Nurturing Compassion, Healing and Justice In the Ignatian Tradition


Nurturing Compassion, Healing and Justice In the Ignatian Tradition
Nurturing Compassion, Healing and Justice
In the Ignatian Tradition and Vision
Board of Directors
Jim Hoover, Chair
Marilyn Dennehy
Dick Ellis
Kevin Hylton
Mary Lee
Sheila Evoy Mallahan
Thomas Murphy, SJ
Randy Novak
David Rothrock
Kristine Sweeney
Jennifer Tilghman-Havens
Mary Hartrich. MM
Carolyn Hickman
Spiritual Direction Services
and Program Outreach
Andrea Fontana, M Div
Program Coordinator
Emily Davis, M Div
Program Assistant
Hilda Guiao
SEYA Coordinator
Located at
St. Joseph Parish Center
732 18th Ave E
Seattle WA 98112
(206) 329-4824
couple of years ago after “opening” Peter Mayer’s concert, Mary, Christine and a L’Arche
Board member remarked that they’d love to see me do a concert. I was grateful and touched
by the compliment but too in the midst of cancer recovery and procedures to embrace all that a
concert would mean.
In the meantime, my experience with cancer was bringing
many unexpected gifts, one being a compelling desire to
live more fully and freely, and less pre-occupied with distractions and worries.
As my cancer journey was nearing happy resolution, a beloved fellow traveler was in the process of accepting a very
different resolution. He inspired me to write my first song
in a number of years, and to “get going” with the business
of living with gratitude and gusto. And so it is a joy to say “yes” to the soul-satisfying work of
putting together a concert! To do this as a benefit on October 7th for 2 organizations I so believe
in and in the company of an extraordinarily talented group of musician friends, is an experience of
great grace. It is my deep hope that the concert will be a grace for others as well. Jennifer Kelly
ast year at this time we were welcoming Andrea Fontana as ISC’s new Program Coordinator.
Andrea has brought tremendous talent, efficiency, creativity, and expertise as she served so
many of you in this role. On August 19th Andrea gave birth to her second daughter, Lucia, which
means “light”. With all of you we express our congratulations to Andrea and her husband, Paul,
and look forward to meeting their beautiful daughter.
In these coming months, while Andrea is spending more time with her family,
ISC is blessed to welcome Emily Davis, as our Program Assistant. Originally
from Syracuse, NY, Emily most recently hails from Baltimore where she was
Assistant Director of Campus Ministry at Loyola University, Maryland. Prior
to her five years at Loyola, she was a teacher and campus minister at St. John's
High School in Shrewsbury, MA. She holds a BA from the College of the
Holy Cross and an M Div from Weston Jesuit School of Theology. Emily also
spent a year as a Jesuit Volunteer in Fresno, CA working for Catholic Charities. She lives in Seattle
with her husband Andrew and their young son, Michael. (continued on page 6)
Ignatian Spirituality 101:
An Introduction to the Basics of
Ignatian Prayer & Spirituality
hat is Ignatian spirituality all about? What might
Ignatian prayer and spirituality have to offer me?
What was founder St. Ignatius like? If you would like to
know more, this evening of introduction to the basics of
Ignatian prayer and spirituality is for you! Come learn
more about the life of St. Ignatius, the key elements of
Ignatian spirituality, and how this rich spiritual tradition is
kept alive both locally and internationally. If you are
already familiar with Ignatian spirituality, we encourage
you to think of friends or colleagues who might be
interested and invite them to attend!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
7:00-9:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center
ISC Staff & Partners, Presenting
Co-sponsored by Magis, SEEL, CLC and Interplay, Seattle
Book Groups:
“The Jesuit Guide to
(Almost) Everything”
Advent Evening of Prayer
An Artist’s Meditation on the Advent Gospels
Slow down during December’s busyness for a
reflective and prayerful evening during the Advent
season. Join ISC at Seattle Prep as we welcome
renowned Jesuit artist., Arturo Araujo, SJ, who will
nourish and renew your spirit with a stunningly beautiful
visual meditation on the four Advent Gospels
Wednesday, December 7, 20117:00-9:00 pm
Chapel of Seattle Preparatory Sschool
Fr. Arturo Araujo, SJ, Presenter
Discernment in Daily Life
Listening for God’s Presence in
Your Life Decisions
ould you like to develop a practice of listening
for God in your life choices and responding in
faith? Are you looking for an inner compass in confusing
times? If so, please join a small group to prayerfully
consider guidelines for discernment taught by St. Ignatius
and to learn a process to integrate listening for God’s
presence in your life decisions.
