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LIVE FREE USA Special Section. We defend your right to defend yourself. See page 24. GunNews Second Amendment news for the State of Illinois and beyond Published monthly by Guns Save LifeVolume 20, Number 2February 2014 Affiliated with the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, the Civilian Marksmanship Program, the NRA, the ISRA, the Illinois Federation for Outdoor Resources, and others Chicago gun sales and transfer ban struck down Rahm loses once again PRE-SORT STD. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 51 PEORIA, IL Photo by Oleg Volk. Used with permission. (NRA-ILA) - Things are looking up for gun owners in Illinois. On Monday, as some 4,500 concealed carry applications flooded the state’s online portal on its first full day of operation, Obama-appointed U.S. District Judge Edmond E. Chang of the Northern District of Illinois issued a significant opinion that invalidated Chicago’s ban on firearm sales and transfers within the city. The suit was brought by the Illinois Association of Firearms Retailers and three individuals, with the backing of NRA. Second Amendment case in the Seventh Circuit, 2011’s Shepard v. Madigan). The transfer ban remained, however, a symbol of the same political denial and impudence that have ironically helped move the Second Amendment needle in the right direction through litigation time and again. The Chicago transfer ban was part of a series of ordinances the city hastily enacted after its total ban on handgun possession was invalidated by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals’ 2010 opinion in McDonald v. Chicago. Chicago attempted to justify the ordinance by, among other things, pointing out that residents could obtain firearms outside the city’s borders. The city also insisted that the ordinance increased the “transaction costs” of the firearms trade, making the acquisition of firearms by criminals more expensive, time-consuming, and dangerous (because they would have to travel through high-crime areas infested by rival gangs to buy guns). Chicago additionally claimed gun stores “are dangerous in and of themselves and cannot be safely regulated.” Chicago’s crusade to be the nation’s most oppressive jurisdiction for gun owners has yielded other important victories for the Second Amendment. These included the Seventh Circuit’s holding in 2011’s Ezell v. Chicago that Chicago’s ban on discharge (notwithstanding its requirement that residents obtain live-fire training as a condition of owning a gun in the city) was unconstitutional. Other aspects of the city’s wide-ranging gun control regime have been whittled down in response to litigation and the broad preemption provisions of Illinois’ recently-enacted Firearm Concealed Carry Act (the result of yet another successful The ordinance at issue flatly stated: “no firearm may be sold, acquired or otherwise transferred within the city, except through inheritance of the firearm.” The court called Chicago’s argument that it could ban firearm sales, as long as guns were available elsewhere, “profoundly mistaken.” “Second Amendment rights,” Judge Chang wrote, “must be guaranteed within a specified geographic unit--be it city or state.” Continued on page 4. John Boch, President Guns Save P.O. Box 51 Savoy, IL 61874 February 2014 Guns Save Life Meetings • Rantoul: Second Tuesday of month: Tues., Feb 11th The Linden, 224 Wheat Ave., Rantoul, IL 61866 • Pontiac: First Tuesday of month: Tuesday, Feb. 4th Pontiac VFW Post 886, 531 W. Lincoln Ave., Pontiac, Illinois 61764 • Effingham: First Thurs. of the month: Thurs., Feb. 6th Effingham Elk’s Club, 2102 S. Banker Street, Effingham, IL 62401 • Peoria: First Thurs. of the month: Thurs., Feb. 6th Knights of Columbus, 7403 North Radnor Road, Peoria,IL 61615 Dinner, conversation, exhibits at 5:00 p.m. Meetings at 7 p.m. Come on out and join us. The public is encouraged to attend! Good food and good friends. It’s a lot of fun too! Meeting is free and open to public. Dinner is optional. Burma-style highway sign count: GUNS 30 sets, 12 counties, two states. 500,000+ sightings per day, 182+ million per year SAVE The law showed up... Guns Save Life | Rantoul GSL President John Boch called the assembled masses of the faithful to order at 7pm and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. As is custom, we welcomed about a halfdozen newcomers with applause and a complimentary GSL sticker. May you all return to become “regular” members of our family! Walmart has new “no guns” signage adorning their Illinois stores in the past week or so. John advised everyone to contract store management to have the signs removed. (Three days later, the signs started coming down. See story on page 8.) IGOLD. In housekeeping issues, John mentioned that Bushue Investigative Services inadvertently forgot to send a LiveScan fingerprinting technician to our meeting. They promise they’ll be back next month for those still needing to get fingerprinted. Also, on a sad note, a past guest speaker, Mr. Tony Bilek of Rantoul passed away in recent days. Mr. Bilek spoke in January 2004 about his experiences during the Bataan Death March and his life as a POW for much of World War II. President’s Report. In national news, a federal court struck down the Army Corps of Engineers ban on civilian gun possession on land it controls, including 700 dams and their associated recreation areas. The court ruled the sweeping ban deprived citizens of their Heller- and McDonald-affirmed right to keep and bear arms. Here in Illinois, much has happened, including the Chicago gun sales ban called unconstitutional by a federal court judge. The judge gave the City of Chicago six months to craft a new ordinance if they wish to regulate gun sales. (See cover story.) The new Illinois Gun Safety and Responsibility Act is a toothless tiger. The bill “requires” gun sellers to contact the Illinois State Police to verify the buyer’s FOID card as valid. Failure to comply is specifically enumerated as neither a criminal nor a petty offense. (See page 4.) The online application process for carry licenses is up and running for the most part and over 30,000 applications have been initiated in the past two weeks or so. Paper applications are coming in July for those who don’t want to mess with the computer application process with can be finicky. Join thousands of your closest friends and fellow gun owners at the Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day coming up on Wednesday, March 5th. GSL’s president reminded everyone that IGOLD is coming up on Wednesday, March 5th this year. Take a day off work and accompany all of us to Springfield. This very successful lobbying effort for gun owners really does have elected officials taking note. John Naese announced that our “No Guns, No Money” cards didn’t make it in time for the meeting, but 10,000 are on the way. Enough for every GSL member to have about five, give or take. Come see us at next month’s meetings in the various cities and we’ll have some for you at no charge. John Boch noted that Illinois Carry took some heat from at least one business owner that complained the person who gave him the card with Illinois Carry’s name on it was rude. “Be a good ambassador,” John cautioned everyone. “You’re representing Guns Save Life when you contact these businesses and professionals who have posted their establishments.” Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart is flagging about 6% of applications for challenge, despite the fact that every applicant has already passed the rigorous background investigation needed for a Firearms Owners Identification card. (See more on page 10.) Mr. Boch asked those in the audience to make sure when they get their Illinoismandated concealed carry training that their instructor meets the minimums required, and if they don’t, to ask them to do so. If the instructor refuses, ask for a refund of your tuition because their training certificates may not be accepted by the Illinois State Police and there are no refunds of the $150 application feel. (See story page 18.) GunNews Magazine - 2 - February 2014 Champaign County Sheriff Dan Walsh, above, addressed the audience with an inside look at how his department will handle the new concealed carry law. He says there is going to be a learning curve for everyone involved. John Naese, above, addressed the audience on several points. Mr. Naese also brought up the coming Appleseed event in Bloomington for the weekend after Valentine’s Day. It will be held at the new Central Illinois Precision Shooting range in Bloomington at Darnall’s GunWorks and Ranges. The facility has a heated floor and is very comfortable no matter what the weather outside may be. You would be smiling too At the January 2014 GSL meeting, we gave away a SCCY 9mm pistol. Tim Salfrank was the lucky gent to win it, and he’s proudly showing it off here. There are about eight slots remaining. The cost to register is $60 for adults and $20 for those under 18 for the training and there’s a $25 range fee for use of the non-profit indoor range. Visit the Appleseed website or contact John Naese at 217 840-0246. Ron Scudder was our second main speaker for the night, talking about the work Pheasants Forever does in bringing back habitat for the popular game bird. >> Tech time for Febuary << John asked everyone to bring their “BIG GUNS” to next month’s meeting for Tech Time. Got a large gun or a large-caliber gun? Bring it to share with your fellow aficionados. Warren Drake reported that GunNews circulation is doing well, but we need some volunteers to get the papers from our new printing company in Peoria to Springfield and Champaign. “You’ll need a full-size pickup truck or similar. There’s a lot of papers, probably 1500 pounds worth,” Drake said. Doesn’t have to be smokeless powder, either. Cannons are welcome, as are pack howitzers and really big handguns in addition to rifles. Since the passing of GSL member and volunteer Bill Davis, we’ve also been a little thin up in the I-57 corridor from Gilman on north the Kankakee into the south suburbs. If you might be able to pick up copies of GunNews to distribute to some of the locations in this region, contact Mr. Drake at 217 898-9602. Remember, we will have a LiveScan fingerprinting vendor at next month’s GSL Rantoul meeting. Bring your big gun for Tech Time next month! Thanks! We’ll see you Tuesday, February 11th! Main Speaker #1: Champaign County Sheriff Dan Walsh Champaign County’s highest law-enforcement official, Sheriff Dan Walsh, was our first speaker of the evening. He tackled some of the questions on everyone’s mind about the new concealed carry bill. “This is a miserably written law that’s very difficult to read,” Walsh began. He’s got no shortage of criticisms of the law law and its provisions - and to a lesser extent the Illinois State Police’s re-invention of the wheel in terms of how to implement carry in Illinois. “I just got my password at 4:45pm today,” Mr. Walsh said, referring to the password needed to access the Illinois State Police’s list of applicants. he’s inflexible on: The law says the gun must be unloaded before a licensee steps out of the car to secure it in the truck in a prohibited area. “We will not make an arrest for this,” he explained. “The last thing I want is people unloading and loading guns in the passenger compartment of their cars.” From a safety standpoint, he noted that this is a recipe for disaster. He reiterated his belief this new law is “a nightmare” and then began answering individual questions for the better part of fifteen or twenty minutes. Walsh’s department will need that password to peruse the list and file any objections to applicants they believe would be unsafe or a risk to the community. “We’re still developing the protocol we’re going to use to evaluate the applicants,” Walsh said. “This is all so very new.” In terms of how area police agencies are going to handle interactions with licensees, Walsh said it will be up to each to develop their own procedures and policies. Walsh did work with the Police Training Institute to develop a generic Power Point presentation for cops, distilling most encounters down to five outcomes ranging from disarming the licensee and arresting them for offenses like outstanding warrants to simply asking the licensee not to reach for the gun or make any sudden movements. “The cop can take the gun or do nothing,” Walsh said of what licensees should expect in minor police encounters like traffic stops. “It’s completely up to the cop and his or her agency.” “Do what the officer asks though,” Walsh cautioned - and don’t reach for it to show the officer. “I can’t think of a more dangerous thing for you to do.” Walsh is critical of the long list of prohibited locations. “Basically, if it’s built or operated with taxpayer dollars, odds are you can’t carry there.” The sheriff intends to encourage cops to give a great deal of latitude in their enforcement of the prohibited locations. “Fortunately I have a lot of influence with the sheriff’s office,” he joked. Main Speaker #2: Pheasants Forever’s Ron Scudder The answer to some of those questions included: No, you may not carry a stun gun with an IL concealed carry license. Yes, the sheriffs in Central Illinois think very similarly to Sheriff Walsh. No, the Illinois State Police aren’t seeking a quota for arrests under the new law. Yes, if asked, you must acknowledge the presence of the gun if you’re carrying it on or around your person in the car. Asked how his deputies will be encouraged to handle prohibited locations, the sheriff suggested that if a gun is noticed or reported in a prohibited area, a deputy would ask the individual to take the gun out to their car. If a gun isn’t mostly concealed, deputies will ask that it be properly concealed. “If a gun is well concealed, it’s not going to be an issue,” he said. “Concealed means concealed.” If you acknowledge your mistake as an oversight and make it right, you shouldn’t be too worried about enforcement action being taken at least initially, Walsh noted for the audience. In other words, don’t act like a jackwagon. “If you tell the deputy to go pound sand then you’re probably going to go to jail.” He offered one example of something that 95% of land in Illinois is privately owned, he explained it was up to private citizens to tackle creation of habitat. Ron tried to explain how complex it is to not only create and maintain good habitat for game animals, but also how habitat is just one part of the equation. Ron Scudder loves to hunt. It is his love of hunting which as spurred his interest in wildlife habitat, as without suitable locations for wildlife to grow and thrive, there won’t be much to hunt. Rifles/Shotguns: Colt CAR A3 Hbar Elite .223 cal. stainless barrel w/ Warne Scope Mount – Shepherd 6-18 power ranging scope, JPoint red dot sight and bipod $3000; CNRomarm WASR-10 AK 47 w/ OKO red dot sight $ 800; Briley Custom Ruger 10/22 Stainless Fluted Barrel w/ Shepherd 3-9 power ranging scope $1400; Ruger M77 Mark II 308 Win. w/ Trijicon 3-9x40 Accupoint scope $1500; Thompson Center Encore 300 Win. Mag Stainless and wood grain stock w/Shepherd 3-10 power ranging scope $1400; Thompson Center Encore Pro Hunter Package Stainless and Camo stock - w/ Encore 308 Win. Stainless Barrel w/ Leupold 1.75-6 power scope -w/ Encore 12 gauge Stainless 3” rifled barrel w/ Nikon 3-9x scope -w/Encore 209x.50 Magnum Black Powder Stainless $2000; New England Arms Handi Rifle SB2 223 It’s not the coyotes, but skunks and opossums that are the biggest predatory threat to pheasants. Scutter is a board member of Champaign County Pheasants Forever (P.F.). He acknowledged Guns Save Life’s support of their local chapter of P.F., not only as a sponsor the annual event these past few years, but also taking out advertising in their annual program. In the good news for game birds, the numbers of hunters are on the decline to some extent, but the numbers of women hunters are growing. Hunters get about 50% of game birds in the first two weeks of the season. “Thank you for your support!” he said, grinning. To create more habitat, Pheasants Forever has all sorts of tools available for folks to use. The local P.F. chapter holds an annual fundraising dinner. All of the monies stay in Illinois to develop and maintain wildlife habitat. Scudder himself has 48 acres he’s devoted to habitat and has gone from shooting one or two birds a year on his farm ground some years ago to scores of birds each year more recently. They have biologists on staff, heavy equipment and seeds to plant grasses and so forth to create habitat. They offer instruction and information from years of experience too. He explained how big hunting sports are in our nation. Over twenty-one billion dollars is spent each year on hunting - travel costs, equipment, taxes and so forth. Hunters spend more on hunting dogs each year ($600M) than is spent on the entirety of snow skiing. Scudder discussed the Pittman-Robertson federal excise tax monies that are supposed to be spent on wildlife habitat and hunting. It’s worked well in most states, but less so in Illinois thanks to our governor and General Assembly sweeping much of those monies into the general fund. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources has been gutted by massive cuts in their budget in recent years. Those budget cuts are costing the State of Illinois a lot of lost matching funds for conservation and habitat projects. It’s so bad at DNR that they are rationing gasoline for their vehicles, Scutter claimed. Given the state of the DNR, and the fact GUNS FOR SALE (Estate Sale) “We don’t hunt predators like we used to,” he said. Asked if he knew what the census was on coyotes in Champaign County, he laughed. “I have no idea, but I know there’s three less as of this week already!” The audience reacted with laughter. cal. Single shot -w/ Tasco 4 x 32 scope $ 275; Glenfield Marlin Model 25 .22LR bolt action -w/ Simmons 2.8-10 x 44 scope $250; Savage Stephens Model 24 .22-410 over and under $150; Thompson Center 50 cal. Black Powder – all camo w/ DOA 250 3-9 power scope $600; Winchester Model 1300 20 gauge pump Rifled Barrel -w/ Tasco red dot sight $500; Savage Model 210 12 gauge 3” rifled barrel -bolt action $600; Remington 870 express 20 gauge Why, in part, does Ron spent so much of his time and money on habitat? “Well, the wife was grousing over the amount of money I was spending to go hunting in far away places. Now, I can go out to my land for much the same hunting experience I used to have to travel to enjoy.” Oh yeah, he trains hunting dogs as well. “You know, if I want something the wife’s not sure about, I just say it’s for the dogs and she’s okay with it,” he grinned. Well, until she reads this issue of GunNews, anyway. youth-NIB $400 Safari Rifles: Ruger M77 Hawkeye .375 Ruger - wood grain stock -w/ Trijicon 3-9 x 40 Accupoint scope $1900; Ruger M77 Hawkeye .375 Ruger Hogue stock -w/ Trijicon 1.25-4 x 24 Accupoint scope $1900; 3- CZ 550 Safari Magnum .458 Lott- wood grain stock $1200 For more information, call Bryan at 815866-7288. GunNews Magazine - 3 - February 2014 What you need to know Illinois’ New “Gun Safety and Responsibility Act” Illinois’ Gun Safety and Responsibility Act (HB1189) took effect January 1st, 2014, and among other things, requires private Illinois residents to check on the validity of a prospective firearm buyer’s FOID card. We say don’t get too worked up over this new “law” and we’ll tell you why: It’s all bark and zero bite. Not even a sloppy lick. Illinois Concealed Carry applicants: If you scroll on down a little further in the bill, under “Sentence” for violating the various provisions of the law (page 22, lines 15-17): Computer issues? No internet at home? … a violation of subparagraph (1) of paragraph (k) of subsection (A) shall not be punishable as a crime or petty offense. VISIT YOUR PUBLIC LIBRARY! (Guns Save Life) - We here at Guns Save Life have been trying to figure out how to organize a network of volunteers to assist those without internet access or those not technologically savvy in applying for the new Illinois CCW license. Navigating the State of Illinois websites necessary for the application process can be frustrating, to say the least, even for those know are on computers regularly. Almost all libraries today have public computer workstations where you can fill out the required online application for an Illinois Digital ID and the Illinois Concealed Carry License. These libraries also have document scanners to scan in your training certificates as well as a photo of yourself. Other locations A number of area local gun stores are installing computer workstations to allow customers to apply for their carry licenses online. Prices range from free to $25, but if they can help you navigate the process without headaches, it may be some of the best money you’ve ever spent. If you have difficulties using the computer or scanner, library staff are usually pretty good about assisting users in getting them up and running so long as it’s not terribly busy. A handful of sheriff’s departments may soon establish terminals for applicants to apply. Champaign and Livingston Counties (Pontiac) have already done so. Fees range from $31.50 to $71.50. We’ve hit upon a solution that’s readily available to most folks: the local library. It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s a start. Rahm loses once again Continued from cover. The court also determined that the restriction had to pass a high level of scrutiny (although not quite “strict scrutiny”), because the type of regulation at issue was unknown to the framers of the Second Amendment and because it broadly prohibited even law-abiding Chicagoans from exercising an essential component of the rights protected by the Second Amendment--the acquisition of firearms. Regarding Chicago’s purported justification of increasing transaction costs, the court noted that the evidence showed few criminals actually purchase firearms directly from legitimate dealers. Thus, “residents who seek to legally buy a gun bear more of the share of the added transaction costs in time, effort, and danger than gang members or would-be criminals ….” The city, the court wrote, “cannot justify