April-May Newsletter - Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1
April-May Newsletter - Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1
Alcester-Hudson School Newsletter April/May 2016 Mr. Rhead, Superintendent Mr. Eriksen – 4th Grade Hard to believe we are writing the last newsletter of the school year. It seems like just the other day the year was starting. Just as fast as the school year went, summer will go even faster, so make sure you get out and enjoy the season with your family. However, just as I remind our students most Monday mornings, summer isn’t here just yet. We still have a couple of very busy months of school left. I also remind them that it becomes harder to focus this time of year and that they need to really do their best for the last couple of months. The fourth grade has been awfully busy lately! Between learning fractions and prepping for the Smarter Balanced Testing, your child is probably ready for summer! Smarter Balanced Testing will begin for fourth grade in the early part of April. We have been working hard all year to learn the necessary standards to prepare us for this assessment. I have high hopes that the students will get plenty of rest and work their hardest during the duration of Smarter Balanced Testing. The last quarter of fourth grade will be filled with hard work and excitement. As we head into summer and away from school, I’m reminded of the importance of working with your kids during the summer. Just taking a half an hour a day to read would give your child a huge advantage over the summer. I know we all get very busy and it is hard to find a half hour in a day but the payback is unbelievable. We also have great libraries in Alcester and Hudson that provide reading times during the week. Please take advantage of those great programs. If you need a book for the summer, the libraries are great places to find them or you can buy some at this spring’s book fair which will be April 4th at the elementary school. Just as last year, we will be having a summer tutoring program again this year. I believe the program was very successful last year and allowed our students to stay engaged in school work throughout the summer. The programs goal is to keep the students at the same level they left school so we don’t see that summer regression that often happens. We have some dedicated staff that makes this happen and I would encourage you to take advantage of the program. Here’s hoping everyone has a great summer but don’t forget we still have a couple of months of school. We want to get as much as we can out of that time. Enjoy the spring!! We will be taking our annual field trip on April 20th to Sioux City, IA. While we are there, we will visit The Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center and Palmer Candy Company. This quarter we will also dive in to learning about South Dakota history. Our cumulative project will be for each student to create a South Dakota book. With track and field day, our class field trip, history fair, and much more it is sure to fly by. It has been a great year with this group of students and I am very excited about the growth that I have seen. I hope we can continue to grow as individuals and prepare for 5th grade! Upcoming Field Trips Preschool nd May 3 Pecaut Nature Center Sioux City End of Year Preschool Dates May 13 Last day of preschool 2 Grade May 10 Sertoma Butterfly House Sioux Falls May 16 11:30 All 3 – year-olds picnic 3rd Grade April 13 Washington Pavilion Sioux Falls May 17 11:30 All 4 – year – olds picnic 4th Grade April 20 Pecaut Nature Center/Palmer Candy Factory Sioux City 5th/6th Grade May 4 Outdoor Campus/Bowling Sioux Falls Title I – Ms. Jenkins & Mrs. Johnson Summer vacation is almost here! To keep your child’s academic skills strong and their learning fresh, try some of these ideas over the summer... -Join the Alcester Public Library summer reading program or the Hudson Public Library summer reading program, and participate in the summer reading program through the school. -Keep a vacation journal if you travel this summer. Ask your child to write about and illustrate a journal page for each day of your vacation. -Read every day! This summer would be a great time to choose a chapter book and read aloud each evening as a family. -Bake cookies together. This would be a great way to practice reading and math skills! -Start a collection...baseball cards, bugs, dolls, coins, marbles, rocks, etc. Check out a book from the library to learn more about your collection. -Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division facts using flash cards. -Write a letter to a friend to tell them what you are doing over the summer. -Have a family game night, play board games and eat pizza! Whatever you choose to do this summer we hope you have fun and relax, but always remember that helping your child stay sharp on their math and reading skills will help them out immensely when they return back to school in the fall. We hope you all have a GREAT summer! FCCLA…Where adventure begins! Alcester-Hudson FCCLA has been busy preparing and completing various STAR Event projects in preparation to attend the South Dakota FCCLA State Leadership Conference in Sioux Falls, SD in April. Twenty students will be making their way to Sioux Falls on 24th-26th of April to promote their leadership and compete for a chance to qualify for National Conference in San Diego, CA to be held in July. This year we have three students running for leadership positions within South Dakota FCCLA. 