28 Years in the Making – Keeping the EDIT Program
28 Years in the Making – Keeping the EDIT Program
KVB Newsletter for 3rd Quarter FY2011 KOSRAE VISITORS BUREAU AN AGENCY OF THE KOSRAE STATE GOVERNMENT “Kosrae - The Jewel of Micronesia” Contact: Kosrae Visitors Bureau, Telephone: (691) 3702228, Email: kosrae@mail.fm WEBSITE: July 15, 2011 www.kosrae.com Table of Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8 9. Kosrae shows off its ware at the Australia Road Show Media and FAM activities from April to June 2011 Promotional Calendar for rest of 2011 PATA Micronesia Meeting held in Kosrae 15th MCES in Pohnpei, FSM KVB attended SCUBA SHOW 2011 KVB coordinated a Community Roadside Clean up JOCV Volunteer represented Kosrae in Japan’s biggest Diving Fair Announcements for Kosrae Visitors Bureau (Mark you calendar). Kosrae attend Micronesia Road Show in Australia On July 27, 2011, a road show was held at Grace Hotel in Sydney, Australia to update more than fifty travel wholesalers and media reps in the greater New South Wales area who attended the road show organized by Continental / United Airlines and members of the Micronesia’s regional tourism industry. The road show was represented by reps from Micronesian islands of Yap, Chuuk, Palau, Kosrae, Guam and Continental’s Sales and Marketing Manager Lou Sanchez. Kosrae Island is one of the best kept secrets in Micronesia in terms of diving and Kosrae’s representatives highlighted Kosrae Island’s unique selling points to the members of the travel and media in Australia. Since, it is one of the least known destinations in Micronesia; a lot of interests for potential visitors were shown at the road show. In addition to product seminar presentations, tabletop displays of collateral materials and free giveaways were provided by Kosrae participants. “KVB continues to maintain its efforts in attracting the leisure visitors to Kosrae and look forward to tap more of Australia’s dive market by collaborating with other tourist’s authorities within the region to promote its unique tourism qualities and assets. Micronesia is truly a premiere destination that is still unknown to the world and waiting to be discovered,” said Grant Ismael, KVB Administrator / PATA Micronesia Chairman. “We will continue to support Continental / United Airlines’ efforts to expand its Kosrae – Jewel of Micronesia Page 1 KVB Newsletter for 3rd Quarter FY2011 greater Australian market promotion activities for the dive segment and plan to attend future promotional events in Australia.” Additionally, our contingency participated at the 44 th International Sydney Boat Show from July 28-29, 2011. There was some interest in hiking, archaeology, rain forest, snorkeling and the biodiversity of Kosrae. KVB represented by Bruce Brandt and Kosrae Nautilus’s Josh Beitz worked the tradeshow with a good mix of various Pacific islands and travel agents in a pavilion of the Pacific Islands. We would like to take this time to express our very special appreciations to the following entities for coordinating this year’s AUS road show: PATA Micronesia Chapter, FSM Department of R&D (FSMVB), Guam based Continental/United Airlines, Chuuk Visitors Bureau, Palau Visitors Authority, Yap Visitors Bureau, Guam Visitors Bureau and last but not least United’s Australia staff and management. Media and FAM activities from April to June 2011. KVB had several promotional activities developed to attract the eco-tourism niche travelers to Kosrae in the past quarter. Here are some of the activities conducted: 1. Facebook: 240 Lifetime Likes, up from 181, 21 NEW likes, up 40 percent over the last report, 127 monthly active users, up 5 percent. Page Views: 2794 page views. 2. Placements: an article of Kosrae Island to Athleta.com. The article will be posted soon in this high end website. 3. TravelBlog writer, who we invited last year, has posted: http://www.travelblog.org/Oceania/Micronesia/Kosrae/blog-58110 4. The Gutsy Traveler ran a short story on Kosrae last month. Other stories in progress: wandermelon.com will cover with a green travel piece this month. Stars & Stripes is doing a story in July www.millionbabyboomers.com will post a Kosrae story with video. 5. Upcoming potential stories on Kosrae island: John Hamilton interview was postponed from May 2011, LA area radio talk show. Beth Whitman is going to place a Kosrae story on Wanderlustandlipstick.com TrekkerTime.com is going to use a Kosrae story Remaining Promotional Calendar Year 2011 for KVB Aug 26-30 Sep 8-11 Sep 29 – Oct 2 Oct 14-16 Oct 12 Oct 13 Nov 14-16 Dec 5-10 Dec 13-16 PATA-Mic 2nd Tri-Annual Chapter Meeting, Majuro (Micronesia) Kosrae Liberation Celebration week JATA World Tourism Travel Fair, Tokyo-Japan (Micronesia) (GMIF) Guam Micronesia Island Fair, Guam (Micronesia) (MWR) Guam Navy Travel Fair, Guam (Micronesia) ITT Andersen Air Force Travel Fair, Guam (Micronesia) Sea Trade Cruise Convention, Singapore (Micronesia) Micronesian Chief Executive Summit (Kosrae FSM (Micronesia) PATA-Mic 3rd Tri-Annual Chapter Meeting, Palau (Micronesia) Kosrae – Jewel of Micronesia Page 2 KVB Newsletter for 3rd Quarter FY2011 PATA Micronesia held its 2nd Tri-Annual Meeting in Kosrae Once again PATA Micronesia Chapter met in Kosrae after a long eight year absent. The meetings took place on April 29 to May 2, 2011 to discuss regional collaboration projects and how to promote the region’s individual tourism destinations. Certain new initiatives were discussed at the meeting including a regional branding project, a regional cruise ship program to increase the leisure cruise visitors, the marketing and promotional projects for the rest of the calendar year and to share issues and strategies in tourism. The newly formed regional cruise ship association, Micronesia Cruise Association, is a product of PATA Micronesia’s collaboration with the port authorities from the Micronesian islands. This is a new and exciting initiative which is already gathering great results. The first cruise arrangement to visit Micronesia as a result of the new MCA’s work is the Orion II cruise which will visit Micronesia in 2012 November. Another area in which the chapter collaborated is in regards to training and education initiatives set up to help the tourism industries of each island. The chapter is a leading entity in creating effective training programs for the region all in one. The next meeting is set for Majuro in August 2011. The chapter hereby wishes to pay gratitude and sincere appreciations to Governor Lyndon Jackson and leadership of Kosrae State for the wonderful hosting and all the hospitality the members felt during the few days on Kosrae. KVB Administrator attended the 15th MCES as PATA Micronesia Chairman The Chief Executives of the Governments of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), the Territory of Guam (Guam), the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and its States, Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei and Kosrae, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), and the Republic of Palau (Palau) held their fifteenth Micronesia Chief Executives’ Summit (MCES15) in Kolonia, Pohnpei, FSM on July 27 – 28, 2011. The 15th MCES meeting outcome included designation of Guam to host the Office of Micronesia Center for a Sustainable Future (MCSF), the establishment of a Working Group to identify problems facing Micronesian Pension Programs and Social Security Systems and to propose regional solutions, and the adoption of a Resolution authorizing the development of a regional ban on the harvest, possession, sale, offer for sale and trade of shark fins in the oceans of the FSM, RMI, Palau, CNMI, and Guam, and calling for the development of strategic framework in order to implement a marine-based Kosrae – Jewel of Micronesia Page 3 KVB Newsletter for 3rd Quarter FY2011 conservation program of action that will establish the world’s first Regional Shark Sanctuary in the northern Micronesia Region by 2012. The Summit also resulted in Decisions and Recommendations in the focal areas of Health, Invasive Species, Tourism, Climate Change, Water and Sanitation. PATA Micronesia Chapter chairman presented an update report to the MCES leadership along with members of the Tourism Subcommittee B. Aldis, E. Santos, Ms. Yoshida and Mr. Takahashi. The Tourism report included such initiatives as the Branding Initiative, Micronesian Cruise Association, World Herotage Nomination sites, and collaborative promotional programs for the region. The Communiqué and other documents adopted during the Summit could be viewed on www.pohnpeimces.info. KVB ATTENDED SCUBA SHOW 2011 On June 1-4, 2011, the KVB Administrator, Grant Ismael along, with one member of the Kosrae tourism private sector (Bruce Brandt of KVR) attended the Long Beach SCUBA Show 2011. During the show, they registered around 400 people at the booth and the seminar. A list of travel agents and divers from the Southern CA area along with dive consumers attended the Kosrae seminar on the first day and visited the KVB booth within the span of two days. We had more than 25 people attended the seminar and at least 300 - 400 people stopped by the booth to talk to us. More than many of the booths around us. SCUBA SHOW, Long Beach, CA - 6/1-4/11 (We also featured advertisement campaigns on the official 2011 SCUBA SHOW program guide and also on the flagship magazine called California Diving magazine. Approximately 29,000 readerships on California Diving magazine saw the Kosrae ad). Copies of the listing collected at the tradeshow will be provided to local hotel and dive shop businesses for Winners of the Kosrae Seminar raffle their appropriate uses. giveaway include door prizes and the KVB Administrator Grant Ismael GRANDPRIZE: A roundtrip ticket to talked to seminar participants at Kosrae from LA, winner is Mr. Lee the SCUBA SHOW in LA 6/2011. Donahoe of Los Angeles, CA. 6/2011 Kosrae – Jewel of Micronesia Page 4 KVB Newsletter for 3rd Quarter FY2011 KVB helped to coordinate a Community Roadside Clean up On April 22, 2011, the entire island population of Kosrae was