HMC offers minimally invasive heart surgery
HMC offers minimally invasive heart surgery
DHOW FEST GETS OFF TO A COLOURFUL START CIVIL DEFENCE HOLDS DRILL AT QU QATAR STEEL HOLDS BLOOD DONATION DRIVE PAGE 18 | DATELINE DOHA PAGE 19 | CITY LIGHTS PAGE 19 | CITY LIGHTS PRAYER TIMING Weather Today Fajr: Asr: HUMID & HAZY Sunrise Sunset High Low Wind Visibility Pressure Rel. humidity 5:49 am 5:50 pm 33ºC 25ºC 20 kts moderate 1013 mb 40% RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE Emir congratulates Obama THE Emir His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani on Tuesday called the US President Barak Obama to congratulate him on his re-election. During the conversation, HH the Emir and President Obama discussed aspects of cooperation between the two countries and reviewed a number of issues of mutual concern. (QNA) THE Emir His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani has sent a cable of condolences to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud, on the death of Prince Mansour bin Sultan bin Saud bin Abdulaziz al Saud. (QNA) Moza meets wives of Croatian president, Turkish premier CHAIRPERSON of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser on Tuesday met with the wife of Croatian president, Tatjana Josipovic, and wife of the Turkish prime minister, Amina Erdogan, on the sidelines of the World Innovation Summit for Education at Qatar National Convention Centre. (QNA) Heir Apparent sends condolence to Saudi king THE Heir Apparent His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani has sent a cable of condolences to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud on the death of Prince Mansour bin Sultan bin Saud bin Abdulaziz al Saud. (QNA) QNRF awards $1.78mn grants to junior scientists TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK DOHA Emir meets Macedonia’s Deputy prime minister Emir sends condolence to Saudi king Dhuhr: 11:19 am Maghrib: 4:50 pm Isha: 6:20 pm Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Nationline THE Emir His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani met with Macedonia’s Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Teuta Arifi, who is currently in Doha to participate in the fourth edition of the World Innovation Summit for Education at Qatar National Convention Centre. (QNA) 4:30 am 2:25 pm The Emir His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani presents WISE Prize 2012 to Madhav Chavan at the opening of the fourth edition of the World Innovation Summit for Education, in Doha, on Tuesday. Indian education activist wins WISE 2012 award JOSEPH VARGHESE DOHA AN Indian educationist and social worker Dr Madhav Chavan, who has helped millions of Indian children learn to read and write without a brick and mortar school or the aid of a single paid teacher, won the WISE Prize for Education 2012. The Emir His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani presented the award to Chavan in the presence of Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser during the opening ceremony of the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) 2012 at the Qatar National Convention Center in Doha on Tuesday. The WISE Prize carries a cash award of $500,000 and a special gold medal. Chavan devised a formula to bring education and literacy to millions of children at a minimum cost. He is the co-founder and CEO of Pratham, the largest non-governmental provider of basic literacy and numeracy for underprivilleged children in India. Pratham is active in 17 states in India and five other countries have collaborated with the organisation in these efforts. Its programmes address pre-school education, learning support to both in-school and out-ofschool children, computer literacy, vocational training and special pro- grammes for vulnerable and working children. His initiatives such as ‘ReadIndia’ and ‘Education to Educate’ have helped millions of children achieve literacy and complete higher education. While accepting the award, Chavan pledged to carry on his mission acting as a global ambassador of education. Pratham is active in 17 states in India, and five other countries have collaborated with the organisation in these efforts. He said: “Many individuals and organisations have contributed to the success we celebrate today. I share this honour with them. WISE is pursuing a similar mission on a global scale and I applaud its vision and inclusive approach. This prize is a major landmark that only reminds me how much more remains to be done.” “Students supported by the organisation to pursue higher education pay back by