Ifrz tresident - FSM President
Ifrz tresident - FSM President
Ifrz tresident Qa{ikir, Pofinpei fe(ernter{ Stotcs of fr'fiuonuin JuIy 74,'"2014 11-r" |{srrrrable Dohsis Halbert Speaker Eighteerth Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia Palikir, l)'ohnpei, FM 96941 Re: IDA-17 Finalcing and Timeline for FSM Telecommunications Connectivity Project Dear Spi:aker Halbert: am pleased to transmit to the FSM Congress a copy of the most recent World Bank commur ication on our telecommunications connectivity project. The communication advises us on ttLe results of internal consultations within the World Bank as to notional financing I amcunts and processing milestones for the project. I am pleased also to inform Congress that the proposed World Bank grant financing amounts have becn increased over what had been contemplated in IDA-16. The International Developrnent Association has now confirmed the availability of US $51 million, which would fully furrd construction of a Palau-Yap-Guam fiber optic cable and also a fiber optic cable connecting both the islands of Weno and Satowan in Chuuk to the current Pohnpei cable. In addition the US $51 million includes substantial amounts for technical assistance, for project managernent, and for redeployment of O3B satellite bandwidth to Kosrae, along with a five year subr;idy for Kosrae connectivity. It is important to keep in mind that these amounts are notional. and depend on final project design and procurement costs. I would ,Llso like to highlight the importance of the processing milestones necessary for project completion. The World Bank proposes to secure formal Board approval for the project by November 30,2014. In order to accomplish that, FSM and Palau need jointly to confirm project c,3sign, scope and costs by the end of this month, and must also jointly recruit a project director. In addition, the ADB team, with suppofi from relevant FSM and Palau stakeholders, must cornplete environmental and social safegtrards work by the end of August 2074, inciuding public disclosure of relevant documents. Forlunat::ly, the Micro-Pal Fiber Optic Joint Committee has been active, and our FSM Telecornmunications Task Force has been vigorously pushing the project forward. Therefore, we anticipate being able to meet these processing milestones, in that regard, I would like to thank Cc,ngress for the support it has shown for the project, including approval of the $500,000 PRIF Grant, which will be necessary to put us in a position to qualify for the full US $51 rnillion li-rnding. I wouid also request that Congress continues its unqualified support for the project, t:specially during these delicate preparatory stages where we are trying to secure World Bank Borud approvai. The Honorable Dohsis Halberl July 16, .)014 PageZ The "dir;ital divide" poses a substantial threat to our education, health, and economic developrnent objectives. We have pushed the World Bank to increase the scope of the project, and we rrow have confirmed fiber optic funding not only for the State of Yap, but also the State of Chur.k, along with substantially improved, subsidized connectivity for Kosrae. am I confidert that as a nation we can wholeheartedly support this project and work together to bring tu,enty-first century telecommunications services and lower prices to the people of the FSM. rl Sincerel y, Enclosure: ,1rll Speakers and President of Chuuk Senate Office of the Presidentl P.O. Box PS 5;l, Palikir, Pohnpei, FM gbglr Thtffi wOffiLffi &AruK lWMffi - IWk I woRlu nantcnqvr Level 19, 14 Martin Flace SYnNEY t\$W 2000 AU$TRAI.IA Telephon€ {61-?) S2?3 7773 FRANZ R, NREE$"QROSS Country Director Timor-L€ste, Papua New Guinea & Pacific lslands East Asia and Pacifie R€gion July 9,2414 H.H. ErnanuelMori Presidcnt Otfice of thc Prcsident l'() llox 53 Palikir, FM 96941 FEDERA"I'ND S'I'AI'ES OIf MICRONESIA Dear Plesidenl Mori, P rop ose d Pu I a u- FS M C o n n ec I i tt i t-v P roj e d (p l.l 0 5 I 2) 'l'he purpose of this lettel is (a) to brisf you on the results of our internal consultation wirhin the Worlcl Bank on the availatrility of lilA-17 resour:ces to