Whitesboro High School - Whitesboro Central School
Whitesboro High School - Whitesboro Central School
Whitesboro High School 6000 State Route 291 Marcy, NY 13403-3031 315 266-3200 http://www.wboro.org/ Jeffrey Kuhn, Principal Mark Frye, Assistant Principal — Grades 11-12 Christopher O’Neil, Assistant Principal — Grades 9-10 Home of the Warriors September - October 2014 From the Principal’s Desk W elcome back to our students and their parents returning to Whitesboro High School for the 2014-15 school year. A special welcome to all of our new students attending our school for the first time. We want your child to have a successful year at Whitesboro High School and believe you play a key role. Parental interest and support of our programs are key components in student success. We believe we have an excellent educational community which provides students with a variety of academic and co-curricular opportunities. Whitesboro Students “Get Small” with Nanotechnology! Whitesboro’s Introduction to Nanotechnology course completed another successful year with heightened student awareness, real-life experiences and immersing themselves into science’s newest frontier; the world of “Nanotechnology”. The course offered handson labs that highlighted science concepts unique to the world of the small… a Nanometer, which is one-billionth of a meter! Students performed experiments throughout the year, including creating their own holograms, working with solar cells, manipulation of fiber optics, engineering their own Atomic Force Microscopes, measuring the pit width on a CD and the size of their own Tyler Williams and Austin Hartnett record the data for the Force Microscope Black Box Experiment. Students hair with LASERs, as well as researching the reasons why Atomic then enter data into Excel to simulate and analyze a 3D a Gecko can walk upside-down on the ceiling. Last Fall, surface at the Nanoscale. students even developed their own experimentally-designed tests on micro-surfaces using Mentos and Diet Coke, culminating with explosive results! Intro to Nanotechnology students, Kevin Shah and Madison Wyman, also became the first Whitesboro students accepted into SUNY Albany’s College of Nanotechnology Program for this upcoming school year. With the Mohawk Valley Region becoming a National STEM Hub for Nanotechnology, Whitesboro students have taken the first step calibrates his Nanotechnology team’s LASER understanding the importance of this cutting-edge tech- Kyle Pollicove set-up to measure the diameter of a human hair. nology for their futures. WHITESBORO HIGH SCHOOL “A Model of Excellence” 8 Suggestions for a Successful Transition to H.S. Friendly hints to help parents survive ninth grade: 1. Be involved in your child’s academic program of study - Make sure that your child is challenged and taking courses today that will help meet future goals. 2. Get your child involved in a positive activity...but don’t overextend - Research says that students who are involved in an activity, club, sport, music, etc., are much more likely to have a positive high school experience and get better grades than students who are not involved. 3. Know your child’s friends - Research says that when a teenager is faced with a critical decision, the influence of peers (positive and negative) and parents/families make the difference. 4. Attend Back to School Night. 5. Don’t allow your child to get lost in the shuffle - In a large school, a student can get lost or fall through the cracks. Research says that when a student makes positive connections with adults (teachers, guidance counselors, coaches, etc.), it stops this from happening. 6. Remember that all teenagers (including straight-A students) need proper supervision - This supervision includes online supervision and supervision of technology. Remember, good kids make mistakes too. Your child should always know that you love him/her, but make sure he/she knows your expectations. Know where your child is and who they are with all the time. 7. Get to know your child’s teachers and guidance counselor - Stay in positive contact with the teachers and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Remember that e-mail is a great tool for quick information, but it’s not such a great tool for dealing with difficult issues. 