its ban on legitimate gun sales and transfers with overinclusive means that impact more lawabiding citizens than criminals.” Examining another Chicago claim that the ban helped maintain the city’s “low household gun-ownership rate,” the court opined: “It is … doubtful that minimizing household gun ownership is, after Heller and McDonald, even a valid basis for gun regulation: possession of a gun for self-defense in the home is the core right protected by the Second Amendment, so trying to minimize the exercise of that right cannot be a valid basis for the sales-and-transfer ban.” GunNews Magazine - 4 - February 2014 GUN AUCTIONS 2601 Lakeland Blvd., Mattoon, IL Central Illinois’ Largest Firearm Auctions Also, regular consignment and estate auctions. Visit our web site for details and listings. Complete listing and photos are posted at Consignments welcome! Ron Baker FFL (217) 273-5056 Bauer Auction (217) 259-5956 Lic. #440000242 (1) In addition to the other requirements of this paragraph (k), all persons who are not federally licensed firearms dealers must also have complied with subsection (a-10) of Section 3 of the Firearms Owners Identification Card Act by determining the validity of a purchaser’s Firearms Owner’s Identification Card. In case you’re wondering, that first quote above is subparagraph (1) of paragraph (k) of subsection (A): the private transfer “requirement”. The background The bill, HB1189, was passed in the last session as a gift to those opposed to rightto-carry to have “something” to take back to the gun-grabber types. It was a bad year for advocates of strict gun control laws in 2013, particularly with the passage of right-to-carry and limited pre-emption, the end of Chicago’s gun registration scheme and the defeat of gun and magazine ban proposals pushed relentlessly after the Sandy Hook massacre. In the world of Illinois legislative wheeling and dealing, Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan had to give the Pat Quinns, Rahm Emanuels and Tom Darts of the world something. The Gun Safety and Responsibility Act (HB1189) was the empty box with a proverbial bow on top. The bill The new “law” mandates, and we quote (from page 19, lines 10-15): In other words, if you elect to not make that call to verify your friend’s FOID card is really valid, it shall not be punishable as a crime or even a petty offense (think traffic ticket). To distill it even further for the lowest of the low-information voters: The bill is all bark and no bite. So long as you comply with the requirements of the FOID Act to retain the proper transfer information of a firearm sale to a private individual for a period of ten years, you’ll be fine. It’s also worth noting that some people are castigating the NRA-ILA for not fighting this bill tooth and nail. Frankly, limited NRA-ILA resources were spent beating back a state-wide scary gun ban and a proposed magazine ban, among other nasty proposals, particularly in the weeks and months after Sandy Hook. Good strategy says you pick your battles to win the war and this hill just wasn’t worth dying for, especially if it would have potentially made conditions more favorable to passage of one of these other onerous bills (that missed passage by as few as one or two votes in some instances). Cash $$$ for Gold & Silver Coins, Bullion, Rings, Bracelets, Chains, Earrings, Dental Gold, Sterling Silverware, Old Wrist & Pocket Watches (any condition) We Can Pay More BecauseWe Have No Store Hughes’ Larry 217 474-0641 | Gene 217 418-9414 8:00AM - 9PM any day | Home Appointments & Appraisals Guns Save Life | Effingham by Kent Metzger On an evening of very poor road conditions due to a recent snowfall and high winds, the meeting took place as planned on the evening after the New Year. Twenty-two ardent 2nd Amendment supporters braved the adverse conditions to meet for an evening of common interest. Two in a row! Metzger detailed the “Gun Safety and Responsibility Act” which became effective on January 1st which requires private sellers of firearms to confirm the validity of the buyer’s FOID through the ISP. If you don’t complete the check, the penalty is essentially a slap on the hand, but Metzger and Clark suggested sellers do as required because it gives them some assurance they are making a prudent transfer. Metzger expanded on the topic by stating that private transfers are still subject to a 24 hour waiting period for long guns, and a 72 hour waiting period for handguns (along with record-keeping requirements). The Effingham meeting was called to order by Dave Clark who led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and in welcoming four first-time attendees, who rose and introduced themselves. Welcome all. Mr. Clark then introduced Kent Metzger to start the business portion of the meeting. Metzger hit upon the President’s Notes, giving an update on the implementation of Illinois’ new CCW permit application process. Dave Clark joined in on the discussion giving some great hands-on experiences with the application process as he has been assisting several of his firearm training students and gun shop customers with permit applications. Clark verbally “walked” the audience through the process and highlighted areas of special interest. Clark indicated Bushue Human Resources, which provided Live Scan services at the December meeting, had apparently not yet submitted their collected data to the Illinois State Police (ISP), but the information would be submitted very soon. Some excellent input was also provided by members of the audience. their trainers are found to be circumventing the training requirements. Be a prudent consumer. Good training can save your life and the lives of people around you. Veronica Light makes it two in a row, winning the S&W Bodyguard .380 Auto at the January Effingham GSL meeting. Congratulations, young lady. Consensus indicates the process is straight forward and relatively easy. If you make a mistake or forget to enter the necessary information, your previously entered data is retained so you do not have to start all over in the future. Metzger talked for a while on about GSL’s position that suggests CCW training consumers ask for their money back if their training provider is cutting corners. Metzger warned attendees that they risk losing their training fees and application fees if Metzger then introduced Shawn Light. Light gave an enlightening presentation of applying Duracoat finishes to firearms. He showed everyone an example of a Duracoat kit. He also displayed a red, white and blue version of an AR-15 rifle he had finished. He gave helpful hints and provided finer points about the process by detailing the do’s and don’ts. The presentation was well done and well received. A very interesting topic. Door prizes were presented, and finally we had the drawing for the gun, a S&W Bodyguard 380 . The lucky, lucky winner was Valerie Light. She’s the lucky, lucky winner because she also had her name drawn at the December meeting for a Ruger 10/22. She’s got the touch. Shawn Light discussing Duracoat finishes at the meeting. Duracoat allows you to customize the color of the finish of your gun (see below). Join us for the First Thursday Effingham GSL Meeting. Come see us next month! Thursday, February 6th Effingham Elk’s Club 2102 S. Banker Street Effingham, IL 62401 Win a gun! Cumberland County ranks #1 per capita for Illinois carry license applications (Guns Save Life) - Cumberland County, sandwiched between Coles County (home of Eastern Illinois University) and Effingham County (home of GSL’s Effingham regional monthly meeting) sports the highest per-capita rate of initial applications for carry licenses in Illinois. At 51 applications per 10,000 residents, Cumberland County’s residents are exactly five times more likely to apply for a carry permit than residents of Cook County, home to Illinois’ highest violent crime rates and lowest legal gun ownership rates. Cumberland County Courthouse. BLACKDOG GUNWORKS Custom 1911/2011 pistols Special Order Firearms FFL Transfer Service Firearm Training CCW / NRA / USPSA 217 259-9770 Gays, IL sales GunNews Magazine - 5 - February 2014 Sangamon County Rifle Association SANGAMON CO. RIFLE ASSOCIATION “Right Reason on Second Amendment Rights” SEE YOU IN FEBRUARY! Don Gwinn, Chairman (217) 502-2452 Regular monthly meetings take place the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. NEW MEETING LOCATION! Supreme Buffet 2309 S. MacArthur Blvd. Springfield, Illinois The next meeting of the Sangamon County Rifle Association will be on Join Tom Shafer, Don Gwinn, Brent Harney and all the other regulars on Monday, February 3rd for a fun evening of gun rights and good fellowship at the Sangamon County Rifle Association meeting. We’re at the Supreme Buffet on S. MacArthur Blvd. in Springfield. Come out and eat around 5:30. Meeting begins at 6:30. Missing from this space... No, we’re not changing the format of GunNews. SCRA’s January meeting was cancelled because of a winter storm and SCRA President Don Gwinn didn’t have a Chairman’s Report. We’ll be back with his report next month and look forward to reporting what happened at the always fun, educational and entertaining SCRA meeting. Mayors Against (Illegal) Guns members’ list pulled (Examiner) - The full coalition members roster is no longer posted on the Mayors Against Illegal Guns website, and the disappearance happened right after Gun Rights Examiner questioned why Michael Bloomberg was still listed for New York City and pointed out that successor Bill de Blasio had not yet committed to joining the group. There’s no argument that it could just be a coincidence, and that the site could be undergoing upgrades, but the timing certainly seems open to question. The roster was present on the site on Saturday, when this column pointed out hostility between the former mayor and his replacement (a screenshot was included to show the segment of the New York roster still featuring Bloomberg), and by Monday, the first workday after that column was published, the drop down menu to identify members by state and city had disappeared from the coalition page. Four days later, at this writing, that roster is still not re-posted, and while it’s possible updating the website is not a priority, it’s also possible the removal was directed. There is no love lost between the two. Bloomberg had criticized de Blasio’s campaign as “racist,” and de Blasio “made a winning campaign out of tarnishing Bloomberg’s legacy.” So the new mayor’s conspicuous absence from the MAIG roster, along with press accounts to show he has not made joining a priority, leads GunNews Magazine - 6 - February 2014 to fair speculation that he might be intentionally, perhaps permanently holding out. The equally anti-gun de Blasio might prefer to head up his own efforts as opposed to following Bloomberg’s lead, and he might even want to stick it to a man he doesn’t like by withdrawing the coalition’s flagship city. It could be, as the Brady Campaign found out when his hatchet man slapped them down over who had claim to using anti-gun celebrities, that Bloomberg will find the biggest impediment to his assuming command of the “gun control” movement is people with egos as big as his having good reasons to personally detest him. Perhaps that will prove to be his Achilles Heel. Monday, February 3rd Come out and join us! The public is encouraged to attend. It’s fun. SIDDENS Indoor Range and Gunshop 10775 Buckhart Rd., Rochester, IL Phone 217-498-6988 Concealed Carry classes, One on One Instruction. Buy, Sell, Trade, Special Orders. Call – we’ll give you directions. Gun Rental, FOID applications, Ammo. TARGET your advertising dollars. GunNews circulation is 20,000 each month, getting into the hands of shooters and sportsmen across Illinois and west central Indiana. Be seen by thousands of gun people, for less than a penny apiece - educated, employed, firearm enthusiasts. See page 23 for advertising information. Sangamon County Rifle Association General Members meeting: Jan. 6, 2014 Notice of Rulemaking on Background Checks The January 2014 SCRA meeting was cancelled because of the monster winter storm making roads unsafe and the -30 to -40 degree wind chills. We’ll see you in February. In the meantime, visit us on Facebook. Gov. names CCW Licensing Review Board makeup (Guns Save Life) - Governor Quinn is going to pay these folks $37,571 a year to sit on the Illinois Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board to evaluate concealed carry applicants who are challenged by a local law enforcement officials. We expect that will probably come out to about minimum wage for the time they will spend sifting through all of Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart and Chicago Police Superintendent Gary McCarthy’s challenges. Robinzina Bryant 3047 Elaine Court Flossmoor, IL 60422 G. Patrick Murphy P.O. Box 220 Energy, IL 62933 Patrick Chesley 2512 Wydown Springfield, IL 62704 John Diwik 29W090 Lakeside Dr. Naperville, IL 60564 Sergio Acosta 428 Allison Elmhurst, IL 60126 Virginia H. Wright 1240 W. Hampton Place Palatine, IL 60067 Better late than never... Illinois State Police website open for carry license applicants Springfield, IL (AP) - Illinois residents can officially apply for a permit to carry a concealed weapon. The Illinois State Police began accepting applications on its website Sunday, though it could be months before anyone will actually be allowed to possess the firearms. State Police have up to 90 days to approve or deny applications, as long as the ap- plications are complete and fingerprints are submitted in an electronic format. The agency will have an additional 30 days to complete a manual background check if applicants choose not to submit fingerprintes. Illinois is the last state in the nation to allow concealed carry. (PAGunBlog) - It’s been published in the federal register. This is the first step an agency takes when it wants to change a rule, according to the Administrative Procedure Act. This is a proposal. There will be a public comment period, where the public can provide feedback. The docket number for this proposed change is ATF 51P. Reader Chris sent me some analysis which I agree with, so I will reproduce it here: Comment: The final text of the ruling here will be critical. Does mandatory court-ordered substance abuse or anger management or marital counseling qualify as “involuntary outpatient treatment?” S480 used different, more specific language: ”required involuntary outpatient treatment by a psychiatric hospital based on a finding that the person is an imminent danger to himself or to others; or” Big changes I saw: - People who are not-guilty by means of insanity will be prohibited. Comment: Sen Begich proposed a federal law that would have done the same thing, S480. S480 served as a sort of “RINO and DINO 2A Liferaft,” offering a refuge for lawmakers who need to look pro-2A but also need to Do Something For the Children. ATF’s ruling will take S480 off the table in the future. It basically closes off a safety valve that allowed lawmakers to duck a tough vote. - Persons are not considered to have been ‘‘committed to a mental institution’’ as a result of a voluntary admission to a mental institution or a temporary admission for observation unless the temporary admission for observation turns into a qualifying commitment as a result of a formal commitment by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority. Comment: ”Other lawful authority” gives me pause… Does a nurse and cop authorizing a 72 hour hold qualify? Hopefully no. S480 used different, more precise language to rule out this possibility. S480 also read that it would NOT include, “a person who is in a psychiatric hospital for observation;” - ATF is considering clarifying whether the term ‘‘committed to a mental institution’’ includes a commitment that occurred when the person was under the age of 18. Comment: I wonder if people under age 18 receive the same due process rights as adults when being committed to treatment. - In addition, the Department proposes amending the definition of ‘‘committed to a mental institution’’ to clarify that involuntary commitment to a mental institution includes both inpatient and outpatient treatment. Finally, S480 included relief for individuals who were no longer a danger to themselves or others. Really, the ATF rule looks like a way to take S480 off the table, and to run with the most restrictive aspects of S480 without any of the protections Begich/Graham had written in. Now teaching Illinois Concealed Carry Training at multiple locations! Call or see our web site for details and course registration materials. February 15th, 2014 - NRA Basic Pistol Course (Part 1 of Illinois Conceal and Carry) February 16th, 2014 - Illinois Conceal and Carry (Part 2 of Illinois Conceal and Carry) March 15th, 2014 - NRA Basic Pistol Course (Part 1 of Illinois Conceal and Carry) March 16th, 2014 - Illinois Conceal and Carry (Part 2 of Illinois Conceal and Carry) Tuition: $150 for Basic Pistol, $125 for IL C and C, or $250 for both Illinois-approved Concealed Carry classes | NRA Basic Pistol | Florida Non-Resident Conceal & Carry We Do Private Classes for Groups or Individuals. Call for Details! Your Certified Training Professionals! Call us at 217 960-3070. GunNews Magazine - 7 - February 2014 Only ISP-compliant “NO GUNS” signage carries the force of law (Guns Save Life) - Only ISP-compliant signage announcing “no guns” carries the force of law. All others can be ignored. Here is the description of the approved signage: Walmart pulls down “No Guns” signage (GunsSaveLife) - In early January, gun owners in Illinois began noticing Walmart stores posted with “No Guns” signage. This caused confusion and consternation as the sign looked similar to the official Illinois State Police “No Guns” sign, with the addition of language noting the prohibition applied only to on-duty Walmart associates and vendors. In Illinois, ISP-compliant “No Guns” signage carries the force of law as concealed carry licensees ignoring those signs can be arrested. The Walmart signs were not compliant with the ISP signage template, but there was still no shortage of confusion among gun owners and would be legal gun carriers. Those wishing to error on the side of caution considered the sign as placing the stores off-limits to all CCW holders. Gun owners talked with Walmart corporate officials and after about a week, the order came down from corporate: remove the signs. We at Guns Save Life joined other gun rights groups in encouraging the store to remove the signs. We contact Walmart’s district manager and made our case that Walmart has the same “no weapons” policy among its on-duty employees and vendors nationwide, yet when we travel to states A photo of one of the “No outside of Il- Guns” signs from a Walmart linois, we don’t in Illinois. see signs announcing “No Guns” to on-duty Walmart employees and vendors doing business there. “Why is Illinois any different?” we asked Walmart corporate officials. With 72 hours of that conversation, the decision striking the signs had been made. We welcome the removal of the signs from Walmarts throughout Illinois. Good call, Walmart. WASHINGTON STATE: “Doomsday Prepper” planning to shoot you and steal your stuff goes to jail on weapons charges (GunsSaveLife) - Back in November 2013, Tyler Smith announced to all of America via NatGeo’s “Doomsday Preppers” TV series of his grand plan for emergencies: to dress up in homemade armor and use his guns to shoot other people and steal their stuff. “The Illinois State Police has proposed rules which require a white background; no text (except the reference to the Illinois Code 430 ILCS 66/1) or marking within the oneinch area surrounding the graphic design; a depiction of a handgun in black ink with a circle around and diagonal slash across the firearm in red ink; and that the circle be 4 inches in diameter. The sign in its entirety will measure 4 inches x 6 inches. NOTE: When printing the sign, please ensure the black borders surrounding the “no firearms” symbol measure 4 inches from top to bottom and 6 inches from left to right.” Birds of a feather flock together? Rauner’s campaign chair writes $5k check to anti-gun PAC Chicago (Illinois Review) - Politics makes strange bedfellows; especially as candidates work to be all things to all people in a diverse state like Illinois. For example, while GOP gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner appeals to gun owners by publishing photos of himself hunting, his finance committee chairman Ron Gidwitz is writing checks to gun control advocates. Records show that just before the close of 2013’s last quarter, Chicago businessman Ron Gidwitz wrote a check for $5,000 to the Chicago-based Gun Violence Prevention PAC, a relatively new political action group that supports gun control candidates and is led by Highland Park’s Tom Vanden Berk. Looking for a place to shoot? Dewitt County Sportsmen’s Club Clinton, IL In a story with the local Buckley, Washington News-Tribune, Tyler Smith bragged: “We’re not in it to stockpile. We’re in it to take what you have and there’s nothing you can do to stop us,” Tyler Smith says. “We are your worst nightmare, and we are coming.” Apex predator, and unregistered sex offender, Tyler Smith. ...Most preppers, Smith says, are concerned with marauders taking their supplies. It’s not an unfounded fear, he says. Turns out Tyler is no stranger to taking what doesn’t belong to him. He has a felony conviction for theft. “We are those people,” he says. “We’ll kick your door in and take your supplies. … We are the marauders.” He’s also got a thing for “communicating with a minor for immoral purposes”. ...As part of his strategy, Smith and Pedrini are developing a suit of armor to wear on his foraging forays. Smith says his homemade protection will be bulletproof, lightweight and stronger than anything sold in a store. “It will also make me the apex predator in my area, and that’s all that matters,” he says. GunNews Magazine - 8 - February 2014 Translation: He’s a felon and registered sex offender who shouldn’t have any guns. Pierce County, Washington deputies prepped an arrest warrant after investigating Tyler following his appearance on “Doomsday Preppers” TV show where he