the center news
SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 THE CENTER NEWS A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE SHIPLEY CENTER - MARCH 2016 St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon Thursday, March 17 at 11:30 am Tickets (non-refundable) $13 Members / $16 Non-Members Purchase tickets by March 14! Catered by Bell Creek Bar & Grill Serving a traditional St. Patrick’s Day meal with dessert! Pie Raffle Tickets $1 each! Entertainment: Olympic Ukulele Strummers Sponsored by Discovery Memory Care, Sequim Health & Rehabilitation and Home Instead Senior Care. See Michael’s Message “Only 10 Cents a Week“ on p. 5 Come Sleuthing With Us! Friday, April 22 at 5:00 pm Tickets (non-refundable) $25 Members / $30 Guests On Sale Monday, March 21 More Information to come In our April issue! SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER Page 2 MARCH 2016 SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Page 3 SHIPLEY CENTER TRIPS & TOURS 683-5883 Burke Museum and Amazon Books in University Village, Seattle We will visit the Burke Museum in the morning. The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture was founded in 1885. It is the oldest public museum in Washington state and was designated the State Museum in 1899. Its administration resides with the University of Washington College of Arts & Sciences. The Burke is a research- and collections-based museum that serves many audiences and communities, including Washington state residents, tourists and visitors to Seattle, educators and students, Indigenous and Pacific communities, and researchers, scholars, and enthusiasts. There are 16 million objects (and counting!) in the Burke collections! After the museum visit, we will go on to Amazon Books, just down the road a bit. Two decades after it started selling books online, Amazon opened a shopping center storefront with books for sale on actual shelves. Amazon Books in University Village, Seattle, is a physical extension of They have applied 20 years of online bookselling experience to build a store that integrates the benefits of offline and online book shopping. The books in this store are selected based on customer ratings, pre-orders, sales, popularity on Goodreads, and curators’ assessments. Most have been rated 4 stars or above, and many are award winners. To give you more information as you browse, the books are face-out, and under each one is a review card with the customer rating and a review. You can read the opinions and assessments of’s book-loving customers to help you find great books. Prices at Amazon Books are the same as prices offered by Date: Thursday, March 10, 8:00 AM to approx. 6:00 PM Members $48, Non-Members $54 - Lunch on your own, a variety of restaurants at U-Village. Beth Barrett, Trips & Tours Coordinator Spring is finding its way to Sequim; I can feel it. And so, a few more garden and outdoor trips are being planned for you. . . It’s time for the Tulip Festival! Last year we went in the midst of Spring Break, so I learned from THAT mistake; I have scheduled the trip for Tuesday, April 12th. The bus usually fills up quickly, so be sure to call and reserve your spot. I am working on finalizing all of the Regional trips. So far, here are some of the dates set in stone: May 24-26 Butchart Gardens/Chemainus, overnights in Sydney & in Chemainus, BC. June 21-24 Snake River/Hells Canyon via Leavenworth. Includes a river tour. August 23-26 Waterfalls, Whales & Wildcards, Silver Reef in Bellingham area. July 26-29 Whistler Adventure-Still working on this one These trips are actually filling up even without all the pertinent information available!!! I was blown away! If you are interested in going on one of these regional trips, I suggest you give me a call to get your name on the roster, as there are only 23 spots on the bus; one trip has 10 people signed up already!! The Prison Pet Partner trip sold out in 3 days!! I have a waiting list and I am hoping to schedule another trip there (as long we have good reviews and no one is held over at the prison!!) I’ve made a list of the shopping trips we will be taking this year. If you are a shopper, you can email me or stop by my office for “The List”. This month we will be going to the Outlet Shops in Auburn…’The Outlet Collection-Seattle’. In April we will head over to Ikea in Renton, and stop at Trader Joes/Bed, Bath & Beyond in Silverdale. Beth TAKE A LOOK AT THIS MONTH’S GREEN AND BLUE INSERTS FOR MORE TRIP INFO! SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Page 4 Board Notes from the February Board Meeting Membership is at a new high of 1895! The average age is 72.8. Judy Lange, Shipley Center’s Knit, Crochet, Crafts, and Fiber Arts leader has been honored as a finalist for Sequim Citizen of the Year! As the Center’s former tax accountant retired, we hired a new accountant who is highly experienced in dealing with non-profits