May 31, 2015 - Sacred Heart
May 31, 2015 - Sacred Heart
Church of the Sacred Heart PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Together we foster a welcoming spirit of unity while honoring our diversity which leads to a graced harmony among us since Christ is the center of all we are and do. BAPTIZE THEM IN THE THE MOST HOLY TRINITY ~ MAY 31, 2015 NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT From our earliest years we have been told that the Holy Trinity, one God in three divine persons, is a mystery never to be grasped by human minds. For this reason, today’s solemnity might seem shrouded in smoke, like Mount Sinai when Moses met God. Yet it would be a mistake to turn from today’s liturgy as if it were entirely incomprehensible. The three-personed God might be incomprehensible, but this solemnity assures us that this same God is not inaccessible. Moses voices our astonishment in the first reading: Who has ever heard of a god who actually speaks to people? The Church becomes even bolder in the second reading: Paul assures us that we are to call this awesome God “Abba, Father!” (Romans 8:15). We are led by the Spirit, adopted as children, heirs with Christ of all that comes from the Father. Surely if Moses were among us today, he would repeat his astonished cry from the first reading. WHAT ARE WE TO DO? Be careful not to miss the action words, the verbs, in these readings today. Such a feast might imply we ought to stand still or kneel down. But Paul reminds us that we are led by the Spirit. In Matthew’s Gospel we are sent. “Go!” Jesus commands us. “Make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Just remember—we have nothing to fear. The Lord has chosen us to be his own. Jesus has promised to be with us always, until the end of the world! He promised to do this sending the Holy Spirit. He taught us to call God our Father. While the Trinity is certainly a mystery of our faith, it is clear that Jesus did not intend for it to be a secret. PRIESTS Rev. Michael Waites, Pastor, ext. 11 DEACONS Rev. Mr. Robert Bednarek Rev. Mr. Joseph Donadieu Rev. Mr. Kenneth Heilig Rev. Mr. Michael Stinsman All Deacons — ext. 10 PARISH OFFICE 103 Fourth St. Riverton, NJ 08077 PARISH MINISTRIES 856-829-1836 Mary Neary, Director Leslie Crofton, Secretary, ext. 10 Joanne Moore, Secretary, ext. 24 LITURGICAL MUSIC MINISTRIES 856-786-5380 Mark McKeever, Director Susan Barnett, Associate RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 102 Fourth Street - Family Center Patricia Hutchinson, Director Terre Walsh, Secretary Joanne Moore, Secretary Web Site: BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS 856-829-0090 Scott Perry, Business & Facilities Director, ext. 14 John Wonderlin Donna Casey E-mail: PAGE 2 SACRED HEART CHURCH ~ RIVERTON, NEW JERSEY SACRED HEART CHURCH PARISH INFORMATION PARISH OFFICE 103 Fourth Street, Riverton, NJ 08077-1205 Monday through Friday 8:30 am — 12:00 noon & 1:00 pm — 4:00 pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE Family Center, 102 Fourth Street, Riverton, NJ 08077-1206 Tuesday through Friday 12:30 pm — 4:30 pm CONFESSIONS Saturdays 3:30 pm — 4:15 pm GENERAL INFORMATION NEW PARISHIONERS Are always welcome, please register at the parish office. MOVING? Please notify us if you are moving out of the parish or changing your address or telephone number. BAPTISMS Please call the rectory as soon as possible to make arrangements. Parish registration must be confirmed and eligibility certificates for Catholic Godparents must be presented. Godparent and sponsor certificates may be obtained by those who have received all Sacraments in the Catholic Church. CALL JOANNE MOORE AT 829-0090 X 24. MARRIAGE Arrangements should be made at the rectory at least ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE. Please contact us to receive guidelines for the celebration of marriage. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DEARLY DEPARTED AND THEIR FAMILIES Natalie Sassano, Rose Bossen, Stella Rodolico, Thomas Holl, Rose Sorbello, Jean Richman, Jean Adler, Sam Cucinotta, Madeline Bondy, Rudolph Grilli, Richard Millilo, Sean Carr, Joseph Deegan, Kathleen Wright, Josephine Ebner, Mary Heilig, James Tomlinson, Susan Frazier, Andrew DiTaranto, Patricia Gross, Eleanor St. Clair, Rudolph Volpe, Regina Quirk, Stephen Eaton, Elizabeth Galvin, Ron Broomhead, Carly Hefflin, Cheryl Reiss McGlinchy, Raymond Bloh, Joseph Sibilla, Henrietta Gennaro, JoAnn Doron, Patricia Sanderson, William McGehrin Sr, Theresa LaSalle, Clare Novakowski, Anne Cipolone, Kathleen Mufalli, Bernice Schultheis, Joseph Schofield, Dolores Johnson, Rachael Annunziato, Eleanor McCleary , Maureen Anthony Ferrara, Cunningham, Catherine Ferry, Clara Harris, Walter Poltorak, John