6 Thursday evenings, January 26– March 1, 2012
6:30-9:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center
Marilyn Nash and Fr. Mike Bayard, SJ, Facilitators
e invite you to join a bookgroup to explore James Martin’s recent book, The Jesuit Guide to
(Almost) Everything.‖ Martin’s easily
accessible writing shows us how it is
possible to find “God in all things,” with “user-friendly
examples, humorous stories and anecdotes from the heroic and inspiring lives of Jesuit saints and average priests
and brothers, as well as examples from Martin’s twenty
years as a Jesuit. The book translates insights of St. Ignatius for a modern audience and reveals how we can find
God — and how God can find us — in the real world of
work, love, suffering, decisions, prayer, and friendship.”
Join us this Fall to reflect on how Martin’s insights into
all things Ignatian can apply to your everyday life.
7 Thursday Bi-Weekly Gatherings| October 20—January 19
6:45—8:30 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center
Dick Ellis and Emily Davis, Facilitators
Praying the Gospel of John:
An Ignatian Approach to Contemplative Prayer
his exciting fourteen-week series, created by Patrick
O’Leary, SJ and Celia Chappell, SP, both former
directors of the Center, offers you a chance to delve into
the Gospel of John through an Ignatian lens.
Participants will share the fruits of their prayer and their
personal reflections on this Gospel in small groups, while
they experience and deepen various forms of Ignatian
prayer, especially learning to keep hearts centered on
God while living in the midst of life’s joys and challenges.
14 Monday evenings, February 6—May 7, 2012
6:45-8:30 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center
Rosanne Michaels, and Steve Wodzanowski, Facilitators
Accompanying Those in
Society’s Margins
Recovery Café
The 12 Steps to Forgiveness
his fall ISC is
facilitating an
8-week series on
forgiveness at the
Recovery Café.
The book group
follows up on the
forgiveness series ISC facilitated last Winter-Spring at the
Café. The topic of forgiveness is universal and the members requested more tools. We will be reading ―The 12
Steps to Forgiveness‖. The book provides a process for moving through fears, projections, judgments and guilt to help
us practice forgiveness moment to moment. All are welcome to join us.
Starting Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011
12:45pm at the Recovery Café
The Way of Companionship
With Craig Rennebohm, D.Min
as your heart been moved by
compassion for those suffering? Do you feel moved to respond,
but are unsure of how to begin? Craig
has developed a clear language and compassionate approach to companionship. All are invited to attend.
Follow up small groups will be offered for prayer, discernment and support in November and December. Visit our
website at for more details.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
9:00 am to 12:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center
Craig Rennebohm, Presenter
SEYA Spiritual Enrichment for Young Adults
Young adults yearn to live life fully and intentionally to help contribute towards the well-being of
their immediate community and the world at large. In the hope of strengthening encounters with
God’s palpable grace, SEYA offers opportunities for young adults to reflect on their life experience and place in community.
On a cold and snowy February evening, fifty young adults from the Seattle-King
County area attended the Spirituality on Tap evening titled Already There: Letting
God Find You with author Fr. Mark Mossa, SJ, co-sponsored by Magis at Seattle U.