and public accounting. Trips & Tours has a new highly-qualified bus driver. Five regional trips have been set up for this year. This month’s Tea and Fashion Show went well. AnnaLee expressed sincere appreciation to all the volunteers who made it such a success! With two proposals submitted to conduct a feasibility study for a future Shipley Center, the board unanimously agreed to hire Dr. Joe Sharkey of Texas A & M. He and his wife are members of the Center and live part of each year in Sequim. Michelle reported that the craft group created “fiddle” muffs and lap blankets for those with dementia. Local care centers are wanting to buy them for their residents. Next month’s board meeting, March 15th, will be a Board Retreat at Bell Creek Bar & Grill, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Database Conversion Almost Completed As Shipley Center membership grows, so do the demands on our member management database. Last year it was decided that our old system was just that, old, and unfortunately that is not a good term when referring to technology! We were not able to easily access anything other than basic member information, and any time we wanted to make a change to a report it required pulling out a book that was easily 4 inches thick and anything but easy to read, not to mention that only one of us could use the system at once. After an exhaustive search, we decided on the newer, easier to use, version of our old system, partially due to the fact that most of the data we had in our old system could be transferred to the new system automatically. It also included support from the company, several people could be using it at once, and it is very easy to be changed/customized to our needs. Mary Ellen and I have been working to update the new system with changes to member information that came in during the conversion, and as that project is nearly complete we hope to be using the new system for all reports, mailing, emails, etc. by next month. This is where you come in to help us! If you notice anything unusual about the way your letters are addressed, emails and/or newsletters being received, etc., please let us know ASAP. With nearly 1900 members, there are bound to be a few things that were missed during and after the conversion; therefore we also ask for your patience with us as we complete this major change. Michelle SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Page 5 BY MICHAEL SMITH, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Only 10 Cents a Week! Keeping Things Going with Dues and Donations! Dear Members: Since 2012, there have been no dues increases, and Shipley Center has been able to hold its dues steady for you, our valued and loyal members. We held off as long as we could, but it has become necessary, after almost four years, to raise our modest annual membership dues from $40 to $45 for individuals. That’s a weekly increase of only 10 cents, from 77 to 87 cents! Couples will go from $70 ($1.35/week) to $80 ($1.54 per week). Membership in Shipley Center is still quite a bargain! Compared to many other senior centers, our dues are considered low, particularly for all you get—the newsletter, discounts on trips, classes, activities, games and socials. Free computer help on Mondays, a place to get your taxes done for free through AARP Tax Aide, and a place to get help with insurance questions from the SHIBA volunteers each Tuesday. Member discounts are also available on travel packages and from area merchants. When does this change take effect? The raise in dues begins on April 1, 2016, when new members and renewals will pay the increased fee. Is there any way to avoid this increase? There are two options that might help you avoid the $5.00 increase: 1. Prepay and add as many years to your membership as you want to at the current $40 rate, or $70 rate for couples, saving you $5/person for every year you pay in advance. Payment must be received by March 31st, and is not refundable for any reason. (Check with your tax advisor for the deductibility of dues paid in advance.) 2. If your income is less than $1579 per month (or as a couple, is less than $2125 per month), you may apply for our Healthy Aging for All program. Your dues will be paid through the generosity of the City of Sequim, the Albert Haller Foundation, the First Federal Community Foundation, or through gifts from other members dedicated to help you enjoy the Center’s benefits. Why does Shipley Center have to raise its dues? Expenses—especially all types of insurance—have increased, while the unpredictable parts of our revenue (grants, donations and bequests) have not come in at sufficient levels. Also, several of our long-time donors are not able to give as much as they used to, or have passed away, with new donors not stepping forward to pitch in at the same level yet. As an example: A Christmas fundraising letter in 2012 sent to 1500 members brought in