of Dr. Samuel, “The portrait of Jesus
in Mark, which I presume to be encoding also the portrait of
a community, exhibits a colonial/ postcolonial conundrum
which can neither be damned as pro- nor be praised as anticolonial in nature. Instead the portrait of Jesus in Mark may
be appreciated as a strategic essentialist and transcultural
hybrid, in which the claims of difference and the desire for
transculturally are both contradictorily present and visible.
In showing such a conundrumic portrait and invoking a
complex discursive strategy Mark as the discourse of a
subject community is not alone or unique in the Greco-Roman
world. A number of discourses—historical, creative novelistic
and apocalyptic— of the subject Greek and Jewish
communities in the eastern Mediterranean under
the imperium of Rome from the second century BC to the end
of the first century AD exhibit very similar postcolonial traits
which one may add to be not far from the postcolonial traits
of a number of postcolonial creative writings and cultural
discourses of the colonial subject and the dominated postcolonial communities of our time”.
Dr. Simon is undoubtedly a scholar by every
reckoning. He is the author and or the editor of the following
books - And They Crucified Him: A Postcolonial Reading of
the Story of Jesus (Dehradun: Thadathil, 2012), Remapping
Mission Discourse: A Festschrift in Honour of the Rev.
George Kuruvila Chavanikamannil (eds. Simon Samuel and
PV. Joseph Dehradun: NTC Publications/ ISPCK, 2008) and
A Postcolonial Reading of Mark’s Story of Jesus (London,
New York: T & T Clark, 2007). In addition to these, he has
published several articles and Theological Papers in scholarly
journals and presented papers in international seminars. He
is the Chief Editor of “Doon Theological Journal”, Published
from New Theological College, Dehradun, India.
Dr. Simon has received various awards and
fellowship during his distinguished career. Some of them are
the following: 2008 T. G. Frank Collison Award (USA) for
outstanding contribution to theological studies in India
through the publication of the book A Postcolonial Reading
of Mark’s Story of Jesus(New York: T & T Clark, 2007),2001
Patrie Watson Exhibition Award, University of Sheffield, 19982001 Overseas Research Scholarship Award, CVCP, UK, 2001
Gilchrist Educational Trust Scholarship, 1999-2001 Charles
Wallace India Trust Scholarship, 1996-2000 Interserve UK
Fellowship, 1996-2000 Luther W. New Jr. College Research
Fellowship and 1992 Dr. H.K. Moulton Memorial Prize for
New Testament Greek
Dr. Simon Samuel has served as a member of the
Working Committee of the Academic Council of the Senate
of Serampore College (university) representing BD studies
from 2007-2010 and MTh studies from 2010-2013. Also He
is the Member of the Senate and Board of Theological Studies
of the Senate of Serampore College (2004 to the present). Dr.
Simon is also serving as the Academic Dean of Nav Jyoti
Postgraduate and Research Center (NJPGRC), New Delhi
2011-2014. (A Federated Faculty of New Theological College,
Dehradun, Dharma Jyoti Vidya Peet, Faridabad and Center
for Dalit and Subaltern Studies, New Delhi affiliated to the
Senate of Serampore College (University). Dr. Simon also is
serving as the Director in the governing body of Christian
Evangelistic Assemblies and Bharat Susamachar Samiti. H e
has professional membership in the Society of Biblical
Literature (SBL No. SS 259890).
He is married to Rajamma Simon, who is a trained
Nurse (General Nursing at Lady Hardinge Medical College,
New Delhi, 1980; B Sc Nursing, University of Sheffield, 2002;
Diploma in Clinical Counseling, and Basic Christian Studies
from UTC, Bangalore, 1990-1992). They are blessed with two
beautiful children: Abhishek Samuel (14) and Helen Elizabeth
Samuel (8).
