A Thriving Tampines - Tampines Town Council


A Thriving Tampines - Tampines Town Council
MCI (P) 095/02/2015
A Thriving Tampines:
Moving Ahead into the Future
– Part III, P5
SG50 Celebrations in
Tampines, P6-7
Community Tribute to
Mr Lee Kuan Yew, P8-9
2 Chairman’s Message
• Project Updates
No Cleaners Day
Be a Dengue Fighter
• Creating Smiles, Bringing Joy
Tampines in focus
8 CommuNITY
13 Happenings
• Community Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew
• Building Family Bonds Through Active Playing and
A Thriving Tampines: Moving Ahead into Future - Part III
Celebrations in tampines
6 SG50
• Tampines Celebrates SG50
Red & White @ Void Deck
The Lollipops Art Installation
Tampines Heart Map - Stories of Places Spread the Message of Kindness
11 Contests
• Celebrating Hari Raya Puasa
Count the Litter
12 Community
• Passion Arts Festival 2015
OneService Application
Bridging Cultures through Community Dinner
Renewing a Robust Community
Active Ageing with Wellness @ Tampines Changkat
Forging Ahead with Shared Learning Journeys
• Personal Data Protection Notification
Town Council Mailbox
16 Upcoming
• Meet-the-People Session
Community Events
Chairman’s Message
Dear Residents
Much has happened since the last issue. In particular, the outpouring of emotions from many Singaporeans on
the passing of our first Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. I personally witnessed many touching scenes at the
Tampines Community Tribute Site where thousands of well-wishers came to lay their hand-written cards, flowers
and gifts, and paid their last respects to our founding father. Even though we grieved, we were also united in a new
spirit. Let us continue to build on the late Mr Lee’s and his team’s legacy by striving to do our best for the country.
We continue to promote the values of caring, active and green living, life-long learning, and creativity in Tampines.
I am pleased that the team behind the recent Repair and Redecoration (R&R) works at Street 42 came up with a
unique design of a television test pattern, which the older generation will find familiar, for the HDB block façade.
We made an effort to create a design that will inject life to the estate, and are happy that it was a clear favourite
during the R&R polling.
Residents also demonstrated this spirit of creativity. We saw the unveiling of the unique Tampines Celebrates
SG50 logo which was specially designed by grassroots leader, Daphne Gui. It is only fitting that the logo is
incorporated as part of the SG50 decoration for the town, which took the format of colourful “Lollipops”, which
you would have seen around Tampines.
With many activities lined up during the Jubilee Weekend, I hope Tampines residents can come together to
commemorate this special milestone in our history. One of the events is the Red and White @ Void Deck community
project where exclusive badges bearing the Tampines Celebrates SG50 logo will be given out to participants. Bring
along a red or white object for the Residents’ Committee volunteers to photograph. The photos will be used to
form a collage, which will be installed at the void decks of 250 blocks in Tampines.
As we celebrate, let’s not forget to give thanks to our cleaners who work tirelessly to upkeep our estate. Residents
are encouraged to play their part, especially on No Cleaners Day every first Sunday of the month. It is everybody’s
responsibility to keep our neighbourhood clean.
Best wishes
Baey Yam Keng
在即将来临的金禧长周末,淡滨尼社区将举办多项活动欢庆建国 50周年。我希望居民们能踊跃参与,一起见证我
国历史上的里程碑。其中一项活动《组屋底层红白绘画》Red and White @ Void Deck 将展现附有本地色彩的拼凑
Para penduduk yang dihormati,
Semenjak isu kami yang lepas, banyak peristiwa yang telah berlaku. Khususnya, curahan emosi daripada ramai
rakyat Singapura di atas pemergian Perdana Menteri kita yang pertama, Encik Lee Kuan Yew. Saya secara peribadi
telah menyaksikan banyak adegan yang menyentuh hati di Tapak Penghargaan Masyarakat Tampines di mana
beribu-ribu pengunjung telah datang untuk meletakkan kad ucapan penghargaan tulisan tangan, bunga dan buah
tangan, dan memberikan penghormatan terakhir mereka kepada bapa pengasas kita. Walaupun kita bersedih, kita
juga bersatu dengan semangat yang baru. Marilah kita terus membina legasi mendiang Encik Lee dan pasukannya
dengan berusaha untuk melakukan yang terbaik untuk negara.
Kami terus mempromosikan nilai-nilai penyayang, kehidupan yang aktif dan hijau, pembelajaran sepanjang
hayat, dan kreativiti di Tampines. Saya berasa sukacita bahawa pasukan di belakang kerja-kerja Perbaiki dan
Hiasi Semula atau Repair and Redecoration (R&R) di Street 42 telah mengilhamkan satu reka bentuk corak ujian
televisyen yang unik, yang mana akan lebih mudah dikenali oleh generasi yang lebih tua, untuk wajah hadapan
blok HDB. Kami berusaha untuk mewujudkan suatu reka bentuk yang akan menyuntikkan keceriaan pada estet,
dan gembira kerana ia merupakan pilihan yang jelas semasa pengundian R&R.
Para penduduk juga telah menunjukkan semangat kreativiti. Kita menyaksikan logo Tampines Meraikan SG50
yang unik yang telah direka khas oleh pemimpin akar umbi Daphne Gui diperkenalkan. Amatlah sesuai logo
tersebut dipsepadukan sebagai sebahagian daripada hiasan SG50 untuk bandar ini, yang memaparkan format
“Lolipop” berwarna-warni yang mungkin telah anda lihat di sekitar Tampines.
Dengan pelbagai aktiviti yang sudah diaturkan untuk Hujung Minggu Jubli, saya berharap penduduk Tampines
dapat datang bersama-sama untuk memperingati peristiwa yang istimewa ini dalam sejarah kita. Salah satu
acara ialah projek masyarakat Red and White @ Void Deck di mana lencana eksklusif yang memaparkan logo
Tampines Meraikan SG50 akan diberikan kepada para peserta. Bawa bersama anda objek berwarna merah atau
putih untuk diambil gambar oleh sukarelawan dari Jawatankuasa Penduduk. Gambar-gambar ini akan digunakan
untuk membentuk satu tampalan kolaj, yang akan dipamerkan di 250 kolong blok di Tampines.