over $30,000, but the recent 2015 letter to 1800 members brought in just $10,000 in donations. That means that the average gift size in 2015 was 70% smaller than in 2012, and that a higher percentage of members in 2015 were not able to or chose not to make a gift. We depend on YOU! Donations to Shipley Center are an important part of its budget and success in fulfilling its mission. If you are on the fence about making a donation to the General Fund or for some specific need you’d like to support, please call, write, email or come visit me . . . let’s talk! Donation Opportunity: See Kitchen and Café update on p. 15 Michael SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Page 6 ***Community Announcements*** OlyPen Ostomy & Intestinal Support Group WOW! WORKING ON WELLNESS Date: Wednesday March 9th Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Place: Trinity United Methodist Church 100 North Blake Street, Sequim Title: “Bowenwork: Relieve, Restore, Renew & Relax” Kathi Gunn, ARNP & Stacy Hopkins, LMP By: Sequim Senior Meals OlyCAP has partnered with Shipley Center as its location for the Sequim Senior Meals Program. Meals are served Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4:30 for a $5 donation from each guest. Reservations can be made by calling 360683-8491 before 3:00 the day before. For additional information or help making a reservation please call Gabe at 360-683-8491. We are having great success at this location. A support group for individuals with any type of Ostomy, Crohns Disease, or other G.I. issues. Family, caregivers, and friends of people with this type of chronic issue are also welcome. Help to reduce anxiety, learn coping skills, hear other’s stories, and be in a place where other individuals understand. We realize how frustrating, embarrassing, and isolating a chronic illness can be, so please join us to share your concerns and receive emotional support. *Olympic Medical Center, 939 Caroline St, Rm B, Port Angeles, held once monthly on Tuesdays. *Sequim Library, 630 North Sequim Avenue, Sequim, held once monthly on Thursdays. For dates and time, please contact us either via email; or call 360504-2875. Olympic Driftwood Sculptures 2016 Spring Driftwood Art Show March 19 -20 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sequim Accordion Social Hello fellow accordion enthusiasts! You are invited to our Accordion Social held in Sequim. On Sunday, March 13, 2016 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (Remember Daylight Time Change) WHERE: Shipley Center Suggested Donation: $2.00/person for room rental Supplemental donations for Featured Players welcomed What to Bring: Your Accordion for players – Your enthusiasm for listeners! Dungeness River Audubon Center at “Railroad Bridge Park” 2151 West Hendrickson Road Sequim, WA. 98382 WHEN: TIME: Nature’s treasures sculpted into a unique art form by ODS members Demonstrations of works-in-progress Driftwood Boutique - Handcrafted driftwood items for sale Unfinished wood for sale Our Featured Players will be: A Showcase of Sequim Accordionists RAFFLE for: Exquisite driftwood piece sculpted by several members. Questions: Call Caryl Dowell 520-369-3550 or Frank Bruckner 208-290-4037 FREE ADMISSION (Donations Appreciated - Cameras Welcome) SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Page 7 BULLETIN BOARD for SHIPLEY CENTER’S PROGRAMS and ACTIVITIES! Gas Card Raffle Win a $100 Gas Card (gas station of winner’s choice), donated by Margaret Cox. Tickets are $1 each. Drawing will be held on March 15 at 4pm. New Beginner’s Mahjongg Class 4 week class starts April 6th at 9am. Sign up at the front desk or call Dianne Whitaker at 683-4945 for more information. Dominoes (Mexican Train) Due to lack of interest, this activity will be cancelled. If at some future time, demand for this activity increases, it will be added back to the calendar. New Art Class Beginning March 1st 10:30 am – Noon Lenée Cobb, Instructor For 4-6 weeks, these classes—Imagination and Control by Abstract—will be focused on free-form art that will include four projects and optional homework. In this class, students will practice arm and wrist movements to develop better skills for working on more detailed pieces later on. It will also help those with arthritis or who have suffered strokes and need some free–form art therapy. Even those with prior painting experience will discover improved control and broadened imaginations. After this series, there will be follow-up classes. More information will be discussed in the current sessions as well as detailed in next month’s newsletter. Register at the front desk, and receive a complete list of needed materials. FEES: $5 per class day for members; $8 for nonmembers. (See Spotlight, p. 16.) Got any old coins, paper money, or tokens hanging around? Do you want to know what they are worth? Interested in collecting coins? The Port Angeles and Sequim