Dr. Simon is very passionate about the theological
training and education of young people, believing in providing
an environment where individuals are valued and nurtured to
bring out their individual best. As Principal, his major focus
is on effectively balancing the academic excellence and
spiritual vitality of the community, and also positively and
proactively addressing the diverse cultural challenges and
inter-denominational perspectives, those are the hallmarks of
NTC. Affirming NTC’s commitment to bring students of
differing theological perspectives and ideologies together for
study, research, discussion, worship, and respectful living, Dr.
Simon himself is dedicated to fostering an attentive, healthy
and graceful environment that can lead to greater
understanding and growth. With Dr. Samuel leading from the
front, NTC is moving forward in her mission of equipping
men and women for a life time of learning, and thus shaping a
Christ centered generation that would serve the Lord through
serving the humanity.
From Rocky ground
to Rich soil...
of Khrist Jyoti Academy, Pathri
“He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to
stand”. KJA, Pathri began as a dream in the hearts of a committed
couple who were ministering in a remote village in Haridwar in the
year 1987. Rev. Reji John and his wife Suni were burdened about a
large village called Pathri inhabited by the untouchables. Pathri was
basically part of a forest. Later, this whole area was allocated to a
people group who had been shifted from Tehri Garwal due to Tehri
dam hydroelectric project. That time there were no other schools in
the nearby area. Most, if not all, of the young children, in the village,
were just spending their years in the agricultural land and forest areas
grazing cattle and sheep.
Rev. Reji and his wife
were concerned about the
spirit of subjugation, ignorance
and darkness prevailed over
this village. They strongly felt
the need of providing good
education to the younger
generation in order to release
them from the shackles of
A Dream Come True:
castism and other oppressions.
Rev. Reji & Suni John
With that desire, they
approached BSS to explore the possibilities of developing an
elementary school, which would be founded on the basis of Christian
education and godly leadership.
Thus, in 1990, BSS started its first school near this village
in a rented facility, with a handful of children, and called it Good
News Academy. The school was indeed a good-news to the villagers.
For almost a decade, Rev Reji & his wife served the community
through the school. NTC Graduates Mr. Abhimanue Batra and Mr.
Ajay Chakraborty gave leadership to this institution, and expanded
the work in the following years. From April 2005 till date Mr. Santhosh
Kumar and his wife Linu Kumar are giving leadership to this ministry
with a team of NTC graduates and other committed staff. In order to
bring uniformity to the names of the schools run by BSS, the name of
GNA has been later changed into “Khrist Jyoti Academy”.
Since BSS did not have our own facility to run the school,
almost every year the school had to shift from one rented building to
another. This had curbed the growth opportunities of the school to an
extent. But by the grace of the sovereign God, He prepared a family
to partner with BSS in this vision, and very sacrificially they helped
the society to buy two acres of land in this village, and to build a
beautiful facility. The school shifted into the new building in February
2008. New facility has brought stability and growth in the ministry.
Today Khrist Jyoti Academy is the best Junior High School in the
whole area with around 500 children enrolled. The school has
altogether 13 grades, starting from Play Group to 8th grade. The
school has a State Recognition till grade 5. Recognition from grade 6
to 8 is under process. The school would like to move forward till
class 10, and for that we need to get the NOC from the state
government. Eventually the school is looking forward to CBSE
curriculum so as to meet the needs of the children. Khrist Jyoti
Academy takes pride on the high standards of attainment, behavior,
moral values and pastoral care. Our children enjoy a stimulating
structured curriculum during the school day & a wide range of
extracurricular activities. We believe that each child is special and
make every effort to develop them to their full potential, respecting
the dignity and individualistic values.
The school has altogether 16 full time staff including the
Principal, Vice- Principal & Accountant. We also have three teachers
helping in the Kindergarten section & 5 supporting staff that take
care of the campus. The school being the only English medium
school around has a
good reputation
from the very
inception. There
were challenges in
the beginning like
parent’s illiteracy,
drug addiction,
alcoholism, blind
faith etc., those
Leading from the Front:
were some of the
Linu & Ashrita Kumar
issues the school had to overcome. The school has succeeded to a
great extent and we see great changes in the behavior of the parents.