mobilized to clean up all roadside trash and collected them into trash bags. This efforts was possible by collaboration from the State and Municipal Mayors offices inn the four municipalities. Men, Women, school children and government and business reps lined up the roadsides early morning of April 22, 2011 to participate in the clean up. Some people use weed eaters, some cutting trees with machetes and some pick up trash. It was a desirable activity and the Governor was instrumental in allowing government staff to take leave to join this effort. When our environment is clean, we feel clean and happy! The coordination of this campaign was spearheaded by the Clean up task force chaired by Grant Ismael (KVB), Vice chairman, Thansley Kinere (Transportation office), and secretary Jason Jack (DREA office), and all Mayor’s offices. The task force hereby wishes to thank all the Kosraean communities for the hard work, support and look forward to continue to work together in future campaigns. JOCV Volunteer attend Maring Diving Fair representing KVB Aliksa Sigrah (Aliksa san) is his local name; he is from Tokyo from Murayama family and since he arrived in April just four months ago to work for KVB, many positive and promising prospects and programs had been initiated from the Japan market. Here below is Aliksa san’s trip to the Marine Diving Fair in Tokyo and Kanku Tabihaku Festival in Osaka on July 5-19, 2011. Main purpose of the Japan trip: Participating in Marine Diving Fair 2011, Tokyo: From July 8, 2011 through July 10, 2011, on behalf of KVB, Aliksa san participated in Marine Diving Fair in Tokyo. Marine Diving Fair is the largest tradeshow for the divers and the resorters in Japan which attracts more than 50,000 visitors throughout 3 days. Aliksa’s main activities was promotion of Kosrae tourism, especially about the marine activities such as diving and snorkeling, and collaborate with the Rainbownesia Project which is an official project for FSM. The Rainbownesia Project Team is engaged in gathering their supporters who can campaign along with them. As a result of efforts from this tradeshow more than 1,137 people registered. These are prospects which will be listed in the database for future direct marketing and sales. Participating in Kansai Airport Travel Exhibition (Kanku Tabihaku) July, 2011, Osaka: From July 16, 2011 and July 17, 2011, on behalf of KVB, Aliksa participated in Kansai Airport Travel Exhibition 2011 in Osaka. Kansai area is one of the most important markets because the population of Kansai area is more than 20 million and Continental Airlines has daily and direct flight between Kansai airport and Guam airport. The same strategies performed at the Marine Diving Faire 2011 resulted in registration of 834 people as Kosrae – Jewel of Micronesia Page 5 KVB Newsletter for 3rd Quarter FY2011 well. Above all, the most important report I accomplished in this tradeshow is that I took place the seminar regarding of Kosrae tourism at Nikko Kansai Airport Hotel. Its cost was free. The total of 81 people joined my seminar. I believe this seminar made audience understand how an exciting island Kosrae is easily. Secondary purposes: Aliksa san had a good meeting with the FSM Ambassador and reported Kosrae tourism situation..He also met with staff to get update of the Rainbownesia and other collaborative activities for rest of 2011 and 2012. The first direct flight between Tokyo and Pohnpei is planning to launch June 2012. The Rainbownesia Project Team asked KVB to try to gather some partners along with this project in Kosrae and KVB offered that some of the charter passengers extend to Kosrae. From left to right T.Murayama from KVB Ambassador J. Fritz M. Fritz from CVB T. Kasahara from CVB The Rainbownesia Project Team and Embassy at FSM embassy of Tokyo 2. Sales calls with Japanese travel agencies and other relative companies: This is probably the biggest most important thing from the trip. On July 12, 2011, a sales call with Diver, Inc., which a is publishing one of the most favorite diving magazines named “Diver” in Japan. Through Aliksa’s strong negotiation, as a result, there’s an agreement allowing Kosrae Island to be featured in their company website blog to serialize a column about Kosrae tourism on their website twice a month, its cost is free. This means KVB can introduce Kosrae’s nature, culture, people, local food and so on with using their website “Diver Online”. This is a big opportunity to let Japanese divers know how wonderful island Kosrae is. And Aliksa believe Kosrae will get very high exposure for its great lush island nature and beautiful diving place in Japan than you sure. This column is going to be started on August. There is also, sales call meeting with R&C Tours Co., LTD. which is one of the largest travel companies covering the package tour of Micronesia area. They have their own package tours for Yap, Chuuk, and Pohnpei, but they do not have only Kosrae. I asked him to make new package tour of Kosrae. However there are some issues for it. We will continue