Coin Club will be available to offer their knowledge of coin collecting at Shipley Center on Friday, March 18th at 9:30-Noon in the Classroom. This is an informational opportunity to find out what your coins are worth, and to learn more about coin collecting. Members of the coin club will be there to offer their expertise, advice, and offering to buy your coins if desired. Free to Shipley Center Members, $2 donation for non-members. Photography Classes Three photography classes are being offered over the next few months. The next class will be Monday, March 21st at 10am. Each class will be $3 for members and $5 for non-members. Please register at the front desk. The subject will be How to use your Basic DSLR . This class will cover your camera’s fundamental features as well as common accessories that can positively impact the images you capture: • Image Quality • Memory • Lens selection • Automatic vs. Program Mode • Scene Modes • Aperture and Shutter Priority Modes • ISO • White Balance • Flash Control and Off Camera flash • Fundamentals of Composition April’s class will cover: Monday, April 18th at 10am – Nature Photography SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER JUDY PRIEST WATERCOLOR EXCLUSIVES PHONE 360-683-5660 ARTWORK FOR SALE IN THE MAIN ACTIVITY ROOM MARCH 2016 Page 8 March TRIPS March 10th: Amazon Books and Burke Museums March 12th: Symphony Concert No. 4 March 16th: Clearwater Casino March 18th: Valley Nursery & Downtown Poulsbo March 22nd: The Outlet Collection, Auburn March 24th: Glenn Miller Band March 28th: Prison Pet Partnership & Downtown Gig Harbor Smiles for Life Where: Shipley Center Date & Time: Last Friday of the Month Please call or email to make an appointment Dental Assessment, Dental Cleanings, Fluoride Applications Dental Access Programs Just want to pass on a GREAT BIG THANK YOU! Email: to Assured Hospice and Cyndi S. Newman, RDH, BSDH, MSCH Phone: 360-775-9042 Dungeness Courte for sponsoring our February Tuesday Potlucks! Donate your used medical equipment for others! Leave a message for the Soroptimist Medical Loan Closet at 504-0231. Page 9 SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Congratulations To our winner of the Fountain Raffle Michelle Rhodes! ANNOUNCING . . . GALA EVENT DATE AND CELEBRITY AUCTIONEER! Mark your calendars now for this year’s Shipley Center 5th Annual Gala, presented by Sequim Health and Rehabilitation, Friday, July 29th, at the Sunland Golf and Country Club! Popular Emmy Award-winning television host, John Curley, will once again serve as auctioneer, sponsored by the generous support of 5th Avenue. 2015’s Gala raised over $10,000 for low income senior memberships to the non-profit Shipley Center, and over $25,000 for the Center’s Capital Campaign for a new building to better serve its members and the wider community. Sponsorships available! Donations now being accepted for live and silent auctions! Tickets on sale in June! Thank you for your support! SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Page 10 MARCH 2016 ACTIVITIES MONDAY M a r c h T R I P S information is located on page 8 this month due to lack of space o n t h e calendar. 7 9am Balance Exercise 9:30 Watercolors 10am Knit & Crochet 11am Seniorcize 12:30 Chair Yoga 1pm 2pm TUESDAY 1 9:30 2 Tai Chi 3 Balance Exercise, 9am WOW Watercolor, 9:30 AARP Tax-Aide Watercolors w/ Judy Priest 10am Singing Bowls 10:30 Art Class 1pm Bridge, Mah Jongg, Italian Language Class 11am Stretch Yoga 1 w/Leslie Bunco, Ping Pong 2:30 Sr. Nutrition# 4:30 Spanish Language Class 12pm Bingo 1pm Scrabble, Stretch Yoga 2 w/Nancy 5pm Pinochle 1pm 4:30 8 9 10:00 Cribbage, Fiber Arts, SHIBA 9am 10:30 Art Class 1pm Ping Pong 4:30 Sr. Nutrition# Sr. Nutrition# 10 Balance Exercise, WOW Watercolor, AARP Tax-Aide 11am Seniorcize 1pm Bridge, Mah Jongg, Italian Language Class 2:30 Spanish Language Class 4:30 15 9:30 9:30 Watercolors 10am Knit & Crochet 10am Cribbage, Fiber Arts, SHIBA 11am Seniorcize 10:30 Art Class Tai Chi 11:30 Potluck 1pm Bunco, Ping Pong 2pm Board Meeting 4:30 Sr. Nutrition# 9am 1pm 2:30 4:30 Spanish Language Class Sr. Nutrition# 1pm Fun Poker, Ping Pong, Crochet Circle 2:30 Senior Sing-a-long @ Avamere 4:30 Sr. Nutrition# Tap Dance 9am 9:30 Watercolors w/ Judy Priest 10am Singing Bowls 10am PAN card game 12pm Bingo 1pm Scrabble, Stretch Yoga 2 w/Nancy 5pm Pinochle Balance Exercise 11am Seniorcize 1pm Fun Poker, Ping Pong, Crochet Circle, Preventing Mail Fraud 2:30 Senior Sing-a-long @ Sherwood 4:30 Sr. Nutrition# 11am Stretch Yoga 1 w/ Leslie Balance Exercise, 9am WOW Watercolor, 9:30 AARP Tax-Aide Bridge, Mah Jongg, Italian Language Class 11am Seniorcize 11 17 11am Seniorcize Balance Exercise 9am Sr. Nutrition# 16 Balance Exercise Fun Poker, Legal Clinic, Ukulele, Computer Clinic (members only) 9am PAN card game Yoga 12:30 Chair Yoga Tap Dance 10am 11:30 Potluck FRIDAY 4 11am Seniorcize 9am 2pm 9am THURSDAY 10am Diabetes