School 2015 - Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1
School 2015 - Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1
Alcester-Hudson Schools Back to S choo l N ew s le tte r - August/September 2015 S u p e r i n t e n de nt : M r. R he ad WELCOME BACK!! I hope everyone had a great summer and is ready to return to school. We have been very busy throughout the summer and I’m very excited about the upcoming year. As you come back to the buildings, you will see many changes around the school. We also have some changes in the classrooms this year. I’m very pleased to say that we will be offering art again this year. We have also continued to build out technology in the classroom. With the addition of I-pads in third grade and Chromebooks in fourth grade, we will have one-to-one technology from third grade through seniors. I would like to remind everyone that registration night will be August 11 th starting at 6:30 in the elementary gym. This is a great night to get all your back to school paperwork done and meet your child’s teacher. There will be a very short presentation at 7:00 and then you will be able to go to the classrooms. The start of the school year can bring about some anxieties. Coming to the open house allows the students to meet their teachers and see the school before the year starts. Also, if your child would like to come check out the school prior to the start of school please encourage them to do so. I know this seems like a long ways away but I would ask you to please keep October 19 th free. The school is going to participate in Rachel’s Challenge. The day will consist of assemblies at the elementary and high school along with an evening presentation open to everyone. Rachel’s Challenge is a story of one girl’s struggles in school and how her life is trying to change the world. I think it is important that parents also hear this message so we can continue to remind your children of the message. I know this program will not solve all problems but with everyone working together, we can make a difference. I will be talking more about this evening in the future but just wanted to get the conversation started. Please plan on attending!! The school will once again be offering patron passes this year which will allow you entrance into all regular season activities at school. You will need to contact the school and we will print a pass for you. I think this is a great benefit the school provides so please take advantage of it and plan on attending many events. It’s going to be another great year and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at registration. Enjoy the rest of your summer and see you soon. REGISTRATION NIGHT August 11, 2015 at 6:30 pm Elementary School Grades Preschool – 12 BUSINESS NAME 123 Fake Street, City, ST 12345 Designed by FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL August 19, 2015 Early Dismissal 11:45 Lunch WILL be served. Phone: (555) 555-5555 Fax: (555) 555-0000 Lunch Menus will be available on the school website, A “No Smoking Policy” is in effect in the schools. This policy does not allow smoking in any school building at any time. Medical evidence clearly shows that smoking is hazardous to your health, and we ask that you help set a good example to our students by following this policy. Possession of Tobacco Products – Student use or possession of tobacco products or any nicotine delivery device is not allowed in any of the school buildings or on the premises at any time. This rule applies at any school function, whether it is a home event or away event. Possession or use of tobacco will result in suspension and notification of the police. Alcoholic Beverages and illegal drugs are not allowed on the school grounds, either inside or outside the building or at the football field. Law enforcement officials will be called to enforce the South Dakota laws that pertain to this matter. Please help to do your part to see that this matter does not cause embarrassment to you, your family, the community or the school. Your cooperation in helping fight alcohol and drug abuse is appreciated. Medications Policy – The school policy will be strictly followed to insure safety for all students in the AlcesterHudson Schools. The student and his or her parents/guardians must fill out