November 09th 2012 - The International School of Port of Spain
November 09th 2012 - The International School of Port of Spain
THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN Friday 9th November, 2012 VOLUME 19, ISSUE #12 ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER WHAT’S INSIDE FROM THE DIRECTOR Modern Language Dept. 2 Dear Parents and Students, Library Corner 3 Tech Tips 4 Athletics News 5 The PTO has finished compiling the Emergency Phone Tree. The Phone Tree is used when the school needs to get an important message to parents and is tested twice per year. As last year, we will use instant messaging to send information to you. The tree is organized into several branches with each headed by a PTO Officer. The PTO will forward messages from the school to parents who have volunteered to help, known as Key 1 and Key 2 Coordinators. Copies of the phone tree have been sent to the Coordinators. We will have the first test of the Emergency Phone Tree on Monday, November 19 at 6:00 p.m. Directions for the test will appear in the next newsletter. Maths at ISPS Community Bulletin Cafeteria Menu 7 9 Dates for your Diary November 12 HS Divali Celebration, Cafeteria & South Field, 5:30pm 13 Divali (National Holiday) 16 ES Term 1 Ends 17 PTO Open Gym, 11am1pm 19 Monday Night Gym, 68pm 23 ES Report Cards ASA Session 1 Ends 24 PTO Garage Sale, 8-11am, ISPS Gym 26 Monday Night Gym, 68pm 28 ES Parent Conferences, 12:00n-3:15pm, early dismissal for ES only Middle and High School report cards were sent home last Friday. I thank you for reviewing these and discussing any feature of the educational progress of your child with teachers. I thank you also for your participation in the educational life of your child. Like the three legs of a stool, the most productive educational experiences occur when teacher, student, and parent support the enterprise. Best of luck to our athletes! A total of 19 students travelled to Ecuador this week to represent ISPS at the CAISSA volleyball tournament. I know they will be outstanding ambassadors of our school and of Trinidad and Tobago. This past Friday saw a College Fair Day at ISPS. Twelve international universities attended to provide information to prospective first year students. We hope to build the size and scope of these events over time to offer the most comprehensive college application possible to our young learners. HS “Scene & Heard”, Theatre, 6:00pm One Mission ISPS develops independent unique potential and meet challenges with confidence and integrity as they prepare for global citizenship. A Shared Vision Please be reminded that the will be no school this coming Tuesday, November 13. Happy Divali! See you at school, A collaborative community creating a vibrant environment that enriches character, while inspiring a passion for learning and Dr. Mark Lee Director personal excellence. ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 1 Friday 9th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN LA PAGINA DEL ESPAÑOL VOLUME 19, ISSUE #12 Submitted by Rebecca Tompsett, Modern Languages Department Grade 7 celebrates the “UN International Year of Water Cooperation” Our native grade 7 students celebrate by writing poNuestros estudiantes nativos del grado siete, celebraon ecems, letters and awareness information about water ribiendo poemas, cartas e informacion sobre concientizacion y conservation and cooperation. cooperacion con el agua. Carta desde el futuro Viernes, 9 de noviembre 2055 Queridos habitantes del mundo del año 2012, 2005-2015 Agua para todos Mientras Tranquilos Estamos Mientras tranquilos estamos, el agua se está acabando. Si seguimos malgastando, sin agua nos quedamos. Gasta, gasta, gasta, mas y veras, veras en lo que vamos a terminar. Mientras más tranquilos estamos, mas y mas dejamos de darnos cuenta, de que el agua, poco a poco comienza a pasarnos la cuenta. Es nuestra, de nosotros, no le pongan costo. Las compañías de agua te dan poder, pero encontrar amor, no vas a poder. Mientras tranquilos estamos, el agua se está contaminando. El plástico es un regalo dañino, e indestructible. Del plástico no podemos escapar, como un sueño de maldad. Mientras tranquilos estamos, no vemos lo que estamos causando. El agua es importante para todo ser vivo no la malgastemos por puro egoísmo. Hay que cooperar, reducir, reusar y reciclar. Si te gusta tu humanidad, Te mandamos esta carta desde el año 2055. Somos dos estudiantes de séptimo grado del Colegio Internacional de Puerto España en la isla de Trinidad, al este de Venezuela. Les mandamos ésta carta para advertirles de su futuro y el futuro de sus hijos. El mundo se ha vuelto un infierno. Las compañías privadas han tomado