El Portal - Yosemite Region
El Portal - Yosemite Region
El Portal Yosemite Region Porsche Club of America January , 2013 http://yos.pca.org 2 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. *Fuel economy based on EPA estimates. Actual mileage and range w It may feel like the accelerator, but that's boundaries you're pushing. VISIT PORSCHE OF LIVERMORE FOR A TEST DRIVE TODAY ! The new Porsche Cayenne Diesel redefines what it means to be an SUV. It comes equipped with a 3.0L V6 Turbo Diesel engine with common rail injection system that turns out 406 lb.-ft. of torque giving you exhilarating acceleration and superior towing capabilities. Even with all this power it remains remarkably fuel efficient -- 29 mpg highway and a range of up to 765 miles* in a single tank. It sets new boundaries in a category all its own. Porsche. There is no substitute. The new Porsche Cayenne Diesel. Porsche of Livermore 3100 Las Positas rd Livermore, CA 94551 925-447-6400 www.livermore.porschedealer.com Porsche recommends 2 Porsche Club of America Yosemite Region Contents Board of Directors President Chris Dias (209) 634-2948 chriscarts@sbcglobal .net Vice President Steve Searles onethousandminus89@ comcast.net Treasurer Steve Perry quiz2573@yahoo.com Secretary Andrew Goreff agoreff@ainet.com Memebership Don Chaisson, Director dachaisson@comcast. net Webmaster Virginia Swanberg (209) 368-3596 swan04@ymail.com Newsletter editor Vacant From the Prez Yosemite events Zone events Alloy Wheel Polishing License Plates Garage Sale Membership Report The Final Lap 4 6 7 8 10 13 14 15 Front Cover: Yosemite Cars on the Plaza at Blackhawk Museum. Zone 7 Rep. Paul Czopek axnut@att.net 209-531-8141 Yosemite Web Site: http://yos.pca.org Photo by: Paul Czopek Changes of address or questions regarding delivery of el Portal should be directed to Paul Czopek at p.czopek@clearwire.net or write to: 904 Changason Way, Modesto, Ca. 95351. el Portal, published monthly by Yosemite Region, PCA is intended to inform members of club or club-related activities and other matters of interest. Typed or printed contributions and photographs are welcome and should be submitted to the editor. Contributions will be returned to the author only if requested. The deadline for all contributions is the tenth of the month prior to the month of publication. The views and opinions expressed within the newsletter are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Yosemite Region of the Porsche Club of America. 3 From The Prez Season’s Greetings to all you Porschephiles. Hope your Holidays are going well, and you have all your Porsche Selection (great website) tidbits wrapped up under the tree. I received my 2013 Porsche calendar just yesterday. We had a good turnout at our monthly meeting at Angelini’s in Turlock. If you don’t already know, Paul Czopek accepted the Zone 7 representative position, so he’ll be our national rep. Congratulations to Paul! We know he will be highly dedicated and involved. As far as planning events for the upcoming year, we are in full swing. We have many great events planned. A new one is a trip to Sonoma Raceway to visit The Racer’s Group and Kevin Buckler. We again have plans for a drive to Bruce Canepa’s facility in Scott’s Valley. These are only a couple of the many exciting ideas we are laying out. Now, since it is the last day before the world ends (by Mayan edict), I’m going to take my car out for one last drive. Why not? See you in the next world. Happy New Year, and as always, enjoy the drive! Chris Dias Yosemite Region President 4 YOSEMITE ANNUAL DINNER MEETING Join us at Dave Wong’s Restaurant in Stockton on February 16, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. for our annual dinner meeting. This year’s menu is: Sechuan Beef, Pepper tossed Prawns, Lemon Chicken, Sweet & Sour Pork, House Chow Mien, Pork Fried Rice, and Wok Charred Vegetables. Also included in the price are appetizers and your first two drinks. Price is $25.00 single/$40.00 per couple for advance reservation. $28.00single/$50.00 per couple at the door. Dave Wong’s is located at 2828 W. March Lane, in Stockton, just west of I-‐5. Seating is limited so make your reservations early. For reservations or more information contact Steve Searles at: (209)-‐598-‐7000, e-‐mail onethousandminus89@comcast.net. Payment can be made by PayPal at steventamisearles@comcast.net or send your check made payable to PCA/YOS to: Steve Searles, 2302 Thistle Ct. Stockton, Ca. 95212 5 Yosemite Region events Jan. 8 Feb. 16 March, 2013 April. 