august 2015 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc
august 2015 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc
ECHO Official Newsletter of the Netherlands Society Christchurch (Inc) AUGUST 2015 A MODERN VERSION OF “IT’S IN THE BAG” as performed during THE MIDWINTER FEAST DINNER Game host: Ron “Not Too-bad” van der Lem and his charming co-host Tineke “Vosier” Netherlands Society Christchurch ( Est. March 20th, 1965 ) , Clubrooms Netherlands Society Christchurch 637 Marshlands Road Christchurch 8083 Phone: (03) 323 8641 Postal address: P O Box 1211, Christchurch 8140 President: Sharon Alabaster Phone: (03) 357 1311 Email: Vice-President: Olga Verstappen Phone: (03) 325 2724 Email: Treasurer and Advertising: Angela Lewis Phone: (03) 383 0477 Email: Secretary: Desiree Ellery Phone: (03) 383 3600 Email: Membership and Website: Ron van Santen Phone: 027 4898369 Email: Affiliated Clubs Liaison: Olga Verstappen Phone: (03) 325 2724 Editor Echo: Yoka Saris 4 Highbank Lane, Christchurch 8081 Phone: (03) 384 9570 Email: EDITOR’S REPORT Perhaps nobody is interested but I have another great granddaughter. I can’t help myself but I have to tell you all because I feel so happy to hold such a little bundle of new life in my arms. And this is not all but her name is Kendall, a Celtic name meaning ‘From the bright valley’ but that is not all... her second name is Johanna! She is called after her Omie!!! No one in my extended family is called Johanna! Secretly I call her already Kenny-Jo!!! Not really allowed, I think. Something else that has made my day is that several people have passed on material for me to publish in the Echo. Thank you, dear people! It does not have to be your own experience/story as long as it is interesting to read for the members. Many people commented on Leen de Boer’s ‘troon rede’. Not many knew he had ridden in the ‘gouden koets’! Well, the photo was proof enough, I would say! The NSC August event is going to be exciting for young and old. An afternoon at the Alpine Ice Skating Rink. Privately rented just for the NSC members, their family members and friends! On page 6 you will find all relevant information. I like to make the members once more aware of the fact that the Netherlands Consulate will be closed as from 1 October. After this date you will have to travel to Wellington to apply for a Netherlands passport. With the expectation of a big rush for new passports I advise you to make an appointment real fast. Email, Telephone: 03 963 1485, Address: Unit 8, 9 Sir Gil Simpson Drive, Burwood, Christchurch. An apology for the article last month about the Anne Frank tree. A very well informed reader of the Echo pointed out that the more than 150 year old tree blew over during a storm on 23 August 2010. Oops....a rather big oops from your Editor! Yoka Saris ECHO PRESIDENT’S REPORT Well, that’s my first meeting as President under my belt. Phew!!! I would like to say thanks to the people who offered to help out to decide what will happen to the Society if there no longer is a committee to run the club. I will be in contact with you soon. Olga Verstappen did a bit of research and came up with the information which Annie van der Dussen; Olga Verstappen and Marina Wijlaars gained some ten years ago. This will be a good place to start and hopefully we will be able to move on from there. The Midwinter Feast, Sunday, 19 July, was a huge success and the Entertainment team deserve a compliment for its magnificent united effort to put a lovely meal on the table. Our Entertainment Manager, Ron van der Lem, added something different to the afternoon by getting a very old but well loved TV quiz, It’s In The Bag, out of the cupboard. By using their very own style, Ron and his lovely co-host Tinie Vos, put a hilarious twist to the show. The committee is grateful for having people on board with new and fun ideas to create a pleasant time for the members. An in the past success proven afternoon for young and old will be the Ice Skating afternoon and is planned for this month. I, personally, am looking forward to meet you all there. (Find more information in the Echo) Sharon Alabaster ___________ “EEN GOEDE MAALTIJD BRENGT GOEDE MENSEN SAMEN” Socrates August 2015 _________ Page 3 ECHO PO Box 19614 Christchurch New Zealand. Phone 03 3181191 Refer to for news clips of latest happenings in the Dutch community in NZ. For advertising get in touch with Angela Lewis Hello there! My name is James. Great news for those who like to travel! I have started my own business as a Travel Broker, based in Waimairi Beach, Christchurch. Please