Support, Cribbage, SHIBA, Fiber Arts Fun Poker, Ukulele, Computer Clinic (members only) 14 1pm WEDNESDAY 18 Tap Dance 9am Balance Exercise Watercolors w/ Judy Priest 9:30 Coin Collection Info/Valuation 10am PAN card game 10am Singing Bowls 1130 11am Seniorcize St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon 1pm Scrabble, 5pm Pinochle 1pm Fun Poker, Ping Pong, Crochet Circle 2:30 Senior Sing-along @ Discovery Memory Care 4:30 Sr. Nutrition# Yoga SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Page 11 MARCH 2016 ACTIVITIES MONDAY 21 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 22 23 9am Balance Exercise 9:30 9:30 Watercolors 10am Cribbage, Fiber Arts, SHIBA 10am Knit & Crochet, Photography Class 11am Seniorcize Tai Chi 9am 2pm 1pm Ping Pong 1pm 4:30 Sr. Nutrition# 29 2:30 Spanish Language Class 4:30 Sr. Nutrition# 30 Balance Exercise 9:30 9:30 Watercolors 10am Knit & Crochet 10am Cribbage, Fiber Arts, SHIBA 11am Seniorcize 10:30 Art Class 1230p Chair Yoga 1pm Ping Pong 1pm 4:30 Sr. Nutrition# Fun Poker, Ukulele, Legal Clinic, Computer Clinic (members only) 9am Tai Chi 25 9am Tap Dance 9am Balance Exercise 9:30 Watercolors w/ Judy Priest 10am Singing Bowls 10am PAN card game 1pm 11am Stretch Yoga 1 w/Leslie 12pm Bingo 1pm Scrabble, Stretch 4:30 Yogo 2 w/Nancy 5pm Pinochle 11am Seniorcize 2:30 Fun Poker, Ping Pong, Crochet Circle Sr Sing-a-long @ Sequim Health & Rehab Sr. Nutrition# 31 Balance Exercise, 9am WOW Watercolor, 9:30 AARP Tax-Aide 11am Seniorcize 1pm Bridge, Mah Jongg, Italian Language Class 2:30 Spanish Language Class 4:30 8:30am 12 pm AARP Tax-Aide Pinochle 8:30am 12pm 6:30pm AARP Tax-Aide Pinochle Bridge* 19 8:30am 12pm AARP Tax-Aide Pinochle 26 8:30am 12pm 6:30pm AARP Tax-Aide Pinochle Bridge* *Must RSVP 683-8716 SUNDAY 20 27 Watercolors w/ Judy Priest PAN card game 11am Stretch Yoga 1 w/Leslie 12pm Bingo 1pm Scrabble, Stretch Yogo 2 w/Nancy 5pm Pinochle # Sr. Nutrition requires you to call 360-683-8491 before 3:00 the day before to RSVP. B Y APPOINTMENT: Nail Care: 6 13 Tap Dance 10am Sr. Nutrition# Yoga SATURDAY 12 Bridge, Mah Jongg, Italian Language Class FRIDAY Yoga 9am 5 Balance Exercise, WOW Watercolor, AARP Tax-Aide 11am Seniorcize Fun Poker, Ukulele, Computer Clinic (members only) 28 2pm 24 10:30 Art Class 12:30 Chair Yoga 1pm THURSDAY Daylight Savings Time Changeover 1pm Accordion Social ALL DAY Dine-to-Donate at Applebee’s with Coupon on pg. 19 Happy Easter! Feet or hands (Tue. Wed. & Thur.) For appointments, call the Shipley Center office at 683-6806. Acupuncture: Mondays - Noon to 2pm For appointments, call the Shipley Center office at 683-6806. Dental Appointments: Smiles for Life - Dental Access Program. For appointments, call 775-9042 Page 12 SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER 1 Cynthia Edel Carol Nesbitt 2 Carole Doerschlag Orland Russell 3 Sharon A Clark Pauline Jeffery Harry Roestenberg 4 5 6 7 Rena Blank Kira Kersting Catherine Venator Merrily Abner Lora Bergren Naomi Hutchinson Tonie Scott Elizabeth Smith Patrick L Dillon Ralph E Hall Theodore Miller Elizabeth Newlon Dale Rodger Jeanne Marie Truskin Carol Yada Betty Archer 9 Kristen Ruhl Lois Schaefer Laurale Scott 11 Victoria Lincoln Cherie Westfall Donna Woods 12 Sherryl Bird Lois Claar Robert Elfant Verla Harwell Carolyn Petersen Valley Smith 13 Ruth Erskine Dera Hamilton Su-lin Mahan Dorothea Millar Maria Piazza Frederic Robinson 14 Janice Boyungs Georgeanne Bradley Bill Cunningham Larry Kahle James Mann Doreen St Clair Patricia Coughlin-Mawson Kristi Fight Orville Graham Charles Sullivan Elaine J Webber 8 10 Lillian Macedo Phyllis Bentley Richard Dietz Margaret Lajambe Cathy Magnusen Charles Magnusen Renee Miller Randall Radock Shirley Rodgers Royoko Toyama 10 Joseph A Chiarella Bo Engmyr Anna Marie Lovett 15 Carolyn Black Frank Cimino Dena Stapish Dorothy A Wilson 16 Nancy Brown Lori Garlington Martin Shapiro Pam Upchurch 17 Janice Canale Patricia Fogard Stuart J MacKenzie Sandy Pope Patricia Svege 18 Pat Bohn Maxine Boucher Albert Burge MARCH 2016 18 Diane Fisk 25 Lorri Gilchrist 19 Renee Adolph 26 Jean Brown 20 Dick Abell 27 Nancy Bolon Beverly Humphrey Lois McGuire Betty Saviano Lynne Waterson Maria Grotjan Vivian Senz Dave Small Barbara Burrows Coleen Diamond Delmarie Fieldhammer Anna Gregory Robert Medsker Wendy Meusey Terry Stone Margery Terpstra 21 Joan Hermanson Nancy Isaascon Margie Jaedicke Mary Ellen Reed 22 Jean L Allen Evelyn Boggs Renee L Meyer Robert Nagy Polly Sarsfield Harry Stayner Judy Ware 23 Judi Anderson Bruce Becker Beth Culhane Mary Jane Cumiford Jeanette Hiatt Bob Nuffer Dick Rapasky AnnaLee Smith Joan Troop Gail Van Den Akker Roberta Sherrod Richard Valaske Shirley Voigt Paula Wallace Helen King Polly McComb Ann Waldron Lacy Hennessey Gary McGriff 28 Richard D Anderson Robert Cacy Dianne Howerton Ingrid Lehrer Brenda Mosler Elizabeth Olszak Mary Laura Ramponi Katie Stokley 29 Diane Huntington