Sambil kita meraikan, jangan lupa juga untuk mengucapkan terimakasih kepada para pekerja pembersihan kita
yang bekerja tanpa mengenal penat lelah untuk memastikan kebersihan estet kita. Para penduduk digalakkan
untuk memainkan peranan mereka, terutama sekali pada Hari Tanpa Pekerja Pembersihan pada hari Ahad yang
pertama setiap bulan. Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab semua untuk menjaga kebersihan kejiranan kita.
Salam hormat
Baey Yam Keng
md;ghHe;j FbapUg;ghsHfSf;F>
fle;j ,jo; ntspahdjpy; ,Ue;J gy epfo;Tfs; eilngw;Ws;sd. Fwpgg; hf> ekJ Kjy; gpujk ke;jpup jpU yP Fthd; ,a+ mtHfspd;
; g; ngUthupahd rpqf
; g;g+uHfs; fz;zHP rpej
; p mQ;ryp nrYj;jpdH. njk;gdp]; FOj;njhFjpapd; rKjhar; rPuzp muq;fj;jpy;
ehd; kdijj; njhLk; gy fhl;rpfis Neupy; fz;Nld;. gy;yhapuf;fzf;fhd eyk; tpUk;gpfs; jq;fs; iffshy; vOjpa ml;ilfs;>
kyHfs; kw;Wk; gupRg; nghUl;fisf; nfhz;L ekJ Njrj; je;ijf;F ,Wjp mQ;ryp nrYj;jpdH. ehk; Jf;fj;jpy; ,Ue;jhYk; $l> xU
Gjpa gw;WjNyhLk; ehk; xd;Wgl;bUe;Njhk;. kiwe;j jpU yP kw;Wk; mtuJ FOtpd; topele;J> ekJ ehl;il Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;F ek;khyhd
Kaw;rpfis ehk; njhlHe;J Nkw;nfhs;Nthk;.
Mz;L epiwT tpohTf;fhd thu,Wjpapd; NghJ eilngw cs;s gy eltbf;iffSld;> ekJ tuyhw;wpy; nghwpff
; g;gl;Ls;s ,e;j
rpwg;G ikw;fy;iy nfhz;lhLtjw;F njk;gdp]; FbapUg;ghsHfs; xd;wpize;J tUthHfs; vd;W ek;GfpNwd;. njk;gdp]; nfhz;lhLfpdw
SG50-,d; rpdd
; j;ijj; jhq;fpa rpwg;G Ngl;[f
; s; gq;Nfw;ghsHfSf;F toq;fg;gLk; rKjhaj; jpll
; khd |fPoj
; j
; sj;jpy; rptg;G kw;Wk;
nts;is| jpll
; Kk; eilngwTs;s epfo;Tfspy; xd;whFk;. Gifg;glj;jpwF
; > FbapUg;ghsHfSf;fhd FOtpd; jd;dhHtyHfSf;fhfr;
rptg;G my;yJ nts;is epwg; nghUs; xd;iw vLj;J thUq;fs;. mg;Gifg;glq;fs; xU Gifg;glj; njhFg;ig cUthf;Ftjw;Fg;
gad;gLj;jg;gLk;. mj;njhFg;G njk;gdp]py; cs;s 250 GNshf;Ffspd; fPoj
; ; jsj;jpYk; epWtg;gLk;.
guhkupgG; > nraY}f;fKs;s kw;Wk; gRikahd tho;T> tho;ehs; KOtJk; ePbf;Fk; fw;wy; kw;Wk; Mf;fj;jpwd; Mfpatw;wpd; kjpgG; fis
ehk; njk;gdp]py; njhlHe;J tsHf;fg; ghLgLNthk;. njU 42-,y; rkPgj;jpy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;l gOJePff
; k; kw;Wk; kWmo$l;ly; (R&R)
gzpfSf;Fg; gpdd
; hy; ,Ue;j FOthdJ> tPtf GNshf; fl;ll Kfg;Gf;fhf ekJ Kd;NdhbfSf;F kpfTk; guprr
; akhd njhiyf;fhl;rp
Nrhjidg; ghq;fpd; jdpjJ
; tkhd xU tbtikg;ig cUthf;fpAs;sdH vd;gij mwpeJ
; ehd; kpfTk; kfpor
; r
; paile;Njd;. FbapUg;Gg;
Ngl;ilf;F Gj;JzHT mspfF
; k; xU tbtj;ij cUthf;Ftjw;F ehq;fs; fLikahf Kaw;rp nra;Njhk;. NkYk;> thf;fspgg
; pd; NghJ
mij midtUk; tpUk;gpaijf; fz;L ehq;fs; kpfTk; kfpor
; r
; paile;Njhk;.
ehk; nfhz;lhLifapy>; ekJ FbapUg;Gg; Ngl;iliar; Rj;jkhf itj;Jf; nfhs;tjw;F mauhJ gzpGupAk; ekJ Jg;GuthsHfSf;F ehk;
ed;wp njuptpff
; kwf;ff; $lhJ. Fwpgg; hf> xt;nthU khjKk; Kjy; QhapwW
; f;fpoik md;W filg;gpbf;fg;gLk; |Jg;GuthsHfs; ,y;yhj
jpdk;| md;W FbapUg;ghsHfs; jq;fSila gq;fspgi
; gr; nra;tjw;F Cf;Ftpff
; g;gLfpwhHfs;. ekJ FbapUg;Gg; gFjpiar; Rj;jkhf
itj;Jf;nfhs;tJ xt;nthUtUila flikahFk;.
,e;j Mf;fj;jpwdpd; gw;Wjiyf; FbapUg;ghsHfSk; $l tuNtw;wdH. mbj;jsj; jiytH Nlg;dp /Fa; (Daphne Gui) mtHfshy;
gpuj;Nafkhf tbtikf;fg;gl;l jdpjJ
; tkhd njk;gdp]; nfhz;lhLk; SG50-,d; rpdd
; k; mwpKfg;gLj;Jtij ehk; fz;Nlhk;. efuj;jpwf
; hd
SG50 myq;fupgg; pd; xU mq;fkhf ,r;rpdd
; k; NrHf;fg;gLtJ kpfTk; nghUj;jkhdjhFk;. NkYk;> tz;zkakhd “yhypghg;Gfs;”
tbtj;jpy; ,r;rpdd
; k; cUthf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. ,tw;iw ePqf
; s; njk;gdpi]r; Rw;wpYk; fhz;gHP fs;.