teaching the young students as part of the agreement,” he added. Congratulating Chavan, WISE Chairman Dr Abdulla bin Ali al Thani said, “Madhav Chavan serves as an inspiration to all of us. His story combines the passion of a social entrepreneur with the patience and method of a scientist. His approach shows that the most important resources for successful innovation are a clear vision, determination and the ability to apply uncommon capacities to a shared cause. Chavan has brought light into the lives of many millions of people and I congratulate him on his remarkable achievement.” Chavan launched a mission to make a huge impact at low cost. It combined the primary elements of government infrastructure, corporate resources and citizen volunteerism, which produced striking results in bringing literacy to Mumbai’s slum-dwelling children. Independent studies have shown that children who have attended Pratham’s programmes are much likely to learn effectively in primary school than other children in their age group and that they perform better than their classmates. Chavan’s scientific method includes monitoring and evaluation. Pratham’s Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) measures quantitative and qualitative aspects of the programme, including enrolment, facilities and learning outcomes. The model has been replicated in a number of countries in Asia and Africa. QATAR National Research Fund (QNRF), a member of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, has awarded grants worth $1.78 million to nine projects in the third cycle of its research funding programme for junior scientists. QNRF’s Junior Scientists Research Experience Programme (JSREP) aims to develop critical thinking skills and foster a vibrant research culture in Qatar by supporting junior scientists, both Qatari nationals and expatriates, in all disciplines. A total of 16 junior scientists have previously participated in the programme. This year’s winning projects are from four academic and research institutions. Four of the research grants were awarded to Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar and two each to Qatar University and Texas A&M University at Qatar. Aspetar - Qatar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital received the final JSREP grant. The hospital is the first of its kind to receive QNRF funding for research in the field of sport and fitness sciences. The project will study the regulation of prolonged self-paced exercise in hot climatic conditions. The other projects range from studies on ovarian cancer and the use of stem cells for cardiovascular tissue engineering to research on pharmacology and medicine as well as telecommunications. The JSREP witnessed a significant increase in turnout in its third year, with more proposals received than in both previous cycles combined. The rise in interest reflects the continued spread of research culture in Qatar and an increasing recognition of its importance in building a knowledgebased society. Overall, 32 proposals were submitted to this cycle of JSREP, covering a wide range of research topics aligned with the Qatar National Research Strategy. The entries include proposals from six Qatari researchers, the highest number since the programme’s inception in May 2010. A total of 16 junior scientists have previously participated in the programme. Commenting on the success of the recent cycle, Executive Director of QNRF Dr Abdul Sattar al Taie said, “As a result of recent changes in the proposal requirements and increasing awareness among junior researchers, the third cycle of JSREP has witnessed a remarkable increase in the number of participants and research proposals submitted.” Director of Programmes at QNRF Dr Khalid al Quradaghi said, “This research programme is an integral part of QNRF’s strategy to support a scientific research culture and develop a qualified generation of junior scientists.” The majority of this year’s submitted projects were in the field of medical and health sciences, with 16 proposals received and five projects awarded in this category. The remaining grants were given to two projects in the field of natural science and two in engineering and technology. HMC offers minimally invasive heart surgery LANI ROSE R DIZON DOHA HIGH-RISK heart patients who cannot have the traditional open heart surgery because of poor health and other complications now have an alternative treatment at the Hamad Medical Corporation’s (HMC) Heart Hospital, which has introduced in Qatar the Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation System (TAVI). This minimally