the proper authorization and release form in the office. Only one month’s dosage should be brought, and it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and the student to take the bottle home to be refilled. We require the medication to be in its original bottle and the directions from the prescribing doctor. Any prescription medication of any type, which is brought into the school by students, must be taken to the office immediately upon arrival at school. Penalty for having any prescription medication in school that has not been presented to the office as required will be appropriate and may include suspension or expulsion from school. A student in grades 7-12 may bring enough non-prescription medication to school for one day. The medication does not need to be brought into the office but must be kept on their person (not in their locker or in an unattended book bag or coat). Students are not to provide medication to another person without the permission of the school nurse or a school administrator. Students in Grades K-6 must take any medication (prescription or non-prescription) to the office immediately upon their arrival at school. Head Lice – Parents should check their children’s hair on a regular basis and treat promptly if needed. Please inform the school if your child has had head lice so we can monitor the students. Students will be checked for head lice if symptomatic. Students who come in frequent, close contact with a child who had head lice may be checked at school. If nits are found, the student may remain at school. Parents will be notified and treatment may begin at the conclusion of the school day. If live, crawling lice are found, parents will be notified immediately and strongly encouraged to pick the child up and begin the treatment process. Student’s head will be rechecked when he/she return to school the following day. Immunizations for Grades 1-12 – Students in grades 1-12 must have verification of their 2nd MMR, and must be up to date with their DPT, Polio and Varicella (chicken pox) immunizations. Immunization Notice to Kindergarten Parents – ALL KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS MUST BE UP TO DATE WITH THEIR IMMUNIZATIONS BY THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. THIS INCLUDES: DPT BOOSTER, POLIO BOOSTER, 2ND MMR, 2nd CHICKEN POX. If you have any questions, feel free to call Amber Harris or Karla Bovill at 934-2171. PATRON PASSES The Alcester-Hudson School District School Board is again offering Resident Patron Passes this year. The passes will be distributed before the first home event. If you forget your pass, you will be charged. Alcester-Hudson District residents may call 605-934-1890 to order a personalized pass. 2015-2016 Admission Prices for Athletic Activities: Single Game: Students $2 Adults $4 Double Headers: Students $3 Adults $5 Designed by Homecoming Week will be the week of September 8-11. Coronation of the King and Queen will be held on Thursday evening, September 10th at 7:00 pm in the high school gym. The parade will be at 1:00 pm on Friday, September 11. There is a girls’ volleyball game on Tuesday, September 8 at 5:00 pm vs. Marion at home. Also on Tuesday, our cross country team will be competing in the Scotland Invitational at 4:15 pm. The football game against the Garretson “Blue Dragons” will be at 7:00 pm on Friday, September 11. Please check our website,, for updates to the homecoming activities. Supervision of Students at School Activities: Parents are asked to supervise their own children at school activities. It is all too common for parents to use the school activity as a baby-sitting service by dropping off their children, sometimes as young as pre-school or kindergarten at the school, and hoping someone watches them. This creates a safety problem, as an adult is actually not taking care of the child. While the game is going on, children are to be in the bleachers watching the game rather than running back and forth to the Commons Area or playing in the Commons Area. This is for the safety of the spectators. At football games, it is the parents’ decision as to whether they want their children to watch the game or participate in the football games, fights, or general horseplay, which take place behind the stadium. With an area that large, it