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Date Author December 2008 T J . C . van Terwisga, G.J. Zondervan and E. van W/ijgaarden Address TUDelft Delft University of Technology Ship Hydromechanics Laboratory Mekelweg 2, 26282 CD Delft Delft University of Tectinology Propulsor Research - Recent Developments and the Way F o r w a r d by T J . C . van T e r w i s g a , G . J . Zondervan and E. van W i j n g a a r d e n Report No. 1 6 1 1 - P 2008 Publislied in: SWZ | Maritime, Maritiem Techniscli Vakblad, Jaargang 18, December 2008, ISSN 1876-0236, Layout en Druk Thieme Mediacenter, Rotterdam Page / o f 1/1 I'l'AllilIliW Delft University of Technology Ship Hydromechanics laboratory Library Mekelweg 2 26282 CD Delft Phone: + 3 1 (0)15 2786873 E-mail: p . w . d e h e e r m u d e l f t . n l M r • i 1 Si Rolls-Royce ';Vl||ii||rnllï(ip{tHï I Jaarvergadering Scheepsbouw Nederlan II , . ^ 1 • Scheepsluiken/ liiikenkraneii 0J> LIMDAL ASSIST B.V. LogicVision Coops en Nieborg BV Postbus 226 9600 AE Hoogezand Tel. 0598 - 39 55 00 Fax 0598 - 39 24 27 E-mail: Scheepsmotoren en reparatie ENGINE SERVICE LIIVIDAL A S S I S T B.V Parallelweg 1 2 4 - 1 2 1948 NN Beverwijk Tel:+31 251 271 765 - Vessel registration (e.g. Sierra Leone, St Kitts & Nevis, Georgia, Panamal - STCW endorsements - Consultancy - Asset management - On- and off hire surveys Scheepsreparatie H O t t A N D B.V. Engine S e r v i c e Holland B.V. Ambachtswei 8 8501 XA Joure - The Netherlands Tel.-i-31 (0) 513 - 48 50 00 Fax-r31 (0)513 - 48 50 03 E-mail: i n f o ® Scheepsrec|istratie ra '^^Ë^0' H u b e l M a r i n e B.V. Vessel Registration • Marine Surveyors Nicoverken Holland b.v. Algerastraat 20 3125 BS Schiedam Tel. 010 - 238 09 66 Fax 010 - 238 09 88 Email: Schroefaskokerafdichtingen B.V. 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Box 2119 1990 ACVelsBrbroBk Tel:+31 (0) 23 5490335 www.surveyors.n - Statutory surveys on behalf of various flagstates (Panama, Sierra Leone, Cambodia etc.) - Class surveys for various non-I.A.C.S. class societies - \.S.U. code S.M.C. and D.O.C. audits on behalf of various flagstates - P&l, damage, pre-entry, on- and off hire and other type of surveys - Bollard pull surveys and certification Oflllörd The Steel and Iron Foundry Allard-Europe NV Veedijk 51 B-2300 Turnhout E-mail: Lloyd's Register Verwarmingssystemen, verkoop en onderhoud W e e n a Zuid 170 3012 NC Rotterdam TeL 010 - 201 84 47 Fax 010 - 404 55 88 •^HEATMASTER Heatmaster bv Industrial & Maritime heating systems De Zelling 1 Postbus 252 3340 AG Hsndrik-ldo-Ambacht Tel. + 31 78 - 68 23 404 Fax-r 31 78 - 68 23 403 Email: www.heatmasternl Heatmaster, your hottest innovator SV^Z Maritime wordt uitgegeven door de Sticliting Schip en Werf de Zee (SWZ), waarin participeren de Koninkliike Nederlandse Vereniging van Technici op Scheepvaartgebied (KNVTS) en de Stichting de Zee. SWZ IVlaritime is tevens het verenigingsblad van de KNVTS. SWZ is de eigenaar en de uitgever van de titels Schip & Werf de Zee en SWZ Maritime. Het bestuur van SWZ wordt gevormd door de participanten in SWZ, die elk vier bestuursleden benoemen uit de doelgroepen van de lezers en bestaat uit de volgende personen: Namens de KNVTS: S. Hengst, voorzitter [onderwijs) In J.R. Smit, penningmeester (KlVl/NIRIA) Ir S.G. Tan (MARIN) Ing. H.P.R Voomeveld (VNSI) Namens de Stichting de Zee: M r G.X. Hollaar (Kon. Vereniging van Nederlandse Reders) Capt. F.J. van Wijnen (Nederlandse Vereniging van Kapiteins ter Koopvaardij) H.J.A.H.Hylkema (Nautilus NL) Ing.F.Lantsheer(KNMI) Verschijnt 11 maal per jaar Hoofdredacteur: Ir C. Dirkse Eindredactie; M.R. Pijl Redactie; H.R.M. Dill, G.J. de Boer, In W. de Jong, Ir T Lantau, Ing. H.R.J. Akerboom, Capt. H. Roorda, M. van Dijk, Ing. S. Sakko, Ir J.H. de Jong Redactie Adviesraad; A.A. Boers, Dr Ir J.J. Blok, M. de Jong, Ir E.W.H. Keizer Ir G.H.G. 