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Guides news for June 2016
Compiled by: Isaiah Banda – Head guide @ Mabula Game Lodge
2016 has reached its halfway mark, but before we launch into the second half of the year,
we need to once again look back and recap some of the best memories we had during
the month of June.
Prolonged shades of orange, a slight chill in the air and mist-filled mornings are all signs
that winter is upon us.
Although every season in the bush offers something unique and different I must admit
that winter is my favourite. Waking up to the crisp clean air, bundling myself up with layers
of clothing and enjoying a hot cup of coffee before heading out for another unknown day
is the bush is a feeling like no other and a difficult one to describe.
Being in a drought and now with winter being the start of our official dry season makes
for some very interesting times ahead. Over the last decade, almost every year has seen
Mabula Private Game Reserve graced with above-average rainfall, but over the last two
wet seasons the rain has not come, and we have had half the amount we usually receive.
How will animal behaviour change? Will it change at all? Will animals move around more?
These are just a few questions I and fellow guides are asking ourselves and we will all be
watching closely as the next few weeks and months pass….For now it has been another
incredible month in the bush, not only exploring the golden light but the beautiful sunset
Enjoy this month pictures…
The Mabula’s young male looking at the distant herd of buffaloes
There is something special about spending time in a large herd of buffalo; not only for the
overwhelming feeling of the sheer numbers but it also allows us to pick up on the smaller things
in and around the herd
We spent a good hour with this herd as they feed into the early morning safari
The Mabula young male leopard trying his luck on a crested francolin on the late afternoon at four
ways crossing close to main dam
A dappled coat; perfect to fade into the shadows, ambush prey and slink off into the darkness to
stay out of harm’s way
As the sun sets on another day in the bush, it gives us time to stand still, listen to the silence and
appreciate where we are
This hippo cow was caught on camera on the early morning safari at Main dam
Lions are tactile animals, with touch maintaining bonds between pride members, in particular
mothers and their cubs
One of the Madjuma male watches his coalition mate feed on a Wildebeest that was brought down
by the Madjuma females
Looking at Main dam from the sky on balloon safari
Buffalos are ruminant’s animals; they will put everything on the rumen, when full and begin to
empty it, as we can see from these two
An intense stare to the herd of impalas by Madjuma young male as they wonder off in a distance
The two bulls at Mabula sighted on the afternoon safari at little crocodile dam
Highlight of the month, was to go on a balloon safari, my first time and it was amazing, with the
Top Billing crew
It is always special to end a day with good company and an incredible sunset
As we round up the month of June, we cast our eyes across Mabula’s landscape and are struck by
how much the prevalent colours resemble those of Maine in the fall.
Rich gold and red hues tinge the tree line and it feels distinctly like the dying days of winter as
opposed to just the beginning of the season.
What has struck all of us though is not so much the sparseness or dryness of the bush but rather
how resilient the land, animals and natural systems are proving to be. It is serving us with an
important lesson on how to flow with the natural peaks and troughs inherent in the rhythm of life.
We have already been treated to remarkable sightings spurred by this dry spell. These include
sightings of rarely seen creatures such as pangolin, which normally go unnoticed in the long grass.
Predators continue to abound and it seems that although the land is entering into a period of rest,
the cats are forging on, adding new young to the Mabula family.
That’s all I have for you this month.
From Isaiah & the Wildlife Team
Bushveld greetings