Taking the Piss out of Pantagruel: Urine and Micturition in Rabelais
Taking the Piss out of Pantagruel: Urine and Micturition in Rabelais
Taking the Piss out of Pantagruel: Urine and Micturition in Rabelais Author(s): Jeff Persels Source: Yale French Studies, No. 110, Meaning and Its Objects: Material Culture in Medieval and Renaissance France (2006), pp. 137-151 Published by: Yale University Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20060044 . Accessed: 06/01/2014 09:31 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . Yale University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Yale French Studies. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JEFFPERSELS Taking the Piss out of Pantagruel: in Rabelais Urine and Micturition ibn Sinam] that, as Avicenna says, [Abu Ali al-Husain created the intestines for receiving the solid is the fecal matter from the first digestion. Said matter so that we need not be perpetually for a time in the intestines It is to be noted God omnipotent that superfluity is held on the stool. He also created from watery superfluity and preserved for a time every hour, to life.1 So fourteenth-century cated, like Fran?ois for this would surgeon like Rabelais?"glosses," tion of the intestines the bladder for receiving and holding the is held said superfluity digestion; so that we need not urinate in the bladder the second keep man from the worldly affairs necessary Guy de Chauliac?Montpellier-edu and erstwhile Lyons practitioner, Rabelais, in ideologically and the bladder. His orthodox also the func fashion, first Inventarium, was in in the in 1490s, printed Italy readily available complete and/or translation as the the sixteenth abridged French throughout century sources and was one of the primary for Rabelais's medical Guidon, from anatomical to therapeutic Moving knowledge.2 pre description seminal in the later chapters and drawing on the then-standard "com that is, the etiology of disease as an upset in the nat plexion theory," ural balance of humors, continues: "It is to be noted Chauliac that . . which . evacuation is an operation rids the body of the entire quan it from the nature of the blood" tity of the bad humor and separates (as to opposed Evacuation, phlebotomy). scription as Hippocrates says ... is double. The one is natural and is accom plished by the ruling virtue of the body functioning of its own accord ..., and of this we do not intend to speak here. The other is artificial and is 1. Guy de Chauliac, en fran?oys Le guidon (Paris, See Roland Antonioli, et la m?decine Rabelais 2. YFS Andrea 110, Meaning Tarnowski, and ? Its Objects, ed. Margaret by Yale University. Burland, 1537), 66r. (Geneva: David Droz, 1976), LaGuardia, 56-60. and 2006 137 This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 138 Yale French Studies accomplished by virtue of the body accepting the help of medicine is administered which by the physician, and of this we do intend to speak here. (66r)3 I have to be the symbolic I consider what and of the intestines, the "solid superfluity" of success) and their "artificial" degrees therein, as a roi thaumaturge and by Pantagruel latter-day discussed emblematic elsewhere role in Rabelais held (with varying evacuation effected like to sketch out a complementary is second, reading and, following "liquid," superfluity Chauliac's rather than its natural evacuation, with at lead, its artificial tention to the uses early modern society, unlike our own prof European Christus Iwould Here medicus.4 of the that Not only did the divinely-con ligate age, found for this "superfluity." our early modern ancestors to retentive ceived bladder's allow powers at to the "worldly affairs necessary life" with fewer interruptions, keep a its contents in role the of those conduct arguably played productive affairs and in the healthy ancestors' more maintenance modern intimate our early of that life. How might un with and particular relationship of works of their urine affect their reception derstanding scenes or feature urination which of belais's, micturition, and artificially induced? rally executed more or differently to them than it does In other words, to us? as Ra such natu both did piss mean POUR VEOIR DE LEUR URINE The sixteenth-century to spark interest and idiomatic in of popular phrases expressions or urine French involving should be sufficient piss and alert us to a potentially sociohistori significant cal and cultural difference. urine]," for example?translated simple early what ubiquity seventeenth-century stuff e they be made all but universal diagnostic For recent general see tice, Nancy especially to Knowledge troduction 3. Press, 1800 1990); Lawrence "Pour and de leur urine [to see their if somewhat colorlessly by as: "to see Cotgrave and directly on the principal act of the medieval uroscopy, practitioner, helpfully lexicographer of "?is modeled of medieval surveys G. Siraisi, Medieval I. Conrad veoir Practice et al, R?ndle and early