CYMER Recognizes Value of Midway Education.


CYMER Recognizes Value of Midway Education.
Live the Adventure,
Honor the Legend
Volume No. 40 • Fall 2014
Value of
Story on page 8
Looking Ahead to 2015
By Mac McLaughlin, President and CEO
Next year will be the 70th anniversary
2015 and promises to become the defining
the flight deck of Mid-
of the end of World War II, a hugely sig-
Battle of Midway experience in America.
way, and welcome to
nificant milestone. We had a great Midway
We have worked very hard to deliver a
American Patriot Award Gala this year,
product that does justice to those who
our award-winning Members’ magazine,
recognizing the heroes of the Battle of
served during WWII, and still inspires our
Midway Currents. As we wind down
Midway. Our September 3, 2015 fundrais-
younger generation of Americans who will
our 6th consecutive year of increased
ing gala theme will focus on our Greatest
visit our ship. If you haven’t been aboard
attendance and 3rd straight year of more
Generation and their service during WWII.
for a while, you’ll definitely want to come
than 1 million visitors, you may be asking
Their legacy is built into the DNA of Mid-
back and visit to experience the Battle of
yourselves, what else could we do in 2015
way, and we will continue to deliver it to
Midway come to life.
to top that? Well, you’ll be glad to know
our guests daily. Nearly three weeks prior,
In a way, the Midway has become the
that we’ve got some ideas and we’d like to
on August 15, make plans for a huge com-
embodiment of the spirit of our Greatest
share them with you.
munity celebration on our flight deck with
Generation, and the stories of their cour-
a fabulous 1945-themed party!
age and sacrifice will serve as an inspira-
Our first major event next year will
be on April 26 when we celebrate the 40th
Then, on September 10, 2015, we will
tion for generations of future visitors to
anniversary of Operation Frequent Wind
celebrate Midway’s 70th birthday. Who
Midway. Honor the legend, and we’ll see
(the fall of Saigon). We are already working
knows…maybe we’ll invite all the former
you aboard soon.
with the Vietnamese community nation-
Midways sailors we can find to join us for a
ally on plans to commemorate those who
piece of birthday cake!
made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of
freedom for all.
Onward and upward…
The long-awaited Battle of Midway
exhibit will open to the public in January,
A Thousand Words…
The USS Midway Museum can be a
remarkable photography subject. We’re
always looking for distinctive photos of
Midway, both from afar and of our guests
and activities onboard. Feel free to submit
your Midway photos to Marketing Director
Scott McGaugh at
Who knows, you might see your photo in a
future issue of Currents!
USAA Supports Midway Members
By Jill Hammons, Membership Director
Onboard Midway
In 1922, more
As Mac points out on the opposite page,
than two dozen Army
2015 promises to be another big year for the
officers met in San
USS Midway Museum. We will keep you
Antonio, Texas, and
posted on the development of next year’s sig-
decided to insure each
nature events. Imagine, the 70th anniversary
Midway Inspires Astronaut..................... 7
other’s vehicles. They
of the end of WWII; Midway’s 70th birth-
Cymer ..................................................................... 8
could not have imag-
day; and the 40th anniversary of Operation
ined that their tiny organization would one
Frequent Wind, all in the same year!
day serve millions of people and become one
For those of you getting your 2015 cal-
of the few fully integrated financial services
endar together, here are dates for upcoming
organizations in America. USAA provides a
Members’ events (note that dates can change):
munity and their families.
The USS Midway
ment is very happy
to announce that the
ever-popular “Live the
tion series will now be sponsored by USAA!
They see the wonderful value and meaningful connection to align with a winner. We
are eager and excited to have them on board
with this terrific series.