control del agua del mundo después de una tercera guerra mundial que mató a millones. Ellos saben como limpiar el agua contaminada para beber y nos entrenan desde pequeños para trabajar por ellos. Cuando trabajamos para limpiar el agua cosechada de la lluvia ácida y de los mares contaminados, nos pagan con agua. Si nosotros intentamos cosechar agua de lluvia por nuestra parte, seriamos sentenciados a la muerte. En el 2012 éramos 6,7 billones de personas, ahora somos 9,3 billones. Antes los médicos nos pedían que tomáramos ocho vasos de agua al día, ahora nos dicen que tomemos medio vaso. Los jóvenes de veinte años parecen viejos de sesenta, y nadie pasa de los 35 años de edad. Todos los días miles de personas en los países mas pobres mueren de hambre. Las personas no quieren tener hijos para que ellos no tengan que sufrir lo mismo que ellos. El planeta se calienta y las capas de nieve en las montañas de los Himalaya se han descongelado. Las capas polares se han disminuido y están cerca de su fin. Los mares han subido y han inundado a las Maldivas y ciudades inmensas como Nueva York y Los Ángeles. Ya hemos perdido a muchas personas en el proceso y nuestro sufrimiento nos ha hecho lamentar nuestros errores de nuestro pasado. Nosotros queremos asegurarnos que no cometan el mismo error que nosotros para darles un futuro con esperanza. Sinceramente, Anaid y Victor Por: Anaid Jacobs y Victor Villalba esperamos que vayas a ayudar. Mientras ayudando estamos, el mundo está mejorando. Recuerda que cada vez que ayudas un poco, una gran diferencia haces. La tierra es nuestro hogar, nuestra vida, Trátalo como deberías. Cuidemos el agua Mientras flojos estamos, El mundo se esta acabando. Si ayudas al mundo, te ayudas a ti mismo. No lo eches todo a perder. Por: Sophia Gutierrez & Goretty Hoeger ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 2 Friday 9th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN VOLUME 19, ISSUE #12 El séptimo grado celebra “El Año Internacional de las Cooperativas del Agua” de la ONU El agua esta solo en tres lugares en el espacio: la Tierra, Luna, y Saturno. Cuando el cuerpo no ha consumido agua por una semana: los ojos se llenan de sangre, los labios se secan, la piel se agrieta, y la nariz se reduce por la mitad de su tamaño. Las familias en los lugares en los que no se encuentra agua, invierten la mayoría del tiempo en la búsqueda de agua. ¿Es el futuro? Sabías que… ¿Hay agua en el espacio? En muchos países sub-desarrollados el agua que se trae a casa puede provocar diarrea y deshidratación incluso la muerte. Al nacer el agua forma 80% de peso de un bebe al nacer. Los bebes en comunidades pobres son mas afectados por deshidratación y pueden morir. Hola amigos, ¿Saben que ya que el próximo año es el año del confirmado por la ONU? Y ¿Saben que también hay agua en el espacio?, !Sin duda! Hay muchos lugares en el espacio donde hay agua, en muchos cometas hay pedazos de hielo sucio. Al estar apunto de estrellarse, lo sucio se quema y los cometas se derriten. También hay agua en la luna más grande de Saturno: Titán. Es un ambiente muy frio y algunas veces con el calor de algunas lunas de Saturno, se derriten algunas partes de hielo, lo que podría significar la existencia de algún tipo de vida extraterrestre. Pero también hay agua en Marte posiblemente, porque en uno de los polos de marte hay hielo y también se derrite. Por: Edson Couto y Juan Cairo Por: Miguel Rivas Library Corner ters in this book are wild and wily trailblazers who created their own economic empires and unashamedly swayed elections. By Debbie Jacob Destiny of the Republic A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard – This brilliantly written book about the assassination of US President James Garfield brings together three stories with an unlikely connection. Destiny of the Republic reads like a suspense novel. Ethan Allen by Willard Sterne Randall – This biography of the leader of the Green Mountain Boys traces the history of a scraggly band of farmers and its bigger-than-life leader that fought for Vermont’s independence. Most people don’t realise how fragmented the early colonies were. This book shows how Allen fought the state of New York for Vermont’s independence. Read this book and you will find the history of political issues being debated today in the US. If the recent US elections made you ponder politics and history, you should check out these books in the ISPS library. The Audacity to Win by David Plouffe – A fascinating story of how Plouffe used demographics to shape Obama’s first presidential win. Plouffe’s political strategy changed the course of election history making elections in America something more than emotional