was firing guns on camera for the show. Now seeking new members. ACT NOW! Come join a growing club, with dual, independent ranges, a nice clubhouse and permissive rules which allow shooters to practice shooting from holsters, double-taps and so forth. Centrally located on Route 10, six miles east of Clinton, IL (15423 State Highway 10). Great people and a warm atmosphere. Facilities include a 100 yard rifle range range, handgun range, clubhouse, and more. An archery range is coming next year. Dues are $50/year plus two work days. You can download an application at our website: or by mailing a request to Dewitt Co. Sportsmen’s Club; PO Box 322; Clinton, IL 61727 oppressive British rule led to the start of the Revolutionary War. GSL in Peoria! GSL’s Peoria regional coordinator Steve Schnurbusch called the January 2014 Peoria meeting to order and led the assembled masses in the Pledge of Allegiance. As is custom, Steve recognized the veterans present, thanking them for their service, and new attendees for coming out and joining us. May you all become regulars! Steve read over some news topics from GSL’s president John Boch, including letting everyone know that the Illinois State Police’s online application is up and ready to go if you’ve got your training completed. Also, Illinois Carry has introduced an oversight committee to deal with instructors giving sub-standard training. Guns Save Life has a simpler solution: Ask instructors to do it right or if that fails, to ask for your money back (see page 18). Main Speaker: Steve Davis History of the 2nd Amendment Attorney and firearm instructor Steve Davis addressed the audience as our main speaker by giving those present a history of the Second Amendment. He began by reminding us of GSL’s stated purpose to “Defend your right to defend yourself. Davis noted that the first mention of the right to bear arms came from the English Bill of Rights from 1689 which came about by royal edict after Catholics tried to Steve Davis. disarm Protestants. It stated: “Subjects ...may have arms for their defense suitable to their conditions and allowed by law”. Settlers coming over to this country brought this idea with them as well. They became rather attached to the benefits being armed and able to defend yourself. The Crown tried to seize Colonists’ arms and ammunition. Ultimately, that and the Wednesday March 5, 2014 Springfield, IL Though the drafters of the Constitution argued over many points, all agreed that the Second Amendment was needed. No major changes were made in its wording as part of the ratification negotiations of the time. For many decades, there was no case law involving the amendment because, well, it meant what it said and said what it meant. “The right of the people” wasn’t difficult to understand by and large. However, through the years different examples of case law have defined and redefined the meaning. Finally, in 2010 with the case of Otis McDonald v. Chicago, the Second Amendment was declared to be a “Fundamental right” by being “implicit in the concept of ordered liberty.” It’s also “deeply rooted in our nations traditions” Join us! Join us at the February 2014 Peoria GSL meeting. First Thursday of the month: Thursday, Feb. 6th Win this Beretta Nano! Knights of Columbus 7403 North Radnor Road Peoria,IL 61615 Speaker: Robert Rees Local Radio Personality Tech Time: Tueller Drill: How fast can you defend yourself against a knife attack? Gun: Like New Beretta Nano The end result of all recent case law is that the Second Amendment is meant to protect your rights as an individual to keep and bear arms. Tech time: Trenton Noreen Trenton demonstrated how a butt cuff on a home defense shotgun can be used to store additional rounds. Most shotguns will hold five to eight rounds, which in the grand scheme of things, isn’t a lot of ammunition. By adding a shell carrier on the stock, a person can complement the tubular magazine’s rounds with five or six additional cartridges. Noreen demonstrated how to quickly reload from the cuff. Safety comes first, he noted, as he advised shooters to have some dummy round and practice loading and reloading from top or bottom safely. Door prizes were awarded. The Stevens 320 12 gauge shotgun with pistol grip was won by Scott Maves of Mahomet. Next meeting: Feb. 6th Speaker: Robert Rees will be on hand. We’ll have a likenew Beretta Nano as our monthly gun and as of now, our tech time is to be determined. Steve Schnurbusch reminded the audience that this year’s Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day is Wednesday, March 5th. March 14th-15th-16th GunNews Magazine - 9 - February 2014 Stories from the home of the opposition to your right to defend yourself. CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Violent crime cover-up in Chicago isn’t working If he spent half as much time trying to catch violent felons as he spent trying to make felons out of gun owners... Cook County Sheriff whines about CCW licensing Chicago (Guns Save Life) - Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart would be a petty, tyrannical dictator if given the opportunity and ability. Fortunately for the good people of Illinois, our government doesn’t allow this – and Tom Dart isn’t a happy lil’ would-be tin-pot. Tom Dart wants to use the LEADS system, a database for law enforcement (think of it as “Google” search for law enforcement), to search every applicant for an Illinois concealed carry license for *anything* in their background – and we mean *anything* – and use that information to file an objection to them having a carry license. To make matters worse, it’s not just anyone currently residing in Cook County, but anyone who has lived there at any time in the past ten years. • • • An arrest where charges were later dismissed? He’ll protest. A DUI or underage drinking ticket from twenty or thirty years ago? He’ll protest your application. You spouse file for an order of protection against you when you got divorced at her lawyer’s request? Even if it was denied, Dart will protest. The Illinois State Police put a kibosh on Dart’s plans by announcing that police agencies cannot use LEADS to file objections. They must use their own, internal department records and databases to ascertain if there is an issue that might serve as a basis to file an objection to an applicant holding a carry license. This was the intent of the sponsor of the legislation (written by Michael Madigan, if you didn’t already know that). Dart is livid about this restriction. His whining temper-tantrum has hit the Chicago media in recent days with headlines like: • Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart Slams Illinois Concealed Carry Law As A ‘Monstrosity’ – Huffington Post As a light snow falls, Chicago police officer video records a dead body and the scene of the fatal shooting in the 4900 block of Huron Street in Chicago on Friday, Jan. 17th. Photo and caption courtesy Chicago Tribune. Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart dressed up for his news conference castigating the new Illinois carry law. If Dart spent half as much time trying to catch violent felons in his county as he did trying to make felons out of gun owners, Chicago and Cook County would be a much safer place. • • • • Sheriff: Concealed carry process ‘fraught with problems and holes’ – Chicago Tribune Sheriff Dart slams restrictions on concealed-carry background checks – Chicago Sun-Times Sheriff Tom Dart rails against ‘horrifically unworkable’ concealed-carry law – Chicago Sun-Times Concealed Carry Background Check System “Horrifically Unworkable,” Sheriff Says – Evanston Patch In a nutshell, Dart – on his own – is trying to turn Illinois’ “shall issue” carry law into a “may issue” law, by burying the new Illinois concealed carry appeals board with an tsunami of objections that the panel will never be able to wade through, effectively denying those applicants their permits. He’s also threatening to go to the courts to seek an injunction against implementation of Illinois’ new carry law until and unless it allows would-be dictators like himself a chance to turn the new law into a “may issue” law where only Dart’s buddies can get a permit. Happy New Year, scumbag! First person shot in 2014... was on home monitoring for gun charges! Chicago (Tribune) - Just past midnight, a probationary police officer shot a man who raised a gun toward him after he and other officers saw him firing shots near Marquette Road and Rhodes Avenue in the Park Manor neighborhood, according to police. Fraternal Order of Police spokesman Patrick Camden said the man was celebratGunNews Magazine - 10 - February 2014 ing New Year’s Eve by firing shots even though he was on home monitoring for a conviction for unlawful use of a weapon. “You gotta wonder, home monitoring for UUW. And he’s out with a gun and police saw him and he’s not gonna drop the gun,” Camden said. “Typical New Year’s Eve (stuff).” Chicago (Guns Save Life) - We’re going to need a LOT more snow than we’ve been recently experiencing to cover up the senseless violence plaguing Chicago for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his police superintendent Garry “Streetlight Assassin” McCarthy. Fudging crime stats can only do so much to fool the public. People still see dead bodies in the streets. The families who haven’t been victimized themselves still hear from their friends and neighbors how violent crime has touched them in today’s Chicago, home of Illinois’ strictest gun control measures – and the lowest per-capita application rate for concealed carry licenses. Interestingly enough, east central Illinois’ Cumberland County (just south of Coles County, home of Eastern IL University) has the state’s highest per-capita application rate, exactly five times that of Chicago (51/100k vs. 10.2/100k). If guns cause crime, as Mom’s Demand Action (hint: go to a singles bar, ladies) and Bloomberg’s Mayors Against (Illegal) Guns would suggest, then where are the photos of all the dead bodies in Cumberland County? If you thought, “I bet they don’t have any because they don’t have strict, Chicago-style gun control in Cumberland County!” you would be correct. No, in Chicago, for the most part, only bad guys have guns. Bad guys with evil in their heart as a couple of college students found out this past week, walking home from class a little after 4pm. The pair found out that just “giving them what they want” isn’t necessarily the solution to dealing with criminal thugs. The students surrendered their cell phones to a pair of armed robbers, one of whom then shot the male half in the head. BASIC FIRST AID FOR OUTDOOR EMERGENCIES A LIVE FREE USA PRESENTATION SUNDAY FEBRUARY 16th | 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM CABELA’S (2nd Floor Conference Center) 7700 Cabela Drive, Hammond IN >> FREE EVENT << Taught by: Certified Medical Technicians and First Responders. Subjects to be covered will include: How to control bleeding, basic bandaging, Treatment of shock, Treatment of hypothermia and hyperthermia, Splinting of fractures, CPR and other medical emergency care techniques. Hands-on practice and work with realistic simulated injury mannequins will be used to facilitate learning. Participants will be afforded the opportunity for further first aid and emergency preparedness education. Choosing a carry set-up by Tim Giblin (GunsSaveLife) - There is always a new and improved tool (or toy) to make us “better”. The reality is, no one has time for that type of constant experimentation. This article is an attempt to present a very simple concept: consistency trumps potential any day of the week. Something may be better, but if you don’t practice and have experience with it, most of the time, it’s simply not going to be better for you. Sure, you might get under a one-second draw every eighth try. However, without a subconscious understanding of the new holster because you got it yesterday, you’re going to miss the grip when you’re not in that textbook shooting stance. So many are talking about carrying a “BUG” (back-up gun) for every day carry, and three spare magazines. Well, as someone that has legally carried for years, I can tell you that such a set up will last about three weeks. I’m not saying that I don’t know people that are willing to accept the discomfort of such a set up until it becomes fairly normal, but they are few and far between. comfortable” Most people can handle discomfort for short amounts of time. However being uncomfortable most of the time just leads to equipment staying at home. There is no “best” carry set-up for any situation. There is the gun and set-up that is on you that you’re familiar with, and then there is the gun and set-up that you are not familiar with. Carrying appendix (in front of the hip) and carrying 4 o’clock (behind the hip) require totally different social habits in order to keep little kids from smacking their faces on the pistol. Mixing those up can be disastrous. Each thing that you change requires hours of dry firing to be sure your set-up is safe, then many rounds down range to get comfortable with it, and finally, days to get used to moving with it. Every change that you make, while not exactly putting you back to square one, does indeed cost you a lot of knowledge and capability. If you simply cannot be comfortable carrying a small size gun outside of work but a smaller gun is your only option in the work place. Make them as consistent as you can. Don’t be running safeties that work in opposite directions, don’t have pistols with vastly different firing systems. For example, Glocks, M&Ps, and XDs all have full size and compact pistols, get both if you feel the need and run the same sights, if you get an aftermarket trigger get the same in both guns. If you want to carry a J-frame much of the time, there is nothing wrong with carrying a full size revolver if you don’t feel comfortable with the J-frame in certain situations. Carry the same position if at all possible. Carry your reloads in the same location all the time. When people load up for the end of the world, they start looking at their every day carry list and go “Hmm... which item can I get by without today ‘cause I’m only doing X, Y, and Z.” So on Tuesday, they leave their spare mags at home. On Thursday, they leave their primary at home because they are wearing a suit and the J frame is “good enough for the office”. Then Sunday they leave the J frame at home because only real threat at church is a mass shooter so instead Are you going to carry a full-size gun and two of the Glock 19 they take a 5” 1911 with target reloads, a back-up gun and reload, two knives, sights instead of the night sights they carry the two tactical lights and all sorts of other gear? rest of the week. Probably not for too terribly long if you’re like most folks. Do you know what happens to these people when yelling starts on the range? They go for I have been advising my students for the past the wrong gun. What happens in competition? seven years to take a dot torture target (Google They flip the safety of their 1911 up because they “dot torture target” to download the target), get are used to carrying a Beretta. Changing things a buddy, and try to dry fire from concealment, on the fly is a disaster waiting to happen. The wearing what you actually wore that day. Your outcome in a self-defense shooting situation will buddy is there to give you feedback about safety be even more cataclysmic. and ideas to improve. The real result of frequently changing your set-up is that your automatic responses are so mixed-up that you reach for equipment that is unavailable to you and then have to think about which mag carrier you are actually carrying when your whole world is falling apart amidst gunfire behind the gas station. As I tell all of my students—firearms and otherwise, consistency is what matters. Carry the best gun you can comfortably carry 90% of the time and get over yourself -- be a little uncomfortable 10% of the time. As one of my favorite instructors, Clint Smith, says, “A gun is supposed to be comforting not January 2014 Pontiac Guns Save Life Meeting January’s Pontiac GSL meeting was cancelled because of unsafe roads following the winter storm that impacted most of Illinois in that timeframe. We’ll see you in February. We’ve got David Pike and Frank Wright lined up as our speakers, so it’ll be a good show! Come join us. We’re also giving away a nice social shotgun as well! WIN THIS GUN! Stevens Model 320 12-ga. pump Pontiac February GSL meeting Tuesday, February 4th Pontiac VFW Post 886 531 W. Lincoln Avenue Pontiac, Illinois 61764 Dinner and conversation start around 5:30. Meeting starts at 7pm. You don’t have to be a helpless victim. Empower yourself. Become a gun owner. Get training. Terrance C. Sullivan, managing broker Lyons-Sullivan Realty, Inc. 321 W. Madison Street, Pontiac, IL 61764 Office 815-842-1400 | Direct 815-674-6299 Figure out what works now and do it safely, the same way every time. Speed will come from comfort and consistency. If you’re in Illinois start now, because your carry permits will be here shortly. About the author: Tim Giblin is a 7 year Veteran of the USMC, a Machine gun Squad leader and OEF veteran. He has 9 years teaching civilian pistol classes, 7 years as a NRA concealed carry instructor in Michigan, with over 3,000 hours of combined military and civilian instruction both concealed carry and carbine focused. USMC trained combat life saver training. He’s also the founder of Train Illinois. For tickets, mail to Pontiac Sportsman’s Club, PO Box 276, Pontiac, IL 61764. GunNews Magazine - 11 - February 2014 “Odds are your neighbor, your person that you work with or your best friend, maybe, has a concealed weapons permit.” Experts speculate on why Utah has zero school-related shootings Salt Lake City, UT (KSL) — The Newtown school tragedy claimed 26 innocent lives and gave America a somber pause. Or did it? to exempt a tragic event in a school to happen in Utah.” There have been at least 30 more school-related shootings around the country since Dec. 2012. But here in Utah, there have been zero. Pedersen believes the fact the state has so many gun-friendly laws and concealed weapons permit holders may actually be a deterrent to these types of rampages. The shooter doesn’t know what he’s up against. “I think we are lucky,” said Bill Pedersen from the Utah Shooting Sports Council. “There’s nothing “Odds are your neighbor, your person that you work with or your best friend, maybe, has a concealed GSL DEFENSE TRAINING, LLC: Firearms Training for Everyone INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPMENT COURSE weapons permit,” he said. It’s that kind of logic that has Pedersen involved an effort to train and arm teachers. By law, concealed weapons permit holders can be armed inside Utah schools. “What I would not like to see is a bunch of people overreacting, have a gun, not really know how to use it,” said West Jordan Police Chief Doug Diamond. There are over 2,000 newly-certified handgun instructors in the State of Illinois. A vast majority are new to teaching within the past year. to teach in the classroom. GSL Defense Training’s Instructor Development Course will teach instructors how to better teach on the range. The NRA’s pistol instructor certification course does a fine job teaching the wouldbe instructors the fundamentals of how The course material will be geared towards the civilian concealed carry carry and NRA handgun classes, although much of Topics covered: • • • • • • • • • Indoor Appleseed Shoot February 15 & 16 Central Illinois Precision Shooters Range at Darnall’s GunWorks and Ranges Bloomington, IL This Appleseed will take place at the new CIPS heated indoor range. For more information or to register, visit or call John Naese at 217 840-0246 Adults: $60 for the weekend. 