Fr. Mossa, a professor of Theology at Fordham University, shared with us his
own vocational journey and how the every day, simple and even quirky things in
life connect with God’s presence in our own lives, even in the so-called
“mistakes” or successes along the way. One participant shared that “time to discuss challenging and thoughtful questions with the group was really inspiring for
me.” The following month in light of St. Patrick’s Day, Kathy Heffernan facilitated
our evening on “Exploring the Gifts of Celtic Spirituality.” Through poetry, film, song
and dance, we learned about the rich heritage of the Celts and how to view our lives as a sacred pilgrimage and see God
more clearly in our everyday lives. On Holy Saturday morning, Isadora Wong led us on “A Half Day Hike into God’s Creation and Intro to Birding” (see photo on left) at Discovery Park. Participants spent the first part of the morning learning the
basics of how to spot and hear birds. We slowed down together to take in the beautiful spring day and reflected on how
much new life was abound in creation and also in our lives. To wrap up our 2010-2011 year, young adult, Christine
Rillera, led a social evening titled “A Spirituality of Dance.” Christine taught participants some basic dance moves and led a
discussion around how dancing reflects our own relationships and how it can be an expression of our relationship with
God. (continued page 5)
FALL 2011
SEYA (Spiritual Enrichment for Young Adults)
Body-Mind-Spirit : The Basis for a Spirituality of
Play and Sport
Thursday, September 15, 2011
7:00-9:00p at St. Joseph Parish Center
Patrick Kelly SJ, Facilitator
SEYA (Spiritual Enrichment for Young Adults)
Celebrating Creation from a Sacramental and
Mystical Perspective
Thursday, October 20, 2011
7:00-9:00pm Location TBA
Alexandra Kovats CSJP, Facilitator
Accompanying Those in Society’s Margins
Saturday, October 29, 2011
9:00 AM—Noon at St. Joseph Parish Center
Craig Rennebohm, Presenter
Wake Your Songs Again: An Evening of Music
Featuring Jennifer Kelly and Friends
Friday, October 7, 2011
7:30 PM at St. Joseph Church
Small Groups for Accompanying Those in
Society’s Margins
Mondays, November 7, November 21, and
December 5, 2011 at St. Joseph Parish Center
Ignatian Spirituality 101
Thursday, October 13, 2011
7:00-9:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center
SEYA : Prayer 101
Thursday, November 17th, 2011
7:00-9:00pm Location TBA
Kathy Heffernan, Facilitator
Book Groups: The Jesuit Guide to Almost
Everything by James Martin, SJ
Bi-weekly Series begins Tuesday, October 20, 2011
6:45-8:30 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center
Dick Ellis, and Emily Davis, facilitators
An Artist’s Meditation on the Advent Gospels
Tuesday, December 7, 2011
7:00 pm at Seattle Preparatory School Chapel
Arturo Araujo, SJ, Presenter
SEYA: Our Own Sacred Stories
Thursday, December 15, 2011
7:00-9:00pm Location TBA
Jeanne Raymond, Facilitator
Novena of Grace
Wednesday, March 7 through Thursday, March 15, 2012
12 pm at St. Ignatius Chapel and
7 pm at St. Joseph Church
Ignatian Discernment Series (6 weeks)
Begins Thursday, January 26, 2012
6:30- 9:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center
Mike Bayard, SJ and Marilyn Nash, Facilitators
Ignatian Contemplation of
John’s Gospel (14 weeks)
Begins Monday, February 6, 2012
7:00 - 8:30 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center
Steve Wodzanowski and
Rosanne Michaels, Facilitators
Book Groups: The Jesuit Guide to Almost
Everything by James Martin, SJ
Bi-weekly Series begins Tuesday, February 21, 2012
6:45—8:30 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center
Looking Ahead
Continuing Discernment Series
Thursday, April 19—May 17, 2012
An Evening with Archbishop Peter Sartain
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
7:30 pm at St. Joseph Church
Summer Day of Reflection:
A Middle of the Year Examen
Saturday, June 23, 2012
9:00 am-3:00 pm
Summer Ignatian Retreat
Friday, July 27—Sunday, July 29, 2012
For more details and registration information,
go to or call 206.329.4824
SEYA Spiritual Enrichment for Young Adults (continued from Page 3)
To start off our 2011-2012 year, we will have Fr. Patrick Kelly, SJ, Professor at Seattle U facilitate our first Spirituality on
Tap titled “Body-Mind-Spirit: The Basis for a Spirituality of Play and Sport” held at St. Joseph’s Parish Center. In October, wellknown theologian Alexandra Kovats, CSJP will present on the topic “Celebrating Creation: Exploration from a Sacramental
and Mystical Perspective.” Looking ahead, SEYA is thrilled to co-sponsor another Spirituality on Tap with Magis in January on
the topic of living truly and fully alive as vocation, and in February, we will be hosting a young adult inter-faith panel discussion on how our faith tradition gives meaning and grounding to our lives as young adults in this day and age.
