akron beacon journal
akron beacon journal
AKRON BEACON JOURNAL WWW.OHIO.COM INFORMING. ENG AGING. ESSENTIAL. 44 E Exchange St, Akron, OH 44309 • Retail Ads: 330.996.3410 • Classified Ads: 330.996.3350 AKRON BEACON JOURNAL WWW.OHIO.COM INFORMING. ENG AGING. ESSENTIAL. Home Delivery + Mail Delivery = Total Market Coverage (TMC) The Savvy Shopper is a jacket that contains display ads and holds inserts. It is distributed to all subscribers and single copy sales of the Saturday Akron Beacon Journal and also is mailed via the United States Postal Service—usually on Friday or Saturday each week—to non-subscribers of the Saturday Akron Beacon Journal through most of Summit County, western Portage County, Wadsworth, and Doylestown. The Savvy Shopper has virtually unduplicated saturation within the mailed geographical footprint. There are two main advertising opportunities available with the Savvy Shopper: Display ads on the Savvy Shopper jacket - Half and full page ad positions on the front page, back page, and first inside page of Savvy. Only the full run distribution of Savvy (in-paper and in-mail combined) can be purchased. - Coupon ads on the second inside page of Savvy. There are five geographically zoned versions of the coupon pages for better targeting for smaller businesses. One to all five zones may be purchased. Each zone reaches a mixture of both inpaper and mailed homes within their respective geographies. 44 E Exchange St, Akron, OH 44309 • Retail Ads: 330.996.3410 • Classified Ads: 330.996.3350 Inserts inside of the Savvy Shopper jacket - Preprinted inserts can be placed in either the in-paper jackets only, the mailed jackets only, or a combination of both for true total market coverage (TMC). For quantities needed, please refer to the insert load sheet. - For in-paper insert pricing, please refer to the ABJ Preprint Rate Card - For mailed insert pricing, please refer to the Mailed Savvy Shopper Insert Rate Card. Pricing is based on weight of inserts as it affects the overall postage cost of Savvy. - Beacon Sheets (print & deliver) inserts can be placed in either the in-paper jackets only, the mailed jackets only, or a combination of both. For quantities needed, please refer to the insert load sheet. - For rating information, please refer to the Beacon Sheets Print & Deliver Rate Card. Pricing is for any combination of in-paper and/or mailed. 14 AKRON BEACON JOURNAL WWW.OHIO.COM INFORMING. ENG AGING. ESSENTIAL. Top (1/8 Page) Top (1/4 Page) Bottom (1/2 Page) Zoned Coupons Front Top Flag Mailing Indicia Top (1/2 Page) Front Side Flag Bottom (1/2 Page) Page 4 (Back Page) Page 3 Page 2 (Coupon Page - Zoned) Page 1 (Inside Left) (Cover/Front Page) Deadlines – All digital files are due on Wednesday by noon, 13 business days prior to distribution date. Image Resolution – 100 Line Screen / 200 resolution; CMYK (NO RGB FILES); All placed images should be at 100% Application Support – Adobe Acrobat PDF Native Files – We support the following applications: InDesign, Quark, Illustrator, PhotoShop. When submitting a disk or document files, be sure to include art and font files (no TrueType Fonts, please) File Conversion – All files should be saved as Acrobat PDF files. Visit our website at ads.thebeaconjournal.com for Distiller settings for your application, or call our Digital Pre Press Department at 330-996-3170 or 330-996-3394 if you have any questions. FTP file upload – You can conveniently upload your PDF, eps and document files via our FTP site at ads.thebeaconjournal.com by selecting “File delivery” Jacket Ad Sizes and Rates (flat) Jacket Position Open 6x 12x 26x 52x Ad Size Page 1 / Front Top Flag Ad Page 1 / Front Side Flag Ad Page 1 / Front Top (1/2 Page) Page 1 / Front Bottom (1/2 Page) Page 2 / Inside Bottom (1/2 Page) Page 2 / Inside Top (1/4 Page) Page 2 / Inside Top (1/8 Page) Page 3 / Inside Zoned Coupon (PER ZONE) Page 4 / Back Top (1/2 Page) Page 4 / Back Bottom (1/2 Page) Inset - 4 Page Broadsheet Inset - 2 Page Broadsheet $250 $250 $4,950 $4,550 $3,800 $2,000 $1,100 N/A $4,550 $4,550 $19,000 $14,250 $250 $250 $4,575 $4,200 $3,350 $1,850 $1,000 $90 $4,200 $4,200 $15,250 $11,450 $250 $250 $4,200 $3,850 $3,000 $1,650 $900 $75 $3,850 $3,850 $14,175 $10,650 $250 $250 $3,800 $3,500 $2,750 $1,500 $825 $70 $3,500 $3,500 $13,750 $10,325 $250 $250 $3,450 $3,175 $2,400 $1,320 $725 $65 $3,175 $3,175 $13,250 $9,950 3.89" wide x 2" tall 2.375" wide x 4.25" tall 8" wide x 8.75" tall 10.5" wide x 10" tall 10.5" wide x 10" tall 5.15" wide x 10.25" tall 5.15" wide x 5" tall 3.25" wide x 2.6" tall 11.5" wide x 10.25" tall 11.5" wide x 10" tall 11" wide x 21.5" tall (x4) 11" wide x 21.5" tall (x2) 44 E Exchange St, Akron, OH 44309 • Retail Ads: 330.996.3410 • Classified Ads: 330.996.3350 15 Effective January 1, 2013 AKRON BEACON JOURNAL WWW.OHIO.COM INFORMING. ENG AGING. ESSENTIAL. Downtown Akron Preprints and Beacon Sheets (P&D) inserted into the Akron Beacon Journal and Savvy Shopper are distributed by load numbers. The following maps indicate a visual reference of where these loads are located in the Greater Akron area. For more detailed load maps, please consult with your Akron Beacon Journal sales representative. For insert quantities by load and for details regarding the areas covered by further load breakdowns (sub-zips, where available), please refer to the preprint load worksheet or consult with your sales representative. Greater Akron (Overview) 44 E Exchange St, Akron, OH 44309 • Retail Ads: 330.996.3410 • Classified Ads: 330.996.3350 16 AKRON BEACON JOURNAL WWW.OHIO.COM INFORMING. ENG AGING. ESSENTIAL. Home S avvy S h o p p er H o m e D e liv e r y S u b Z ip ( s ) Z ip ( s ) C it y /T o w n /A r e a ( N e ig h b o r h o o d ) M o n d ay Tu e -Th u F r id a y S a t u rd a y S u n d ay 1 M 01 44231, 44255, & 44288 N . P o r ta g e C o u n ty ( G a r r e tts v ille , M a n tu a , & W in d h a m ) 231 156 269 320 349 N /A 2 A02 44236 H u d so n 1456 1253 1560 1766 1798 7397 3 A03, B03 44286, 44264 R ic h fie ld , P e n in s u la 708 591 768 837 886 2750 4 A04, B04 44333 F a ir la w n 3135 2751 3265 3477 3512 4619 5 A05, B05, C 05 44223 C u y a h o g a F a lls ( W e s t/N o r th w e s t) 2803 2370 3014 3400 3485 4624 6 C 06, D 06, E06, F 06 44224 S to w 4648 3820 5020 5786 5977 11578 7 A07, C 07, D 07, E07 44221 C u y a h o g a F a lls ( S o u th /S o u th e a s t) 3383 2791 3713 4280 4474 10666 8 A08, B08, C 08, D 08 44313 A k r o n ( M e r r im a n /H a w k in s /R id g e w o o d ) 3662 3233 3874 4288 4371 8762 9 A09, B09 44310 A k r o n ( N o r th H ill) 1833 1499 2038 2383 2435 8054 10 A10, B10, C 10 44278 T a llm a d g e 2910 2423 3134 3501 3537 4203 11 A11, B11 44321 C o p le y 1840 1543 1989 2241 2299 4303 12 A12, B12 44320 A k r o n ( M u ll/S . H a w k in s /C o p le y R d .) 