And POOF! Before you know it, the
holidays will be here. Mark your calendars
for the highly anticipated Parade of Lights
Southwest Airlines ......................................... 5
Volunteers of the Month ........................... 9
Former Midway Sailor Heroics ......... 10
Midway Sailor Reunion .......................... 12
Kids Corner ..................................................... 14
wide range of highly competitive financial
products and services to the military com-
Steel Beach Report ......................................... 4
February 7, 2015 ..................... Behind-theScenes Tour
2014 Gala ................................................. 18-19
April 2, 2015................................ Live the Adventure
June 13, 2015 ............................ Behind-theScenes Tour
July 15, 2015 .............................. Midsummer@
August 21, 2015 ....................... 4th Annual Steel
Beach & Beer Fest
October 15, 2015 ..................... Live the Adventure
October 24, 2015 ..................... Supernatural
Behind-theScenes Tour
December 13 & 20, 2015 .... Parade of Lights
viewing parties, December 14 and 21. This
year we will have the masters of gospel,
And, lastly, thank you for all your good
the Martin Luther King Community Choir,
wishes and positive feedback and construc-
serenade you with holiday favorites on the
tive criticism. We appreciate the care and
chilly flight deck both nights. (I cannot even
support you have given the Membership
wrap my head around if it will ever, ever be
Department and consider it a privilege
cold again!)
serving you.
The American people must
either build and maintain an
adequate Navy or else make
up their minds definitely to
accept a secondary position
in international affairs not
only in politics but in
commercial matters.
A Matey!
Your Membership Department is creating
more family-style events as a special benefit.
And judging from this summer’s piratethemed carnival flight deck event, more are
on the way! Members and youngsters of all
ages enjoyed a marvelous summer evening
filled with activities and lots of surprises.
Enjoy these photos and we’ll see you
next time on the flight deck!
Sponsors Flight Academy
By Craig Fisher, Partnership Marketing Director
Southwest Airlines has become the
Affairs & Grassroots at Southwest Airlines.
goes as planned, this exciting hands-on
exclusive corporate sponsor of Midway’s
“We’re delighted that Midway’s Flight
learning facility will become one of the
Flight Academy and namesake for Mid-
Academy is becoming a reality thanks to
highlights of our youth and education
way’s Flight Academy Lab.
Southwest Airlines and to the gifts we’ve
programs aboard the Midway…talk about
Midway’s Flight Academy, presented
received from generous individual donors,”
making education soar!”
by Southwest Airlines, will utilize 30 desk-
said Sara Hanscom, Director of Education.
top flight simulators in a lab now under
The Southwest Airlines Flight Acad-
Southwest Airlines is now serving more
construction in Midway University’s “north
emy Lab will feature dim blue lights and
customers domestically than any other
campus” located below the flight deck.
include the sounds of actual aircraft opera-
airline. It operates the largest fleet of
Flight Academy instruction is expected
tions onboard an aircraft carrier. Each flight
Boeing aircraft in the world to serve 96
to begin next summer. The teaching-
simulator station will be partitioned to
destinations in 41 states, the District of
and-entertainment experience will blend
simulate a cockpit as well as flight opera-
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Midway’s STEM program, youth overnight
tions on an active carrier. Participants will
Rico, and five near-international countries
program, and the Flying Midshipmen
learn maneuvers that aviators face daily,
via wholly owned subsidiaries. Southwest
Ground School Aviation Program.
including takeoffs, landings, and flying
Airlines is a military-minded organization
“We are very proud to partner with the
multiple-legged courses via cockpit naviga-
and was named one of the Top 100 Military
USS Midway Museum to create the Flight
tion instruments. Academy participants
Friendly Employers according to G.I. Jobs
Academy. It will enable us to continue
will even take a shot at landing a Navy jet
Magazine. More than 6,000 Southwest Air-
inspiring and educating future generations,
aboard an aircraft carrier!
lines employees are either veterans or serve
while honoring the legacy of the men and
According to Nick Todd, Midway’s
women who protect our freedom,” said
Youth Program Manager, “We’ll be testing
Lidia S. Martinez, Manager, Community
our simulator stations very soon and if all
in the National Guard or military reserves.
USS Midway & Planes
named the “Jolly Wrenches.” The squad-
story, which is actually that of the ill-fated
ron’s emblem in the movie was a skull-and-
Torpedo 8 squadron, all shot down on its
crossbones. Not coincidentally, Blackburn’s
first mission during the Battle of Midway.
