2015 - 2 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc
2015 - 2 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc
THE DOUBLE DUTCH Happy Easter, everyone! THE NEW ZEALAND NETHERLANDS SOCIETY WELLINGTON INC. CLUB HOUSE SITUATED: AVALON HOUSE, 61 TAITA DRIVE, AVALON, LOWER HUTT POSTAL ADDRESS: P O BOX 30060, LOWER HUTT 5040, NEW ZEALAND TELEPHONE (04) 567 3573 www.dutchclubwellington.co.nz APRIL/MAY 2015 ISSUE 2015/2 THE COMMITTEE President Ms Jeltsje Keizer Vice President Ms Ellen van Dijken Secretary Mrs Anne-Marie Knibbeler & Editor Double Dutch Treasurer Mr Danny Langstraat Assistant Treasurer Mrs Ann Beyk Events Team Leader Ms Marije Postma Assistant Secretary Mrs Yvonne van den Berg Speelgroep Rep. Mrs Dagmar Oldengarm-Bakker Other members Mrs Anna Heythuysen Mr Kees Dorresteijn Mr René van Lierop Mrs Madeleine Booth-Smits jeltsjek@yahoo.com - or ring V.P. or the secretary 565 1831 or 021 211 0816 elvandijken@gmail.com 971 7571 or 027 951 5770 annemk@clear.net.nz 21 August St, Stokes Valley 5019 021 518 310 or 938 3623 567 8575 831 1075 or 021 0824 0569 565 3936 or 021 714958 yvonneb@xtra.co.nz 022 1619071 speelgroepwellington@gmail.com 563 6026 938 2378 or 021 685 649 cd.dorresteijn@paradise.net.nz 972 0772 or 021 740930 974 4253 mhds54@hotmail.com ACTIVITY ORGANISERS Klaverjas, Tuesday Mornings ................... Mrs Ann Beyk.......................................... 567 8575 Children’s Dancing Lessons ..................... Mrs Carolina van Rooy ............................ 528 8434 (021 217 9849) Wednesday Coffee Mornings .................. Mr Pieter Koedijk .................................... 526 8867 (021 065 5470) Library .................................................... Mrs Marianne Iwanek ............................. 972 7460 Dutch Costumes ...................................... Mrs Ann Beyk.......................................... 567 8575 Gardens & Maintenance ......................... Mr Kees Dorresteijn ................................ 938 2378 (021 685 649) Friendly Support Network ....................... Mr Bill van Waas ..................................... (04) 298 4244 Speelgroep.............................................. Mrs Dagmar Oldengarm-Bakker ...... speelgroepwellington@gmail.com Waikanae Coffee morning....................... Mrs Henny Ekens .................................... (04) 297 2918 https://www.facebook.com/oranjecomite.wellington https://www.facebook.com/speelgroepwellington The playgroup Federation of NZ Netherlands Societies. Website: www.netherlands-societies.co.nz www.dutchclubwellington.co.nz - our own, new website still being developed WHAT’S ON IN OUR CLUBROOMS (or elsewhere!) 1 Apr, 10am ..........Coffee morning 6 Apr, 7:30pm .......Committee meeting 5 Apr, 2pm ............Sunday instuif 7 Apr, 10am ..........Klaverjas 12 Apr, 2pm ..........Sunday instuif 14 Apr, 10am ........Klaverjas 15 Apr, 10am ........Coffee morning 17 Apr, 10am ........Coffee morning in Baptist Church,286 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae 19 Apr, 2pm ..........Sunday instuif 21 Apr, 10am ........Klaverjas 24 Apr, 10am ........Speelgroep 26 Apr..................... DUTCH DAY OUT, Foxton 26 Apr, 2pm ..........Sunday instuif 28 Apr, 10am ........Klaverjas 4 May, 7:30pm ............. Committee meeting 5 May, 10am ................ Klaverjas 6 May, 10am ................ Coffee morning 8 May, 10am ................ Speelgroep 8 May, 10am-12noon .. Coffee morning in Baptist Church, 286 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae 10 May, 2pm................ Sunday instuif 12 May, 10am ............. Klaverjas 12 May ........................ Club’s67th ‘birthday’! 19 May, 10am .............. Klaverjas 20 May, 10am .............. Coffee morning 22 May, 10am .............. Speelgroep 24 May, 2pm................ Sunday instuif 26 May, 10am .............. Klaverjas 27 May, 10:30am......... Showing of “De Jantjes” DVD 31 May, 2pm................ Sunday instuif Issue 2015/2 Page 2 FROM THE PRESIDENT Hello all The club has continued to be busy with a good turnout for Wednesday coffee mornings and Sunday afternoons. We recently enjoyed the annual BBQ on a lovely sunny Sunday afternoon. We had the tables outside and it was a gezellige middag. It is only a matter of weeks and it will be Koningsdag. The Orange Comité have once again been very busy working on creating an exciting celebration. Hopefully many of you will come and enjoy this event, which will again be at The Rock Event Centre on Thurs 30 April. The weekend before – Sunday 26 April - will be the Big Dutch Day Out in Foxton, organised by De Molen, and I am looking forward to being there. There will be Dutch food and Dutch games in front of De Molen, the Dutch bakery will be open and the local Maori group Te Taitoa Maori o Te Awahou will open their Whare Manaaki to give peopleanopportunitytolookatlocalartwork.Wewon’thoweverbeabletoseetheprogressmadewiththe museum project; this has been postponed until later this year, probably August. Our AGM is coming up and you will see there is a proposal to change the constitution to have an option of co-presidents, which is something to consider. As a working mother I would certainly like to share the role if this was possible. On another note, I understand some people have been hoping to meet me on a Wednesday coffee morning. It would be lovely to be able to attend but my work commitments make this impossible. Aside from attending most of the events we run, I am also sometimes at the Club on a Sunday to be on duty. I will be there on 17 May and also 21 June and would be keen to meet you. Wishing you all the best. Jeltsje Keizer FROM THE SECRETARY AND EDITOR Dear all, I’vejustreturnedfromasunny, interesting weekend in Christchurch with my eldest daughter, Susanne. The Netherlands Society Christchurch celebrated its 50th Jubilee, and we went to the reception on the 20th and to their market day on the 22nd. Our club gave a large card that was signed by many of our members; the Federation gave a rimu plaque to commemorate the occasion. More in De Schakel and on eir Facebook page (open to all) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Netherlands-Society-Christchurch-NZ AGM on 17 May: the Agenda, as well as the remits, are included in this issue. The 5 pages of 2014 minutes will be available at the meeting, or on request. Please bring the agenda and remits with you as we will not have copies at the AGM. As usual, we will have refreshments afterwards. Thank you to all of you who paid your membership fee before the end of March – your membership card (if I haven’tgivenittoyoualready)isincludedinthisissue. We will not issue separate receipts this year. To those of you whohaven’tyetpaid:pleasedososoonasfeesarenowdue. You need to be a paid-up member to vote at the AGM or to stand for the committee. In April New Zealand remembers the soldiers who died during the world wars; in May we Dutch remember both the day all of The Netherlands was liberated, as well as those who died in World War II. My choice of poem for this issue is the poignant ‘Het lied der achttien dooden'. This was written in 1941 by Jan Campert, and was illegally published in 1943. Anne-Marie Knibbeler, 04 9717571 DE JANTJES – DVD morning, 27 May at 10am The main location in this story is a typical 1920s Amsterdam pub, where the regulars share with each other their lives, loves, and gossip with much intrigue and, above all, lots of humour. De Jantjes (the sailors), after having finished their conscription in the Royal Navy, are disappointed with life outside the navy and decide to sign up for six years of military service in the then Netherlands East Indies. Toenail Culture Ale is a Christchurch-base, Dutch language amateur drama group who performs original Dutch plays. De Jantjes was performed three times in 2014 and we are showing the DVD that was made of the performance. So come and see it on WEDNESDAY 27 MAY, at 10:30am in the clubrooms. Clubrooms will open at 10am. Many thanks to Toenail Culture Ale, for giving us a chance to see their work. Issue 2015/2 Page 4 Het Lied Der Achttien Dooden Een cel is maar twee meter lang en nauw twee meter breed, wel kleiner nog is het stuk grond, dat ik nu nog niet weet, maar waar ik naamloos rusten zal, mijn makkers bovendien, wij