invasive heart valve surgery was first performed on two patients: a 75-year-old Qatari woman and a 61-year-old Pakistani male in October, Heart Hospital officials have said. The surgery was successfully carried out by a handpicked team of surgeons including TAVI specialists from the Heart Hospital which was led by Dr Abdulrahman al Nabti, senior consultant and head of the valve transplantation programme, and a cardiac specialist team led by Dr Abdulaziz Alkhulaifi, chairman of cardiothoracic surgery. Speaking to the media on Tuesday, al Nabti said the two patients are now recovering well after the procedure and will be able to return to normal life soon. Prior to their operations, both of the patients suffered from severe aortic valve stenosis, a disorder of the heart valves in which the opening of the aortic valve gets narrow. This condition involves symptoms such as short breath, syncope, chest pain, and may also lead to sudden death if left untreated. He also said, “Patients who undergo the procedure must pass a rigorous screening then preparation to ensure they are ready for the operation. We also make sure the patient is mentally prepared to undergo the procedure. The pre-surgery tests can take up to one month to perform. And the surgery takes about three hours. After two to three days, the patient is discharged from the hospital. So far, between eight and 10 new patients have already been screened and are now ready for this procedure.” According to Nabti, who travelled to Canada to be trained in the procedure, TAVI has a 99 percent success rate. With the new technique, an artificial aortic heart valve attached to a wire frame is guided by catheter to the heart. Once in the proper position in the heart, the wire frame expands, allowing the new aortic valve to open and begin to pump blood. Nabti said that a single valve costs around QR140, 000. But the procedure is provided free to Qataris and at a much lower cost for expatriates with the help of government subsidy. Alkhulaifi also said, “This procedure represents a tremendous advancement in surgical and cardiology care and an alternative to the open-heart surgery which is quite extensive and a traumatic experience. This technique has been devised primarily for patients whose ability to withstand the trauma of openheart surgery is fairly limited because of health complications such as multi-organ failures. With this technology, we have managed to bridge the gap. Aside from easing the (From left) Dr Abdulrahman al Nabti, Dr Abdulaziz Alkhulaifi and Dr Lionel Jarvis at a press conference, in Doha, on Tuesday. trauma, this minimally invasive technique also cuts the long post-operative stay in the hospital while giving the patients a new chance of life.” Dr Lionel Jarvis, a senior official at the Heart Hospital said, “TAVI is a well-established and safe procedure practiced internationally. Manufacturers of the valve also work with teams from the Heart Hospital to ensure they are up to date with advances in the procedure. Globally, more than 50,000 of these procedures have already been performed.” 18 Wednesday, November 14, 2012 DATELINE DOHA CONTACT US DIAL DOHA Qatar Tribune — Editorial: Phone: 44422077 Fax: 44416790 Administration & Marketing Phone: 44666810, Fax: 44654975 P. O. Box: 23493, Doha 999 FIRE AMBULANCE POLICE Electricity Water Hamad Hospital Childs Emergency Centre (Al Saad) Rumila Hospital Women’s Hospital Airport Services- Enquiry EDITORIAL: COMMERCIAL PRESS RELEASE: ADMINISTRATION: ADVERTISEMENT: CIRCULATION: CLASSIFIED: 991 991 44394444 44393333 44396666 44396666 44622999 Airport Services-Operator 44656666 Qatar Airways 44496666/44496000 Qatar Airways (Airport) 44496688 Gulf Air 44455444 Gulf Air (Airport) 44656318 Immigration & Passport Department 44890333 Traffic Department 44890666 Water Emergency 44325959 Electricity Emergency 44677601 Weather Forecasting (Admn) 44656590 Drain Centre 44687894 Municipality (Doha) 44336336 Ministry of Education 44941111 Qatar Television (QTV) 44894444 Qatar Broadcasting Service (QBS) 44894444 Qatar University 44852222 Postal Department 44464000 SriLankan Airlines 44322628/44369910 Oman Air 44320509/44321373 Oman Air (Airport) 44626835 More Qatari women are diabetic than men: Study LANI ROSE R DIZON DOHA DIABETES affects more women (53.2 percent) than men (46. 