FebMarch2016 Newsletter - Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1
FebMarch2016 Newsletter - Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1
ALCESTER-HUDSON SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 2016 ISSUE Mr. Rhead, Superintendent As I work on the February/March newsletter, I can’t help but start thinking about spring. Soon the days will be getting longer and the warmer weather will return. Until that point, please make sure your children are coming to school in appropriate clothing. Although we spend some recesses inside, it is still our goal to get outside as much as possible during recess. Also, if your child rides a bus, it is a good idea to make sure they have warm clothes. If the bus should run into trouble, it doesn’t take long for it to cool off if the engine isn’t running. Hopefully we will have an early spring and put the worries of cold weather behind us. The school year continues to go very quickly. We have had a great year up to this point and I see no reason for that to change. You, as parents, are a huge part in making the year go well. Take time to talk to your kids about school and encourage them to do their best. A happy student makes our jobs much easier. If you or your child has any concerns or problems, please contact someone at the school so we can work to resolve any issues that might arise during the year. A quick reminder primarily for the elementary students and parents. If your son or daughter is having a birthday party and you are inviting the whole class, you can hand out the invitations at school. However, if you are only inviting certain members of the class, please hand out those invitations somewhere other than the school. We have had a number of students hurt this year when they have not been invited to a party. I know it is easiest to hand then out at school, but it often causes problems when not everyone receives an invitation. Please take time to read the articles in the newsletter because it is a great way to stay informed. Remember spring is just around the corner. FEBRUARY, MARCH Mrs. Merrick, Kindergarten Happy 2016! The kindergarteners were ready to Ring in the New Year and are writing and saying their telephone numbers. Each time they say their number correctly from memory, they get a sticker. When they get five stickers they get a prize. Students are learning about short vowel sounds. We played Build a Word with our letter cards and spelled, read, and wrote new words. We practiced reading and matching our word cards by word families. This has helped them to soundout words and to read stories independently. In Math we counted sets and wrote numbers from 1-20. We learned about the penny and played the Penny Toss game. Students used tally marks to keep track of how many times they tossed heads and tails. We practiced using a 100 chart and counted by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's to 100. This month we will be celebrating our 100th day of school and will be counting 100 objects and writing from 1-100. We are learning about addition. Students listen to story problems and use counters to join groups. They then have to write and solve an addition sentence for each story. The Kindergarteners love social studies lessons and were excited to learn about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We made an art project and students had to share a dream that they have to make our world a better place. Mrs. Gates and Ms. Mikkelson, First Grade Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my! We have been busy learning about animals and their habitats in first grade. We started with ocean animals and are currently learning about polar animals. We are going to end with animals of the rainforest. Students researched an animal from each habitat and wrote a report. We also created these habitats in our classroom. Upcoming science units include space, weather, and plants. In math, we started addition time tests, which the students are really enjoying. They are doing a great job getting their math facts down. We are also learning about place value. The students really enjoy guessing number riddles and filling in number chart puzzles. In March, we are looking forward to our field trip to the Children’s Museum in Brookings. There are many fun and educational exhibits for students to explore and play at including a grocery store, farm, water room, art area, and music room. Ms. Jenkins and Mrs. Johnson, Title I Title I students have been working hard to practice basic math fact fluency across all the grades. Students take a timed addition, subtraction, multiplication or division timed test at the beginning of title math time. Students are working towards a real gumball to fill their gumball machine or working to earn a karate belt for each level passed on a timed test. The karate belts will be collected on a dog tag necklace. Students can’t wait to earn a black belt to show they ‘kicked’ their math facts. In reading, students have been working on reading and decoding skills by doing various phonics activities. Several groups have just started reading a novel. The students are excited to start digging deeper into their reading skills. We want to send out a large thank you to all the families that attended our Title I Family Treasure Hunt. We enjoyed meeting all of the families. Remember to keep encouraging your child to read or read with your child each night. Also, work on those basic math facts to help your child have a strong math foundation. It has been exciting to