is impossible for school officials to have any control outside the bleachers, and no supervision is provided for the parking area. Homecoming Parade Entries Please contact: Carolyn Hongslo 934-2377 The Alcester-Hudson school board urges families of the district to look into two programs that could help them financially and also provide needed services for their children. The first deals with school lunches and the second deals with health care. As health care costs rise, the CHIP program could help families provide their children with the health care they might otherwise not be able to afford. Please look at these two programs and take advantage of the opportunities they present. Your student will be receiving more information at registration. CHIP – The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), expands the State Medicaid program to specifically serve low-Income uninsured children. CHIP provides FREE medical coverage for children under age 19. Examples of medical payments include: physicians, hospital, dental, nursing care, home health care, family planning, clinic, rehabilitation hospital, prescription drugs, and certain diagnostic services, as well as certain Special Education Services provided by school districts. An application is available through your local Department of Social Services office and will be distributed at registration. FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH APPLICATIONS are available on our website, at registration or at the school offices and should be returned no later than August 14th, so they can be processed and lunch tickets can be programmed properly by the first day of school. Students on free or reduced meals have a tendency to eat at school. This helps our school lunch fund because the government subsidizes these meals. This helps us provide good meals at a reasonable price. Designed by REGISTRATION FEES: BAND INSTRUMENTAL RENTAL: Per Year - $50.00 (Percussion Rent $30.00) (must be paid before instrument will be available) Instrument must be rented for the entire year. (6 –12 Grade ONLY) th th MILK PROGRAM: Mid-morning and Mid-afternoon Grades K-6 Per Year – Once Daily $25.00 Per Year – Twice Daily $50.00 BREAKFAST PROGRAM: Grades K-6 $1.10 per meal Reduced Rate $ .30 per meal LUNCH PROGRAM: Elementary $2.40 per meal JH/HS $2.65 per meal Reduced Rate $ .40 per meal SCHOOL ANNUAL (CUBETTE) For 2015-2016 annual @ $40.00 (quantity) Preschool Open House/Orientation 3 Year-old Preschoolers/Parents 4 Year-old Preschoolers/Parents REGISTRATION FORMS WILL BE AVAILABLE ON OUR SCHOOL WEBSITE:, AT REGISTRATION ON AUGUST 11TH OR IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND REGISTRATION PLEASE STOP BY EITHER SCHOOL OFFICE BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS ON AUGUST 19TH. Thursday, August 20 Friday, August 21 8:30 am 8:30 am Preschool teachers will meet with parents in the Commons area. Your child will be in the pre-school room doing organized activities. When the Open House/Orientation concludes, you and your child are free to leave. First Day of Preschool 3 Year-old M/TH group 4 Year-old M/TH group August 24 August 24 8:12 to 11:00 12:30 to 3:10 3 Year-old T/F group 4 Year-old T/F group August 25 August 25 8:12 to 11:00 12:30 to 3:10 M/TH 4 year olds will attend on Wednesday, August 26. T/F 4 year olds will attend the following Wednesday, September 2. The 4 year-old groups will then alternate Wednesdays throughout the school year as per the monthly preschool calendar. Bus Transportation Sheets must be filled out. It’s very important we know where to pick up and drop off your child. Designed by Non-Discrimination Policy- Alcester-Hudson District #61-1 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to designated youth groups. The Alcester-Hudson District #61-1 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to all individuals involved in CTE Programs. Alcester-Hudson District #61-1 will offer the following CTE courses in the 2015-2016 school term: JH Ag, Ag Power Tech, Agriscience, Intro to Ag, Ag Mechanics, Ag Metals, Landscape & Design, Internship/Capstone, Leadership, Companion Animals, JH FACS, Human Development-Baby, Nutrition & Wellness, Food Tech, Training Teach, Personal Finance, Human Development-Teen, Human Development-Pres, PLTW Classes-Principals of Biomedical Science and Human Body Systems. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: 504 Coordinator Lynette Busch PO Box 198 Alcester, SD 57001 605-934-1890 Title IX Coordinator LeeAnn Haisch PO Box 198 Alcester, SD 57001 605-934-1890 South Dakota Regional US Office for Civil Rights: Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education One Petticoat Lane 1010 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 320 Kansas City, MO 64106 Telephone: 816-268-0550 FAX: 816-268-0599; TDD: 800-877-8339 Email: No Child Left Behind Act Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Model Notice for Directory Information. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that Alcester-Hudson School District with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, Alcester-Hudson School District may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with District procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the Alcester-Hudson School District to include this type of information from your child’s education records in certain school publications. Examples include: A playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production; the annual yearbook; Honor roll or other recognition lists; Graduation programs; and Sports activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of team members. Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request, with three directory information categories – names, addresses and telephone listings, - unless parents have advised the LEA that they don‘t want their student’s information disclosed without their prior written consent.** If you do not want Alcester-Hudson School District to disclose directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the District in writing by August 20th, 2013. Alcester-Hudson School District has designated the following information as directory information: Student’s Name, Address, Telephone Listing, Electronic Mail Address, Photograph, Date & Place of Birth, Major Field of Study, Dates of Attendance Grade Level, Participation in officially recognized activities and sports, Weight & Height of Members of Athletic Teams, Degrees, Honors & Awards Received, The Most Recent Educational Agency or Institution Attended ** These laws are: Section 9528 of the ESEA (20 U.S.C. 7908), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (P.L. 107-110), the education bill, and 10 U.S.C. 503, as amended by section 544, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 (P.L. 107-101), the legislation that provides funding for the Nation’s armed forces. Designed by 2015-2016 School Supply List PRESCHOOL - Please label items Large book bag Large box Kleenex (PM classes only) 1 Memo book (PM classes only) 2 large glue sticks (AM classes only) A gallon size Zip Lock bag with an extra set of clothes (shirt, pants, underwear, and socks) **NOTE: Please write your child’s name on the extra clothes bag and book bag Parents will also be asked to choose a couple items off the giving tree during our preschool open house. KINDERGARTEN – Please label items Inside Shoes 1 kindergarten resting mat 1 paint shirt 1 box of Kleenex 2 two-pocket folders 2 large kindergarten pencils 2 bottles of Elmer’s School Glue 3 standard-size pencils 1 1” 3-ring binder notebook 1 hand eraser 1 pair of Fiskar scissors 3 boxes of crayons - 1 box of 8 large crayons to start the year - 1 box of 8 regular-size crayons to be used in Oct. - 1 box of 24 regular-size crayons to be used in Dec. 1 school supplies box 1 pkg skinny markers - primary colors 1 pkg washable markers – primary colors FIRST GRADE – Please label items Inside Shoes Scissors White school glue 2 glue sticks 1 box crayons - 24 ct. 1 package of 12 pencils Book bag Pencil pouch 2 large boxes of Kleenex 2 large pick erasers 2 – Crayola watercolor paints Colored pencils 4 Expo dry erase markers Personal pencil sharpener 2 folders SECOND GRADE – Please label items Inside Shoes School bag School supply box Headphones in Ziploc bag w/name on them 12 - #2 pencils (no mechanical) 1 pkg. colored pencils Fiskar scissors Crayola crayons-24 count 2 Soft pink erasers Elmer’s white glue (no glue sticks) 3 two-pocket folders with 3 hole punches 1 set of watercolor paints Designed by 2 1-subject wide-lined spiral