guesswork. All social studies and geography students should read this book. The Big Rich: The Rise and Fall of the Greatest Texas Oil Fortunes by Bryan Burrough – It might not seem like this book has much to do with US elections, but The Big Rich shows how oil became a political factor in politics. The charac- ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 3 Friday 9th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN Decision Points by George W. Bush – Former Republican President George W. Bush’s candid assessment of his terms in office make this a mustread. Bush talks honestly and openly about how he handled Hurricane Katrina, the war in Iraq and 9/11. You don’t have to be a Republican to appreciate this book. Laura Bush Spoken from the Heart – by Laura Bush – The former First Lady tells the story of her life with the style and grace that defined her tenure in the White House. Mrs. Bush even addresses a defining moment in her life: a car accident that caused the death of her friend. It is interesting to see history from the perspective of a president’s wife. Laura Bush’s autobiography is also remarkable for the way it shows how women, particularly wives of public officials, reconcile their personal life with public life. Team of Rivals – by Doris Kearns Goodwin -- Lincoln, a relatively unknown country lawyer won the Republican nomination from four much more popular and well known men, and then he turned his enemies into his biggest supporters. This remarkable book on Lincoln’s leadership is the basis for Steven Spielberg’s movie Lincoln. A Woman in Charge by Carl Bernstein – You don’t have to be a Democrat or a Hillary Clinton fan to appreciate Bernstein’s biography of Hillary Clinton. Best known for his reporting on the Watergate scandal under Richard Nixon, Bernstein manages to create a spell-binding biography of the former first lady who serves VOLUME 19, ISSUE #12 as Secretary of State for Barack Obama. Bernstein provides brilliant insight into Clinton’s character and how the events of her life shaped her into a committed politician and devoted wife to a President embroiled in scandal over his liaison with political intern Monica Lewinsky. The Defining Moment FDR’s Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope by Jonathan Alter – The Defining Moment became famous as one of the two books (the other book was Team of Rivals) that President Barack Obama read during the last election. The Defining Moment shows how US President Franklin Roosevelt rallied a battered nation during the Great Depression. It is a story of hope defined by politics. No Ordinary Time Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II by Doris Kearns Goodwin—Goodwin won the Pulitzer Prize for this unusual biography of the Roosevelts working together as a team and using World War II as a rallying point for an isolationist country trapped in a brutal depression. This is the story of politics and partnership and it looks at how a first lady and a president worked together. Theodore Rex by Edmund Moses – No Caribbean History, Caribbean Studies or serious reader of American history or political history can afford to miss out on this biography of Theodore Roosevelt. Theodore Rex reads like a novel. It explains the Roosevelt Corollary and the Monroe Doctrine which is vitally important in understanding American involvement in the Caribbean. By Adrienne De Boucher, ICT Coordinator Ten Best Websites for Kids Most Popular Kids Websites 100 Top Websites for Kids ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 4 Friday 9th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN VOLUME 19, ISSUE #12 CAIMAN ATHLETICS NEWS VOLLEYBALL: The ISPS Caimans Girls' and Boys’ Volleyball teams are ready. CAISSA 2012 Volleyball 7th November to 11th November is on. You can follow your team on the live stream ( This team is the best we have had in years with a mix of young, talented and skilful players. They are very responsible, respectful and coachable. The entire coaching staff is very excited and know that they will be excellent ambassadors for ISPS. Good luck to the players and the coaches. Here is the Game Schedule for CAISSA Volleyball 2012 th Thursday 8 November Time BOYS GIRLS Game 1 9:00AM AC vs ECA ISPS vs CMS Game 2 10:30AM ISPS vs CMS AC vs ECA Game 3 1:00PM AC vs ISPS CMS vs ECA Game 4 2:30PM ECA vs CMS AC vs ISPS Friday 9 November Time BOYS GIRLS Game 5 9:00AM CMS vs AC ECA vs ISPS Game 6 10:30AM ISPS vs ECA CMS vs AC th th Saturday 10 November Time BOYS GIRLS Semi Final 9:00AM 1st vs. 4th 1st vs. 4th Semi Final 10:30AM 2nd vs. 3rd 2nd vs. 3rd Bronze Medal 1:00PM L –S1 vs. L-S2 L –S1 vs. L-S2 Girls Gold Medal 2:30PM Boys Gold Medal 4:00PM