Along with imparting quality education the school was seriously
involved with educating the parents through various awareness
meetings and community development programmes. Over the years
the need of education was realized & recognized by the community.
The school has brought in a great change in their attitudes and thought
pattern. Disparity between male child & female child was a major
issue. Regular counseling and frequent visit to parents has brought a
great change as now the ratio has improved. Now people are willing
to send their girl child to school.
In connection with the school, we already had a project in
the nearby area feeding and educating children of the snake charmers’
community. These people are marginalized, poor, and outcaste.
Children in this community are not welcomed to attend any formal
education. By the help of BSS the school was able to penetrate in
this village and started primary schooling for little children in the
village itself. In the beginning around 50 children were enrolled. In
the year 2007, we have started Jeevan Jyoti Bal Vikas (Life and Light
Child Development), where five days a week our team is teaching
278 extremely poor dalit children reading, writing, math, Bible stories
and songs in the afternoon and feed them with an evening meal. The
project takes care of their tuition and other needs. 4 children from
snake charmers attend the morning school as well.
It is indeed amazing to see the progress these children have
already made in every area of their lives in the last many months. It
is our dream to see these little children growing in the knowledge of
truth, climbing the social barriers, and seeing them in responsible
sampark : October 2013
positions. We need your prayers on behalf of all these children and their families and for Brother Inosh Karad, who coordinates this project.
Our purpose is unique, yet complete. It
reads as follows: “Khrist Jyoti Academy exists
to fulfill the Great Commission by imparting
quality education and sharing Christ’s love to
restore the poor, needy and marginalized.” Our
mission is to “bring education as means of
transforming society by providing quality
education in all truth and love with the aim of
holistic development of children in
The name ‘Pathri’ is a Hindi word that
means ‘stone’. With the gracious guidance of
God and along with the united efforts of a
dedicated and loyal team, this hard and stony
land is getting transformed into a fertile ground,
where the love and knowledge of God can be
United Together for a Purpose, KJA Team, Pathri
sown and be fruitful.
To God be the glory, great things He
has done, He is doing and will continue to do in the lives of many through Khrist Jyoti Academy in Pathri and the surrounding villages.
My name is Love, and I live in Shanti
Nagar, Saharanpur. I belong to a poor family. My
father is a daily laborer, and mother a house wife.
My Father works really hard to make ends meet for
our family of three kids. I am the eldest child. Just
like any other parent, my father also wanted us
children to get good education and lead a decent
life, unlike theirs. But for a poor man, it was just
day dreams.
It was then, Jeevan Jyoti Bal Vikas, run by BSS,
came into our lives as God-send. They enrolled me for
their child care programme. The project encouraged
me to attend the school regularly. And they are helping
us to meet the tuition fee, books, other educational
expenses etc. They provide me knowledge and
awareness about various things, which otherwise would
not have been possible. Also I get nutritious and healthy
food, and time to time medical care from the project to
enjoy a healthy life. It is such a blessing to us as a
The 13th April 2013 was a fatal day in our life. A devastating
storm has blown through the place where we live and made a huge
damage to our village and the surrounding areas. Most of the houses
there are in tin sheds that can easily be damaged. Most of them did
get badly damaged, apart from those that were made of strong concrete.
Our little, one room tin-roofed house supported by wooden columns,
was not an exemption. Not only had the whole structure shattered
down, but also the hope and dreams of a family. Since it happened
during the day, none of us were present at home, and so we were
unharmed, but we had lost all what we had.
We were so shocked. This shed was our priceless possession,
the only shelter we had to protect us from the scorching sun and the
pouring rain. We did not know what to do and we stood lost in the
middle of the debris. My father was so broken. We did not have
anybody to go and ask for any help. Finally, my father in his utter
helplessness, went and met the JJBV project staff and shared with
them all what had happened.
The project staff listened to us kindly and assured us of all possible
help. They visited the spot, comforted us. They prayed to the Lord
on our behalf, and encouraged us with the words that Jesus is a
loving and compassionate God who cares for everyone’s needs.