8 percent) in Qatar, according to studies contained in the first ‘Qatar Diabetes Briefing Book’ which was releasedon Tuesday by the public-private partnership Action on Diabetes. According to the book, about 16.7 percent of the Qatari population suffers from diabetes, which means to 283, 806 Qataris are living with diabetes. In addition, a high proportion of Qataris (12.5 percent) have impaired glucose intolerance, a pre-diabetic state and major precursor to diabetes. The book, which was released to coincide with the World Diabetes Day, presents an overview of the current diabetes situation in Qatar and identifies the risk factors that need to be addressed to delay or prevent the onset of the disease. Addressing the media, Dr Al Anoud bint Mohammad al Thani, director of health promotion and non-communicable diseases at the Supreme Council of Health also said that the book presents sustainable solutions to change the lives of people with diabetes. According to the diabetes briefing book, about 93.9 percent of Qatari women with diabetes have a waist circumference above normal. The number of complications in patients visiting diabetics’ clinics is also high. About 48.6 percent of males and 41.1 percent of females had retinopathy, while 24.3 percent of males and 15.9 percent of females had coronary heart disease. The book also includes a 2011 national diabetes study on the general population’s (From left) Action on Diabetes Qatar officials Faisal al Madhakhi, Dr Mohsin Mismar, Dr Al Anoud al Thani, Dr Abdulla al Hamaq, Dr Mahmoud Zirie and Herluf Nis Thomsen with copies of the book that was released, in Doha, on Tuesday. awareness level of diabetes, its causes and complications. Based on the study, 53 percent of the population believes that diabetes is less serious than heart disease, 46 percent believe that diabetes does not lead to heart disease and 54 percent have the belief that diabetes does not lead to stroke. Also, 37 percent of the population is at risk of developing diabetes and the vast majority of 93 percent have never been informed of the risk factors. Qatar Diabetes Association Executive Director Dr Abdullah al Hamaq said, “Combined with rapid urbanisation, motorised transport and convenient fast-food, people have adopted more sedentary lifestyle. Less exercise paired with a diet high in fat result in a large percentage of people being overweight or Dhow fest gets off to a colourful start SANTHOSH CHANDRAN DOHA THE annual Doha Dhow Festival went off to a colourful start at Katara’s Esplanade on Tuesday with Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage HE Abdel Aziz al Kuwari unfurling the sail of one of the participating dhows to declare the event open. Speaking on the occasion, Kuwari noted with pride that within a short period of time the Doha Dhow Festival has earned international reputation. The event, which started as an exhibition last year, has turned into a festival just after a year. “We are sure, the festival will make it to the world cultural calendar of future as an international show,” Kuwari said. While the sail spread its wings against the blue sky of Katara, the traditional Arabic singers and dancers stepped onto Katara’s beach front to add to the attraction of the Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage HE Abdel Aziz al Kuwari and officials at Doha Dhow festival, in Doha, on Tuesday. (MANEESH BAKSHI) occasion. With the inaugural ceremony over, hundreds of enthusiastic spectators invaded the beach front to be closer to the boats close to Katara. Over 100 exhibitors introduced the visitors to the amazing world of traditional marine technology and the history of dhow manufacturing industry in the region. The exhibitors from Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar and Oman showcased different kinds of dhows made with the help of traditional technology and art. Now showing CITY CENTRE CINEMA FLIGHT (DRAMA): 12 PM, 3 PM, 6 PM, 9 PM, 12 MN, 1 AM [VIP GOLD] : 11 AM, 2 PM, 5 PM, 8 PM, 11 PM SINISTER (HORROR): 10.30 PM, 12.45 PM, 3 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.45 PM, 12 MN RUBY SPARKS (COMEDY): 12 PM, 2.15 PM, 4.30 PM, 6.45 PM, 9 PM, 11.15 PM CASH FLOW (ARABIC/ACTION): 2 PM, 7 PM, 12 PM WRECK IT PATH (3D) (ANIMATION): 11.15 AM, 1.30 PM, 3.45 PM, 6 PM, 8.15 PM HOTEL TRASYLVANIA (3D) (ANIMATION): 11.30 AM, 1.30 PM, 3.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 7.30 PM, THE POSSESION (HORROR): 9.30 PM, 11.30 PM SKYFALL (ACTION): 11.30 AM, 2.