Jolly Rogers on Guadalcanal had the same
So the back story was true; it just wasn’t
emblem in real life. We don’t know how the
Blackburn’s back story.
screenwriters picked up on it, but all the
markings and insignia on the plane in the
Special thanks to former Midway
movie are the same as Blackburn’s.
sailor Rick Setlowe for calling this
The screenwriters did take a little dra-
to our attention!
matic license, however. In the movie they
gave the character Skipper a tragic back
Did you know that one of the USS
officers has now become a continuing Disney
cartoon character? Tom Blackburn was
skipper of the famed Jolly Rogers in World
War II before becoming the commanding
officer of Midway several years later. His
bravado and free-wheeling personality
were legendary.
In the Disney movie, Planes!, one of the
main characters is a F-4U Corsair named
Skipper, (voiced by Stacy Keach) who was
the commander of a World War II squadron,
Joe & Kim Pike
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
You’ve heard quite a bit about the ALS
Ice Bucket Challenge, right? Midway
was proud to be the location for Joe and
Kim Pike when they asked to complete
their challenge one morning on behalf of
a family member who suffers from ALS.
Two members of our Safety Corps stepped
forward to do the honors!
Reviving A Midway Childhood Memory
By Scott McGaugh, Marketing Director
On a sunny
he noted he’d probably join the Air Force
instead of the Navy since his Dad was in
the Air Force.
A few months ago, Air Force Colonel
Rex Walheim visited Midway for the first
Walheim stood on
time in 41 years and stood on the same vul-
the USS Midway’s
ture’s row. In the interim he had flown three
missions for NASA and had spent 36 days
the island, mesmerized by the thunderous
in space. Three times he had been strapped
beasts launching off the bow. Their after-
to a 13-story rocket filled with liquid
burners’ vibrations pounded his chest as he
hydrogen and liquid oxygen. Three breath-
yelled to see if he could hear himself over
taking launches into space. But in July,
the roar. He couldn’t.
that 10-year-old boy was back on Midway,
A month later he wrote a thank-you
note to Midway’s skipper, Capt. S. R. Foley,
gazing out to the Pacific and a horizon
made of life’s unimaginable adventures.
Jr., but never mailed it for lack of an address.
It told of his “funnest” day ever,
but in a P.S.
Now 51, he reflected on the parallels
between NASA and the Navy, between life
in space and life at sea. Certainly sleeping
conditions on Midway were crowded. But
when stationed aboard the International
Space Station, Walheim converted his
workspace into his sleeping space. No trip
down a passageway to a private bunk.
There was no real privacy in space, just as
there wasn’t any privacy aboard Midway.
The USS Midway was renowned for
replacmarathon deployments, sometimes replac
ing other carriers when they broke down
and returned to port. Walheim envisions
NASA’s next marathon deployment will
be to Mars, a roundtrip that could take as
replenlong as three years. No underway replen
ishments by supply vessels on that trip,
Walheim notes.
Walheim is a firm believer in NASA’s
evolving mission as it turns subspace
travel over to the commercial sector.
exploNASA is focusing on deep space explo
ration, beginning with the capture
and analysis of asteroids with Mars
looming off in the stellar distance.
comOf course, that would take a com
mitted effort by tens of thousands
of NASA employees, partners, and
contractors. Not unlike a marathon
Continued on page 8
Supports Midway Education
By Craig Fisher, Partnership Marketing Director
San Diego’s light-source technology
already been experienced by students.
from throughout San Diego County partici-
giant, Cymer, has become the presenting
According to Wayne Nuzzolo, School Pro-
pate in Midway’s “Onboard with Weather
sponsor of Midway’s STEM education
gram Manager aboard Midway, “Cymer’s
Program” that uses the new Kestrel 3000
program for grades 2-8. Cymer’s partner-
support has allowed us to augment our
pocket wind meters.
ship will support Midway’s plan to upgrade
current hands-on technology with the pur-
Cymer has been the world leader in
the technology used in onboard field trip
chase of 16 additional wind meters. These
lithography light sources that pattern semi-
instruction for students learning about
valuable, real-world instruments are used
conductor chips for more than 28 years.