After a few days, the project coordinator informed my
father that they will help us in rebuilding the roof. Later the project
staff found out that the walls were too fragile to have the roof on it.
So they suggested that the whole structure be built again. The project
staff raised fund for us, and started the work all over
When the wok finished, we could not believe our
eyes that our tin roofed one room had been turned
into a beautiful house with a bedroom, living room
and kitchen. It was actually a dream come true for us.
The gracious help extended by JJBV not only restored
the tin-shed blown away by the storm, but also our
We are grateful to JJBV for standing with us and
supporting us in times of our dire need. So also I am
grateful to the project team for providing me the
educational assistance. This project has become an open-door for
me to enter into the widest possibilities of education and bright
future. Through the project, I could also learn about Jesus, the
friend of children. I was surprised to learn that Jesus is the
embodiment of my real name ‘love’, and He wants all of us to love
one another, help each other, and lead a blameless life. Now I
love my name more than ever. I want to study well and lead a good
and pleasing life. I request all of you, who read my story, to pray
for me and also for other less-privileged children like me.
Our small, but beautiful, house stands as a visible reminder
of Jesus’ love, protection and care for those who trust in Him. We
can never express with words how thankful we are to all who stood
with us in times of our struggle. Thank you all very, very much.
May God’s love be with all of us. Sincerely, Love.
Contributed by: Mr
Mr.. Sunil K
roject Coordinator
V, Saharanpur)
Coordinator,, JJB
The Ten Commandments
of Behavior Management
in Schools / Projects
A school or a class full of perfectly behaved students is
often a dream than a reality. Through these years of being involved
in BSS schools, I know that one aspect most of us struggle with is
the behaviour management of students in our schools and projects.
Some behaviours of children are perceived by schools and teachers
as problematic and the prevalent practice till recent years was to
respond to them with punishment of varying degrees. Some such
situations that arise in schools that invite punishments are: (1) Not
keeping to time and cleanliness regulations – e.g., late to school,
not coming in proper uniform etc.; (2) Academic related issues –
e.g., incomplete home work, below expected academic performance,
not bringing books to school, etc.; (3) Not meeting classroom
expectations of school authorities – e.g., inattentive, talking in class,
making noise in class, etc.; (4) Troublesome behaviour – e.g.,
disturbing other children in class, lying, stealing etc.; (5) Offensive
behaviour, causing hurt or injury to others – e.g., bullying, aggression
towards peers, vandalising, etc.
But today it is globally recognised that punishment in any
form and kind in school lack effectiveness and it has potential
deleterious effects on the students. Corporal punishment in any form
leads to adverse physical, psychological and educational outcomes.
Recognising these facts and in line with the government regulations,
our schools and projects have a clear policy on corporal punishment
and we also strictly follow the guidelines given in our Child Protection
Policy. But the question is “what are the alternate ways of managing
the behaviour of our students?”. Often our inability to manage our
students makes us confused and frustrated. The primary reason for
our inability is our lack of knowledge and expertise in positive ways
of behaviour management. My attempt here is to provide some
general principles and practical guidelines for positive behaviour
Thou shalt treat thy students with dignity and respect:
Children are born with human dignity. To treat a person with respect
is to
acknowledge and preserve their human dignity. We, in BSS
schools and projects, affirm the fact that each student, irrespective
of their colour, caste, creed, financial background, academic
performance and behaviour, is created in the image of God. Our
means and methods of disciplining and managing their behaviour
should have this as the foundational principle. Often we tend to react
to behavioural problems in a manner that infringes upon their dignity,
inherent human worth and self-esteem. We need to treat them with
dignity and respect at all times, even when their behaviour has
annoyed us and we are at the top of our anger and frustration.