8. Get involved in school yourself - The most successful students I have seen are the ones whose parents are involved. In a sense, these parents are the ones who are in the know, and they use this information to support their children and the school. Cafeteria News Parents: If you think your child may be eligible to receive a Free or Reduced Lunch/Breakfast, you will need to submit a “Direct Certification Letter” or fill out a “Free and Reduced Application” and return it to the Main Office. You can obtain an application at the Main Office, in the District Newsletter, or on the Whitesboro CSD web site (www.wboro.org). You will need to do this every year if you think your child may qualify for this program. Your new Direct Certification Letter of Application needs to be sent in by October 1, 2014, to take advantage of the free and reduced program. The cafeteria at Whitesboro High School will again be offering a Breakfast Program. Breakfast, either at home or in the school, helps to ensure that all children are prepared to face classroom challenges and should be perceived as a viable tool in improving school performance. The cost for breakfast is 90 cents. There will be a la carte items available. Please encourage your child to join us for breakfast. Just a quick reminder--There is no charging at Whitesboro High School. Prices for lunch have also increased .10 cents to $2.20. The school lunch program will be offering some new recipes and new snack items for the 2014-15 school year. Our goal is to encourage healthy lifelong eating habits by providing foods that are high in nutrients, low in fat and added sugars, and of moderate portion size. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 266-3315. WHITESBORO HIGH SCHOOL “A Model of Excellence” Regular Attendance Key to Success in School In order to be successful in meeting the high expectations set down by the State Education Department and our local school district for graduation, it is imperative that students come to school on a regular basis and maximize their time in school for learning. There is a positive correlation between regular attendance at school and academic success. The business world demands that employees be at work daily and on time. Excessive absenteeism and/or tardiness to work often results in the loss of jobs. Our school has an obligation to expect regular attendance and punctuality to school and class. Students have a responsibility to come to school on a daily basis and to be on time to school and to all of their classes. Parents have a responsibility to see that their children meet these Handicapped Accessibility obligations. The vast majority of student discipline referrals at Whitesboro High School are related to truancies and tardies. Improvements in those areas will allow students to perform better in the classroom. There is a direct correlation between poor student attendance and course failures. We ask for your cooperation. Your child should come to school daily. Whenever possible, medical and dental appointments should be scheduled outside of the school day. Students requiring regular appointments during the school day should have these scheduled as to avoid missing the same class each time. We need to maximize the time we have in school for instructional purposes. Yearbook Sales Yearbooks will be sold this year in the same manner as last year. The billing will be done by Jostens Publishing Company. During the last week in September, order forms will be filled out during homeroom. When the forms are handed out in school, students are encouraged to select Yes, I am interested. It does not bind you to purchase the book; Jostens will just send two or three reminders before the final ordering deadline. Students are not to take order forms home. They are to be filled out in school with name, address, and if they want any other options available. The yearbook staff will then send them to Jostens for processing. We will not be ordering any extra books. Seniors, you need to have your senior portrait to the staff by Wednesday, October 1, 2014 to insure a place in the yearbook. Portraits taken at studios other than DeNicola Photography will not send us the yearbook print. It is your responsibility to get it to the school on time. Portraits should be submitted on a CD or via email to jzarnoch@wboro.org. Underclassmen pictures are tentatively scheduled for October 21st-23rd. Information about price packages will be sent home with students the week before. If you have any other questions pertaining to the yearbook, please call the High School or email Mrs. Zarnoch at jzarnoch@wboro.org or Ms. Eberley at meberley@wboro.org. WHITESBORO HIGH SCHOOL “A Model of Excellence” Whitesboro High School is handicapped accessible. Two elevators are available; one is located at the south side of the high school adjacent to the gymnasium and the other at the north side of the building across from the auditorium. Handicapped parking areas are located in the circle in front of the high school, in the north drive across from the Attendance Office, and in the parking area east of the Attendance Office. All bathrooms in the building are handicapped accessible. Any further questions concerning handicapped accessibility needs should be directed to the school administration. Late Buses Late buses are available for those students who stay after regular school hours for remedial help or co-curricular activities Monday Thursday. There are no late buses on Friday or on a day before a vacation. Students should be under the supervision of a staff member during this time period, from 2:20 to 3:20 p.m., and need to have