Eigen Wieken - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc


Eigen Wieken - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc
Eigen Wieken – April-May 2015 – page
Eigen Wieken
Official two-monthly Newsletter of the
NZ Netherland Society Manawatu & Districts Inc.
‘Dutch Club Manawatu’
April – May 2015
Happy Easter Everyone!
Calendar of events:
8 April, 2015:
Coffee morning and get together at the Wanganui Dutch Club.
They have invited us to come and visit with them bi-monthly. The Dutch Club Manawatu will not be
organising transport for this but, if you would like to go, please feel free to get together with others
and make a day of it to the River City.
There will be another coffee morning in Wanganui in June. If you are interested in the Dutch Club
Manawatu organising such a trip and you are keen to go, please let Grietje know on 06 358 1387.
26 April 2015:
Big Dutch Day Out in Foxton. Come and see de Molen and try some Dutch food, activities, and
treats — it will be a fun day for all!
2 May, 2015:
Dutch Club Manawatu AGM: 4:00pm, Awapuni Hall, Newbury St, Palmerston North.
Come and have a say about how you want the Club to be run or ideas for activities. We want to
hear from you and look forward to seeing you on the day!
When: every second Wednesday of the month,10 am
Where: Awapuni Hall, Newbury St, Palmerston North
Contact: Maria Kaandorp, ph. 357 9429
When: every last Thursday of each month at 10 am
Where: Levin Bridge Club Rooms, 17 Tawa St, Levin (please
note change of venue)
Contact: Yoka, ph. 06 368 6642 or dekkernz@gmail.com
When: every Tuesday afternoon at 1.30pm
Where: Awapuni Hall, Newbury St, Palmerston North
Contact:Bill & Maria Kaandorp, ph. 3579429 or email wkash@slingshot.co.nz
Eigen Wieken – April-May 2015 – page
fROm the president:
It is already the end of March; soon we can enjoy the autumn colours again!
This is the second Eigen Wieken this year and, hopefully, it will not be the last one. Our Editor,
Jacqui Burne, who does a tremendous job to compile our magazine every two months, is leaving
Palmerston North, so we are looking for somebody who can take over this challenging job.
Jacqui is prepared to assist the new editor as much as possible, so for somebody who has a
reasonable knowledge of computers, it will not be too difficult. We really need some help, so
please contact us (see contact details in box below) if you know of someone — it could even be
one of the grandchildren. The alternative could be that this will be the end of Eigen Wieken,
which will be a real shame. Sending information to you on an A4 sheet will not be the same.
The Festival of Cultures this year was again a tremendous success. We sold out completely! The
volunteers did a great job with setting up and taking down, baking, frying, selling and assisting in
the “games room” where we had two sjoelbakken and clogs to try on. Using Karl Offenbach’s big
trailer was a great help, as we could store everything in the one trailer, making it so much easier.
We hope to be there again next year, maybe with some new ideas. In the end, the Netherlands
stall again won a prize, this time 2nd runner up; 1st was Ukraine, and 1st runner up was Russia.
Our AGM is coming up. It will be on Saturday, 2 May, 2015, at 4pm in the small front room at the
Awapuni Hall. We are still looking for new committee members to spread the workload a little bit.
At the moment, there is a vacancy for a Treasurer or President, because these two positions are,
at the moment, filled by me. Please consider this and contact one of the committee members.
Foxton will organize the Koningsdag; see more information about this on page 6.
That is it for now!
Take care,
Grietje Van Uffelen
Your Committee (for 2014/2015):
Grietje van Uffelen
06-358 1387 rgvanu@xtra.co.nz
Vice President:
Janneke van Amelsfort 06-326 9291 pjvana@xtra.co.nz
Gretha van Brakel
06-358 8421 vanbrakel@inspire.net.nz
Comm. Member: Karin Weidgraaf
06-353 0494 K.weidgraaf@massey.ac.nz
Comm. Member: Maria-Tine Biersteker
06-358 2322 mariatine@xtra.co.nz
06-357 7046 burfam1981@gmail.com
Jacqui Burne
Eigen Wieken – April-May 2015 – page
FROM THE editor:
Dag Allemaal!