18 & under: $20 Range fees: $25 per shooter GunNews Magazine - 12 - February 2014 • • • • • Efficient & safe range set-up Dressing for success Medical plans and procedures Range commands & “rules” Calling the line Staffing requirements Squirrel identification and interaction Fundamentals of diplomatic communication Gun, gear and ammo selection issues Holsters Marksmanship fundamentals Trigger manipulation Fundamentals of the draw stroke Teaching double-action revolvers, double-action and strikerfired semi-autos • • • the material will be beneficial to law-enforcement instructors as well. Cross-dominance issues Accommodating those with disabilities (including visual disabilities) Overcoming fears of guns and equipment problems We’ll also have an extensive segment on successfully teaching women. • Communication differences with teaching women • Sensory differences • Demonstrating spatial relationships • Verbal skills with women • Four levels of awareness • Modifying stances as needed • Making sure the gun “fits” • Positive reinforcement and gentle correction Course Date: Saturday, April 12 9am - 5pm at DeWitt County Sportsmen’s Club near Clinton, IL Tuition: $175 for instructor registrants. $50 for 8-hour Illinois CCW class “student” registrants for this date Includes lunch, range fees, course materials and more. Instructor registrants will need to bring protective eyes and ears, and a blue training gun and holster would be helpful. To register, visit our website and download and submit the registration form or call John Boch at 217 649-3702 or John Naese at 217 840-0246. Darwin wins: Thug brings shovel to gun fight The Armed American True stories of firearms used by law-abiding Americans to save innocent life. East Point, GA (Atlanta Journal-Constitution) - An East Point homeowner was home alone when he shot and killed an intruder Tuesday morning, police said. About 9:30 a.m. the homeowner heard “a commotion, retrieved a firearm and went to investigate,” said Lt. Cliff Chandler, spokesman for East Point police. The shooting happened in the 3600 block of Mount Vernon Drive. The would-be burglar was armed with a shovel and had broken through a patio door in an attempt to enter the home, Chandler said. As the prowler entered the dwelling, the homeowner fired one shot, striking the intruder, police said. “The perpetrator fled and collapsed in the front yard,” Chandler said. Photo by Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Businessman thwarts burgling trio Alabama carry license holder called good Samaritan after he ends armed lunatic’s threats with a single shot Orrville, AL (WSFA) - New details are emerging in the investigation into a shooting at a Dallas County dollar store that ended with a gunman dead at the hands of a customer who decided to take action. break room. At that point, Ellis pulled out a concealed weapon and shot McLaughlin once in the chest. The fatal shooting happened around 12:45 p.m. Thursday at the Dollar General on Highway 22 in Orrville. “He escorted a customer who was trying to leave the store and a cashier toward a break room. The cashier went in first and the customer went in behind her, and the individual had the gun on the customer and the customer had a pistol concealed in a holster,” Dallas County Sheriff Harris Huffman said. “And when the customer got to the door, he turned around and shot the individual.” Officials say McLaughlin walked into the store waving a gun in the air and forced a cashier and Ellis at gunpoint towards a McLaughlin was pronounced dead at the scene. The tense ordeal played out in less than five minutes, police said. Metal thief leaves with lead in the groin after attack Homeowner introduces violent home intruder to hot lead Dallas County District Attorney Michael Jackson has identified the gunman as Kevin McLaughlin from Orrville and the customer as Marlo Ellis, 37, also from Orrville. Kennamer Cove, TN (WAFF) - A homeowner shot a burglary suspect in the groin after catching two men trying to steal scrap metal from his property, according to authorities. Deputies said the incident happened Dec. 20 at a home in Kennamer Cove in Marshall County. The homeowner told authorities that when he asked the two men to leave, one of them came toward him and threatened to kill him. That’s when the victim told deputies he shot the suspect once in the groin with his rifle. Both suspects managed to flee the scene. Deputies were able to locate and arrest 25-year-old Paul Curtis Reed and transported him to the Marshall County Jail. The injured suspect, 23-year-old Aaron Michael Lawson, was located at Huntsville Hospital getting treatment for his wound. Lawson was arrested after having surgery. Both Reed and Lawson were charged with first-degree theft and criminal trespassing. Columbus, GA (Columbus Ledger-Inquirer) -- Shots fired during a possible attempted burglary at a Veterans Parkway shopping center Tuesday has left one woman dead, one in critical condition and investigators searching for a third suspect, Columbus police said. Police said Achievia Upshaw, 21, and Deaisa Ransom, 24, were shot at the Courtesy Shuttle at 5870 Veterans Parkway, just before the West Britt David Road intersection during a burglary attempt. Muscogee County Coroner Buddy Bryan said Upshaw was fatally shot in her lower back. She was pronounced dead at 8:21 a.m. at Midtown Medical Center, almost two hours after the 6:30 a.m. shooting. An autopsy on Upshaw’s body is scheduled for Thursday in Atlanta. Ransom was in critical condition at the hospital. Police said she fled on foot from the scene toward the back-end of the nearby Brittwood Apartments. Buy - Sell - Trade Dave’s Firearms Cedar Hill, TX (AP) -- Police in suburban Dallas say a homeowner has shot and killed an intruder who broke in late Christmas Eve. Located between Urbana and St. Joseph on Route 150 in Mayview. Look for the big yellow building. Chris Knox, an attorney for the homeowner, told The Dallas Morning News the intruder entered the Cedar Hill home through a bedroom window just before midnight Tuesday. Knox says the homeowner’s deadly actions were justified and “completely protected under Texas law.” 1868E CR 1600N Urbana, Illinois (217) 469-8000 Police spokesman Corky Brown says the intruder, identified as 31-year-old Joshua Slaven, was the stepson of Cedar Hill Mayor Rob Franke. Franke lives a couple of blocks away and Slaven had been involved in an altercation last month at his home. Court records show Slaven was arrested on a misdemeanor assault charge and an emergency protective order was issued. You don’t have to be a helpless victim. Empower yourself. Become a gun owner. Get training. Stocking factory dealer • • • • • • • Beretta Caesar Guerini Cooper Rifles Glock Benelli Kimber (Master Dealer) Smith & Wesson And more! Reloading equipment & supplies Firearms Consignment firearms! SAVE MONEY! Ammunition Clay targets Gunsmithing Gun safes • Reloading equipment & supplies • Firearms • Consignment firearms! SAVE MONEY! • Ammunition • Clay targets • Gunsmithing • Gun safes Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns - We’ve Got It All! GunNews Magazine - 13 - February 2014 ‘13 proved quite unlucky for those seeking gun control in Illinois President’s Report: Guns Save Life’s year in review by John Boch 2013 was a historic year for Illinois. Guns Save Life’s members did remarkable things and they deserve high praise for those many accomplishments in 2013. • Some good timing, good fortune and a lot of hard work by dedicated volunteers in our organization contributed to the best year for Illinois gun owners in at least a generation if not two. First off, we as Guns Save Life will preface the list by saying we won’t take credit for the sun rising in the east or setting in the west. No single individual or organizaThe President’s Report tion singlehandedly accomplished any of the big things that happened in Illinois or beyond. Not even House Speaker Michael Madigan had that sort of ability (although frankly, for some things, he’s close). Having said that, here’s what GSL did in 2013: • • • We assisted in the legislative process – as screwed up as it is in Illinois – to aid in passage of the best, albeit seriously flawed, shall-issue carry bill we could get, and we fought off efforts to saddle us with an onerous “may issue” bill. We helped kill bad bills to ban semi-automatic firearms in Illinois and magazines over ten rounds – not an easy task in the weeks after the Sandy Hook massacre in a very left-of-center state such as Illinois. More moderate states, including Colorado, didn’t fare so well. GSL promoted good training and named names publicly of those who were less than legal or ethical in promotion and/or execution of training. We weathered a hollow threat of legal action and correspondence from one company’s attorney as a result of this, so obviously we were effective. • We donated over $10,000 to the new Central Illinois Precision Shooters brand-new indoor shooting facility west of Bloomington (see the above out-take photo). The facility has been designated one of two Olympic Training facilities in the United States by the U.S.A. Shooting. We needled the Illinois State Police into establishing some sort of reporting process for non-compliant concealed GunNews Magazine - 14 - February 2014 • • Our new website format, started in late 2012, was refined and we had over 2 million unique visitors in 2013 and roughly 5.5 million visitors total. That’s more visitors than Mayor Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns and we’re on par with the NRA’s Blog. Again, not bad for a tiny, all-volunteer organization just getting started in that field. Our membership grew by over 50% and circulation of our monthly printed journal, GunNews Magazine has grown to 20,000 per month. Thanks to all of you! • We partnered with Live Free USA to help spread the message of personal preparedness and self-determination. • We worked with Cross Trail Outfitters to introduce the fun and excitement of gun ownership to entire families good people who had little or no shooting experience. We brought a pro-gun message to nearly 200 million people on Interstates and highways in Illinois with our educational and oftentimes humorous Burma-style road signs. Guns Save Life made Illinois’ gun owners positions noted publicly at all levels of government, ranging from State of Illinois rule-making down county housing authority rule-making. They didn’t always listen, but in at least one case we put them on notice of potential liability (that story is developing). • • GSL’s online blog was the catalyst that cost the rabidly anti-gun former Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis his new job with the training arm of Troy Industries, and exposed Troy’s employment of Lon Horiuchi’s partner from Ruby Ridge. We wonder if Massachusetts-based Troy has yet to recover from the crippling one-two punch of our reporting on their questionable hiring practices. • • • • • • • carry training - and encouraged trainees to hold their instructors accountable. We worked behind the scenes to boost good gun bills – and to quietly kill onerous proposals in the aftermath of Sandy Hook. You didn’t read about many of these but they were important and significant. Bloomberg, with his $27 billion net worth, can’t buy the kind of work our tiny, volunteer organization did behind the scenes for the cause of truth and liberty. • We are a perennial sponsor of I-GOLD, the Illinois Gun Owner’s Lobby Day in Springfield. We sponsored buses to take the anointed good guys to Springfield and publicized the event extensively. Afterwards, we prodded the Springfield, IL hometown newspaper to update their captions and online reporting of the event from “hundreds” to “thousands”, which they did. We made news at the national level more than once and scored mainstream international coverage for the second year in a row, capturing a spot on the British Broadcasting Company’s web site homepage for several days with a very favorable video documentary about our organization and its efforts. Those Brits have a hard time fathoming how Americans can be so passionate about their guns and their rights. That’s probably why most Americans are citizens, not subjects. We publicly scorned Chicago’s Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, making public his past indiscretions and ridiculing his bigoted and misguided statements – such as the one where he said he would train his officers to shoot licensed civilians with guns. We co-sponsored a tremendously successful Disaster Preparedness Expo at the DeWitt County Sportsmen’s Club. We expanded from three monthly meeting locations to four with the addition of Peoria’s monthly gathering of the faithful - all well attended. Again, this is thanks a remarkable group of gun owners who get involved to make a difference in person. Bravo to all of you! We provided grants to a number of organizations and events, typically in the form of financial support, but also including providing rare and valuable .22 rimfire ammunition to allow one organization to continue the shooting components for their annual event in 2013. We did all of this in the sea of smiling, happy faces of our members and friends who genuinely had a great time promoting civil rights and freedom for ourselves, our neighbors and our fellow Illinoisans. Thanks, again, to all of our Guns Save Life members and their families for helping make our organization one of the best in the nation at our mission. You make this happen every year. Congratulations and great job. Thank you and may God bless you all. BUY LOW COST TERM INSURANCE Local agent - Licensed in IL, IN, TX, FL U of I Graduate Veteran - U.S. Army Field Artillery GSL MEMBER Call: Jimmy Howe 217 369-2112 GSL DEFENSE TRAINING, LLC: Firearms Training for Everyone ILLINOIS C.C.W. TRAINING Train with the people you know and trust. Illinois State Police approved CCW training GSL Defense Training Illinois Concealed Carry (16-hour) This course satisfies Illinois’ 16-hour training requirement for the new CCW licenses. This is also GSL Defense Training’s NRA Personal Protection in the Home course. Course goal: To develop in the students the basic knowledge, skills and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family, and to provide information on the law-abiding citizen’s right to self-defense. This class covers a review of NRA gun safety rules and we’ll teach you about using firearms responsibly and ethically for personal protection, developing the proper mind-set for using a firearm for personal defense when facing a life-threatening encounter. Also covered will be mental awareness, how to avoid becoming a victim, strategies for home safety and responding to a violent confrontation in your home. We’ll teach you gun ownership laws and more importantly, we offer an in-depth instruction on the judicious use of deadly force - including when deadly force is justified against “unarmed” aggressors. Additional topics and activities covered by GSL Defense Training above and beyond the NRA Personal Protec- tion in the Home Course: We will teach you fundamentals of how to fight with your personal defense handgun. Also, we’ll include a discussion of interactions with potential assailants, the moral and ethical considerations to decision-making involved in using deadly force, and post-shooting interventions with witnesses, responding police officers, investigating officers, media and others. We’ll also cover the Illinois State Police-required aspects of the new Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Students will spend several hours on the range with livefire both days and will fire 250 rounds, including the Illinois qualification shoot. A Firearms Owners ID Card is recommended, but not required. Novice shooters are welcome & encouraged. Tuition: $350 (Save money: Yes, we’re still offering the buy one, get one half-price for same course date for this course.) Registration includes lunch, drinks, range fees, safety equipment (as needed) and the NRA required student packet of materials. AZ, FL non-resident permit-to-carry applications are also included, along with a long list of bonus materials. Illinois State Police approved CCW training GSL Defense Training Illinois Concealed Carry (8-hour) This Illinois-approved course satisfies the final 8-hours of training required for an IL concealed carry license for those who have taken NRA Personal Protection in the Home, NRA Basic Pistol or other recognized training courses, or prior military service. You will fire approximately 150 rounds. This will include your qualification shoot. Tuition: $200. Registration includes lunch, drinks, range fees, GSL Defense Training course materials, loaner guns and safety equipment as needed. The BEST training team in Illinois “I came into the course nervous and a little uncomfortable. I came out of it confident in my ability to use my gun to protect my family and with the knowledge of how and when to do so.” 2014 Courses All Illinois State Police approved. 16-hour class dates Circle date Mar 15/16 DeWitt Co. Sportsmen’s Mar 29/30 Darnall’s in Bloomington Apr 26/27 Crescent City, IL May 17/18 Burlington, Iowa June 21/21 Crescent City, IL Jul 12/13 Burlington, Iowa Jul 19/20 DeWitt Co. Sportsmen’s Aug 2/3 DeWitt Co. Sportsmen’s Aug 16/17 Crescent City, IL Sep 27/28 Darnall’s in Bloomington Tuition: $350. Buy one, get one halfprice. 8-hour class dates Circle date Sat., Mar 1, McLean, IL Sun., Mar 2, McLean, IL Fri., Mar 14 DeWitt Co. Sportsmen’s Fri., Apr 11, DeWitt Co. Sportsmen’s Sat., Apr 12 DeWitt Co. Sportsmen’s Sun., Apr 13 DeWitt Co. Sportsmen’s Fri., July 18 DeWitt Co. Sportsmen’s Tuition: $200. No BOGO. Check website for dates and availability. ______________________________ Legal Name “Gun class was… the most liberating and empowering feeling in the world. Absolute top notch. GREAT class. Great guys.” ______________________________ Address “The instructors were the best of any I have ever encountered.” ______________________________ City, State, Zip ______________________________ home phone work/cell phone ______________________________ e-mail address Clip and mail, along with tuition to guarantee your registration, to: GSL Defense Training, LLC 19 Evergreen Square Savoy, IL 61874 Questions? Contact John Boch at 217 649-3702; John Naese at 217 840-0246; Frank Wright at 910-489-4768; or Jeff Schwarm at 630-605-1898. GunNews Magazine - 15 - February 2014 All American SHO-Show We have noticed your sign, and will respect your wishes BY DOING BUSINESS ELSEWHERE. No guns = No money cards now available Illinois’ Shooting, Hunting, & Outdoor Gun Shows ’ our Fabulous Effingham End of Winter (?) Show No guns = No money cards are now available. They can be picked up at GSL meetings at no charge or you can mail $2 to Guns Save Life, PO Box 51, Savoy, IL 61874 and we’ll mail you back an envelope with eight cards. What do you do with them? When you find a business that is posted, drop one off with the owner or manager while politely explaining how you won’t patronize their high-risk establishment as their signs have make them a safe working environment for violent criminals. Also, you can enclose one with a receipt from their competitors and a short note to the owner or manager that you were going to shop at their location until you noticed the sign. You took your business elsewhere as their “No Guns” sign makes them a highrisk location, one that armed criminals are more likely to choose as law-abiding folks inside will have abided by that sign. Remember to be polite and courteous as you’re representing Guns Save Life when dropping off the card. February 1 & 2 Great New Venue Saturday 9—5 Sunday 9—4 No Flea Market Junk at Our Shows! Coming soon to Western Illinois! Unique Dealers Thelma Keller Convention Center and Collectors Keller Drive—Rt 32/33 @ I-57/70 Exit 160 that you normally find only in the Sign up for “Big City” shows because that’s ILLINOIS CCW courses where we bring ILL CCW Course Gift Certificates available ‘em from! NRA Shooting Sports CCW Vintage Military Vehicles WWII Re-Enactors and Collectors Activities for Kids ~ Free Rides in Military Vehicles NRA Trained Staff For Dealer/Exhibitor Info: (217) 821-8311 ~ The Safe Interactive Show with Great Family Atmosphere Gun Shows like they used to be — EVEN BETTER We defend your right to defend yourself. NEW! Guns Save Life’s New LIFE MEMBERSHIP! GunNews Magazine - 16 - February 2014 Guns Save Life is proud to announce our new “Life Membership” for those who wish to show an exemplary level of support towards Guns Save Life and our mission defending your right to defend yourself. Be among our second ten individuals to step up and help us defend your right to defend yourself with a life membership to Guns Save Life. The first two are already taken, but there’s eight more if you respond today. The new “Life Membership” is available for $1000, and for those aged 65 and over, it’s available at half-price, $500. To sign up for this new Life Membership option, fill out the form on the back page of this issue of GunNews and send it in today. Liberty Guns announces remodeling open house (GunsSaveLife) - Liberty Guns in Homer, IL has grown and expanded. Owner Dean Rothermel is planning on an event to celebrate the expansion on Friday, February 21 and Saturday, February 22, with special hours of 10am to 5pm both days. There will be food, prizes and special deals for those who come out to see the retail space expansion which should be complete or nearly so. Along with more retail space will be more products, including lots of ammunition, gear and supplies to fill those displays. Also, Liberty Guns is now featuring the Dillon Precision Products, Inc. reloading line of equipment, parts and supplies. Jacksonville 400 GUN & KNIFE SHOW Admission includes a chance to win a New Gun! FEBRUARY 22 & 23 600+ tables Bring your friends & family. Diamond Expo Center 803 S. Diamond, Jacksonville, IL 62650 Admission Adults $5 / 12 & under Free! Women enter free on Sunday. Sat. 8am-4pm Sun. 8am-3pm BUY - SELL - TRADE - FREE APPRAISAL! FUTURE DATES: April 26 & 27 and Nov. 15 & 16 $35 vendor tables! / “Discounts for multiple tables!” Call 217-479-0297 for table booking or see website for forms: - Guns & Ammo - Knives & Swords - Hunting Outfitters - Military Gear & Apparel - Firearms - Self-Defense Training & Equipment - Hunting Supplies - Survival Gear - Soft Air Training Guns GunNews Magazine - 17 - February 2014 News briefs Fast & Furious guns still turning up at Mexican crime scenes (The Hill) - A gun from the failed U.S. operation known as “Fast and Furious” turned up at the scene of a shootout between Mexican authorities and alleged cartel gunmen last month, according to CNN. PC Cherry-picking Obama’s Justice Dept. files federal charges in “Knockout game” attack (Breitbart) – After months of silence regarding the black-on-white violence common to the “knockout” game in states like New York and New Jersey and cities like Chicago and DC, federal authorities have charged a white man with a hate crime for targeting a black victim in the “knockout” game. According to The Washington Times, 27-year old Conrad Alvin Barrett was arrested on December 26th and charged for targeting a 79-year old black man while playing the game. Kenneth Magidson, the U.S. Attorney for the southern district of Texas, said: “Suspected crimes of this nature simply will not be tolerated. Evidence of hate crimes will be vigorously investigate and prosecuted with the assistance of all our partners to the fullest extent of the law.” U.S. officials told CNN at least one AK-47-style gun that could be traced back to the failed gun-walking scheme was found at the scene. The shootout on Dec. 18 left five alleged cartel members dead in Puerto Penasco, a popular tourist site in Mexico. Florida student’s court win has state-wide implications (Bizpac Review) - The Florida appeals court ruling that the University of North Florida was violating state law when it prohibited a woman from storing a gun in her vehicle while she attended class will spill over to cities and counties statewide, an attorney said Wednesday. And it’s one of many nationwide where anti-gun activists are trying to do at the local level what they can’t do in the statehouse – restrict Second Amendment rights. Corner-cutting trainers? Ask them to do it right... Or get your money back Gun Save Life is recommending to Illinois residents that they help ensure they are not being short-changed by marginal instructors seeking to cut corners in the state-mandated concealed carry training. You’re paying for that training, you might as well get your money’s worth. If your instructor cuts corners in your class, seeking to end the class (hours) early, failing to give you anything close to (the still required as of press time) four hours of weapons handling or deliberately skipping elements required to be taught by Illinois’ new carry law, ask him to do it right or get your money back while you can. The now-defunct Fast and Furious program began in 2009 and was run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Agents allowed low-level weapons purchasers to cross the Mexican border in an attempt to expose trafficking routes used by Mexican cartels. But the agency ultimately lost track of some weapons, including two found at the scene of the killing of a border patrol agent in 2010. From University of North Florida student Alexandria Lainez’s Facebook page. “This is a growing movement in a number of cases,” said Jacksonville attorney Eric Friday, who represents Florida Carry Inc. and UNF student Alexandria Lainez in the court fight. Friday, who called the Lainez decision the biggest of its kind in Florida in 20 years... If the instructor is short-cutting your class, he or she is probably doing the same to other classes, and people will report it. When that instructor is reported to the Illinois State Police, and the allegations are substantiated, his or her credentials will be pulled. Why does that matter to you? Well once those credentials are invalidated, that piece of paper you got from that instructor titled, “Illinois State Police Concealed Carry Firearm Training Certificate” will be invalid, and furthermore, you’ll forfeit your $150 application fee to the Illinois State Police when they reject your now-faulty certificate. If the instructor or school refuses to reimburse you for the noncompliant class, then you should visit the Illinois State Police CCW website and download and submit the complaint form. Again, if the instructor’s credentials are pulled, you will have to re-take the course from another trainer – at your own expense – if you want that carry license. So encourage your instructor to follow the State’s requirements and everyone will win. Ah shucks! PeTA-copter drone idea gets shot down by Illinois legislature Under this “Ask for your money back” plan, ethically-challenged instructors will be enticed to comply with the State’s requirements (and NRA requirements) or face a number of unhappy students demanding a refund of tuition fees and/or a raft of notarized complaints arriving at the ISP’s Post Office Box in Springfield with his or her name on them. Given the choice, it seems the right thing to do will be the easiest thing to do. (WGN-TV) - The use of drones to interfere with hunters and fishermen has been prohibited. It was passed after the group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said it would use drones that it calls “air angels” to monitor hunters. DARNALL’S GUN WORKS & RANGES Illinois State Police Approved Concealed Carry Classes Now Available 16 and 8 hour classes offered Illinois Concealed Carry Darnall’s Firearms Training Group Feb. 1 – IL 8 hour CCW Feb. 2 – IL 8 hour CCW Feb. 8-9 – IL 16-hr CCW Feb. 15-16 - IL 16-hr CCW Contact us now to register. Limited seats available. 