; f;fSld;
Ng ahk; nfq;
Email: ykbaey@gmail.com | Facebook: Baey Yam Keng | Twitter: @yamkeng | Instagram: @baeyyamkeng
Announcements & Updates
Tampines East
Tampines Changkat
Tampines West
Blks 201A-B, 201D-E, 202-209
1Q 2017
Blks 249-254, 255-256, 263-266
3Q 2015
Blks 280-286
3Q 2016
Blks 109-114, 138-139
3Q 2015
Blks 811-820
4Q 2016
Tampines East
Batch 3: Blks 231-248, 501-506,
2Q 2015
Batch 5: Blks 201A-E, 210-214,
1Q 2017
Batch 3: Blks 830-841, 843, 845,
847, 849, 851, 853, 855, 858,
858A-B, 859, 859A, 860, 860A-B,
861, 861A
4Q 2015
Batch 4: Blks 865-867, 867A,
868-871, 871A, 872-874, 874A,
880A, 881-886, 886A
2Q 2016
Blks 230D-E, 742, 910
2Q 2015
Blks 109-110, 257, 268, 270
3Q 2015
Blks 441-442, 708-711, 728
4Q 2015
Drop-Off Porch
Blks 230D-E, 742
4Q 2015
Blk 867
2Q 2015
Cycling Track
Blks 101, 102, 114, 138, 139
3Q 2015
Blks 156-166, 267-271, 272-284,
286-289, 830-841, 843, 845,
847, 849, 851, 853, 855, 858,
858A-B, 859, 859A, 860, 860A-B,
861, 861A
4Q 2015
Blks 201A-E, 201G, 202-230,
2Q 2016
Blks 472-484
4Q 2016
Blks 865-867, 867A, 868-871,
871A, 872-874, 874A, 880A,
881-886, 886A
2Q 2016
Covered Linkway
Repair &
Covered Linkway
Blks 390-391, 803-804
Barrier-free access (BFA) Ramp
Blk 910
Blks 159, 207, 209, 230B, 340A, 859, 861A
Fitness Corner
Blks 105, 236, 861, 874
Senior Citizens' Corner
Blk 894
Ancillary works for NRP Batch 1
Blks 902, 903, 906-916, 921, 922,
Some of the new facilities added:
Badminton Court at Blk 234
Playground at Blk 340A
Void Deck Table and Chairs
at Blk 845
Linkway, Drop-Off Porch
between Blk 233 and 236
R&R Painting at Blk 444
Tensile Membrane Roof and
Playground at Blk 207
Announcements & Updates
No Cleaners Day
every 1st Sunday of the Month
Are you aware that there is a ‘No Cleaners Day’ on every
1st Sunday of each month in Tampines Town?
Following a successful 6-month pilot programme last July,
the campaign was re-launched on 1 March 2015.
Let’s do our part and keep Tampines a cleaner, greener
estate for all to live, work and play. Be gracious, bag our
refuse and bin the litter at the appropriate places. Together,
we can make Tampines our best home!
“It takes time because it is a mindset, it is about
habits and awareness. We are continuing our
efforts on this so that residents will be reminded
that it is everybody’s responsibility to keep the
estate clean. If you can do it for one day, you can
do it every day,” Mr Baey Yam Keng, Grassroots Adviser and Chairman of
Tampines Town Council.
Getting rid of stagnant water at home is
the first step to protecting our families
and the neighbourhood against dengue.
Do the 5-step Mozzie Wipe-Out.
Be a dengue fighter.
Tampines in Focus
In our third instalment of SG50 Celebrations in Tampines, an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Tampines shared with
us his profession which helps to deliver new hopes in the community as the town continues to blossom with more
babies this jubilee year.
Are you parents of SG50 babies or expecting one this year? In addition to the bundles of joy
in Tampines community, our Community Clubs have more surprises for you in this jubilee
In conjunction with Singapore Golden Jubilee Baby Gift 2015 initiative, Tampines East
Community Club has a Jubilee Baby initiative for Tampines East residents who are parents
of newborn babies in 2015. Parents will receive a diaper cake, a handmade photo frame
and will be invited for a free workshop in August 2015. If you are one of the parents
residing in Tampines East and have not registered for it, you may contact Tampines East
Community Club at 6786 3227.
Alternatively, you may check with your respective Community Clubs for the exclusive SG50
Jubilee Joy Pack if you are not residing in Tampines East!
1. Can you share with us how long you have been in practice and
what does an O&G doctor do?
I have been practising for 16 years. My main area of work involves seeing
pregnant mothers and helping them throughout the entire antenatal
period, delivering the babies and following up with them on postnatal
issues. I also see patients who suffered from previous miscarriages and
guide them to subsequent pregnancies, mothers on preconception and
gynae-related conditions such as abortion, fibroid, ovarian cyst, pap smear
and Urogynaecology.
2. What is your sub-speciality about?
I was sent to Australia for a year to sub-specialise in Urogynaecology, a
branch of gynaecology dealing with ageing population issues in urinary
incontinence, vaginal and womb prolapse.
3. Are there any interesting anecdotes to share with our readers on
your delivering experience?
Several couples from Tampines, who have babies delivered by me before,
are pregnant again. This is surprising as I have been here for 3 years only.
They must be heeding the government’s call for more babies, maybe the
numerous incentives are working.
“It was a great pleasure for my wife and
me to receive this exciting, beautiful
gift for our newborn. We wished to
thank Mr Mah for this gift from him
personally”, Capt. K Shaukath Ali, a
Tampines resident.
6. How many Jubilee babies have you delivered so far?
80 babies.
7. What advice do you have for mothers who are preparing to have their
little ones?
My best advice is not to delay having a baby as increasingly older couples are
coming for help. In my experience, trying to get pregnant is much easier before
age of 30.
8. What is the most rewarding take away from this career?
I form a bond with many of the couples whom I have delivered babies for.
9. What advice do you normally give to your pregnant patients?
I encourage my pregnant patients to walk a lot during the late 3rd trimester
to improve the chances of a normal delivery. I am gratified that many of them
listened to me and I have met them in different parks around the estate.
Sometimes, their husbands also start losing weight as well when I give
dietary advice to patients who put on more than 2 kg per month during their
4. What is the main challenge you faced as an O&G doctor?
The main challenge is to manage my time due to the distance from the
hospitals as I start my day reviewing patients in different hospitals before I
return to my clinic in Tampines.