contact me for your travel arrangements. No enquiry is too big or too small. Email: Website: Phone: 027 667 6622 Arranging Individual and Family Holidays, Cruising, Corporate Travel, Groups, Clubs and Incentives, Weddings and Honeymoons Call me, Email me or I can visit your home or office to arrange your travel (within certain locations) • Researching the best deals, routes and itineraries • Selecting the best suppliers to suit your travel requirements • Personalised service • • The Travel Brokers are one of the largest Approved TAANZ & IATA accredited Travel Broker networks in New Zealand. Page 4 August 2015 ECHO Friendly Support Network (FSN) We are a group of volunteers who give help and support to people of Dutch decent in situations of need or stress. We visit sick people, walk with people, and talk (Dutch or English) with people. Help or support is generally of a moral rather than of a financial nature. If you want to help, or know of someone we can help, please contact: Heleen van den Brink Trudi van Nobelen Tel 359 5517 Tel 383 1111 A weekly Dutch show on Plains FM 96.9 MHz every Monday evening at 6.30. IN MEMORIAM Theo Eichholz 1926 - 2015 For many years stalwart of the Neerlandia Choir (President; Assistant Conductor) The members wish to express thanks for Theo’s dedication to the Choir for more then 30 years. May he rest in peace. August 2015 Page 5 ECHO COMING EVENTS FOR AUGUST 2015 On Sunday, 16 August, the NSC has hired the Alpine Skating Rink for a private session, at 495 Brougham Street, Opawa, Christchurch from 4.30pm until 6.30pm. $10 per person for members, $15 non members Skates, drink and biscuit included. Spectators free (great opportunity for Opa’s and Oma’s!) Booking: Annie van der Dussen, tel 383 1594 This has been a very popular event in the past, so don’t miss out! For all those who grew up in the Netherlands: Come and show the younger generation how it’s done!!! No chairs allowed on the ice though! Page 6 August 2015 ECHO Van Dam’s Shop & Cafe 355 Riccarton Road opposite The Lone Star Open Monday to Friday 8.00 am - 4.00 pm Saturday from 9.00 am until 4.00 pm Lots of great specials are in store selling at prices which won’t be beaten by supermarkets! Blue Biscottes $2.00 Yellow Biscottes $2.90 Coffee Waffles $3.00 Lange Vingers $2.00 Plus all the usual goodies like Zoute Drop, Dutch Cheese and much more! August 2015 Page 7 ECHO HOW SOME DUTCH IMMIGRANTS TRANSLATED THEIR TYPICAL EXPRESSIONS IN ENGLISH: Ik zit op zwart zaad. I sit on black seed. Ik kan er geen touw aan vast knopen. I can’t tie a rope to it. Twee vliegen in een klap. Two flies in one clap. Hij zit in zak en as. He sits in sack and ash. Ik heb het onder de knie. I have it under the knee. Je moet geen ouwe koeien uit de sloot halen. Don’t pull old cows out of the ditch. Hij gooit er nog een schepje bovenop. He throws another shovelful on top. We moeten allemaal een steentje bijdragen. We must all donate a little stone. Ik lap het aan mijn laars I mend it to my boot. ____________ TOENAIL CULTURE ALE - NIEUWS Al 15 jaar heeft u rond deze tijd een telefoontje gehad van Ada of Annie voor kaartjes. Al 15 jaar hebben wij van uw steun en enthousiasme mogen genieten. Al 15 jaar hebben we met heel veel plezier gewerkt aan de meest uiteenlopende toneel stukken. Maar niet dit jaar. Wij van TOENAIL CULTURE ALE zijn uitgenodigd om onze verkorte versie van “de Jantjes” naar het Tulpenfeest in Hamilton te brengen. We vinden dit te leuk om daar ‘nee’ op te zeggen. Het team in Hamilton werkt hard om de ervaring voor ons zo plezierig mogelijk te maken en kijkt erg uit naar ons optreden en wij ook!!! En dus...voor een jaar zijn we er niet. Maar volgend jaar blijven we gewoon weer thuis, bij ons eigen fijne publiek. We hopen u dan weer allemaal te zien, voor TOENAIL CULTURE ALE, Annekatrien ______________ Page 8 August 2015 ECHO Neerlandia Choir sings at the Carmelite Monastery, Christchurch Bruce Blanchard, Musical Director, of the Neerlandia Choir Michael Zon, Accompanist (on the left) together with members of the Choir. Photographs by Rachel van der Plas The Neerlandia Choir, who has been struggling over the last few years with a rapid dwindling number of singers, is very happy to welcome three new (younger!) members: Yolanda de Ruiter; Alida Fletcher and John Boereboom. Anyone else, who loves singing can join our happy group. We sing songs of many countries and languages from around the world plus a great variety of genres. Performances take place at hospitals; retirement villages; etc. and also during a special Annual and Christmas Concert. Rehearsals