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 8.30 PM, 11.30 PM, 1AM ALEX CROSS (ACTION): 12.30 PM, 2.45 PM, 5 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.45 PM HERE COMES THE BOOM (COMEDY): 12 PM, 3 PM, 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM, 10 PM, 12 MN TAKEN 2 (ACTION): 10.30 AM, 12.30 PM, 2.30 PM, 4.30 PM, 6.30 PM, 8.30 PM, 10.30 PM, 12.30 AM PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 (HORROR): 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM, 11 PM HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET (HORROR) 1 AM, 5 PM, 9 PM LOOPER (ACTION): 10.30 PM, 1 AM JAWAN OF VELLIMALA (MALAYALAM/ACTION): 11.15 AM, 2.15 PM, 5.15 PM, 8.15 PM, 11.15 PM STUDENT OF THE YEAR (HINDI/DRAMA): 11 AM, 4 PM, 9 PM MALL CINEMA SKYFALL (ACTION): 7 PM, 11.15 PM SINISTER (HORROR): 2.30 PM JAWAN OF VELLIMALA (MALAYALAM): 2.30PM, 5 PM, 8 PM, 11 PM HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (3D) (ANIMATION): 5 PM JAB TAK HAI JAAN (HINDI/DRAMA): 5.15 PM, 10 PM SON OF SARDAR (HINDI/DRAMA): 2.30 PM, 8.30 PM The exhibition offered an opportunity for the natives, expatriates and hundreds of tourists to know about different varieties of dhows categorised as Boom, Kootia, Bangla, Bateel, Sambook, Jalbot, Shahoof and Samha and used for different purposes such as fishing, pearl-diving and seafaring. While the Qatari participants have exhibited luxury dhows, exhibits from Oman include boats used for fishing and pearl-diving. Festival Committee Manager Ahmed al Hitmi said that the event reveals Katara’s vision for education, entertainment and promotion of Arab culture and traditions. The festival will feature an exhibition on marine life, different methods of dhow making and a pearl-diving competition. The pearl-diving competition to begin at 4pm on November 15 will see 156 members of 12 teams embark on a three-day journey to collect as many pearls as possible using the traditional methods and tools of diving. The festival will conclude with an award ceremony to announce the names of the winners of the various competitions on November 17. obese, which is a major factor for type 2 diabetes”. According to the book, a 2012 study found that 68 percent of Qatari women are overweight, of which 43 percent are obese. In comparison, 72 percent of all Qatari men are overweight, of which 40 per- cent are obese. Also, people who are 40 years of age or older are over six times more likely to have diabetes compared to people between 20 and 39 years of age. Among expatriates, type 2 diabetes is up to 5.2 times more common in people of Bangladeshi or Pakistani origin and up to 2.8 times more common among those of Indian or African Asian origin compared to Caucasians. It also states that with the increasing life expectancy, the burden of diabetes in the Gulf region is expected to more than double to 9.2 million people by 2030. Other officials from the Supreme Council of Health, Hamad Medical Corporation, Primary Health Care Corporation, Novo Nordisk, Qatar Diabetes Association, Maersk Oil, and Qatar Foundation also addressed the press conference. DCMF, QU collaborate on media research QNA DOHA THE Doha Centre for Media Freedom (DCMF) in collaboration with Qatar University and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has launched a plan to research the Qatari media landscape. A release issued by the DCMF on Tuesday said the research aims to study the extent to which Qatar’s media environment ensures freedom of expression, plurality and diversity of media using UNESCO’s Media Development Indicators (MDIs). The MDI methodology was endorsed in 2008 by the Intergovernmental Council of UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication. The framework covers all aspects of the media environment and is structured around five categories: regulation, plurality and diversity of the media, media as a platform for democratic discourse, professional capacity building, and infrastructural capacity. MDI assessments have been conducted in Arab countries such as Jordan, Egypt and Tunisia but it will be the first of its kind in the GCC region. Dr Mahmoud M Galander, associate professor and acting chair of the Department of Mass Communication at Qatar University, said, “Qatar is emerging as one of the most vibrant countries in the region; and as the prominence of Qatar in international politics is on the rise, it becomes important to monitor and evaluate the state and performance of its media.” LANDMARK CINEMA VILLAGGIO CINEMA FLIGHT (DRAMA): 9 PM SINISTER (ACTION): 7 PM, 11.30 PM HERE COMES THE BOOM (COMEDY): 2.30 PM, 5 PM SKYFALL (ACTION): 7.15 PM, 11.15 PM WRECK-IT RALPH (3D) (ANIMATION): 3 PM, 5 PM JAB TAK HAI JAAN (HINDI/DRAMA): 5.15 PM, 10 PM SON OF SARDAR (HINDI/DRAMA): 2.30 PM, 8.30 PM FLIGHT (DRAMA): 1 PM, 3.45 PM, 6.30 PM, 9.15 PM, 12 MN, 1 AM SINISTER (HORROR): 10.30 PM, 12.45 PM, 3 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.45 PM, 12 MN, 1 AM SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS (COMEDY): 12.15 