modern medical theory ?) Early Renaissance Medicine: and London: University (Chicago The Western Medical Tradition and prac An In of Chicago 800 BC to AD UK: Cambridge Medi Press, Rawcliffe, University 1995); and Carole (Cambridge, in Later Medieval and Society 1995). England (Stroud, UK: A Sutton, in the bowels' the Rabelaisian 4. Jeffery C. Persels, "'Straitened or, Concerning 31 (1996): 101-112. Etudes Rabelaisiennes Trope of Defecation," cine This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JEFF PERSELS of a patient's is, the examination humors of the balance his/her mining a illness.5 Whether university-trained 139 urine of deter for the purposes the nature of his/her such as Laurent Jou physician that and thus aMontpellier (like Chauliac, man) whose De urinis was first pub in 15 71, or a humble surgeon such as Ambroise Par?, apprenticed in first appeared basic knowl whose collected works 1574, (in French) a professional sine qua of uroscopy was considered edge and practice bert lished non. And if I single out both Joubert and Par? from among countless to the likelihood it is that they would have been due as much others, as careers to their Rabelais readers of that yet led appreciative divergent to the health of the last each to end up as a royally-appointed attendant and thus to "real life" experience in fiction. depicted Valois of royal urine and micturition, as Rabelais much as distinct of uri practice of the actual purposes study for diagnostic nalysis the optical, olfactory, chemical breakdown of urine), entailed and gus a or of tatory inspection sample, presented directly (quite often) indi put, uroscopy, (which involves Simply from the modern into a specially-devised, and decanted rectly to the practitioner glass French urinal, English flask (Latin matula, after the Jordan, river). The was to imitate the urine's Jordan traditionally bladder-shaped closely to facilitate with established charts and comparison receptacle of color and strata variations used to diagnose im humoral diagrams or that As Rabelais illness disorder. fifteenth-cen quotes is, balance, "Et mon urine Pierre Pathelin: tury farceur, Ma?tre / Vous diet elle original que jemeure? [And doesn't my urine tell you that I am dying?]" as exemplified comic abuse of the (519). Not surprisingly, by Pathelin's a owes to avoid what he cloth ap uroscopy practice paying merchant, on the part of both pa all sorts of charlatanism, encouraged parently poinct A Dictionarie and English Cotgrave, of the French S. Woods SC: University of South Carolina (Columbia, 5. R?ndle William "urine" As (no pagination). one of the toadying Tongues Press, [1611], 1950), intro. entry for to goad attempts bien "Je vouldrois que pour veoir de leur urine r?sistassent, [I would much like to see those merry of Rhodes, just try to resist you so knights, formerly see their urine]." uvres compl?tes, that we may See Fran?ois Rabelais, Hu ed. Mireille chon (Paris: Gallimard, 1994), 93. Similarly, Quaresmeprenant temps reportedly "passoit ? veoir l'urine des Physeteres" in the Quart whales' livre [spent time examining urine]" him ministers war into an imprudent les plaisans chevaliers of the megalomaniacal against Gargantua's vous jadis Rhodiens from Rabelais (636). All quotations are mine indicated. unless otherwise are taken father, from Picrochole Grandgousier: the Huchon edition; This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions all translations 140 Yale French Studies tient and physician. In the English tradition uroscopists apparently came known as least (at derisively) "pisse-prophets."6 to the practice of medicine of uroscopy Such was the centrality be that one of the chief identifying its figurai representation became emblems as in the popular and advertisements, enshrined the stan imagination saint of physicians, Saint Cosmas, dard attribute of the patron who, along with were the patron saint of apothecaries, invoked against the plague, impetigo, and stomachs, for our and, more interesting his brother Dami?n, most often interceding martyrs swollen glands ringworm, current purposes, stones and nocturnal and bladder inconti kidney under third-century nence.7 Martyred emperor Diocletian, they are (or as As medieval modern Christians and best remembered were) by early clepius-style immortalized healers, as Dami?n iconographically and Cosmas the Uroscopist, jar in hand, Apothecary, druggist's nostic matula held high. Uroscopy inspired one of the standard the diag as for physicians epithets en visitent Gu?rissans well: "Les m?decins, gens temps et urines, qui / en saison in timely examine who urine, / curing people [Physicians, as Pierre dramatic poet contemporary Gringore's allegorized fashion]," the hapless and helpless and moralizing characterizes Coqueluche physicians throughout Rondibilis of whooping cough in Paris and during the 1510 epidemic In the Tiers livre Panurge mocks the physician France.8 student the standard medical insult: Stercus et urina with