Team # 1 = Academia Cotopaxi (AC) Team # 2 = Escuela Campo Alegre (ECA) W-S1 vs. W-S2 W-S1 vs. W-S2 Team # 3 = International school of Port of Spain (ISPS) Team # 4 = Carol Morgan School (CMS) Games will be streamed live from Ecuador on ( or if you are interested in assisting. CAISSA SEASON 2: The International School of Port of Spain will be hosting CAISSA Boys' Basketball and Girls' Soccer from February 27th to March 3rd, 2013. The main goals of this event are to encourage the development of students through athletic endeavour, increase school spirit and foster a vibrant learning environment. The organising committee is requesting housing for the 75 students and 15 coaches from the three participating schools. Please call (620 6866) or email Also, parents who would like to support the event by supplying sports drinks, bottled water, fruits and other food items, or in any other way can also contact the Physical Education Department. Your assistance will ensure that this event will be a successful and worthwhile learning experience for the entire school community. Thank you for your support. RUGBY: The Caimans Rugby players played Belmont on Tuesday and will play Fatima B on November 15th. Coach Junior is very pleased with the progress of the boys and is hopeful that they can go all the way. In the October 26th newsletter, I indicated that it was the opinion of have always enjoyed a very positive relationship and friendly and the Maple Leaf coaches that some of our Caiman players were not at competitive spirit. I look forward to this continuing tradition over the their level. I regret if my comment was offensive or distressful to the course of the year. fine coaches at the Maple Leaf International School. Our schools Ashmir Ali, Athletic Director ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 5 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN Friday 9th November, 2012 VOLUME 19, ISSUE #12 Training Schedules for Middle /High School Season 2 November to March MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS PROGRAM: Season 2 Time From Monday 12 November students (Grades 6-12) will have the opportunity to participate in Varsity Girls Soccer, Varsity Boys Basketball, Rugby, MS Boys Soccer, and MS Girls Basketball (please see schedule). All interested students should come out to practice sessions to improve their skills, develop their fitness and compete. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday MS Girls Basketball 2:30-3:30 Rugby 2:30-4:00 3:30-5:30 Rugby MS Boys Soccer Rugby MS Boys Soccer MS Girls Basketball 3:30-5:00 Ashmir Ali, Athletics Director Friday MS Boys Soccer Varsity Girls Soccer Varsity Boys Basketball MS Girls Basketball Varsity Girls Soccer Varsity Girls Soccer Varsity Boys Basketball Varsity Boys Basketball 1-Day Dive & BBQ Trip, South Tobago Dear Dive Club Members, Some of you missed the trip to Tobago in October. Well here is your chance to make up! And what better way than to experience diving in South Tobago! Along with some snorkeling, a BBQ Lunch and a dip in the Nylon Pool. Mr Scheer and the Dive Team at Tobago Dive Experience & World of Watersports are planning a one-day trip (Sunday 2nd December) to the dive sites in South Tobago. Please contact Mr. Scheer if you are interested in joining us! Jordan Scheer, SUNDAY 02 DECEMBER, 2012 Time Activity Arrive in Tobago; Transfer to World of Watersports at Magdalena Grand Beach Resort to get equipment & change; Transfer to jetty 2 boat dives will be done with suitably certified divers, one of them at the wreck in the south “The Maverick”, weather permitting (if you have already done this another site will be offered); After diving go by boat to No Man’s Land for a BEACH BBQ of chicken, fish, hot dogs, potato salad, pasta & fresh Xmas salad, all drizzled with BBQ sauce ; Chill, swim and have fun on No Man’s Land; Followed by Snorkeling in Buccoo Reef and a dip in the Nylon Pool, out in the middle of the Ocean! Return to jetty; Transfer back to World of Watersports to change; 6:00 pm Transfer to the ANR Airport for check-in. 8:05 pm Return to Trinidad. 