16 hour class - $250 8 hour class - $150 GunNews Magazine - 18 - February 2014 ISP Approved & NRA Certified Call or visit our website to register for classes 6125 East 1175 North Road Bloomington, IL 61704 309-379-4331 Open to the public! Directions: West of Bloomington, Illinois, take Route 9 West 5 miles from I-55/74 to road marked 750E. Turn left and go south for 2.3 miles to road marked 1175N. Turn right and go west for 1.3 miles. Darnall’s Gun Works and Shooting Ranges is on the right. CO: Voters face trio of ballot initiatives on guns (Denver Post) - The battle over gun control probably will move from the state Capitol to the ballot box in November as both sides of the issue have filed proposed ballot measures. One proposal would limit concealed handguns on Colorado campuses. Another would overturn a Democratimposed ban on ammunition magazines that fire more than 15 rounds. And a third would repeal all gun legislation passed in 2013 — not just the mag ban — that “restrict or limit” the right to bear arms. Carolyn McCarthy retiring Washington (GSL) — One of the “leaders” of the anti-gun movement in the U.S. House announced her retirement on Wednesday, January 9th. McCarthy has served nine terms and has been one of the most outspoken advocates against firearm civil rights. Magpul leaving Colorado for Wyoming and Texas Erie, CO (Guns Save Life) - It’s official. Magpul is pulling up stakes in Colorado and taking 400plus jobs and nearly $100 million in economic activity with them and moving most of it to nearby Cheyenne, Wyoming. The company’s headquarters will be moving to Texas. ‘Looks Like Weimar Germany’ (Blaze) - A now-viral photo showing a long line of Connecticut residents waiting to register their guns and ammo is circulating across the Internet — and it’s sending chills down the backs of some gun owners. Connecticut gun owners are rushing to register certain firearms and ammunition that will be considered illegal contraband in the new year. Under a wide-ranging gun control law passed after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, they have until Tuesday to submit the paperwork with the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection. The company’s move is in response to Colorado Democrats passage of sweeping gun control legislation in early 2013. “Holy crap. Looks like Weimar Germany,” Twitter user @votermom said of the photo. Desert Tech puts troops first, turns down $15M weapons contract for Pakistan (Newsbusters) - A Utah-based gun manufacturer turned down a $15 million contract with Pakistan in the name of keeping weapons from falling into the hands of America’s enemies. ABC, CBS and NBC, networks that routinely demonize the firearms industry and promote gun control, ignored this positive story. Only Fox News highlighted Desert Tech’s decision to put the troops before profit. Advocating ‘regulating’ civil rights falls flat Dick Metcalf repeatedly steps on his first name (Breitbart) - In early November former Guns & Ammo (G&A) magazine editor Dick Metcalf lost his pro-gun following – and his job – over a column in which he expressed his support for regulations to the 2nd Amendment. Since his firing, the perks Metcalf once enjoyed from gun companies have ceased, and The New York Times (NYT) is upset. The NYT wonders why “moderate” voices are silenced in the world of gun journalism. On November 5th Breitbart News reported that Metcalf used his G&A column to argue that all constitutional rights have and need regulation, companies... stopped flying him around the world,” and they’ve also stopped sending him samples of the newest guns to review. NYT points out that Metcalf isn’t the only former member of gun journalism to which this has happened, but others before him did not fall from so high nor did they fade so fast. including 2nd Amendment rights. The outcry against Metcalf was immediate and his firing swift. On November 7th Breitbart News reported that Metcalf had been fired by G&A. According to NYT, Metcalf’s life changed completely thereafter – his television show was ended, “gun Sitting quietly in his Illinois home, Metcalf told NYT, “I’ve been vanished, disappeared.” Yet he said he does not regret writing the article in favor of 2nd Amendment regulations. His only regret is that the article “was too short” to capture the full nuances of his beliefs. The new Glock 42 The new Glock 42 is a single-stack .380 auto, holding 6+1 rounds. Coming in at just shy of an inch thick and will weigh about 15 ounces loaded. GunNews Magazine - 19 - February 2014 Freedom’s Forum by Tim Giblin A Fine Group and an example of The Greatest Generation Under twenty-five years of Chicago politics, many law-abiding gun owners have fled the oppressive regime of the gun grabbers in Illinois. Even for truly common-sense legislation (right-to-carry laws that failed in 2012), we do not have the necessary mass at the ballot box to get stuff through. The issues were so apparent that Illinois was court-ordered to implement concealed carry when the legislature couldn’t pass it. By John Boch (Reprinted from the February 2004 issue of GunNews Magazine) I’m sitting on my couch tonight typing in the attendance from the January meeting and the story of our speaker, Tony Bilek and I am overwhelmed with humility. It was standing room only as nearly 130 people crowded into our banquet room to quietly listen to our speaker, a retired member of our nation’s armed forces, tell his story of sacrifice and suffering. Doctors, lawyers, business owners, police officers, professors, elected officials and a myriad of professionals from all walks of life were present. Men, women, families – including more than a dozen school-aged kids were there. Uncles and grandparents brought young people to hear this man. Those present represented a cross-section of the best this region in Illinois has to offer. Like our speaker, more than a few of those in Tuesday’s audience were soldiers themselves in an earlier time of their lives, some highly decorated. Our speaker Tony Bilek spent nearly four very long years held as a prisoner of war by the Japanese. He endured and survived the Bataan Death March and subsequent barbaric treatment at the hands of the Japanese. He witnessed the worst of humanity – things few of us could even begin to fathom, much less have actually seen with our own eyes. Bilek persevered and he survived. He represents the very best America has to offer Bataan Death March survivor Tony Bilek, left, with then-Guns Save Life president Roger Dorsett at the January 13, 2004 GSL meeting in Urbana. – that indomitable spirit of faith, perseverance and camaraderie that exists even in the face of the harshest adversity. He truly is a living example of what some call “The Greatest Generation.” Even more remarkable is his courage to talk about those horrific events today. It is clearly difficult for him emotionally as those memories are surely as vivid today as they were fifty or sixty years ago. Yet he knows this represents an important story that should be told, particularly to our young people. Our attendees rewarded Bilek with not one, but two standing ovations for his moving presentation. In a roomful of good people, Bilek was truly a great man – almost beyond measure. Thank you, Don Huskey by John Boch The Guns Save Life family owes a good deal of gratitude to Don Huskey for his yeoman’s work bringing GSL monthly meetings to Effingham and making our inaugural year in that city a big success. There’s hardly anyone Don doesn’t know or hasn’t met and he used his network of friends and acquaintances to get the Effingham meeting up and running smoothly and efficiently. He’s also put together some volunteers who have done great work alongside him to make bringing a monthly gun rights meeting to a community seem easy. The citizens of this potentially great state need for people to stop leaving. We need them to stay and I’ll tell you why: The Firearms Community needs to be represented by the professional, by the educated, and by the well-spoken. Unfortunately, for everyone involved, individuals possessing these qualities are the most capable of moving. When those traits are mixed with strong pro-freedom beliefs, they leave this state quickly once faced with this state’s current shortcomings. Illinois can be turned around. First, good people must simply stop leaving. If the population of gun owners is allowed to decrease much further, the non-gun owners will no longer have access to people who can speak intelligently about guns in their work places and social circles. Education comes from peers more than any other source. So this brain drain is not an issue of one person leaving, but of losing the positive representation of the Second Amendment in our neighborhoods and workplaces. It won’t take just one or two interactions to get people asking questions, but it may take ten or more positive interactions to challenge (on a subconscious level) the knee-jerk anti-gun viewpoints created by the media. Don Huskey: Larger than life. We thank Don for his tremendous work, dedicating countless hours to making GSL’s entry into the Effingham region the success it has become. GunNews Magazine - 20 - February 2014 Even now, the rumbling from some of the best instructors in the state is that some want to depart. The number of Illinois instructors that have chosen to move on to greener pastures once they have perfected their craft, while understandable, is utterly appalling for the health of this state. Our cause needs good representatives— not some cheesy card with a tip at a restaurant. If a gun owner is trying to be an example, they must go out acting like it, not by yelling about rights, but by being a reasonable and normal human being. People who interact with gun owners should walk away thinking, “That was the nicest person I’ve met this week, and he’s a gun owner, so they can’t all be bad.” Don’s a “been there - done that” kind of guy, with his career military service along with he and his wife’s ties to the local community. Don is stepping down from that position in order to devote time to some of his new endeavors, ranging from a syndicated talk radio show, promotion of a growing series of gun shows, and a whole lot more. Stemming the Illinois Brain Drain We must understand that people who have never held a gun are going to ask some very interesting questions. They simply don’t know anything about it. A good representative will remain calm despite having media-driven buzz words thrown at them. They will answer the questions that they can and admit when they don’t know the answer. They will, if given the opportunity, happily take someone shooting with a .22 and ear muffs in a low-stress environment. If they don’t have the means or ability to get a new shooter safely started, they need to admit it and help arrange it with someone who does. Posting on a gun forum like IllinoisCarry. com with a “need help introducing a first time shooter” thread or comment will garner a plethora of helpful people, usually at no or minimal cost. Instructors need to talk about Illinois with optimism, educate their students about how to get involved, and stop making references to moving out of the state in classes. The Firearms Community must start acting like goodwill ambassadors. We must choose to stay. We must charismatically and positively represent the Second Amendment, or soon, Illinois will become the dead weight dragging the Second Amendment into obscurity. We have an opportunity with the new Firearms Concealed Carry License system to introduce new shooters and answer questions never before asked, let us choose to do so well. About the author: Tim Giblin is a sevenyear veteran of the USMC and has nine years teaching civilian pistol classes, seven of them as an NRA concealed carry instructor in Michigan. He’s also the founder of Train Illinois, a full-time training group dedicated to teaching new shooters, as well as expanding the skill set of experienced civilians, law enforcement, and military personnel. GunNews Magazine Published monthly by Guns Save Life John Boch, Editor Emeritus John Naese, Editor Letters, including complaints or commendations, to the Editor are welcome. Please, limit your letter to 200 words. We reserve the right to edit or refuse publication of any submission. Anonymous letters are discouraged. Guest columns of 400 words are also welcome on timely issues, particularly those related to firearms, self-defense or similar topics. Letters and guest columns may be sent electronically to: Or you can mail your letter to: Guns Save Life, Post Office Box 51, Savoy, Illinois 61874 Commentary from across the nation Former mayor Michael Bloomberg. Bigoted Enlightenment or Enlighted Bigot Reuters photo. Bloomberg leaves office, yet still protected by guns by Chris Cox (Daily Caller) - When New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg leaves office today he will enter civilian life protected by firearms. The same man who has spent much of his career and personal fortune trying to render good, law-abiding men and women defenseless, will now surround himself with a team of armed bodyguards. Bloomberg’s security detail will be comprised of former police officers that he purchased away from the NYPD with the promise of the threats he faces as a former public official are legitimate and should be taken seriously. However, they are no more legitimate or serious than the threats that many American men and women face every day – and that’s especially true for many folks who live and work in New York City. Thus, the same man who obtains special permission for his personal security force to carry firearms in so-called “gun free” countries like Bermuda, is also responsible for gun confiscation notices like this one being delivered to law-abiding gun owners in his city. Bloomberg’s hypocrisy on gun rights should come as no surprise. Earlier this year, he proclaimed: “I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom.” (Emphasis mine.) The same man who won’t go out for a burger unless he’s surrounded by a wall of protection that only firearms can provide, also won’t allow his city’s most vulnerable men and women to protect themselves and their loved ones from violent criminal attack. Although Bloomberg is leaving office today, his assault on our Second Amendment freedom is certainly not over. Mayor Bloomberg and part of his protective detail. Photo by NY Times. early retirement, six-figure salaries, and other perks that go along with protecting America’s most notorious anti-gun zealot. Bloomberg’s hypocrisy validates what five million NRA members and tens of millions of gun owners already know: The freedom to own and carry firearms is essential to our fundamental right of self-defense. If this weren’t true, then Michael Bloomberg would eschew his security team and walk about town unarmed and defenseless like so many of his former constituents. To be sure, It was a rare moment of honesty, and Michael Bloomberg has certainly governed as if there should be one set of rules for him and his fellow wealthy political elites, and another set of rules for the rest of us. To Bloomberg, most Americans are too dumb, or too insignificant, to be afforded much freedom at all. He believes we have to be told everything from what to eat, to how much soda we can drink. And above all, he wants us stripped of our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. He has vowed to spend whatever amount it takes from his $31 billion fortune to buy Congress in this year’s mid-term elections, so he can hand Barack Obama a gun ban majority in the U.S. House and Senate. If that happens, Obama can spend his final years in office dismantling the Second Amendment. Gun owners and all freedom-loving Americans must be on guard in this coming year’s campaign season. Any candidate who takes anti-gun money from Michael Bloomberg will not be working for you. That candidate will be working for the man who thinks his wealth entitles him to deny you the ability to exercise your core freedoms. by Miguel G. If you are from South Florida and have picked up a copy of the Miami Herald more than once, you are familiar with the “artistic” work of Jim Morin and can safely assume that he has a seething hate for the NRA. He never fails to portray NRA members and Gun Owners as white guys with cowboy rigs… which sort of shows Mr. Morin has never been to a gun range in the Palm Beach/Broward/Miami-Dade area and seen the Rainbow Coalition sending lead downrange. Besides the poorly display of bigotry, Mr. Morin brings out a detail that should be an embarrassment for the natives here: Even if we wanted to, we cannot hold an NRA Annual meeting down here as we don’t have the facilities to host the loads of people who attend them. Last year’s at Houston, over 86,000 people graced the Annual Meeting and the local businesses did loads of moolah. Oh yes, as usual, crime was not an issue as even the dumbest of criminals know to stay away from locales that gather individuals who can respond not so nicely to their forceful request for cash, property or body. Mr. Morin would rather see “safer” and more “hip” events like Urban Weekend, celebrated every year at Miami Beach. Last year’s was a slower one according to the experts: So far there have been around 340 arrests since Thursday, most alcohol and drug related, which is in line with last year; but police said that they have had less calls for service. Yup… We NRA members are the lawbreakers. Mailbag... Choosing a CCW instructor When choosing an instructor to teach you an Illinois concealed carry class, you should: First check the Illinois State Police website to make sure they are an approved instructor. Second, the instructor should have the most important thing: good common sense. Third, make sure the instructor does not have fifty pages or more of pollice records. Fourth, will train you in a manner to protect yourself, not to be aggressive in militarystyle training. Thanks, GSL Thanks for all that you do, your passion for the Second Amendment and gun ownership, running the site, doing all the newsgathering that you do, conducting the monthly meetings, coordinating with Todd Vandermyde, etc. You guys ROCK! Happy and healthy 2014 to all and remember, don’t pull that piece unless you intend to use it. Ken via GSL website Fifth, I don’t believe it is of any added value to have an aggressive Greet Beret or Special Forces instructor compared to a farmer or teacher with good common sense. Sixth, do your due diligence and research the company or instructor before you commit. William Baker Cameron, IL GunNews Magazine - 21 - February 2014 The Strategies of Low Light Engagements By Ken J. Good Used with permission. Reprinted. By a substantial percentage, most law enforcement officer-involved shootings occur during the hours from sunset to sunrise, when ambient light is either greatly reduced from normal daytime levels (even when artificial lighting is available) or is virtually nonexistent. Such low-light shootings undoubtedly comprise the majority of non-law enforcement shootings. The obvious reason for this fact: perpetrators of street crime are more active after sundown. Because most shootings occur