2025 1685 2176 2486 2549 7522 13 A13 44303 A k r o n ( N . P o r ta g e P a th & M e m o r ia l P k w y .) 1066 959 1109 1184 1195 2791 14 A14 44302 A k r o n ( E x c h a n g e & M a r k e t, W e s t o f H w y . 5 9 ) 372 314 403 475 496 2390 15 A15 44304 A k r o n ( H o w a r d S t. & N o r th S t.) 105 98 107 110 114 1690 16 A16 44260 M o g a d o r e ( S u ffie ld ) 1674 1386 1827 2116 2216 3330 17 A17 44307 A k r o n ( W e s t A k r o n - E a s t A v e . & W o o s te r A v e ./O p p o r tu n ity P k w y .) 610 538 661 778 810 3104 18 M 18 44308 & 44311 A k r o n ( D o w n to w n & W o lf L e d g e s P k w y .) 429 389 449 446 450 2977 19 A19, C 19 44305 A k r o n ( E a s t A k r o n /G o o d y e a r H ts .) 2044 1658 2290 2674 2710 6897 20 A20, B20, C 20, D 20, E20 44312, 44250 A k r o n ( E lle t/S p r in g fie ld T w p .) /L a k e m o r e 4168 3497 4553 5169 5486 9172 21 A21, B21, C 21, D 21 44306 A k r o n ( S o u th A r lin g to n /W a te r lo o /W ilb e th ) 1552 1273 1691 2100 2179 7898 22 A22, C 22 44301 A k r o n ( F ir e s to n e P a r k ) 1475 1249 1582 1864 1923 4848 23 A23 44314 A kr o n ( K e n m o r e ) 1800 1460 1998 2299 2445 6068 24 A24, B24 44319 A k r o n ( P o r ta g e L a k e s /N e w F r a n k lin /C o v e n tr y ) 3183 2679 3455 3904 4054 6474 25 B25, C 25 44685 U n io n to w n 3283 2762 3508 3947 4189 7124 26 A26, D 26, E26 44203 B a r b e r to n /N o r to n 5102 4223 5543 6308 6712 12080 D e liv e r y L o a d (S at. N o n -S u b s) 27 A27 44216 C lin to n 1244 998 1387 1584 1675 2297 28 M 28 44708 & 44718 C a n to n ( H ills a n d D a le s & J a c k s o n B e ld e n ) 498 428 520 556 566 N /A E . S ta r k C o u n ty ( A llia n c e , C a n to n , S e b r in g , L o u is v ille , & M in e r v a ) 903 736 968 1061 1091 N /A 44601, 44705, 44703, 44706, 29 M 29 44672, 44641, 44657, 44709, 44721 & 44714 30 A30, M 30 44646, 44662, 44647 & 44666 M a s s illo n ( J a c k s o n T w p .) , N a v a r r e , & N o r th L a w r e n c e 798 657 859 947 981 N /A 31 M 31 44217, 44270, 44276 & 44645 N . W a y n e C o u n ty ( C r e s to n , R ittm a n , S te r lin g , & M a r s h a llv ille ) 958 686 1077 1289 1362 N /A 1852 1360 2064 2460 2591 N /A 2062 1416 2361 2862 3044 N /A 3443 2759 3786 4356 4662 8552 44254, 44691, 44606, 44676, 32 M 32 44654, 44637, 44667, 44677 & 44618 W . W a y n e C o u n ty ( L o d i, W o o s te r , A p p le C r e e k , S h r e v e , M ille r s b u r g , K illb u c k , O r r v ille , S m ith v ille , & D a lto n ) 44266, 44411, 44201, 44449, R a v e n n a /S . P o r ta g e C o u n ty ( D e e r fie ld , A tw a te r , N o r th B e n to n , 35 A35, M 35 44272 & 44412 R o o ts to w n , & D ia m o n d ) 36 A36, B36, C 36, D 