8:05 am 9:30 am – 1:00 pm 1:00 – 5:00 pm 5:00 pm ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 6 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN Friday 9th November, 2012 VOLUME 19, ISSUE #12 Nadia Chuckaree, Maths Department BE A PROBLEM SOLVER SOLUTIONS FOR WEEK 1 High School Solution: It started snowing at (51/2-1)/2 hours before 6:00am, or 5:22:55am. Middle School Solution: 11 cartons total Elementary School Grades 1-3 Solution THE MERCHANT HAS 32 GOLD COINS Elementary School Grades 4-5 Solution 2 CAKES PLEASE CHECK THE BOARD FOR THE FULL SOLUTION PROBLEM SOLVERS WEEK 1 These are our Problem Solvers for this week… Thanks for participating Michael Charles Josh Sabeeney Alejandra Gonzalez Sofia Vergara Annalies Chan Christie Sabga Sidharthan Babu Steven Sanders Melita Rezende Eliana Velarde Clarisse Gieowarsingh Please remember to print your name clearly and keep on being PROBLEM SOLVERS!! ISPS and Sustain T&T: Green Screen Film Festival are proud to present a screening of the feature film documentary “The Island President” This inspiring story follows Mohammed Nasheed, the president of the Maldives, and his fight to increase global awareness of the world-wide problem of climate change and rising sea levels. As the president of the lowest-lying country in the world, he is in a unique position to spread the word about how imminent this danger really is. Monday, 19 November, 2012 at 6:30 in the ISPS Theatre. Admission is free. For more information: Jordan Scheer, COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Happy Divali to our Hindu community! November 13th No School ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER The Second Hand Uniform Committee next general sale will be Nov 17 at the PTO Open Gym If you know exactly what you need to purchase please contact Gaye Pickering at or complete the order forms located in the Front Office. CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 7 Friday 9th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN VOLUME 19, ISSUE #12 PTO Garage Sale Tickets Available at the Front Desk Saturday, November 24 8:00am - 11:00am Tables are $200TTD Please sign up with Ms. Hazel in the Front Office if you are interested in having a space. HS presents MONDAY NIGHT GYM Aerobics/Cardio workouts, Table Tennis, Badminton, Volleyball, Sports, Sports, Sports! November 19th, 26th and December 3rd, 10th 6PM to 8PM Aerobics (11/19) with Rachel Baker Aerobics (11/26) with Mollie Peacock Scene & Heard “Voices from the High School” by Peter Dee Free Admission Open to ISPS parents, students, staff and family members PTO BOOK FAIR PTO USED BOOK SALE Moved to Spring (date to be announced) PTO Open Gym Now on Saturday, November 17 Wed., December 5 11:00am - 1:00pm The book bus will be at ISPS for the annual PTO Book Fair! November 28th ISPS Theatre, 6pm Elementary School Parent/Teacher Conferences Wednesday, November 28 12:00 - 3:15pm (11:30am dismissal for ES students) ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 8 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN Friday 9th November, 2012 16 ES Term 1 Ends 24 PTO Garage Sale, 8-11am, ISPS Gym November 17 PTO Open Gym, 11am-1pm 26 Monday Night Gym, 6-8pm Print 12 Monday Night Gym, 6-8pm 28 23 ES Report Cards ES Parent Conferences, 12:00n3:15pm, early dismissal for ES only Page HS Divali Celebration, Cafeteria & South Field, 5:30pm 19 13 Divali (National Holiday) ASA Session 1 Ends HS “Scene & Heard”, Theatre, 6:00pm Easy Dates for your Diary VOLUME 19, ISSUE #12 Cafeteria Menu: November 12-16, 2012 Everyday there will be a set menu at a fixed cost (Table d’hôte) and some days may have an À la carte menu where items are priced individually MONDAY 12TH CURRIED CHICKEN, MASSALA GOAT, TANDOORI FISH, BUSS UP SHUT/DHAL PURI, CURRIED POTATOES AND CHANNA, CURRIED MANGO, PUMPKIN CHOKA, FRESH FRUIT SALAD, FRESH FRUIT JUICE TUESDAY 13TH NO SCHOOL: DIVALI WEDNESDAY 14TH MEATBALLS IN TOMATO SAUCE, PENNE PASTA, CHEESE BREAD, CAESAR SALAD, FRESH FRUIT JUICE THURSDAY 15TH BEEF SOUP, CHICKEN NOODLES SOUP, CORN CHOWDER, BREAD ROLLS, FRESH FRUIT SALAD, FRESH FRUIT JUICE FRIDAY 16TH BEEF BURGERS, HOT DOGS, PIZZAS, CHICKEN ZINGERS, FRENCH FRIES, SALAD BAR, FRESH FRUIT JUICE ( A LA CARTE) PASTA DELIGHT, BREAD ROLLS, FRESH SALAD, FRESH FRUIT JUICE Breakfast available from 6:30am! Prices for Lunch: VAT INCLUSIVE (Table d’hôte)- Fixed Menu: Small: $23.00 Large: $28.75 Prices for (A la Carte Menu) : VAT INCLUSIVE: Beef Sub:$16.10(sm) $19.55(m) Chicken Sub:$14.95(sm) $17.25(m) Meatball Sub:$16.10(sm) $19.55(m) Bake & Shark: $20.00 French Fries: $9.20 Regular Juices: $4.60(m) $9.20(l) Note: Vegetarian meals are available upon request. Students & Staff who suffer from allergies or have dietary requirements, please let the café know in advance so that they can try to facilitate you. ***Freshly baked bread will be on sale in the café every Friday afternoon*** DAILY A LA CARTE MENU TUNA SANDWICH BLT HAM & CHEESE $13.80 $16.10 $13.00 ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CHEESE SANDWICH TURKEY SANDWICH CHEF’S SALAD TUNA SALAD $10.35 $18.40 $28.30 $26.00 CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY CHICKEN SANDWICH HAM CHICKEN SALAD $13.80 $12.65 $28.30 9
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