notebooks 1 pkg. washable markers (Broad tip, Classic Colors) 1 large box Kleenex 3 Expo dry erase markers (no yellow) Addition & subtraction flash cards (Wal-Mart carries them) 1 1 inch 3-ring binder (with plastic pocket on the outside) Please no Trapper Keepers THIRD GRADE – Please label items Inside Shoes School Bag/Backpack Pencil bag or supply box Inside Shoes 12 #2 pencils (no mechanical) 2 soft pink erasers 1 pkg. pencil top erasers White school glue Ruler – inch and centimeter markings Crayola Crayons – 24 count or larger Crayola Watercolor paints Fiskar Scissors - Pointed end 4 wide-lined spiral notebooks 4 two pocket folders with 3 hole punches 1 box colored pencils 3 large boxes of Kleenex 1 pkg. washable markers – Thin Lined, Classic Colors 4 Expo dry erase markers – NOT YELLOW Headphones (In a Ziploc, Labeled with name) 2- 1" 3 ring Binders with the plastic sleeve on the front (please no Trapper Keepers) FOURTH GRADE – Please label items Inside Shoes 1 pkg. colored pencils 5 #2 pencils 2 Erasers 1 Blue ink pen Elmer’s white glue Scissors (pointed) Box of 48 crayons – ONLY 48 2 large boxes of Kleenex School bag 1 sturdy pocket folder for take-home papers/homework Red, green, blue, yellow spiral wideruled notebooks with pocket folders to match 1 pkg. markers (optional) 1 highlighter 1 watercolor paints Sketchbook FIFTH GRADE – Please label items 1 pkg. colored pencils Lined paper in a wireless notebook 5 #2 pencils – no mechanical 1 eraser White school glue – 4 oz. Scissors (pointed) Box of 48 crayons 1 pencil bag 2 large boxes of tissues 10 dry erase markers Markers, optional Soft cloth in zip-lock bag for chalkboards Red, green, purple & blue spirals with pocket folders to match 1 ruler (with centimeter and inch measurements) 1 highlighter Trapper Keeper or binder to hold agenda and folders Sketchbook SIXTH GRADE - Please label items 10 - #2 pencils or mechanical pencils 2 erasers 2 black pens Crayons (minimum – 48 count) Markers 2 highlighters 10 Expo dry erase markers Sock to use as eraser 1 ruler with US customary and metric units 1 pair of scissors - Pointed 2 boxes of Kleenex 1 White school glue 5 Notebooks 4 Folders 1 Trapper Keeper or binder for agenda Sketchbook MRS. DEBONDT’S CLASSROOM Kleenex BAND - 5th & 6th Grade Book $9 Stand $20 1-3 ring binder 20 page protectors BAND – JUNIOR HIGH/HIGH SCHOOL 3-ring binder 20 plastic sheets JUNIOR HIGH/HIGH SCHOOL Pencils/Pens Highlighters 1 pkg - Colored Pencils or Markers (JH) Journal/Composition Notebook 3-Ring Binder with pockets Flash Drive Spiral Bound Notebooks/Folders Basic Calculator (HS) 2 pkgs of index cards/note cards (7th Grade) Laptop Bag (HS) Sketchbook (JH & HS Art Students) Mr. Haak Book Cover, Notebook, 3-Ring Binder, Folder Mr. White Notebook Mrs. Hames Journal Notebook Designed by Designed by STAFF Neal Barnes Vicki Beeler Kathy Behnke Karla Bovill Pat Bunkoske Lynette Busch Roxanne Clark Dee Cole Nola Conner Bonnie DeBondt Shana Doering Toni Dumas Kelli Erickson Skyler Eriksen Sarah Gates Jen Gotto Brian Haak LeeAnn Haisch Steve Hale Shannon Hames Amber Harris Robin Haugland Maureen Hedeen Tamra Heiman Curt Holthe Molly Homandberg Carolyn Hongslo Becky Jenkins Kathy Johannsen Steve Johannsen Tiffany Johnson Ryan Kenyon Marissa Kleinhans Ryan Knutson Angela Koch Kevin Kunz Tammy Lewis Mary Beth Lundberg Pauline Lynott Mike Manning Laura McKee Hillary McNamara Linda Merrick Terri Nygard Ashley Oberg Don Offerdahl Marty Petersen Lorna Peterson Karla Pulscher Tim Rhead Michelle Riedel Sandra Saugstad Wylie Scalise Kari Schnathorst Danyel Schouten Jeff Sebern Mike Seivert Ashley Sohl Matt Storo Rebecca Solberg Ben Solem Hannah Swanson Linda Thompson Samantha Tinklepaugh Kitsy Triebwasser Cassie Van Kekerix Kevin White Amanda Wielenga Warren Wilkens Designed by Custodial Supervisor Bus Driver Kitchen Supervisor Nurse Alternative Classroom/Paraprofessional HS Special Ed Coordinator Business Manager Library Director Library Paraprofessional EL Special Ed Coordinator Guidance Sp Needs Paraprofessional Preschool Teacher 6th Grade Teacher 1st Grade Teacher EL Special Ed Coordinator JH/HS Social Studies JH/HS Principal 6th Grade Teacher JH/HS Math Nurse Administrative Secretary Speech Therapist Administrative Secretary Bus Driver 5th Grade Teacher Sped Paraprofessional Reading