are every Tuesday night, from 7pm until 9pm with a ‘cuppa and a biscuit’ break at 8pm. Venue: St Ninnian’s Church, 12 Puriri Street, Riccarton. For further information please ring Thea Konijn, telephone 347 9173. ________ “The only thing better than singing is more singing!!!” Ella Fitzgerald __________ August 2015 Page 9 ECHO INTRODUCING May I Introduce myself? My name is Lianne de Vroom and I am 26 years old. I love a challenge! The plan to leave the Netherlands and to start a new adventure in New Zealand was my first challenge. The second challenge was to leave my job as a teacher (children with bad hearing; communication disorders, i.e. children with autism). A job I fell so comfortable with and to start a new carrier. What that is going to be is still completely open. A lot of introductory letters and emails have been sent and many phone calls made. Now the waiting game has started.....! Besides trying to find a job I also write about my adventures; my feelings and emotions on a blog. ( This is also a way to keep my family and friends up to date. I live together with my Irish boyfriend in Shirley where I learned to deal with challenge number three. We have a cat! Back in the Netherlands I was afraid of cats. I am a real ‘dog person’ and now taking care of a cat is something else! But I have to admit that I am starting to like it: Toby is growing on me! Thank you for reading this and if you can help me in anyway to find a job or have any suggestions I will be grateful! (Email My motto: Enjoy day by day. Before you know it the whole world could be different. For instance : It could change from red tulips to mountains with snow! Lianne Page 10 August 2015 ECHO KLAVERJAS CLUB ‘ONS GENOEGEN’ Een oud spreekwoord zegt: “Als de dagen lengen gaat de vorst strengen!” Nu daar zit wel iets in. Ik moest vanmiddag een brief posten, niet zo ver bij ons vandaan, dus besloot ik om eens gezond te doen en ging dus lopen. Tjonge, tjonge, was me dat koud, de wind ging dwars door me heen. Dit deed me heel erg aan Nederland denken. De Ring-In competitie is goed verlopen, iedereen was tevreden met ‘de service van de zaak’ en daar gaat het toch maar om. Wat het punten halen betreft: Het was niet slecht maar het kon een heel stuk beter. Bij deze competie gaat het om de vier hoogste punten. En in Christchurch was dat als volgt: 1) Agnes Stolp, 10,265 punten 2) Henk Ritstier, 10,204 punten 3) Piet Bohm, 10,144 punten 4) Koos Nieuwkerk, 9,462 punten 30 june: 14 juli: 1) Bep Bohm, 5,165 punten 2) Wim de Winter, 5,132 punten 3) Jan van de Splinter, 4,764 punten 1) Bep van Polanen, 5,862 punten 2) Theo van Vuuren, 5,486 punten 3) Wim de Winter, 5,188 punten De volgende Card Drive zal plaats vinden op Zaterdag, 6 september, dus jullie hebben nog even de tijd om te oefenen! Ik wens jullie allen een goede gezondheid toe en veel plezier met het spel van het leven. Wim ______________ YOUTH OF YESTERDAY It does not make a difference whether it is cold weather or not the YOY gathering still gets around 36 people to join in the fun. We are thinking of organising a free lunch at the clubrooms for all the regulars and by doing so keeping them happy! This is all we have to report! Come and join us on Friday mornings and if you have never been see for yourselves what you have been missing out on! The coffee is fresh, hot and waiting for you! Tini _______________ August 2015 Page 11 ECHO ‘THE DUTCH ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ORIGINAL CULTIVATION OF ORANGE CARROTS ’ Former banker Stephanie Ernst has lived in the Netherlands for three years and volunteers for the International Almere organisation. An Australian national, she misses sunshine and Vegemite but has gone Dutch enough to run a bargo bike. asks 10 questions of Stephanie: How did you end up in the Netherlands? I followed my husband here so I guess you could say a Boeing 737 owned by Cathay Pacific, followed by a trip on the wonderful NS rail network. A while back I met this wonderful Dutch guy, so a few years later I ended up marrying him. His job prospects were better here, so I left Australia to join him. We moved to Almere because that’s where his job was located at the time. How do you describe yourself - an expat, lovepat, immigrant, international, etc - and why? I really define myself as me. I guess that sounds a wee bit trite and pretentious, but I don’t believe we all fit in boxes. I think anyone who has made a dicision to move to another country really has a challenge on their hands. So we adapt and change small things about ourselves and our upbringing to accommodate