5. What is your greatest achievement as a doctor serving Tampines
It is extremely gratifying especially when I see my pregnant patients bring
their mothers to see me for non-pregnant conditions or vice versa, for
example, post-menopausal patients may bring their pregnant daughters to
see me. Another satisfying fact is that I delivered babies for 4-5 teachers
from one of the schools in Tampines during 2013-2014.
Dr Wong Heng Fok
– A patient’s comment on The Asian Parent’s Facebook.
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist,
MBBS (Singapore), MRCOG (London, UK)
Thomson Women’s Clinic (Tampines)
Blk 503 Tampines Central 1,
#01-189, Singapore 520503
SG50 Celebrations in Tampines
As part of SG50 Celebrations in Tampines, residents can join in a series of year-long communityled initiatives such as Red and White @ Void Deck, the Tampines Heart Map and SG50 Birthday
Lollies Splash, among other exciting lined-up celebrations. Through these events, residents can
have a sense of ownership and pride in the nation’s past achievements and look forward to the
During February to July 2015, volunteers from various Residents’ Committees are going around
the neighbourhood on house visits to photograph red or white objects shared by residents. These
collected pictures will be used to create wall murals of SG50 themes with heritage icons such as,
The Merlion and Samsui women, which will be installed at the void decks of 250 selected blocks
in Tampines, where everyone can get up close with our heritage at home.
Residents can share their pictures of favourite hang-outs in Tampines through the Tampines Heart
Map which lists out 50 favourite places in Tampines. This helps others to find meaningful places
in Tampines which are special to their hearts, while creating a community-shared experience for
Get together in picture moments with your loved ones. The colourful lollipops of artworks, from
Tampines Celebrates SG50 art competition last year, are installed at different places in Tampines.
Some 400 residents joined in the launch by Grassroots Advisers, Mr Heng Swee Keat, Mr
Masagos Zulkifli, Mr Mah Bow Tan, Mr Baey Yam Keng and Ms Irene Ng on 7 February, which
unveiled the series of events and allowed them to be the first few involved in Singapore’s 50th
birthday celebrations in the heartlands.
Be Part of
About Red & White @ Void Deck
This initiative is part of a series of Tampines Celebrates SG50.
250 void decks in Tampines will be installed with this community mural
with images contributed by YOU!
How to be part of it?
Option 1: Red & White Photo Snap House Visit
Let us take a picture of your red/white item during the “Red & White Photo Snap” House Visit.
Option 2: At CC / RC Events
Visit our Red & White Photo Snap Booth at our CC / RC events with your red/white item for a snap shot.
Option 3: Via Email
Take a nice snap shot of your red or white item and email to us at rwtampines@gmail.com.
Do indicate your address and contact number in your email.
What to do next?
Look out for the installation at your void deck or void deck closer to your block.
Supported by SG50
Celebration Fund
SG50 Celebrations in Tampines
The Lollipops Art Installation
Giant Lollipops have sprouted in some parts of Tampines
since 8 April, turning the town into a whimsical land of
With different designs placed in each division, the lollies
carry the artworks from artists from Tampines Celebrates
SG50 Art Competition.
It is not every day you see lollies in the heartlands, be
sure to catch them all!
For sponsorship opportunities, please contact
Sweet treats await
our sponsors
Colourful logo backdrop
depicts a jubilant atmosphere
How many have you seen?
Tampines Heart Map – Stories of Places
Interview conducted by Community Interns, Phang Zixin,
Nur Hasyimah Binte Mohd Ali and Lim Woei Lin
This beautiful “pond” used to be a sand quarry.
In the past, companies pumped water into the hills so
that the water would carry sand along as it flowed down.
As this sand-laden water flowed down the palong (a
compartmented and raised filter, as shown in the black
and white photo), the sand would be trapped in each
compartment of the palong. Once the compartment
was completely filled with sand, the trapdoor of the
compartment would open and the sand would be
deposited into the lorry stationed beneath the trapdoor.
The remaining water which carried silt (very fine soil
particles) would continue to flow down the palong
and into a pit. Once the silt sank to the bottom of the
pit, the same water would then be pumped up the hills
once again, restarting this process. Eventually, the pit
would become too shallow with the build-up of the silt
and companies would either have to dig a new pit or
abandon the quarry altogether.
Abandoned quarries, like this one in Tampines, would
collect rainwater over the years to become a huge
“pond” like what you see now.
Mr Yeo Hong Eng
Active contributor to the Singapore Memory Project
Community Tribute
A community tribute was held in
remembrance of the passing of
the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, the
first Prime Minister of Singapore,
from 24 to 29 March at the
Tampines Community Plaza.
More than 77,900 residents
turned up at the community
tribute site to pay their last
respects and gratitude to Mr Lee
for his tireless contributions to
Singapore’s progress.
Left to Right: Residents, Grassroots Advisers, Mr Desmond Choo,
Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Ms Irene Ng, Mr Heng Swee Keat,
Mr Mah Bow Tan, Mr Baey Yam Keng, and Vice-chairperson
of Tampines East CCC and CCMC, Ms Cheng Li Hui at the
10,000-flower memorial heart created by residents during Tribute
Night on 28 March 2015.
A teary moment for the Advisers while
Mr Heng delivered the eulogy to the community.
A minute of silence for residents and Advisers.
Residents paying their last respects.
Outpouring of emotions by thousands of residents.
Tampines Town Council’s staff paying their last respects at the Tribute site
on 26 March 2015.
Residents penning down their condolences.
Community Tribute
First Official Visit
to Tampines
Last Official Visit
to Tampines
Then Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew announced that the Government hoped to
introduce free secondary education in Singapore. This announcement was made
during his 12-hour tour of Tampines.
Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Encik Lee Kuan Yew telah mengumumkan bahawa
Pemerintah berharap untuk memperkenalkan pendidikan sekolah menegah percuma di
Singapura. Pengumuman ini dibuat semasa lawatan beliau selama 12 jam di Tampines.
murhq;fk; rpq;fg;g+upy; ,ytr eLepiyf; fy;tpia mwpKfg;gLj;Jtjw;F vz;zk;
nfhz;Ls;sJ vd;W kiwe;j gpujk ke;jpup jpU yP Fthd; ,a+ mtHfs; mwptpj;jhH.
mtH jdJ 12 ehs; njk;gdp]; Rw;Wg;gazj;jpd; NghJ ,e;j mwptpg;igr; nra;jhH.