weather, energy, light, and Newton’s Laws.
by students during their visit to the Midway
Through innovation, Cymer is an integral
“The Midway’s educational programs
flight deck to record actual readings of dew
part of today’s technology landscape and
offered to San Diego youth are well estab-
point, humidity, temperature, and wind
a critical part of the semiconductor manu-
lished and valued, as demonstrated by their
speed in various locations.”
facturing process. Its technology leadership
popularity every year. Cymer is proud to sup-
More than 45,000 students come
port Midway’s continued success of such vital
aboard Midway annually to participate in
programs that encourage development and
STEM education field trip programs. More
curiosity in our youth and their passion for
than 5,000 5th graders
makes it possible for chipmakers to create
smarter and faster chips.
science and technology,” noted Cymer Light
Source Chief Executive Officer Ed Brown.
The positive results of Cymer’s
partnership have
Continued from page 7
Midway deployment that relied on untold
danger, and relying on others to do their jobs
space suits, and lab coats are the backbone
thousands of supply-ship sailors, supply-
in a complicated, risky environment. It sounds
of those who serve our country at sea and in
base officers, warehouse managers, forklift
a lot like what many former USS Midway
space. Some have accidentally found them-
drivers, and thousands more. The ultimate
sailors have shared with us over the years.
selves at the cross-current of world affairs
team effort.
and in a place to make a real difference
He’s unabashedly proud of NASA’s
role is exploration for exploration’s sake,
before returning to civilian life. For others,
work at the Space Station. Pioneering
in the belief that benefits will manifest
their service has been their life’s mission, just
research has been completed on the
themselves in the aftermath of each mis-
like that 10-year-old boy who spent a day
physiological effects of space travel such
sion’s completion. The realization of that
on the USS Midway, a few miles beyond the
as bone loss and vision. Countless scientific
lofty ideal requires a national commitment
Golden Gate Bridge.
experiments have been conducted without
for funding and resource allocation over
Rex Walheim still has the letter he wrote
the interference of gravity. That’s not too
an extended period of time. Again, it’s not
to Captain Foley. While both Foley and his
different from Midway pioneering new
that different from a national commitment
wife have passed away, we’re trying to find
standards in naval aviation that ultimately
to supporting our military in the name of a
any of their children so they can discover
had wide-ranging ramifications.
greater cause, and a willingness to invest in
what a difference their father made in the
our men and women in uniform.
life of a youngster who today serves as an
Of course, space duty is tough for the
But it’s all for a greater cause. NASA’s
committed few: cramped quarters, routine,
Everyday Americans in Navy dunga-
missing one’s family, living with ever-present
rees, flight suits, combat fatigues, pressurized
ambassador of our nation’s space program.
Photos by Wes Westney
USS Midway Museum’s Volunteers of the Month
Gail Morford
John Jondall
Tony Huff
Outreach, Ship Restoration
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
Gail is a longtime volunteer (2007), with
John has served as a Docent since the spring
Tony is a leader of Midway’s Community
more than 4,000 hours. She has worked
of 2007, serving almost 3,000 hours and is the
Outreach team. He also initiated and ex-
special events at last-minute notice on sev-
Docent Council Chairman. He has led Mid-
ecuted the restoration of a bunk which was
eral occasions and is unfailingly gracious to
way fundraising drives for wounded veterans
converted to a portable unit, used by Out-
our guests and to our Midway “family” as
and is a former Assistant Fire Chief for the
reach for photo opps. In Ship Restoration,
well. She is someone we can always count
San Diego Fire-Rescue Department. John is
Tony has worked on a variety of major
on and everyone is always glad to see her
a graduate of the San Diego State University’s
projects throughout Midway.
smiling face.
Master’s program in Public Administration.
This is what an old aircraft carrier looks liked when it embarks on its final deployment
to a recycling yard. In late August, the USS Saratoga (CV-60) left its mooring at Pier 1,
Newport Naval Station, Newport, Rhode Island. It was bound for the ESCO Marine shipdismantling facility at Brownsville, Texas. The recycler paid the Navy one cent for the ship.