Elaine Leptich Chris Orban Marilyn Parkinson Steve Schermerhon 30 Constance Butcher Richard Godsey 31 Diane Drucker Pamela Godsey Geraldine Lesser Andie Maaske 24 Lee Cox Susan Mesches Rebecca Young Preventing Mail Fraud Friday, March 11th at 1pm a presentation by U.S. Postal Inspector, Justin Lothyan, will be given on how to prevent mail fraud and keep yourself safe! Please join us in Shipley Center’s main room. SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER T HANK Y OU TO OUR D ONORS Page 13 MARCH 2016 Welcome to New Members In Appreciation of Jaydee Price Marion Rutledge General Fund Janice Boyungs Anna Bush Thomas & Chantell Collins Kathleen Cooney Robert Coppo Susan Elvert Phillip & Myrna Ford Sandy Greenlief Claude Groff Ivan & Carol Hoyt Glenn & Carol Juenemann Pam Kauffman Phillip Kuchler William & Jeanne Manzer Russell & Catherine McKenna Sharlene Minshall Florence Missiaen Sherry Nagel Eva Rider Janice & Gary Smith Sharon Torgeson Cherie Westfall Jackson & Elizabeth Williams Bob & Elizabeth Young LEGACY GIVING IT’S MORE THAN AN ACT OF GENEROSITY IT IS AN IMPORTANT INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE OF OUR CENTER. TO BE A PART OF THIS FINE TRADITION, ASK YOUR ATTORNEY TO ADD THIS, OR OTHER SUITABLE LANGUAGE, TO YOUR WILL: “I give, devise, and bequeath to Sequim Senior Services, Tax ID number 911355592, 921 E Hammond St, Sequim, WA 98382, (insert: dollar amount, percentage of estate, description of real estate or other property, nature of gift, or remainder of my estate).” Contact: Executive Director, Michael Smith, to discuss legacy giving. Susan Bermel Marcia L Bingham Carolyn Black Harvey Blum Jack E Brown Penny Dorothy Robert Dean Dorothy Penny Duffy Mary S Dunham Shirley Estes Bonny Goodale Deonne Hanson Leslie Hosmer Sandy Hosmer David Jackson Julie Jackson Sara Johnson Walter L Johnson Wayland Kauffman Greg MacDonald Helen MacDonald Cindy MacKay Kathy Martin Barbara Muehl Nancy Murphy Elinor Nast Frederick Nast Fay Oliver Donald Parke Cheryl Parsons Diane Porter Ruth A Provenzano Patricia A Ramsey Bob Rodenberger Jeannine Rodenberger Diane Schmidt Patty Silvertsen Audrey Steele Britt Steele Gina Trafton Laurence Trafton Bernice Tucker Shirley Van Hoover Neil Wallace Paula Wallace Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of our deceased members. Please take a moment to remember our members who have recently passed away In Memory Of: Bud Kreitle Roger Masquefa John P Smith SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER Page 14 MARCH 2016 Chamber After Hours Success! On February 16th, Shipley Center hosted the Sequim/Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce After Hours Event. Around 35 members of the Chamber of Commerce (typically local business owners/leaders) attended, along with several board members. It was a great way for those community leaders to become familiar with all that Shipley Center currently offers, and our future plans! Shipley Center Board of Directors honors Dungeness Courte Memory Care Shipley Center’s Board of Directors has selected Dungeness Courte Memory Care as its Sponsor of the Quarter Award recipient for 4th Quarter 2015. This award honors local organizations who provide ongoing support to Shipley Center and its members. Dungeness Courte Memory Care supports Shipley Center events, fundraising efforts, and provides helpful information to our membership in the forms of presentations and literature. Dungeness Courte is also pivotal in local efforts to support those with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and their loved ones. On January 28th, Shipley Center Board President, Joe Borden, and Executive Director, Michael Smith, presented the award to Dungeness Courte Memory Care’s Executive Director, Sheryl Clark and Director of Community Relations/Admissions, Jan Orr. SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER Page 15 MARCH 2016 And many more . . . Kitchen and Café Update Our kitchen has been vacant since the café owners closed up shop, so we have decided to have our own café in the Center! This way, our social committee and volunteers will be able to use the kitchen for our events more readily. We are open to suggestions to name the café, just pass your ideas along to me. We will hire a kitchen manager, and will also need some volunteer food preppers, servers, dishwashers, etc. If you have skills, time and willingness one day a week or more, let me know. Watch for signs in the café area – we might be able to open sometime in March or April! The fire department visited us, as they have other local commercial kitchens, and we must update our fire hood for safety and to meet code before we can use the kitchen for cooking again. At this writing we have our permit for the work approved through the City and donations are encouraged to help us have a properly equipped kitchen with fire suppression, as required. The budget for