Leadership, Work and Organisations Departmental Newsletter 3rd


Leadership, Work and Organisations Departmental Newsletter 3rd
Leadership, Work and Organisations
Departmental Newsletter 3rd Quarter 2015
Volume 3, Issue 3, 30th September 2015
3rd Quarter 2015 —
Newsletter Welcome
No picture!
Welcome to the start of the new term. I hope everyone
had a chance to enjoy some peace and relaxation over
the summer period. It seems to vanish all too quickly!
I'm aware that people have been busy attending conferences, with a notable presence at this year's British
Academy of Management Conference, held at Portsmouth University. I look forward to reading about people's input at the conference and, indeed, what staff have
been presenting at other major management and organisation conferences since the early summer.
Special points of interest:
We have a challenging academic year ahead of us, but we are well placed to meet the
demands made of us by the forthcoming QAA inspection this Autumn and continuing
our progress toward achieving targets for REF 2020. Over the next month or two senior academics within the department will be undertaking staff appraisals. These are an
important opportunity to take stock of individual achievements over the last 12 months
and to plan ahead for the next year. Please be aware that all appraisals have to be car- Inside this issue:
ried out online this year, so details of how to login into the system should have been
emailed to you previously. Should you not have this information or if you have any WELCOME
queries or issues with using the system, please refer to the Frequently Asked Ques- PROMOTIONS
tions on the Appraisal online Welcome Page or the User Guide on the top right of the PUBLIC LECTURES
screen once you have logged in. If this does not provide the answer you can email the
support team on onelineappraisals@mdx.ac.uk, giving as much detail as possible CONFERENCES
about your query.
Finally, Alex Beauregard will be joining us this October which is fantastic news.
Please do welcome Alex into the department to help her feel at home in LWO. Big
thanks from me to all of you for helping to make LWO the best department within
the Business School.
Leadership, Work and Organisations Departmental
Newsletter 3rd Quarter 2015
Staff Promotions and Appointments
Tim Freeman and Dan Ozarow have been successful in gaining promotion.
Tim is now Associate Professor and Dan is now Senior Lecturer, strengthening the department's layer of senior academics. This is great news - both promotions are well deserved and bear testimony to the good things departmental
members are doing.
Uracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya is the new Deputy PhD Coordinator for our
department from September 2015, working with Tim Freeman, who is our
PhD Coordinator and Prof. Phil James, the PhD Programme Director for the
Business School.
New Programme!
Chris Rigby, Julie Haddock-Millar and Mary Hartog launched the newly
validated PG Certificate PG Diploma and
MA Management in International Payments Ecosystem, in partnership with
Worldpay and Tamsin Vine, Head of Talent Development, Worldpay. The first
cohort of 24 senior Worldpay managers
and leaders commenced the course on
15th September 2015. The second global
cohort will commence in February 2016.
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3rd Quarter 2015 —
Public Lectures
In an invited presentation at the University of Bradford, UK (2015) on:” Queering critical management studies’ - part of a two-day seminar on Feminist and Queer Politics in Critical Management
Studies, Nick Rumens discussed the role of queer theory in challenging and disrupting the professionalization and institutionalisation of Critical Management Studies. The presentation focused on
two lines of inquiry: the queer art of failure and a recognition based ethics. Nick's presentation was
one of several keynotes that brought together colleagues interested in exploring contributing to the
next volume of Critical Dialogues in Critical Management Studies.
Dan Ozarow was a regular media commentator on the Greek debt crisis during July. He published
several news media reports analysing the situation on Open Democracy, was interviewed on Latin
American TV station, Telesur and featured on Argentina's state news agency, Telam.
Heather Jeffrey was given a blog at the Huffington post on Tunisia.
This is the link to the blog:
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Leadership, Work and Organisations Departmental
Newsletter 3rd Quarter 2015
British Academy of Management Conference 2015
The 2015 British Academy of Management Conference was hosted by Portsmouth
University from 8th to 10th September. Several members of the department attended and presented papers as below.
Clive Boddy
Clive Boddy, presented a paper in the Leadership Stream of the conference entitled: “Unethical 20th Century Businesses and Their Leaders: Were Enron and its
CEO Corporate Psychopaths?”
Nick Rumens, presented ‘Queer methodologies for advancing management research on sexualities in the workplace’. This paper discussed the value of methodological pluralism in the study of organisation sexualities and genders, with a specific focus on the role of queer methodologies. The paper argued that queer methodologies can problematize the multifarious expressions of organisational heteronormativity by generating research on how lives are lived queerly – at odds with
and beyond the reach of heteronormativity – in the workplace. Queer methodologies can also direct attention to the research process itself as a performative enterprise, training attention to the shifting performativities of the researcher and the
researched, and encouraging us to question normative notions of coherence and
rationality within methodological practice.