Then Minister Mentor, Mr Lee Kuan Yew visited Tampines Central to open the
Pavilion at Tampines Parkview precinct.
当时的内阁资政,李光耀先生走访淡滨尼中心并主持 Tampines Parkview 休闲亭
Menteri Mentor ketika itu, Encik Lee Kuan Yew telah melawat Tampines Central untuk
merasmikan acara pembukaan presint Pavilion di Tampines Parkview.
mikr;rHfspd; MNyhrfuhf ,Ue;j> jpU yP Fthd; ,a+ mtHfs;> njk;gdP];
ghHf;tpa+ FbapUg;Gg;Ngl;ilapy; fhl;rpauq;if jpwe;J itg;gjw;fhf njk;gpdp];
nrd;l;uYf;F tUifGupe;jhH.
“Live the Singapore Spirit
when others say we can’t
make it but we can make it.
Stay united regardless of race,
language or religion and build
Singapore as a home where we
all belong, a place we protect,
a place we called home for
ourselves and our children,”
Mr Heng Swee Keat, Adviser to Tampines Grassroots Organisations.
Community Outreach
Creating Smiles,
Bringing Joy
Tampines Town Council creates smiles and brings joy to the needy and less fortunate
residents living in Tampines at the start of the jubilee year.
Our staff joined Tampines Changkat Community Club in their Spring Cleaning
project and helped some residents clean their homes, giving them the gift of
cleanliness in welcoming the Year of Goat.
Several town council staff also joined Junyuan Secondary School in the distribution
of hampers, oranges and hand-made lanterns to some Tampines Central residents
as part of the community outreach in marking the 17th year of Junyuan Secondary
School in the community.
Subsequently, over 30 of our staff joined Grassroots Adviser, Ms Irene Ng at Block
296 Metta Day Rehabilitation Centre for the Elderly where we mingled and served
hot meals to more than 80 physically-disabled residents from the centre. Residents
were smiling from ear-to-ear as the event marked the entrance of a Lion Dance
Troupe, followed by distribution of red packets and oranges from Ms Ng, and
chocolate coins from the God of Fortune.
Spring Cleaning in
resident’s home
Tampines Town Council’s staff with
Adviser, volunteers and staff of Metta
Rehabilitation Centre
Grassroots Adviser, Ms Irene Ng giving out red packets
to residents at the Centre
Tampines Changkat’s resident
received a goodie bag
Distribution of hampers, oranges and
hand-made lanterns to Tampines
Central residents
Spread The Message Of Kindness
To spread the message of kindness, a group of 20 Pasir Ris Secondary
School students from Secondary 3, went door-to-door covering Tampines
blocks 235 and 237 on 25 March to encourage residents to reduce
clutter along the corridor. This was one of the Values In Action projects
undertaken by the school for 30 Acts of Kindness, a community outreach
organised by the school as part of its 30th anniversary celebration.
Shahila shared that it was a great experience. She noticed that when
she approached some residents they were initially hesitant, but after she
smiled and interacted with them it helped to break the ice.
“This is a good opportunity
for Pasirians to share a
community message and
demonstrate kindness.
Kindness begets kindness,”
Desmond, one of the accompanying teachers.
Another student, Dina was glad that she talked to the residents as it
boosted her confidence.
Tampines Town Council’s representative briefing the students
Students strike a chord with a
Mission accomplished
Meraikan Hari Raya Puasa
Muslims fast from dawn to dusk during Ramadan which falls on the 9th
month in the Islamic calendar. In the evenings, they will usually gather as a
community to break their fast, and the meal is known as Iftar. Traditionally,
dates are consumed at the start of Iftar for their physical benefits and
spiritual symbolism. During this period, Muslims will also perform religious
duties such as giving to the poor, the zakat fitrah (a form of alms-giving
which has religious significance).
Semasa bulan Ramadan, bulan yang ke-9 dalam kalendar Islam, umat Islam
diwajibkan berpuasa dari waktu Subuh hingga ke Maghrib. Mereka selalunya
akan berkumpul bersama semasa berbuka puasa dan majlis berbuka ini juga
digelar majlis iftar. Secara tradisi, buah kurma dimakan di permulaan iftar,
melambangkan kerohanian serta meraih manfaat secara fizikal. Sepanjang bulan
Ramadan yang mulia ini, umat Islam juga digalakkan beramal serta melaksanakan
kawajipan agama mereka untuk berzakat kepada golongan fakir miskin.
The month-long observance culminates in the celebration of Hari Raya
Puasa which marks the end of Ramadan. On the first day of Hari Raya
Puasa, Muslims will usually make a trip to the mosque, followed by visits to
their parents’ and relatives’ homes. Adding to the festivity, new clothes will
be worn and a wide spread of Malay culinary delights will be prepared such
as Lontong, Rendang, Lemang, Ketupat and more.
Amalan selama sebulan ini mencapai kemuncaknya dalam sambutan Hari Raya
Puasa yang menandakan berakhirnya Ramadan. Pada hari pertama Hari Raya
Puasa, umat Islam biasanya akan melawat masjid, diikuti dengan kunjungan ke
rumah ibu bapa dan saudara-mara mereka. Menambah kepada perayaan tersebut,
pakaian baru akan dikenakan dan beraneka hidangan masakan serta juadah
Melayu akan disediakan seperti Lontong, Rendang, Lemang, Ketupat dan banyak
As a form of Eid Mubarak, Tampines residents get a chance to win specially
designed paintings signed by our Grassroots Advisers, Mr Heng Swee Keat, Mr
Masagos Zulkifli, Mr Mah Bow Tan, Mr Baey Yam Keng and Ms Irene Ng.
Email your answer to feedback@ttc.org.sg and stand a chance to win one of
the 5 paintings to be give away.
The email must have the subject title ‘Hari Raya Contest’. Please include
your name, age, address, telephone number, and answer in the body of the
Sebagai satu bentuk Eid Mubarak, penduduk Tampines mendapat peluang untuk
memenangi tulisan yang dipenakan khas oleh Penasihat Akar Umbi kami, Encik
Heng Swee Keat, Encik Masagos Zulkifli, Encik Mah Bow Tan, Encik Baey Yam
Keng dan Cik Irene Ng.