First of all, happy Easter to you all! This is a significant time of year, and
I hope that it will have a special meaning and celebration in each of your homes .
This will probably be my last Editorial in Eigen Wieken. It has been an interesting and enjoyable
learning journey for me, discovering more about the Dutch language and culture and trying to
establish some connection with my roots. I have appreciated those of you who have sent articles
of interest for the EW, as well as jokes, anecdotes, and photos. Special mention must also go to
Stephan van Haren for his computer advice — thank you! Amid all this experience, I have tried to
centre myself amid all things Dutch, from colourful costumes, to food, sayings, and games. More
than that, though, I have learnt more about what it is like to start a new life in a new country. And
above all, there is also no place like home, as long as we know where ‘home’ is.
As I depart from this role, I would encourage any of you who want to stay in touch with other Dutch
people and happenings, please consider volunteering to be on the Committee (see AGM
information on page 1) and/or taking over the role of Editor of Eigen Wieken. Neither are onerous
tasks, but they could enrich your Dutch experience here in New Zealand! We look forward to
hearing from you…
Take care!
Jacqui Burne
Nederlanse Boeken
Toen ik ging verhuizen werden alle boeken ingepakt. Nu ben ik langzaamaan aan het uitpakken
en vraag mijzelf af heb ik deze boeken nog nodig. De boeken zijn een variety maar allemaal in
Nederland’s van “Openbaar Kunstbezit”. Zij vertellen/leggen uit van kunst in Musea in Nederland.
Zij zijn hard gebonden met kleuren/zwart-wit photo’s en pentekeningen met beschrijvingen. Photos
van schilderijen van Vermeer/van Gogh/Rembrand etc. Boeken zijn in A4 formaat.
Mijn vraag is: is er iemand, van de Nederlandse club, ge-intereseerd in deze volumes? Er zijn er
negen (9) total. Will ze allemaal tegelijk weg. Als niemand ge-interesseerd is probeer ik de Library
of de Red Cross. Zal er een (1) meenemen naar de koffie morgen.
Joop Erkens
Friendly Support
Network (FSN)
Coordinator, Palmerston North:
Johanna Bos, ph: 350 3097
Henk Hazeleger, ph: 06 358 5325
Bram van Brakel, ph: 06 358 8421
New dutch club members
Membership is only $20 for a family or
couple, and $15 for one person per year.
Members can receive a 5% discount on
Dutch products at Steve’s Wholefoods
(Steve sells Dutch food & more; see page 12).
For more information please contact
one of the committee members, or
send your details to the temporary treasurer:
Grietje van Uffelen:rgvanu@xtra.co.nz
Eigen Wieken – April-May 2015 – page
Plumrite Ltd
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Anything else you can think of, we can handle. Happy to travel out of town.
Personalised service and guaranteed workmanship.
Contact details:
Phone 027 4966745 or 06 3582946; www.plumrite.co.nz; info@plumrite.co.nz.
Discounted prices for members of Manawatu Dutch Club
Change of addresses:
A request has come from our secretary, Gretha, that you please let her know if
you have changed your postal and/or email addresses. As a Club, we like to
keep up with our members’ whereabouts so that information can be sent to the
correct places. You may even know of others who have shifted but also may
not have informed the Club; if so, please get in touch with Gretha — she
would love to hear from you!
You can phone her on 06 358 8421 or email her at vanbrakel@inspire.net.nz
Open 7am – 10pm 7 days
Eigen Wieken – April-May 2015 – page
Foxton museum update
Dear Museum Supporters
We trust that you have enjoyed the holidays and that your batteries are fully charged for the new
year. This year so far will be the most important year in the life of the Dutch Connection! As you
can see from the Council decisions mentioned below, the project in Foxton is steaming ahead.