suppclrf the F$M pnrtion of the PalauFSM Connectivity Project (P130592), and (b) to re-confirm the key processing milestones ihat iie ahead be{bre the prcrject can be presen(ed to the World Bank's Baard of Executive Directors. Before I begin, let me thank you fol yonl strong support fcrr the Wr:r"ld Bank's mission to FSM {Pohnpei) in May. These visifs followed productive discussions on May 9, 2014, between the Asian l)evelopnrent Bank (ADB) and World Bank (WB) tearns in Manila, together with reprpsentatives of the Micro-Pal FibeL Optic Joint Cornmittee. The Joint Committee is a very important vehicle within which all stakeholders can work collaboratively. The Project is a complex operation, involving two soveteign governmerts and telecommunications industry stakeholders. It is essential, thelefore. that effective coordination and collaboration is mainfained during both the preparatiott *ncl implem*ntation of this Project. I^. Av*il*ble IDA financing for the project I am pleasecl to infbrm you thnt IDA mnnagement has conilrmcd the availahility of UfiDS l,0 million ficr FSM for this Project, coniprising USD38.6 million in regional lnAIT grants which would complement USDl2.4 rnillion in national lDAlT grants" The allocations are expected to be broadly sufficient to provicle grant financing for (i) FSM's share *f a new cable linking PalauYap-Guam; (ii) a nerv cable linking Chuuk to Pohnpni; (iii) iniproved cr:nnectivity for l(osrae; and (iv) iunding fnr technicalassistance and prnject management, A notieinal breakdown of the availability of regional and national IDA funds by component and invcstment astivity is trrrovided in the table belo,,v, ffiJ*on o*An'*&noup ") FI.E. Enianuel McN"i July 9,2014 Notional Estimated Cost Allocation (F$M) Tofal Financing Nstional IDA Ilalau'Yap-Grram 22.5 1"2 Chuulc-Pohnpei 24.5 8.2 Itosrae Connectivity Conrponenl 2 1,0 1.0 Technical assistance 7.s 7.4 0.5 12.4 38.6 Activity Conrponenl Regional IDA l Componcnl 3 Prcject rnanagement Total fintinrated frojccf Cosfs 0,5 51.0 2t.3 r 6.3 0"5 2. Cornponent I Dcscription The scope and funding for component one has lreen the subject of in{enss analysis and discussion, The confirmatinn nf funding lrom IDA management, sufficient to meet the estimated cosrs to FSM of fiber optic cables for Yap and Chuuk, ailows us rlow to propose the following activities: Palau * Yap - Guanr C$ble: Palau and FSM willjointly own the cable systern up trt the landing statiors tei be built in eacii colrnlry, comprisiug an undivided 50% share of the international bandwidth capacity available ovel the cable system, and wilI separately own their respective lanciing station and related domestic terrestrial infi'aslructure. Both governments have agreed on the principle of equal (50/50) sharing of coustruotion and opera{ing costs for the cable, 'lhe cost estimate is based on the anticipated costs to FSM for a new cable and related infiasffucture. Chuuk - Pohnpei Cabler The financing for the catrle eont:e*tion for Chunlc will be will be formed for the catrle for Palau ancl Yap, It is separate front the consoftilun which anticipated that bidding and constructing the two cable systenls concurrently, as part ofa single initiative, will generate some cost savings, which have been factored into the cost estimate for the Chuul<-Pohrrpei segment. The pruposed hudget also includes the additional c*sts of a liber optic spur connecting Weno to $iatowan. The cost estimate is bnsed on the anticipatecl costs o{'a new cable and related infiastructure, Kosrne Connectivify: 'ilre prnposed financing would seaure the redeployment ol'the existing O3b contract fi'nrn Ciruuk to Kosrae, at a wholesale price in l(osrae whlch would lre sirnilar to the estimated price lb'r bandwidth in Clruuk and Yap on the nsw sutrmarine cabls. Th* LJS$l milliorr onc-off subsidy would meet the costs of O3B bandwidth for l{osrae for 5 yeals. I-lowevei, the World Banlc is unable to t'inance, even in pail, a cable to l{osrae. Teclmical analysis has eonclurJed that a cable for Kosrae is not l.l,E. EmanuelMori -J" .luly 9. ?0i4 viable, both fi"onr a finansial ancl development ilnpact