36 44281 W a d s w o r th 37 M 37 44215, 44235, 44273 & 44275 709 496 808 1001 1090 N /A 38 A38 44632 H a r tv ille 555 465 596 684 748 3098 50 A50 44614 C a n a l F u lto n 793 643 847 972 1047 N /A 51 A51 44230 D o y le s to w n 925 729 1042 1210 1296 2182 52 A52, F 52 44720 N o r th C a n to n 1238 1056 1317 1441 1515 N /A 53 M 53 44136, 44141, 44212 & 44280 117 93 126 145 152 N /A 54 A54 44241 S tr e e ts b o r o 371 260 431 535 605 6820 55 A55, D 55, E55 44240 Kent 1998 1514 2251 2606 2725 14745 56 M 56 44056, 44067, 44087 & 44202 785 633 842 971 1014 N /A 57 A57, B57, F 57 44256 M e d in a 1462 1109 1642 1977 2118 N /A 58 A58 44262 M u n r o e F a lls 783 667 848 955 989 1245 76,991 63,305 83,768 95,751 99,922 190,260 M o n d ay Tu e -Th u F r id a y S a t u rd a y S u n d ay S . M e d in a C o u n ty ( C h ip p e w a L a k e , H o m e r v ille , S e v ille , & S p e n ce r ) N . M e d in a C o u n ty ( B r u n s w ic k , V a lle y C ity , S tr o n g s v ille , B r e c k s v ille , H in k le y ) N . S u m m it C o u n ty ( M a c e d o n ia , S a g a m o r e H ills , N o r th fie ld , T w in s b u r g , A u r o r a , & R e m in d e r v ille ) H D T o ta l S in g le C o p y L o ad S avvy S h o p p er (S at. N o n -S u b s) 40 S in g le C o p y - C le v e la n d , C u y a h o g a C o u n ty 425 468 444 397 672 N /A 41 S in g le C o p y - A k r o n , S u m m it C o u n ty 5800 6844 6246 5962 14560 N /A 44 S in g le C o p y - C a n to n , S ta r k C o u n ty 1104 1232 1147 1217 2286 N /A 46 S in g le C o p y - M e d in a /W o o s te r , W a y n e C o u n ty & M e d in a C o u n ty 735 847 743 756 2341 N /A 48 S in g le C o p y - K e n t/R a v e n n a , P o r ta g e C o u n ty 638 681 659 663 2293 N /A 8,702 10,072 9,239 8,995 22,152 A B C A u d it , M a r c h 2 0 1 2 M o n d ay Tu e -Th u F r id a y S a t u rd a y S u n d ay F U L L R U N T o ta l 85,693 73,377 93,007 104,746 122,074 S C T o ta l 44 E Exchange St, Akron, OH 44309 • Retail Ads: 330.996.3410 • Classified Ads: 330.996.3350 17 S avvy S h o p p er (S at. N o n -S u b s) 190,260 ABC Audit, March 2012 (Updated 1/2/2013) AKRON BEACON JOURNAL WWW.OHIO.COM INFORMING. ENG AGING. ESSENTIAL. Need to reach more than just the ABJ with your insert? Try shared mail… T otal Num ber of P reprints in T hous ands (C P M) Multiply m ailed quantity by We've got the market covered with The Savvy Shopper! c orres ponding W e ig h t o f w eight P ie ce --- CP M 0 - 0.24 --- $43.10 $0.043 0.25 - 0.34 --- $47.53 $0.048 0.35 - 0.44 --- $52.01 $0.052 0.45 - 0.54 --- $56.50 $0.056 0.55 - 0.64 --- $60.98 $0.061 0.65 - 0.74 --- $65.46 $0.065 Here are the steps to determine the cost: 0.75 - 0.84 --- $69.89 $0.070 1. Determine the weight (in oz.) of an individual insert. 0.85 - 0.94 --- $74.38 $0.074 2. Look up the CPM at right based on the insert weight. 0.95 - 1.04 --- $78.86 $0.079 3. Figure the distribution quantity needed. 1.05 - 1.14 --- $83.35 $0.083 4. Divide the distribution quantity by 1,000. 