7th Grader, Kolby Schiefen is running for Junior High Representative and 10th Grader Rachel Boyer and 9th Grader Keandra Rhead are completing applications for the State Leadership Team’s Current Trends team. Members are working hard to complete and practice Illustrated Talk, Chapter in Review Display, Recycle and Redesign, as well as Chapter Service Project Display STAR Events. This spring and summer Alcester-Hudson FCCLA will be hosting several events and fundraisers. Please see the attached forms for more information or contact Miss Hillary McNamara at the high school! We are excited with this year’s increased participation and outstanding leadership displayed by all chapter members! We look forward to a great showing and representation from Alcester-Hudson School at state meeting! We would also like to thank staff, administration, parents, and community members for their ongoing support as we are coming to a close on the 2015-2016 school year! One Man, Two Guvnors By Kendra Jensen Have you ever had to juggle two jobs at one time? If you have, chances are you made a few mistakes along the way. Kids here at Alcester-Hudson High School have been working intensively on the spring play One Man, Two Guvnors. This comical play is sure to be unlike any other in AH history. In the play, we follow a fella named Francis Henshall and his exhilarating journey to satisfy his two guvnors and his hunger pained stomach. Francis Henshall, of course, makes a few mistakes and causes a bit of mayhem on his quest for fish and chips and perhaps love. How will this pan out? You will have to come and see for yourself at the HS gym on April 8th or 9th, at 7PM. With a mystery murder, a lady disguised as a man, an arranged marriage, and of course a man with two guvnors, let’s just hope that tomorrow looks good from here oh yeah tomorrow looks good from here. Physical Education – Mr. Storo In Physical Education, K-6th grade students recently participated in Jump Rope for Heart. This program is put on by the American Heart Association. The goal of this program is to raise awareness about Heart Disease. Their mission is to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Over the course of three weeks, our students worked vigorously to collect donations for this cause. Last year, our students raised over $3200.00. We attempted to raise the bar by setting a goal of $3500.00 and our students ended up raising over $4000.00! The student reward for reaching their goal was the opportunity to pie their favorite staff member in the face! The top fundraisers in each grade were given a whip-cream pie and a choice of who to pie. Our top fundraisers: CJ Koppman (K), Emma Solberg (1), Torry Serck (2), Madisyn Jansen (3), Kyler Haeder (4), Lucy Osterkamp (5), Kalie Wielenga (6). August 1, 2 and 3, 2016 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Alcester-Hudson Elementary 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. $30 for Camp and T-shirt Payment and Registration Due June 30 Come out and have a great time learning the game of volleyball and having fun with friends. All athletes who will be in 3rd through 8th grade in the 2016-2017 school year are welcome to participate. Make checks out to AHHS Volleyball and turn into the school office, Coach Vicki Ahart or Coach Hannah Swanson. NOTE: Keep the top half for reference and dates and return the bottom half with payment. Athlete Name: __________________________________ Grade in 2016-2017: ____________ Parent/Guardian Name(s): _______________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________ Parent Cell Phone: _______________________ T-shirt Size (Circle One): Youth Medium, Youth Large, Adult Small, Adult Medium, Adult Large or Adult XL Waiver and Release We hereby authorize the directors of the Alcester-Hudson Cubs Youth Volleyball Camp to act for us according to their best judgement in any emergency requiring medical attention. We hereby release and discharge the camp, AHHS school district, its officers, agents, students and employees from and against any and all liability or causes of actions arising out of or in connection with my participation in camp. We further acknowledge that participation in any sport involves the risk of injury and represent that we have adequate insurance coverage to insure that risk. I also understand that no refunds will be given after July 1. Athlete Signature: ____________________________________ Date: __________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________ Date: __________________ April 2016 Lunch Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Chicken & Noodles Mash Potatoes Peas Fruit Veggie Bar *Choice of Milk Offered Daily 4 Pepperoni Pizza Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar Friday 5 Scalloped Potatoes & Ham Baked Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 6 Hamburger w/Bun French Fries Coleslaw Fruit Veggie Bar 7 Grilled Cheese Tomato Soup Fruited Jell-O Fruit Veggie Bar 8 Italian Dunkers w/Marinara Sauce Carrots Fruit Veggie Bar 12 BBQ Chicken on Bun Potato