John Clancy & USS Searcher
Right Way, Navy Way, the Midway
What happens to USS Midway sailors
In 1955, John was assigned to the USS
When he woke, he headed for the near-
after they leave the ship? Some make the
Searcher, a WWII liberty ship that had been
est head (bathroom) and noticed the hatches
Navy their career, others get on with their
converted into a radar picket ship less than
were battened down. He looked through a
lives, and a few survive disasters at sea.
a year earlier. On November 13 John stood
peephole. A wall of flame blocked his view
One such sailor was John Clancy. He
a midnight-to-0400 watch at the helm as the
of the passageway.
had served aboard Midway and in the book
Searcher wrestled with a hurricane about
Then his Midway training took over.
Midway Magic, he related how an officer
100 miles off the coast of New York. Brutal
John raced toward the inferno, intending to
had taken John under his wing, taught him
waves pounded the ship after John got off
put the fire out. At one point, to his hor-
how to take personal responsibility, and
duty, read a little, and then settled onto his
ror, he saw a figure staggering toward him,
what duty at sea really meant. He taught
bunk shortly before 0600. He never heard
through the flames. He collapsed in John’s
John how to be a good sailor.
the boiler’s explosion. He never heard the
arms, fried skin falling to the deck. He was
cries for help.
alive but unrecognizable. John carried the
man topside and laid him down for treatment by a corpsman. John couldn’t quite
place him. The sailor died.
The sailor John had carried was one of
three who were killed (two others suffered
burns but survived) in the boiler explosion.
The five sailors comprised the entire engine
room crew and it was a miracle that anyone
had survived the subsurface inferno. In a
horrific twist of fate, the sailor’s name was
Donald Crisp. John had shared meals with
him in the ship’s galley days earlier.
Later John helped “de-water” the ship
and participated in salvage operations once
the fires had been put out six hours after the
blast. The blast had been so devastating it
blew a stack off the ship.
Today, John Clancy says he did what
any ex-Midway sailor likely would do. He
heaved-to and got the job done, no matter
the circumstances. It’s another example of
how the legacy of the USS Midway has
been felt far and wide over the decades.
The USCGC Ingham is shown
here tied up to the USS Searcher,
assisting in its return to port.
U.S. Coast Guard photo.
Photo by Ann Wojtczak
Two Midway Aviators Honored
Recently two former USS Midway naval aviators, Patrick Moneymaker and Bill Pickavance, were awarded Air Medals on Midway’s flight deck for their heroic actions over
Haiphong Harbor, Vietnam 42 years ago.
Vice Admiral David H. Buss, Commander Naval Air Forces, awarded the Air Medals
on behalf of the Secretary of the Navy for the aviators’ critical support of operation “Lion’s
Den” on the night of August 27, 1972.
“Lion’s Den” was a night shore bombardment against the enemy port of Haiphong.
When the four-ship formation, led by USS Newport News, came under attack by enemy PT
boats, Moneymaker and Pickavance gave immediate assistance to their distress call. Their
A-7B Corsair II flares illuminated the scene for low-altitude bombing attacks that sunk or
crippled the attacking boats.
Amazingly, Midway’s volunteer photographer of the awards ceremony, Wes Westney,
served aboard the USS Providence, a Navy ship that participated in Lion’s Den at the time of
the incident! Wes and the crew spent the entire night at General Quarters. Wes fondly recalls the
“Well Done” that the crew heard from the ship’s captain following the incident. Now Patrick
and Bill have received their official “Well Done” from the highest levels of the U.S. Navy.
The USS Midway Museum was proud to
partner once again this year with retired
New York City firefighters for a moving
and inspirational 9/11 remembrance
ceremony on the flight deck. Hundreds
of San Diegans attended as the names of
those who lost their lives that day were
read. Perhaps nothing was as inspiring
Photo by Wes Westney
as this giant American flag that fluttered over Navy Pier, a perfect symbol
of the resilient American spirit.
Parade of Lights Next Month!