1.15 - 1.24 --- $87.83 $0.088 5. Multiply the result of #2 with the result of #4 1.25 - 1.34 --- $92.26 $0.092 1.35 - 1.44 --- $96.74 $0.097 1.45 - 1.54 --- $101.23 $0.101 1.55 - 1.64 --- $105.71 $0.106 1.65 - 1.74 --- $110.19 $0.110 1.75 - 1.84 --- $114.63 $0.115 1.85 - 1.94 --- $119.11 $0.119 1.95 - 2.05 --- $123.59 $0.124 2.06 - 2.15 --- $127.81 $0.128 2.16 - 2.24 --- $132.03 $0.132 2.25 - 2.34 --- $136.25 $0.136 2.35 - 2.44 --- $140.47 $0.140 in se rt At right are rates to determine the total cost to distribute a preprinted insert into the mailed portion of the Savvy Shopper. Because the mailed portion of Savvy Shopper is distributed by the United States Postal Service, the insert rates are determined by their postal weight. Alternately, simply determine the weight and multiply the corresponding piece rate by the total number of inserts. A separate insert rate card is available to determine the pricing of any insert for in the Akron Beacon Journal, including the Savvy Shopper within the Saturday Akron Beacon Journal. Approximate weight guide based on popular inserts Piece type and size R a te Pages Wt. (oz.) 2.45 - 2.54 --- $143.74 $0.144 Single Sheet – 8.5x11, 60# 2 0.16 2.55 - 2.64 --- $147.96 $0.148 Newsprint broadsheet – 10x21 4 0.48 2.65 - 2.74 --- $152.18 $0.152 2.75 - 2.84 --- $154.29 $0.154 Flexi tab (loose) – 10.5x9 8 0.48 2.85 - 2.94 --- $158.51 $0.159 Flexi tab (loose) – 8x9.625 16 0.72 2.95 - 3.04 --- $160.62 $0.161 Newsprint mini tab w/gate – 10.5x9 20 1.20 3.05 - 3.14 --- $162.73 $0.163 3.15 - 3.24 --- $164.84 $0.165 3.25 - 3.34 --- $166.95 $0.167 Flexi tab (loose) – 10x10 24 1.36 Newsprint tab – 11.5x12 24 1.76 Flexi tab (loose) – 8.625x9.375 48 2.24 a dd $ 3 .0 0 c pm pe r .1 0 oz . 3.20 Rates are subject to be adjusted after weight of the insert is verified by the United States Postal Service. Flexi tab (stitched) – 10.375x9 64 44 E Exchange St, Akron, OH 44309 • Retail Ads: 330.996.3410 • Classified Ads: 330.996.3350 For ins e r ts a bove 3 .3 5 oz ., 18 Inserts for the mailed portion of Savvy Shopper must be delivered at least ten days prior to the Savvy Shopper mail date to: Akron Beacon Journal Attn: Savvy Shopper 485 S Broadway Akron, OH 44328 For directions, please call 330-996-3000, #8 For dock info, please call 330-996-3975 Dock hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 am - 3:00 pm (Holidays excluded). Night receiving will be handled on an individual basis with advance request. Inserts must be clearly marked for the Savvy Shopper with advertiser name, distribution/run date, and total number of inserts. PLEASE NOTE: Beacon Sheet Print & Deliver Inserts are prepriced and have weight factored into the pricing. You do not need to refer to this Mailed Savvy Insert Rate Card for pricing on a Beacon Sheet. Rates effective January 1, 2013 AKRON BEACON JOURNAL WWW.OHIO.COM INFORMING. ENG AGING. ESSENTIAL. Coated O R Non-Coated Full color, double-sided inserts produced AND distributed for one low price! 