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Lay-out en druk; Thieme MediaCenter, Rotterdam Hoewel de informatie, gepubliceerd in deze uitgave, zorgvuldig is uitgezocht en waar mogelijk is gecontroleerd, sluiten uitgever, redactie en auteurs uitdrukkelijk iedere aansprakelijkheid uit voor eventuele onjuistheid en/of onvolledigheid van de verstrekte gegevens. Reprorecht; Overname van artikelen is alleen toegestaan na toestemming van de uitgever _ ® ISSN 1876 - 0236 X X ™ j l P R I N T Groep uitgeven voor vak en wetenschap ""üVi"gav«riverhqnd Special By prof. dr. ir. T. van Terwisga, ir. G.J. Zondervan and ir. E. van Wijngaarden rz Recent Developments and the Way Forward S i n c e long, the Netherlands have played a dominant role in the world of propulsor research and development. N o w a d a y s , the industry's interest in efficient, silent and safe propulsion is just a s strong a s in the past. In the following, recent r e s e a r c h developments are sketched against a background of market developments and the R&D response to them. The Wageningen B-series of propellers is still the most assessments of scale effects with which model tests had to be extensive systematic series of its kind and underlines the corrected in order to arrive at full scale predictions, could not strong roots of hydrodynamic propulsor R&D in the be made. At that time, the computational tools available forthe Netherlands. In this respect, it must be noted that important analysis of propeller-hull interaction were all based on inviscid research contributions can only be produced when there is a theories and therefore inadequate to compute viscous scale strong industrial infrastructure stimulating new research. In the effects. Remarkably, the current interest in ESDs seems low. recent past, this infrastructure was made up of Lips Drunen The reason for this might be the uncertainty in their and the Royal Netherlands Navy a.o.. It is currently guaranteed performance prediction and the paradigm that it is better to by Wartsila Propulsion Netherlands (formerly Lips), Van optimize a propeller-aftbody configuration in the first place, Voorden and a variety of smaller, but highly advanced propulsor after which ESDs have little extra advantage. ESDs, however, manufacturers. The Royal Netherlands Navy still plays an could well have a significant potential in the updating of important role as technology driver, although their part has existing ships and are likely to remain in demand for remedial become more modest after a series of budget cuts. design in the case of cavitation problems (think of noise and vibrations or erosion). Market Developments ' This statement before tfie financial was made crisis of tfie autumn of 2008 50 Energy Saving Increasing Power Density Not surprisingly, increasing fuel prices and the need to reduce Another stimulus for propulsortechnology developments has on emissions lead to a strong focus on fuel saving. Discussions been the rally for bigger and faster ships, that occurred in the with ship owners teach us that investing in energy-saving nineties and the first years ofthis century The increasing technology is considered worthwhile when it brings only one propeller loading ('power/propeller disk area'-ratio) and the per cent of fuel reductionT consequent increase in cavitation nuisance also led to an The fuel crisis in the seventies ofthe last century also created increasing variety in propulsor configurations. Although the a wealth of so-called Energy Saving Devices (ESDs): conventional single and twin screw propeller arrangements are Appendages that were applied in the propulsor area to regain still by far the most popular, other concepts were successfully or prevent losses in the flow produced by the propeller A tough introduced in the market. problem in evaluating the improvement in performance due to Of these configurations, the podded propeller has shown to be ESDs was the difficulty of their performance assessment. Their one ofthe most interesting developments. This propulsor effect on overall powering performance was mostly determined became so popular with cruise liners, that its power levels through model scale experiments, but it appeared extremely were raised from approximately 1 MW in the early nineties to difficult to quantify the performance gains forfull scale. The approximately 23 MW in the early years of this century. With uncertainty in full scale measurements between different this unprecedented fast development towards higher power configurations