El Portal - Yosemite Region
El Portal - Yosemite Region
El Portal Yosemite Region Porsche Club of America July, 2012 http.//yos.pca.org ©2012 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. The New Porsche Boxster has finally arrived ! Porsche of Livermore invites you to join us for the unveiling !! Escape to new realms of performance in the all-new 2013 Boxster. A two-seat tribute to record-setting roadsters of the past. Porsche of Livermore invites you to experience the unveiling of this new and exciting Roadster! If you were fortunate enough to join us for the 991 party, we know you had a fantastic time and will join us for the Boxster event as well ! This unveiling will be even bigger than the 991 launch so please be sure to RSVP ahead of time. One of our local wineries will be catering this event and the weather should be excellent The event will be held on Saturday July 7th 4:30-8:00 PM RSVP at PorscheLivermore@gmail.com or call 925-447-6400 and ask to be added to the list for the Boxster event! RSVP at PorscheLivermore@gmail.com or call 925-447-6400 Porsche of Livermore 3100 Las Positas rd. Livermore, CA 94551 925-447-6400 www.PorscheofLivermore.com www.livermore.porschedealer.com Porsche recommends 2 Porsche Club of America Yosemite Region Contents Board of Directors President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Memebership Director Webmaster Chris Dias (209) 634-2948 chriscarts@sbcglobal .net Steve Searles onethousandminus89@ comcast.net Steve Perry quiz2573@yahoo.com Andrew Goreff agorreff@ainet.com Don Chaisson, dachaisson@comcast. net Virginia Swanberg (209) 368-3596 swan04@ymail.com From the Prez Yosemite Events Zone Events Replacing Shifter Couplings Board Meeting Minutes Membership Report The Final Lap 4 5 6 8 12 14 15 Front Cover Photo by: Paul Czopek Newsletter Editor Paul Czopek (209) 531-1942 p.czopek@clearwire.net Zone 7 Rep. Sharon Neidel sharonneidel@yahoo.com com Changes of address or questions regarding delivery of El Portal should be directed to Paul Czopek at p.czopek@clearwire.net or write to: 904 Changason Way, Modesto, Ca. 95351. El Portal, published monthly by Yosemite Region, PCA is intended to inform members of club or club-related activities and other matters of interest. Typed or printed contributions and photographs are welcome and should be submitted to the editor. Contributions will be returned to the author only if requested. The deadline for all contributions is the tenth of the month prior to the month of publication. The views and opinions expressed within the newsletter are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Yosemite Region of the Porsche Club of America. 3 CARLSEN PORSCHE CONCOURS Presented by Golden Gate Region, Porsche Club of America This event is a part of the 2012 PCA Zone 7 Concours Series Sunday, August 5, 2012 Carlsen Porsche Dealership Series 2012 3636 Haven Avenue, Redwood City, CA Rally Concours Autocross Entry Fee: $30.00 per Car • Display Only: Free Car Placement from 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. Judging begins at 10:00 A.M. • Awards will be presented at 2:00 P.M. Entry Fee includes a Catered Buffet Lunch for Two. Directions: From Highway 101, exit East onto Marsh Road and turn left onto Haven Avenue. For Information, call Larry Adams at (650) 345-2232 or e-mail OldCarNut@aol.com 4 Yosemite Region Events June 12 July 28 Aug. 26 Oct. 7 Monthly Board Meeting , August, 14. Location to be determined. “Ferdinand Porsche, Genius of the Legacy”. At Angelina’s Restaurant, 1563 E. Fremont St, Stockton, Ca. at 5:30 pm. See flyer for details Yosemite Region Zone concours at Delta College in Stockton. Joint Diablo/Yosemite Zone Concours at Porsche of Livermore 5 Zone Events Calendar July 8-14 July 14 July 14-15 July 22 July 28 July 29 Aug 4 Aug. 5 Aug. 11 Aug. 17 Aug. 17-19 Sept. 7-9 Sept. 8-9 Sept. 8-9 Sept. 16 Sept. 16 Sept. 22 Sept. 30 Oct. 