And we have to deliver on our promises on fundraising; in other words, we have to do our bit!
Council decisions
On Wednesday, 4 February 2015, at the full Horowhenua District Council's meeting in Levin, the
following recommendations were passed:
3.1 That Report 14/940 Te Awahou-Nieuwe Stroom business case be received.
3.2 That this decision is recognised as not significant in terms of S76 of the Local Government Act.
3.3 That the Horowhenua District Council supports the Te Awahou-Nieuwe Stroom project and
agrees that the Detailed Design Phase of the project proceed.
3.4 That Council supports applications for funding being made to the Lottery Significant Projects
Fund and Lottery Community Facilities Fund.
3.5 That the final approval to proceed with construction of the project is confirmed by Council once
third party funding sources have been confirmed.
3.6 That Council consults on $500,000 being granted from the Foxton Freehold Account to the Te
Awahou-Nieuwe Stroom project.
This is again very good news for our museum project, and it means that we, as the Dutch
Connection, have to bring in significant funding. We cannot expect the Horowhenua District
Council ratepayers to fund our national Dutch museum! Therefore, we have pledged to raise 1
million dollars towards the project.
In a following newsletter to you, we will tell you what we are planning to do to achieve this amount.
As the Council is making a start on the refurbishment of the old Mitre 10 building and have
produced a "Preliminary Estimate of Cost", we have got assurances that if we can bring savings to
those costs by using ‘Dutch’ suppliers, these savings will count towards the total sum raised by
us. In other words, it is fundraising by saving!
We have already found four companies prepared to help us in this way!
If you have any contacts in the building industry who can help us by supplying goods or services,
we would like to hear from you.
Eigen Wieken – April-May 2015 – page
To be able to reach as many Dutch New Zealanders as possible, we ask you to forward this email
to your Dutch contacts and Cc us at the same time. This way we can grow our database. We
willen graag meer mensen informeren!
Save the date: Koningsdag Foxton and a look behind the scenes
On Sunday, 26 April 2015, the team De Molen team will organise the Big Dutch Day Out in
Foxton, as they have successfully done in past years. On top of celebrating Koningsdag, this will
also be an opportunity for visitors to take a tour through the Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom building to
see projections of what the centre will look like. Not only will the Dutch Connection be present, but
also the other groups that will have a space in the building. Because it is a long weekend (ANZAC
Day is observed on Monday), we are hoping that as many Dutchies as possible will take this
opportunity to travel to Foxton and join in with the celebrations.
Hartelijke groetjes
Joost en Yolande van de Wetering
Volendamse en Zeeuwse klederdrachten
Daar wij de laatste jaren enorm veel succes hebben
met het verzorgen van een folkloristische bijdrage
tijdens activiteiten in het buitenland, nemen wij de
vrijheid u hierover te informeren.
Ook voor uw activiteit, met een heel klein budget,
hebben wij zeker mogelijkheden.
De St. Zeeuwse klederdracht beschikt over
Volendamse en Zeeuwse klederdrachten, die optimaal
worden verzorgd.
Wij kunnen o.a.:
* VMBO meisjes in klederdracht serveer- en figuratiewerk laten verzorgen.
* Vijf of zes folkloristen van onze stichting in klederdracht laten figureren.
* Stagiaires of medewerksters bij uw dienst zich in klederdracht laten presenteren.
* Een stand met “Holland promotie” materiaal ter plaatse verzorgen.
* Een of meerdere oude ambachten demonstraties laten verzorgen.
* Optredens van muziek- zang en dansgroepen.
* Enz. enz.
Graag sluiten wij enkele foto’s bij. Meer informatie en ideeën kunt u
vinden op onze site: www.stzk.nl. Graag denken wij mee om uw idee te
kunnen realiseren. Met belangstelling zien wij een hopelijk positieve
reactie uwerzijds tegemoet.