is too large, and reliable and accurate levels, problems started to occur with bearing forces, leading SWZIMARITIME Tom van Terwisga is senior researcher at iVlARIN and part-time professor at Delft University, Gert Jan Zondervan is project manager at MARIN and Erik van Wijngaarden is senior project manager at MARIN >. to the breaking down of bearings in some cases. In the eighties of the last century, the quest for speed, comfort and safety also allowed for the successful introduction ofthe waterjet propulsor into the civil market. These propulsors have currently reached power levels of up to about 25 MW absorbed by one unit as well. Developing Manufacturing Technologies In the market sketched above, with a growing flexibility of manufacturing processes, a climate grew in which other concepts could also be successfully introduced. Examples are new duct geometries; the Costa bulb, where the propeller hub merges into the rudder geometry, and rudders that act as a stator and thereby decrease fuel consumption. Other concepts, which have apparently not yet surfaced as commercially successful propulsors, attract an ongoing interest from R&D groups. Examples are fish or biomimetic propulsion (see for instance Van Manen et al. [1996]), Counter-Rotating Propellers, twin overlapping propellers and propellers in combination with an asymmetric hull afterbody. The R&D Response Figure I. Experiments The Challenge multiphase are and remain an important ffow aboutpropufsors. tool to better understand This photograph Predicting and optimizing ship-propulsor performance is a the complex physics shows a ventifating/caviteting experiments propeller in fVIARIN's depressurized towing ofthe during tank challenge to hydrodynamicists and ship designers. This challenge had long since been answered, if it were not for propeller blade root section after only some ten hours of cavitation to play such an important role in propulsor operation. performance. Efficiencies are limited by cavitation dynamics, It is the designer's challenge to control cavitation nuisance. as this easily introduces unwanted vibrations in the ship, or Often, this is accomplished at the cost of efficiency. Because worse, leads to early wear through erosion. Erosion rates have the prediction of cavitation nuisance has a rather high been reported, where literally a hole was drilled in the uncertainty, the margins set by cavitation nuisance are taken Trial vs. Towing tank @ 85% MCR Costa Atlantica, 100% MCR, full scale vs. model s c a l e normalized amplitudes of flull pressure pulses @ 1st blade rate frequency (fs: full scale; ms: model scale) Full Scale Trials } small pod angle variations Model Scale tests 1 xOld 3xNew DTT No cavitation ptO p13 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% fs fs fs fs fs fs pressure transducer Figure 2, Two examples of correlation results between model scale prediction and full scale measurement. Left picture shows a satisfactory shows a disappointing Jaargang 18 • deGember 2008 agreement lack of agreement 100% 100% 100% 100% ms ms ms ms for a twin screw cruise vesset, the right for a large container picture vessel ffrom Ligtefijn et al. [200411 51 we start to understand the causes for these scale effects. Research is currently ongoing to improve experimental procedures and extrapolation methods to reduce the uncertainty in the prediction of radiated pressures and hull vibrations. Developing Numerical Tools Already since the sixties of the last century, there has been a drive towards the computation of propulsor performance, in particular to the complicated problem of the propulsor in its socalled 'behind ship' condition. This started with the development of lifting line and lifting surface models that were to some extent amenable to analytical solutions. Since the eighties, the so-called panel methods for propulsors were successfully developed. However, all these models were based on inviscid potential flow theory with relatively simple cavitation models. A proper prediction of the dynamics of cavitation is crucial when attempting to predict cavitation nuisance. Although these models provided us with a better understanding of the fundamentals of