8 .5 " x 5 .5 " Don’t be bitten by sharks out there… Non-Coated W h ite P ap er P astel P ap er * F u ll C o lo r , D o u b le-sid ed B lack In k, D o u b le-sid ed C PM P er P iece C PM P er P iece 1 0 ,0 0 0 - 1 9 ,9 9 9 $ 6 3 .5 0 $ 0 .0 6 4 $ 6 5 .5 0 $ 0 .0 6 6 2 0 ,0 0 0 - 2 9 ,9 9 9 $ 5 8 .5 0 $ 0 .0 5 9 $ 6 0 .5 0 $ 0 .0 6 1 3 0 ,0 0 0 - 4 9 ,9 9 9 $ 4 8 .5 0 $ 0 .0 4 9 $ 5 0 .5 0 $ 0 .0 5 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 - 9 9 ,9 9 9 $ 4 0 .2 5 $ 0 .0 4 0 $ 4 2 .2 5 $ 0 .0 4 2 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d o v e r $ 3 7 .0 0 $ 0 .0 3 7 $ 3 9 .0 0 $ 0 .0 3 9 Coated O R Non-Coated 5 .6 6 " x 1 1 " Some programs tout effective and smart marketing, but the numbers state otherwise. With their $1,500 program: Reach 600 homes and spend $2.50 per address $1,500 invested with US: Reach 30,928 homes and spend only $.05 per address! W h ite P ap er F u ll C o lo r , D o u b le-sid ed C PM P er P iece 1 0 ,0 0 0 - 1 9 ,9 9 9 $ 7 2 .5 0 $ 0 .0 7 3 2 0 ,0 0 0 - 2 9 ,9 9 9 $ 6 8 .7 5 $ 0 .0 6 9 3 0 ,0 0 0 - 4 9 ,9 9 9 $ 5 2 .5 0 $ 0 .0 5 3 5 0 ,0 0 0 - 9 9 ,9 9 9 $ 4 2 .7 5 $ 0 .0 4 3 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d o v e r $ 4 0 .0 0 $ 0 .0 4 0 Coated O R Non-Coated 8 .5 " x 1 1 " Print and deliver insert pricing is offered on a cost per thousand (CPM) insert basis. All costs of printing, inserting, and limited graphic design are included in this one easy price. Pricing is for a 60# weighted paper stock. Please ask for pricing if a different paper weight is desired. Non-Coated W h ite P ap er P astel P ap er * F u ll C o lo r , D o u b le-sid ed B lack In k, D o u b le-sid ed C PM P er P iece C PM P er P iece 1 0 ,0 0 0 - 1 9 ,9 9 9 $ 8 4 .7 5 $ 0 .0 8 5 $ 8 6 .7 5 $ 0 .0 8 7 2 0 ,0 0 0 - 2 9 ,9 9 9 $ 7 9 .2 5 $ 0 .0 7 9 $ 8 1 .2 5 $ 0 .0 8 1 3 0 ,0 0 0 - 4 9 ,9 9 9 $ 5 8 .5 0 $ 0 .0 5 9 $ 6 0 .5 0 $ 0 .0 6 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 - 9 9 ,9 9 9 $ 4 5 .0 0 $ 0 .0 4 5 $ 4 7 .0 0 $ 0 .0 4 7 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d o v e r $ 4 2 .7 5 $ 0 .0 4 3 $ 4 4 .7 5 $ 0 .0 4 5 • 1/2 f olding av ailable f or an additional $5 c pm Required minimum quantities needed for insertion: • Daily (M-F) ABJ - 10,000 pieces • Saturday ABJ - 10,000 pieces • Sunday ABJ* - 25,000 pieces • Mailed Savvy (TMC) - Full quantity to reach any one sub-zip; No partial loads accepted. 10" x 11" (N on-C oated: 10" x11.5" ) *Includes major Holidays and designated Bonus circulation days Estimated lead times needed from insertion date: • Camera-ready pieces: 3 weeks • ABJ Graphics-built pieces: 4 weeks Coated O R Non-Coated W h ite P ap er F u ll C o lo r , D o u b le-sid ed C PM P er P iece 1 0 ,0 0 0 - 1 9 ,9 9 9 $ 9 0 .5 0 $ 0 .0 9 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 - 2 9 ,9 9 9 $ 8 3 .5 0 $ 0 .0 8 4 3 0 ,0 0 0 - 4 9 ,9 9 9 $ 6 5 .2 5 $ 0 .0 6 5 5 0 ,0 0 0 - 9 9 ,9 9 9 $ 5 3 .0 0 $ 0 .0 5 3 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d o v e r $ 4 9 .0 0 $ 0 .0 4 9 • 1/2 f olding av ailable f or an additional $5 c pm * Pastel Paper Colors Available (Black ink only): 11" x 17" Goldenrod (fo ld ed ) Canary Yellow Pink Light Green Light Blue Coated O R Non-Coated Non-Coated W h ite P ap er P astel P ap er * F u ll C o lo r , D o u b le-sid ed B lack In k, D o u b le-sid ed C PM P er P iece C PM P er P iece 1 0 ,0 0 0 - 1 9 ,9 9 9 $ 1 1 3 .7 5 $ 0 .1 1 4 $ 1 1 5 .7 5 $ 0 .1 1 6 2 0 ,0 0 0 - 2 9 ,9 9 9 $ 1 0 9 .0 0 $ 0 .1 0 9 $ 1 1 1 .0 0 $ 0 .1 1 1 3 0 ,0 0 0 - 4 9 ,9 9 