Met vriendelijke groet,
St. Zeeuwse klederdracht
Mieke & Gerard,
Postbus 306,
4460 AS GOES,
Tel./Fax.: +31 113 231 755. Mobiel: +31 651 328 791.
E-mail: zk02@hetnet.nl
See our site: www.stzk.nl
Eigen Wieken – April-May 2015 – page
Holland scholarship
PRESS RELEASE: Holland Scholarship encourages student
Registration for the Holland Scholarship, the new Dutch scholarship programme, started on
February 25, 2015. This programme will enable 768 talented international students annually to
study for a bachelor's or master's degree in the Netherlands. In addition, 768 Dutch students will
have the opportunity to study, take up an internship or carry out research in a country outside the
European Economic Area (EEA) for a minimum of 3 months.
The aim of the Holland Scholarship programme is to raise the profile of Dutch higher education
and to encourage student mobility both into and out of the Netherlands.
National scholarship
The Holland Scholarship programme is the Netherlands' national scholarship programme for both
international and Dutch students. The programme has been made possible by the Dutch Ministry
of Education, Culture and Science, the VSNU (the Association of Universities in the Netherlands),
the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences and EP-Nuffic. The drivers for the
programme were the Joint International Vision document (drawn up by VSNU and the Netherlands
Association of Universities of Applied Sciences) and the Internationalisation Vision Memorandum
of the Minister of Education (June 2014). Forty-eight Dutch research universities and universities
of applied sciences are taking part in the programme. They will also cover half of the costs
Minister Jet Bussemaker: “An international experience adds a great deal of value for students.
Leaving the comfort of your familiar surroundings behind for a while to study or do a work
placement in a different culture and in a different environment is truly an enriching experience.”
Importance of internationalisation
The Holland Scholarship programme enhances the quality of university education through the
international classroom. At the same time, the programme helps to ensure that the Netherlands
remains a great place to study.
The Holland Scholarship makes it easier for Dutch students to take up an internship or pursue part
of their studies abroad. An international experience helps students develop international skills,
which will give them greater opportunities on the job market when they graduate. And the students
themselves often regard a period of time abroad as a life-changing experience.
The Holland Scholarship
In total, 1,536 scholarships are available every year. Students who live in the Netherlands can find
out more at www.wilweg.nl/hollandscholarship and through their own institution. International
students will be informed about the programme through www.studyinholland.nl/hollandscholarship,
the Study in Holland campaign and the Netherlands Education Support Offices (Nesos).The
Nesos promote and support the Dutch higher education system in 10 countries. Dutch students
will receive a scholarship of € 1,250 to study, take up an internship or carry out research in a
country outside the EEA. For international students
from outside the EEA, there are scholarships of
€ 5,000 for a full bachelor's or master's degree. The
first Holland Scholarship students will be welcomed
and sent on their way at the start of the next
academic year.
Eigen Wieken – April-May 2015 – page
Nederlandse Ombudsman start
onderzoek naar kwijtraken
De ombudsman zoekt voor dit onderzoek mensen die dit ook hebben
meegemaakt. Als u ook in deze situatie ziet of iemand kent, dan hoort de
Nationale Ombudsman graag uw verhaal.
Bij het aannemen van een andere nationaliteit verlies je automatisch het
Nederlanderschap. Burgers lijken zich hier niet van bewust te zijn, terwijl de
gevolgen groot zijn. Wat van de overheid mag worden verwacht, is wat de
ombudsman nu onderzoekt.
Redenen om de nationaliteit van een ander land aan te nemen zijn vaak praktisch van aard, zoals
bijvoorbeeld: het kopen van een huis, baanzekerheid, de zekerheid om het dat land te mogen blijven, te
mogen stemmen, of om in aanmerking komen voor een studietoelage.