sunt prandia prima breakfast] [Shit and urine are a physician's as attribute serves the the matula of "la Diette," (460). Likewise " or Pox in the attendant "Dailie anonymous upon Fare, "Regime" Lady et puis de treshaulte but decidedly Rabelaisian Triumphe Lyonnais Medici sante Dame Verolle, Royne du Puy d'Amours [Triumph of the Exalted see works treat cited in note of uroscopy, 6. For general 1; for specific explanations see in early modern of it and of the "pisse-prophets" literature, English Joseph in Early Modern and Art. Stud in Fecal Matters Literature "Tamburlaine's Urine," T?te, 138 UK: Ashgate, and Russell Ganim ies in Scatology, ed. Jeff Persels 2004), (Aldershot, ments I am grateful. I have earlier addressed the practice French polemical theater. in related early modern topic pects Distress Church of the Roman Catholic "The the Intestinal Staging 111. 56 (2003): 1089-1 Renaissance French Reform Theater," Quarterly vol. 3 (Paris: Presses Universitaires de l'art chr?tien, 7. Louis R?au, Iconographie 53, for whose shared research and applications Trots: Sorbonnic France, 1953), 334. 8. Pierre Gringore, (Paris: P. Jannet, taiglon uvres 1858), as on of this compl?tes, 192. ?d. Charles d'H?ricault and Antoine This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions See de Mon in de JEFF PERSELS and Powerful Lady Pox, Queen of the Love Guild] of Gout, with tified early on as the "grandmother" Amoureux together with Souvenir of the painful triptych himself with bears mercury 141 of 1539.9 She is iden she is linked, a in sort of thematic whom [Love's Token], after" of sexual excess. Love's Token "morning the unguent associated jar and spatula most commonly treatment for syphilis, which Rabelais also concerning waxes to Pantagruel in the prologue (214). eloquent One of the symptoms associated with venereal disease, whether mal du si?cle for Rabelais and his the syphilis contemporaries) (perhaps or gonorrhea, was obstruction of the urethra. This was treated most ag care if painfully, health by early modern to as it involved external med surgeons practitioners, falling primarily rather than a pharmacological icine, a physical corrective, though the as latter served Another accompaniment. invariably Montpellier and successfully, gressively educated, practitioner, Lyons-based for Dalechamps, example, published which instruments includes surgical and botanist physician Jacques a Chirurgie in 1570, fran?oise used in such treat commonly Par? and other Ambroise in surgeons routinely publishing accounts with of their corporated precise plates similarly application. Par?'s vernacular in 1574, cite two particularly uvres, first published ments.10 vivid "case voked studies." by respectful we Which a life-threatening First, of urine suppression pro modesty: seen have to many, happen and not long to a young ago ser vant who was returning from the fields on horseback, bearing behind an honest maiden and well accompanied, him his mistress, and while was he seized with the need to piss. He dared not dismount, how riding nor ever, even attempting less urinate while on horseback. Upon in town, arriving at last to piss, he could not, and suffering great pain and cramps [the word "a great desire Par? to goe uses to is espreintes, the stoole"], which and sweating all as translates Cotgrave he over, almost fainted. At this point Iwas sent for and told itwas a stone that kept him from pissing. When I arrived, I inserted a catheter into the bladder and by this method he pissed about a pint of water. I found no stone, nor has he felt one 9. Triumphe since.11 de treshaulte et puissante Dame Verolle, Royne du Puy [1539] (Paris:Blassac, 1997). 10. Jacques Dalechamps, Chirurgie fran?oise (Lyons, 1573), 322. uvres 11. Ambroise Par?, (Paris: Gabriel Buon, 1599), 537. My translation. This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions d'amours 142 Yale French Studies Second, an ultimately temporary English " referred deadly case of "pisse chaulde, as the "burnt piss": medical manuals to in con a few excesses, did not fail to be struck This man, having committed down instantly with a suppression of urine, in consequence of which he was unable to urinate without the help of a catheter which he always carried with him. One day he was unable to insert it all the way into the bladder and so sent forme whatever More possible him piss, which Iwas unable to do, was the cause of his death. (594) I This tried. remedy tomake de Montaigne's of his father's ago experience with his own fears of fatal renal calculi fed nized, ultimately struggle a a to considerable such death and influenced, "inheriting" degree, both his essays and his travel journal, the latter a record of a European spa famously, tour undertaken, Less invasive sion or retention Michel in part, to ease the passage of stones. to remedy suppres were, of course, employed and early modern of urine, and medieval pharmacol at least means the most in oft-mentioned of which ogy did not