a late bus pass signed by a staff member in order to be allowed to ride the bus. Student athletes, waiting for their coach to arrive to begin practice, should report to the cafeteria no later than 2:20 p.m. unless they are with another teacher for extra help or at a club meeting. The late bus departs from the High School at 3:20 p.m. and goes to the Middle School to pick up students. There, students may have to transfer to other buses depending on where they live. Dress Code Helps Maintain Quality School Environment Excuses When a student has been absent from or tardy to school, the parent or guardian must provide the school with a written note explaining the reason. Students should present this note to their first period teacher the day they return from an absence. Written excuses should indicate the date, the reason for the absence or tardiness, and be signed by the parent or guardian. In cases of repeated or long-term absence, a note from a medical doctor may be required. Main Entrance For the safety and security of all members of our educational community, we utilize one main entrance to the high school, located on the north side of the building by the cafeteria. Buses drop off students in the morning on the circle in front of the building and on the north side circle drive. Students and staff may utilize the front doors by the auditorium, gymnasium, courtyard doors to Warrior Hall and the cafeteria doors on the north side to enter the building until 7:35 a.m. After that time, all entrance doors are locked for the remainder of the day except for the entrance door leading to the cafeteria on the north side. Afternoon buses pick up from the same locations as they dropped off students in the morning. The attendance office is located just inside the doors leading to the cafeteria. All visitors should enter the building through the main entrance located on the north side of the building by the cafeteria. Visitors and handicapped parking areas are designated in a lot off the north circle drive. Visitors are expected to sign in at the Attendance Office where they will receive a guest pass. Upon exiting the building, guests are to again report to the Attendance Office and sign out. As an additional security measure, we have a second set of doors just beyond the attendance office. Similar to other buildings in the District, this allows our attendance clerk to control access to the building via a buzzer which unlocks the door. We appreciate your cooperation and patience with this procedure. All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for school and school functions. Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. Teachers and all other district personnel should exemplify and reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in the school setting. A student’s dress, grooming and appearance, including hair style/color, jewelry, make-up, and nails, shall: A. Be safe, appropriate, and not disrupt or interfere with the educational process. B. Recognize that extremely brief garments including but not limited to tube tops, net tops, halter tops, plunging necklines (front and/or back) and see-through garments are not appropriate. (This includes low-cut pants and abbreviated tops which expose the midriff area.) C. Ensure that underwear is completely covered with outer clothing. D. Include footwear at all times. Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed. E. Not include items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous or denigrate others on account of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability. F. Not promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs, and/or encourage other illegal or violent activities. G. Not include the wearing of hats or other headgear in the building during regular school hours except for medical or religious purposes. If the manner of dress is such that it violates these standards, the student will be asked to change, and, if necessary, be sent home to do so. The student will be responsible for missed work as a result of leaving school. If there is any doubt about the appropriateness of clothing, it should not be worn. If you have any questions, please contact an Administrator. Early Release From School To be released from school for any reason, a student must bring a parent’s or guardian’s note on the day he/ she needs to be excused. This excuse should be given to the attendance office monitor before first period. A student may not leave the school without prior permission from the attendance monitor and must sign out at the attendance office. Students will only be released to their parent, guardian, or some other adult designated by the parent or guardian. If students drive, they will be released only with the parent’s or WHITESBORO HIGH SCHOOL “A Model of Excellence” guardian’s permission. In order to be released due to sickness during the school day, students must report to the school nurse to be evaluated. If, in