Wedges Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 18 19 Mozzarella Sticks Hot Dog w/Bun w/Marinara Sauce Potato Chips Carrots Baked Beans Fruit Fruit Veggie Bar Veggie Bar 13 Taverns w/Bun Potato Chips Baked Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 20 Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce Breadstick Corn Fruit Veggie Bar 14 NO SCHOOL 15 NO SCHOOL 21 Chicken Fajitas Rice Pilaf Peas Fruit Veggie Bar 22 Meatball Sub Macaroni & Cheese Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 25 Chicken Patty on Bun Tri Tators Refried Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 27 BBQ Rib Patty /Bun Smiles Pea Salad Fruit Veggie Bar 28 Corn Dogs French Fries Baked Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 29 Crispitos w/Cheese Sauce Broccoli Fruit Veggie Bar 11 Cheese Pizza Corn Fruit Veggie Bar 26 Cowboy Cavatini Breadstick Carrots Fruit Veggie Bar May 2016 Lunch Menu Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 Pepperoni Pizza Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 3 Chicken Strips Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy Corn Fruit Veggie Bar 4 Taverns w/Bun Tri Tators Coleslaw Fruit Veggie Bar 5 Italian Dunkers w/Marinara Sauce Carrots Fruit Veggie Bar 6 Sandwich Potato Chips Apple Carrots Veggie Bar 9 10 Crispitos w/Cheese Cook’s Choice Sauce Broccoli Fruit Veggie Bar 11 Cook’s Choice 12 Cook’s Choice 13 Cook’s Choice 16 Cook’s Choice 18 NO LUNCH Last Day of School 17 Cook’s Choice *Choice of Milk Offered Daily May Memos… Nurses News…Mrs. Harris May 2 6:00 FCCLA/FFA Banquet @ HS Gym 6:30 4th/5th/6th Science & History Fair @ EL New Gym Attention all students in 5th through 11th grade: Those who plan to participate in an athletic program next year will need to have a physical examination completed before the first day of practice. You are required to have an updated physical each school term. You may have these completed by the practitioner of your choice, however the All Points Alcester Clinic will be offering student athletic physicals for a reduced rate. The clinic strongly encourages you to take advantage of this opportunity even if your son/daughter is undecided about participating in a sport. Please watch for more information. May 5 7:00 JH/HS Band & Vocal Concert @ HS Gym May 11 7:00 Baccalaureate Service @ EL Gym May 14 2:00 Graduation @ EL Gym May 17 1:00 EARLY DISMISSAL Semester Exams for Grades 7-11 May 18 11:45 EARLY DISMISSAL Semester Exams for Grades 7-11 Last Day of School Alcester-Hudson School Early Childhood Developmental Screening For all 3-4 year old children **Birth to age 3 children may call to schedule an appointment if parents have developmental concerns Wednesday, April 13th at the Alcester-Hudson Elementary Main Events Entrance To schedule an appointment call the school at 934-2171 Library Summer Events Summer Library hours: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Mike McCartney Storyteller, Indiana Bones Performance Date & Time: Monday - July 11 1:00–6:00 1:00-6:00 1:00-7:30 1:00-4:30 Jonathan May Comedy Magician Mr. Magic Productions Entertainment for Everyone! Performance Date & Time: Thursday - June 23 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Book Discussion Spring is here and it is time for a Book Discussion to happen. I have chosen a book that was suggested by one of you. We will do "Still Life with Bread Crumbs" by Anna Quindlen. I am planning to borrow at least 4 copies from other libraries and I have loaded it onto our Nooks. We will do the discussion on April 25th at 7:00 pm and hope that most of you can join us. Library News – Mrs. Cole & Mrs. Conner The Spring Scholastic Book Fair is coming! From April 4-8, the elementary library will be hosting the annual BuyOne-Get-One (BOGO) Book Fair. For every item purchased, you will receive an item of equal or lesser value for free! This is a great way to build up a child's library for summer reading or to buy a book for a teacher off of his or her classroom wish list. The book fair will be set up in the wrestling room at the elementary school daily, Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm and Friday from 8:00 am to noon. Students and staff will celebrate the 1970's theme by participating in a costume contest. We look forward to seeing the creative outfits our contestants come up with! Join us on Monday night, April 4, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm for Family Night to browse with your family, enter for a chance to win student prizes, and check out our Groovy Book Fair theme decorations! If family or community members are unable to make it to Family Night, please feel free to stop by during our other open hours to browse or make purchases! We would love to help you find books for all the people on your list! Prairie Pasque Winners Read 10 books – Received $5 gift certificate to Book Fair Top Readers – Received $8 gift certificate to Book Fair & Lunch at Arlene’s Cafe Read 5 books – Received Candy Band Notes – Mrs. Pulscher The First Annual Alcester-Hudson Band Festival was a great success. The directors were Mr. Kevin McLouth of Northeast CC and Dr. Kevin Kessler of SDSU. They worked with the students from Beresford, Irene-Wakonda, Parker, Marion, and of course Alcester-Hudson. Our day began with the school arriving at