SpkUp-MJ2015 - California Scottish Rite Foundation
SpkUp-MJ2015 - California Scottish Rite Foundation
California Scottish Rite Foundation S eaking U May / June 2015 32 SCOTT SH R TE CH DHOOD LA G AGE C N R A Voice for the Children of California ® 2100 N. Broadway, Ste. 350, Santa Ana, CA 92706 / 714-547-7325 www.casr-foundation.org Illumination. Inspiration. Motivation. Strengthening and Sharing Our Mission As Scottish Rite Masons The Missing Link to Learning Why does the Scottish Rite believe that focusing on helping children overcome speech and language challenges is so important? Of course, reaching developmental milestones in speech and language are vital to the learning process of children. During infancy, even before a child’s first word is ever spoken, the development of a young toddler’s communication skills is taking place. Between the ages of one and two, as example, most children can understand simple questions asked of them like, “Where’s the toy?” They can also use some two word sentences like, “Go bye-bye?” or “Want more.” Read more on Page 2 Creating a new publication to “Spread the Word ” about the Mission of the Scottish Rite Foundation and the selfless dedication of Scottish Rite Masons in our great state of California is not an easy task. Yet, we know that we have an exciting story to share and it is Frank Loui our hope that this new bimonthly Chairman of the Board and President publication, Speaking Up, will be of great interest to not only our Scottish Rite Brethren, but will also provide valuable and interesting stories that you will want to share with your friends, family and associates outside of the Masonic Fraternity. Speaking Up will shine a light on the charitable outreach of the California Scottish Rite Foundation with stories of our success in helping thousands of children overcome serious speech, language and learning challenges thanks to free therapy at our 14 RiteCare® Childhood Language Centers. News You Can Use: Every other month we will share articles that we hope will inspire you – including profiles of the dedicated therapists at our Language Centers who are daily improving the lives of boys and girls by helping them to learn to communicate. Issues will also promote fund raisers and special events taking place at our RiteCare® Childhood Language Centers. In addition, we will focus on our other philanthropies including our Scholarship and expanded Americanism Programs. Our final goal for our magazine is to motivate you to actively partner with us to, literally, make the dreams of countless children come true. Enjoy this debut edition – and please join with the CSRF in “Speaking Up for Kids”. Ask Your Chairman Do you have a question for the CSRF Chairman? Let us know. email: info@casrf.org 1 News from Around Our State 2 Celebrating the Craft on May 16 3 Honoring America’s Heroes 3 Solving the Social Media Puzzle 5 Fast ForWord Technology 6 S eaking U Speaking Up is published six times per year by the California Scottish Rite Foundation. Editor: Ronald Cooper, 32˚ KCCH Graphics: Cooper & Cooper Creative Services Send editorial comments, press releases and photos to: RonAndJaneCooper@mac.com To add your name to our mailing list or to make a donation or bequest contact: California Scottish Rite Foundation 2100 N. Broadway, Ste. 350 Santa Ana, CA 92706 714-547-7325 www.casr-foundation.org © 2015, California Scottish Rite Foundation California Scottish Rite Foundation Continued from Page 1 The Missing Link to Learning As children grow, their communication skills should grow with them. By the time a child is getting ready for kindergarten, he or she should know their numbers and letters. They should also be able to follow directions that involve more than one step and be able to keep a conversation going. When a child struggles to meet basic developmental milestones, stumbling blocks are placed on his or her pathways to learning. Without diagnosis of a learning delay and prompt treatment to help overcome speech, language and/or learning disorders, children can fall farther and farther behind their peers. Children rarely “outgrow” speech, language and learning disorders and the problems are more likely to persist and may worsen as the child grows older. The link between speech and language delays and disorders and failure to achieve in school is clear. You can help turn around a life with a donation to CSRF. Your generosity will help California’s children to lead lives filled with success. May/June 2015 - What’s Happening Around Our State Stockton Golf Tournament Enjoy a great day of golf on Monday, June 8th, and help raise money to provide therapy for kids at the Stockton RiteCare® Childhood Language Center. San Francisco-Burlingame RiteCare® Childhood Language Center Launches New Web Site Congratulations to the San FranciscoBurlingame Board of Directors for creating a great new web site for their CLC. Northern California Summertime means lots of learning for preschool-kindergarten boys and girls in Santa Barbara at Camp Chit Chat. ♥ June 20th is the date to reel in some fish and help raise funds for the Fresno RiteCare® Childhood Language Center. Come on