the nurse’s judgment, the student needs to be sent home, the parent will be contacted for permission prior to allowing the student to leave. The student still must sign out from the attendance office. Thank you for your cooperation in assisting us to provide the best education possible for your child, starting with daily attendance. Student Use of Telephones Students have access to administrative office telephones for emergency use during school hours. The use of cell phones is not allowed during school hours. Although they can be used for many positive purposes in our society, the negative impacts they have in a school setting on the teaching and learning environment are well documented, which include sending threatening messages, displaying inappropriate pictures, cheating on examinations, and the overall distraction from our main purpose. Student violations of our cell phone procedure will result in the following consequences: 1st offense - Warning, phone is taken away from student and returned after 9th period. 2nd offense - Warning, phone is taken away from student and must be picked up by a parent or guardian after 9th period. 3rd offense - Considered insubordination, phone is taken away from student and must be picked up by a parent or guardian after 9th period, and a minimum of one day in-school suspension assigned. Subsequent offenses are considered insubordination and will result in out of school suspension. Putnam, Greco Accepted into NYS Master Teacher Program Buzz Putnam, Whitesboro Physics teacher, and Ralph Greco, Whitesboro Earth Science teacher, were accepted in May into New York State’s Master Teacher Program. The Master Teacher Program requires candidates to have advanced knowledge of their discipline; commitment to engaging in professional development work in addition to their regular school responsibilities and participate in leadership workshops to better contribute to and mentor early career and pre-service teachers. Master Teachers are part of the Empire State STEM Learning Network, partnering with local businesses and agencies to better prepare students for STEM careers. For acceptance into the program, teachers are required to pass a content exam in their area of discipline, obtain recommendations from their peers and students, teach lessons beyond their classroom content and hold extensive interviews with university professors. Science Teachers Participate in “Regents Science Live!” In June, “Regents Science Live!”, a series of four, live student call-in programs were broadcast on Time-Warner Channel 3 and supported by Whitesboro High School and OHM BOCES. Three of Whitesboro’s science teachers, Buzz Putnam (Physics), Sean Ryan (Living Environment) and John Bertrand (Earth Science), fielded live, “on-air” student questions through call-in or Twitter messages on their specific Regents exam topics. The focus for Regents Science Live is to improve and increase academic success and achievement on the NYS Regents Science Exams for all Central New York High School students. WHITESBORO Regents Science Live-Physics Instructor Buzz Putnam with student assistants Kevin Shah and Pryce Patterson HIGH SCHOOL “A Model of Excellence” 37 Students Named as AP Scholars Whitesboro High School is proud to announce that 37 students have been named by the College Board as AP Scholars. Students achieving this status must have received scores of 3 or higher on 3 or more Advanced Placement exams. Of these students, 7 qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor category while 5 were awarded with the highest possible title of AP Scholar with Distinction. Participation in the Advanced Placement program at Whitesboro High School has been growing steadily over the past 5 years. This past spring, Whitesboro had the highest number of students taking AP exams in the history of our school’s involvement with AP, while maintaining high overall student achievement on these rigorous college-level exams. Last school year, Whitesboro High School was listed on the 4th Annual AP School Honor Roll in recognition of expanding the number of students participating in the program while maintaining and/or increasing student achievement. Only 477 schools in the U.S. and Canada were awarded with this honor. This most recent news represents the largest number of our students named as AP Scholars. The students receiving these honors are listed below: AP Scholar with Distinction – Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. These students are Marissa Canarelli, Rebecca Galer, Jean Li, Kevin Shah and Vina Smith-Ramakrishnan. AP Scholar with Honor – Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. These students are Nicholas Ashton, Margaret Hilton, Bridget Humphrey, Mary Manzari, Rachael Paciello, Kyle Pollicove and Daniel Vetere. AP Scholar – Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams. These students are Austin Abel, Kaitlyn Beha, Emmett Cavanaugh, Matthew Cronauer, Jennifer Drager, Kaylee