Middle School Newsletter


Middle School Newsletter
Middle School Newsletter
Mach 16, 2015
Crown Pointe Academy
Volume 10 Number 28
March 16-20
Monday 16:
Breakfast: Kashi Honey Sunshine Cereal
Lunch: Pasta with Zesty Beef OR Hummus & w/g flatbread OR Turkey & Cheese Sandwich
SIDE: Baby Carrots with Ranch
FISH 3:45-5:00
Tuesday 17:
Breakfast: Whole Wheat Bagel with Turkey & Cream Cheese
Lunch: Bean & Cheese Quesadilla OR Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich on a w/g bun
SIDE: Coleslaw
Spring Picture Day— Non-Uniform
Wednesday 18:
Breakfast: Whole Wheat Bagel with Cream Cheese
Lunch: Pancakes with Omelet OR Chicken Taco Salad
SIDE: Edamame & Asian Style Broccoli Salad
Thursday 19:
Breakfast: Yogurt & Granola & Orange Juice
Lunch: Sloppy Joe on a w/g bun OR Cheese Sandwich on a w/g bun
SIDE: Green Leaf Lettuce & Sliced Tomatoes
MS DI Practice 3:30-5:00
FISH 3:45-5:00
Dodge Ball Party 3:45-4:45
BAAC Meeting 6:30
Friday 20: NO SCHOOL- Teacher Work Day
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Middle School Newsletter
Science with Mr. Graybeal
bob.graybeal@crownpointeacademy.org x504
A new quarter and a new beginning. You determine whether you take summer school or repeat a
grade. For some of you it’s already too late. You didn’t take advantage of all the opportunities to
improve your grade and now your fate is sealed. You can retest any day after school except
Tuesday because of meetings. Don’t wait until the last minute to try to pull out your grade. Studying really helps to do better on the tests and quizzes so you don’t have to retake them. Get any
missing work in too. There is really no reason not to pass except you decided not to. The following is a brief schedule of what is happening in science this week.
6th Grade - Monday: Investigation 1 – Part 1 (Foss).
Tuesday: Investigation 1 – Part 1 (Foss). Continued.
Wednesday: Investigation 1 – Part 1 (Foss). Wrap up.
Thursday: Investigation 1 – Part 2 (Foss).
Friday: No School.
7 Grade – Monday: Issue: Human Biology and Health.
Homework: Read pg 38-45, section review pg 45
Tuesday: The Skeletal System
Homework: read pg 46-49, section review pg 49
Wednesday: Bone and Joint injuries..
Homework: Read pg 50-54, section review pg 54
Thursday: “The Muscular System”.
Homework: read pg 56-62, section review pg 62+
Friday.. No School.
8 Grade – Monday: “Introduction to Weather”
Homework: Study Key Terms..
Tuesday: “Types of Clouds”
Homework: Weather Maps.
Wednesday: “Practice dealing with weather” – Activity.
Homework Review terms..
Thursday: “Air Pollution”
Homework: “What Does It Mean/..
Friday: No School..
Decide now to do the best you can. You are running out of time for this quarter. You
make choices daily how you do. Decide now to do the best you can every day and the rest of the
Your parents and teachers want you to do your best, so “the choice is yours”.
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Middle School Newsletter
Social Studies with Mrs. Hughes
Bonnie.hughes@crownpointeacademy.org x514
All Classes
This week we will continue to focus on personal finance. After Tuesday, each grade will begin a new focus within personal finance. All classes have a quiz over the lessons we have completed on Tuesday.
6th Grade
The sixth grade will be focusing on topics like “Making Money,” “The Art of Banking,” “Living on Your
Own,” and “Saving and Investing.” There will be activities and quizzes but no final for this unit.
7th Grade
The seventh grade will be focusing on topics like “Buying a Home,” “Banking Services,” “The Influence of
Advertisement,” and “Consumer Awareness.” There will be activities and quizzes but no final for this unit.