see the progress of each child as we progress through the year. Feel free to contact us if you ever have any additional questions. Contact information: Ms. Jenkins - becky.jenkins@k12.sd.us Mrs. Johnson – tiffany.johnson@k12.sd.us DRIVER EDUCATION January 15, 2016 To: Parents of Students at least 13 1/2 years old on June 1, 2016– Must turn 14 on or before December 1, 2016 From: Tim Rhead, Superintendent This letter is in regard to Driver Education. State Law does not require schools to offer Driver Education and no credit is received towards graduation. However, the Alcester-Hudson School Board has elected to continue offering this class and has set a fee of $225.00 per student to cover some of the costs of Driver Education. The fee must be paid in full before May 1, 2016 or students will not be able to complete the class. Classes will be held during regular school hours starting March 10th (beginning of 4th quarter). Would you please indicate whether or not you wish to have your child enrolled in this course and return the form below to school by Tuesday, February 16th. Thanks. ****************************************************** Please return to school by Tuesday, February 16th. _____ I wish to have my child enrolled in Driver Education and will pay the fee of $225.00 to the Alcester-Hudson School. _____ I do not wish to have my child enroll in Driver Education. _____ I would like my child to monitor the class but not do the actual driving. _______________________________________ Parent's Name _______________________________________ Student's Name Daddy Daughter Date Night Treat your princess to her first date! Alcester –Hudson High School Auditorium 102 East 5th Street, Alcester, SD April 23rd 6-8 P. M. Here is your chance to show your little girl how “Special” she is to you. Treat her to a night of dancing and fun memories, a night she will always remember! All ages invited, suggested ages 5-12. Snacks, drinks, a 4 X 3 souvenir photo, and frame are included. Grandpas, uncles, brothers, or even close friends are welcome to escort the little girls. $20 for Daddy and 1st Daughter, $5 each additional Daddy and/or Daughter Please pre-register by March 11th to guarantee a picture frame. Any registrations after will not be guaranteed a picture frame but will still receive the picture to remember the event. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Daddy______________________________________________________ Name of Daughter(s)__________________________________________________ Total amount due (please make checks to AHHS Cheer)______________________ Contact: Karla Pulscher at karla.pulscher@k12.sd.us or fill out the registration form and include it with your payment. Send payment and slip to: AHHS CHEER C/O Karla Pulscher Alcester Hudson High School Box 198 Alcester, SD 57001 Or Deliver to the high school office at: 102 E 5th Street Alcester, SD 57001 Ms. Koch, Third Grade Happy New Year from the 3rd Grade! We have been very busy here. We have been learning our multiplication facts and how to write word problems that can be solved by addition, subtraction, or multiplication. We are preparing to take the Smarter Balance Assessment in April. Everyone has been working super hard! We had a new student join us this semester which brings our total to 26 students. We are also making a 3 rd grade recipe book. Each student was asked to bring at least one recipe from home. We will be putting them together for each student to take home and share with their family. In Social Studies, we are working on reading a map and using the map skills we have learned to get from one place to another. This is the first year the students have been able to participate in Prairie Pasque. The students are asked to read books from a specific selection and then take a comprehension assessment on the book. If they pass, their name goes into a drawing for a prize from the library. Many of the students in our class have been recipients of those prizes. The students have also been enjoying the snow by building snowmen and making forts! Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Conner, Library Author/illustrator Elise Parsley is coming to the elementary school on February 9 to share with students K-6 about her experiences in writing, illustrating, and publishing her recent book, If You Ever Want to Bring an Alligator to School, Don't! She will also give students a sneak peek into her future books and lead them through an art activity. Students who have purchased her book can have her autograph the book on that day. We are very excited for her visit to our school! Mrs. Karla Pulscher will be hosting the first Alcester-Hudson Elementary Band Festival on March 10. At the time of publication, 6 other schools will be joining us all to learn and experience music from Dr. Kevin Kessler of SDSU and Mr. Kevin McLouth of Northeast College. The evening concert will begin at 7:00 PM in the gym. There will be a $1 cost for everyone attending the concert. The high school and junior high band students are helping Mrs. Pulscher with just about every aspect of the day; from posters and program design, to set up and tear down, and much more. Donations: For a $25 donation your company name will be listed in the program. For a $50 donation your company name will be listed in the program and on the shirt. For a $100 donation your company name and logo will be printed size approximately 3X2 inches. For a $200 donation your logo will be double the size approximately 5X3 inches. All proceeds of this event go