2. Thou shalt build a positive relationship with thy students:
Professor Eric Jensen rightly said that “Your success as an educator
is more dependent on positive, caring, trustworthy relationships than
on any skill, idea, tip or tool”. We need to understand that building
positive relationship and rapport with the children is at the heart of
effective behaviour management. A strong relationship based on care
and warmth connects us with our students and without that connection
Abraham C. Thomas
(Area Coordinator)
our ability to influence and lead them is diminished. This relationship
can be enhanced in a number of ways such as showing an interest in
them as individuals, talking to them personally and listening to
Thou shalt manage thy own emotions: It is important to
maintain emotional balance always even when you are having a bad
or busy day at work. Remember that your emotions significantly
influence the school/classroom climate and you are most effective
when you are calm and rational. An excess of any emotion affects
the brain’s ability to think rationally and sensibly. Therefore it is
important that we learn to manage our emotions when dealing with
the students.
4. Thou shalt set clear limits and expectations: It is important to
set clear and realistic agendas, expectations and limits about the
behaviour of students and explain them clearly to the students. It is
also important to enable students to set clear limits for themselves
and to arrive at a consensus with students about expected behaviour
and consequences. The following are some useful tips: Use ‘I need
you to ...’ rather than ‘You need to ...’ statements, Give clear
commands on what is expected, e.g., ‘stay quiet’ instead of ‘be good’,
Avoid ‘Don’t commands, Use a ‘firm and calm’ manner – avoid an
angry tone.
5. Thou shalt pay positive attention to students and appreciate
good behaviour: As educators, we need to focus on the positives of
every child, even the most difficult ones. It is important to identify
good efforts and appropriate behaviours of students and to recognize
and reward those behaviours. Methods like motivational award chart
(for younger children), giving extra points/marks for good
behaviour...etc will be so useful. When children exhibit values such
as responsibility, honesty, caring...etc they should be appreciated
verbally or awarded. The simple rule is ‘praise the behaviour you
want to see more’. These methods can effectively enhance positive
behaviours and minimize the negative ones.
6. Thou shalt make use of appropriate negative reinforcements:
Researches show that one of the most effective methods to manage
behaviour is positive and negative reinforcements. If misbehaviour
continues after warnings, take away privileges in consultation with
the student. For Example, do not give star/ point/mark on his/her
motivational award chart for the day or give negative points/marks,
take away 10 or 15 minutes of any privilege time like play time or
library hours...etc. This encourages the child to follow good behaviour
to keep his/her privilege and it is not considered punishment. Make
sure that the negative reinforcement is fair and appropriate and it is
consistently employed.
7. Thou shalt look into aspects that contribute to behavioural
problems: Children’s temperament interacts with a plethora of
environmental factors such as parenting style, disciplinary patterns
at home, marital disharmony and domestic violence at home, etc.
Learning disabilities, underlying emotional disturbance and family
situation can contribute to the behaviour problems in children
sampark : October 2013
News, updates & mor
Upcoming Events
BSS Leadership Seminar: Oct 21 & 22, 2013
Haggai Institute Seminar for BSS Staff : Nov 3 - 5, 2013
Business Meeting for Principals & Coordinators: Nov 18, 2013
BSS Board Meeting: Nov 23, 2013
Best Wishes
for the newly
wed couple
Meet our New Board Members
Ms. Vijai Sherring was the Principal of CNI Girls Inter College Dehradun from 1994 - 2004,
and also the Principal of CNI Degree College from 2005 - 2010. Now she is serving as the
Manager of three CNI Schools. Ms. Sherrin has a vast amount of knowledge and extensive
experience in the educational sector, leadership and management.
Prof. Dr. Matthew Prasad is serving as the Vice Chancellor of Uttarakhand University of Horticulture
& Forestry (UUHF) . He has earned his B.Tech. degree from Allahabad University, M.Tech. and Ph.D.
degrees in Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He has also conducted advance
research and training at Volcani Research Centre, Bet Degan, Israel. He has developed Bi-axially oriented
perm-selective gas-barrier polymer films for food packaging. For his innovation, he has been given
prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru Award by Govt. of India. Presently he is serving the University with a focus
on making a paradigm shift from conventional to hi-tech agriculture in Uttarakhand.