PM, 2.30 PM, 4.45 PM, 7 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM JAB TAK HAI JAAN (HINDI) RUBY SPARKS (COMEDY): 11.30 AM, 1.45 PM, 4 PM, 6.15 PM, 8.30 PM, 10.45 PM ROYAL PLAZA CASH FLOW (ARABIC/ACTION): 11.45 AM, 3.30 PM, 7.15 PM, 11 PM FLIGHT (DRAMA): 6.15 PM, 11.15 PM SINISTER (COMEDY): 4.3O PM CASH FLOW (ARABIC): 2.30 PM SKYFALL (ACTION): 8.45 PM BRAVE (ANIMATION): 3 PM ICE AGE 4 (ANIMATION): 5 PM, 7 PM PARANORMAN (ANIMATION): 8.30 PM, 10.30 PM MADAGASCAR 3 (ADVENTURE): 2.30 PM, 4.30 PM THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN (ACTION): 6.30 PM THE GUARD (COMEDY): 9 PM THE BOURNE LEGACY (ACTION): 11.30 PM WRECK IT PATH (3D) (ANIMATION): 10.45 AM, 1 PM, 3.15 PM, 5.30 PM, 7.45 PM HOTEL TRASYLVANIA (3D) (ANIMATION): 11.30 AM, 1.30 PM, 3.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 7.30 PM, SKYFALL (ACTION): 11 AM, 12 PM, 2 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM, 9 PM, 11 PM, 12 MN, 1 AM SON OF SARDAR (HINDI) ALEX CROSS (ACTION): 11.30 PM, 1.45 PM, 4 PM, 6.15 PM, 8.30 PM, 10.45 PM HERE COMES THE BOOM (COMEDY): 12.30 PM, 2.45 PM, 5 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.45 PM GULF CINEMA TAKEN 2 (ACTION): 12 PM, 2 PM, 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM, 10 PM, 12 MN JAB TAK HAI JAAN (HINDI/DRAMA): 2 PM, 4.15 PM, 8 PM, 10.15 PM SON OF SARDAR (HINDI/DRAMA): 1.30 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.30 PM, 11.15PM PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 (HORROR): 1.30 PM, 5.15 PM, 9 PM JAWAN OF VELLIMALA (MALAYALAM) HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET (HORROR) 10 PM, 12 MN LOOPER (ACTION): 9.30 PM, 12 MN Wednesday, November 14, 2012 CITY LIGHTS Global food security meet to begin today TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK DOHA UNDER the patronage of Heir Apparent His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani, the International Conference on Food Security in Dry Lands (FSDL) will begin in Doha on Wednesday. The conference is likely to be inaugurated by HH the Heir Apparent. It will focus on three thematic areas — food security; demand and management of water resources and responsible agricultural investments. Organised by the National Food Security Programme (QNFSP) along with a consortium of national, regional and international partner institutions, the two-day conference will take place on the Qatar University campus. More than 400 participants from 50 nations will take part in the event. Around 40 highlevel officials including ministers and undersecretaries; heads of regional and international organisations; and national public institutions are registered to participate in the discussions. Conference President and Executive Chairman of QNFSP Fahad bin Mohamed al Attiya described the global meeting as “a groundbreaking event that seeks to address some of the most daunting challenges dry land countries face in their search for food security”. The deliberations during the conference will cover 12 parallel technical sessions and a “ministerial dialogue on dry land agriculture in a changing climate”. The events will shed light on current trends and strategies to boost food production and improve food security in dry lands countries. FSDL will culmi- nate with a ‘Doha Declaration’ reflecting the basic consensus of the participants. Around 30 conference papers, analytical studies and presentations will be tabled throughout the various sessions. Participants will include a diverse blend of stakeholders across all sectors including ministers, government officials, policymakers, development experts, scholars, researchers and representatives from financial institutions, farmer associations and civil society organisations from across the world. “The FSDL conference is an ideal prelude to the 2012 UN Climate Change Conference (COP18/CMP8) that will bring 194 nations to Doha from November 26 to December 7, 2012,” said Attiya. “The global challenge of climate change is already amplifying water and food production stresses for the dry land regions of the world.” CROATIA’S FIRST LADY TOURS JCC & QSTP Croatia’s First Lady Prof Dr Tatjana Josipovic with officials at Al Jazeera Children’s Channel, in Doha, on Tuesday. The visit was part of her tour to Qatar Foundation’s Education City. Tatjana also visited the Qatar Science & Technology Park on Tuesday with her husband and President of Croatia Dr Ivo Josipovic. Defence logistics Civil Defence holds drill at QU forum concludes TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK DOHA THE second annual Qatar Defence Logistics and Support Forum