in lowlight conditions, it is not merely desirable for law-enforcement officers (LEOs) [and licensed civilians alike] to become proficient at shooting with the aid of flashlights - it is absolutely crucial. Being skilled and comfortable at simultaneously operating a firearm and a flashlight enables one to: • focus on safely performing the job at hand, rather than become distracted by equipment issues and/or dangerous tactical errors • maintain the proper mindset -confident, controlling, dominating any actual or potential threat. A good quality tool may be the difference in an officer coming home safely. I have noted in my 20 years of involvement with the law enforcement community as a trainer, that some officers are willing to put a $1,500 prop on their ski boat, but unwilling to spend $150 on a powerful lighting tool. I often ask officers “How much is your arm worth, your face or your life for that matter? How much is a tool worth that may allow your kids to keep their parent?” As one of my colleagues always says, “Lets stop issuing a $600 firearm along with a buck-fifty flashlight.” No matter how well designed, a light can become a serious liability when improperly used. Horizontal and vertical placement of the lighting tool, angle, duration and rhythm of the pulse are all defined and dictated by the user. Sound tactics developed through proper training are essential. Why carry a light? No matter where you work, law-enforcement is a 24-hour a day operation. In most locations criminal activity increases after the sun goes down, darkness is their time. They seek the anonymity that the cloak of darkness can provide. As stated earlier, even during the day, building interiors can present murky, poorly lit environments that rob an officer of his/her ability to clearly observe suspicious activity. Knowing this, one must understand and explore what can be done with the light spectrum in confrontational situations and high-risk environments. Human beings make decisions based on the information GunNews Magazine - 22 - February 2014 that they are able to gather through their five senses. Since most of that information is gathered through our eyes, maintaining the ability to observe in low-light conditions is absolutely critical. Shutting down our opponent’s ability to observe is equally important. Because of the time constraints involved in projectile based engagements the need for threat identification is immediate. The inherent physiological limitations of our observation system in low-light conditions does not give us the required visual cues to quickly evaluate the tactical situation and then make decisions based on our evaluation. Hence additional illumination is required to make this evaluation in a compressed time frame. Rapidly locating and evaluating suspects now becomes a matter of life and death. Proper Employment –Tactics Use the light intelligently and lean toward the intermittent side of the light employment. The closest illustration for this methodology would be the firefly. When you see the glow you establish a direct line to the insect, if you reached to grab in the same location immediately after the glow, the firefly would no longer be there. Light/move or Light/move-shoot/ move if required. Discharge a short burst of light, and move. Evaluate what you just saw, in the same way you view the speedometer of your vehicle. Don’t stare at the speedometer, but rather let your subconscious mind feed you the data. Parallel this same observation methodology when trying to get useful information in diminished lighting conditions. Additionally, try to randomize your light on duration periods, angle of the beam, distance of the hot spot from your location, vertical and horizontal place of your light. This will appear chaotic to potential threats downrange. It does not give unknown threats a simple firing solution, and may provide the edge you need to successfully locate and identify your threat first. As you perfect this methodology, you will be able to decrease the duration of your light output, and obtain better information in smaller time frames. If the threat does fires a weapon, and it is a low-light environment, he or she is firing blindly or randomly at the illusion you should be creating. You may well be able to see muzzle flash from the threat’s weapon. You will now have excellent information in terms of location of the threat and intention of that threat. You decide whether to retreat, contain, or assault, based on your mission and resources. Light as a Control Tool / Force Option Once you locate your threat, you now want to force them into a situation that is advan- tageous to you. Do not allow them to move or see freely. Force in our environment is projecting our will within our sphere of influence and obtaining compliance. Officers spend most of their confrontation time, talking to or arresting people. Rarely do they have to discharge a firearm during these frequent confrontations. Light is usually not associated with the force continuum, however light can be used as a force option to temporarily blind and overwhelm a threatening individual, much the same way that pepper spray temporarily disables a threat. Intense, bright light will take away the threat’s ability to gather useful information, thereby disrupting the ability to make good decisions. This blinding effect can be experienced out to 100 yards with some handheld and weapon mounted illumination tools in clear conditions. In this case, I do not want to allow the opponent(s) to see what I or my partner(s) are preparing to do, so I overwhelm the threat’s visual sensors, creating useless and confusing signals to the threat’s visual system. During this confusion phase, the opportunity exists to close the physical gap to a suspect that must be forcibly constrained. The cover officer is creating a wall of white light (picture a vehicle stop) from which the partner officer or other officers can operate behind. These officers can now deploy non-lethal options, which generally are more effective when the suspect has no previous indication they are going to be used. We’ve all heard and used the term ‘blindsided.’ Blindsiding the threat is a preferred objective. This is especially effective and even painful to the threat if the threat’s eyes are fully dark-adapted. When contact is made [with bright light], you will find the threat usually feels unbalanced and predisposed to be taken down, as the visual horizon has been lost. One of the frequent mistakes made by officers is that the hot spot of the flashlight is directed to the mid-torso area of the suspect. The reason for this is that most officers have been correctly taught that “hands kill” and to watch a suspect’s hands. While this is sound doctrine, the same task can be accomplished by directing the center of the beam directly into the suspect’s eyes, and you will still see the hands. This significantly alters the suspect(s) ability to access the officer’s movements or mount a successful counter attack while simultaneously allowing you to still see the suspect(s) hands. Exploring the various techniques the bright light and that the shots that are fired towards the light will strike the officer. Knowing this, until I have located my threats, I simply keep the flashlight away from my body as much as possible. Yes, most shooters will shoot targets on the range yielding tighter groups with a flashlight assisted shooting technique, but one must keep in mind that in actual confrontations, the suspect has specific advantages when one does not know the suspect’s location. Once I’ve locked down the situation in my mind and know where my threats are or cannot be, I will usually revert to a more “established” technique. The situation will show you the best technique required at the time. The basic flashlight/gun techniques The proper techniques of moving room to room; clearing rooms; use of cover; confusing, disabling, and dominating opponents with light; avoiding self-illumination, etc. are outside the scope of this particular section. They are best understood and retained through hands-on, live instruction. Nevertheless, the basic methods of actually holding gun and flashlight for concerted use can easily be grasped through the descriptions below, aided by photographs. We have included the primary recognized techniques. Most were initially developed or introduced for use with large flashlights. The Rogers/SureFire and the shoulderfired weapon method were developed with smaller flashlights in mind. A well-trained shooter should be at least familiar with all of these techniques. Depending on circumstances, each one can have its place. The best way to grasp the positive and negative attributes of each technique is to try it at night or in dark conditions with both large and small flashlights, while shooting live ammunition. A Warning About Hands-Together Flashlight/Gun Techniques When a flashlight is activated in a low light situation there is an almost irresistible urge --made stronger under stressful conditions --to move the brightest part of the beam so that it shines on the perceived point of danger or into a potential assailant’s face. But in all hands-together techniques, because the user’s hands are locked or pressed together, redirecting the beam also redirects the barrel of the gun. At a few yards distance even a moderate adjustment of the flashlight beam can turn a perfect centermass aim into a complete miss. Taking one ‘ eyes off the assailant to re-align the gun is dangerous, and may well move the flashlight ‘ central bright spot off the target again, starting the process over. If you plan on going toe to toe with Mike Tyson in the ring, you may want to bring more than a left jab to the party. Thus, it is imperative to be aware of this phenomenon and train accordingly. Two ways simplify this training: I recently read an article stating that if you are being told by anyone to keep the flashlight away from your body (a technique), you can immediately discount anything this individual has to say, as they clearly do not know what they are talking about. (1) When directing your locked-together flashlight and gun hands toward a potential target, or when sweeping them during a search, remember that the gun hand is the master hand, the “driver,” and the flashlight hand is along for the ride, so to speak. Let’s face the obvious facts: suspects automatically assume that a torso is behind (2) Adopt the mentality that, when the flashlight is activated, what you see is what you get. That is, be prepared to shoot with whatever part of the beam happens to be on the target. Don’t get in the habit of trying to achieve a perfect view of the target every time you switch on the light. Instead, pay attention to where the gun is aiming. In a situation where a split-second could mean the difference between life and death, gun alignment matters most. Neck-Index Technique Description The flashlight is held in ice-pick grip. Thumb or any finger placed on the on-off (or momentary) switch. For large flashlights, the flashlight body is rested on the shoulder, indexed against the base of the neck. For small flashlights, the body of the flashlight (or the fist holding it)is held indexed against the jaw/neck juncture just below the ear, so that it moves in conjunction with user ‘ head yet blocks little peripheral vision. Weapon is held in any position desired, out of contact with flashlight hand or arm. FBI Technique Flashlight is held in sword or ice pick grip, with arm extended well away from the body (and extended upward if desired),with lens of flashlight held slightly in front of body to avoid illuminating the user. Weapon is held in any position desired, out of contact with flashlight hand or arm. Harries Technique Flashlight is held in ice-pick grip (lens on side opposite the thumb). Thumb or any finger operates on/off (or momentary) switch. Wrists nest together and backs of hands are firmly pressed together to create stabilizing isometric tension. For large flashlights, the body of flashlight may be rested on weapon hand’s forearm. Hargreaves Lite-Touch Technique Flashlight held in the palm of the support hand. Method of deployment, draw pistol, and flash light together, punch pistol forward, straight line at target, weak hand pointing flash light, as you would a fencing foil. The two hands come together, just like a two hand punch draw, but the weak hand is under the pistol, on/off button pressed against the knuckles of the gun hand. Chapman Technique Flashlight held in sword grip, but only with thumb and forefinger. Thumb or one finger operates the on/off (or momentary) switch. The other three fingers of the flashlight hand wrap around the gripping fingers of the weapon hand, in an approximation of a regular two-hand handgun grip, and arms provide stabilizing isometric tension. Keller Technique Flashlight is held in a sword grip, with the thumb on the on/off (or momentary) switch. Arms are extended outward, with arm of weapon hand below arm of flashlight hand. Wrists nest together and back of weapon hand presses firmly against back of flashlight hand to create stabilizing tension. Note: This technique must be practiced to create muscle memory in order to avoid having the slide of the handgun slam into wrist or forearm during discharge, especially when the arms aren’t fully extended. USMC Technique Flashlight is held in sword grip with thumb or finger on the sidemounted on/off (or momentary) switch. The rim of the flashlight lens is pressed forward against the tips of the weapon hand ’s gripping fingers (even locking them in place if the rim is deep enough) creating a stabilizing tension. Ayoob Technique Flashlight is grasped in sword grip, thumb or any finger on the sidemounted on/off (or momentary) switch. The thumb of the flashlight hand is pressed against the thumb of the weapon hand, creating isometric tension that steadies the weapon. The hands may be held near the body or the arms may be extended. A variation on this technique calls for the thumb of the flashlight hand to be pressed inward just below, but still in contact with, the weapon hand’s thumb, thus somewhat lowering the angle of the flashlight beam. Another variation calls for pressing the fingers of the flashlight hand against the fingers of the weapon hand, which significantly reduces the amount of wrist rotation required. Over/Under Technique Flashlight is held in sword grip with thumb or a finger on the side-mounted on/off (or momentary) switch. Weapon hand is pressed down firmly on top of flashlight hand or flashlight body, created isometric tension to steady the weapon. Rogers/SureFire Technique Small SureFire light is held between forefinger and middle finger in a “syringe” grip, that is, with these fingers gripping the body of the flashlight (and in front of the integral rubber ring, if the flashlight has one). Lens of light faces outward, and the protruding momentary switch rests against the middle or lower part of the thumb. Flashlight is activated by squeezing it between fingers and thumb. The weapon hand is brought together with the flashlight hand, as though performing a normal two-hand hold, and the lower fingers of the flashlight hand are wrapped around the gripping fingers of the weapon hand. Isometric tension is applied with the arms to steady the weapon. Note: some people find that wrapping just the bottom two fingers (ring and little) of the flashlight hand around the gun-gripping fingers improves alignment of flashlight beam with gun barrel. However, quickly assuming this particular grip requires more practice. Shoulder-Fired Weapon Technique Flashlight is held in sword or ice pick grip, with arm extended well away from the body (and extended upward if desired), with lens of flashlight held slightly in front of body to avoid illuminating the user. (Mirroring the FBI Technique) This technique revolves around using a handheld flashlight in conjunction with a lightweight shoulder fired weapon equipped with a Weapon Mounted Light (I.E.M4,MP5,shorter semi-auto shotguns). With extended practice, larger weapons can be utilized. The handheld flashlight is employed as a search tool. Once the target of interest is located, the flashlight can be rolled under the forearm of the shoulder-fired weapon, it is held in place with the last two fingers of the support hand, lens now facing the shooter. The Weapon Light can now be activated at will with the remaining fingers. Worst case, simply drop the handheld and use the activation pad located on the Weapon Light. About the author: Ken Good is the President and founder of Strategos International. He is a former Naval Special Warfare operator. His military experience included all aspects of land, sea, and airborne special warfare applications, including the instruction of techniques and doctrine to members of foreign militaries. He has trained thousands of military, law enforcement, and security personnel over the last twenty years. Mr. Good has pioneered new methodologies for maximizing human performance in the tactical environment. Nightshoot Handgun Low-Light Shooting Fundamentals Saturday, March 8, 2014 at the DeWitt County Sportsmen’s Club Six miles East of Clinton, IL city limit on Route 10 From 1:00pm - 9:00pm A majority of deadly force encounters take place in low-light conditions. Have you trained and practiced your low-light shooting skills? Registration is limited. Enroll today. Tuition (tentatively): $100. DeWitt Co. Sportsmen’s Club members: $50. Instructors: Pre-requisite Ed Adcock, of I.S.C.A.P.E. Todd Mendenhall of I.S.C.A.P.E. John Boch of GSL Defense Training And others... Prior training is required to attend this class. When registering, please include a copy of your Illinois Concealed Carry training certificate, or NRA Basic Pistol or Personal Protection course completion certificate. 150 rounds of ammo required. Brought to you by I.S.C.A.P.E. Intelligent, Safe, Confident, Adaptable Pistol Education. For questions, or to register, call Ed Adcock at 217 519-4145 or e-mail him at GunNews Magazine - 23 - February 2014 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT Live Free USA is proud to support Guns Save Life in our combined effort to preserve the American tradition of self-reliance and preparedness. Live Free USA supports gun rights and firearms training as an important part of a family self-reliance program. As we face the growing threats to our safety and our freedoms together, our mission has expanded to help build prepared and self-reliant families as the best way to defend our values and freedoms in the decades to come. Survival alone is not good enough. Together we can make a difference in our future. We offer here some basic preparedness information and concepts and invite readers to join in our mission. Make plans to attend LIVE FREE USA’s Camp Independence at Tippecanoe State Park in Indiana. This day-long event features a class segments on a host of survival and personal preparednessrelated topics. LIVE FREE USA: Freedom through self-reliance It is the mission of Live Free, USA to promote and support self-reliance, self-sufficiency, and self-protection for all responsible Americans. We believe that only an informed and prepared people guarantee a safe, secure, and free country. real hands-on, person-toperson organization and goal-oriented activities. Every member counts. THE SELF-RELIANCE ALLIANCE Live Free USA chapter organizations provides local meetings, educational AMERICAS FIRST AND programs and cooperaBEST SURVIVAL SUPtive family emergency PORT ORGANIZATION planning and self-reliThe Live Free, USA orga- ance programs. If there nization was created in is no chapter near you, the late 1960’s to prowe can help organize one ORGANIZED TO MAKE A mote wilderness survival in your community. If DIFFERENCE training activities and you have a group, it can Live Free USA’s memexpanded its programs to become a chapter and bers have the unique include emergency prebenefit from Live Free opportunity to help paredness and general USA’s support and coopother Americans achieve self-reliance in the 70’s. eration. greater preparedness Live Free has consistently and self-reliance through maintained a reputation PUBLICATIONS OF LIVE participation in Live Free for common sense and FREE USA USA’s Action Teams and responsibility. Today Live Live Free, USA members chapter groups. These Free is recognized as one receive AMERICAN SURteams advance the cause of the oldest and most VIVOR newsletter conand administer the vari- respected survival/selftaining practical informaous operations and pro- reliance advocacy and tion on how-to prepare grams that support the support organizations in for and survive natural Live Free, USA mission. the USA. and man-made disasters, We are committed to sources and book re- LIVE FREE USA AMERICA’S LEADER IN EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND SELF-RELIANCE FOR OVER 45 YEARS Why do I need to be personally prepared to cope with natural and manmade disasters and emergencies? planning, and responsible preparedness will be far better able to survive any disasters and be better off in a changing and challenging world. views to help readers become more self-reliant, and warnings about new threats to safety, survival and personal freedom. Members also get periodic issues of LIVE FREE REPORT keeping them up to date on all Live Free, USA programs and activities. Live Free, USA also produces survival and self-reliance video programs on DVD and a wide range of publications available through the web site conferences and seminars have been conducted for over 40 years every spring in northern Indiana. These events include educational classes, field activities, instructor development and leadership building programs. The Civilian Preparedness Advocacy and Support Live Free, USA publications and speakers continue to define and represent responsible survival preparedness, Live Free, USA is an inself-defense, and selfcorporated not-for-profit, reliance to the public and tax deductible organiza- the media. Speakers and tion. Our only income instructors may be availsources are membership able for your area. dues and contributions. Topics include: Camp Independence • Wilderness survival Survival and self-reliance • Biological, chemical Join. Make a difference. It is the duty of every responsible citizen to seek survival knowledge and to become more self-reliant. Working together all of us are stronger and safer. Free USA supports seminars, exposiJOIN TODAY! tions, camps, websites, blogs, podcasts and publications that encourage and educate all responsible Americans and Name ________________________ secures our future. What Is Live Free USA and why should I support it? We are here for you, your family and Live Free USA is a 45-year old, not-for- America’s future. profit, tax-deductible, all volunteer orWhile natural disasters continue unMembership ganization with no political, or religious abated, funding continues to be cut for Membership comes with a subscripaffiliations. emergency and disaster relief services. tion to American Survivor and other We can expect less and less help and We believe that emergency prepared- benefits government relief for your family after [ ] ness and self-reliance is a fundamental 1-year only $20.00. disasters. 