lack for diuretics, to one home taken cluded remedies among internally, according German manual: acorns, pars contemporary horseradish, apothecary's or dried and crab eyes,daisies, crayfish and, applied ground ley-root, " a sliv a to hot the fennel or, worse, "privy member, poultice, topically into the urethra, and among more ered onion inserted pre expensive the ground scribed medications, a glosse with wormes, sheninge more known recently popularly aphrodisiac of cantharides, that is "green " a scale and lyke golde, lyke a bittel, as "Spanish Fly," for its purported heads qualities.12 LES BONNES GENS, POUR CELA, NE PISSERONT PAS PLUS ROIDE13 as abundant source of natural ammonia has long been recognized most in tech the and exploited, very cutting-edge notably printing, to to cites in the prologue Pantagruel (216). Similar nology Rabelais or so we may most would writers, Rabelais, speculate, early modern of intimate the actual mechanics with have had amore acquaintance Urine printing than we could expect of later authors. von Braunschwig, A most 12. Hieronymus all thegrefes cary e or homely bookefor physick Hollybush excellent and diseases Though any more as not and perfecte homish apothe trans. Thomas of the bodye, (London, 1561), 37v. for all that, will not piss 13. Literally, "People, be any better off. See Coltgrave, entry for "pisser." perhaps " vigorously, This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions that is, will not JEFF PERSELS familiar with 143 Ra of printer's ink as Montaigne, in the pub of the role urine played traces the often determining role the ma and texture the smell aware belais may well have been lishing trade.14 Colin H. Bloy terial life of the early modern of books: and its crew played press in both the form and content Having made the ink, and applied it to the type, the last problem was the removal of this ink when washing up. The general practise was to take a strong alkaline solution and scrub the type. This saponified the oil, making ... gent. it easy In the ammonia The tic effect. stances, to remove. earlier days by urine produced Such practices, an a time after early was the use along with to make combined action The of printing similar to that of urine was would have of a deter widespread. a strong caus the other equally noxious house printing a most sub unhealthy to work.15 and stinking place inwhich urine was used in the production of the sheepskin Moreover, balls, stuffed with wool or hair, long used for inking the type,- it softened the to J.Moxon's Mechanick leather, according late-seventeenth-century the earliest in manual of Exercises, any purportedly printing language: But if his pelts are dry, he lays them to soak (by choice in Chamber-ly [i.e., urine]) but I never heard or by my experience could find why it is preferred before FairWater: For the purpose of soaking them is only to supple them.16 they were And soaked traditionally to keep them in urine or during overnight, the break, mid-day Urine was also used supple (Bloy, 53). as a "mordant" in the cloth-dying industry that made the fortune of so many medieval and early modern communities, in Italy and the Low Countries. The more alum effective particularly one for was, of course, preferred, when available?only dye formula, out of scores in Giovanventura Rosetti's example, de larte che insegna Plictho tenger pani stipulates not, as in the early days of European New World served in its stead.17 14. On Montaigne's Similarly, in involvement Career George Hoffmann, Montaigne's 15. Colin H. Bloy, A History the veritable the publication Clarendon Ink, Balls of his Press, and Rollers, Essais, see 1998). 1440-1850 1548 when settlements, of dog urine deluge (Oxford: of Printing oft-reedited urine?but urine in Ra especially (London: Wynkyn deWorde Society, 1967), 51. 16. Mechanick Joseph Moxon, Davis and Harry Carter 17. Giovanventura Rosetti, Herbert teaches the dyeing of woolen Exercises on the Whole (London: Oxford University The Plictho, instructions clothes, linens, cottons, and Art of Printing, 1683-84, ed. Press, 1958), 81. in the art of the dyers which as silk by the great art as well This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 144 Yale French Studies a mean-spirited when Pantagruel, Parisian the well-born refused lady who belais's serving usefully the fabled Gobelin Panurge plays a "trick" on his advances, ends up most scarlet dye factory (297, and Hu chon'snote, 1313). The role that urine in alchemy and the sciences played being born it in the early modern in part from been explored period has recently and in both learned and lively fashions by John Emsley. A century or so after Rabelais, urine, the alchemist's "golden stream," would prove the if relatively the cycle of which poor, source for phosphorus, on urine played a significant all life earth."18 Similarly, part "governs a key ingredient in in the production of saltpeter (potassium nitrate), initial, one of the principal cat of all