Ebulletin Oct.30th, 2015 - Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce
Ebulletin Oct.30th, 2015 - Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce
Oct.30th 2015 Whitehorse Chamber E-Bulletin “The Voice Of Business” In This Week’s Edition for Oct.30th, 2015..... 1. Yukoner Appreciation Day 2. List Of YAPP Day Participants 3. Free Business Transition Seminar 4. Whitehorse Business Awards 5. Advertising Coupon For Chamber Members 6. Yukon Convention Bureau - Red Carpet Tour / AFY Francophone Labour Market 7. Yukon Government: New Fibre Optic Link 8. Startup Canada Tour 9. Canadian Payroll Association - 2015 Year End and New Year Requirements 10.Chambers Of Commerce Group Insurance Plan 11.Chamber of Mines - Basic Prospecting Course 12. City Of Whitehorse Update 13. Pathways To Wellness List of Participants Below Yukoner Appreciation Day Participants Angellina’s Toy Boutique Aroma Borealis Arts Underground Ashley Furniture Baked Cafe Best Western Goldrush BDO Canada LLP Board Stiff Climate Clothing Coast High Country Inn Coast Mountain Sports The Collective Good The Edgewater Hotel Elements Esthetics Erik’s Audio Video Unlimited Gold Originals by Charlotte Hair Sensations Klondike Travel Macbride Museum Mac’s Fireweed Books Midnight Sun Emporium Murdoch’s Gem Shop North End Gallery North Star Mini Storage Northwestel Polarcom Rambles Sagebrush Shoes Seasons Galleria Sports Lodge Sports Experts Titan Gaming Triple Js Unity Clothing Westmark Whitehorse Yukon Brewing Zoomz Boutique Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce Business Awards We are pleased to announce our upcoming Whitehorse Business Awards Banquet on Nov.26th! Doors will open at 6:30pm and dinner will be served at 7pm. These awards go to the best of the best that Whitehorse has to offer. WHITEHORSE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2015 Awards BUSINESS • Business of the Year Award • Young Entrepreneur Award • Giving Back to the Community Award • Best Customer Service & Satisfaction Award • Business Person Volunteer of the Year Award Thursday November 26th, 2015 Best Western Gold Rush Inn Town Hall Have a look at the criteria for each award here. Submit your nomination(s) here. What’s Up Yukon has been a Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce Member for 10 years. We are pleased to be a chosen partner to enrich the benefits of being a member for the Whitehorse Chamber Of Commerce. Let’s bring all Yukon businesses together and grow our chamber to be a vibrant voice for entrepreneurs. What’s Up Yukon wishes to offer Renewing and New Members a $75 Gift Certificate • Availble once per year. • We ask that a space be saved in the ad you place with this donation, to let our readers know how long you have been a member of Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce. • This offer may not be used on the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce Monthly page. It is an ad to be booked directly with What’s Up Yukon. • You may book any size ad and this value will be deducted from the total. WHATS UP Y UKO N . C O M L’Associa)on franco-‐yukonnaise (AFY) leads Francophone Labour Market Strategy for Yukon On behalf of AFY, please find below a link to a short online survey that AFY is doing to collect informa>on towards a Francophone Labour Market Strategy -‐ working to understand the needs and opportuni>es of Yukon employers in all sectors related to recruitment, reten>on and opportuni>es for growing the Francophone Labour market for the Territory. Par>cipants that complete the survey can be entered into a draw to win a $50 giI cer>ficate to Café Balzam at the Takhini Hot Springs. Deadline for survey par)cipa)on is Friday, November 6, 2015. hKps:// www.surveymonkey.com/r/B7L7HKV FOR RELEASE October 27, 2015 Dempster Highway route selected to bring fibre diversity to Yukon WHITEHORSE—Minister of Economic Development Stacey Hassard announced a project to build a new fibre optic link along the Dempster Highway, introducing needed redundancy and resiliency to Yukon’s telecommunications infrastructure. “For the past two years, our government has conducted extensive research into fibre optic route possibilities, with particular focus on the Dempster Highway and Juneau as viable options,” Hassard said. “Building a new fibre optic line connecting the N.W.T. and Yukon fibre networks is the best way to provide robust protection to critical telecommunications services in more Yukon communities.” This project will complete a fibre loop in northern Canada, providing the ability for data to flow in another direction in the event of damage to the fibre at any point. This fibre loop will protect Internet, telephone, cellular and credit card services as well as government and emergency 911 services where available. Northwestel has committed to contributing its own capital to strengthening fibre infrastructure in Yukon, including extending the existing fibre line from Stewart Crossing to Dawson City. “The completion of the fibre loop will bring benefit to all Yukoners and more communities in the N.W.T.,” Northwestel president and CEO Paul Flaherty said. “As a truly northern company, we at Northwestel are proud to be a part of an all-Canadian solution that will protect the everyday services that northern Canadians increasingly rely on. This critical infrastructure link will help all Yukon communities, N.W.T. communities along the Mackenzie River and in fact satellite served communities throughout the North.” The project will see the connection of Yukon’s existing fibre optic lines with the Government of N.W.T.’s Mackenzie Valley fibre optic line to Inuvik. Every Yukon community will benefit from the introduction of increased redundancy under this model, with 