8th Grade
The eighth grade will be focusing on topics like “Credit,” “Credit Cards,” “Cars and Loans,” and “In Trouble” for the next few weeks. There will be activities and quizzes but no final for this unit.
All Classes:
Because of the nature of this class being a Social Studies class, it is expected that students will have
homework throughout the year that will require them to have internet and encyclopedic resources available to them on a short notice basis. This means they may need to use the local public library, resources
from home, and if necessary using a friend with these things available. I will try to give you as much
warning as possible.
All students need to have their own atlases in class.
I do not return tests and quizzes in the Monday folders to parents. Instead, students will receive them and
keep them in their binders so that they are able to study for them for their final exams since almost all of
the content on final exams comes straight from their tests.
Continuation Info
Please begin thinking about which baby picture and current picture you would like to submit for the Continuation program. We also will need any group shots from K-8th you have this class.
Weighted Grades
I do weight my grades for academic classes as follows:
Tests/Projects = 40%
Quizzes/Homework/Classwork = 35%
Notes/Participation/ = 25%
This does make it so that you can’t add up their total number of points and divide it by the total points possible and calculate a correct grade. Please email me if you have any questions.
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Middle School Newsletter
Literature with Mrs. Carscallen
carscallencpa.webs.com (for spelling lists and class information)
6th Grade
This week students will continue reading the novel The Prince and the Pauper and will spend
time learning new vocabulary words. There will be no spelling test this week. 3/19/15: Vocabulary Unit
#3Packet: Due
7th Grade
This week students will begin reading a new novel entitled Angel on the Square. In addition they will
spend time learning new vocabulary words from their Word Wisdom workbooks. There will be no
spelling test this week. 3/19/15: Vocabulary Quiz Unit 6 Part 3
8th Grade
This week students will continue reading Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night. In addition, they will
also spend time learning new vocabulary words from their Word Wisdom workbooks. There will be no
spelling test this week. 3/19/15: Vocabulary Quiz Unit 6 Part 3
7th Grade Math, Pre-Algebra, and Geometry with
Ms. Wood
Stephanie.wood@crownpointeacademy.org ext. 512
We will be starting the week off with a Pi Day celebration thanks to NJHS. It will be filled with
games and activities and of course pie.
The rest of the week we will be jumping back into lessons with a review of the Real Number
System and Box and Whisker Plots.
There will be a Teacher Workday on Friday and Report Cards for 3rd Quarter will come out
on Monday, the 23rd.
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Middle School Newsletter
6th Grade Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra with
Mr. Armstrong
Lawrence.armstrong@crownpointeacademy.org x510
6th Grade Math- We start Module 12 this week! In this module, we will be exploring the coordinate plane, graphing, reading tables and graphs, and writing equations from tables and
Pre-Algebra- We start Chapter 9 this week! We will be looking at square roots, simplifying
roots, and re-examining The Pythagorean Theorem.
Algebra- We Start Chapter 9 this week! We will be looking at quadratic equations, learning
how to read them and graph them. We will also bring out the graphing calculators and use
them to graph and solve problems.
Writing & Grammar with Ms. Emmett & Ms. Murphy
Hilary.emmett@crownpointeacademy.org x511
Sandra.Murphy@crownpointeacademy.org x 512
6th Grade- This week we will continue reading Holes as a class. We will read through chapter 27
(tentatively). Students will summarize and discuss the book as a class and in small groups. Students will
respond to different discussion questions in their discussion log packet for some of the chapters covered so
far. They will have a multiple choice reading quiz on Thursday, March 19th on the chapters covered in class
so far. The quiz will test comprehension and vocabulary. Students will also learn about the rules for subject
verb agreement for our grammar lesson. They will have homework in their grammar skill book (pgs 85-86).