concluded on Tuesday. The event not only served as a learning platform for all the delegates but also enabled the numerous international and regional forces to debate best practice and a roadmap for the future. The conference was opened by Assistant Chief of Staff Logistics Brigadier Nasser Mohammed al Ali. Qatar Armed Forces officials spoke to over 100 delegates on the significance of logistics in Qatar, A defence logistics official speaks at the Support Forum, in Doha, recently. during coalition operations. In his keynote presentation Major-General Lauriston of the French Air Force discussed Operation Unified Protector in Libya where France and Qatar worked together as part of a coalition. The key points were training for a contingency, building trust and interoperability within coalitions. Following the opening speech, Brigadier General Leisenring of the US Army Central Command talked about contracting and the significance of using local contracting support. Leisenring stated that the key challenge for logisticians today is “doing more with less” and “finding new ways to meet operational requirements”. He concluded by saying that forces must look at “what we need not just what we want”. The UK MoD was represented by Brigadier Mark Dunn who took the audience through the developments in logistics in recent times. The second day started with Vice-Admiral Gauzolino examining lifecycle management and the importance of designing ships with the next 50 years in mind. Continuing the naval theme Rear Admiral Wang looked at coalition operations and maximising the utilisation of scarce resources. The final day focused on joint logistics. Delegates took a look at the best practice in this area, with examples from the French MoD, Royal Navy and Italian Air Force. Firefighters and Civil Defence team members take part in a mock drill at a Qatar University building, in Doha, on Tuesday. TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK DOHA THE General Directorate of Civil Defence (GDCD) supervised a mock drill at Qatar University (QU) buildings in cooperation and coordination with the QU security staff on Tuesday. The main objective of the event was to raise awareness on safety procedures and ensuring crisis preparedness. The drill started with a telephone call to the operations room, with a fire in a 19 kitchen cafeteria. Firefighting and rescue team from Wadi Sail Civil Defence Centre rushed to the site accompanied with fire engine, rapid intervention vehicle and a 32-m mobile escalator used for rescue operations in high-rise buildings. The security personnel at the building evacuated students and faculty members and other staff and guided them towards safe assembly points as the fire alarm went off and people were alerted through loud speakers. The Civil Defence team dealt with mock fire and contained it. Three ‘injured’ persons were transferred to the ambulance. Rescue Police (Al Fazaa) also took part in the mock drill. The mock drive was supervised by director of Operation Department at BDCD Brig Hamad al Duhaimi, Captain Khamees Salem al Suwaidi, evacuation officer at the GDCD and First Lt Abdul Rahman al Suwaidi, operations officer at Wadi Sail Civil Defence Centre. Duhaimi said the GDCD continues to implement its plan to raise the level of safety awareness among the various segments of the institutions and bodies of the state. “Mock drill is one of the effective means that trains security and safety personnel at buildings and shows them how to manage such kinds of situations. It also guides the workers on how to deal with the situation and introduce them the places of safe assembly points and emergency doors. The exercise also looks for any shortcomings noticed during the drill,” Duhaimi added. QSTP launches tech innovation programme TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK DOHA QATAR Science & Technology Park (QSTP) initiated a new series of the Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programme (TIEP), recently. A group of 29 aspiring entrepreneurs interested in learning how to manage technology-based business attended the introductory week of the programme. TIEP is an annual capacity building programme run by QSTP to build innovation and entrepreneurial capabilities to bridge the gap between research and commercialisation and supports the Qatar National Vision 2030 in helping to build a knowledgebased economy. The six-month executive education programme is action-based and focused on capacity-building through real-world experience in developing technology-based innovation projects from local universities, companies and