the differences in our lives. Some people embrace change, some don’t. How long do you plan to stay and why? Forever. Scary, right? At least as long as my husband has a job, we will be staying here. We bought a house here, have enrolled our children in school, we’re happy. And my residence permit lasts at least until 2018, so seeing we paid for it...... Do you speak Dutch and how did you learn? Natuurlijk. I’m not one of the lucky ones that can bypass inburgering, so I had to take a Dutch course. I studied at a fantastic school in Amsterdam and although I fell pregnant with twins toward the end of the course, I managed to pass B1 level. I now practice when I can - and luckily I have neighbours who ‘spreek Nederlands met mij.’ It’s important to learn at least the basics of the language. Much to my husband’s despair, I’m also now fluent in swearing and curse words. What’s your favourite Dutch food and why? I used to say poffertjes. But now, it’s all about krokettenbroodjes. With mustard. I still haven’t got the courage to try haring though. Blergh!!! What do you miss about back home and why? Sunshine and Cadbury chocolates. And Vegemite! How Dutch have you become and why? Other than my stupendous ability to balance my Albert Heijn bargains on my bike whilst riding at full speed and cursing cars for taking over my road space? Not really. I’ve adapted to life here, but I still would call myself Australian in my daily life. I don’t believe you become ‘Dutch’ by living here, it’s more like you adapt to your surroundings and adopt some things, but you retain your own values. However, I do own a bakfiets (cargo bike)... Page 12 August 2015 ECHO What’s your top tourist tip? Leave the cities and the typical tourist places. Get out to the countryside. Explore the villages and towns. Go to places like Schokland, Giethoorn or Urk and experience the new cities, like Almere and it’s amazing architecture and city design. It’s not all tulips, windmills, cheese and clogs. The Netherlands is a really diverse place and you can have experiences outside the stereotypes. Tell us something surprising you’ve found out about the Netherlands. I am fascinated by the fact that each province is so different - Friesland is completely different to Limburg, Gelderland is different to Zeeland. We don’t have that diversity in Australia when it comes to the different states and I find that intriguing. That, and the Dutch are responsible for the original cultivation of orange carrots. Politics and fashion dictated the colour of a vegetable! If you had just 24 hours left in the Netherlands, what would you do? That is a hard question! Probably take a final wander through the market here, or visit some of my favourite places or even just take a day to say goodbye to the friends I have made here. ______________ Stephanie is a former banker/insurance guru from Australia who now spends her time wrangling her twin toddlers and volunteering for International Almere. ( She also writes a blog ‘The Inbuggering Diaries’ ________________ En voor wie zich afvroeg wat Stephanie bedoelde: De huidige oranje wortel is het resultaat van kruisingen. De eerste wortels kwamen uit Iran en werden door de V.O.C in de 17de eeuw naar Nederland overgebracht. De wortel werd in Nederland gekruist totdat deze de oranjekleur van het Huis Oranje-Nassau had. De wortel dankt dus mogelijk zijn huidige kleur aan de ‘Oranjes’. De oranje wortel werd pas in de 17de eeuw over Europa verspreid. Over de kleur van de wortel zijn echter meerdere hypoteses. (Wikipedia) August 2015 Page 13 ECHO Een van onze leden leende me een boek “Gouden Jaren” (Annegreet van Bergen). Het vertelt ons hoe ons dagelijks leven in een halve eeuw onvoorstelbaar veranderd is. Er staan zoveel grappige verhalen in. Een er van wil ik hier met u delen: DE VLIEGENMEPPER Wonen in de buurt van koeien heeft ontegenzeggelijk een groot nadeel: Waar koeien zijn, zijn ook vliegen. Daarom hingen er vroeger bij ons thuis in Enschede stropige, spiraalvormige lokstrips aan het plafond. Op die geelbruine slingers krioelde het van de vliegen die een langzame marteldood stierven of al gestorven waren. Ook hadden mijn ouders een soort slappe schoenzool aan een steel: de vliegenmepper. Als het je lukte daarmee een vlieg dood te slaan, spatte die in een vieze brij uiteen. Kortom, het was altijd een goor gedoe om vliegen naar de andere wereld te helpen. In de Randstad had ik geen noemenswaardige last van vliegen, maar sinds onze verhuizing naar het oosten van het land is dat wel anders. Daarom ben ik erg blij met de vliegenmepper 2.0, door P. ook wel het