Gassner, Jennie Grose, Connor Hartnett, Kyleigh Hoyle, Samuel Marthage, Michael Martin, Ian Maxwell, Matthew Milograno, Katherine Morschauser, Akash Patel, Pryce Patterson, Taylor Raga, Emily Rembetski, Megan Renz, Cassidy Ruiu, Rebecca Schrantz, Sarah Schrantz, Victoria Simpson, Gabriel Tucker and Madison Wyman. “Back to School” Night Administrators Hot Line If there is an issue at home or school that you feel would be best communicated to an administrator in private, please use our Administrative Hotline. To access it, click on the High School web site and locate the Administrators Hotline under “Our School”. I will follow up on the information provided and assist if I can. If there is something you think we should know, please let us know so we can address it early when it is usually the most manageable. Thank you. WHITESBORO Our annual “Back to School” Night is scheduled for Monday, September 29, 2014, beginning at 6:55 p.m. Parents should report directly to their child’s 1st period class. HIGH SCHOOL “A Model of Excellence” Welcome New Staff Emily Bonomo - Special Education/Math Millicent Brown - Orchestra Andrea Edic - Speech Surveillance Cameras School Messenger The Whitesboro Central School District promotes students, staff, and visitor safety in all District facilities, grounds, and buses. In an attempt to ensure a safe and effective learning environment, the Board promotes the use of surveillance cameras when necessary in all District facilities, grounds, and buses. Surveillance cameras will be used in public areas and other non-public areas, except areas such as rest rooms and locker rooms where there is reasonable expectation of privacy. Audio recordings will not be made in conjunction with the use of cameras. Such prohibition does not preclude the use of audio recordings by law enforcement or District personnel when used in accordance with their official duties and as authorized by law. This letter is to introduce the SchoolMessenger service, our school-to-parent communication service that will allow our staff to send periodic and personalized messages. With the School Messenger service, we will be able to deliver important school information in a timely manner. The School Messenger service also supports our ability to reach you immediately in the event of an emergency. You will be receiving these messages periodically to notify you about important events such as parent-teacher conferences, back-to-school nights, early release days, and report card reminders. In closing, I want you to know that it is an honor and a privilege to serve as your child’s principal and to be entrusted with your child’s safety and education. There are so many exciting inititatives underway here at Whitesboro High School, and I look forward to keeping you involved through the SchoolMessenger communication service. Thanks for reading, and we’ll definitely stay connected. See you all in September! Student Drop-Off Changes Last summer a student drop off circle was added to our parking lot. It is located just north of the circle by the auditorium entrance. Using the drop off will allow you to avoid the buses, the traffic in the main circle, and create a smoother exit for you once you drop students off. We realize that using the front circle to drop students off in the morning has been somewhat of a tradition but please use our new circle because it is much safer and efficient. WHITESBORO Whitesboro HIGH SCHOOL “A Model of Excellence” Whitesboro Scholar Athletes - Spring 2014 Boys Track Coach: B. Holtslag GPA: 96.500 Ashton, Nicholas Beattie, Tyler Buck, Andrew Celia, Samuel Cook, Andrew Cronauer, Matthew Diskin, Jonathan Edic, Thomas Engelhart, Kyle Gassner, Steven Gilot, Matthew Hartnett, Bryce Hudson, Tyler Huther, Nolan LaGatta, Anthony LaManque, Shea Manna, Thomas Maxwell, Ian Mull, Todd Opozda, David Pollicove, Kory Pollicove, Kyle Praznik, Andrew Ricci, Andrew Roback, Shane Royal, Edmund Santomassino, Anthony Shah, Kevin Stealey, Jordan Sutton, Tyler Trzepacz, Tanner Girls Track & Field Coach: A. Pruckno GPA: 95.851 Augustine, Samantha Brazinski, Audrey Burdick, Megan Clark, Holly Edic, Kathryn Fallon, Jennelle Flint, Ashley Galer, Rebecca Hardy, Claire Hoyle, Kyleigh Kinney, Lauren Kleek, Cortney Klosek, Taylor Knapp, Shannon Meyers, Kaitlyn Mull, Emilie Onate, Cailyn Orssaio, Jonelle Palczynski, Sara Royal, Danielle Scalise, Mikaela Scott, Amelia Sergott, Marilyn Spina, Jordonna Boys Baseball Coach: T. Maggiolino GPA: 92.636 Bushey, James Casper, Nicholas Flynn, Kevin Giglio, Thomas Hoffman, Justin Humphrey, Ryan McAndrew, Ryan Parkinson, Matthew Sardina, Adam Schmidt, Steven Stewart, Collin Yozzo, Matthew WHITESBORO Boys Tennis Coach: S. Kaleta GPA: 93.889 Coppola, Anthony Latella, Zachary Marthage, Samuel Miller, Dylan Rorick, Carter Sharma, Shubham Vetere, Daniel Wise, Gabriel Wyman, Madison Girls Softball Coach: S. Warner GPA: 93.455 Deuel, Kristyn Gassner, Kaylee Klauser, Melanie Maggiolino, Kali