about 9:15. Once everyone got seated, the rehearsals began. Our first break was around 10:45 and the students enjoyed cookies from our great kitchen staff. The rest of the day was full or rehearsals and enjoying the sun during the lunch break at noon. The concert began at 7:00 P.M. admission was $1 per person. Attendance was approximately 450 audience members, 106 in the Cadet Band members (first year players) and 55 in Academy Band members (second year players). The Cadet Band played five songs, the Academy Band played three songs, and the improvement from the first rehearsal to the evening concert was impressive and awesome to listen to. I am so proud of my students as well as the rest of the students for their behavior and willingness to learn. Not only were the elementary students involved, junior and senior high students were involved with helping set up, tear down, working on the programs and the flyers for the festival, just to name a few. Thank you to all of you for your extra work. I would also like to thank the sponsors for their financial assistance for this event: Custom Coils, Total Stop Food Store, McKellip’s Insurance Agency, State Bank of Alcester, Hudson Meats & Sausage, Anderson Pharmacy -Your Daily Dose, Pete’s Produce, Premier Bank – Hudson, SD, Poet – Hudson, SD, First Dakota National BankBeresford. And a special thanks to all the staff at Alcester-Hudson for their support of the students and myself. Elementary Band Festival – Dr. Kevin McLouth-Northeast CC Academy Band A Band Dates To Remember April 7--Elementary Band and Vocal Concert 7:00 p.m. April 30--Elementary & JH solo/ensemble contest May 5--JH & HS Band & Vocal Concert 7:00 p.m. May 14--Graduation (Grades 6-11 report to gym at 1 dressed in B & W Dr. Kevin Kessler-SDSU, Mrs. Pulscher, Mr. Kevin McLouth-Northeast CC Elementary Band Festival –Dr. Kevin Kessler-SDSU Cadet Band Pop’s Concert – Mrs. Pulscher & Mrs. Schnathorst The Music Dept. had a great turn out for the Pop's Concert on March 22. There was 213 tickets sold and the gym was packed. The evening began with a salad, and then a lasagna meal followed by a dessert bar or cake. There were 15 acts that ranged from singing solo's to the final song with everyone involved in either the band playing or singing "Don't Stop Believing'" from Journey. We even had a community member, Ed Westberg, sang "The Auctioneer", which was a song when he was in high school. A huge thank you to the parents for their support in the music program, and for making the food that everyone enjoyed! A super thank you to Neal, Mike, and Ben for the setup and tear down of the gym. Thank you to the kitchen staff for the use of the warmers and other supplies for the serving of the food. NONE of this could have happened if it wasn't' for you and everyone's working together. The money will be going to the music trip next march. The tentative plan is to go to New York City. Pop’s Concert continued… Selfies! News from First Grade – Mrs. Gates & Ms. Mikkelson During the middle of March, the first grade went on a field trip to the Children’s Museum in Brookings. Everyone really enjoyed all the fun and educational activities the museum provided. Students enjoyed shopping and playing cashier at a grocery store, fixing a car, visiting the Old West, art activities, doing the weather, playing mailman, and climbing to the clouds. The students also got to enjoy an Easter egg hunt at the Hudson care center. The residents enjoyed asking the students questions and the students enjoyed getting Easter eggs and cookies! In Science, we just finished learning about the solar system and have moved onto weather. We are looking forward to learning about baby animals on the farm and how to take care of them. In math, we are learning about different subtraction strategies and how to solve bigger problems. Soon, we will be moving on to using graphs and charts, learning about time and learning about money. In reading, we read a nonfiction story about children who came up with neat inventions. The students enjoyed writing about and drawing an invention they would like to make one day. As the year comes on an end, we will enjoy doing some spring art projects and the beautiful weather! Preschool – Ms. Erickson FFA –Mr. Scalise The preschool has been busily growing. We have 64 students now. Check out my website to see some of our new faces. If you would like to receive email reminders of upcoming events in our preschool room please let me know and I will sign you up for our Shutterfly page. We will have a busy end of the year coming up. Early childhood screening is April 13th and there will be no afternoon preschool that day. If you have a child that will be 3 by September first please call the elementary to sign them up. Also if you know of any new families in town please help spread the word. Kindergarten round up is on April 11th. Any children planning on attending Kindergarten in the fall needs to sign up to be screened. The PM preschool field trip will be on May 3 and there will be no morning preschool that day. This is only for the afternoon class because we will be gone all school day. We will be going to the Dorothy Peacut Nature Center by Sioux City. Please watch your child's backpack for more information when it is a little closer to May. Lastly I have