Emelkan jawapan anda kepada feedback@ttc.org.sg dan berpeluang untuk
memenangi salah satu daripada 5 buah tulisan yang akan dihadiahkan.
Emel anda harus menyatakan tajuk subjek ‘Peraduan Hari Raya’. Sila sertakan
nama, umur, alamat, nombor telefon, dan jawapan anda dalam isi kandungan emel.
Which food is prepared during Hari Raya Puasa?
1) Roti Prata
2) Chicken Rice
3) Rendang
4) Fish & Chips
Hidangan manakah yang biasanya disediakan semasa Hari Raya Puasa?
Closing date: 11 July 2015
Tarikh tutup: 11 Julai 2015
*Keep a lookout for our coming article on Deepavali in the next issue!
*Nantikan artikel kami yang akan datang mengenai Deepavali di dalam terbitan yang seterusnya!
1) Roti Prata
2) Nasi Ayam
3) Rendang
4) Ikan & Kentang Goreng
Stand A Chance To Win Tampidy!
Count the Litter
Oh no! One of the parks in Tampines is littered with waste. Tampidy is busy picking
the litter at the park to keep Tampines Town a cleaner and greener home.
Can you count the number of litter he has to pick from the park?
1) 10
2) 5
3) 8
We are giving away 100 Tampidies in this issue! Email your answer to
feedback@ttc.org.sg and stand a chance to win a Tampidy. The email must have the
subject title, ‘Tampidy Contest’. Please include your name, age, address, telephone
number and answer in the body of the email.
Closing Date: 30 September 2015
Remember to bin your litter for a clean Tampines. If Tampidy can do it, why can’t
Do join us in our future tree planting activity to get these limited edition collectibles
of him doing a variety of activities, which highlight the blossoming of a cleaner and
greener town.
By taking part in any of the contests in this page, participants agree and consent under the Personal Data Protection Act
(Cap 26 of 2012) (“Act”) to the collection, use and disclosure of their personal data by/to Tampines Town Council for the
purpose of administering the contest. Winners will be notified by email/phone.
Dengan mengambil bahagian dalam peraduan ini, peserta bersetuju dan memberikan keizinan di bawah Akta Perlindungan
Data Peribadi (Cap 26 tahun 2012) (“Akta”) bagi pengumpulan, penggunaan dan pendedahan data peribadi mereka oleh/
kepada Majlis Bandaran Tampines untuk tujuan mentadbir peraduan. Pemenang akan dimaklumkan melalui emel/telefon.
Community Outreach
What’s a Gigantic QR Code
appearing on Tampines’s
HDB Facade
As part of this year’s PAssionArts Festival 2015, focusing on more Large Format Visual Arts installations in the
area of Façade, Ground and Sky Art, several HDB Blocks in Tampines will become the canvas of co-creation by
residents and artists in celebration of ‘We Love Singapore!’
Tampines East Community Arts and Culture Club
and Tampines East Zone 8 Residents’ Committee will
work with visual artist and Tampines resident, Ms
Yeoh Wee Hwee on the installation, AMAZEing LIFE,
which talks about Life as a maze where every turn one
makes, brings about different encounters. From far,
the installation will raise curious eyebrows as it looks
like a huge QR Code being mounted onto the façade of
Block 370, Tampines Avenue 7.
At Tampines Changkat, Artist, Fish Jaafar along with
yet another Tampines resident and artist, Ben Yap
will work on another installation, featuring some
of the unique icons of Tampines Changkat. Paint the
Tampines Town red with us as part of the Nation’s
Jubilee Celebrations! Keep a lookout for the painting
workshops’ date, time and venue by enquiring from
the Tampines Community Clubs or connect with us at
facebook : PAssionArtsAtTampines
Tampines Central CC : 6785 0004
Tampines Changkat CC : 6781 1806
Tampines East CC : 6786 3227
Tampines North CC : 6785 7166
Tampines West CC : 6788 1912
Download the
app for your
Visit us at
Alternatively, you may
Email us at
HAPPENINGS in Tampines!
Building Family Bonds
Through Active Playing And
More than 600 Tampines residents,
with their children aged 12 years and
below, participated in the annual play
festival, Play @ Tampines, held on 14
March at the Open Plaza of Tampines
Grassroots Advisers, Mr Heng Swee Keat, Mr Mah Bow Tan and Mr Baey Yam Keng
joined 250 families in the painting of ‘Our Tampines, My Best Home’, a 48-piece canvas
wall mural which was formed by individual art paintings to signify the coming of Tampines
spirit as a whole.
Helping one another at the event, residents were able to share their knowledge in painting
and explore the different styles and strokes of canvas art to produce their labour of love for
the community.
Tampines residents also got together with their loved ones and families to learn and share
through play activities, such as Toy Brick Art and House of Wild Drawings by Playuem, while
children learnt Mathematical & Science concepts through hands-on activities organised by
The Explorium. It was certainly, “Where children play and learn while having great fun!”
Bridging Cultures Through Community Dinner
Over 400 Tampines West residents gathered for an
auspicious Lunar New Year dinner at Tampines West
Community Club on 27 February to celebrate the arrival
of Chinese New Year festival in the community.
Grassroots Adviser, Mr Masagos Zulkifli, spread the
festive joy by giving out goodie bags with double
mandarin oranges which signified the gift of good luck
to each of the residents at the tables. Lucky draw and
cultural performances such as Lion Dance were among
the highlights of the night.
During the feasting, many friendships were anew while
community ties and bonds were reaffirmed as residents
from all walks of life, ages and races interacted with one
The dinner, held annually in the community, helps
residents from different races to come together and learn
about other cultures and ways of life while reinforcing the
importance of harmony and getting together to share their
joys with one another.
HAPPENINGS in Tampines!
Renewing A Robust Community
Tampines East residents got together in an inaugural
family-style carnival, newXperience@Tampines East,
held at Tampines East Community Club on 7 March,
organised by Tampines East New Citizens and New
Residents Committee.
Grassroots Adviser, Mr Mah Bow Tan mingled with
residents and joined in the bonding session of fun and
interactive games, competition and activities such as
Creative Sandwich Making Competition, Mega Jenga,
Laser Tag, DIY SG50 Crafting and more.
Around 400 residents got an opportunity to take home
some mementos of the event with their photographs
taken with the Adviser and loved ones at the instant
photo booth.