towards the Music Trip 2017. Environmental Perspectives This year AHHS offered a brand-new, STEM-based class that combines English & Science to explore issues and crusade causes that affect our community and planet. Some highlights: Big Sioux River Project We’ve partnered with Dakota Water Watch and East Dakota Watershed Development District to begin testing strategic sites along the Big Sioux (and its tributaries) to help monitor bacteria and nitrate levels. Samsung Grant To that end, we also applied for the national Samsung STEM grant--AHHS placed in the top 5 finalists for the state of South Dakota and received two free Samsung Galaxy Tabs to support our research and efforts to clean up the Big Sioux. City-Wide Recycling To promote a city recycling option in Alcester that would reduce our waste and landfill usage, the class researched the issue, presented at the November Farmers Market, composed letters to the editor, held recycled art contests, trudged through winter snow going door to door to obtain community input, compiled polling data, and finally presented to the city council. The council has since met with Loren Fischer, who would provide the recycling services, about a plan to make it all happen. The logistics are still being worked out, but with enough support from the community we should soon have curbside recycling services in our town. Envirothon 2016 This nationwide competition focuses on the conservation and preservation of our natural resources. The E.P. class has started the spring semester familiarizing ourselves with the competition. Envirothon enables students to show their skills and knowledge regarding forestry, wildlife management, aquatic ecology, and soil conservation. Additionally, students prepare a presentation addressing one of the many invasive species that threaten our state. The state competition is on March 11 at SDSU. Lakeside Lab On the shores of Lake Okoboji, this scientific research center houses enterprising young scientists in their efforts to learn more about the ecology and environmental issues facing our region. Students from Iowa universities and high schools have benefited from the opportunities provided by this research facility. Now, students from AlcesterHudson have been invited to participate in this project. We will be joining with West Sioux High School this May to research, explore, and enjoy a nice spring weekend on the lake. We’re hoping to bring as many AHHS students as possible to participate in this rare scientific opportunity. February 2016 Lunch Menu Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Pepperoni Pizza Carrots Fruit Veggie Bar 2 French Toast Sausage Links Fruit Veggie Bar 3 Chili Cinnamon Roll Cheese Slice Fruit Veggie Bar 4 Hotdog w/Bun Potato Chips Baked Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 5 Chicken & Noodles Mash Potatoes Peas Fruit Veggie Bar 8 Italian Dunkers w/Marinara Sauce Corn Fruit Veggie Bar 9 Meatball Sub Macaroni & Cheese Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 11 Scalloped Potatoes & Ham Carrots Fruit Veggie Bar 12 NO SCHOOL 15 NO SCHOOL 16 Chicken Strips Mash Potatoes & Gravy Peas Fruit Veggie Bar 10 Fish Sandwich Tartar Sauce Baked Beans French Fries Fruit Veggie Bar 17 Tomato Soup Grilled Cheese Fruit Veggie Bar 18 Chicken Fajita Rice Pilaf Refried Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 19 Cheese Pizza Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 22 Turkey & Gravy Mash Potatoes Peas Fruit Veggie Bar 23 Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce Breadstick Corn Fruit Veggie Bar 24 BBQ Chicken w/Bun Baked Beans Coleslaw Fruit Veggie Bar 25 Cowboy Cavatini Whole Wheat Bread Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 26 Mozzarella Sticks w/Marinara Sauce Carrots Fruit Veggie Bar 29 Crispitos w/Cheese Sauce Broccoli Fruit Veggie Bar *Choice of Milk Offered Daily 6 9 11 11 12 12 12 15 18 19 27 February Dates to Ponder 8:00 am - 4th Grade BBB Tourney (After Prom Fundraiser) 6:20 pm – School Board Meeting 1:45 pm – Early Dismissal 2:00 – 8:00 pm – Parent Teacher Conferences at Elementary School NO SCHOOL 5:00 pm – Tailgate Supper (After Prom Fundraiser) Parents Night for Cheer, BBB, GBB & WR NO SCHOOL 4:00 pm – Basket Silent Auction at EL New Commons Elementary Club CHEER Performs at ½ time of BBB Game 8:00 am – 6th Grade BBB/GBB Tourney March 2016 Lunch Menu Monday 7 Chicken Nuggets Tri Tators Corn Fruit Veggie Bar 14 Hamburger w/Bun French Fries Coleslaw Fruit Veggie Bar 21 Chicken Patty w/Bun Potato Wedges Baked Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 28 NO SCHOOL Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 4 Fish Sandwich Tartar Sauce Smiles Fruit Veggie Bar 11 Italian Dunkers w/Marinara Sauce Carrots Fruit Veggie Bar 18 NO SCHOOL 1 Chili Cinnamon Roll Cheese Slice Fruit Veggie Bar 8 Turkey & Gravy Mash Potatoes Peas Fruit Veggie Bar 15 Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce Breadstick Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 22 Super Nachos Refried Beans Apple Churros Fruit Veggie Bar 2 Soft Shell Taco Refried Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 3 Chicken Rice Soup Turkey Sandwich Fruit Veggie Bar 9 Pepperoni Pizza Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 10 Taverns w/Bun Potato Chips Baked Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 17 NO SCHOOL 23 Tomato Soup Grilled Cheese Pears in Jello Fruit Veggie Bar 24 Chicken Alfredo Noodles Peas Fruit Veggie Bar 29 Cheese Pizza Carrots Fruit Veggie Bar 30 Lasagna