waren achttien in getal, geen zal den avond zien. O lieflijkheid van licht en land, van Holland's vrije kust, eens door den vijand overmand had ik geen uur meer rust. Wat kan een man oprecht en trouw, nog doen in zulk een tijd? Hij kust zijn kind, hij kust zijn vrouw en strijdt den ijdlen strijd. Ik wist de taak die ik begon, een taak van moeiten zwaar, maar't hart dat het niet laten kon schuwt nimmer het gevaar; het weet hoe eenmaal in dit land de vrijheid werd geeerd, voordat een vloekbre schennershand het anders heeft begeerd. Voordat die eeden breekt en bralt het miss'lijk stuk bestond en Holland's landen binnenvalt en brandschat zijnen grond; voordat die aanspraak maakt op eer en zulk Germaansch gerief ons volk dwong onder zijn beheer en plunderde als een dief. De Rattenvanger van Berlijn pijpt nu zijn melodie, - zoo waar als ik straks dood zal zijn de liefste niet meer zie en niet meer breken zal het brood en slapen mag met haarverwerp al wat hij biedt of bood die sluwe vogelaar. Gedenkt die deze woorden leest mijn makkers in den nood en die hen nastaan 't allermeest in hunnen rampspoed groot, gelijk ook wij hebben gedacht aan eigen land en volk - er daagt een dag na elken nacht, voorbij trekt iedre wolk. Ik zie hoe't eerste morgenlicht door 't hooge venster draalt. Mijn God, maak mij het sterven licht - en zoo ik heb gefaald gelijk een elk wel falen kan, schenk mij dan Uw gena, opdat ik heenga als een man als 'k voor de loopen sta. Jan Campert 1902-1943 COFFEE MORNING IN WAIKANAE There’squitealargegroupofDutchpeoplemeetingmonthlyinWaikanae,onthesecondFridayofeachmonth. They meet in the Waikanae Baptist Church hall, 286 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae 5036. Ph 04 293 6810. Turn left at the first set of traffic lights, continue on Te Moana Rd, for about 2 km, the church is on your left. Everyone is welcome. For information ring Henny Ekens, 04 297 2918. PLEASE NOTE: BECAUSE OF RENOVATIONS TAKING PLACE AT THE CHURCH, THE APRIL MEETING WILL BE ON THE third FRIDAY, THE 17TH. THE MAY COFFEE MORNING WILL BE AS USUAL ON THE SECOND FRIDAY, THE 8 TH OF MAY. Issue 2015/2 Page 5 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2.00 P.M. SUNDAY 17 MAY 2015, TO BE HELD IN THE CLUB ROOMS: 61 TAITA DRIVE, AVALON, LOWER HUTT AGENDA 1. OPENING AND WELCOME BY PRESIDENT 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS AGM Held 18 May 2014 4. MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES 5. REMITS: see below 6. PRESIDENT’SREPORT 7. FINANCIAL REPORT 8. NOMINATIONS FOR COMMITTEE: 9. Written nominations Nominations from the floor APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR 10. GENERAL BUSINESS Strategic Planning progress Any other business? 11. CLOSE OF MEETING AFTER SERVING WINE AND CHEESE, THE NEWLY ELECTED COMMITTEE WILL CONVENE A MEETING UPSTAIRS FOR THE ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Issue 2015/2 Page 6 PROPOSED ALTERATIONS TO THE CONSTITUTION AND THE RULES Remit 1: Toadd“orshe”toArticle3asin red below. Reason: to rectify an omission. Article 3 MEMBERSHIP (d) No person shall be admitted as a member unless he or she has attained the age of 16 years; Remit 2: To change Article 10 as indicated in red below. Reason: to enable the committee to elect two copresidents OR a president and a vice-president, whichever they decide. Article 10 COMMITTEE AND OFFICERS The affairs and business of the Club shall be controlled by a Committee consisting of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and at least three members of the Committee. Where possible the Committee should consist of males and females in equal numbers. The Committee shall be elected by the ordinary members at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. The Committee shall appoint from its number a President who shall also be a President of the Club. At the meetings of the Committee the President and in his absence the VicePresident shall take the chair and the Chairperson shall have a deliberate as well as a casting vote in the event of a tie. The affairs and business of the Club shall be controlled by a Committee led by either a President and a