out to Shaver Lake and enjoy a family day of fun! San Francisco Burlingame San Jose Find out more at www.fresnolanguagecenter.org ♥ Find out more at: www.sbspeech.com ♥ “It’s All About the Classics” Saturday, May 9th at 6 p.m. Enjoy a fabulous night of classic cars, delicious appetizers and music at a fundraiser benefiting the Orange County RiteCare® Childhood Language Center Fresno RiteCare® CLC Fishing Derby ♥ Sacramento ♥ Santa Rosa ♥ ♥ Oakland Stockton Check out: www.sbsrclc.org Camp Chit Chat in Santa Barbara Register at www.stocktonscottishrite.org Fresno Bakersfield San Fernando Santa Barbara Valley Ventura Pasadena ♥ San Bernardino ♥ Los Angeles ♥ ♥ Long Beach ♥ Santa Ana ♥ ♥ Orange County ♥ San Diego Palm Springs Palm Springs Open House On Sunday, May 3rd from 9 a.m. until noon, you are invited to tour the Palm Springs RiteCare® Childhood Language Center. Be sure to check out their unique closed-circuit TV system! www.pssr.net/index.php/childhood-center Learn more and get tickets at www.oclanguagecenter.org/cars 2 S eaking U California Scottish Rite Foundation May is Better Hearing & Speech Month and We’re Speaking Up for Kids BETTER HEARING AND SPEECH 32 N N May is “Better Hearing and Speech Month” – an opportunity to raise awareness of what communication disorders are and to champion the cause of early intervention to help children overcome speech and language challenges. Throughout the month of May we will be sharing information on social media to help educate parents on the warning signs of potential speech and language disorders. We will also be encouraging the general public to become aware of the free diagnostic services and free therapy that we provide at all of our RiteCare® Childhood Language Centers. Californians are generous and care about children. We know that when folks know more about what needs to be done to help children – they will want to partner with CSRF in Speaking Up for Kids. Don’t Miss “Celebrating the Craft” Saturday, May 16th • 6 p.m. to Midnight The House of the Temple will host the 4th Annual “Celebrating the Craft” to raise money for rebuilding the historic House of the Temple in Washington, DC. In addition, half of all donations pledged from California during the show will benefit the statewide charities of the California Scottish Rite Foundation – enabling us to help even more children. CTC will be an awesome night of music, celebrities, and exciting new video content of the artifacts, museum and treasures at the House of the Temple. The 6-hour extravaganza will be live streamed on the internet. Or you can join others at Scottish Rite Valleys across the state at fun-filled Celebrating the Craft “Viewing Parties”. To Learn More & Watch “Celebrating the Craft” go to www.scottishrite.org on Sat., May 16th, 6 pm - Midnight EST Honoring America’s Heroes CSRF’s Americanism Program The California Scottish Rite proudly supported America’s military heroes by sponsoring the 2015 CCME (Council of College & Military Educators) Annual Golf Tournament at the Black Gold Golf Club in Yorba Linda. The Foundation, as part of its Americanism Program, took this opportunity to say a heartfelt “Thank You” to our military men and women by offering spots to local active duty service members and wounded warriors. CCME Tournament proceeds will be used to support at-risk veterans including housing options, job training and help with independent living. 3 S eaking U California Scottish Rite Foundation What’s Behind the Doors? Santa Barbara CLC Open House on May 15th 2015 marks another milestone of service to children of Santa Barbara as the RiteCare® Childhood Language Center celebrates its 31st anniversary. The CLC will host an Open House on Friday, May 15, 2015, from 4 to 7 p.m. Guests will not only get to see what goes on behind the beautiful double doors of the Masonic Temple but also observe interactive demos of the free therapy provided to preschoolers at the Center. Santa Barbara RiteCare® Childhood Language Center (805) 962-8469 / www.sbspeech.com Kick Off to the “Scholarship Season” Share Your Pride in Our Scholarship Winners In 2014 the CSRF awarded 79 scholarships to California students. Now, we know that many of us don’t like to “toot our own horns” but sharing the good news that the Scottish Rite is assisting students to achieve their educational goals is certainly newsworthy. Scholarships are awarded to students seeking a variety of undergraduate as well as post graduate studies. If your Scottish Rite Valley has the honor of awarding a Scholarship – be sure to take photos and send off a story to local media. If you need some advice on writing a press release, contact the CSRF office for a “how-to” PR template. Santa Rosa CLC is Growing! Santa Rosa RiteCare® Childhood Language Center Dr. John Samples has announced the addition of a new member to his therapy team at the Santa Rosa RiteCare® Childhood Language Center. Emma Roberts, MS, CCC-SLP, is now working at the RiteCare® Center in Sonoma County to assist children ages 3-18 in overcoming speech, language and learning challenges. Emma holds a Master’s degree from the University of Oregon and is a California licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, as well as having a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association. Santa Rosa RiteCare® Childhood Language Center (707) 539-3003 / www.childrens-speech-therapy.com 4 S eaking U California Scottish Rite Foundation Rainbow for Girls Cares About Kids – Donation of $72,157.57 by International Order of Rainbow for Girls in California The California Scottish Rite Foundation is exceedingly grateful to the members of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls in California for adopting our RiteCare® Childhood Language Centers as their Grand Service Project. Rainbow prepares today’s girls for successful lives while teaching leadership, public speaking and service to the community. Accepting the gift of $72,157.57 raised by Rainbow Girls, Frank Loui, CSRF Chairman of the Board-President, praised the leadership of Rainbow and thanked them explaining that their gift will help children receive free speech and language therapy at the 14 RiteCare® Childhood Language Centers in California. Solving the Social Media Puzzle Promoting Our Cause to Serve Kids 24/7 Are you puzzled by social media? Then you’re not alone. Technology and communication have upped the ante when it comes to how non-profits like CSRF connect to existing donors, as well as how charities are expanding to reach new supporters in the future. Imagine how befuddled folks were in 1876 when they first learned of an electronic voice transmission device. Yet, Alexander Graham Bell’s invention, the telephone, was soon widely accepted as the modern and effective way to communicate. Smart Phones are Smart Moves Today, our telephones are more likely to be smart phones. Whether it’s an iPhone or an Android, smart phones offer an on-the-go way to keep in touch with friends and family. They also allow us to shop, do our banking or take care of business wherever we are, unlike the land-line telephones we grew up with. Talk, Text or Tweet? Smart phone technology also gives us instant access to the internet and the ability to connect to anyone in the world at any time. We can dash off an e-mail or send photos or a video with one click. Within minutes, on a site like Go-Daddy, we can create a web site for a business or community group. Plus, there are plenty of other options for connecting including sending text messages or short 140 character tweets to update others and share information. However, the newest way to communicate is by social media networking. The concept of social media is to connect with others and to interact with other’s messages. WWW speaking up on Social Media Networking is a dynamic and interactive way to exchange information. In the case of CSRF, we want to share news of our charitable programs and encourage others to partner with us by making a donation and/or by sharing the messages we post online with their friends and associates. 12 short months ago, CSRF launched a new campaign on social media. We’re excited to report that our Facebook posts are connecting with an average of more than 5,000 individuals a month. Today, thanks to the power of social media networking, we are growing a new generation of potential donors to support our RiteCare® Childhood Language Centers, as well as our Scholarship and Americanism programs, in the years to come. Join us on social media. You can see our posts, photos and videos as you “Follow” CSRF on Facebook. Now is the time to start conversations with your online friends about the Scottish Rite’s Mission of improving the lives of children. Get social anytime, day or night – and “Spread the Word”. www.facebook.com/californiascottishritefoundation 5 S eaking U California Scottish Rite Foundation Southern Plantation Tea Benefiting Boys & Girls in San Bernardino The San Bernardino Scottish Rite Women’s Association held a successful fundraiser in March with proceeds benefiting the San Bernardino Rainbolt RiteCare® Childhood Language Center. With a nod to days in Dixie, the “Southern Plantation Tea” encouraged ladies to dress to the nines while all present enjoyed an array of culinary delights, tempting desserts and a variety of exotic teas – served by waiters in tuxedos. What an elegant way to have fun while raising money to help boys and girls overcome speech, language and learning challenges! San Bernardino Rainbolt RiteCare® Childhood Language Center (909) 887-2335 / www.srmasons-sb.org New Technology Makes Learning Fun & Fast by Pam Norton, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Oakland CLC Fast ForWord is a computer program accessible through the internet that addresses how students process sounds and complex communication with the goal of improving reading skills. Using one or more of seven programs with increasing levels of difficulty, students can improve reading levels by 1-1/2 to 2 years in as little as 12 weeks. As a side benefit, some children also improve their understanding of speech sounds and language. One parent at our Center reported recently that her kindergartenaged son no longer requires speech and language services in school since working on Fast ForWord. Oakland RiteCare® Childhood