this project is $7000 to $10,000, which is less than half of what some local restaurants have spent getting up to code. We are able to do this more affordably since our in-house maintenance man, Duane, is leading out in the work that must be done. We also saved about $5,000 since a generous restaurant owner in a nearby town sold us his slightly used fire hood for just $1500. I’ve always got my eye out for a bargain to help our Center! Let me know if you’d like to help us financially or with volunteer time. Michael Smith, Executive Director SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER Page 16 MARCH 2016 Spotlight on Lenée Cobb By Margaret Cox “The goal for my art students is not to create pretty pictures; we’ll be creating some fun messes!” So states this month’s featured person, Lenée (rhymes with Renée) Cobb, as she begins teaching a new class at Shipley Center this month. Lenée’s curriculum will be quite different from most art classes. She will begin with developing wrist control by using a more free-form, abstract kind of art, giving her students skills for future projects whatever their art focus may become. Her classes will be of benefit to the “art-challenged” (like me!); as well as those who need art therapy for healing. As the classes progress, she has ideas to get into other kinds of art, not limited to brushes and regular canvas. “We can get into 3-D art . . . gardens . . . nature.” She enthuses, “I want students to concentrate on shapes, color . . . lines, curvatures, patterns!” The back-story: Born in Kokomo Indiana, Lenée spent her early life as a “military brat,” attending many different schools as her family moved all over the United States. She has vivid memories of the devastating 1964 earthquake in Alaska, while her father was stationed at Elmendorf AFB. During all these upheavals, Lenée found the great outdoors to be her one “constant” in life. Through walking and hiking in nature, I developed a relationship with my Creator and His creation. Even today, she is an avid outdoors-woman enjoying all that nature on the Olympic Peninsula has to offer. It took a born-and-bred Sequim boy to provide roots to tame this free spirit! With plans to move to Port Angeles, as she was passing through Sequim, Lenée’s car caught on fire. Forced to purchase an old truck that needed work, she sought help from the local service station attendant, Duane . . . and, as they say, “the rest is history.” As a young couple, Duane and Lenée were excited to find five acres of affordable, raw land out on Chicken Coop Road. They pooled their resources and spent the first six months there living in a tent. On December 3rd of that year, it got so cold, they moved into their 12’ X 16’ roughed-in cabin, built by Duane, with a Franklin stove which didn’t provide much heat . . . so the next day they bought a proper-working wood stove! Without water or electricity, they “pioneered” in this cabin for 5½ years until they brought a trailer home to the site! A published writer, Lenée facilitated the Life Stories class at Shipley Center last year. She has an online business as a “personal writing assistant” offering to coach other writers in editing and formatting for publishing. Her web site,, lists other skills she can provide: typing, editing, organizing, ghost-writing, and artwork. She has also owned businesses that utilized her artistic talents, Artistic Services prior to marrying Duane, and RamBlyn Rose some years later. Lenée eagerly anticipates teaching this new Shipley Center art class, both for her students and for her, personally. She hopes many of you will accompany her on this journey . . . I know I will be! (Art class details on p. 7. ) SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Page 17 FREE TAX-AIDE SERVICE CONTINUES AT THE SHIPLEY CENTER! IRS-certified AARP TAX-AIDE volunteers are available on Wednesdays and Saturdays to prepare and electronically file your tax returns at the Shipley Center. The service is free of charge, and available through the tax season. The AARP TAX-AIDE volunteers are authorized to prepare most basic tax returns for low-and-middleincome taxpayers. They do not prepare returns for taxpayers that have income from rental properties, or for taxpayers with complicated business returns. If you think your tax return may be beyond the scope of our program, stop by and check with us . . . our taxpayers are often surprised what we CAN do for them! Although the TAX-AIDE program is sponsored by the IRS and the AARP Foundation, you do not have to be an AARP member to benefit from this free service. The program is available for taxpayers of ALL ages. Taxpayers should bring the following with them to their TAX-AIDE appointment: Photo ID for the Taxpayer (REQUIRED) Social Security cards for taxpayer, spouse and all dependents (REQUIRED) W-2 from each employer All 1099 forms (1099-INT, 1099-DIV, 1099-B, 1099-R, 1099-MISC, SSA-1099, 1099-G, 1099-C, etc.)