20 May, 2013 July 27 Aug. 25 oct. 6 Monthly Board Meeting, 7:00 pm at the Black Bear Diner, Yosemite and Hiway 99 in Manteca. All are welcome. Yosemite Region Annual Dinner meeting, 4 p.m. at Dave Wong’s Restaurant, 2828 W. March Ln Stockton, Ca. See ad for more information. Tour to Canepa Motorsport Museum. Tour to Filoli Gardens. Wine tour of Livermore Valley. overnight tour to The Racer Group shop and Adobe Road Winery. Concours on Campus,Delta College, Stockton. Porsche of Livermore Zone Concours 6 Zone events Calendar Feb. 28 Apr. 13 Apr. 14 June 2, June 8-9 June 16 July 14 June 22-29 Aug. 4 Aug. 12-18 Aug. 25 Sept. 22 Sept. 28 Sept. 29 oct. 6 SVR Driver’s education event at Laguna Seca. See flyer on page 11. LPR Zone autocross at Marina. GGR Zone autocross at Marina. LPR/Parts Heaven Zone concours, Hayward. RR Zone autocross at Santa Rosa. SVR Zone concours at Neillo’s Porsche. Monterey Zone concours at Carmel Valley. Parade, Grand Traverse, Michigan GGR Zone concours at Carlsen Porsche Monterey Historics week. Legends of the Autobahn concours Yos Region Zone concours at Delta College. RR Zone concours at Ledson Winery LPR Zone autocross at Marina. GGR Zone autocross at Marina. Porsche of Livermore Zone concours. 7 Alloy Wheel Polishing & Detailing by Jeremy Goodspeed In addition to just cleaning the wheels of a vehicle, they need protection. Just like the painted surfaces, wheels go through a tremendous amount of abuse from brake dust and heat. Protecting the wheels insure a longer lasting finish and better overall appearance. PAINTED and CLEAR COATED: Clear-coated wheels are wheels that are painted with a clear paint and can be treated the same as regular painted wheels. Nearly every OEM alloy wheel fits this category. Both painted and clear-coated wheels can be polished and protected by using normal paint polishes and waxes. Cleaner/waxes are suitable for this operation. Some car care manufactures have introduced a clear coat wheel polish for this procedure. Both products achieve the same goal. On a pre-cleaned wheel, use a polish to restore lost gloss and remove light scratches. Wax the wheel to protect the finish. Remember to use a soft diaper like towel to polish and wax and a microfiber towel to burnish. CHROME PLATED: Chrome-plated wheels are relatively easy to care for. With reasonable care, a chrome-plated wheel will provide years of trouble free use. To remove contaminates, polish with a chrome polish or an all-metal polish. Wipe with a terry towel to remove any residue or streaks. A terry towel can be used due to the harder finish of chrome. For light cleaning, use a glass cleaner and a microfiber towel to remove any streaks. BARE (NON-COATED) ALLOY WHEELS: Bare aluminum and alloy wheels need the most care. Aluminum wheels oxidize much faster than other types. The amount of time required to polish aluminum wheels depends on their 8 condition. It is usually easier to polish them more often. To polish aluminum wheels, use duct tape to guard the tire from the polish staining it. The duct tape will not leave any residue on the tire, yet it will stick unlike many other types of tape. Polish the alloy wheels using a aluminum polish. Apply using a soft towel or diaper. Polish in the direction of the wheel. Use moderate pressure and turn the towel often. The towel will turn black from the aluminum-polishing residue. A terry towel may be used on severely oxidized wheels to rough them in, followed by a soft diaper to finish. When satisfied with the renovation to the wheel, wipe the majority of the excess polish from the wheel. To final polish and increase the gloss of the polished wheel, wipe the wheel with cornstarch. Cornstarch can be purchased at any supermarket. Dip the clean towel into the box and wipe the wheel thoroughly with the cornstarch. The cornstarch will absorb the excess polish from the pores of the aluminum and eliminate any streaks in the finish. To remove any cornstarch powder, use compressed air. Very severely oxidized wheels may be wet sanded with a very fine wet or dry sanding paper prior to polishing. If you are unsure about sanding aluminum wheels, it is better to consult a professional rather than risk damage to the wheel. VINYL DRESSING TIRES: Tire dressings are available in both aerosol and wipe on types. Aerosol tire dressings are faster and especially great for truck and 4X4 vehicles. The aerosol dressing can be sprayed into the deep tread edges where it is usually difficult to wipe. Wipe on dressings offer the benefit of keeping the excess dressing away from finished wheels. After application of any dressing, allow it to soak on the surface for about one hour before wiping off the excess. This will allow the dressing to soak in to the tire and eliminate dressing slinging off onto the vehicle. For a more even look, burnish using a 3” soft paintbrush to smooth out the dressing. Product Categories 9 California DMV to Produce “Retro” License Plates A law going into effect on January 1, will allow California car owners to apply for “retro” license plates from their favorite era, for