Active Ageing with Wellness @ Tampines Changkat
To help residents aged above 50 stay healthy and active, Tampines Changkat
launched a new Wellness card, Wellness @ Tampines Changkat, on 18
April at Tampines Changkat Wellness Day. With this card, residents can
access a wide range of Wellness programmes and activities free of charge
or at a discounted rate in Tampines Changkat.
Grassroots Adviser, Ms Irene Ng, Member of Parliament for Tampines
GRC, who initiated this programme, encouraged seniors aged 50 to 65, to
join the various Wellness activities and lead an active lifestyle, and enjoy
doing so, for their own sake and their families. She was concerned when
she found out that many above 65 suffered from various medical ailments.
During her regular house visits, she realised many were reluctant to join these
programmes because they worried about the cost and the convenience. With
this wellness card, both these concerns would be addressed.
Seniors can now access many planned activities and programmes, such as
qigong, regular local day trips, organised by Tampines Changkat Active Ageing
Committee, ECON Life! Hub @ Tampines Changkat, St Luke’s Eldercare Centre and Metta Day
Rehabilitation Centre for the elderly, with a nominal one-time registration fee of $2.
Forging Ahead With Shared Learning Journeys
Over 1,000 Tampines North residents attended the Red & White Fiesta held early
this year at the Tampines North Community Club, organised by Tampines North
Citizens’ Consultative Committee.
The fiesta was a journey back to Singapore’s past for younger generation of
residents to better understand the heritage of Singapore. Grassroots Adviser, Mr
Baey Yam Keng joined young residents and their parents in the making of some
nostalgic snacks such as Soda Popsicles and got to enjoy the taste of yesteryears.
‘Old school’ games such as Chapteh, Connect 4, Rubber Challenge, Giant Snake
and Ladder were rediscovered by residents in the passage of times through
exhibition displays which revealed the lifestyle of earlier days older generation
of residents led.
While reminiscing the past times, residents from older generation got to foster a
stronger bond with their loved ones as the young looked upon the old for traces
of their childhood memories.
Notice & Feedback
Personal Data Protection Notification
The Town Council’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal data are described in its Personal Data Protection Policy, a copy of which is
available at the Town Council office and accessible online at http://www.tampines.org.sg/. Please note that, by using the Town Council’s services,
you signify that you have read, understood and agreed to relevant portions of the Policy.
The Town Council may collect and use your personal data where permitted by applicable law and for purposes that include collection of Service
& Conservancy Charges (S&CC), collection of mortgage instalment and rental on behalf of Housing & Development Board, processing bookings
of Town Council facilities and requests for Town Council services, administration of financial assistance and S&CC instalment payment plan,
administration of quizzes, surveys and polls, responding to enquiries and feedback, sending updates on estate matters, and/or internal audit,
publicity and research purposes.
The Town Council may disclose your personal data where permitted by applicable law to our service providers for purposes described above, to
public agencies for funding, reporting, statistical, research, survey or follow-up purposes, and/or to your authorised proxies or representatives.
The Town Council may modify the Policy at any time by giving you notice via our website, newsletters and/or noticeboards. Use of the Town
Council’s services after such notification signifies acceptance of the relevant modifications.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding the Policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer at:
Tampines Town Council
Tel: 6781 2222
E-mail: feedback@ttc.org.sg
Town Council MAILBOX
Dear Sirs,
Dear Sir,
Thank you once again for looking into the matter. The dry riser is cleared of bicycles’
obstruction and the bamboo poles do not protrude as bad as before. All thanks to
Mr Imran, a truly efficient and dedicated officer.
Two of your officers from Town Council and a couple of conservancy cleaners moved
around the estate near Blk 430 to distribute the calendars. Both Town Council officers,
Mr Multazam and his colleague were very polite. It’s not the calendar that matters but
your care and thoughts for the resident that counts.
Thank you and have a good day.
Kudos to you, Sir.
Eric Delko
Dear Sir,
Kindly convey my deepest gratitude to Mr Jasper. He is very friendly and assuring,
and never fails to return my call. Whenever he is involved, he would try to resolve
my concern as soon as he can, and do his best to help us solve our problem. He was
kind to assist me and resolved my problem two years ago when I first met him.
Dear Management,
I am relieved to know that Mr Jasper was the officer-in-charge of my current case.
We need officers like him who goes the extra mile to provide an excellent service.
It is well understood within the Tampines estate there are many issues (concerns). Your
time and humble gesture over the past years have always been very much appreciated!
Once again, thank you Mr Jasper, and the CSO who conveyed my feedback to him.
With thanks & blessings to all staff at Tampines Town Council,
Mrs Lee
Thank you for taking your time and effort to serve Tampines residents and my family,
even after your office hours.
Dear Sir,
Dear Officer,
Thank you for your effort in redecorating our estate, especially painting the
building facade with a unique design.
I would like to thank Mr Shahmir for the effort and patience to resolve my problem
related to the bees along my corridor and lift lights in the morning.
During the painting works, my windows were stained with paint but the workers
cleaned it off at the end of the day without me having to inform the authority. I
think the contractor have trained their workers well in this aspect. They were also
very well-mannered and have assisted old residents to shift their potted plants
when they were carrying out the internal painting.
He had put in much effort by calling the pest control and fixed the light covers situated
outside my door and lift.
I would like to compliment Mr Kayson Ng for his effort in ensuring the workers’
discipline. I believe that Raymond Construction has a high standard of their
site staffs to ensure our feedbacks are attended promptly. I would also like to
compliment the Town Council for engaging such quality contractor so that we as
residents can enjoy minimal disturbance while upgrading works are carried out.
Tan Jing Ying
I appreciate it very much.
Dear Sir,
My friend, Nancy and I would like to compliment the officer-in-charge of Blk 203,
Mr Yong for his efficiency. Nancy complained to him that the ramp was very steep
on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we saw a gentle slope. Wonderful! Fast action! He is a
gem! Thank you very much, Mr Yong. Thank you, Tampines Town Council.
Dear Sir,
From Peggy Tan and Nancy
It was a Saturday and the office was about to close. Your officer, Mr Zech reacted
proactively and effectively. He facilitated my contact with Tampines NPC Community
Police so swiftly. My thanks and gratitude to Mr Zech’s enthusiastic assistance.