SEYA Pierce County To coincide with St. Valentine’s Day, Jack Peterson, President at Bellarmine Prep, facilitated last
February’s Spirituality on Tap “Fall in Love with the World.” Current JV’s and other young adults from the Pierce County
area joined in the conversation and imagined together what “falling in love” with God and with others around us would
look like. In April, SEYA Pierce co-sponsored with the University of Puget Sound for Tim Malone’s “Taking Sabbath in Our
Daily Lives.” Tim shared with us ideas on how to incorporate “Sabbath moments” in our busy lives and how important it is
in our prayers lives to slow down together with God.
For the 2011-2012 SEYA year, we are looking to offer four Spirituality on Tap events in Pierce County, and the topics will
include different experiences of prayer and another Justice Café brought to us by the Intercommunity Peace and Justice
Center. Please stay tuned for upcoming events SEYA Pierce County through our website.
ISC WELCOMES NEW LIFE (continued from page 1)
We wish to express our deep gratitude to some retiring members of ISC’s Board of
Directors: Tom Gehrig, who chaired the board during this past year with great
finesse, and prayerfulness; Jeanie Robinson, who served for five years, chaired
our Program Committee; and co-presented last year’s Novena of Grace, Matt Orlando, who helped host numerous events and brought much wisdom to our meetings; Linda Zaugg, our secretary and representative from Seattle Preparatory; and
Fr. Frank Case, SJ, who also co-presented last year’s Novena, and shared his administrative and financial expertise, as well as his vast experience as an international leader in the Society of Jesus on numerous fronts.
With great joy we welcome five abundantly gifted new members to the Ignatian
Spirituality Center’s Board of Directors:
Mary Lee, a graduate of Boston College and former Seattle
Prep board member, is married to Michael, and mother to 4
daughters who are all being educated in the Jesuit tradition.
She is currently a board member and development chair of
the Fulcrum Foundation.
Encouraging a Closer
Relationship with God
Longing for a more conscious
experience of God’s presence and love?
Spiritual direction can help!
Contact us if you are interested in
connecting with a spiritual director.
Carolyn Hickman
206.329.4824 x2
Sheila Evoy Mallahan grew up in Tacoma and attended
Bellarmine Prep, then Seattle University. She has worked in
Catholic schools as a teacher and in development. She is
currently a science teacher at Seattle Prep. She is married to
Jim Mallahan and have four children: Colleen, Kelly, Jack and
Clare. Over the past several years Sheila has particularly enjoyed the Novena of Grace.
Fr. Thomas Murphy, SJ is a Professor of History at Seattle
University, and hails from the New England Province Society
of Jesus, ordained in 1999. Fr. Tom had the pleasure of
making his novitiate long retreat under the direction of William Barry, S.J.
David Rothrock is married to Kirsten Johnson and the couple have four children. David attended Santa Clara University, spent 3 years as a volunteer in France with L'Arche International and graduated from Seattle University in 1991.
David is a Principal at Meriwether Partners in downtown
Seattle and enjoys coaching youth sports. He participated in
the 2010/2011 SEEL Retreat.
Jennifer Tilghman Havens is the Associate Director of the
Office of Jesuit Mission and Identity at Seattle University. She has a dual Masters in Social Work and Pastoral
Ministry as well as a Masters in Business/Leadership for
Change. She loves to hike, camp, cross-country ski and enjoy the abundant natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest
with her husband, Matt and her son, Joey.
Interested in receiving
ISC’s monthly
for the most up-to-date
Go to our website, click “About Us”,
select “email newsletter” and fill in
your email address.