7th Grade- This week we will continue reading The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Students will
discuss chapter’s 1-6 this week and will respond to a discussion question in their discussion log packet for
each chapter. Students will also have a multiple quiz reading quiz on the first five chapters on Tuesday,
March 17. The quiz will test comprehension of the book so far and vocabulary. For our grammar lesson, we
will be working on reviewing basic subject verb agreement and then students will be introduced to more advanced rules for subject verb agreement. Students will practice applying the concepts in writing and will also
have homework in their grammar skill book (pgs 93-94).
8th Writing: First of all, I want to express how proud I am of these 8th graders and their effort on the
PARCC test. While I cannot look at the questions or responses of the PARCC test specifically, I saw
some serious hard work going on each and every day. I have faith that students used many of the tools
they have gained (prewriting, revising, editing, dialogue etc.) to give their very best on the test. I appreciated the amount of time and care students put forth last week. Well done and thank you!
This week, we will be digging right in to a short essay on Animal Farm. Students will be completing a
literary analysis on a character, theme, or historical connection. I plan for this essay to take just about
a week and a half (quick!), so be ready to help students revise and edit essays in the coming week or
so. We will be focusing on thesis statement, organization, and supporting with evidence from the text.
Finally, although the third quarter technically ended last Friday, due to PARCC testing, students will
have until THURSDAY, MARCH 19th to turn in all 3rd quarter missing work. A missing work report will
be given to the students in class and placed in Monday folders today if the student has any missing
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Middle School Newsletter
Community Service/Mrs. Hughes
Community Service
Students can turn their hours in to the basket marked “Return Completed Forms Here” in my room.
3rd quarter hours are due March 6. Students need to have turned in a minimum of 7.5 hours by this
Total Middle School Hours Completed: 1599
ANGEL A.-14.5, NATHAN A.-13, MAYCIE W.-11.5, SHJON S.-10.5, ZACH K.-12, EVELYN G.-10.5, NOAH G.12, MARIA R.-D.-11, MARIAH I.-11, KENNY H.-10, LAUREN A.-11, ALEXUS V.-14, EMILY G.-10, ASIA P.18.5, EMMA H-S.-10, ANGELIQUE V.-14, GIL B.-10.5, BENTON D.-40, YURITIZI P.-10, SAM P.-25, RUBEN
P.-10, JUSTIN S.-10, DOMINIC O-O.-10.5, MYA O-O.-10.5, TJ J.-12, JADE B.-40, JOSH G.-10, TRISTAN L.
-12, BRITNEY G.-10, CAMERON S.-11, RAYDEN H.-10, BAILEY S.-10, KADE G.-10, JJ G.-11.5, ALEX G.10, IMAGENN S.-10, MOOSE G.-11.5, DEONA S.-12, MADDIE S.-10, JACOB G.-22, LEAH N.-10, J’LYSSA M.
-12,LETICIA D.-22, GAIGE S.-36, DALE W.-10.5, LEXI F.-12, SERENITY T.-22, DAVID C.-12, CHRIS C.-23,
W.-10, AHLINNA L.-20, ELIJAH Q.-61, CAMERON W.-10, MARISSA A.-18, KATIE H.-26, JUSTIN R.-10, CIARA C.-10, DAISY W.-19.
If you have any questions, concerns, or would like ideas of where to volunteer please contact me at
Community Service Grading
2.5 new hours each quarter in addition to the hours required the quarter before
To receive a 100%, students should have a total of 2.5 hours at the end of 1 st quarter, 5 hours at
the end of 2nd quarter, 7.5 hours at the end of 3rd quarter, and 10 hours at the May 11th cutoff date
for 4th quarter.
Until the previous quarter’s requirements are met no new credit will be given.
Students will receive 20 points for each completed half hour of service in the quarterly requirement. Additional half hours are credited to the following quarter up to the 10 hour requirement.
Once the 10 hour requirement is met the student will receive a 100% for that quarter and all following quarters.
A log (available in Mrs. Hughes’ room) must be completed for each month’s service and turned in
to Mrs. Hughes’ room.
Partial half hours will receive no credit. Hours turned in after the quarterly deadline will be counted
toward the total in the next quarter.