Voor het onderzoek verzamelen de Nationale Ombudsman informatie van mensen die hiermee te maken
hebben gehad. Als u alle onderstaande vragen met ja hebt beantwoord ontvangt de Nationale Ombudsman
graag uw verhaal in het kort. Indien nodig zal de Nationale Ombudsman contact met u zoeken. De
Nationale ombudsman kan er echter niet voor zorgen dat u uw Nederlandse nationaliteit terugkrijgt.
Hebt u uw Nederlandse nationaliteit in het buitenland verloren?
a. Kwam dit door het aannemen van een andere nationaliteit? of
b. Kwam dit door het feit dat u naast de Nederlandse nationaliteit een andere nationaliteit hebt en langer
dan 10
jaar in het buitenland woont?
Wilde u uw Nederlandse nationaliteit behouden?
Mogen we uw contactgegevens?
Schrijf uw verhaal: geef daarbij aan hoe u uw Nederlanderschap bent kwijtgeraakt, hoe u dit bemerkte en of
u vooraf voldoende geïnformeerd was over uw positie.
Meld uw ervaring aan de Nationale ombudsman onder vermelding van: 'verlies nationaliteit' via een e-mail
aan communicatie@nationaleombudsman.nl of gebruik het contactformulier, onder vermelding van: 'verlies
Past events:
Festival of Cultures
On Saturday, 21 March, 2015, the annual Festival of Cultures was held in the Square in
Palmerston North. As usual, the Netherlands stall made a statement and offered Dutch delicacies
to eat and Dutch games to play. There were even clogs for the public to try on — some may have
wondered how comfortable these wooden shoes really are! The weather was beautiful, and a
large crowd converged on the centre of the city to sample, try, and learn more about various
cultures proudly on display.
Special thanks go to all the Manawatu Dutch Club supporters who volunteered to help set up and
pack down, cook and serve food, chat to people, and generally showcase some of what it is to be
Dutch. We so appreciate all your efforts!
Jacqui Burne
Eigen Wieken – April-May 2015 – page
Festival of Cultures 2015
Eigen Wieken – April-May 2015 – page
Eigen Wieken – April-May 2015 – page
TREASURER: must be good with numbers, willing to work with an amazing committee, and one
who pays attention to detail. If this sounds like you, the Dutch Club Manawatu Committee would
LOVE to hear from you! Please contact Grietje on 06 358 1387 if you can help.
EDITOR: Do you enjoy working with words? Is communication your thing? Do you gain
satisfaction from sharing good news? Can you spell ‘E-i-g-e-n W-i-e-k-e-n’? If you answered ‘yes’
to one or more of these questions, we have an opportunity for you to exercise your skills and also
assist this unique Club. Please contact either Jacqui (resigning Editor) on 06 357 7046 or Grietje
on 06 358 1387.
Membership subscriptions
At our last committee meeting on the 25 March, the Committee decided to keep Club
subscriptions the same for the coming (2015-2016) year: $15 single and $20 for a couple/family.
We would appreciate payment for the year April 2015 – March 2016 ASAP please!
How to pay your subscription?
1. By direct credit to our bank account at BNZ: 02 1231 002524200 for Manawatu Dutch
Please note your name as a Reference when you pay by direct credit.
2. By Cheque to ‘Manawatu Dutch Society’.
Please send to (interim) treasurer: G. Van Uffelen-Pal, 24 Weston Avenue, Palmerston North.
3. Cash at AGM or at Coffee morning.
Please enclose slip below with your payment if paying by cheque or cash.
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Single/couple/family (circle one)
Telephone:…………………………………………. Mobile…………..…………………………………
Eigen Wieken – April-May 2015 – page
Fresh free-range chicken and home-grown Angus steak
Large range of specialty cheeses
We offer a 5% discount on Dutch
products to members of the Dutch Club
However, as the Dutch Club does not
issue membership cards any more, you
will need to ask us (Steve or Julie) at
Steve’s Wholefoods about the discount.

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