3-year membership $50.00. [ ] responsibility of every good citizen. Lifetime membership $250.00 [ ] What will happen to my family and We are dedicated to supporting this me? In many ways, your family’s level GUNS SAVE LIFE SPECIAL belief through public education, supof preparedness will determine what We will add 6-months to a 1-year porting family, group and community happens to you and your loved ones. membership and 1-year to a 3-year preparedness and self-reliance acmembership for GSL members who tivities, promoting cooperation and Prudent preparedness can turn a lifejoin Live Free before May 1, 2014 coordination among preparedness threatening event for the unprepared and self-reliance groups, suppliers into a mere inconvenience. Bequests: Help guarantee that Live and instructors, and providing special Free USA will be there for America in support and services to Live Free USA Those who chose to face the chalthe future contact: members and affiliated chapters. Live lenges and hazards with knowledge, GunNews Magazine - 24 - February 2014 survival • Home emergency preparedness • Alternative energy • Nuclear survival • Personal hazard analysis • Medical aid • Escape and evasion • Pioneer survival skills • Economic survival • Home safety • Alternative medicine • Crime prevention • Armed self-protection • Unarmed self-protection • Planning for emergencies Address________________________ City _______________ State _____ Zip _________ Phone ________________________ E-mail ________________________ Mail to: Live Free PO Box 3295 Munster, IN 46321 For extra benefits: Join online at EMERGENCY SUPPLIES SHOPPING You’re caught in an emergency with a chance to make a quick trip to a store. What to get? Who was it that said “No plan survives first contact”? You’re away from home or you just never got around to getting those preparedness materials you’ve always meant to get. The power has just gone out or will do so shortly (for instance, the freezing rain is coming). Never fear though: By good luck (or karma), you’re not far from a local store to get some supplies. Sure, you’re going to risk fighting what may be crowds of desperate, possibly surly individuals who are all in the same boat as you. But it is what it is and you’ve got a chance to grab a few things which may make life a lot easier in the coming days for your family. While you don’t have those supplies you’ve been meaning to get (or are away from home), you do have a hundred dollars cash stashed in your wallet or purse in addition to the little bit of cash you usually carry. At the moment, for the sake of our exercise, the crowds aren’t too bad. You think you can pull this off in twenty or thirty minutes. Water. Water seems like it’s everywhere until you’re thirsty and need some to drink. Rule of thumb: You’ll need one gallon, per person, per day. Assuming a traditional family of four, that’s 28 gallons for a week. Get gallon-sized containers or if you’re strong enough, 2.5 or 5 gallon bottles or cases of water (typically about 3 gallons per case). What do you get? Prioritize. You’re going to need water, first and foremost, to sustain life, keep yourself clean and to prepare foods. From there, you’re on your own. Here are some items that might be of immense help if you find yourself caught flat-footed in the face of an emergency. Easy, shelf-stable food. If you don’t have power, your cooking options may be limited. Look for: • Pre-cooked, canned meats (tuna, chicken, ham, spam, vienna sausages, bacon, etc.) • Nuts (peanuts, cashews, etc.) are rich in calories and protein. Trail mixes are excellent as well. • Canned beans • Canned stews • Poptarts (poor-man’s energy bars!) Also... • Instant oatmeal • Get a small transis• Instant coffee or hot chocolate as tor radio and spare comfort drink • Bread • Peanut butter & jelly • Canned pasta (Chef Boy-R-Dee stuff) Liberty Guns “WE ARE EXPANDING!” 307 East Second Street * Homer, IL 217 896-8024 e-mail: drothermel at Tues. through Fri. 2p-5p, Sat. 10-5p. If no answer, call: Dean: 217-377-3326 Area’s largest Pro-Shot dealer since 1987. batteries. • First Aid kit. • Plasticware. • Swiss Army knife (opens cans, cuts things, etc.) • Compass • Blanket(s) Remodeling Open House February 21 & 22 from 10am-5pm both days. There will be food, prizes and special deals, along with greatly expanded retail space. Valentine’s Day Special Also Feb 14th and 15th: Come in for a sweetheart deal for your Valentine. We have all kinds of guns of color, or not, for your ladies pleasure, also carrying the Flash Bang holster line. Sanitation. You have got to keep yourself clean. • Baby wipes (75-150) • Toilet paper. • Tall kitchen trash bags. • Bar soap. • Got a baby? Get diapers! • Toothbrushes and toothpaste Light & Fire. You’ll need some light & ability to make fire. • Flashlight (LED hand-held and/or hands-free “head” light). • Spare batteries. • Some butane lighters and/or matches. • Votive candles or tea lights will work for light and heat in a pinch. Full-line gun shop * Reloading supplies & equipment. * New, used, consignments welcome. * We’ve got ammo. * Now offering Internet sales of your consignments. * Did we mention guns? We’ve got ‘em and special orders are welcome. In Homer on Route 49, turn east at the Marathon station and go 1 1/2 blocks. We’re on the south side of the road. Next door to the American Legion. GunNews Magazine - 25 - February 2014 Ten Principles of Survival by James C. Jones EMT/CHCM These ten principles of survival apply equally to coping with long-term situations such as a declining economy, climate changes, shortages and threats to basic freedoms and privacy and sudden disasters such as storms, civil unrest, fires, accidents and epidemics. Once one has moved from denial, through deliberation to the decision and action phases of survival reaction these are important principles that must be applied to guide your actions. 1. ANTICIPATE: Those who assume that things will not change or that nothing can go wrong wind up being victims. Those who do “what if analysis” on potential hazards and trends are ready to survive. While those who say “this can’t be happening!” are still in denial, the survivor is ready or has already acted. Survivors are people who quickly move through the stages of denial, deliberation to decisions and actions. Accepting the possibility or probability that a bad thing may happen to you is essential. The military calls this process “OODA” for Observe, Orient, Decide and Act. He who hesitates is often dead. GunNews Magazine - 26 - February 2014 2. BE AWARE: The military calls this “Situation Awareness” On a “big picture” level this means being aware of the national economic, political, and environmental situation and the developments in your communities and at your employment. What are the trends? What are the developing hazards, shortages, and threats? On a more immediate level you must develop the habit of observing and analyzing things around you and ahead of you. No texting, no cell phones use, no daydreaming. Who are those people coming towards me? Do I smell smoke? 3. BE HERE NOW: This sound obvious, but think about it. When we are on the phone, reading, texting, we are ‘there’, not ‘here’. We tune out what’s going on around us. This is okay in a safe environment, not so much in an unknown environment and never in an “at risk” situation. A survival situation requires being 100% engaged on the here and now. Any distractions or thoughts about how nice it would be to not be in this place at this time will do nothing to improve the situation and perhaps make survival less likely. Focus! 4. STAY CALM: Yes, it’s easier said than done. If you have followed the first three principles your reactions are going to be automatic and appropriate. Once you have escaped the immediate threat (assault, shots, fire, etc.), take some slow deep breaths. Gather your thoughts and follow the next six steps. Remember your calm demeanor (or apparent calm) will help others follow your lead. 5. EVALUATE: Think about where the situation is going and what your options are - dispassionately. Evaluate the risks if you do nothing versus various actions. Consider your own level of health, knowledge and resources. Will you have help or are you on your own? Prioritize risks and costs. 6. DO THE NEXT RIGHT THING: Sometime you can let the enormity of the situation panic you into inappropriate actions or into giving up. You eat an elephant one bite at a time. Once you know what must be done to survive, focus just on how to take the next step. Don’t think too much about the other thousand steps ahead. 7. TAKE CONTROL: Control the situation instead of letting it control to you. This is what we all must do now as we face various threats, both immediate and long-term. You need to own the situation. We should own the future not fear it. That’s the difference between survivors and victims. 8. HAVE WHAT YOU NEED: That sounds simple, but it requires careful anticipation and awareness to have the right stuff where and when you need it. For example: having lots of food and firearms is not what you need when you have a house fire. You need good fire extinguishers now! Its not what you have, its what you have with you. Prioritizing and acquiring skills, supplies and equipment based on personal and realistic expectations rather than popular media scenarios is critical. The objective is to have safe air, effective defense, adequate shelter, clean water, sufficient food, needed medical care when and where you need it. 9. USE WHAT YOU HAVE: The accumulation of stuff alone will not assure survival. You have to know how to use it and then use it effectively. You will also be faced with situations where you need to improvise and scavenge. Junk and scraps can be made into needed items. Nature provides food, shelter, fuel and other necessities when we do not have other options. Survival training greatly increases your options and capabilities with and without stuff. In today’s world we have specially made products for every aspect of survival. This gets us complacent and dependent. A good excursive is to take every survival item you have and say “what if I had to do without Conclusion this” then “what could I use in place of this”. Know how to use it and know Having survived in the inner-city and heavy-industrial environment while how to do without it, then you are a moving from labor through managesurvivor. ment and from total poverty to reasonable security without outside help, I can vouch that the above principles 10. DO WHAT IS NECESSARY: That apply to every aspect of “normal” life. may sound obvious, but it is often Developing these life habits and values the failure to do what was required will establish your survivability in a that resulted in death. Civilized living crisis and help you succeed in everyday has programmed us to adopt habits, fears and reactions that are counter to life. survival necessity. Will we plunge our hand into an open wound to pinch off an artery? Will we hesitate to pull the trigger on an armed assailant? Will we be too shy to strip off cold wet clothing? Will we trash or abandon expensive equipment in order to escape? Pride, fear, revulsion, fatigue, pain and false values are mental states that can result in bad decisions. This is not to say that the values of morality, loyalty, and compassion are to be abandoned. If you have abandoned those you have not truly survived as a human being. Several of the above principles are interpretations of concepts set fourth in Laurence Gonzales’ book Deep Survival published by W. W. Norton Inc. which I highly recommend to all serious survival preppers. About the author James C. Jones is the president of Live Free USA, a not-for-profit organization devoted to advocating and supporting emergency preparedness and family That’s my ten, but of course there has self-reliance. Live Free USA publishes the American Survivor newsletter, conto be one more. The 11th is NEVER GIVE UP. Having advocated prepared- ducts seminars and supports chapters. They can be contacted at www.Ameriness and expanded self-reliance for canSurvivor.Org, LFINOW@AOL.COM over 40-years, I guess I got that one. Remember, “survival” is not about you. or at Live Free USA, Box 3295, Munster, IN 46321 You survive for your mission and for what you do for others. Looking for a place to shoot? Dewitt County Sportsmen’s Club Clinton, IL Storage Containers And Trailers For Rent or Sale Delivered to your site Our thanks goes out to Oleg Volk for his continued permission to use his creative works in our gun rights advocacy work. You can see more of them at his website: 20’ or 40’ Long - 8’ Wide MEL PRICE & CO. 1938 Bowman Ave. Danville, IL 61832 217-442-9092 CAMP INDEPENDENCE Safety Through Preparedness Freedom Through Self-Reliance Saturday, May 3rd 2014 Tippecanoe River State Park near Winamac, Indiana Activities 8:00 AM (Eastern Time) through 6:00 PM A wide variety of emergency preparedness, self-defense, field survival and self-reliance classes, workshops, exhibits and demonstrations will be presented throughout the day. Bring the whole family. Stay overnight. Enjoy the park in spring. Become safer and more self-reliant! Cabins are available on a first come basis. Meals are available at reasonable prices. Advanced Registration Before April 15th: Individual $20.00, Family $25.00, Add $20.00 for a cabin. Come Friday night and stay over Saturday night for extra activities. Group Rates Available before April 1st. Now seeking new members. ACT NOW! Come join a growing club, with dual, independent ranges, a nice clubhouse and permissive rules which allow shooters to practice shooting from holsters, double-taps and so forth. Centrally located on Route 10, six miles east of Clinton, IL (15423 State Highway 10). Great people and a warm atmosphere. Facilities include a 100 yard rifle range range, handgun range, clubhouse, and more. An archery range is coming next year. Dues are $50/year plus two work days. You can download an application at our website: or by mailing a request to Dewitt Co. Sportsmen’s Club; PO Box 322; Clinton, IL 61727 Registration after April 15th: Individual $25.00, Family $35.00. Add $25.00 for a cabin as available. CURRENT & NEW LIVE FREE MEMBERS $5.00 OFF ALL ABOVE RATES If cabins at the site are filled tent camping and other rentals are available from the Indian Department of Resources at their rates. Go to: *Indiana DNR park vehicle entry fees not included in registration fees. GUEST INSTRUCTORS WELCOME: Contact: before April 5th. SURVIVAL STUFF RAFFLE: Lots of survival and preparedness related supplies and equipment. Tickets on sale at the event. Contributions Welcome GunNews Magazine - 27 - February 2014 Make your own... Save money. It’s easy to make. And it works well! Laundry soap Large scale water filtration for less than 2 cents per gallon Homemade Big-Berkey style water filter Here’s what you need: 20 Mule Team Borax, Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda and Fels-Naptha. A paint stirrer makes a nice, disposable stirring rod. Add in an inexpensive cheese grater and you’re set. by John Boch Clean, potable water is critical to survival in an emergency as we all know. You can make potable water most commonly by chemical means or filtration. Big Berkey water filters are considered among the best, proving themselves capable of gravity filtering a lot of water day in and day out for a long time. Each element will filter over a gallon an hour and will last 3,000 gallons or more with proper care. Here’s how to make your own Big Berkey-style filter at home for about $100 or less. First, you’ll need: Step 3: Drill a three-quarter inch hole for your spigot in the side of the bottom bucket, about a half-inch or more from up from the inside bottom. This will allow room for the washer gasket. Install the spigot (use the gasket washers on both sides of the bucket wall). * A pair of Black Berkey replacement filters ($100-120 online) or Super Sterasyl Ceramic filter elements Step 4: Drill a small weep hole in the (about $45 each online - similar filter- lid for the upper bucket to ensure ing results in quality and quantity). that the lid doesn’t seal and cause a vacuum and stop the process when * Berkey Light spigot (about $10) nobody is looking. * A minimum of two white, virgin plastic 5-gallon buckets (food grade HDPE) (about $5 each at Lowe’s) and a pair of white, virgin plastic lids (also about $5 each) Step 1: Tape the lid for the lower bucket to the bottom of the upper bucket, then drill two one-half inch holes through the lid and the bottom of the upper bucket approximately 5-6” apart. NOTE: This plastic is brittle and you should push very gently on the drill bit or it will plunge through the plastic and break it, leaving you with a ragged hole that the washer won’t cover - or worse. My advice, buy twice as many buckets as you intend to use to ensure you don’t screw up in less than ideal conditions. Buckets are cheap. Life is precious. Step 5: Sanitize the lower bucket with a bleach solution and rinse before use. 1/4 cup of bleach in 5 gallons of water for ten minutes should be fine after you’ve washed it out with soap and water. Usage: If you’re filtering turbid water, be sure to pre-filter using coffee filters or other crude filtration to extend the life of your filters. If you need faster filtration, you can use additional filters in the top bucket (three or four). Under ideal conditions, you can get over 7 gallons per hour with four filters. Simply fill the top with clean, but suspect water and clean water will dribble into the bottom container. Step 2: Remove the lid and install the filter in the bottom of the upper bucket. You don’t have to be a helpless victim. Empower yourself. Become a gun owner. Get training. GunNews Magazine - 28 - February 2014 by John Boch You can make your own laundry soap at home for a tiny fraction of what you would pay for brand name soaps like Tide. As an added bonus, this home-made soap doesn’t have brighteners or fragrances (unless you add them), so it’s ideal especially for hunting clothes. The price makes it ideal for the family budget as well. If you buy three bars of Fels-Naptha, along with single boxes of 20 Mule Team Borax and Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda, you will have spent about $15 on materials to make five hundred plus standard loads of laundry. As this homemade laundry soap gains popularity, more stores are now carrying the ingredients, including Wal-mart, Schnucks and Rural King. How does it work? I’ve been using it for years now and am pleased. I’ve heard back from a couple of other Guns Save Life members who’ve tried it and they are pleased as well. Step 1: Finely grate approximately 1/3 bar of FELS-NAPTHA bar soap and put it in a sauce pan with six cups of hot (not boiling) water. Keep hot and stir until soap melts completely. Step 1a (Optional): I finely grate a half bar of my favorite bar soap to add a hint of scent to the mix. Again, this is optional. Step 2: Add one half cup of BORAX laundry booster and one half cup of WASHING SODA to sauce pan. Stir until dissolved. Step 3: Add four cups of hot water into bucket (a five-gallon bucket is ideal), then add soap mixture. Stir briefly to mix. Step 3a (Optional): Psychologically, while I don’t need to see a mountain of suds, I like to see a few bubbles to know there’s really soap in there. So I add about a tablespoon (okay, two) of Dawn dish soap. Step 4: Add 22 additional cups (1 gal, 6 cups) of room temperature water. Stir to mix and let stand for 24 hours or so. Contents of bucket should gel. Use one half cup of final product per standard load. If it doesn’t gel, it will still work fine. Store product in a closed container or the water will evaporate out of the mixture. SAVE THESE DATES! CAMP INDEPENDENCE 2014 Saturday, May 3rd: Activities from 8:00 AM (EST) - 6:00 PM at Tippecanoe River State Park North of Winamac, Indiana A wide variety of emergency preparedness, self-defense, field survival and self-reliance classes, workshops, exhibits and demonstrations will be presented throughout the day. Bring the whole family. Stay overnight in available cabins. Enjoy the park in spring. Become more self-reliant! LIVE FREE, USA 45th ANNUAL MEETING Sunday March 23rd, 2013: 1:00 PM till 3:00 PM CABELA’S Sporting Goods Store 7700 Cabela Drive, Hammond IN Open To Members, Families and Supporters. Videos, Exhibits, Speakers, Presentations, Awards, Elections. State of Live Free report and special presentations. Your vehicle will be your “escape pod” from most emergencies. Equip it to handle them! Organize material into “gear bags”. They carry stuff to make life easier if you have a problem until help arrives, until you can reach safety or to assist the rescue of someone else. Start with the basics: Tool bag. Things happen in your car: Bad weather. Accidents. Dead Batteries. Snow and ice. Mechanical issues. Flat tires and fires. Having a tool bag with some basic supplies can help turn what would be a really bad day into a mere inconvenience. Ironically, this is the bag you’ll probably turn to the most often, yet with all the talk of major emergencies, tending to the minor everyday incidents sometimes gets overlooked. So, for your tool bag: Basic hand tools and maybe a socket set as well - Harbor Freight has them on the cheap if you’re