Ho-ho-holiday time is right around
the corner! Grab your parkas and mittens! The 44th Annual San Diego Bay
Parade of Lights will take place on two
Sunday evenings, December 14 and 21,
2014. The theme is “Children’s Stories.”
The annual Parade of Lights viewing parties for Midway Members on
those evenings at approximately 5 p.m.
will include good friends and good food
inside the warm Hangar Bay. As the
Patrick Moneymaker receives the Air Medal from Vice Admiral David Buss. That’s Bill
spectacularly lit-up boats cruise by the
Pickavance in the background, at the left.
ship, go upstairs to the flight deck to
enjoy the BEST vantage point in town!
Tickets for Midway Members are
$25 per person (regardless of age; maximum of 10 tickets per Membership ID)
and includes: dinner, non-alcoholic beverages, entertainment by the Martin Luther
King Community Choir, and a holiday
photograph! TOPGUN, Captain, and
Admiral Members can reserve a limited
number of free tickets as part of your
Membership benefits.
Go to in
mid-November 2014 for more information and to purchase/reserve tickets.
Midway Sailor
Reunited at
By Jill Hammons, Membership Director
One of the many benefits of Midway
Museum Membership is to participate in
the popular Family Overnight Adventure.
Families come aboard for a structured
event that includes meals on board, behindthe-scenes tours, and other activities. This
year the Family Overnight Adventure
participants included two former crewmembers from 1959, Ray Hemphill and
Former Midway sailors Tom Simenson (left center) and Ray Hemphill (right center) were
Tom Simenson.
reunited aboard Midway recently. Here they are flanked by Ray’s sons, Gerald and Jesse.
They hadn’t seen each other since
their days onboard more than 50 years ago
our second WESTPAC cruise with VF-24.
the USS Midway and bound for Japan. Up
before meeting by chance on the pier while
We were both YN3 rated. Chiang Kai-shek
until that point, he had never been outside
checking in. Once they got over the shock,
came aboard for a visit to the Midway on
Oregon! Upon arrival he blurted out what
they had a great time recalling and sharing
our first cruise together. In August 1959
a “big boat” Midway was. A boatswain’s
recollections of their days in the Navy and
during our second cruise, Hawaii became
mate took exception to that and soon had
aboard the USS Midway. Ray Hemphill
the 50th state while Midway was tied up at
him chipping and painting for a week! Ray
wrote us:
Ford Island, at Pearl Harbor.”
learned Midway was a ship, not a boat.
“It was the first time that we have been
Ray’s Midway life parallels thousands
together in 54 years. Tom and I were dis-
of others who served on Midway. After
charged from active duty in 1960, following
volunteering in 1958, he was assigned to
Ray was honorably discharged in 1963.
And now he’s come full circle and has
reconnected with Midway Magic!
More than 600 people attended this summer’s Bayside Gospel Concert on the flight deck featuring some of the top gospel singers in country
including Grammy Award-winning Karen Clark-Sheard. The concert was organized by M.A.N.D.A.T.E. Records in association with the
Urban League of San Diego and hosted in part by Midway’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee.
Bombs Away
By David Hanson, Curator
The Midway’s hangar deck is now
For the most part, the Mark 13 was
for this test. This was probably because the
home to an artifact that helps tell the story
retired after WWII. However, at least one
weapons-launching gear had been removed
of how naval aircraft once sank enemy
Mark 13 torpedo had a connection to the
from the TBMs. One Avenger had been
ships. During WWII, Navy torpedo bomb-
post-war USS Midway. In 1946 Midway
retrofitted to deliver cargo and the other
ers used aerial torpedoes to attack enemy
participated in Operation Frostbite, which
two towed targets for the ship’s gunners.
ships, and the weapon of choice for the
tested Navy capabilities for operations in
The TBM Avenger in our hangar bay
Navy was the Mark 13 torpedo. It was
severe winter conditions in the Labrador
now has a Mark 13 on a weapons cart
the first American torpedo to be originally
Sea off Greenland. One of the planned
underneath its open torpedo bay. The
designed exclusively for aircraft launching
exercises was to torpedo an iceberg. Regret-
torpedo was acquired in a trade with the
off carriers.
tably, we haven’t yet confirmed whether
USS Turner Joy Museum in Bremerton, in
this was actually accomplished.
exchange for a surplus submarine torpedo.