Collins, Shirley Subeh, Florann Knecht, Lewis Mairone, James Bradshaw, Marie Werner, Michael Verrecchia, Father Vic Butler, Norman Rubright Jr, Catherine Bonsal, Isabell Rafter, Teresa Laverty, Matilda Fumo, Laurie Lannon, Linda Dluoik, Cookie McCurdy, Theodore Welsh, Maureen Sullivan, Carmella Lazarovich, Joseph Bonner, Betty Hausle, Marie Mahony, Daniel Goffredo, Charles Thress Jr, Maxine Keegan, Anna Marles, Joseph Visco, Catherine Fraser, Mildred Pacek, James Gross, Joseph Frunzi, Shirley Mague, Mary LaFreda, Kenneth Berkley, Sam Berger, and James Devone, Sr Monday, June 1, 2015 8:00 am Alice Dluoik r/o Her Family Joseph & Miriam DeVece r/o Mr. & Mrs. James Farmer Tuesday, June 2, 2015 8:00 am Ronald Whitney Ciambella r/o His Family Charles S. Dahm r/o Sacred Heart Staff Wednesday, June 3, 2015 8:00 am Fr. Vic Butler r/o Bill & Jeanne Max Thursday, June 4, 2015 8:00 am Richard MIllilo r/o His Wife, Pat & Family Friday, June 5, 2015 8:00 am Isabell Rafter r/o Pat & Ray Franecki Saturday, June 6, 2015 8:00 am Eileen Hume r/o The Ehrhardt Family 4:30 pm Joseph Sibilla r/o Carol Lieggi Charles & Dorothy Muraresku r/o Donna & Rick Margaret Ronca r/o Cathy Hannan & Family Matilda Fumo r/o Bill & Nancy DeVece Sunday, June 7, 2015 7:30 am Elise Fries r/o Her Husband, Bill Elizabeth & Michael Chiaccio r/o Jeff & Marianne Ford Bill & Isabell Rafter r/o Their Family 9:00 am Barbara Fera r/o Al Dora C. Sestito r/o Joseph Trumbetti 10:30 am Elizabeth “Bette” Welch r/o Harry & Cookie McCurdy Bobby States r/o The Devlin Family John Tilmont r/o His Wife, Eleanor 12:00 pm Josephine DeCroce r/o Lisa, Ryan, Julian Siebert THE MOST HOLY TRINITY ~ MAY 31, 2015 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK AND HOMEBOUND Kaden Baraniecki, Billy Byrem, Tom Cairns, Marypat Chrupcala, Tony Colkers, Pat Connolly, Jim Dennis, Don DyBalski, Bob Flynn, Carole & Joseph Frawley, Loretta Gibson, Anne Greene, Harriet Guelich, Joe Hartman, Rita Heise, Loretta Horgan, Marie Hurley, Margaret Link, Molly Maerten, Marion Massara, Ed Matczak, Anne McCabe, Benjamin McClintic, Jerry McKeever, Melissa Milewski, Mary Mulvihill, Rick Muraresku, Jack Murphy, Cindy Neely, Melanie Ogozalek, Ruth Phelps, Jenda Piagari, Anthony Pignatelli, Anthony Portella, Bro. Bill Riley, Bob & Kate Salamon, Virginia Schlacter, Michael Stanley Schneider, Joseph Skahan, William Smith, Anne Stover, Meaghan Sweeney, Regina Truitt, Bill Wilson, Lillian Zamichieli and Joseph Zeisweiss If you or a family member would like to be prayed for at Mass and listed in the bulletin, please call 856-829-0090. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION There are plenty of “treasures” in our tradition that if resurrected today would cause anxious moments for bishops! Many concern marriage. There was a time when the church “consecrated” both virgins dedicated to prayer and charity, and brides dedicated to husband and family. Virgins were blessed in the sanctuary of the church, and brides in the sanctuary of the home. The custom of blessing the bride in the marriage chamber was standard in England, Ireland, Spain, and France until the eleventh century. If the groom (the groom’s side planned the wedding) chose from the full menu of liturgy, there would be a blessing of the bridal room, solemn evening prayer on the eve and morning prayer on the day of the wedding, a blessing at the church door of the spouses, and then in the church for the wife alone during Mass, and Communion. After the feast, a priest would represent the bride’s father in presiding over the legal process by which the bride transferred from her father’s clan to her husband’s. Some enduring customs hearken back to these days when marriage was seen as a contract between men (the bride’s father and the groom) and was not so much about living out one’s baptismal call, and certainly not about the equality of the spouses in Christ. Happily, this baptismal focus has been restored and unhelpful customs set aside by today’s marriage rite. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Second Bann Erica Vizard and Nicholas Cannon PAGE 3 THIS WEEK AT SACRED HEART PARISH NOTE: Please remember all announcements to be placed in the bulletin should be brought to the Parish Office by Friday, one week prior to the weekend the bulletin will be published. Monday — June 1 6:00 pm — Legion of Mary Family Center, Room 6 Tuesday — June 2 Willing and Able will resume in September 7:00 pm — NA Meeting Lower Church Wednesday — June 3 8:00 pm — AA Meeting Calvary Presbyterian Church Thursday, June 4 7:00 pm — Dance Class Lower Church Friday — June 5 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament following 8:00 am Mass Saturday — June 6 5:30 pm — Gambler’s Anonymous Family Center, Room 6 Sunday — June 