Good Radio Doing Good


Good Radio Doing Good
Good Radio Doing Good
This week actor and talk host Stephen Baldwin, Talk radio veteran
Kevin McCullough and Secret Millionaire and talk host Dani Johnson
announced a major expansion of their efforts to feed orphans around
the world. Their new website, is the latest move in the
trio’s mission to rally thousands of people nationwide to help and
August 17, 2012
money were continuing to pour in, even
after we’d reached our goal. So DoGood.
com was born. It will ultimately grow to
allow people to interact with similar types
of projects -- projects that all share the
common thread of helping particularly
vulnerable children who have no other
resources or anyone else to help them.
What sort of food does your effort supply?
raise awareness of the extent of the problem of extreme hunger and
malnutrition among orphans throughout the world. NTS MediaOnline
Weekly caught up with McCullough this week to learn more about the
effort and why he and his partners in the project are so passionate about
the cause.
Talk about the origins of this project and how it has evolved into the
launch of
Back in March XTREMedia, the company I operate with Stephen, had
the opportunity to form a coalition with Dani Johnson to work with
two feeding ministries -- King’s Ransom Foundation and Food For
Orphans -- to tackle an issue that I have advocated for all of my life.
Our initial idea was to feed 2012 kids in 2012. That goal, which we’d
hoped to reach by next December, was reached in May. We were blown
away by the response. We sort of quickly outgrew our initial label
of “2012 in 2012” and decided we needed to come up with a way to
continue our efforts, because the support from people and donations of
Food For Orphans, in cooperation with
several food manufacturing companies, has developed a recipe -- a
casserole -- that contains rice, beans, vegetables and chicken. They then
infuse that with 21 vitamins and nutrients based on scientific studies that
show that orphaned children are generally abnormally deficient in those
particular items that are added to the mix. So each meal delivers not only
a dose of everything the kids need to sustain themselves, but also actually
helps their bodies begin to heal and strengthen.
What’s the cost to feed these children who are in need?
One meal costs just 25 cents. In other words, for only $92 we can feed one
child for an entire year. Think about that. Less than $100 and you can feed
a child for a whole year!
This has been a personal mission for you for much of your life, but what
made Stephen and Dani decide to get involved?
I introduced Stephen to the folks at Food For Orphans a couple of years
ago. Through them Stephen and his wife and family toured poverty
stricken regions of the Dominican Republic where they witnessed people
harvesting ‘food’ from garbage dumps and toured an AIDS home for kids
diagnosed with HIV. It was a very powerful life changing experience
for Stephen, as well as for his wife and daughters, and they were very
motivated to find a way to not just help people, but also to help them
change their lives.
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August 17, 2012
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WTOP/Washington is seeking a Digital News Writer/Editor to create
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post it free of charge as a service to the Talk media industry.
Dial Global adds new NBC News Radio affiliates WQKT/Wooster,
OH; WMXR/Woodstock,VT; WCLX/Westport, NY; and KWTY/
Cartago, CA … Cumulus Media Networks adds new ABC News
Radio affiliates WBEC/Pittsfield, MA and WGYM/Hammonton, NJ.
Additionally the network adds new affiliates WWIQ/Philadelphia (Red
Eye Radio); KBSZ/Apache Junction, AZ (The John Batchelor Show);
KBAR/Burley, ID (The Mark Levin Show); and KOFI/Kalispell, MT
and WMVO/Mt. Vernon, OH (The Mike Huckabee Show) … WNRI/
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and WDIS/Norfolk, MA add The Money Pit Home Improvement Show.
Both programs are syndicated via Talk Shows USA … WKKX-FM/
Wheeling, WV and WWRL/New York add the weekly syndicated talk
show Ring Of Fire, hosted by Mike Papantonio, Sam Seder and Robert
F. Kennedy, Jr. … AdLarge Media enters into a national advertising
sales representation agreement with Gow Broadcasting, which runs
Yahoo! Sports Radio in partnership with Yahoo! Sports. Meanwhile
Yahoo! Sports Radio adds Sun Broadcast Group’s Got Game Sports
feature to the network’s programming roster … WEGP/Presque Isle, ME
adds Genesis Communications Network’s syndicated Dr. Daliah Show.