Vice-President or 2 Co-Presidents. It shall also include a Secretary, a Treasurer and at least three members of the Committee. Where possible the Committee should consist of males and females in equal numbers. The Committee shall be elected by the ordinary members at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. The Committee shall appoint from its number either a President or 2 Co-Presidents who shall be the President(s) of the Club. At the meetings of the Committee the President(s) or Vice President in their absence shall take the chair and the Chairperson shall have a deliberate as well as a casting vote in the event of a tie. Remit 3: To change the wording from President to President(s) in the following articles: 11, 13(d), 16. Reason: If Remit 2 is accepted, the wording in these three articles needs to be amended. These remits are submitted by Ms Jeltsje Keizer and 9 other regular members, in accordance with Article 7 of the Constitution and Rules of the New Zealand Netherlands Society Wellington Incorporated. A copy of the Constitution is available from the secretary on demand. Issue 2015/2 Page 7 REASONS FOR PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION AND RULES Before I was nominated President of the Dutch Club at our last AGM, Ellen van Dijken and I agreed that we would prefer to work as co-presidents. Unfortunately for us this was not possible last AGM with the current rules of the Constitution, so I became President and Ellen, Vice-President. We propose a change to the constitution that would make it possible to have co-presidents. Some of the benefits of co-presidents include an an opportunity to share responsibilities, to facilitate better co-operation and problem solving and to develop new leaders. There is less risk of one person becoming isolated. Furthermore it means both presidents can work to their strengths. Being able to share roles might encourage younger Dutch immigrants to become members of the club and be more involved. It is not unprecedented to have co-leaders. There are a number of NZ political parties that do this, The Kindergarten Association, Play Centre, NZ University Students Association are all examples where this has been the norm. Although we were happy to take on a leadership role we were concerned about our ability to do this effectively with limited time. In Ellen and my case, we are both working parents who, like many others in the club, have a lot going on our lives. So being co-presidents would mean sharing the leadership of the Dutch club. Our proposal to make it possible for the club to have co-presidents, is of course not pre-supposing theelectionresult!Italsodoesn’tmeanwe have to have co-presidents – the option for vice-president and president remains – but it gives us this option should we want it. I am happy to discuss this further (via email or phone) if you would like to know more. Jeltsje Keizer FRIENDLY SUPPORT NETWORK WELLINGTON – F.S.N. The FSN Wellington’s AGM will be held on Wednesday 6 May, at 1:30pm in the clubrooms. All welcome. Followed by a regular meeting, that is not open to non-members of the FSN. KONINGSDAG VIERING: Thank you to all who expressed an interest in transport to the Koningsdag celebrations on 30 April. FSN has not yet made a decision on if/how this will be done, but you will be kept informed of proceedings through Henny or Joke. You can also contact the secretary Anne-Marie Knibbeler, (04) 9717571, mobile 027 9515770 or email annemk@clear.net.nz or me. Please do not hesitate to bring to our attention anyone who you think could do with a visit or a helping hand. If YOU could be a helper/volunteer do contact me or anyone in the appropriate area. You will find the telephone numbers listed below. Bill van Waas J.P. tel. 04/298-4244 or email bsvw@xtra.co.nz Wellington F.S.N coordinator/chair. Upper Hutt: 526-8867; 529-8289; 528-2236 Lower Hutt: 938-2378; 972-7460; 565-0801 Waikanae/Paraparaumu: 298-4244; 904-0400 Stokes Valley: 971-7571 Wellington: 934-1936; 385-6268; 971-3744; 385-6268 Wainuiomata: 972-6190 Issue 2015/2 Page 8 ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ TUESDAY KLAVERJAS CLUB ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ We started the year with 20 members. A few members were still on holiday or had other commitments, but the ones that were there were in good spirit to start playing again. A fortnight ago Marianne and I went for a trip up north. Nic and Jo de Graauw took over from us and everything went perfect, thanks to you two! The weekly results are: Week 3 – 3 Feb Bruce Suurenbroek 5368 Week 2 – 10 Feb Ann Beyk 5225 Week 3 – 17 Feb Rene Henke 5426 Week 4 – 24 Feb Ton van Geet 5356 Week 5 – 3 Mar Hanny Zwart 5789 Week 6 – 10 Mar Piet de Graaff 5568 Week 7 – 17 Mar Piet de Graaff 5781 A good start for the year. Ann Beijk APRIL ZOEKPLAATJE – ThegeckoinFebruary’szoekplaatjewasaleaf-tailed gecko and he was slam-bang in the top-centre half of the picture, looking like a brown leaf. Do you see the flying lizard in this picture? Woordspeling. Een non duwt een kinderwagen voort in de kloostertuin. De bisschop die op bezoek is, ziet haar lopen en vraagt "Aha….een kloostergeheim???" "Nee", antwoordt de non,"een kardinale fout!" HÉT CARNAVALSBOEK, geschreven door Theo Fransen en Sander Mattheijssen. Het komt zelden voor dat er een boekwerk over carnaval in Nederland verschijnt. De laatste keer was 30 jaar geleden. bespreekt in 256 pagina’sdegeorganiseerdeviering,vanGroningentotLimburgenhetVlaamse gewest. Er is ook een hoofdstuk gewijd aan carnaval in het buitenland. Het boek is online te koop via www.hetcarnavalsboek.nl. Het kost 29.50 Euro. OPERATION CHOWHOUND – the author has given our club a signed copy of this book, which is available through the library. Please be aware that this is one of those books that will be in demand and that the library copy should be returned as soon as you’ve finished with it. Or buy your own copy from a good bookshop! Operation Chowhound: The Most Risky, Most Glorious US Bomber Mission of World War II By Stephen Dando-Collins The Hunger Winter of 1944-45 is ingrained into the memory of the Dutch nation. April-May 2015 brings the th 70 anniversary of Operations Chowhound and Manna, the combined USAAF and RAF effort to feed 3.5 million starving Dutch civilians in German-occupied western Holland in the dying days of the war, in the wake of the Hunger Winter. Issue 2015/2 Page 9 In his new book, Operation Chowhound, published by Palgrave Macmillan in the US and UK on February 24 and April 1 in Australia and New Zealand, internationally renowned Australian historical author Stephen Dando-Collins brings to light the tense machinations behind the largest airborne humanitarian mission in history to that time, the incredible logistics of the mission itself, and the personal stories of many who planned and flew the mission and of many Dutch people involved in it – Queen Wilhelmina and Prince Bernhard, who moved heaven and earth to get it off the ground, and numerous Dutch civilians who received the manna from heaven – including a teenaged Audrey Hepburn in Velp. James Bond creator Ian Fleming is also part of the story – he had to give German-born Prince Bernhard a security clearance before he could push the plan to feed the Dutch from the air. RAFaircommodoreAndrewGeddes,whowasbroughtinbyGeneralEisenhower’s chief of staff General Walter Bedell Smith to plan the mercy mission – which he did in less than two weeks - wastodescribeOperationsChowhoundandMannaas‘ashistoricallyimportantasD-Day’.He should have known, having been one of the D-Day planners. THE FEDERATION OF NEW ZEALAND NETHERLANDS SOCIETIES The editor of the Federation’s De Schakel, and webmaster for the Federation’s website is Reina Vijselaar, 9 Chandler Cres, Clyde 9330, Central Otago. Phone: (03) 449 3387. E-mail: prea.clyde@xtra.co.nz DeSchakelistheFederation’sbi-monthly newsletter, publishedontheFederation’swebsite(whereyou’ll also find newsletters from other clubs). Two copies of each issue of De Schakel are held in a lever-arch folder in our club rooms so that those who do not have access to the internet can read it. FROM THE ROYAL NETHERLANDS EMBASSY Please visit http://newzealand.nlembassy.org regularly to be informed of the latest interesting Dutch-New Zealand matters. Contact