7 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 1:15 pm — Celebration of Baptisms Church 8:00 pm — AA Meeting Lower Church FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Weekend of May 23 & 24, 2015 $10,396.00 Average Weekly Parish Pay Electronic Giving $948.00 Same Weekend last year was Easter $10,374.00 Same Weekend last year’s Parish Pay $894.00 Average needed for weekly expenses $14,950.00 Thank you very much for your generosity. Please remember Sacred Heart in your Last Will and Testament PAGE 4 SACRED HEART CHURCH ~ RIVERTON, NEW JERSEY Registration Time is Here! You may register your child for Religious Education classes for 2014/2015 Saturday, June 7th and Sunday, June 8th Please come to the Family Center after the 4:30; 9:00; 10:30; 12:00 Masses (not after 7:30) Remember, children are re-registered each year, as they move through the Program. Tuition will remain the same for the new school year: One child…………….$120 Second child……………80 Third child………………50 Tuition capped at ….$250 Kindergarten Program ~ $60 Please be aware that we offer We Can Program at no charge. (We Enrich Children of All Needs) Of course, tuition may be paid over a period of time. Please make us aware of any extenuating circumstances regarding payment of tuition. Date: Time: Place: Cost: Theme: Speaker: The Women’s 22nd Annual Communion Breakfast Sunday, June 28th 9:00 am Mass followed by Breakfast Riverton Country Club $20 Finding Mary - the Journey of a life time Gary Chiaccio Gary and his wife Mary Chiaccio made a personal pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. The trip was a journey of faith in the Blessed Mother Mary and had a profound effect on their lives and deepened their Faith. What led them to decide on making this trip and what happened after is a story about trust in the Blessed Mother and the realization that Mary is always there for all of us our entire lives. It is a journey of finding Mary… YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS STORY. For tickets call Donna at 786-1709. Children who will be five years of age by October 1, 2014 are eligible to be registered in our Kindergarten We Can Programs. If it is impossible for you to come in June 6/7, please call us or email us to register for the upcoming year. Children must be re-registered each year, as they move through the program. Sacred Heart Parish Religious Education Program ~ 856-829-1848 ~ email: THE DIOCESE OF TRENTON invites you and your family to a Holy Hour The Holy Hour will consist of Scripture reading, silent prayer, music, intercessions and personal testimonies, in preparation for the 2015 World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. Thursday, June 25th 7:00 pm St. John Neumann—Mount Laurel Contact us at or at 609-403-7155. OUR BEAUTIFUL MAY PROCESSION Deep gratitude filled our hearts as we honored Our Blessed Mother, Mary. Margret LaCerra crowned our treasured statue with a gorgeous flower wreath made lovingly by Terry D’Auria who has made every crown for the 20 years we have been celebrating our Mary Procession to Mary’s Garden. Thank you, First Communion children and all who participated with beautiful prayers, led by Father Michael and traditional songs, led by Mark McKeever. PAGE 5 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY ~ MAY 31, 2015 Vacation Bible Camp — June 22nd to 26th Family Center Camp Discovery 2015 — Jesus at work through us! At Camp Discovery VBS kids have fun being kids as they explore the bible, make new friends, sing songs, and learn how Jesus works through them in their everyday lives. Registration required. Cost per child $20, $10 second child, family capped at $40. Children 4 years old and up. This includes Tee shirt, crafts and daily snacks. Financial assistance available. Registration forms can be downloaded on our website (scroll down to bottom) and/ or one can be mailed to you by calling Mary at 8291836. See you at the camp grounds! HONORING OUR GRADUATES Sacred Heart Parish wishes to honor those who are graduating. We extend a special invitation to all graduates to attend the 10:30 am Mass on Sunday, June 28th. Our parish family will gather to pray for our graduates and bestow a special blessing on them. We would like to publish the names and schools of all the graduates, grades 8 and above, in the bulletin that day. Please call the Parish Office at 829-0090 or email the names to with their name and school no later than Tuesday, June 23rd to guarantee publication in the bulletin. Names received after this date will be published in subsequent bulletins. Lector’s - God’s gift to proclaim the Good News seeking volunteers 13 years and up…!! Have you been thinking about becoming a Lector, but have not had the courage to make the step needed