sorts, especially pyrotechnics gunpowder, with of social and Rabelais's era.19 change beginning alysts political in the Quart "De leur urine," claims livre, sheep trader Dindenault tirent le his "les meilleur of Quintessentiaux superior breed, speaking du monde Salp?tre [From their urine the alchemists the best produce Lem later, Nicolas in the world]" (Rabelais, 552). A century saltpeter Cours de chymie documented what was already a long ery's influential from of whether and established practice directly saltpeter production, or urine urine from humid and manure, vegetation, (primarily animal) mixtures forms naturally.20 found in stables, where saltpeter thera and animal, were also long accorded and feces, human From in the unofficial of folk the virtues medicine.21 protocol left off concerning his wondrous livre again, where Dindenault Urine peutic Quart trans. Sidney M. Edelstein C. Borghetty and Hector by the common, MIT Press, 1981). The 13th Element. The Sordid Tale of Murder, 18. John Emsley, rus (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2000), 2. Bombards 19. See, for example, Jack Kelly, Gunpowder: Alchemy, ed., The Cambridge Parker, 2004), and Geoffrey (New York: Basic Books, UK: Cambridge The Triumph tory of Warfare: of the West (Cambridge, (Cambridge, Fire, MA: and Phospho and Pyrotechnics His Illustrated University Press, 1995). contenant la maniere de faire les operations Cours de chymie Lemery, en usage dans la m?decine, par une m?thode facile (Paris, 1675). see especially of this tradition, For recent reminders Ralph A. Lewin, popular in Scientific, and Socio-Historical Excursions Cultural, (New York: Coprology and and Mich?le Mud, Maggots Honey, Root-Bernstein, House, 1999); Robert 20. Nicolas qui sont 21. Merde: Random Other Medical Marvels (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1997); and Joseph Context of Scatolog Shit: the Pragmatic with Mary Simon, "Holy and Unholy Schmidt, in Early Modern Lit in Fecal Matters in Early German Reformation ical Curses Satire," in Scatology, Ganim UK: erature and Russell ed. Jeff Persels and Art, Studies (Aldershot, to my knowledge, is yet wanting Extended 109-17. attention, scholarly 2004), Ashgate, in this area. This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JEFF PERSELS 145 les medicins de nos (mais qu'il ne vous d?plaise) et soixante dixhuict esp?ces de maladies pays gu?rissent [Using their in our country cure (if you'll pardon my French) the doctors droppings flock: "De leurs crottes in par (Rabelais, 552). The Germans, as of recorded it, ticular, thoroughly by physi in his Heyl and historiographer Paullini Christianus cian, archivist, same Dreck-Apothecke in first published [Salutary Filth-Pharmacy), of 1696.22 The excrement, urine, therapeutic qualities particularly have a distinguished classical pedigree?Greek physician Dioscorides' types of disease]" the most evidently made seventy-eight the De Materia for example, circulated Medica, herbal, first-century in the and late medieval modern and would have widely early period a to Rabelais From 1554 Latin been known transla (Antonioli 50-51). in Lyons: "Drinking one's own urine is an antidote for sea disease venoms, blisters,causing Scorpion stings, viper bites, "23 Itwas snakes and dragons. especially prized, when applied topically, its soothing for its antiseptic and healing or scab-stimulating qualities, tion published or erysipelas skin inflammation caused by ergotism (the or St. Anthony's Fire of Rabelaisian its of relief curses), or of various constrictions womb infections and ob eye postpartum on structions of which based primarily virtues, [strangulatus)?many of the painful feu St-Antoine the presence of urea, have apparently been confirmed research and medical chemical practice.24 Dioscorides bio by modern values above all of a prepubescent in the treatment of severe boy, efficacious once a in brass pot [in areo asthma and, reduced with honey by boiling most for useful corneal vase), ulcers, and blurred vi cleansing wounds, the urine in general sion (158). male feces, seems to have singular value. urine, not tomention to the West, first "vulgarizer" confirms that it "re Pliny, Dioscorides' Male 22. Christianus Paullini, furt, 1714). 