our last day of preschool scheduled as well as our end of the year picnics. I have all those dates on our preschool website. The picnics have been our annual event to end our year. They are a good way to meet fellow preschool families and make play dates for the summer. I hope to see everyone there. What a year for our students to really hit our theme and Amplify their voice! It is hard to believe that we are already closing in on the end of another school year! I am extremely proud of what our members have accomplished this year. We are continuing to expand in numbers and increasing our placings in CDE’s (Career Development Events) at the state level. On April 10thApril 12th we will be showcasing our knowledge at our State FFA convention. The CDE’s events we are participating in include Agriculture Mechanics, Dairy Foods, Floriculture, Food Science, Equine Evaluation and Livestock Evaluation. This year we will be hosting our banquet on Monday May 2nd, 2016. Our banquet will coincide with the FCCLA chapter’s banquet. The order of the banquet is as follows: FCCLA, meal served to FFA/FCCLA families and members, then to close the evening we will have the FFA banquet. I hope to see all of you at banquet! We hope to stick as close to our schedule as possible to accommodate all families and members. Keep an eye out for future mailings, including important information for state convention attendees, information about our recognition banquet, and summer leadership retreat. I truly believe that I have one of the best jobs in the country because I get to work every day with the talented young people in this community! Please remember that your input and ideas are always welcome. The involvement of parents and community members in our agricultural education program provides our school and chapter with support and strength. Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions you may have. Paint and Canvas Fundraiser Cost: $20.00/Participant (Cash or Check Payable to AHHS FCCLA) When: Friday, April 29th, 2016 @ 6:00pm Where: Alcester-Hudson High School FACS Room Open To: Community Members, Parents, and Students (4th Grade and Up) Space is limited to 30 participants! Please contact Miss Hillary McNamara, FCCLA Adviser at the high school via Phone: (605) 934-1890 or Email: hillary.mcnamara@k12.sd.us with questions! ------------------------------------------------------- Paint and Canvas Registration Form Please complete and return with payment to Alcester-Hudson High School by Thursday, April 21st! Name(s): _________________________________________________ Payment ($20.00/Participant): ______ Cash _____ Check Amount Enclosed: $____________________ Thank you for supporting AHHS FCCLA! in the Kitchen Cost: $10.00 per Student (Cost includes: 3 Days of Class, Ingredients, Supplies, and a Chef’s Hat) When: June 15th, 16th, and 17th Sessions: 1st-3rd Graders: 9:00 am -10:30 am 4th-6th Graders: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Where: High School FACS Classroom Registration: First come first served basis, space will be limited! Please contact Miss Hillary McNamara, FCCLA Adviser at the high school via Phone: (605) 934-1890 or Email: hillary.mcnamara@k12.sd.us if you have any questions! --------------------------------Cubs in the Kitchen Registration Form If registering more than one child, please place on separate registration forms! Please complete this form and return with payment to the High School by Monday, May 16th! Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Grade Level (Fall of 2016): __________ Payment ($10.00/participant): _______ Cash Session: _____ 1st-3rd Grade _______ Check (Payable to AHHS FCCLA) ______ 4th-6th Grade Food Allergies: ______________________________________________________ We will do our very best to accommodate food allergies, however please note kitchen equipment used will have come in contact with many common food allergens! Thank you for supporting AHHS FCCLA 2nd Annual Treat your princess to her first date! Alcester –Hudson High School Auditorium April 23rd 6-8 P. M. Here is your chance to show your little girl how “Special” she is to you. Treat her to a night of dancing and fun memories, a night she will always remember! All ages invited, suggested ages 4-12. Snacks, drinks, a 4 X 3 souvenir photo, and frame are included. Grandpas, uncles, brothers, or even close friends are welcome to escort the little girls. $20 for Daddy and 1st Daughter, $5 each additional Daddy and/or Daughter Please pre-register by April 1st to guarantee a picture frame. Any registrations after will not be guaranteed a picture frame but will still receive the picture to remember the event. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Daddy ______________________________________________________________ Name of Daughter (s) _________________________________________________________ Total amount due (please make checks to AHHS Cheer) ______________________________ Contact: Karla Pulscher at karla.pulscher@k12.sd.us or fill out the registration form and include it with your payment. Send payment and slip to: AHHS CHEER C/O Karla Pulscher Alcester Hudson High School Box 198 Alcester, SD 57001 or Deliver to the high school office at: 102 E 5th Street Alcester, SD
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