to find out more information and/or to receive training?? If this is YOU then YOU need to contact Mary at or Kathie at Training provided. If you can not serve every month or only 2x a year do not let that hinder you from saying YES. Catholic Daughters… Is sponsoring their Annual Pilgrimage on Tuesday, June 30th. We will be visiting the Shrine of Saint Gerard. A 9:00 am Mass is scheduled and after Mass we will have a tour and history, and then visit the Newark Basilica. Lunch will be in Chester, NJ at the Publick House. Cost is $90 per person. If interested please call Marie Russo at 829-1999 for more information. A wonderful day is planned. Final payment is due June 5th. Save the Date! Mom’s Retreat Thursday evening, July 23rd 5:00 to 11:00 pm Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm Theme: St. Monica — Never give up on those you love! Monica never gave up praying for her family despite their life styles and their lack of faith. Through the power of prayer and perseverance St. Monica was rewarded by her husband’s, her mother-in-law’s and her son’s (St. Augustine) conversion to the Catholic Faith. Join us as St. Monica inspires u to persevere in pray for those we love believing that God has a plan and we can trust that HE hears our prayers for those we love! CLOW — Children’s Liturgy Of the Word Share your gifts, talents and love of the word with our Children this September… we provide training and support and a partner! Every other month from September—May. If you are interested please email Mary at or at 829-1836. Please prayerfully consider this important ministry to our Children! MEMORIALS THE SANCTUARY LAMP BURNS THIS WEEK IN LOVING MEMORY OF RICHARD MILLILO AT THE REQUEST OF HIS WIFE, PAT & CHILDREN PAGE 6 SACRED HEART CHURCH ~ RIVERTON, NEW JERSEY PROJECT LINUS/LUCY’S LADIES: Providing warmth and comfort to those in need. Please join us on Saturday, June 13th from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon in the Family Center to knit of crochet blankets for hospitalized children, cancer patients at Our Lady of Lourdes and women with children in shelters fro the abused and homeless. Donations of 4ply worsted acrylic yarn needed! Please place in marked box in Immaculate Conception Shrine. For questions please call Annette at 764-0945 or Barbara at 829-0517. WEEKEND MUSIC — MAY 31ST 717 212 619 720 All Praise and Glad Thanksgiving Holy, Holy, Holy Rain Down Come Now, Almighty King Psalm 40: “Here am I, O God, I come to do your will, here am I, I come to do your will.” 1. I waited for you, and you heard me, O God; You have put a new song in my mouth; a hymn of praise to the God of my salvation. 2. You opened my ear to your word, O God; You take no delight in empty sacrifice, to do your will is my life and my delight, O God. 3. I sing of your justice, I sing of your peace, I sing of your faithfulness and love, I chant your praise in the midst of all your people. E-mail: WILL YOU WALK FOR ME?? YOUTH GROUP UPDATE... Thank you all for a fabulous year! We had a great time at Great Adventure and had a lot of laughs! The day was sunny and we ended it with a beautiful mass. We have two more events for this year, but we want to congratulate Sharmaine Belton on her pending graduation. She will be going to Villanova in the fall and she will be missed by many. Her spirit and smile will be with all of us as we continue through this journey. Thank you for your dedication and hard work throughout the years!! A PRAYER FOR OUR MILITARY Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior… Amen. Please join us at Good Counsel’s Walk-a-Thon! Saturday, June 6th ~ 9:00 am to 12 noon Memorial Park, Cinnaminson Walk forms can be obtained at the walk site, or contact Join others for a walk in the park to support our babies. Donations may also be sent to Good Counsel Homes, 805 Warren St, Beverly, NJ 08010 and walkforms. For more information, call 609-387-2928. See you in your walking shoes. New Catholic Cemetery, Diocese of Trenton Bishop David O’Connell will soon be breaking ground for a new Diocesan Cemetery in Burlington County, Jesus Bread of Life Catholic Cemetery. This cemetery, the first diocesan site in our county is located at 3055 Fostertown Road in Mount Laurel. It offers a wide variety of in ground interment options in both flush marker and monument sections. The Mausoleum entombment offers interior and exterior single tandem, true companion and abbey crypts, as well as, interior and exterior niches for cremated remains. For information regarding pre-need arrangement or for all questions please contact Deacon Ed Heffernan at 609-847-9487. Deacon Ed will be here the weekend of June 6th & 7th to speak about the cemetery.
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