23. Dioscorides, Pedacii trans. Andr? 24. vatives New Matthieu Forms of urea Neu- Vermehrte, Dioscorides (Lyons: Antoine are commonly in hypoallergenic Zealand Dermatological products. Heylsame Anazarbei ... Dreck-Apothecke, de Materia Medica Vincent, 1554), 158. as humectants used in cosmetics See, for example, NZDermNet, libri and the website (Frank sex as preser of the Society, http://www.dermnetnz.org/index.html (accessed the Eucerin Medical Website, http://www.eucerinus.com/ lists urea among (accessed medicalsite/medical.html September 7,2005), which ingredi ents in a number source of nitrogen of skincare It is also the principal for fertil products. September 7, 2005). Also as a by-product izer and is primarily obtained of the petrochemical For an expla industry. of its commercial the European Fertilizer Manufacturers see, for example, synthesis Association and Urea Ammo e.g., Production (EFMA) on-line Of Urea publications, nation nium Nitrate, http://www.efma.org/index.asp (accessed September 7, 2005). This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 146 Yale French Studies as is shown of fullers, who for that rea by the testimony never from suffer That of it."25 they say, exemplary physically all the better for a bit of wine, was apparently young men, especially de the letters of Madame century, prized. Even in the late seventeenth or of "essence" years cite the topical application S?vign?'s declining Heves gout, son, as a soporific, to ease muscular pain, and its ingestion "esprit d'urine," recourse to have had relatively to which she seems (cited frequent in Root-Bernstein, 126).26 Her preferred brand, it seems, was distilled order. Old urine, notes Pliny, again following Dio by the Capuchin was most in the salves skin effective rashes for of scorides, ingredient all sorts (28.19). urine had its value as well, judging from the following recipe in something of a latter-day Materia Medica, von Braunschwig's the aforementioned Liber de arte dis Hieronymous in Strasbourg in 1500. This "precious water" first published tillandi, Female for a catholicon was included to be particularly in the cure of that most un successful and contagious infec of medieval and characteristic parasitic a 1527 English translation: leprosy. From considered clean tions, fylynge of yron, of copper, of tynne, of lede, of latton, of golde, & of sylver, of each lyke moche: all these thynges shall be layd a daye and a nyght, in warme uryne of a chylde that is yet amay de, than a day and a nyght inwhyte wyne, than laye it a day & a nyght in the iuce of fenel, than a day and a nyght in the whyte of an egge, then lay it a day &. a night Take in rede wyne. Than a day and a nyght in the whyte of .vii. egges, Than all these substaunces that the sayd fylingys have layde in togy to in it the that ye will dystille in, and do that with and vessell put der, softe fyre. And the same that cometh out of your styllatory ye shall sepe in a sylver vessell for that this water clenseth and heleth all maner of of the body lepry, natural & onnatural and it puryfyeth all uncleenes hath been proved, but I shewe not all the vertues of this water for he that mixce knewe all his vertues wolde be to prowde.27 even makes late seventeenth-century Dreck-Apothecke virtues for the analeptic of both liquid and claims impressive Paullini's more in Dominique Histoire Cited naturalis. Laporte, the Elder, Natural History, 1978), 82. See Pliny Bourgois, MA: Harvard 28.19. Press, University 1938-63), (Cambridge, 26. See also, Marie de Rabutin de S?vign?, Chantai, Marquise vol. 3 (Paris: Gallimard, 1972), 152, 199, and 208. Roger Duch?ne, 25. Historiae Christian von Braunschwig, The Vertuose Boke 27. Hieronymus . . . Theatrum of herbes of all maner [1527] (Amsterdam: Da Capo Press, added). 1973), xiiv (emphasis de la merde (Paris: trans. H. Rackham Correspondance, of Distyllacyon Orbis Terrarum This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ed. of the waters York: / New JEFF PERSELS even 147 the most difficult, deadly to illnesses toe, both internal and ex injuries, from head cured" the ternal, can be successfully (title page).28 Martin Schopf, somewhat author of the work's with reminds us, preface, obsequious that man himself is formed of the license, perhaps a bit of exegetical solid waste: "almost all, yes! the most and sorcerous filth of the earth. He for those we first critical should not, substances. same whether, rhetorically nine months of gestation homeopathically As promised, remedies grown" are nurtured inter f ces et urinam, restored speaking, by the very Paullini delivers quite literally "home for everything from madness lepsy to impotence, in emphasis, centric since we asks be to hair from headache loss, from epi His work may be ec of such thinking, either es to melancholy. the very traces writers by myriad medical or rejected but of the medieval and early current of belief in and deep-rooted the therapeutic in its ability, figuratively value of excrement, speaking, to help one "pisser plus roide," or piss more vigorously. poused modern period, attest to a shared COMME SI DIEU Y EUST PISS?29 How even arcane con cursory survey of such seemingly and scientific temporary knowledge, pieced together primar a reading of Ra of anecdotal influence sources, ily from a hodge-podge or European belais of early modern French and, more generally, might this cultural are two major acts a diabolically literature? There gruel. The first concerns of human micturition diuretic in Panta administered potent by well-watered Panurge to the giant hero after a particularly feast, on the eve of the climactic encounter between forces and the King Anarch's valiant but woefully outnumbered band of Utopian defenders. Soubdain print envie ? Pantagruel de pisser ? cause des drogues que luy avoit baill? Panurge, et pissa parmy leur camp si bien et copieusement qu'il les noya tous: et y eut deluge particulier dix lieues ? la ronde. (315) Pantagruel suddenly got the urge to piss, due to the drugs that Panurge had given him, and he pissed in the middle of their camp, so well and that he drowned all of them, resulting in a flood for ten copiously leagues around. 