Language Center- (510) 839-1513 / www.oaklandspeech.org Who is the Ambassador for your RiteCare® Center? James Achenbach Appointed as Ambassador of the San Diego RiteCare® Childhood Language Center William Hartley Parker, Chairman of the San Diego RiteCare® Childhood Language Center, has announced the appointment of James Achenbach to serve as Ambassador for their CLC. Jim’s duties will include visiting the Blue Lodges in metro San Diego to promote awareness and to encourage support of the Scottish Rite’s Language Center. As Ambassador, he will also build brand awareness of the Scottish Rite’s mission and our charities to concordant bodies who, hopefully, will consider becoming donors to help more local children overcome speech and language issues. Perhaps, it’s time for your RiteCare® Childhood Language Center to consider appointing your own Ambassador? San Diego RiteCare® Childhood Language Center - (619) 291-2506 / www.sdscottishritelanguagecenter.org 6 S eaking U California Scottish Rite Foundation Executive Board At Your Service The California Scottish Rite Foundation Staff is Here to Help FRANK LOUI Chairman of the Board / President RAYMOND D. GODEKE Executive Vice President / Secretary LESTER W. MILLER Vice President GLENN WOODY Treasurer Ray Directors rgodeke@casrf.org Randi The staff of the California Scottish Rite Foundation is always ready to assist you in answering your questions on the operation of our 501 (c) (3) public charity. randil@casrf.org Long Beach JONATHAN DILLEY Los Angeles LIONEL RUHMAN Mario mariol@casrf.org The California Scottish Rite Foundation is pleased to announce that Steven M. Foeller, MSSM, CMA, has joined the CSRF Team as Controller. In this role, Steve will be a resource for all Foundation stakeholders and responsible for all accounting and internal/external financial and accounting reporting. He will also coordinate the annual independent audit of the Foundation. sfoeller@casrf.org Kristin Burlingame CHRISTOPHER D. SMITH Fresno BERNARD HOLLENBECK Please contact CSRF for additional information on the services at our Childhood Language Centers, the specific requirements for Scholarships or to learn more about the CSRF Americanism program. The staff can also provide you with information on ways you can donate to make a real difference in the lives of California’s children. Steve Bakersfield SILVER SACK The California Scottish Rite Foundation recently announced the appointment of Kristin Hoffman, MA, CC-SLP, as the Director of RiteCare® Operations. Ms. Hoffman will coordinate standards and practices, as well as development and implementation of Foundation resources and trainings, for the 14 RiteCare® Childhood Language Center Directors and Boards throughout California. Northern California PETER KERHOULAS Oakland FRED KAO Palm Springs ROBERT JACOB Pasadena ARTHUR ZABOUNIAN Sacramento DOUG VEALE San Bernardino JERRY BELLER San Diego EDWARD COLLINS San Fernando Valley DAVID OTTINGER San Francisco IRVING SHAPIRO San Jose HANK VLCEK Santa Ana DAVID HARRINGTON Santa Barbara HARLAN GURNEY Santa Rosa MARK ROSE khoffman@casrf.org Stockton ROBERT SNYDER Ventura JERRY GONZALES Past Chairmen of the Board california scottish rite HENRY C. CLAUSEN, Founder June 16, 1958 to March 1987 foundation H. DOUGLAS LEMONS March 1987 to December 31, 2005 2100 N. Broadway, Ste. 350, Santa Ana, CA 92706 714-547-7325 / www.casr-foundation.org WILLIAM F. STOVALL January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2012 a california non-profit corporation incorporated june 16, 1958 7 S eaking U California Scottish Rite Foundation 2100 N. Broadway, Ste. 350 Santa Ana, CA 92706 Make a Secure Donation Today www.casr-Foundation.org E S A E PL ATE DON W NO DONATE TODAY Enriching the lives of future generations of disabled children can be the most rewarding experience in one’s life. We ask that you resolve today to selflessly and generously give to support the services and special programs of the California Scottish Rite Foundation. Join with us and help to ensure that every child’s voice will be heard and understood. 714-547-7325 • info@casrf.org • www.CASR-Foundation.org/how-to-help/ways-to-give Donate today & Give Children The Success Story They Deserve All across California there are thousands of children who, despite the efforts of parents or the programs offered at public schools, are unable to speak clearly. Some also have great difficulty understanding what is being said to them and are unable to read or keep up at grade level. We are asking you to become an active partner with the California Scottish Rite Foundation by donating and becoming the champion of children. Your gift or living legacy will help children to succeed in life from pre-school through university. Please join with the Foundation in “Speaking Up for Kids” and help give all children in California the success story that they truly deserve. www.casr-foundation.org/how-to-help/ways-to-give 32 SCOTTISH RITE CHILDHOOD LANGUAGE CENTERS california scottish rite ® foundation a california non-profit corporation incorporated june 16, 1958 © 2015, The California Scottish Rite Foundation, all rights reserved 8