budget constrained. Add in a pair of leather work gloves, a head-lamp flashlight (so you can work with your hands in the dark), a tire repair kit, some road flares (it wouldn’t be good to get run over while making roadside repairs!) and some Gorilla tape which is like duct tape on steroids. Throw in an extra quart or two of oil just for giggles. Right next to your hand-dandy tool bag should be a high-output 12v air compressor, a 5# (or better yet, 10#) fire extinguisher and a set of quality jumper cables. In the winter, throw in a small, plastic snow shovel and a coffee can full of sand. If you have room, a sleeping bag isn’t a bad idea - year round. The day bag This small pack’s main function is to carry stuff for day hikes or short trips. Contents should include a water bottle or two, some band-aids and an Israeli Battle Dressing, a compass, flashlight, disposable emergency rain poncho or two (contractor clean-up bags work too), a mylar emergency blanket or two, whistle, knife, emergency food bars and/or trail mix and some baby wipes. These packs will often have a compartment to carry your firearm and a reload if you don’t want to wear the gun on your body. The get home bag Much bigger than a day pouch, this is a small backpack, with room to carry much of the gear mentioned on the right. Keep it light, ideally ten to fifteen pounds, maximum. Remember, ounces equal pounds and pounds equal pain. Watch out for: Weight hogs. Substitute lighter, higher-performance items for space or weight hogs (MagLite flashlights, for instance). You don’t need three knives, a three-piece suit, a pop-up tent or spare pair of boots in your pack. Think minimal in terms of supplies. If your “get home bag” is an old ALICE large pack with 50 pounds of “necessities”, then you’re in trouble if you older than a teenager and haven’t been to the gym in years. Confident you can carry your load? Put on your pack and go for a five or ten mile walk - it doesn’t even have to be a hike - and see how you feel afterwards. The Gear As you pack your gear for your escape pod, keep in mind that three hours without shelter and three days without water can be life-threatening. Here are basic items for your car and your ‘get home’ bag. Organization: Put the contents of your pack into waterproof bags in case of heavy rain or if your pack takes a short dunk for some reason. Organize as needed. Plan ahead to keep Murphy of Murphy’s Law fame away. Backpack: Get yourself a small to medium-sized pack. Remember, ounces equal pounds when you start hiking, and pounds equal pain. Make sure it fits you. The more weight your pack carries on your hips, the happier your back will be if you’re over 18-years-old. Water: Carry a few bottles of water in your car. Put them in a small cooler if you’re worried about them rupturing when frozen (doesn’t happen with most). Surface water is plentiful in Illinois. Carry water filtration - .2 micron or less. Berkey Sport Bottles filter as you drink. Lifestraw is a similar product. They’re not expensive. In or on your pack, carry a liter bottle or two for carrying some filtered water. Water treatment tablets are a last-ditch option. Medical: A basic first Shelter: Consider bivy sacks, lined with plastic or mylar. If you have space for it, consider a wool blanket as it works even when wet. Lightweight tent stakes, 550 cord and tarp clips can help you turn oversize contractor cleanup bags or plastic sheeting into an improvised tent/shelter for an extra couple of ounces. Food: One to three MREs are always an option. Rotate every year! Survival food bars/rations are another calorie-dense, small-space option. Dehydrated foods don’t pack a lot of calories but can be comfort foods (oatmeal, Mountain House-style meals, coffee, hot chocolate) when you’ve got a means to boil water. If you have the space, a JetBoil stove is outstanding. Fire: Making fire with aid kit. Over-the-counter two sticks sucks and reor prescription meds you quires knowledge to pull off. Bring along better need regularly. Spare ways to make fire glasses / conincluding some or tact lenses. all: Magnesium An Israeli Batblock fire-starters, tle Dressing firesteel, Bic or two. Also, lighter(s), winda bar of ivory soap (it floats), some baby wipes, proof lighter, waterproof matches. Dryer lint and feminine needs. makes great, lightweight tender. Communications. Don’t count on your Navigation: Compass. smart phone. Maps, both local and reBuy a microgional (state). DeLorme sized AM/ Topographical maps are FM ear-bud excellent. radio so you Don’t can keep up count to speed on on your news and information. phone or Consider a handheld two-way radio. 409shop. your TomTom GPS. Murphy loves com has some really to play with high-tech decent, programmable radios for less than $50. gadgets. Light: Let there be light! Modern LED flashlights are a godsend. Get a couple that run on a single, ubiquitous AA cell, ideally with low-light setting to maximize battery life while minimizing weight and bulk. One great one: Trustfire SA-2 from DealExtreme. com. $12. Carry two extra batteries. Personal info: Have a USB drive with your personal information (financial, insurance, personal photos, license, etc.). Have a paper copy of your phone’s contact list (because your iphone may take a dump on you). Clothing: Think synthetics, like Goretex, not cotton. Dress in layers. Make sure you pack spare socks. Also, underwear, thermal underwear, a warm hat and gloves. Goretex raingear is outstanding to keep you dry and it can save your life. Footwear: Ladies, make sure you have a pair of comfortable hiking boots in your car in case you need to hoof it. Guys, ditto, especially if you wear glorified flip flops in public. Waterproof boots are ideal, but anything beats high heels (for both guys and gals...) GunNews Magazine - 29 - February 2014 Coming events UPCOMING EVENTS – February 2014 Appleseed Marksmanship and Heritage Events Feb. 15 & 16 – Central Illinois Precision Shooters Range, Bloomington GUNS SAVE DIRECTORY Officers John Boch, President templar223 at 217 649-3702 Frank Wright, VP 910 489-4768 Larry Shurbet, Treasurer lshurbet at 217 643-7314 Tammy Williams, Corporate Secretary tamsalon at 217 714-9272 Dr. David Pike, Past Pres. dpike at 217 352-6405 Directors Roger Dorsett 217-384-7302 ruger1669 at John Gahm jgahm at 815 848-1252 Don Huskey j007don at 217 821-8311 Lou McClellan lou_mcclellan at hotmail. com 217 493-5195 Kent Metzger whitleycreek at 217 259-2496 John Naese johnnaese at 217 840-0246 Dean Rothermel drothermel at gunssavelife. com 217 834-3093 Steve Schnurbusch steve_schnurbusch at 573-768-2450 Peter Wheeler Speed1 at 309 275-7269 Committee Chairs Range Development committee Dean Rothermel drothermel at gunssavelife. com (217) 834-3093 GunNews Distribution Warren Drake wdrake at gunssavelife. com 217-898-9602 GunNews Editor (Submit ideas, articles, pictures, shoot schedules, letters to the editor) John Boch 217 649-3702 19 Evergreen Sq Savoy, IL 61874 templar223 at Website Champaign County Rifle Association / Guns Save Life .com Mailing Address (for general correspondence and memberships) PO Box 51 Savoy, IL 61874 Pontiac Coordinator: John Gahm jgahm at 815 848-1252 This will be a heated, indoor Appleseed, for .22 rifles only. The CIPS Range, located on the grounds of Darnall’s Ranges west of Bloomington, is an Olympic rifle training center. There is a $25 range fee, in addition to the Appleseed fee (well worth it to shoot indoors in the winter; the floor is even heated!). Lunch is available on site for $7 per person, or bring your own. Registration is limited to 16 shooters. Gift Certificates are available at to make the price only $48, plus the range fee. For info about these Appleseed events:; or email; or call 618-458-7745. Foosland Sportsmens Club Feb. 1 & 2 – Conceal Carry 16 hour Feb. 9 – Splatterboard Shoot; breakfast 6 am, shooting starts 8 am Feb. 14 - Friday night Trap shoot, 6 pm. Feb. 15 – Conceal and Carry 8 hour Feb. 16 – Conceal and Carry 8 hour Feb. 28 - Friday night Trap shoot, 6 pm. For info: www. fooslandsportsmen¬, Waylena McCulley, waystar@, 217-840-0972. Information on Conceal and Carry class: Jim Quinlan, 217-202-7155. Leroy Rifle and Pistol Club Every Thursday Evening, 4pm to 9pm – 50 bird Trap Derby. Dick Mill¬er, 309-962-8102 rcmillerir2001@vahoo. com Feb. 1 – Concealed Carry Class, 8 am, Kirk Null, 309-212-6663. St. Joseph Sportsman’s Club Every Wed (5-10p) & Sat. (noon-4) – Trap and skeet shooting, open to the public. stjosephsportsmanclub@gmail. com; or Call (217) 469-2768. Westville Sportsmans Club Every Wednesday: Trapshooting Practice open to the public 6-10pm. -- to add your event, email johnnaese at Every Saturday: Trapshooting Games open to the public 6-10pm. Kitchen open both nights. Rifle and Pistol Range open to members only during daylight hours. $55.00 single/$75.00 family yearly memberships available. / 217-2672612. Darnall’s GunWorks and Ranges, Bloomington, IL Every Tuesday Evening, 5 pm to 9 pm – 50 bird Trap Derby and Games, open to public. Tuesday through Sunday, Trap shooting and indoor pistol range open to the public 9 am until closing. Every Thursday, 5 pm,, Tactical IDPA League, indoors. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, NRA First Steps pistol, indoors, 6:30 pm. Feb. 1 – Illinois 8 hour CCW class Feb. 2 – Illinois 8 hour CCW class Feb. 8 & 9 – Illinois 16 hour CCW class Feb. 15 – SASS Cowboy Action match, indoor. Feb. 15 & 16 - Illinois 16 hour CCW Feb. 16 – Modern Steel match, indoor. Feb. 23 – IDPA Pistol match, outdoor. MEETINGS Feb. 3 - Sangamon County Rifle Assn. Meeting, at 6:30 p.m. at INSERT MEETING SITE AND CONTACT INFO HERE Feb. 4 – GSL Pontiac Meeting, VFW, Pontiac, IL. Conversation and Dinner, 6pm; Meeting 7pm. John Gahm, 815848-1252, Feb. 6 – Peoria GSL Meeting, Knights of Columbus Spalding Council, 7403 N. Radnor Road, Peoria, IL. Dinner and conversation, 5:30 p.m.; Meeting 7 p.m. Steve Schnurbusch at steve_ schnurbusch@ Feb. 6 – GSL South Meeting, Effingham Elks Club, 5:30 pm social hour, 7 pm meeting. Don Huskey, 217-8218311. Don@AllAmericanGunSite. Space is available for advertisements in GunNews Magazine. The current circulation is now 20,000 copies, distributed mostly in Illinois. SIGN UP NOW. Peoria Coordinator: Steve Schnurbusch steve_schnurbusch at 573 768-2450 Ad rates Once 5+ times Full page $250 $200 Half page $150 $125 Quarter $100 $80 Eighth $65 $50 Sixteenth $40 $35 Columns are 12” tall and 2.4” wide. GunNews Magazine - 30 - February 2014 Gun Shows Feb. 2 – Wheaton Gun Show, Dupage Co. Fairgrounds, Wheaton, IL. Mike Holan, 630-365-2808. Feb. 8 & 9 – Peoria Gun Show, East Peoria Convention Center, Peoria, IL. 309-274-2977. Feb. 8 & 9 – New Berlin Gun Show, Sangamon Co. Fairgrounds, New Berlin, IL. Rick Thrasher, 217-416-0618. Feb. 9 – Kane County Gun Show, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles, IL. Kathy Carlson, 815-7582773. Feb. 16 – Woodstock Gun Show, 240 N. Throop St., Woodstock, IL. Clint Zimmerman, 815-338-4826. Feb. 22 & 23 – Arcola Gun and Knife Show, Arcola Center, Rt. 45 and Main, Arcola, IL. Bryan, 217-460-2387. Other Events of Interest Feb. 1 – ISRA Academy – AK / MosinNagant Class, Chatsworth, IL. 815635-3198 Feb. 1 – Women on Target, Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club, Chillicothe, IL. 815-635-3198. $55, No FOID card necessary, No experience necessary. Feb. 8 – ISRA U; AK47, SKS, MosinNagants, care and maintenance. The Lion’s Club, Bonfield, IL. 815-6353198. Concealed Carry and NRA Basic Classes Feb. 1, 22 – Illinois Concealed Carry, Part 2, Oswego, IL. Tom Yackley, 630-554-8966. Feb. 1, 15 – NRA Basic Pistol, Des Plaines, IL. Thomas Kral, 773-9807037. www.firearmtrainingchicago. com. Feb. 1 & 2, 8 & 9, 22 & 23 – IL CCW Class, Point of Impact Firearms Training, McHenry, IL. Jeremiah Cello, 815-322-2173. www.pointofimpactllc. com. Feb. 2, 16 – Illinois & Florida CCW, Plaines, IL. Thomas Kral, 773-9807037. www.firearmtrainingchicago. com. Feb. 2, 3, 8, 9, 16, 22, 23 – Illinois Conceal Carry Class, SAFE Gun Permits LLC, Roselle, IL. Craig Celia, Advertising Information Effingham Coordinator: Don Huskey Don at 217 821-8311 CONTACT US: GunNews at com. Feb. 11 - Guns Save Life Meeting Rantoul, 6 pm dinner, 7 pm meeting, The Linden, Rantoul, IL. John Boch, 217 649-3702; templar223@comcast. net. One year $150 ($1800 total) $100 ($1200 total) $65 ($780 total) $40 ($480 total) $25 ($300 total) Guaranteed four-color ad placement is twice the normal rate, as space permits. Deadline The first Friday of the month preceding publication. Ad Submissions Ideally, ad should be in electronic format or camera / scanner ready. If in electronic format, Adobe InDesign (3.0) is strongly preferred, although a high-quality Adobe .pdf will work. They can be submitted via email to templar223 at or via CD or DVD to GunNews, PO Box 51, Savoy, Illinois 61874. If not in electronic format or camera ready, submit a basic description of what the ad should look like (business name, address, phone, product lines, prices, hours, message, etc) and we will put an ad together for you. My first buck didn’t see any bucks, only does. And I had explained to my dad that I wanted my first deer to be a buck. On Monday evening, we went to a pasture called the Bacon Rind to hunt. Dad and I camouflaged ourselves in a deer blind, just 24 yards from a deer feeder that is kept full of feed throughout the year. We waited, and waited. Soon, we spied two does, but we waited again. A spike sauntered to the feeder, and Dad whispered, “Do you want to shoot him?” I murmured, “No let’s wait,” wanting to shoot a bigger buck. We heard another deer sneaking through the woods, and when he reached the opening, we saw that he was a fat six-point with a broken brow tine. ( - This fall, a couple weeks before deer season, I got my first .243. “Thanks, Dad!” Dad called friends and family to tell them about my kill! Dad walked back to the truck so that we could load him, and left me there with my buck. We have a trail camera aimed at the feeder, so we have photos to document my victory dance! Dad says that he could hear me giggling from a quarter mile away! I am so proud to have killed my first buck. My dad spending time to help me is very special. My Grandpa Mike prepared his skull and antlers for a European mount and built the plaque with photos of my buck, my .243, my dad, and me! And that is the time I shot my first deer. I excitedly whispered, “I’m ready. I’m ready. Give me the gun.” Dad helped me set up my shot, and said, “Stick him in the shoulder.” It took me about ten minutes to find the shot I wanted. Finally, he turned toward us, and my dad said, “Stick him in the neck.” Earlier, he had explained how to shoot a whitetail in the middle of the neck, or below the white patch on their chest. Aiming for the middle of his neck, I tried to pull the trigger, but my glove would not let me. So I quickly and quietly took off my glove, looked through the scope, and pulled the trigger. “BANG!” I hit him just below his white patch, and he fell dead in his tracks. I looked up and exclaimed to Dad, “He’s dead! He’s dead!” Dad proudly replied, “I know!” On the first day of whitetail rifle season, Dad and I went to town to buy my first deer tag. We had planned to go hunting, but after we returned from town, we helped a friend, Bre Batey, look for her buck that she shot. So we didn’t have much time to hunt. We hunted Sunday evening, but I hugged him and cried tears of joy. We quickly walked over to the buck, lying under the feeder. And that’s when we really started celebrating. URBANA AMERICAN LEGION POST 71 and SONS OF AMERICAN LEGION SQUADRON 71 Supporting Our Troops & Our 2nd Amendment Rights Urbana American Legion Post 71 107 N. Broadway Ave. Urbana, IL 61801 (217)367-3121 Open Daily 10 am to 2 am. THE PUBLIC IS WELCOME! $100.00 off Banquet rental for GSL members. GunNews Magazine - 31 - February 2014 A SCREAMING GOOD DEAL: Sign up a friend for only $10 more... Renew or sign up for a new one-year membership in Guns Save Life (form on back cover), and you can sign up a second individual for an annual membership for only $10 more. Life, including delivery of GunNews to their mailbox each month. Limited time offer. Enroll now! No limit on this deal. For example: sign up for a three-year membership or renewal, you can sign up three new members for $10 each. They will enjoy full membership privileges in Guns Save JOIN THE GUNS SAVE LIFE FAMILY TODAY. Back through the years... On A Wing And A Prayer By Rick Reilly (Sports Illustrated / Sept 22, 1999) - Now this message for America’s most famous athletes: Someday you may be invited to fly in the backseat of one of your country’s most powerful fighter jets. Many of you already have- John Elway, John Stockton, Tiger Woods to name a few. If you get this opportunity, let me urge you, with the greatest sincerity.... Move to Guam. Change your name. Fake your own death. Whatever you do, do not go. I know. The U.S. Navy invited me to try it. I was thrilled. I was pumped. I was toast! I should’ve known when they told me my pilot would be Chip (Biff) King of Fighter Squadron 213 at Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach. Whatever you’re thinking a Top Gun named Chip (Biff) King looks like, triple it. He’s about six-foot, tan, ice-blue eyes, wavy surfer hair, finger-crippling handshake—the kind of man who wrestles dyspeptic alligators in his leisure time. If you see this man, run the other way. Fast. Biff King was born to fly. His father, Jack King, was for years the voice of NASA missions. (“Tminus 15 seconds and counting....” Remember?) Chip would charge neighborhood kids a quarter each to hear his dad. Jack would wake up from naps surrounded by nine-year-olds waiting for him to say, “We have a liftoff.” Biff was to fly me in an F-14D Tomcat, a ridiculously powerful $60 million weapon with nearly as much thrust as weight, not unlike Colin Montgomerie. I was worried about getting airsick, so the night before the flight I asked Biff if there was something I should eat the next morning. “Bananas,” he said. “For the potassium?” I asked. “No,” Biff said, “because they taste about the same coming up as they do going down.” The next morning, out on the tarmac, I had on my flight suit with my name sewn over the left breast. (No call sign—like Crash or Sticky or Leadfoot—but, still, very cool.) I carried my helmet in the crook of my arm, as Biff had instructed. If ever in my life I had a chance to nail Nicole Kidman, that was it. A fighter pilot named Psycho gave me a safety briefing and then fastened me into my ejection seat, which, when employed, would “egress” GunNews Magazine - 32 - February 2014 me out of the plane at such a velocity that I would be immediately knocked unconscious. Just as I was thinking about aborting the flight, the canopy closed over me, and Biff gave the ground crew a thumbs-up. In minutes we were firing nose up at 600 mph. We leveled out and then canopy-rolled over another F-14. Those 20 minutes were the rush of my life. Unfortunately, the ride lasted 80. It was like being on the roller coaster at Six Flags Over Hell. Only without rails. We did barrel rolls, sap rolls, loops, yanks and banks. We dived, rose and dived again, sometimes with a vertical velocity of 10,000 feet per minute. We chased another F-14, and it chased us. We broke the speed of sound. Sea was sky and sky was sea. Flying at 200 feet we did 90-degree turns at 550 mph, creating a G force of 6.5, which is to say I felt as if 6.5 times my body weight was smashing against me, thereby approximating life as Mrs. Colin Montgomerie. And I egressed the bananas. I egressed the pizza from the night before. And the lunch before that. I egressed a box of Milk Duds from the sixth grade. I made Linda Blair look polite. Because of the G’s, I was egressing stuff that did not even want to be egressed. I went through not one airsick bag, but two. Biff said I passed out. Twice. I was coated in sweat. At one point, as we were coming in upside down in a banked curve on a mock bombing target and the G’s were flattening me like a tortilla and I was in and out of consciousness, I realized I was the first person in history to throw down. I used to know cool. Cool was Elway throwing a touchdown pass, or Norman making a five-iron bite. But now I really know cool. Cool is guys like Biff, men with cast-iron stomachs and Freon nerves. I wouldn’t go up there again for Derek Jeter’s black book, but I’m glad Biff does every day, and for less a year than a rookie reliever makes in a home stand. A week later, when the spins finally stopped, Biff called. He said he and the fighters had the perfect call sign for me. Said he’d send it on a patch for my flight suit. What is it? I asked. “Two Bags.” Don’t you dare tell Nicole. * GunNews mailed to your house each month. No more hoping someone dropped them off at your favorite sporting goods shop or restaurant. Do you like GunNews? Would you like it delivered to your house each month? * Discounts on products and services from the club and its members. Members get it cheaper. Join the family today. It’s just $30 each year and that allows us to continue our good work, including publication of GunNews each month. * Pride of ownership in our famous highway signs. Yes, you may call them “your own” when telling friends about them. Membership has its privileges. * Discounts at some gun shops * Guns save Life is a CMP-eligible club. Visit to see how you can order an M1 Garand rifle for $495 to $695. Join the family today. Welcome home! SIGN UP HERE. Clip this application and mail it along with your check to, PO Box 51, Savoy, IL 61874. Thanks! Name Join Guns Save Life Address City State Telephone (for urgent alerts only) ZIP E-mail Dues: _______ $30 - Annual membership _______ $10 - Sign up a friend bonus (with a regular annual membership) _______ $90 - Three-year membership _______ $1000 - Life Membership _______ $500 - Life Membership Age 65+ Donations: _______ Legal Defense Fund donation _______ Range Acquisition Fund donation _______ Burma-style Sign Fund donation _______ Total Enclosed Is this a gift membership? If so, from whom: We encourage anyone who supports civil rights, particularly the civil right of self-defense to join with us in our battle to retain and restore our civil rights.