10 Yukon communities along the fibre line gaining full redundancy. “Providing reliable, consistent and economic telecommunications services to Yukoners is a priority for the Yukon government,” Hassard added. “This link will provide long-term, diversified infrastructure to deliver increased protection to telecommunications services for Yukoners and local businesses.” The Government of Yukon remains committed to providing the infrastructure required for Yukon’s social and economic prosperity. It is expected the Dempster Highway route will take two years to build, with an anticipated completion in 2017. -301 of 2 2015-10-30, 11:37 AM Professional Development IT PAYS TO KNOW Smoothest Year-end Ever! earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours. Invest just one day, for a pay-off that lasts an entire year. Offered in over 70 cities across Canada, this seminar is the most Want to become more at payroll.ca “The content and presentations Recommended as an essential part of every payroll professional’s or practitioner’s year-end process. Upcoming Seminar in Whitehorse: 2015 Year-end & New Year Requirements - November 19 importantly, the Professional Development Seminars enable professionally and personally, beyond. Canadian Payroll Association Professional Development Seminars 2015 The Canadian Payroll Association (CPA) is the authoritative source for Canadian Seminars are open to both CPA members and non-members. Donna C., payroll.ca Stay Current Stay Compliant Basic Prospecting Course The Yukon Chamber of Mines is con nuing the long tradi on of offering our Basic Prospec ng Course! Registra ons are now open. This course will give par cipants an idea of how prospec ng works in the Yukon; an overview of basic geological informa on; and reviews the major mineral commodi es found in the Yukon. There will also be a chance to learn about mineral and rock iden fica on. The course consists 40 hrs of classroom sessions, held twice weekly on Monday and Wednesday evenings 19:00- 21:00 hrs. The course will begin in early January 2016 in the Yukon Chamber of Mines boardroom. Registra on is $250 plus GST. Contact YCM to register or if you have any ques ons at 667-2090, or email office.manager@yukonminers.ca October 30, 2015 Halloween Spooktacular Join us for this great community event at the Canada Games Centre, Saturday October 31 from 3 – 6 pm. Next City Council Meeting The next Standing Committee Meeting is November 2 at 5:30pm in City Hall Council Chambers. View whitehorse.ca/agendas for Council and whitehorse.ca/CASM for CASM meetings. New Bear Hazard Assessment Survey The Whitehorse Bear Working Group invites residents to share their wildlife interactions at whitehorse.ca/bearsurvey Ride Transit to this event! Pool Closure Next Weekend Get full details now at whitehorse.ca/events All areas of the Whitehorse Lions Aquatic Centre will be closed to the public from Friday November 6 at 4 pm to Saturday November 7 at 10 pm for the Ryan Downing Memorial Swim Meet. Visit whitehorse.ca/cgc Remembrance Day Notice Transit will run as normal on Wednesday November 11, as well as provide a shuttle from Takhini Arena to the Canada Games Centre between 8am and 1pm for the Ceremony, which begins promptly at 10am. The CGC will be open special hours from 1pm to 8 pm. Most other offices and facilities will be closed. See whitehorse.ca/events Current Career Opportunities Applicants are encouraged to view our exciting range of open job postings online at whitehorse.ca/careers Call For Photos The Canada Games Centre is looking for your best seasonal active living photos for an upcoming Active Living Guide! Get full submission details at whitehorse.ca/alg Convenient Personal Parking Spots For Rent whitehorse.ca Plowed stalls with plugins are currently available at the 2nd & Steele and 3rd & Steele parkades downtown. Visit whitehorse.ca/parking Pathways to Wellness e-Tips conversation • connection • commitment Treats can be tricky Halloween is a great opportunity for adults to model healthy behaviours and to talk to kids about healthy eating, cleaning teeth and staying safe in our neighbourhoods. Here are some tips from Canadian dietitians, dentists and doctors: • • • • • • Discuss plans with children ahead of time. Perhaps you want to go to houses of friends and relatives. Or maybe the activities at the local community hall are more fun! Make sure kids are eating a good meal before they go out for the evening. Swap out the pillow cases for a small bag. And think about whether the Switch Witch will visit your family in midNovember to trade remaining candy for a small toy or passes to the pool. Make costumes out of light-coloured material or add reflective tape on the front and back so that your child is more visible to drivers. Avoid masks because they can obscure vision.Tell your children not to eat any candy before they get home. Sort through treats to make sure everything is safe to eat. Set a snack time. To resist constant snacking, limit snacking to a particular time, e.g. after a meal. Reinforce teachings about brushing and flossing teeth. Rinsing with a glass of water after eating a sugary snack will also help wash away some of the sugars and acids. Last but not least, HAVE FUN! Show your family there is more to Halloween than the candy -- enjoy time being active outdoors together and interacting with others in your neighbourhood. Contact Info: Contact us at www.yukonwellness.ca/ contactus.php Our Location 201 - #1 Hospital Road, Whitehorse, Yukon Mail: Pathways to Wellness, H-1 Health and Social Services Yukon Government Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 E-mail: yukonwellness@gov.yk.ca Jan: 867-667-3674
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