perspective, given tlre small populati<xr and the high costs of a pable, 3. Processing Milestones for Finalizing Project Preparation The World Bank Cruup's technical tearn has been working with ADB's technical team and the r"elev*nt agencies in Palar"r and FSM on the detailed liext steps, timelines, and resporrsibilities. In view of tl"re timeline pre{brred by all stalceholders, inclucling the Mioro-Pal Fiber Optic Joirit Committee, we would like to be able to secure Board approval by Novpmbpr 30,2014. We lrave advised the .lcint Clomrnittee menrbers that the following steps need to be completed in order tei {inalize Ploject preparation. Projecl fresign, Scope nnd Cosls. We request conlirmation frum FSNd of the proposed Prnject activities ancl i:udget allocations, as set out in this lettcr. We also stfongly recommcnd that the Governments of Palau anc{ FSM, througl'r the Joint Committee, leach a fbrmal decision in July 2014 on the pref'elled scope and hrLrdget allocation for the Palau-Yap-()uam cable segrnent, in order to finalize the Project's costs and associated financial analysis. Once a final rlecision on project design and scope heen tal<en by each Gcvernment, bolh ADB and WB will be able to finalize the Project'n financial analysis and commitrnent of firnds. b. Recruilmenl ot"a llrajeel direclor to $upport the Joint Canrmittee. We are pleased to note that the Joint Committee iras received several exprcssions of interest for this position and tliat evaluation ol-candidates is ongoing. 'fhe next step rvill be to complete the selection procqss, lbllolving standmd evaluation procedures, with a vietv to rnobilizing the director be{br"e end*July,20l4. 'Ihis position is essential to advance the preparatory work including establishment of cable conrpanies, negotiatiorr ol permits, licenses, and preparation of bitlding clocuments. Complelion of lhe environnrentnt! and socitrl srtfegunrtls worl* {inancecl by the ADB. Pr"rblic disclosule of these documellts, in both Palau and FSM, are lequirecl befble the Worlcl Bank can conduct Ploject appraisal. The consultants have initiated the analytical work and consultatiotts. A rnission to Palau and Yap has ah'eady taken place. A rnission to Chuuk will be undertairen in mid-Juiy 2A14. The key issne at this stag€ is to contlrm the potential cable larrding sites and assess environmental and social issues, and associated rnitigation nleasures. '{'he draft rcports are expe*ter{ to be completecl by endJuly 20i4. If these milestones can be achieved, the World Bank wouid sxpecf to appraise the project in in coordination with the Asian Developrient Bank, ncgotiate the relevant legal agreements in Octaber, and prcs*nt the Pro.iect to its lJoard of Directors by 30 November. fieptember, 4. Other Mafters I appreciate JC [", that F$M is taking steps to strengthen its legal and regulatory fi'amework tbr to support further market growth and expansion and to strengthen the business case fbr the H.E. Emanuel Mori -4- Iuly 9, 2014 submarine cable investment. I encourage you to finalize the recruitment CIf $ector investment and Development speeialists uncler the existing Technical Assistance Grant Financing. These advisers will be central in helping you to exarnine and implement these infiastructure investmsnts as proposed for the telecommunications sector In closing, I would like to thank you for your continued leader"ship on thi$ important topicn which should lead to nrore effioient, wide reaching and affordable telecommunipations for the people of FSM. I would also like to reaffifix my commitment, on behalf of the World Bank Group, to work closely with your team Xo sn$uls this operatinn can be prepared and irnplemented in n timely hshion. Sincerely, {"*w,M&,W Fmnz R. Drces-(iross Country Director Timor*Leste, Papua New Ouinea & Pacifie Islands East Asia and Paci{ic Region Mr.I(ensley lkosia, Secretary, Depaftnent of Finance and Administration (DoFA) Mr'. Francis Itimai, Secretary, Depa$ment of Tmnsportation, Communications & Infrastructure (DTC&I) Ms, Senny Fhillip, Assistant Secretary, (DoFA) Mr. Michael Willcock, Executive Dircctor, The World Bank