At the close of the war, the Mark 13
was considered one of the most reliable
Interestingly, although the Midway
air-dropped torpedoes available to the
had three TBM Avengers on board at the
Navy and was typically deployed in TBM
time, the Mark 13 was adapted to fit one
Avenger torpedo bombers.
of Midway’s SB2C Helldiver dive bombers
Spot the Differences
There are 10 differences between these photos. Can you find them all?
Answer Key on page 17
Airman Sam Rodriguez
USS Ranger Lives Aboard Midway
The USS Ranger (CV-61) proved to be
to collect some critical components for exhib-
of relocating heavy pieces of equipment from
a treasure trove of equipment and artifacts
its before they were recycled. Key elements for
inside Ranger onto the pier and eventually
for the USS Midway Museum almost three
our Combat Information Center were taken
onto a truck for transport to San Diego.
months ago. (Here, the Ranger is nearing a
from Ranger, to be uniquely “recycled” as an
The Midway team was one of several
berth at Naval Air Station Pearl Harbor on
exhibit aboard Midway. These are invaluable,
looking for components. Teams from the USS
June 1, 1991. The Ranger had deployed to
one-of-a-kind components that would have
Hornet, Alabama, Missouri, Iowa, Lucid,
the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert
had to be fabricated from scratch, if it wasn’t
and Turner Joy also scavenged Ranger.
Storm six months earlier.)
for the Ranger opportunity.
When the Navy earmarked the Ranger for
Kudos go to our crew that worked
dismantling, Midway was able to send a crew
extremely hard, developing ingenious ways
The Ranger was decommissioned in 1993 and from 2004
to 2012 it had been available for community donation.
When no organization developed a plan that satisfied the
Navy, it was designated for permanent dismantling.
Young Marines have been frequent participants in the USS Midway youth overnight
program over the past five years. After their visit in March, they returned in July
Library volunteers Carl Snow and Don
with a work detail, dressing the mooring lines in the foc’sle and conducting general
Senda tell us the USS Midway can be
clean-up on the ship. Here, Young Marine Matthew Ajero presents a plaque saluting
seen in a scene of the 1968 movie Bullitt,
the James M. Cox Foundation’s grant to expand the overnight program to Education
starring Steve McQueen and Jacqueline
Director Sara Hanscom (center) and Midway Foundation President Dan Beintema
Bisset. If you have a DVD of the movie,
(right). Ajero has been accepted by the Marine Corps and will enlist when he gradu-
at about 1:23:55 Midway’s distinctive
ates from Sweetwater High School. The Young Marines is a youth education and
island superstructure can be seen in the
service program for boys and girls, ages eight through completion of high school. The
distance at what has to be Hunters Point
organization promotes the mental, moral, and physical development of its members.
Naval Shipyard, San Francisco. Midway
The program focuses on character building, leadership, and promotes a healthy,
was berthed there from 1966 to 1970 for a
drug-free lifestyle.
major overhaul.
Navy photographers are a talented bunch! We thought we might include one of their photos in each issue of Currents as they really drive
home the points of devotion, duty, sacrifice, and danger at sea while serving America in uniform.
Member Phone List
For your convenience, here is a quick reference guide for the most-commonly called
departments. The following are direct lines to
the departments, programs and services.
Phone number extensions below begin
with (619) 398-xxxx.