CIPD Reward Conference – Bruce Thompson
Bruce Thompson
Bruce was asked for suggestions for conference subjects and speakers and was
one of very few academics to attend this event. Much of the conference was
on specialist subjects, but there were some topics which could appeal to a
wider audience. Firstly there was a lot about rewarding specialists in areas
such as engineering, science, IT and Finance. This reflects recent shortages
which have led to pay escalation. Although everyone was keen on performance, Bruce saw a slight shift away from individual performance pay and
dependence on financial metrics. There were presentations on fairness and the
living wage but, in Bruce’s view, not much evidence of organisations making
significant changes. One surprising point that Bruce noted was that in one
company, staff said that they did not want a wide choice of benefits e.g. in
pensions. They wanted the company to decide.
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Rea Prouska
3rd Quarter 2015 —
Rea Prouska presented a very topical keynote talk on ‘work-life balance and
quality of working life in Greece during the financial crisis’, at the penultimate ESRC seminar series event on ‘Work-life balance in recession and beyond’.
The final seminar in this series, co-ordinated by Sue Lewis, will take place on
30th November.
Sue Lewis and Bianca Stumbitz presented a paper on maternity protection in
Ghana, at the 6th International Conference on Work and Family at IESE Business School, Barcelona in July.
Sue Lewis
Andrew Mayo attended a conference in Brussels on Strategic Workforce
Planning and wrote a report on the conference which is available from him if
colleagues are interested.
Sara Calvo was shortlisted and invited to attend a workshop funded by the
Newton Fund British Council Researcher Links programme in association
with the South African National Research Foundation (NRF) in Cape Town,
March 22-26th 2015. This workshop brought together early career researchers
(PhD holders of less than 10 years or equivalent) based in the UK and South
Africa who were interested in the role that enterprise-based initiatives and associated cross-sectoral partnerships can play in addressing social and environmental issues whilst promoting economic development. She presented a paper
entitled ‘Social Enterprise as a panacea for non-profit organisations in Tanzania which has recently been published (see under journal publications).
Sara Calvo
Ian Roper has been invited to present the Arthur Priest Memorial Lecture
of the Manchester Industrial Relations Society on 22nd October. The
presentation is based on evidence taken from his ESRC
"Professionalization of HRM" project , a two-year study focusing on the
somewhat understated role played in the area of organisational conflict as a
primary source of professional legitimacy for the HR practitioner: research
from this study shows that while HR needs to be seen to be 'business savvy'
to be credible, ultimately, the consistently reported activity that managers
exclusively depend on from HR, is their role in the resolution of conflict.
This role is counter to the dominant discourse on professionalization. For
more info. see http://www.mirs.org.uk/
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Ian Roper
Leadership, Work and Organisations Departmental
Newsletter 3rd Quarter 2015
Uracha Chatrakul Na
Uracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya has had a paper accepted at the Inaugural
CIPD Applied Research Conference, titled “Older workers’ conceptualizations
of ‘choice’ and their sense of entitlement to work longer in the context of extending working lives”. The paper is one of 30 papers selected to be presented
at the conference out of more than 120 submissions.
Calls for Papers
Prof Chris Mabey is part of the editorial team for a Special Issue on Philosophical Approaches to Leadership Ethics
Chris Mabey
Business Ethics Quarterly is a prestigious 4* journal operating out of the
USA. Please consider submitting a paper and encourage colleagues working
in this field to do the same. This special issue arises from the ESRC Seminar
Series which Middlesex is leading, exploring spiritual and philosophical
roots of leading more ethically: www.ethicalleadership.org.uk
Calls for papers for the Gender Work and Organization Conference 2016
Maria Adamson
Maria Adamson and colleagues were accepted to lead a special stream at
the Gender Work and Organization conference, 29th June - 1st July, 2016
Keele University, UK. The stream called ‘Exploring the Rise of Moderate
Feminisms in Contemporary Organizations’ aims to explore the complexities and complications attached to the emergence of contemporary moderate
forms of feminism for feminist organization studies.
For full call please e-mail Maria (m.adamson@mdx.ac.uk) or check GWO
website. Abstracts of approximately 500 words (ONE page, Word document
NOT PDF, single spaced, excluding references, no header, footers or track
changes) are invited by 1st November 2015 and should be emailed to:
p.m.j.lewis@kent.ac.uk. Convenor team: M.Adamson, I.Biese, E. Kelan, P.
Lewis and R. Simpson.