a $50.00 fee. Plates from the 1950’s forward would be available. It is not certain yet if the program will get off the ground, though. State officials say they don’t want to incur the cost of printing the retro plates unless demand is high enough. So, they have set a threshold: As soon as 7,500 car owners request one of the plates, the DMV will begin printing that version. The law was pushed by car club members who wanted vintage plates on their vintage cars. In the past, owners have been victimized by people claiming to sell real vintage plates, only to discover that they were forgeries. The DMV says it will have an order page on its website soon. 10 Sacramento Valley Region presents its first DE for 2013 at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca Thursday, February 28, 2013 This is a 92db day…….one of the few available this season. Drivers will enjoy more than 2 hours of quality seat time. RV camping is available at $35 per day with water and electricity (not in the paddock). Cost $220 per car if registered and paid for on or by January 10th. Cost is $245 after January 10th pending availability. Contact Frederick D. Rauch, SVR DE Chair at de@svr-pca.org or at 916.914.3374 for additional information. Registration is available now at www.trackmasters-racing.com 11 Tour de Rhododendrons Mendocino, CA April 5-7, 2013 Hosted by Diablo Region Join us in a celebration of Rhododendrons. Rhododendrons flourish in the cool air and acid soil along the California coastline. They bloom from February through June in a stunning array of color. Mendocino Gardens, located between Mendocino and Fort Bragg, houses a spectacular display not to be missed. Starting location: Solano Square Shopping Center, Benicia, CA Start time: 9:00 am, Friday, April 5, 2013 – bring lunch or food to share. The route will take us to Pt. Reyes station where we will refresh and regroup before we head up 101 to lunch at the Kruse Rhododendron State Reserve, weather permitting. (Alternate arrangements will be made if it rains.) Friday Cocktail hour: 5:00 – 6:00 with Howard and Vern Thomas Saturday, April 6, 10:00 a.m., Mendocino Garden Tour: $7.50 Saturday evening April 6, TBD Hotel Accommodations: Little River Inn, Little River; rates $179 w/ocean view, $225 w/Fireplace; 1‐888‐INN‐LOVE Contact Vern Thomas; lavergneann@aol.com 12 More details to follow. Garage Sale for sale: 1975 914, 1.8L. Project or parts car. $900.00. Contact Jim Foster at (209)-4845634 or e-mail jfosco@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: 1997 993. Dark blue/sand beige, six speed manual, 112 K miles. Top end rebuilt at 90K miles. Sparco driver seat, Auto Power roll bar, Bilstein pss 9 shocks, extra set of 18 inch wheels. $37,900.00. Contact Art Buckley at: arthurbuckley@gmail.com 13 Membership Report No New Members Anniversaries Jim & Wendy Coddington, 1976, 16 years Rodney & Susan Johnson, 2003, 9 years Jim Foster, 2008, 4 years Fred & Nancy Lee, 2008, 4 years Blair & Terri Reese, 2009, 3 years Robert Jensen, 2010, 2 years Luis Teixeira & Ruth Cabral Teixeira, 2011, 1 year Members Associate Members ToTAL 107 86 193 If your name appears above, it is time to renew your membership. 14 The Final Lap by Paul Czopek By now, some of you will have heard that I have been appointed to replace Sharon Neidel as the Zone Representative for Zone 7. Along with the perks of the position, I inherit the work load that comes with it. I will continue to attend the region meetings and do what I can to help with our region happenings but I am resigning as Newsletter Editor and Goodie Store Proprietor. Originally, I was hesitant to take over the editor position, but decided to give it a try. In the past two years, I have been frustrated with the job and my performance, but I must say, I have had a great deal of fun at the same time. It has turned out to be a great learning experience, one that I would not have missed. Now, with the same mixed feelings I had two years ago when I took over as editor, I am moving on to a new challenge, one, I anticipate, will be equally frustrating, exciting and rewarding. I hope to see you soon, Paul Business and commercial space is available at the following annual rates: 1/4 page =$160,1/3 page = $185, 1/2 page = $325, 2/3 page = $400, full page = $500. Ads submitted must be camera ready. If your ad is not camera ready, this service can be arranged at no extra charge. Charges for twelve months of advertising are payable after billing by the Yosemite Region treasurer. Advertising on a monthly basis (space permitting) may be puirchased at a cost of 10% of the annual rate. All advertising must be paid for in advance of publication. 15 El Portal Yosemite Region Porsche Club of America 904 Changason Way, Modesto, Ca. 95351
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