Dr. Nicanor Tamang was the Executive Director of International Needs Nepal . In 2012 Rev. Nicanor
Tamang retired from the Nepal part of the ministry, and continues to work with International Needs in
India under the name of ACTS Ministries- Dehradun. The works in Dehradun and Siliguri are supervised
by him, and the ministry consists of child sponsorship and sponsoring of theological students in Dehradun.
He was also the Founding Pastor of Aradhana Church, Kathmandu, Nepal and of Doon Christian Fellowship,
Rajpur Dehradun. He is at present helping a new church called Bethel Darshan Fellowship, Dehradun. He
and his wife are committed to working among the Nepali people living in India and Nepal.
It is therefore important to try and understand what could be causing
the behaviour. Problem behaviours should be understood as a
product of interaction of various psycho-social and biological
factors and what the child needs is help rather than punishment. In
the context of our schools, the class teachers are the best ones to
interact with the kids to understand the underlying issues and deal
with them. When there are major issues involved professional
counselling help should be sought and parents should also be
involved in this helping process.
8. Thou shalt educate thy students in life-skills: According to
WHO, life skills may be defined as “abilities for adaptive and
positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with
the demands and challenges of everyday life”. Life skills include
psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skills that help people
make informed decisions, solve problems, think critically and
creatively, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships,
empathize with others, and cope with managing their lives in a
healthy and productive manner. CBSE has already included life
skills education into its curriculum. Effective acquisition and
application of life skills can greatly influence the behavior. Through
morning assembly, moral science classes and other interactions
with the students in our schools and projects we can effectively
help them in acquiring these life skills.
9. Thou shalt create and maintain a caring and nurturing
environment: For effective learning and transformation it is pivotal
to create a child-friendly environment in schools. School should be
a place where the students feel safe and secure physically and
emotionally. The environment in the school should be conducive
to learning. The conduct of the teacher and administration should
be such that it fosters a spirit of inclusion, care and nurturing.
10. Thou shalt pray for thy students: As ministerial teams we
firmly believe that prayer can bring about drastic changes in how
the students behave and perform. Through being engaged in the
ministry of the school, I have witnessed the transformation prayer
can bring in the lives of students. Our scrupulous efforts coupled
with fervent prayers can make our schools and projects sanctuaries
of transformation.
As educators entrusted with the solemn responsibility of
moulding the students’ lives, we should be skilled in positively
engaging with our students and there should be constant and
consistent efforts in shaping their behaviour. May God continue
to enable us as we strive to impact our students and to achieve
excellence in the field of education!
& Prayer
We thank God for...
We ask God for...
His wonderful provision in meeting
their families.
all the needs of the organization.
Protecting and empowering our
The blessed wedding of Renny &
The wellbeing of the entire BSS Family.
Roshini Chavanikamannil.
His grace upon the rebuilding and
Enabling all the schools to complete
rehabilitation work that is happening in the
the second term of the academic year
flood affected areas of Uttrakhand.
The healing of Br. Lephen Kumar, who is
suffering with acute back pain.
Abhineet Dass and Sheeba, who are
joining the BSS central office team.
Grant of Affiliation Approval to all BSS
Blessing Sammon Kurian & Dally
with a baby boy (MCCA, N. Nagar)
Land purchase & Building Projects at KJA
Blessing Shery Joy & Jinu with a baby
boy (KJA, Dehradun)
Construction Projects at Bhagawanpur &
Blessing Jeremiah Lal & Latika with
a baby girl (KJA, Dehradun)
His blessing upon our Sponsors, Wellwishers & Partners.
leaders to guide us in excellence.
His grace and favor on all our Leaders &
Br. Rajkumar’s family (Saharanpur) as
they grieve in the loss of their father.
Bharat Susamachar Samiti
Kulhan PP.O.,
.O., Challang, Dehradun, Uttarakhand - 248 001, INDIA +91-135 - 2607 256, 2607 919, 2607 045
sampark : October 2013