details: Royal Netherlands Embassy, PO Box 840, Wellington 6140, Telephone 04 471 6396, Fax 04 471 2923, e-mail: WEL@minbuza.nl "En toen was ik mijn Nederlanderschap kwijt" De Nationale ombudsman start een onderzoek naar aanleiding van een klacht van een echtpaar dat door het aannemen van een andere nationaliteit hun Nederlanderschap kwijtraakte. Dit hadden zij nooit gewild. Hun klacht is dat de overheid hierover onvoldoende informatie verstrekt. HEEFT U DIT OOK MEEGEMAAKT? De ombudsman zoekt voor dit onderzoek mensen die dit ook hebben meegemaakt. Als u ook in deze situatie ziet of iemand kent, dan hoort de Nationale Ombudsman graag uw verhaal. MELD UW ERVARING. Voor het onderzoek verzamelen de Nationale Ombudsman informatie van mensen die hiermee te maken hebben gehad. Als u alle onderstaande vragen met ja hebt beantwoord ontvangt de Nationale Ombudsman graag uw verhaal in het kort. Indien nodig zal de Nationale Ombudsman contact met u zoeken. De Nationale ombudsman kan er echter niet voor zorgen dat u uw Nederlandse nationaliteit terugkrijgt. Vragen: 1. Hebt u uw Nederlandse nationaliteit in het buitenland verloren? 2. a. Kwam dit door het aannemen van een andere nationaliteit? of b. Kwam dit door het feit dat u naast de Nederlandse nationaliteit een andere nationaliteit hebt en langer dan 10 jaar in het buitenland woont? 3. Wilde u uw Nederlandse nationaliteit behouden? 4. Mogen we uw contactgegevens? Schrijf uw verhaal: geef daarbij aan hoe u uw Nederlanderschap bent kwijtgeraakt, hoe u dit bemerkte en of u vooraf voldoende geïnformeerd was over uw positie. Meld uw ervaring aan de Nationale ombudsman onder vermelding van: 'verlies nationaliteit' via een e-mail aan communicatie@nationaleombudsman.nl of gebruik het contactformulier, onder vermelding van: 'verlies nationaliteit'. Post to Nationale Ombudsman, Postbus 93122, 2509 AC Den Haag, The Netherlands. Issue 2015/2 Page 10 Looking to buy a house or sell a house and would like a real estate agent who speaks your own language? Marilou le Grand (Ooit nog de TV makelaar voor RTL4) For a FREE Appraisal, or just a chat about buying or selling property, call or mail me anytime: mlegrand@leaders.co.nz For a FREE Appraisal, or just a chat about buying or selling property, call or mail me anytime: mlegrand@leaders.co.nz We thank Harbour City Funeral Home for generously printing The Double Dutch in full colour for us. PARK AVENUE CONTINENTAL MEATS 829 High Street, Lower Hutt Phone 567 4940 Specialists in European (especially Dutch) Smallgoods Issue 2015/2 Page 11 Sender: New Zealand Netherlands Society (Wellington) Inc. P.O. Box 30060 Lower Hutt 5040 New Zealand The Double Dutch Magazine is produced six times per year and is available to all financial members of the New Zealand Netherlands Society (Wellington) Inc. It is also available on the website of the Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies: www.netherlands-societies.co.nz The New Zealand Netherlands Society (Wellington) Inc. is an affiliated member of the Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Incorporated. For further Information, please contact our club secretary: Mrs Anne-Marie Knibbeler, 21 August St, Stokes Valley 5019; annemk@clear.net.nz or phone 971 7571. This is also the GOODS DELIVERY ADDRESS. Please do not send any correspondence or parcels to the club rooms. NEW ZEALAND NETHERLANDS SOCIETY (Wgtn) Inc., P.O. Box 30-060 Lower Hutt 5040 Fee $35.00 Financial Year 1 April – 31 March 2014/15 MEMBERSHIP INVOICE NAME: ......................................................................... ADDRESS ...................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... PHONE:......................................................................... Email: ........................................................................... PARK AVENUE CONTINENTAL MEATS 829 High Street, Lower Hutt Phone 567 4940 Specialists in European (especially Dutch) Smallgoods Direct debit: to Westpac 03-0525-0098055-00 NZ NETHERLANDS SOCIETY WGTN INC. – includeyournameand‘dues’soweknowwho’spaid! Issue 2015/2 Page 12
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