2015 - 3 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc
2015 - 3 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc
THE DOUBLE DUTCH The Dutch Day Out in Foxton – the party from Wellington! THE NEW ZEALAND NETHERLANDS SOCIETY WELLINGTON INC. CLUB HOUSE SITUATED: AVALON HOUSE, 61 TAITA DRIVE, AVALON, LOWER HUTT POSTAL ADDRESS: P O BOX 30060, LOWER HUTT 5040, NEW ZEALAND TELEPHONE (04) 567 3573 www.dutchclubwellington.co.nz June/July 2015 ISSUE 2015/3 THE COMMITTEE Co-Presidents Ms Jeltsje Keizer Ms Ellen van Dijken Secretary Mrs Anne-Marie Knibbeler & Editor Double Dutch Assistant Secretary Mrs Yvonne van den Berg Treasurer Mr Danny Langstraat Assistant Treasurer Mrs Ann Beyk Events Team Leader Ms Marije Postma Speelgroep Rep. Mrs Dagmar Oldengarm-Bakker Dutch School Rep. Mrs Jeane Nicolas Other members Mrs Anna Heythuysen Mr René van Lierop Mr Pierre Schmits jeltsjek@yahoo.com 565 1831 or 021 211 0816 elvandijken@gmail.com 971 7571 or 027 951 5770 annemk@clear.net.nz 21 August St, Stokes Valley 5019 565 3936 or 021 714958 yvonneb@xtra.co.nz 021 518 310 or 938 3623 567 8575 831 1075 or 021 0824 0569 022 1619071 speelgroepwellington@gmail.com 021-1813916 jeane.nicolas@gmail.com 563 6026 972 0772 or 021 740930 021-08272084 pierre.schmits@yahoo.com ACTIVITY ORGANISERS Klaverjas, Dutch Costumes ...................... Mrs Ann Beyk.......................................... 567 8575 Children’s Dancing Lessons ..................... Mrs Carolina van Rooy ............................ 528 8434 (021 217 9849) Wednesday Coffee Mornings .................. Mr Pieter Koedijk .................................... 526 8867 (021 065 5470) Library .................................................... Mrs Marianne Iwanek ............................. 972 7460 Gardens & Maintenance ......................... Mrs Yvonne v.d. Berg .............................. 565 3936 or 021 714958 Friendly Support Network ....................... Mr Bill van Waas ..................................... (04) 298 4244 Speelgroep.............................................. Mrs Dagmar Oldengarm-Bakker ...... speelgroepwellington@gmail.com Dutch School ........................................... Mrs Jeane Nicolas ................................... jeane.nicolas@gmail.com Waikanae Coffee morning....................... Mrs Henny Ekens .................................... (04) 297 2918 www.dutchclubwellington.co.nz – our club’s website; under development www.facebook.com/oranjecomite.wellington www.facebook.com/speelgroepwellington www.netherlands-societies.co.nz Federation of NZ Netherlands Societies WHAT’S ON IN OUR CLUBROOMS (or elsewhere!) 27 May, 10:30am ..... Showing of “De Jantjes” DVD 2 Jun, 10am ....... Klaverjas 3 Jun, 10am ....... Coffee morning (the ambassador and his wife will visit that morning) 5 Jun, 10am ....... Speelgroep 7 Jun, 2pm ......... Sunday instuif 8 Jun, 7:30pm .... Committee meeting 12 Jun, 10am ..... Coffee morning in Baptist Church,286 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae 14 Jun, 2pm ....... Sunday instuif 16 Jun, 10am ..... Klaverjas 17 Jun, 10am ..... Coffee morning 19 Jun, 10am ..... Speelgroep 21 Jun, 2pm ....... Sunday instuif 23 Jun, 10am ..... Klaverjas 28 Jun, 2pm ....... Sunday instuif 30 Jun, 10am ..... Klaverjas 1 Jul, 10am ................ Coffee morning 3 Jul, 10am ................ Speelgroep 5 Jul, 2pm.................. Sunday instuif 6 Jul, 7:30pm ............. Committee meeting 7 Jul, 10am ................ Klaverjas 12 Jul, 2pm ................ Sunday instuif 15 Jul, 10am .............. Coffee morning 10 Jul, 10am-12noon Coffee morning in Baptist Church, 286 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae 19 Jul, 2pm ................ Sunday instuif 14 Jul, 10am ............. Klaverjas 21 Jul, 10am .............. Klaverjas 24 Jul, 10am .............. Speelgroep 26 Jul, 2pm ................ Sunday instuif 28 Jul, 10am .............. Klaverjas Issue 2015/3 Page 2 FROM THE PRESIDENT Hi all We had our AGM on the 17th of May and reported back to the club what the committee has been up to in the past year. There are some changes to the committee with Kees Dorresteijn and Madeleine Booth-Smits leaving. We have been joined by Jeane Nicolas and Pierre Schmits. It is great to have new people on board. Kees has been on the committee for many years and has worked hard for the club. We are grateful for the big contribution he has made and look forward to seeing him relax at the clubhouse rather than slaving behind the bar. This month is twenty years since the club planted a pohutukawa tree to remember those who lost their lives in WWII. Ten years later in 2005, club members returned to the tree to remember and to hang some orange, blue, white and red ribbons. After our AGM we looked at the tree and saw that some of those ribbons are still hanging (even if they are quite faded in colour). It is now 70 years ago since the end of WWII and we took a moment to remember those who lost their lives and to hang some more orange ribbons from the branches. The tree is near the clubhouse if you would like to take a look. As many of you will know, we recently celebrated Koningsdag which was a lot of fun and a lot of work. With the Dutch Embassy no longer funding the big party, our “Oranje Comité”, which is essentially a subcommittee of the club committee, had the big job to organise this event. Thanks go to all of the committee members and in particular, Marije Postma who coordinated everything. The event itself was a lot of fun, with music and great food. The Bloemkolen choir and their competition the “Spruitjes” children’s choir, were both expertly led by Maaike Christie-Beekman. Four weeks' ago a bus-load of members travelled to Foxton to enjoy the Dutch Day Out. It was a beautiful day. There were, of course, good things to eat and it was an opportunity to look at where the new museum will be. Last year the committee began a process of strategic planning. The committee believes it is important to think about how we can ensure the club remains useful and relevant to our members beyond just each year. We also wish to ensure that our views for the future of the club are a shared vision. In six years, our lease with the City Council on the clubhouse expires. We are starting to think about how we will respond to this challenge. There are potential upcoming costs associated with needing a new clubhouse. For the last few years we have been running at a loss of more than $2,000 a year. Thanks to our savings we have been able to cover this shortfall. However, we would like to have less of a gap between income and expenditure. So next year there will be a small increase to the membership fee. This will go some way to covering our annual shortfall. We are sorry to mention that Pam van de Coolwijk died early May. We send our best wishes to her family and friends. Anton and Riekie van Dorrestein celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in May. Congratulations! Finally, we know some of our members have been unwell recently. We wish those of you all the very best in your recovery. Jeltsje Keizer and Ellen van Dijken Co-presidents PAYMENT OF MEMBERSHIP DUES NOW OVERDUE We’ve checked the records; if we cannot find a record of your payment, you’ll find a copy of your invoice with the DD. Please pay your membership dues before 1 July, as we have to pay our affiliation fees to the Federation based on our membership that date. If you have paid, please let me know how and when so I can amend our records. Everyone who has paid should by now have received a membership card for the year ending 31 March 2016. Thank you. Anne-Marie Knibbeler. Issue 2015/3 Page 3 FROM THE SECRETARY AND EDITOR Dear all, Hoog bezoek! The ambassador, Mr Robert Zaagman, and his wife Mrs Monique Zaagman-Bos, will join us at the coffee morning on 3 June. I hope all the regulars and semi-regulars will be there; maybe even those of you who don’t come to the clubrooms often! It was lovely that we were able to fill a 40-seater bus with people from our club and some other Dutch people, to go to Foxton and the Dutch Day Out. We had beautiful weather, good company, ate poffertjes, tompoezen, and other Dutch food, and could see the windmill in its full glory. The Dutch Connection had a display in the former Mitre 10 building, where the Dutch museum