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Nov. 8-11 Parade, Salt Lake City, Utah MBR Zone Concours GGR DE at Thunderhill SVR autocross at Mather Field LPR autocross #5 at Marina 5th Annual GGR picnic and concours LPR autocross #6 at Marina GGR Zone Concours at Carlsen Porsche Redwood regional autocross at Santa Rosa Legends of the Autobahn Concours, Carmel Valley Monterey Sports Reunion (aka Monterey Historics) Rolex Grand Am, Laguna Seca, Porsche Corral GGR DE/Time Trials at Thunderhill GGR/Zone 7 Autocross at Marina SVR regional autocross at Mathers Field SVR Zone Concours at Niello Porsche Redwood regional autocross at Santa Rosa Redwood/Zone 7 Concours at Ledson Winery Diablo/Yosemite Zone Concours at Porsche of Livermore LPR regional autocross at Marina Redwood regional autocross at Santa Rosa SVR regional autocross at Mather Field Escape to the Ozarks, Eureka Springs, Ar. 6 Wayne Craig is a former member of PCA-YOS and a Blackhawk Docent. He has prepared a Porsche presentation for Blackhawk and has offered to share it with us. Emphasis is on Porsche history from the beginning, but includes current information. July 28, 2012 No host happy hour 5:30 to 6:30 PM, Dinner 6:30 PM Presentation following dinner at Angelinas, 1563 East Fremont, Stockton, CA From Highway 99 take Fremont Street exit, go west on Fremont, a little over a mile to Angelinas. It is on the north side of the street shortly before Wilson Way The menu choices include Choice of minestrone soup or salad bar, garlic bread & non-alcoholic beverage Plus choice of Spaghetti (with meat sauce, meatless, pesto, butter, hot & spicy, or clam sauce) or Lasagna or Ravioli or Fettuccini Alfredo or Spaghetti & Ravioli Combination $20.00 per person Make checks payable to PCA-YOS Checks must be received by July 15, 2012 Mail to Norm Swanberg 15721 Free Road Lodi, CA 95242 swan04@ymail.com 7 Replacing Shifter Couplings By: Steve Searles Ok, let’s start this tech off right. A fellow Yosemite member, Tim was having issues with the ill-shifting 915 transmission in his 911. I had driven it and it was not the smooth shifting machine that left the motherland decades ago. I also had a bit of an issue with transmission. My research on problem led to another PCA member from Bellevue, Washington, named Ed Mitchell. It seems he has earned the nickname “Coupler Whisperer” (www.thecouplerwhisperer.com. When Ed’s own shifter was giving him issues, he took it personally, got out the tools and went to work. His efforts lead to the shift coupler rebuild service that he now owns. You ship Ed your old coupler (he does have an exchange program) and he provides you with a rebuilt shift coupler with CNC cut bushings installed. For the do it yourself guy, he sells the bushings separately. Ed even has video on how to change your bushings. It is much better than trying to read direction and follow along, and his sense of humor really comes through. The re-bushed coupler goes in easy with just a few tools. A Phillips head screwdriver, two 13mm wrenches and 20 minutes, is all you need. You simply remove the cover plate located at the rear of the shifter tunnel, place your transmission in neutral, loosen the spine bolt; loosen the shifter linkage bolt and remove. As they say, installation is the reverse of the removal. The key is to adjust the shifter per the factory service manual or the Bentley Service Manual for Porsches. The main thing to remember is to leave the locking nut on the clap loose, turn the selector shaft counter clockwise (toward passenger side) leaving the shift lever in the neutral plane and pull the lever towards your driver seat until the lever contacts the stop, then tighten the clamping nut. Take the car for a drive and keep in mind the setting method does allow a redo. When we did Tim’s car, we had to makes two adjustment. I had to make only one adjustment when I worked on my car . The 915 transmission does get a bad rap, and for some reason always has. But with no slop in the shifter and proper adjustment it will shift as Porsche intended it to. If anyone has questions about the procedure, you can contact Ed at ivangene@msn.com. Orders can be placed there also. Current pricing is $45 for the rebuilt coupler or $35 dollars for the kit. Also, as a favor to a fellow PCA members, I will offer my assistance if you need it. You can contact me at onethousandminus89@comcast.net. . � 8 9 The ultimate start to your historics weekend! An all-German marque event featuring Porsche, BMW, MercedesBenz & Audi concours & club corrals. Friday, August 17 7 AM – 4 PM Rancho Cañada Golf Club 4860 Carmel Valley Road • Carmel Corral Parking - $30 Judged Cars - $60 For information, visit: http://zone77.org Find us at FACEBOOK @ Legends of the Autobahn Preregistration required through www.motorsportreg.com 10 Yosemite Region Concours on Campus Sunday, August 26 San Joaquin Delta College Stockton, California Sponsored by Porsche of Livermore Entry fee is $25.00 Judging starts at 10 a.m. A box lunch will be available for $7.50 Directions: From I-5 take March Lane east approximately 1 1/2 miles to Pacific Avenue. Turn left onto Pacific and proceed to Yokuts. Turn left onto Yokuts and follow