Or call Emily at ISC
Thank You to Our ISC Contributors in 2010-2011
We are so grateful to each and all of you! Without your support
the work of the ISC would not continue. Please let us know if we have
inadvertently left your name off this list.
Janet Alkire
Gerrie Allen
Peter Ely, SJ
Patricia Farmer
Mary Ann Lee
Jean Marie & Rhoady Lee
Eleanor & Charles Pollnow
David Potts
Marilyn Dennehy
Gennyn Dennison
Elizabeth Alpaugh
Danielle Farrell
James Lee
Joe & Bridget Quinn
Lisa Dennison
Linda Anderson
Amy Ferron
Patrick Lee, SJ
Karen & Dan Quinn-Shea
Patricia Desroches
Alegria Aquino Albers
Sharon Finholm
Mark & Maureen Lee/Busto
David Read
Steve Donaldson
Dale and Tom Auffenberg
Maggie Finley
Sr. Clare Lentz, SP
Steven & Cynthia Reed
Sue & Michael Dougherty
Mary Rose Bacina
Paul Fitterer, SJ
Carla & Don Lewis
John & Maureen Reid
Dennis Duffell
Anita Barcklow
Bill Fleming
Patricia Lewis
Craig Rennebohm
Jim and Mary Dunnam
Mary Fran & Art Barkshire
Andrea Fontana
Theresa Litorneau
Elizabeth & David Richardson
Mary Kay Dyckman
Bill & Sharon Barnes
Eilzabeth Fox
Linda Lopez Liang
Andy and Mary Ries
Jean Ederer
Mary Bartholet
Katrina Freeburg
MaryAnn MacKenzie
Victoria Ries
Kathy Ellestad
Michael Bayard, SJ
John Fuchs, SJ
Rev. Paul Magnano
Christine Rillera
Ronald Kinkade
Sr. Cathy Beckley
Joe & Terri Gaffney
Timothy Malone
Mary Robins
Margaret Kirmeyer
Mary Jo Bench
Rick Ganz, SJ
Don & Melissa Manning
Jeannie and Tom Robinson
Patrick & Carmella Koeplin
Diana Bender
Jack Bentz, SJ
Mary Gaudette
Yong Chae Gaylor
Bee Jay Mar
Michael & Nancy Mariano
John Rochford
Al & Lori Roehl
Mike Kristan
Rosemary Krsak
Jeannie & Jim Berwick/Degel
Tom and Anne Gehrig
Mark and Terry Markuly
Brooke Rufo Hill
Eileen Krueger
Maralyn & Jack Blume
Mary Beth & Richard Gemperle
Anne and Dale Martin
Fr. Mike Ryan Ryan
Rick & Anne Kunkle
Jean Boissiere
Dennis Gentele
Molly Martinez
Sr. Judy Ryan, SNJM
Catherine LaCugna
Catherine Boyle
Geraldine Gianelli
Patrick & Jenner Mathiasen
Betty Sanders
Joyce Lang
Julie Brown
Helen Goehring
Billie Mazzei
Mike & Carol Sauter
Lynne Langseth
Bonnie Brunton
Gary Graf
Jim & Judy McAteer
Lester & Mary Ann Sauvage
Donna Larson
Margaret Buchmann
Jenine Grey
Bob McCaffery Lent
Scott Schaefer
Erin Oliver
Mary Rose Bumpus
Catherine & Harold Grytting
Bob & Shannon McCambridge
Lorraine Schneider
Patty Olsen
Margaret Bundy
Hilda Guiao
Kathryn McGarry
James Schwartz
Patricia Ann O'Neill
Frank & Dee Buono
Kiet Ha
Mark McGregor, S.J.