9 $ 7 8 .2 5 $ 0 .0 7 8 $ 8 0 .2 5 $ 0 .0 8 0 5 0 ,0 0 0 - 9 9 ,9 9 9 $ 6 9 .7 5 $ 0 .0 7 0 $ 7 1 .7 5 $ 0 .0 7 2 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d o v e r $ 6 9 .0 0 $ 0 .0 6 9 $ 7 1 .0 0 $ 0 .0 7 1 • Initial f old inc luded. A dditional f olds av ailable f or ex tr a $5 c pm per f old. 44 E Exchange St, Akron, OH 44309 • Retail Ads: 330.996.3410 • Classified Ads: 330.996.3350 19 Effective January 1, 2013 AKRON BEACON JOURNAL WWW.OHIO.COM INFORMING. ENG AGING. ESSENTIAL. Jacket Wrap and Coupons Actor’s Summit Akron Racers Akron Zoo All Ears Beef O’Brady’s Beiler’s Market Belgrade Gardens Bocassio’s Bombay Café In Stow Carnival of Horrors Cartridge World Champion Windows Chick-fil-A Chin's Place Cleveland Air Show Decheco’s Pizza Doug Chevrolet Tubbs Chiropractic Dr. George Empire Window Esprit Cleaners Fast Lane Fiesta Del Rancho Fiesta Pizza Fin Feather & Fur Outfitters Finally Hear Flower Factory Fred Martin Auto Group Fred’s Diner Friendly's Furniture & Carpet Source Gionino’s Pizzeria Great Wall Buffet Gus’s Chalet Halo Spa and Salon Hamburger Station Hearing Solutions Italian Festival Jake’s Wayback Burger Jennings Heating & Cooling Jewelry & Gold Exchange Jimmy Biggs Johnny Malloy’s Kames Klaben Knudson Jewelers Legends Litehouse Pools Little Caesars Lucky Shoes Magic City Lanes Main St. Saloon Mama Rose’s Marc’s Max McQ’s Menches Bros. Mi Casa Miracle Carpet National Air Duct National Now Northport Carpet On Tap Overstock Oasis Preprinted Inserts and Beacon Sheets Papa Johns Pav’s Creamery Pekar Music Pieces Fine Furniture Pizza Hut Pizza Pan Quaker Steak & Lube Red Wing Shoes Remnant Riot Revol Wireless Roadhouse Rolling Ridge Ranch Rowe's Body Shop Rudy's Carpet & Flooring Rufener Hilltop Farms Sausage Shoppe The Shoe Horn, Inc. Silver Run Vineyard Skyway Snap Fitness Spaghetti Warehouse Spitzer Ford Summit Cty Dept. of Job and Family Taylor Made Jewelry TGI Fridays Tim’s Pizzeria Tire King TJ's Amber Family Restaurant Vaccaro’s Pizza Vaccaro’s Trattoria Wadsworth Recycling Wayside Furniture Welch’s Dairy Window World The Wireless Center Wooster Construction YMCA Your Pizza 44 E Exchange St, Akron, OH 44309 • Retail Ads: 330.996.3410 • Classified Ads: 330.996.3350 Acme Fresh Markets Aldi April Mae's Barberton Tree Service Big Lots Blind & Sons Charley’s Grilled Subs China Dragon China Express Chin's Place City of Akron Cleveland Orchestra Continental Cuisine Cuyahoga Valley Youth Ballet CVS Dayton Nursery Dollar Tree Dunrite Exteriors Ellet IGA E-Z Acceptance Builders, Inc. Finally Hear Five Below Furniture & Carpet Source Gander Mountain GFS Marketplace Good Nature Organic Lawn Care Great Lakes Hyundai Great Wall Buffet H H Gregg Ianazones Pizza Kelly's Kitchen Kenmore Community Council KeyBank Kia Kmart Leap Levin Furniture Lowe's Lucky Shoes Mattress Warehouse Menard's Mentor Clothes Monro Muffler/Brake Mr. Tire Nature Stone News America Marketing O'Charley's Panera Bread Petco Rite Aid RSVP Rubber City Pizza Ryan Homes Sears / Sears Hardware Shoe Horn South Plaza Summa Care Health Plan Taylor Made Jewelry Toys R Us Ulta Beauty United Healthcare Group Wayside Furniture Your Pizza 20