Recovery Teacher Tech Coordinator/JH & HS Computer Bus Driver Preschool/Title 1 Teacher JH/HS English/Social Studies JH/HS English Bus Driver Kindergarten Chemistry/HS Math Food Service Sped Paraprofessional Sped Paraprofessional Custodian Administrative Secretary FACS/FCCLA Kindergarten Teacher Sped Paraprofessional Special Needs Paraprofessional Bus Driver JH/HS PE/Computer/Science Preschool Sp Needs Instrumental Music Superintendent/EL Principal Art Sped Paraprofessional Ag/FFA Vocal Music Food Service JH/HS Science Athletic Director Preschool Paraprofessional EL PE/Computer 2nd Grade Custodian JH Special Ed Coordinator Sped Paraprofessional Food Service Special Needs Paraprofessional Title Paraprofessional Spanish Sped Paraprofessional Bus Driver COACHES Vicki Ahart Hannah Swanson Becky Jenkins Angela Koch LeeAnn Haisch Brian Haak Skyler Eriksen Steve Hale Kevin Kunz Mike Seivert Randy Walth Shannon Hames Matt Storo Marty Petersen Kevin Kunz Scott Johnson Zack DeBruin Skyler Eriksen Tim Rhead Kelli Erickson Karla Pulscher Steve Hale Brian Haak Jeff Sebern Shannon Hames Volleyball Asst Volleyball JH Volleyball JH Volleyball Cross Country Football Asst Football Asst Football Asst Football JH Football JH Football Girls Basketball Asst Girls BB JH Basketball Boys Basketball Asst Boys BB Wrestling Asst Wrestling Asst Wrestling Cheerleading Cheerleading Golf Boys Track Girls Track JH Track Alcester-Hudson Board of Education Warren Johnson Tara Cole Amanda Beeler Jay Hallaway Michael Jansen Dean Moller Stacy Rasmussen President Vice-President Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Athletic Meetings & First Practices Varsity Football Parent Meeting – July 30 – EL Old Commons 6:30 – Seniors & Parents 7:00 – Team & Parents JH Football Parent Mtg – August 6 – 6:00 pm - EL Old Commons Cross Country August 11 following registration at EL First Practices August 13 6:00 am – Varsity Volleyball 8:00 am – Varsity Football 9:00 am – JH Football 3:00 pm – Cross Country August 20 3:30 pm – JH Volleyball Sanford Impact Testing (concussion) August 12 9:00 am – FB 10:00 am – VB 11:00 am – CC & Cheer August 17 9:00 am – JH FB August 20 3:30 – JH VB August 2015 Lunch Menu Monday 24 Chicken & Noodles Mashed Potatoes Whole Wheat Roll Corn Fruit Veggie Bar 31 Corn Dog Macaroni & Cheese Peas Fruit Veggie Bar Tuesday 25 Meatball Sub Scalloped Potatoes Glazed Carrots Fruit Veggie Bar Wednesday Thursday Friday 19 Cheese Pizza Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 20 BBQ Chicken on W/W Bun Pea Salad Coleslaw Fruit Veggie Bar 27 Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce Breadstick Broccoli Fruit Veggie Bar 21 Hotdog w/Bun Baked Beans Tri Tators Fruit Veggie Bar 26 Crispitos w/Cheese Sauce Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 28 Chicken Patty w/Bun Smiles Refried Beans Fruit Veggie Bar September 2015 Lunch Menu 7 NO SCHOOL 1 Chicken Stir-Fry Brown Rice Broccoli Whole Grain Choc Chip Cookie Fruit Veggie Bar 8 SUPER CUBS Nachos LET’US WIN Salad Refried Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 2 Taverns w/Bun Tri-Tators Coleslaw Fruit Veggie Bar 3 Crispitos Cheese Sauce Peas Fruit Veggie Bar 4 Chicken Strips Sweet Potato Fries Baked Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 10 Hamburger w/Bun Potato Chips Apple for the TEAM Ice CREAM’EM Bar Fruit Veggie Bar 11 PEPperoni Pizza S’MAC’EM Salad GOAL POST Pears Snickerdoodles Veggie Bar 17 BBQ Rib Patty w/Bun Smiles Coleslaw Fruit Veggie Bar 24 Chicken Wrap French Fries Baked Beans Applesauce Jello Fruit Veggie Bar 18 Soft Shell Taco Refried Beans Brown Rice Fruit Veggie Bar 25 Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce Breadstick Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 14 Italian Dunkers w/Marinara Sauce Carrots Fruit Veggie Bar 21 NO SCHOOL 15 Beef & Bean Burrito Broccoli w/Cheese Whole Grain Roll Fruit Veggie Bar 22 Chicken Patty w/Bun Potato Wedges Pea Salad Fruit Veggie Bar 9 “KING & QUEEN” Special Chicken Fried Steak Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy GOLDen Corn BLUE Jello Fruit Veggie Bar 16 Lasagna Breadstick Green Beans Fruit Veggie Bar 23 Grilled Cheese Tomato Soup Pears in Cherry Jello Fruit Veggie Bar 28 Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy Carrots Fruit Veggie Bar 29 Chili