28. I thank Josef Schmidt for help with translations. 29. "Par tous les champs piss?. sprouts Il n'y fault as if God for bringing this volume to my attention, and Eva S?nger es quelz ilz pissent, comme le bled y provient si Dieu y eust ne fumier aultre marne, the grain [In all the fields in which they pissed, had pissed is need of no other marl nor manure] there. There (Rabelais, 552). This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 148 Yale French Studies for the purgative dose to take its calculated waiting effect, sows the mouths of the snoring enemy with gaping Pantagruel salt, an artfully assisted nature and, when finally calls, he directs her dilu vian stream?a much more scaled piss, or so the nar apocalyptically While rator points out to us, than even that of his father Gargantua's mare? a the and against gasping, surprised, aptly-named Dipsodes, drowning to both epic Classical of them.30 The expected allusions good number and Biblical acts of "ethnic cleansing"?the Ovidian myth of flood and the Israelite evacuation Yaweh's of what politic, Pantagruel relieves micturition, to the inundation?are linked explicitly 40-day is in the process of becoming the Rabelaisian His urine, his artificially-induced himself.31 body act of not only himself and cleanses but the world. to find this therapeutically It is perhaps not surprising act purgative more at the chronicle's A close (Rabelais, 333-34). repeated pointedly a monumental case of the is struck down with victorious Pantagruel referred to in contemporary "pisse chaulde," as the "burnt piss," an affliction Ambroise manuals English medical as follows: Par? profiles the burnt piss, or burning urine, is a yellowish, sometimes greenish, sometimes bloody serosity which comes out of the penis, close in qual and fetid pus, with a sharpness which most often ity to an undercooked at and gnaws of the penis that pulls ferer ulcers, tinue feels ulcerates and the genitals the penis grievous two or pain three so witness on urinating, them. Now or more years, a provoking who sufferers . . . Since downward. bites and pricks tract, urinary ... the tract because painful say is ulcerated, the urine passing the flow of said serosity which leads us erection it is like to believe a cord the by suf the can con that the burnt-piss has nothing in common with gonorrhea [which he had de fined earlier as an involuntary flux of semen] . . . since it is impossible the that semen could flow out of the body for such a long time without . . . debilitated and weakened and languid, body becoming eventually dying. (592) see Huchon's note 209.1 of "Dipsodes" the etymology (Ra ("the Thirsty"), in Paris, where he "pays" the has a similar adventure Gargantua 1233). Rabelais's on them from atop Notre-Dame: "Lors en soubriant destacha their due by pissing en l'air les compissa sa belle braguette, et tirant sa mentule si aigrement, qu'il en noya et petiz enfans Sans les femmes deux cens soixante mille, quatre cens dix et huyt. [Then, 30. On belais, citizens out his tool, he pissed all over them and, pulling codpiece two hundred and eigh and sixty thousand four hundred the women and little children]" (48). he untied his beautiful smiling, so copiously that he drowned teen of them, not counting See both Metamorphoses 31. Pantagruel Rabelais's and Pantagruel 1.260-312 and Genesis 7-8. On see especially of the body politic, Edwin CT / London: Yale University (New Haven, the notion allegorical Duval, Press, This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions of readings The Design of 1991), 125-34. JEFF PERSELS 149 are three: from "excessive of e.g., over abundance repletion," or on too in in the sun, hot and horseback blood, over-indulgence long flatulent e.g., exhaustion inanition," foods; from "excessive stemming in sexual activity,- and from "conta from over-heated over-indulgence of those who are already the result company with gion," i.e., keeping Its causes infected, whether man or woman (593), the wages to the wrath of God, who has allowed this illness race in order to moderate its lascivious of sin, "attributable to afflict the human and disproportionate concupis cence" (579). Rabelais provides no specific for Pantagruel's responsible Christian low the exemplary clue as to which affliction, Humanist but there Prince of the three causes is no reason not is to al high road, all by Par?, can safely be repletion," Be that said to characterize the activities of the preceding chapters.32 as it may, Par?'s prognosis runs as follows: "A case