the signs. To enter or for more information, contact: Paul Czopek: axnut@att.net or phone (209) 531-1942 Entrant Information Name___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ E-mail___________________________Phone__________ Car_____________________________________________ Wash & Shine Street Full Concours Other Please send to: Paul Czopek: 904 Changason Way Modesto, Ca. 95351 E-mail: axnut@att.net Phone: 209-531-1942 11 Board Meeting Minutes The June meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m. at Angelini’s Restaurant in Turlock. In attendance were: Chris and Tina Dias, Norm and Virginia Swanberg, Steve Perry, Paul Czopek, Andrew Goreff and Luis Teixeira. President’s Report: Chris commented on how good the new web site looks. Vice-President’s Report: Steve Searles did not attend the meeting. Secretary’s Report: In Steve Searles absence, Paul presented the report and the minutes of last month’s meeting were approved, as printed in the El Portal. Newsletter Editor’s Report: The expenses for the June El Portal were $145.26 for printing, postage and supplies. Membership Report: We have 3 new members. Primary membership is 112, Affiliate membership is 87 for a total of 199 members. Goodie Store Report: One sale of a Zone 7 grill badge for $20.00. Paul discussed the new PCA webstore which allows regions to sell apparel with the region’s logo through the PCA site. There is no charge to the region and quarterly rebates based on sales can be paid to the region. Approval was given to explore participation in the program. Treasurer’s Report: Income, $1576.00 (includes sale of old autocross trailer). Expenditure, $329.06. Old Business: Concours site has been set for Delta College. Norm has not received any RSVP’s for the July dinner. Access to web site is back and the site has been updated. New Business: Andrew Goreff has volunteer to take over the Secretary position and to run for the position in the November 12 Officers Election. The board decided to not have a July meeting because three board members will be on vacation at that time. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, August 14. The site has yet to be determined buy will be announced to the membership via e-mail. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Submitted by Paul Czopek 13 Membership Report New Members Rangu Chandran, 2007 Carrera S, Modesto Dave & Robin Huckaby, 2007 Boxster, Modesto Steve Prohaska, 2002 Boxster, Stockton Anniversaries Kurt & Sandy Cooper, 1985, 27 years Dave Cleworth & Deb Eldridge, 2001, 11 years Chris & Tia Dias, 2002, 10 years Raymond & Dyan Ainger, 2005, 7 years Stephen Tsang, 2006, 6 years Willaim & Nancy Jackson, 2011, 1 year Jeff & Donna LeBeouf, 2011, 1 year George & Fiona Sanchez. 2011, 1 year Members Associate Members Total 112 87 199 If your name appears above, it is time to renew your membership. 14 The Final Lap by Paul Czopek While attending this year’s Graffiti Car Show, I stumbled across the beauty pictured on the front cover. Dennis Watson had this 1959 356 on display and was able to pass on some interesting details about the car. It was order from the factory by long time Modesto Porsche mechanic, Walter Ruppel, when he worked for Deet Eickel VW/Porsche (yes, Modesto had a Porsche dealership in 1959). He ordered the car with Rudge racing wheels not know what they cost. They were a $1500.00 option on a car that already had a sticker price of $4500.00 in 1959! Needless to say, there was a lot of pressure to make sure the car would be sold. To that end, the factory authorized “European” script was applied to the front fenders per Porsche instructions. Luckily for Walter, the car sold very quickly and he was able to keep his job. Neither the Rudge wheels or the “European” script are common items, so to see them both on one car is very unusual. Enjoy your Porsche and we’ll see you soon, Paul Business and commercial space is available at the following annual rates: 1/4 page =$160,1/3 page = $185, 1/2 page = $325, 2/3 page = $400, full page = $500. Ads submitted must be camera ready. If your ad is not camera ready, this service can be arranged at no extra charge. Charges for twelve months of advertising are payable after billing by the Yosemite Region treasurer. Advertising on a monthly basis (space permitting) may be puirchased at a cost of 10% of the annual rate. All advertising must be paid for in advance of publication. 15 Yosemite Region Porsche Club of America 904 Changason Way Modesto, Ca. 95351
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