Cinnamon Roll Cheese Slice Fruit Veggie Bar 30 Cowboy Cavatini Whole Wheat Roll Corn Fruit Veggie Bar Designed by *Choice of Milk offered daily. Starting Time – School buses will arrive at the school at approximately 7:50 each morning. The doors of the school will be open to the students at 7:30 AM. School will begin at 8:12 in K-12. Grades K-6 will dismiss at 3:15 PM, Grades 7-12 at 3:04 PM, buses will leave the High School at tentatively 3:25 PM. Visitors are always welcome at the school. If you wish to visit, give us a call or just stop in at your convenience. Upon arrival at the school, be sure to stop at the principal’s office and receive a visitor’s pass, which will allow you to visit the class of your choice. Parent Portal – We are using the parent portal system. You as a parent or guardian can check on the student’s report card, attendance, assignments, and other various items. Just stop by the school offices to sign up. A Birth Certificate is required for all students attending school. This must be a certified copy that you may obtain at the county courthouse in your county. We will make a copy of the certificate and return your original to you. If you have already presented a birth certificate and we have a copy, you need not present it again. If a birth certificate is not presented at the time of a student’s initial registration, the student may be provisionally admitted for a maximum of ten (10) days. If a birth certificate is not provided within ten (10) days of registration, the student will not be able to continue attendance until the birth certificate is presented in the school office (per SDSL 13-27-3.1 thru13-27-3.3). Students Absences – Students are allowed a total of 6 days per semester for absences. Any absences beyond that will require all time to be made up before school, after school, or on Saturdays. Doctor’s notes/appointment cards must be presented to the office in order for doctor appointments to not count as one of the 6 days. Please call if you have any questions. Delta Dental Insurance For more than 35 years, Delta Dental of South Dakota has offered the Delta Dental Accident Plan to South Dakota families. Delta Dental will no longer provide paper applications to the schools; however, applications are available on-line at the Delta Dental of South Dakota website, Also, renewal notices will be sent directly to individuals currently enrolled in the plan. School Calendar – the school calendar is set – vacation days, most extracurricular activities, semester exams, graduation, concerts, etc. Please refer to our website for monthly activities and sport schedules. When updates to the calendar are made, those changes appear on the school website. Please refer to it for the most up-to-date information. Seniors – have 2 senior pictures reserved for the school. One is used for the class composite picture (elementary commons), and one is for the Cubette. Just a reminder, the Cubette senior page us usually due by December, so please have your pictures taken early enough to have these wallet-sized photos available. Library Dee Cole & Nola Conner Welcome back to a new year at the library. We have new books for the fall that Mrs. Conner will be cataloguing as soon as she comes back to work. Our Big Event for the fall will of course be the Scholastic Book Fair which will happen September 14th -18th. We will do Parents night on September 14th and then Grandparents Lunch on September 16th as well as our fair being on-line for those of you that cannot make it to those events. In the fall we also do our Coin War so you can start to collect your coins for that. Remember that we also do the coin war at our downtown business at that time too. This year the theme for the book fair is Monster Book Fair: Reading is so much fun you will have Goosebumps. So let’s do a Monster of a Book fair and be able to buy many new things for our library. Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors – testing dates for the ACT are always listed outside Mrs. Doering’s office door. You may also access and register on-line for the ACT by going to ALCESTER-HUDSON SCHOOLS EL 409 6th Street/HS 102 E 5th Street Alcester, SD 57001 Designed by Phone: EL 934-2171 or 984-2070 HS 934-1890 or 984-2020
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