*Some of the letters have been edited for brevity and clarity.
Yap Koon Hong
Call our HOTLINE for bulky item disposal
We want to hear from you!
Email us at feedback@ttc.org.sg
Like our Facebook page
Upcoming Events
Meet-the-People Session
Tampines Central
Mr Heng Swee Keat
Minister for Education,
Adviser to Tampines Town Council
Tampines West
Tampines East
Mr Masagos Zulkifli
Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, 2nd Minister for
Home Affairs and 2nd Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Elected Member of Tampines Town Council
Mr Mah Bow Tan
Tampines Changkat
Tampines North
Ms Irene Ng
Mr Baey Yam Keng
Elected Member of Tampines Town Council
Vice-Chairman of Tampines Town Council
Chairman of Tampines Town Council
MPS Venue: (From 8pm to 10pm)
MPS Venue: (From 8pm to 10pm)
MPS Venue: (From 8pm to 10pm)
MPS Venue: (From 8pm to 10pm)
Blk 856 Tampines Street 82 #01-279
Blk 140 Tampines St 12 #01-426
Blk 209 Tampines Street 21 #01-1347
Blk 114 Tampines Street 11 #01-167
Blk 444 Tampines Street 42 #01-136
Singapore 520856
Singapore 520140
Singapore 520209
Singapore 521114
Singapore 520444
Tel: 6783 3090
Tel: 6782 1177
Tel: 6783 5577
Tel: 6781 5329
Tel: 6782 2177
Blocks in this Division:
Blocks in this Division:
Blocks in this Division:
Blocks in this Division:
Blocks in this Division:
Blks 515-520/C, 522-524/B, 701-742/A,
Blk 140-151, 156-166, 801-829, 887-899/A,
Blks 201-271, 352-374, 381-396, 501-506,
Blks 101-114, 117, 124-127, 136-139,
Blks 401-499/D
902-903, 906-916, 921-922, 924-946
508-510, 512-513,
MPS Venue: (From 8pm to 10pm)
Pinevale Executive Condominium
272-299/B, 301-351/A
The Eden Executive Condominium
Join Tampines Central in the celebration of Singapore’s
50th National Day at Tampines Central Park. Part of
Tampines Central Jubilee Weekend celebration feature,
be entertained with exciting performances over a
sumptuous dinner!
Cultural performers with Grassroots
Adviser, Mr Heng Swee Keat on
Guest-of-Honour: Mr Heng Swee Keat
Date: 8 August 2015
Time: 7pm to 10pm
Venue: Tampines Central Park
Organiser: Tampines Central Grassroots
Contact: 6785 0004
Residents can expect a fun-filled evening when
Tampines North celebrates Singapore Golden
Jubilee with a special movie screening cum family
Grassroots Adviser, Mr Baey Yam
Keng with residents on stage.
Guest-of-Honour: Mr Baey Yam Keng
Date: 7 and 8 August 2015
Time: 6pm to 10pm on both days
Venue: Courtyard between Block 480 & 484,
Tampines Avenue 9
Organiser: Tampines North Citizens’ Consultative
Contact: 6785 7166
An annual event with residents of all races and ages
coming together to celebrate and rejoice with good
food and great company, accompanied with entertaining
Malay performances enjoyed by many.
Grassroots Adviser, Ms Irene Ng,
leading a resident to dance on stage.
Guest-of-Honour: Ms Irene Ng
Date: 2 August 2015
Time: 7pm
Venue: Tampines Changkat Community Club Hall
Organiser: Tampines Changkat Malay Activities
Executive Committee
Contact: 6781 1806
SG50 National Day Carnival @ Tampines West will
be held over the Jubilee Weekend on Saturday, 8 Aug
2015! We have a great line up of fun-filled activities
for all, and you can even get to experience fireworks
display! So save the date and see you there!
Fireworks in Tampines West’s sky.
Guest-of-Honour: Mr Masagos Zulkifli
Date: 8 August 2015
Time: 6pm to 10pm
Venue: Tampines Cultural Hub
Organiser: Tampines West Community Club
Contact: 6783 7910
Celebrate SG50 with Tampines East Community
Club. Expect ‘Amazing Race’ for families, Rock
Climbing, Mass Zumba and many other interesting
activities! Do look out for the details coming out
Grassroots Adviser, Mr Mah Bow Tan
cutting the National Day Birthday
Cake with residents.
Guest-of-Honour: Mr Mah Bow Tan
Date: 8 August 2015
Time: 9am to 5pm
Venue: Tampines East Community Club
Organiser: Tampines East Community Club
Contact: 6786 3227
Tampines Tempo is a newsletter published by Tampines Town Council and delivered to the letterboxes
of all HDB households in Tampines GRC. Copies of the newsletter can also be collected from the Town
Council office and the five Community Clubs in Tampines. The Publisher makes every effort to ensure
the accuracy of information in Tampines Tempo but cannot be held responsible for any consequences
arising from errors or omissions. All information is correct at the time of printing.
One of the Grassroots Adviser, Mr
Mah Bow Tan with residents at MidAutumn Celebration.
Publicity Committee
This year’s theme ‘Huan Ge Xiao Yu Zhong Qiu
Ye, Wu Shi Wu Long Qing Jia Jie’《欢歌笑语中秋
夜,舞狮舞龙庆佳节》 symbolises the traditional
celebration of thanksgiving in a heartland filled with
people, music and laughter in continuity promoting
‘Our Tampines, My Best Home’ together with the
Guest-of-Honour: Mr Heng Swee Keat, Mr Masagos
Zulkifli, Mr Mah Bow Tan, Ms Irene Ng and Mr Baey
Yam Keng
Date: 19 September 2015
Time: 7pm to 10pm
Venue: Tampines Community Plaza
Organiser: Tampines Grassroots Organisations
Contact: 6786 3227, 6785 0004, 6781 1806,
6783 2900, 6783 7910
Advisers: Mr Baey Yam Keng, Ms Irene Ng
Chairman: Ms Jeanne Cheng, PBM
Vice-Chairman: Mdm Kamisah Bte Mohd Shariff, PBM
Members: Mr Kwek Hong Lim, PBM,
Mr Kieu Li Chong Edgar, Mr Ng See San Ricky
Published by Tampines Town Council
Blk 136 Tampines Street 11
Singapore 521136
Design & Production
The Print Lodge Pte Ltd