Paul Schwendiman
Matt Orlando
Peter Byrne, SJ
Cathryn Hagelin
Mud McHugh
Bob & Mary Linden Sepulveda
Mary Pat & John Osterhaus
PJ Callahan
Margaret Haggerty
Loretta McIver
Ellen Sweeney Clawson
Mary Ellen & John Ott
Sean Callahan
Carolyn Hansen
Cissy McLane
Mary Cunningham & Michael Sinsky
Janet Parks
Tedd Callahan
Deanne & Phillip Calvert
Elizabeth Hansen
John Harding
Greg & Joan McNabb
Diane McQuiston
Gayle Sommerfeld
Earl & Alice Spangler
Susanne Patrick
Susan Payne
Lori & Tom Carmody
Jannette Hartley
Bryce McWalter
Patricia Spencer
Diane Peirolo
Bridget Carney
Mary Hartrich
Cheryl & George Mead
David & Marti Spicer
Jack & Mary Peterson
M. L. Caruso
Thomas Hartrich
Rosanne Michaels
Mary Springer
Donna & Joseph Whitford
Joseph Carver, SJ
Kathy Hastings
Robert Mohrbacher
Alma Stanford
Patricia Whitney
Frank Case, SJ
Walter Havens
Maureen Mohrbacher
Anne Steves
John Whitney, SJ
Marilyn Cass
Linda Haydock, SNJM
Carla Montante, SP
Richard Stolz
Mary Lou & Jim Wickwire
G DeCastro
Vince Herberholt
Margaret Moore
Steven Sundborg, SJ
Jay Schwartz & Renee Willette
Anastasia Cates-Carney
Kent Hickey
Marites Morgan
Matt & Kristine Sweeney
Steve Wodzanowski
Christie Cave
Marcelle Hickman
Kristen Moss
Rosaleen Sweeney
Veronica Wood
Celia Chappelle
John & Carolyn Hickman
Vincent Mullally
Howard Swenson
Paul and Suzy Wyckoff
Sheila Wyckoff Charley Dickey
Paul Hill
John & Kanj Mullaly
Tim Leary & Erin Swezey
Ann Wycoff
Colin Charlton
Kathleen Hodges
David Murphy
James Takasaki
Marylou Wyse
Colin Charlton
Donna Cheshier
James & Debbie Hoover
Sue Horther
Cathy and Vince Murray/Herberholt
Marilyn Nash
Mary Thorne, CSJP
Maureen Thorstenson
Eugenia Yousoufian
Mike and Linda Zaugg
Nelia Clalcat
Clare Howell
Tiffany Nelson
Soe Kyaw Thu
Barbara Clinton
Patrick Howell, SJ
Marita Niemann
Jennifer Tilghman-Havens
Nick Coffman
Patricia Hyde
Killian Noe
Dan Tobin
Seattle University
Cesar Collantes
Kevin & Cathleen Hylton
Monica Noonan
Diane Tomhave & Sherman Alexie
Chuck & Nancy Collins
Anne Jenkins
Randy Novak
Jack Towe
Clement Family Foundation
Kathryn & William Collins
Lorraine Johnson
Lance & Tina O'Brien
Steve & Tricia Trainer
Patricia & Theodore Collins
Elizabeth Johnston
Cindy O'Brien
Johanna Trainer
Fallsapart Productions
Michael Coussens
Helen Jolly
Maureen O'Brien
John Rochford & Nick Utzinger
Seattle Preparatory School
Liz Coz
Mike Jones
Maria Ochoa Ochoa
Peter & Mary Vial McKay
Sisters of Providence
orene Davidson
Ann Keller
Fr. Steven Okumu
Patsy Walker
Sisters of the Holy Name
Molly Davidson
Jennifer Kelly
Jack O'Leary, SJ
Nancy Walton-House
Piecora’s Pizza
Annabelle Decuir
Judy Killian
Patrick O'Leary, SJ
Chris Weekly, SJ
Robert Deltete
Dennis West & Margaret Kineke
Jenn Olegario
Donna & Joseph Whitford
Nonprofit Org.
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What’s Happening at ISC ...
Jennifer Kelly Concert
New Board Members and Staff
Upcoming Programs
Program Outreach
SEYA Highlights
Calendar of Events
Thank Yous
Looking for
Nourish and renew your
inspiraduring the holy season of Advent
book group?
Please join us for
the newly formed
ISC biweekly
book groups.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
pm at two
St. Joseph
We are 7:00
Free will offering. No registration required.
October 20 January 19
February 21 - May 15
6:45-8:30 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center