will be, so we could see the progress being made and the drawings for the museum. On the way and back we were treated to beautiful ocarina play by Ben van Lokum, and even managed a few sing-alongs. Thank you all for supporting this initiative. A heartfelt Thank You to the Oranje Comité, for organising another great Koningsdag feest! With all the rain we’ve had recently I’ve thought about a suitable poem and remembered ‘Kindergedachten’; you’ll see it on one of the following pages. The beauty of the Dutch language is evident when you read the poem out loud. I hope you like it as much as I do. Best wishes to you all, Anne-Marie Knibbeler, 04 9717571 COFFEE MORNING IN WAIKANAE and WELLINGTON There’s quite a large group of Dutch people meeting monthly in Waikanae, on the second Friday of each month. They meet in the Waikanae Baptist Church hall, 286 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae 5036. Ph 04 293 6810. Turn left at the first set of traffic lights, continue on Te Moana Rd, for about 2 km, the church is on your left. Everyone is welcome. For information ring Henny Ekens, 04 297 2918. A smaller group meets in Wellington every Wednesday morning at 10:30am, in the Island Bay community centre, 137 The Parade, Island Bay, Wellington 6023 ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ TUESDAY KLAVERJAS CLUB ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ Our card players are doing very well and enjoying the game. A few of our members had a fall and broke their arm; hopefully they will feel well enough soon to come and enjoy their day out. The next thing is the Federation Cup Competition. It is going to be in Marton, organised by the NZ Netherlands Society Taranaki (Inc) on the 31st of May. Some of our members will go there and try their best in the competition. It is always a fund day, and good to meet up with players from different clubs again. The weekly results are: Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 24 March 31 March 7 April 14 April 21 April 28 April 5 May 12 May 19 May Chris de Kruyf René Henke Ton van Geet René Henke Ann Beyk Piet de Graaff Greet v.d. Vegt René Henke Hanny Zwart 5466 5352 5337 5247 5486 5929 5209 5260 4889 Anyone who wants to play cards? Come and join us, you’re most welcome! Ann Beyk Issue 2015/3 Page 4 THE FEDERATION OF NEW ZEALAND NETHERLANDS SOCIETIES The editor of the Federation’s De Schakel, and webmaster for the Federation’s website is Reina Vijselaar, 9 Chandler Cres, Clyde 9330, Central Otago. Phone: (03) 449 3387. E-mail: prea.clyde@xtra.co.nz De Schakel is the Federation’s bi-monthly newsletter, published on the Federation’s website (where you’ll also find newsletters from other clubs). Two copies of each issue of De Schakel are held in a lever-arch folder in our club rooms so that those who do not have access to the internet can read it. FRIENDLY SUPPORT NETWORK WELLINGTON – F.S.N. Please do not hesitate to bring to our attention anyone who you think could do with a visit or a helping hand. If YOU could be a helper/volunteer do contact me or anyone in the appropriate area. You will find the telephone numbers listed below. Bill van Waas J.P. tel. 04/298-4244 or email bsvw@xtra.co.nz Wellington F.S.N coordinator/chair. Upper Hutt: 526-8867; 529-8289; 528-2236 Lower Hutt: 972-7460; 565-0801 Waikanae/Paraparaumu: 298-4244; 904-0400 Stokes Valley: 971-7571 Wellington: 934-1936; 385-6268; 971-3744 Wainuiomata: 972-6190 FROM THE ROYAL NETHERLANDS EMBASSY Please visit http://newzealand.nlembassy.org regularly to be informed of the latest interesting Dutch-New Zealand matters. Contact details: Royal Netherlands Embassy, PO Box 840, Wellington 6140, Telephone 04 471 6396, Fax 04 471 2923, e-mail: WEL@minbuza.nl REMEMBERING THOSE WHO DIED IN WWII Issue 2015/3 Page 5 KINDERGEDACHTEN C.S. Adama van Scheltema, (1877-1924) Het regent, - o wat regent het! Ik hoor het uit mijn warme bed, Ik hoor de regen zingen,Het regent, regent dat het gietDat niemand daar nou iets van ziet Van al die donkre dingen! THE DUTCH SCHOOL Sinds zaterdag 2 mei is de Nederlandse School Wellington weer open. De school is van start gegaan met in totaal 13 kinderen verdeeld in