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3rd Quarter 2015 —
Research Issues
Nick Rumens
Research Funding Bids Won
Another success for LWO in ESRC Seminar Series: Maria Adamson and Nick
Rumens, with colleagues from Cranfield, Essex and Kent Universities have been
successful in an application submitted earlier this year. The seminar series, titled
'Exploring Gendered Inclusion in Contemporary Organizations' will be rolled out
from November 2015.
Dan Ozarow was awarded an Erasmus staff mobility grant and will visit the
University of Athens later in the year. He will investigate potential research
collaborations between our respective Business Schools and also deliver lectures on
"Workers' self-management in Latin America, Europe and Greece: What role for the
state?", "What Future for Greece’s Middle Class?: Lessons from Argentina’s Debt
Default 2001" and "Would Grexit and Default really mean Armageddon for Greece?
Reflections on the recent cases of Argentina, Ecuador and Iceland."
Martin Upchurch
Martin Upchurch and Ralph Darlington have been awarded a BA/Leverhulme Small
Research Grant of £9672 on “The Scope and Limits of Radical Political Unionism in
Ian Roper has secured - as co-investigator – a British Academy/Leverhulme grant of
£7,206 for a two-year project entitled "Agility, Work and the Quantified Self". The
project, led by Dr Phoebe Moore in the School of Law and also involving Dr Lukasz
Piweck at UWE, will investigate the impact of using wearable self-monitoring
technology in the workplace.
Julie Haddock Millar
Nick Rumens had a chapter published in the following book: Ozturk, M.B. &
Rumens, N. (2015) ‘Sexual minorities in the workplace’ in Syed, J. & Ozbilgin, M.
(eds.) Managing Diversity and Inclusion: an International Perspective, pp. 265-287.
London: Sage.
Julie Haddock-Millar and Chandana Sanyal contributed a chapter to a new book
titled: Mentoring Away the Glass Ceiling in Academia: A Cultured Critique by
Brenda Marina, published in July 2015. Mentoring Away the Glass Ceiling in
Academia: A Cultured Critique is different in that it calls attention to the role
mentoring has played on the "glass ceiling" phenomenon in higher education.
Haddock-Millar, J., & Sanyal, C. (2015). The Relationship Is More Important Than
the Label. Mentoring Away the Glass Ceiling in Academia: A Cultured Critique, 129.
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Leadership, Work and Organisations Departmental
Newsletter 3rd Quarter 2015
Journal Publications:
Richard Croucher along with Paul Gooderham, Mark Fenton O’Creevy and Mick Brookes have just had
an article accepted for publication in the Journal of Management. This is a journal of distinction in the
ABS list. The article is called: "A Multi-Level Analysis of the Use of Individual Pay-For-Performance
The article shows the predominant role played by institutions (more than cultural factors) in determining
the choices they make on individual pay for performance, the way that multi-nationals from all countries
of origin prefer pay for performance systems and the key role played by trade unions in mediating the incidence of these systems in 26 countries.
Clive Boddy has had an article accepted in the journal “Management Decision”. The article is called:
“Organisational Psychopaths: A Ten Year Update” and it details the research on workplace psychopaths
that has taken place in the past ten years.
Tim Freeman has had an online publication on the 'Sociology of Health and Illness' article at http://
Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, U., Prouska, R. and Lewis, S. (2015): 'Work-life balance can benefit business
during financial crisis and austerity', Human Resource Management International Digest, 23(5).
Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, U. (2015). The generation game: Concepts of Baby-Boomer, Gen X and Gen Y
can create more heat than light. Human Resource Management International Digest, 23(5): 29-32.
Yochanan Altman , Claudio Morrison , (2015) "Informal economic relations and organizations: Everyday organizational life in Soviet and post-Soviet economies", Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 28 Iss: 5, pp.749 - 769 . The purpose of this paper is to identify the role of informal economic
relations (IER) in the day-to-day working of organizations, thereby opening a way to theorizing and informed practice. The authors will present and discuss about the manifestation of informality in “everyday”
reality of Soviet and transformation economies. Informed by Cultural theory and in particular the work of
Gerald Mars, the authors are taking account ontologically and methodologically of Labour process theory.
Daniel Ozarow published: (2015) 'Raising the Bar: Legislating to achieve diversity in the professions is
only half of the story'. Co-authors: T. Gibson, A. Batra and S. Mercer. Human Resource Management International Digest 23 (5) pp. 8-11 and:
(2015) 'The Unrepresentative House: The inconvenient truth about Members of Parliament'. Human Resource Management International Digest 23 (5) pp. 12-15
***A few days after publication of the above, new Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn adopted one of the
paper's recommendations and announced a "Diversity Fund" to help increase working-class representation
in Parliament***
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Leadership, Work and Organisations Departmental
Newsletter 3rd Quarter 2015
Journal Publications:
***Human Resource Management International Digest
Diversity special edition now published***
We are pleased to announce that a selection of the diversity conference papers
written by LWO colleagues with the conference workshop presenters, has now
been published in the Human Resource Management International Digest as a
special edition Vol. 23 issue 5.