mobiele crematorium genoemd. Het is een soort tennisracket, bespannen met dunne metalen draadjes, Op het handvat zit een knopje en als je daarop drukt, gaat er een stroomstootje door de bespanning. Dat is voldoende om een vlieg in een klap dood te maken. Een soort electrische stoel dus, die heel simpel werkt: even wachten totdat de vlieg stil zit en dan toeslaan. Zo sterven vliegen niet alleen een snelle, maar ook een schone dood. Het mobiele crematorium is ook heel geschikt voor de muggenjacht. Een enorme verbetering ten opzichte van vroeger, vindt Constant (1949). Als kind werd hij vergiftigd door flitspuit, een tankje met een soort fiets pomp, van zijn vader. “Daarmee verspreidde hij een vieze chemische stof in mijn slaapkamer om muggen te verdelgen. Hij spoot ‘s-avonds wanneer ik al in bed lag en dan moest ik met mijn hoofd onder de dekens kruipen. Na vijf minuten mocht ik er onder vandaan komen, maar de rest van de nacht ademde ik die chemische lucht in. Het is een wonder dat ik het overleefd heb. Zulk giftig spul mag je nu niet meer gebruiken.” Page 14 August 2015 ECHO Call Now To Book: 366 3384 Our Expertise, Your Peace of Mind FREE Courtesy Cars Clean, Modern Workshop Latest Diagnostic Equipment WOF & Repairs Auto Electrician on site Authorised Warranty Repairer Full Mechanical Service & Repairs Specialising in BMW, BMW Mini, VW & Audi. Tyres & 3D Wheel Alignments Open Mon-Fri 7.30am-5.30pm 480 Selwyn St Christchurch Central P. 366 3384 New members welcome Are you or a friend considering becoming a member of the Society? For more information contact the membership secretary, ph: 027 4898369 Name: Application form: ___________________________________________Telephone: Address: ________________________________________________________ Suburb: ________________________ Postal Code: _____________ Email Address: ________________________________________________________ Age Group: (Please add in the number applicable to each category) 0-16 yrs _____ 17-29 yrs _____ 30-49 yrs_____ 50 yrs +_____ Please circle appropriate membership: Family membership $36.00 (includes children up to 16yrs of age) Single membership $24.00 Membership fees can be paid after receiving the confirmation letter from the treasurer. Ron van Santen PO Box 1211, Christchurch 8140 Subscription year starts 1st April Post Application to: August 2015 Page 15 ECHO Committee Members President Vice-president Secretary Treasurer/Advertising Entertainment Manager Membership Property Manager Editor Echo Newsletter Sharon Alabaster Olga Verstappen Desiree Ellery Angela Lewis Ron van der Lem Ron van Santen Bob van den Berg Yoka Saris 357 1311 325 2724 383 3600 383 0477 3540459 027-4898369 337 1694 384 9570 Committee members Annie van der Dussen Martin van Urk Nettie de Groot Jose Nijstad Isabel van de Berg Ron van Santen Wilma Junker 383 1594 384 9570 357 4455 337 6151 337 1694 027-4898369 021-2967280 Website Affiliated Clubs Distributor Echo Newsletter SharonAlabaster/Ron van Santen Olga Verstappen 3252724 Yoka Saris 384 9570 Affiliated and other clubs Bridge club Costume and Hall hire Friendly Support Network Handwerk Club Klaverjas Club Ons Genoegen Neerlandia Choir Christchurch Petanque Club Toenail Culture Ale Tramping Club De Landlopers Walking Club Young Folk Dancers Youth of Yesterday Dutch School De Klomp Inc. Radio With Pictures (Echo) Carsten Ouwerkerk Annie van der Dussen Heleen van den Brink Tini de Winter Wim de Winter Yoka Saris Pieter Wever Annie van der Dussen Joop Stokvis Not currently active Not currently active Tini de Winter Theo Boekel 323 9354 383 1594 359 5517 352 5317 352 5317 384 9570 022-650 7101 383 1594 322 8228 352 5317 033181191 Federation Of Netherlands Societies Inc. “De Schakel” www.netherlands-societies. Echo Material for the next issue of the Echo has to be in by the 20th of each month. Although handwritten material is acceptable if clearly readable, the editor will be very happy with typewritten articles. You would, however really make my day with your contributions as an attachment to email or with an email. Please send to: or Yoka Saris, 4 Highbank Lane, Mt Pleasant, Christchurch 8081. DISCLAIMER The views and opinions expressed within the Echo are those of the individual author or other information source and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Netherlands Society or the Editor. All contributions are proofread for style and grammar. We reserve the right to reject, abridge or edit letters for linguistic, spelling, style and other literary errors. Page 16 August 2015
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