Breadstick Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 31 Crispitos w/Cheese Sauce Broccoli Fruit Veggie Bar 16 Chicken Fajita Rice Pilaf Peas Fruit Veggie Bar March Dates to Ponder 9 10 10 11 14 15 17 18 21 22 25 28 31 End of 3rd Quarter EL Band Festival 7:00 pm – EL Band Festival CONCERT Envirotron Competition at SDSU/Brookings 7:20 pm – School Board Meeting 1st Grade Field Trip to Brookings Children’s Museum NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL 7:00 pm – Student Recognition Banquet Pops Concert/Variety Show (Community & Music Students) at EL Gym NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL Spring Sport Pictures (Track & Golf) 25 NO SCHOOL *Choice of Milk Offered Daily Alcester-Hudson Cheer invite you to a Wednesday, February 24th, 2016 Wednesday, March 30th, 2016 Money raised will be used for summer camp tuition and practice wear. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Pizza Ranch in Hawarden, IA Miss McNamara, FCCLA Alcester-Hudson FCCLA has been busy in the past and current months. Our chapter is gearing up Advisor and ready to soar in preparation for the District 4 FCCLA meeting on January 25th in Harrisburg, SD. We have 11 Illustrated Talk STAR Event teams competing, along with an FCCLA Knowledge Bowl team. A total of 27 members will be taking part in this experience in hopes to qualify for the state FCCLA conference in April. This spring we look forward to empowering and serving our school and community by completing various community service and school projects, as well as preparing various STAR events for State meeting. National FCCLA Week: Monday, February 8th: Media Monday Tuesday, February 9th: Team Tuesday Wednesday, February 10th: We Wear RED Wednesday Thursday, February 11th: Thankful Thursday Friday, February 12th: FACS Friday Keep an eye out for special events and news posted on our Alcester-Hudson FCCLA Facebook page! Mr. Scalise, FFA During the holiday season Alcester-Hudson FFA kept busy. The students got challenged to sell $10,000 worth of fruit sales. Even though we did not quite get it we still did amazing. I received many compliments on how well the students did selling and distributing fruit. I could barely tell we had fruit in the shop as it came in so quick and left so fast. A huge Thank You goes out to Total Stop and their staff for helping us with all the fruit. I would also like to thank all the parents that help the students sell the fruit. I know most of this wouldn’t be complete without your help. Selling fruit helps us raise money so we can live out the FFA motto “Learning to do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve”. The money that was raised will go to help us in the upcoming spring CDE season. I have talked with all the students about what CDE’s they would like to compete in and when we will meet for practice times. With that being said, we will be traveling on the follow dates: March 3rd to Howard; March 16th to Flandreau; March 21st to Tri Valley; and March 31st to Lennox. Our State convention will be April 10-12th. This is where we find out if we have what it takes to make it to the National Convention. We invite you to help us to “Amplify, Boost Your Impact” and celebrate our theme during National FFA week. National FFA week is February 20-26. Please keep your eyes peeled for signs and ways you can help us celebrate. Thank you all for everything you do to help us! Mrs. Solberg, 2nd Grade January has been a chilly month, but full a fun activities. The students enjoyed studying biographies while celebrating Black History month. We learned about Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, and Martin Luther King, Jr. We also filled out timelines and are writing biographies about a friend in our classroom. We also just started our fun penguin unit. We are learning about collecting and researching facts about different types of penguins. We will be making life size penguins and comparing/contrasting their characteristics. In Math, we are working on subtracting and measurement. We are excited to have a USD student teacher, Marisa Myrabo, join us! She will be with us until the end of the year. We are counting down the days until Valentine’s Day and making our own boxes! We hope everyone is staying warm! Mrs. Haisch, Principal’s Notes Looking back on the first semester of the 2015-2016 school year, I can’t help but think about what a great start to the year we have had. Our fall sports had great seasons; our fall/winter concerts were excellent with very good attendance by community and parents; our students had minimal missed hours from school and tardies for class; and best of all, 59% of our 7-12 students made the academic honors list for the first semester. We are fortunate to have the dedication of the students and support of the parents in the academic progress of our students. As the second semester begins, we know the stress of many activities, standardized tests, and graduation time can be difficult. We ask your help in keeping your sons and daughters organized, informed and prepared for this very busy season. Not everything goes as we want in life, but being prepared for daily expectations can help lessen these occurrences. May we all have a wonderful 2016! Boys State May 30 – June 3, 2016 ACT Test Dates Test Date Registration Deadline Girls State April 9, 2016 March 4, 2016 May 30 – June 4, 2016 June 11, 2016 May 6, 2016 *Please see Mrs. Doering if you are interested in attending boys or girls state.
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