cavitation, their results still demanded considerable experience in interpretation. The advent of RANS codes, in particularthe multi-phase RANS codes that allow for analysis of cavitating flows over a propeller, offers much promise for further optimization of propellers, thereby exploring design space that was hitherto untouched ground. Here, one can think o f t h e design space in Figure 3. Comparison of experimentally observed PROCAL panel codel cavity extent for three different (left, depressurized towing tank} and computed blade angle positions in the "behind ship" (from Bosschers (right, condition et al. [2008]) which possible efficiency gains are weighted against constraints regarding cavitation nuisance. These design constraints give counteracting directions to the propeller design, and only if one is able to reliably estimate the risk of relatively large, leading to lower efficiencies. The challenge propeller-induced vibrations and cavitation erosion, the last driving propulsor research is therefore to increase efficiency few per cents in efficiency can be gained by designing closer and better control cavitation nuisance at the same time. to the caviation limits. Predicting Propulsor Performance through Experiments Towards an Integrated Propeller-Aftbody Design Experiment based predictions of propulsor performance, R&D developments are ultimately aimed at exploiting the full including cavitation nuisance, has developed since the potential of an optimum integration of propeller and aftbody introduction ofthe first cavitation tunnel by Sir Charles Parsons design, thus allowing for increased efficiencies at similar in 1895. Hindered by serious scale effects, useful predictions comfort and safety levels. As an example, through a better came only available with the large scale cavitation integration, use can be made of prerotation in the wake laboratories, such as MARIN's depressurized towing tank. But (asymmetric aftbody) or by applying a recess in the hull for an even then, serious scale effects for some types of ships increased propeller diameter and therefore an increased remained, in particular for the very large slender single screw efficiency. ships, such as container ships and RoRo's (see for instance It is expected that attainable propulsive efficiencies will Ligtelijn e t a l . [2004]). increase by some five to ten per cent in a period of, say, ten Only now, with the advent of more reliable computational tools, years, if we are successful in implementing the current R&D Special developments in the industrial environment. The many ongoing applied research projects and the frequent contacts with our References clients should warrant this. • Bosschers, J., Vaz, G., Starke, A.R. and Van Wijngaarden, E.; Computational Analysis of Propeller Concluding Remark This article has attempted to highlight a few important developments in propulsor research. The combination of rising Sheet Cavitation and Propeller-Ship Interaction, RINA Marine CFD symposium, March 2008. • Ligtelijn, J.T., Van Wijngaarden, H.C.J., Moulijn, J.C. and energy costs, the need to dramatically reduce emissions and Verkuyl, J.B.; Correlation of Cavitation: Comparison of the development of both numerical and experimental tools Full Scale Data with f^esults of Model Tests and create a unique environment for an innovative industry, with strong roots in Europe and the Netherlands. To stay in the Computations, SNAME Annual Meeting, 2004. • Van Manen, J.D. and Van Terwisga, T.J.C.; A New Way forefront of international competition, this industry needs to be of Simulating Whale Tail Propulsion, Proc. of 21st supported with improved tools and extended knowledge. This Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Trondheim, 1996. requirement creates a stimulating environment for propulsor research, and we are both pleased and proud to contribute to this process. Ben Jij op zoek naar afwisselende en uitdagende voor een werkgever die investeert in haar medèwerkej Kijk dan voor de actuele vacatures op onze website: Contact opnemen met een van onze kantoren kan natuurlijk ook: Rotterdam: +31 (0)10 24110 40 / Urk: +31 (0)527 20 02 50 E-mail: Jaargang 18 • december 2008 03