twee groepen: kinderen jonger dan 7 jaar, en ouder dan 7 jaar. In de lessen waren de thema’s o.a.: Koningsdag, tellen, Herfst, ‘de’/‘het’, Rembrandt van Rijn. Het ruist en regent en het spatNou worden alle bomen nat En plast het in de sloten. Het regent, regent overal-! O hé! daar loopt het zeker al Bij straaltjes uit de goten! Wat is dat gek en leuk geluid! Wat is dat lekker om dat uit Je donker bed te horen:'t Is of dat een kerel buiten staat Te fluistren aan je oren. Nou druipt het in dat open grasNou zal er wel een grote plas Op alle wegen komen,Nou lopen nergens mensen meerVerbeel-je eens, in zo een weer-! Daar wou ik wel van dromen. En vroeg, morgen, in de zonneschijn, Als dan de blaadjes zilver zijn, Met droppeltjes bepereldDan doe ik toch mijn eigen zin:Dan loop ik heel - en heel ver in De schoongeworden wereld! De eerste lessen waren een groot succes en de feedback van kinderen en ouders was zeer positief. Sophie (6 jaar): “Ik vond het super leuk dat we op de grond op kussens zaten, en dat juf Yvonne twéé Dikkie Dik verhaaltjes had voorgelezen." (Ouder): “Ik merk dat mijn kinderen na een paar lessen al meer Nederlands durven praten." De Nederlandse School is gestart als een pilot, waarin de gekozen opzet wordt geëvalueerd en er gekeken wordt wat er nodig is om in de toekomst te kunnen uitbreiden. Op dit moment zijn er geen plaatsen meer beschikbaar, maar mocht je geïnteresseerd zijn, kijk op www.dutchclubwellington.co.nz. Of neem contact met Jeane Nicolas (jeane.nicolas@gmail.com of 0211813916). PS. Voor de kinderen die niet naar de Nederlandse School gaan; in de ruimte waar wordt lesgegeven, boven in het Avalon House, is er een bibliotheek met een uitgebreid assortiment Nederlandse kinderboeken van alle niveau’s. Iedereen is welkom deze te lenen, vanzelfsprekend zien we de boeken graag weer retour. En heb je leuke kinderboeken/-tijdschriften die thuis niet meer gelezen worden, we houden ons aanbevolen. Issue 2015/3 Page 6 Looking to buy a house or sell a house and would like a real estate agent who speaks your own language? Marilou le Grand (Ooit nog de TV makelaar voor RTL4) For a FREE Appraisal, or just a chat about buying or selling property, call or mail me anytime: mlegrand@leaders.co.nz We thank Harbour City Funeral Home for generously printing The Double Dutch in full colour for us. Issue 2015/3 Page 7 Sender: New Zealand Netherlands Society (Wellington) Inc. P.O. Box 30060 Lower Hutt 5040 New Zealand The Double Dutch Magazine is produced six times per year and is available to all financial members of the New Zealand Netherlands Society (Wellington) Inc. It is also available on the website of the Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies: www.netherlands-societies.co.nz The New Zealand Netherlands Society (Wellington) Inc. is an affiliated member of the Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Incorporated. For further Information, please contact our club secretary: Mrs Anne-Marie Knibbeler, 21 August St, Stokes Valley 5019; annemk@clear.net.nz or phone 971 7571. This is also the GOODS DELIVERY ADDRESS. Please do not send any correspondence or parcels to the club rooms. Members can apply to hire the club rooms for celebrations. For room hire, or to advertise in the Double Dutch, please contact the secretary. NEW ZEALAND NETHERLANDS SOCIETY (Wgtn) Inc., P.O. Box 30-060 Lower Hutt 5040 Fee $35.00 Financial Year 1 April – 31 March 2014/15 MEMBERSHIP INVOICE NAME: ......................................................................... ADDRESS ...................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... PHONE:......................................................................... Email: ........................................................................... Direct debit: to Westpac 03-0525-0098055-00 NZ NETHERLANDS SOCIETY WGTN INC. – include your name and ‘dues’ so we know who’s paid! PARK AVENUE CONTINENTAL MEATS 829 High Street, Lower Hutt Phone 567 4940 Specialists in European (especially Dutch) Smallgoods Membership is per household, including children under 16 years of age. Issue 2015/3 Page 8
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