Morton, Courtney Mucitelli, JaNay Roberts, Lindsay Robinson, Ashley Rounds, Krista Sardina, Jessica Sergott, Nicole Trad, Alyssa Wojtowycz, Alexa HIGH SCHOOL “A Model of Excellence” Boys Golf Coach: E. Kaczor GPA: 93.796 Best, Matthew Brown, Ryan Odell, Austin Rich, Alexander Roback, Alec Scarafile, Sean Welch, Michael Girls Lacrosse Coach: B. Schoen GPA: 92.818 Gallimo, Devon Gotte, Bianca Harris, Sara Jones, Nicole Raga, Taylor Nassar, Alexis Scialdone, Marleigh Sergott, Rachel Stuhlman, Mary Wiley, Mary Alice Scaccia, Sydney Boys Lacrosse Coach: S. Temple GPA: 90.273 Emery, Daniel Farrell, Nathan Gorgas, Alexander Hartnett, Connor Hyer, Jacob Jeffalone-Andrews, Patrick Midura, Zachary Patel, Akash Pletl, Trevor Shannon, Ryan Sittig, Thomas NYSPHSAA & Section III Scholar Athletes Final Spring 2014 Rankings The NYSPHSAA and Section III released the spring NYS Scholar Athlete teams for the 2014 sport season. The NYSPHSAA has 782 membership Schools and Section III has 108 Schools. The following chart shows by sport, the number of schools within New York State who qualified as a NYS Scholar Athlete team. It also indicates where the Whitesboro Central School teams placed within the section and state in their respective sports. The criterion for the Scholar Athlete award is: 1. It is a Varsity team award only. 2. The minimum team grade average to apply is 90%. 3. A student must be an eligible varsity competitor. 4. Required number of student athletes needed to create a scholar athlete team in a particular sport are: Baseball11 athletes Softball11 athletes Golf 7 athletes Lacrosse (boys/girls) 11 athletes Tennis 9 athletes Outdoor Track (boys/girls) 12 athletes 5. Additional Varsity team members, beyond the required number, will be recognized individually provided their sport season report card averages are 90% or greater. We are very proud of our athletes and all their achievements. 782 Schools in NYSPHSAA 108 Schools in Section III Team: Number of Teams Section III Rank: State Rank: That Qualified: Boys Track & Field 313 3 35 Boys Golf104 421 Baseball 187 5 32 Softball 293 7 67 Boys Tennis 250 8 101 Girls Track & Field 344 12 125 Girls Lacrosse 210 16 133 Boys Lacrosse 152 24 143 WHITESBORO HIGH SCHOOL “A Model of Excellence” WHITESBORO HIGH SCHOOL September Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 3 Superintendent’s Conference Day Labor Day Wednesday Thursday 4 Superintendent’s Conference Day Friday Saturday 5 6 12 13 First Day of School for Students BOE Meeting Parkway/7:00 PM 7 8 9 10 11 Patriot Day Registration Deadline For Oct. 11th SAT 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 20 Registration Deadline For Oct. 25th ACT BOE Meeting Parkway/7:00 PM 21 19 ACT @ Other Area High Schools 24 25 26 27 Autumn Begins 28 29 High School “Back to School” Night 6:55 PM 30 Yearbook Orders Due 2014 WHITESBORO HIGH SCHOOL October Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday Saturday 3 4 Yearbook Senior Picture Deadline 5 6 7 8 SAT @ Other Area High Schools 9 10 Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 5-11) HS Progress Reports Issued OCMEA Music Educators Recital HS Aud. – 7:00 PM 12 11 13 BOE Meeting Marcy Elem./7:00 PM 14 15 Blue & White Dance HS Pit 7-10 PM Registration Deadline For Nov. 8th SAT Pep Rally HS Gym @ 1:30 PM 16 17 18 24 25 Columbus Day Boss’s Day No School 19 26 20 27 21 22 23 Freshman Yearbook Pictures Sophomore Yearbook Pictures Junior Yearbook Pictures BOE Meeting Parkway/7:00 PM Title I Meeting HS Library – 6.00 PM HS Optimist Club “Collage Concert” 7:00 PM 28 29 30 ACT @ HS 31 Halloween 2014 High School Newsletter Changes In order to save money and “go green”, this will be the last issue of the High School newsletter that will be mailed home. Beginning with the November-December 2014 issue, newsletters will be posted online at the High School’s web page. We have three options for you to receive or be notified of future newsletters: If you wish to receive a “hard copy” or “e-copy”: Please send an email to dfarley@wboro.org and give your information OR Complete the form below and have your child return it to Mrs. Farley in the Main Office. Whitesboro High School newsletter subscription Please return to Mrs. Farley, Secretary to the Principal Please send me a “hard”copy of the newsletter: Name Street Address City ZIP Please send me an “e-copy” of the newsletter: Name Email Whitesboro High School 6000 Route 291 Marcy NY 13403-3031 Return Service Requested Non-Profit Organization U. S. Postage Permit #18 Whitesboro NY To Contact the School: 266-3210 266-3233 266-3240 266-3215 266-3214 266-3228 266-3228 Main Office/Principal Attendance Office Guidance Office Athletic Director School Nurse Assistant Principal - Grades 11-12 Assistant Principal - Grades 9-10 School hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Daily Announcements are posted on the http://www.wboro.org High School web site
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