of the burnt-piss the more so as "excessive the moral as defined can come should not be neglected, several pernicious accidents because . . . some are incurable a to of it, among which sup leading complete . . .and sometimes course of urine death" pression (594). His suggested own physi is much of treatment the same as that of Pantagruel's ses medicins cians'?"mais le secoururent et tresbien force avecques cured him, and et diureticques de drogues lenitives [but his doctors with and diuretic many well, (Rabelais, 333)?pro soothing drugs]" instant relief. Fortunately almost for Pantagruel, voking aggressively was not required. That relief comes intervention in the mechanical form of a second one which act of micturition, both purges the a for certain celebrated teleological body politic explanation hot springs. The spa of Cauterets, for example, of for point departure the characters and the narrative of Marguerite de Navarre's Hep diluvian and offers tam?ron, figures later visited Italy first on Rabelais's list. He also Whether includes drank a number in of or bathed in by Montaigne. they as such the and fashionable fash them, Early Moderns, Heptam?ron's virtues with thermal ionably eloquent invalids, associated therapeutic for sufferers of intestinal and of renal springs, specifically complaints was a result of over-indulgence 32. Pantagruel's halitosis of chapter 32 evidently in a garlicky over Anarche tant d'aillade" stew?"alors had qu'il mangea (332). The victory also been marked and "belles de force vivres tables rondes garnies dress?es by bonfires par les rues. Ce ch?re [beautiful feut un renouvellement round tables bountifully du temps de Saturne, laid. Itwas a return tant y fut faicte lors grande so plen to the age of Saturn, tifully did they eat]" (Rabelais 323). This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 150 Yale French calculi. Thus Studies are Pantagruel's themselves purged body politic, of their sovereign. the diverse members subjects, in the very life-giving and healed, of the urine career culmi by all the trials of the chronicles, Pantagruel's a in most least (at trial, temporarily) personal, physical pointedly in that most and specifically human and humiliating characteristically one of illness one that inflicted in the bowels, both pain and burning Tested nates and one to purification, to replicate that promises itself thera as as the hot among piss springs flow. Let subjects peutically long us return to early modern in this essay. "Pour "uses" of urine sketched veoir de leur urine," or "by their urine shall we know them": the piss prior his Humanist of the allegorized and idealized Christian prince, whose body is both private and public, that is, of the prince and of the realm, may to determine be read "uroscopically" the health of that body, a "golden stream" that both whether touches, ing hordes cleanses the body it be a negative or a positive The goodness it evacuates and the bodies it in the drowning of invad purgation in the curing of ailing bathers and purgation of the prince even to his urine, thus extends the the "filth that represents Dreck-Apotheke, quintessentially excrement the heals the of of the prince's body corruption pharmacy": " "comme si Dieu y eust piss?, his subjects, literally and metaphorically had pissed there." that is, "as if God himself drinkers. urine or distracting far from detracting from humor," is their reinforces what many have contended his chronicles, actually in and the lowest the of agenda, proof political evangelical things high est purpose and design. Reintegrating piss into the cul Pantagruel's Rabelais's tural context "bathroom from which it flowed, recovering but lost to us?that both the prosaic and the Early Moderns arguably poetic relationship?all as to two minor with their the reference excrement, foregoing enjoyed to it that vernacular passages do, suggests only begins strongly might in other contemporary works. like references be fruitful to reconsider as to its history urine to its material history, early modern as in and cultural that material, is, standing physical product, specific to its producers, inter and at least partially salvageable relationship could very well enrich our understanding preters and, yes, consumers, Restoring from of early modern culture and literature. And, who knows? Taken a robust if bibulous or prepubescent and domestic virgin, applied topi indeed urine, hot or cold, may figuratively, cally, or, perhaps merely This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JEFF PERSELS 151 the one that ex mentions, for and quick dismissal of the frequent refer plains our blind distaste ence to human excrement that so obviously the authors we inspired heal us of the "blurred here read and whose vision" leavings Dioscorides nourish us, both materially ally. This content downloaded from on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:31:54 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions and spiritu