Administration ............................................................... 8230
Aircraft Restoration ................................................. 8260
Bar Services ........................................................................ 8207
Café............................................................................................. 8258
Curatorial Collections ........................................... 8240
Development..................................................................... 8282
Docents ................................................................................... 8226
Educational Programs............................................ 8271
Education Reservations........................................ 8271
Exhibits................................................................................... 8265
Facilities ................................................................................. 8232
Front Desk ............................................ (619) 544-9600
Gift Shop............................................................................... 8244
Group Events ................................................................... 8257
Group Tours...................................................................... 8207
The USS Midway Museum’s “green team” of volunteers and staff participated recently
in this year’s Operation Clean Sweep. Our crew canvassed the Convair Lagoon near the
airport most of the day, collecting a variety of refuse to make San Diego Bay brighter and
healthier. They were among 1,000 San Diego volunteers who collected more than eight
tons of debris and trash. Here, they pause for a quick team photo (l-r): Rob Randolph,
Tracey Robertson, Laurie Switzer, Phoebe Randolph, Tim Walsh, Mike DiNucci and Jay
Barlow. (Bob and Lorie Davies also participated.)
Guest Services.................................................................. 8235
Library..................................................................................... 8275
Lost & Found.................................................................. 8264
Marketing & PR .......................................................... 8207
Membership ...................................................................... 8229
Overnight Programs................................................. 8247
Planned Giving............................................................... 8280
Safety......................................................................................... 8269
Spot the Differences Answer Key (From page 14)
Simulators............................................................................ 8266
Speakers Bureau............................................................ 8225
Sponsorships ..................................................................... 8237
Support/Development ............................................ 8282
Ticket Office ..................................................................... 8259
Visitor Info Center ..................................................... 8264
Volunteer Programs .................................................. 8222
Wheel Chair Info ......................................................... 8264
Slash Dot
Youth Groups .................................................................. 8271
For more information, please call
(619) 544-9600 or visit
USS Midway Museum
910 N. Harbor
San Diego, CA 92101
Development Corner
Please remember the USS Midway Museum in your will or trust.
2014 Midway American Patriot Award Gala
The annual Midway American Patriot
Award Gala was held on August 28, cele-
The Midway American Patriot
brating our 10th anniversary and honoring
Award Gala has become one of
surviving participants in the 1942 Battle of
San Diego’s most dramatic
Midway. Representing many more heroes,
seven men were lauded for their personal
fundraising events, generating
sacrifice and selfless service to America dur-
more than $1 million for
ing the pivotal naval battle in the Pacific.
The Gala benefitted the DJO Global
Midway education programs.
“No Child Left Ashore” scholarship fund,
Midway’s onboard K-8 STEM education
Be sure to save the date for Midway’s
2015 Gala: Thursday, September 3, 2015 –
Photos by Kristen Peelle
we hope you will join us!
Battle of Midway honorees (seated, from l-r) Geoffrey Blackman, Elton Frazier, Rudy Matz, Edward McKenna, Andy Mills, Charles
Monroe, and Ervin Wendt, coupled with their active-duty Chief Petty Officer-selects, created a poignant group photo, spanning more than
70 years of service to America.
We’ll Match You,
Dollar for Dollar!
The Midway Foundation Board of
Directors recently created pool of
funds to match donations to our
endowment! Now your donation
has twice the power for our long-term
education and preservation needs!
Donations will be matched from
November 1 through December 31!
Vice Admiral David Buss, Commander,
Naval Air Forces, presents the Award to
99-year-old honoree Andy Mills.
Donate now at
and enter promo code “MATCH,”
or use the postage-paid envelope
in this issue to send your check
(made payable to Midway Museum)
with “Match” in the memo line.
Development Dept.
USS Midway Museum
910 N. Harbor Drive
San Diego, CA 92101
Photo by Vincent Andrunas
Your support helps to sustain
your landmark museum and your
award-winning Midway University.
Thank you in advance for making
a big difference, and don’t forget
to make your donation by
December 31 to get it matched!
Governor Pete and Gayle Wilson share a moment with the Gala’s
San Diego leaders such as Malin and Roberta Burnham and for-
Chairs Connie and Phil Conard and Honorary Chairs Vangie
mer “Navy Mayor” Ronne Blue and Linden Blue have provided
and Jim Regan.
valuable leadership and support for the USS Midway Museum.
PERMIT NO. 01253
910 N. Harbor Dr. • San Diego, CA 92101
San Diego, CA
Address Service Requested
We proudly thank the following sponsors
for contributing to the 2014 Midway American Patriot Award Gala
Virginia Napierskie
Mrs. Peter Peckham