John Denning is named to replace the late Howie Chizek in middays at
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Akron as News Director … KDKA/Pittsburgh has launched DriveTime,
a new weekend talk show focused on “all things car related.” Hosted by
Vinnie Richichi and Rob Pratte, the one hour show airs Saturdays from
7-8am … Frank Morano moves to a new weekly time slot on AM 970
The Answer (WNYM/New York) where his “live and local” show now
airs Saturdays from 1-4am … Veteran NFL coach Bill Parcells joins
ESPN Radio 98.7 New York (WEPN) as a weekly contributor to Michael
Kay’s afternoon show. Additionally, former Jets quarterback “Broadway”
Joe Namath, expands his weekly feature on the station into a one-hour
Monday appearance with Kay for the upcoming football season … NPR
Chief Strategy Officer Debra Delman moves to Arbitron as EVP/
Finance and CFO. She succeeds interim CFO Sean Cramer in the role.
Sports broadcasting veterans Tim Montemayor and Owen Murphy have
launched a new Sports/Talk podcast called “No Rules.” You can check it
out on the KIRO/Seattle website HERE. Federated Media is the latest
broadcast group to sign up with Clear Channel’s iHeart Radio. Seventeen
Federated stations, including legendary News/Talker WOWO/Ft. Wayne,
will be available via the growing digital radio platform … SiriusXM
debuts BuzzFeed, a new live weekly talk show playing Tuesdays at 6pm
(ET). The one-hour program offers subscribers a behind-the-scenes look
at the creation of the hottest social content on the web … debuts
free mobile apps for Android and iOS smartphones, offering 24/7 access
to Talk shows in six specialized categories including Conservative Radio,
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Libertarian Radio. Learn more and download the apps HERE … Get
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Salem Radio Network host Mike Gallagher (right) grabbed this oncein-a-lifetime photo with comedy legend Mel Brooks when the two met
backstage at Los Angeles’ historic Pantages Theater. That’s where parttime actor Gallagher was guest-starring in a production of Memphis: The
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August 17, 2012
Page 3
Dani -- who many people recognize from when she was featured on ABCTV’s Secret Millionaire and who now hosts a talk show that our company
syndicates -- has long preached a business model that’s all about helping
people gain control of their debt and become financially independent and
to succeed in every area of your life. One of the things she talks about
almost every time she’s on a microphone is the idea that if you just want
to make money for the sake of making money it will be an unfulfilling
pursuit. But if you include the component that you are going to use your
financial success to create a better life for those with no other way to help
themselves, then you’ll find a much greater meaning from life. She and
her husband had already been involved in feeding orphans prior to our
2012 project, so the ability to combine their efforts with our efforts and
expand the number of kids they could help was very attractive to Dani.
She was an enthusiastic supporter from the very start of this project.
Briefly, how does the program work?
King’s Ransom Foundation and Food For Orphans are really the
mechanisms through which all of the feeding takes place. Stephen, Dani
and I are sort of the flag-wavers at the front of the parade saying, ‘Hey
look at us, we want to tell you about something.’ Food For Orphans works
primarily through local churches and faith-based groups in every country
they’re working in. Both they and King’s Ransom Foundation are very
tightly audited so we have great marketplace integrity and can say without
hesitation that every dime that’s donated goes exactly where we say it is
Do you help kids both here in the U.S. and overseas?
Yes, we do help children in the U.S., but the fact is that the average
nutritional component for a child who lives under the poverty line in the
U.S. would blow away the amount of useable nutrition that an orphan in
most third world countries receives. The kids we are most focused on are
children that have lost their parents, have no family resources whatsoever,
and who live where there are no safety nets. These are kids who go 72
hours or more at a time in between any kind of food. And even then it’s
likely to be something pulled from a garbage dump or other unsanitary
resource. These are kids who are dying at a rate of about one every 90
seconds. In the course of a two-hour Talk radio show, 80 children die
from basic malnutrition. Finding them and getting them the kind of food
they need just to live, let alone grow strong and healthy, is a really big
How can stations, individuals or even other Talk radio hosts get involved
in this effort to help these children who are all so desperately in need?
Let me make this really clear -- we would covet their involvement. That
is a strong word but I mean it, we would lust after anyone who can help to
raise the awareness of this to become involved. All you have to do is reach
out and contact any of us. Stephen, Dani, or I would be happy to come on
their shows and tell this story. If you want to help in any way, we’ll throw
our arms around you, welcome you and thank you. This is not a left/right
issue like so much of what we debate on Talk radio. This is something that
anyone of any political leaning can understand -- children with a lack of
resources and hope who you can feed and change their life for 25 cents a
meal. That’s a no-brainer and we’d love to have as many people as we can
get to understand that and help.
Email Kevin McCullough at or get more info at www.
Al Peterson
Brooke Trissel
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