to negotiate more sales call with him again to discuss the details at the end of September when we are going to Tokyo for participating in JATA Travel Showcase. Also, a sales call with H.I.S. Co. which is the largest travel company for overseas travel industry in Japan. We foresee this new relationship is incremental to increasing visitors to Kosrae. We will continue to pursue this relationship for JATA and future shows. Other extra activities Kosrae – Jewel of Micronesia Page 6 KVB Newsletter for 3rd Quarter FY2011 1. Meeting with Works-Press Co., Ltd. President Mr. Maekawa. Works-Press Co., Ltd. is a company in Tokyo making and printing maps to inquire about future project for Kosrae map. Currently, this map project is slated to be completed in September 2011. 2. Meeting with Koumeitsusinsha Inc. President Mr. Kayane. Koumeitsusinsha Inc. is Japanese publicity agency and has widely connections in a variety of markets such as television, radio, and newspaper, magazine and so on. Our main purpose to visit here was to expand our network in Japanese markets. 3. Meeting with Islands Flavour Co., Ltd. Managing Director Mr. Sato. Islands Flavour Co., Ltd. is one of Japanese travel agency working the tours in Micronesia area had pledged to try to promote Kosrae for their customers. His condition is for KVB provide good experiences for his clients. We are going to meet him on JATA Travel Showcase 2011 in the end of September. 4. Meeting with Mr. Naoe who is an owner of a café named “Café de Noel kamiyacho” in Tokyo. This is unofficially, the only publicity place of Kosrae in Japan. Mr. Naoe has been to Kosrae before and promotes Kosrae to his guests. We provided brochures and leaflets of Kosrae to let him for his use in his café. All Kosraean or Micronesian travelers are recommended to visit his shop Tokyo. Owner Mr. Naoe Kosrae Brochures Café de Noel kamiyacho Inside the Café Aliksa san recommended that the trip be taken seriously and strategies should be planned out in advance. KVB should continue this tradeshows and aggressively participate. He will be doing his best to make things happen. He is also coordinating oter projects currently at KVB; which is the Japanese translation of the FSMVB website with FSMVB counterpart; started a official Kosrae Tourist Map project which is due in September; initiated the new Kosrae Japanese language guidebook; KVB website translation project, Kosrae tour itinerary formats; invited several prospective travel media and travel agents to visit Kosrae; and many more. Kosrae Visitors Bureau ANNOUNCEMENTS PATA Micronesia Membership application available at KVB In collaboration with the PATA Micronesia chapter, KVB hereby wish to invite interested company, individuals who wishes to join PATA Micronesia Chapter as a member to call KVB office or visit to get the application forms. One can visit the website www.magnificentmicronesia.com to get the application online. Next Kosrae Roadside Clean up Campaign: Kosrae – Jewel of Micronesia Page 7 KVB Newsletter for 3rd Quarter FY2011 The Clean Kosrae Task will hold its quarterly meeting in August to plan on the next event. There will be shoreline clean ups, beaches, underwater clean up and mangrove areas clean up campaigns in addition to roadside and towns. KVB Training Schedule for 2011: KVB had coordinated four applications nominating following individuals for the China Human Resources Trainings from first part of calendar year 2011 (January to August). 1. Angie Raffilman – Tourism Professional Development from August 9 to August 31, 2011 (Beijing). 2. Larry Ittu – Tour Guide from August 2 to September 19, 2011(Beijing). 3. Hemilson – Tour Guide from August 2 to September 9, 2011(Beijing). 4. Norston Siba – Hotel Management from August 31 to September 26, 2011 (Harbin). It is hoped that when these trainees return home to Kosrae, they will be able to put their skills to work by transferring skills to other members of the community who are interested in these fields. Plans are on the way to organize such workshops and trainings on standby pending their arrivals back to Kosrae. It’ll be fun to learn what these trainees can bring to the local community and especially the tourism industry. Be on the look out for the announcements of these upcoming workshops. ABOUT THE ISLAND OF KOSRAE Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Kosrae is a peaceful spot infused with the Kosraean culture, and an adventure and eco-traveler's paradise. This internationally acclaimed dive destination is one of the four states of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and has a population of some 7,000 people. An island with majestic vertical elevations, Kosrae's lush green interior is surrounded by one of the world's most pristine reef systems and white coral beaches on the island's rim. To learn more about Kosrae's secret delights, go to http://www.kosrae.com , Twitter: @KosraeIsland or call 691-370-2228/2187, Fax: 691-370-3000. ### Kosrae – Jewel of Micronesia Page 8
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