—these include income from interest, dividends, stock sales, retirement, self-employment, Social Security, unemployment compensation, and cancellation of debt. Documentation of health insurance coverage for everyone on the tax return. Bring Form 1095, if received. Copy of 2014 tax return A check or bank document with your bank account numbers, if direct deposit desired Any other documents necessary to complete your return. For example, bring documentation of medical expenses, taxes paid, mortgage interest paid, and charitable contributions if itemizing deductions. An appointment is required. To schedule your appointment, contact the Shipley Center staff at 683-6806. Tax-Aide room usage is sponsored by Sequim Health and Rehabilitation An Old Irish Blessing May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life’s passing seasons bring the best to you and yours. SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Page 18 Chinese New Year 1/26/16 T HE S ENIOR R EPORT FEATURING NEWS ABOUT S HIPLEY C ENTER ACTIVITIES DAILY AT 10:30AM, 2:30PM & 7:30PM LISTEN VIA THE INTERNET @ WWW.KSQMFM.COM SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 Page 19 THE CENTER NEWS is published monthly for the Shipley Center, a non-profit organization at 921 E. Hammond St, Sequim. Deadline is the 12th of the month. OUR MISSION The mission of Shipley Center is to enrich the lives of adults through social, health and fitness activities, trips, educational classes, low-income housing opportunities, and referrals to community resources. SHIPLEY CENTER HOURS: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. STAFF Executive Director, Michael M. Smith Development & Program Director, Michelle Rhodes Trips Coordinator, Beth Barrett Bookkeeper, Debbie Hudson Administrative Assistant, Mary Ellen Reed OFFICE VOLUNTEERS Judi Anderson Sandee Freeman Brenda Peck Eva Rider Miriam Spreine Jane Dalton Elaine Leptich Janet Read Diana Spera Rosie Zwanziger SPECIAL PROJECT VOLUNTEERS Jim Money, Computers Steve Solberg, IT Network BOARD OF DIRECTORS Joe Borden, President Margaret Cox, Vice President Rena Blank, Secretary Don Gerber, Treasurer Raini Cacy, Crafts & Raffles Chair Lou Foldoe, Transportation Chair Ken Foster, Finance Chair, Grants Chair Bob Hitchcock, Development & Capital Campaign Carla Madison, Community Relations Chair Patty Selaya, Personnel Chair, Volunteer Coordinator Miriam Spreine, Member Relations Chair AnnaLee Smith, Social Chair B. J. Thomas, Birthday Card Coordinator THE CENTER NEWS Publisher/Editor: Raini Cacy ADVERTISING/SALES Michelle Rhodes WEB SITE: Shipley Center is not responsible for, nor does it endorse any business or service published in this paper. Articles written for this newsletter are the opinion of the authors & not necessarily those of the Shipley Center or the Board of Directors. The Shipley Center is a registered trade name of Sequim Senior Services, a WA Non-Profit corporation, Tax ID #91-1355592. Donations are tax deductible under IRS Sec 501(c)3. CLIP & USE COUPON ON SUNDAY, October 18th CLIP & USE COUPON ON SUNDAY, March 20th Announcing: Senior Sundays at Applebee’s! Where: Applebee’s in Sequim (130 River Rd) Or call 683-9090 to order “Carside-to-Go!” When: The third Sunday of every month Time: Any time from 10:00 am until midnight Who: Everyone - Diners of all ages! Give this coupon to your server when ordering! 15% of your food & non-alcoholic beverages bill will be donated to your local non-profit Shipley Center! (formerly Sequim Senior Activity Center) Thank You! Office Phone: (360) 683-6806 E-mail: MARCH 2016 Office Hours: 9 am to 4 pm SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER Travel desk: (360) 683-5883 E-mail: The Center News Sneak Peek… Don’t Miss in March Upcoming Events...........................................Page 1 Trips and Tours............................................Page 3 “Only 10 Cents a Week”..............................Page 5 Programs & Activities ...........................Page 6/7 Calendar for March..............................Page 10/11 Spotlight Lenée Cobb................................Page 16 Chinese New Year Pictures......................Page 18 … … … … … … … 1st Potluck at 11:30am 10th Amazon Books/Burkes Museums 12th Symphony Concert No. 4 15th Potluck at 11:30am 17th St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon 18th Valley Nursery/Downtown Poulsbo 24th Glenn Miller Band & & Shipley Center (formerly Sequim Senior Activity Center) 921 E. Hammond Street P.O. Box 1827 Sequim, WA 98382 Serving the Sequim-Dungeness Valley Since 1971 Be sure to visit our website at and enjoy our newsletter in full color! Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Olympic Mailing Services SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016 SHIPLEY CENTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2016
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