Congratulations to all and thanks to Doirean Wilson for her work and support
in getting this special issue off the ground.
These papers are now available on line via the following link:
Calvo S., Morales A. (2015) “Sink or Swim: Social Enterprise as a Panacea for no profit organizations?”
Journal of International Development (Online version available: wileyonlinelibrary.com)
Julie Haddock-Millar, Chandana Sanyal and Michael Müller-Camen had their first joint 3* article
published online on 18th August 2015:
Green human resource management: a comparative qualitative case study of a United States multinational
corporation: The article explores the ways in which a multinational company approaches green human
resource management (HRM) in its British, German and Swedish subsidiaries. The authors analyse the
similarities and differences in Green HRM approaches in these three European subsidiaries of a US restaurant chain. This enables the comparison of Green HRM practices and behaviours, and considers the
factors that influence the subsidiaries in this particular domain.
Haddock-Millar, J., Sanyal, C., & Müller-Camen, M. (2015). Green human resource management: a
comparative qualitative case study of a United States multinational corporation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, (ahead-of-print), 1-20.
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Leadership, Work and Organisations Departmental
Newsletter 3rd Quarter 2015
Doirean Wilson is to collaborate with Business Psychologist and CEO of
‘Lumina Learning’. Doirean will be collaborating with Business Psychologist
CEO and founder of Lumina Learning Stewart Desson this year. The aim is to
draw on insights from her study that explored cultural meanings of respect, to undertake research around the implications of an individualised psychometric profiling tool on self-understanding as a means for improving working relationships
with those of difference.
Stewart Desson is an experienced Business Psychologist and the CEO and founder of Lumina Learning. He is the author of the innovative new Lumina Spark psychometric. His scientific research on personality at the University of Westminster
has shown that various supposedly ‘incompatible’ measures of our behaviour are
often integrated.
Sara Calvo who is the Social Enterprise Coordinator at the Enterprise Development Hub (EDH@MDX)
has also organised the first Social Enterprise Competition at the university. The competition took place
on Friday, the 8th May 2015, where students have to present their ideas in front of a panel made up of social enterprise experts and business consultants. The participants have been award with mentoring support
by the experienced panellists to take their ideas and make it a reality. She has also conducted a project in
collaboration with Community Barnet to connect business students at Middlesex University with voluntary
and community organisations (VCOs) in the Barnet area. Several VCOs have received business support
from students to help thePage m in the process of moving towards the social enterprise ‘trading’ model.
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Leadership, Work and Organisations Departmental
Newsletter 3rd Quarter 2015
Congratulations to Dan Ozarow who received his PG Certificate in Higher Education during his graduation ceremony on 15th July 2015.
The Business School's Interdisciplinary Cross-national Forum in Labour Studies -convened by Richard
Croucher, Nico Pizzolato, Janroj Yilmaz Keles and Dan Ozarow- draws scholars from history, sociology,
political economy, women's studies, industrial relations, and other fields in assessing the place of labour
and working people in society. Its format consists in a presentation of a research in progress and ample
time for discussion. Seminars aim to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration around the topic of
labour, social activism, and working people in UK and internationally.
The following seminars will take place on the afternoons of these dates in the coming weeks (room tbc):
20 October 2015
Lilian Miles, Mark Houssart, "Improving health and safety in the Bangladeshi garment industry post Rana
Plaza: Conversations with Stakeholders"
7 December 2015
Nick Clark, "Unpaid Wages in Britain: endemic but unremarked. Outline of a new project"
18 January 2016
Hannah Danilovich
Either “Labour migration: as career choice: preferences of post-Soviet youth” or “Work and conflict: Chinese contract workers in Belarus”.
Michael Cardoso is now a proud dad! Baby Elijah Cardoso was born on 6th July,
weighing 3.59kg (7.9lb). Mother, baby and father are all thriving. Joyful congratulations to all three!
Key Dates for your diary
On the 6th October at 11am, Tim Blackman, the new VC, will give a Q&A session in the Quad. Tim will
also share his future vision for the University.
Freshers week is from 28th September. If you see someone looking lost and confused, offer some friendly
Please send copy for the next newsletter to the editors, Sara De Marco, Dan Ozarow and Clive Boddy by
22nd December 2015. This can include news of research cluster meetings, updated photographs and conference papers presented. Thank you.
The next issue will be out on 11 January.
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