research entities in alignment with the technology development strategy of QSTP and QNRS. This year’s group includes seven young Qatari men and women. TIEP organisers also announced the QSTP-TIEP 2012 award winner. This year’s laureate is Hekmat Alrouh. A graduate of Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar (WCMCQ), Hekmat currently works at the WCMCQ Department of Global and Public Health where he coordinates public health and research projects sponsored by WCMCQ. DTFF unveils roster for Qatar Steel holds blood donation drive DFI’s family day activities TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK DOHA TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK DOHA DOHA Tribeca Film Festival (DTFF), the annual cultural celebration of Doha Film Institute (DFI), unveiled an extensive line-up of family and youth-centred activities for its fourth edition of family days, to be held from November 21 to 24. The events will feature family day screenings, kid’s red carpet experiences, DFI kids’ access programme, stage performances, roaming entertainment and performers, arts and crafts workshops, sports, storytelling, puppetry, games, film-making activities and performances from local schools and community groups, among others. DFI family days will showcase films for youth including ET the Extra-Terrestrial The events will feature family day screenings, kid’s red carpet & DFI kids’ access programme. and Cinema Paradiso at the DFI Sony Open-Air Cinema; while kids’ red carpets and Festival Films include Asterix & Obelix: In Britain 3D and Rise of the Guardians 3D at Katara. Other family-friendly films in the Festival’s slate include Storm Surfers 3D, Children of Heaven, My Neighbor Totoro and No Entry for Men. DFI will also host a DTFF Family Panel, ‘Express Yourself!’ inviting young enthusiasts and families to explore how artists express themselves cinematically, through discussion, demonstrations and hands-on participation. The panel will place emphasis on the use of animation, dance and music to encourage audiences to discover their creative potential. QATAR Steel held a blood donation drive on its premises in Doha office and at the plant site in Mesaieed, recently. Employees from various departments showed good response and spread awareness on the significance of the blood donation drive and the positive impact on the society. Ahmed Abdul Aziz al Ansari, commercial division manager at Qatar Steel, said that he was pleased to hold a blood donation campaign for the second time this year. “Our first blood donation drive this year was in May, and the employees’ enthusiasm for donating blood was as good as in the first time. It is in fact a clear indication A volunteer at a blood donation campaign, in Doha, recently. that our employees are well aware about the significance of such a humane and noble initiative,” he said. Ansari stressed that local organisations, institutions and individuals should be involved in such blood donation drives, which stem from their corporate social responsibility and come in line with their humane roles to help the patients who are badly in need for blood and to support the hospitals that need much blood stock. Also, it helps to make up for the shortage of certain blood groups and especially the negative and other rare blood groups. One of the employees who donated blood said the blood donation was an inspiring experience, and it shows to what extent an individual was associated with the society and the environment he lives in, and this act would definitely strengthen peoples’ relations. 20 Wednesday, November 14, 2012 CHANNEL SURFING BEST ON TV TONIGHT 7:38 pm OSN News: LIVE MSNBC THE ED SHOW 11:45 pm Disney Channel: FISH HOOKS 7:00 pm Crime & Investigation: THE FBI FILES 10:00 pm OSN Sports 3: ASIAN TOUR GOLF SHOW TV PRIME TIME GUIDE 7:00 PM AL JAZEERA OSN NEWS NEWS LIVE MSNBC THE ED SHOW 7:30 PM DISNEY CHANNEL CARTOON NETWORK ADVENTURE TIME DISCOVERY HD SHOWCASE MIGHTY SHIPS 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM NEWS LIVE MSNBC ANDREA MITCHELL REPORTS NEWSHOUR NEWS MSNBC NEWSNATION 10:30 PM GREEN LANTERN: THE ANIMATED SERIES JESSIE BEN 10 THAT’S SO RAVEN GENERATOR REX CORY IN THE HOUSE LEVEL UP KIM POSSIBLE GRIM ADVENTURES OF... HANNAH MONTANA COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG GOOD LUCK CHARLIE BEN 10: ULTIMATE ALIEN WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE THE STREAM 11:30 PM THE FBI FILES RAYMOND BLANC’S KITCHEN SECRETS THE FIRST 48 RAYMOND BLANC’S KITCHEN SECRETS CAFE RACER MSNBC THE CYCLE WITNESS THE POWERPUFF GIRLS NEWS CHANNELS GUY’S BIG BITE MANTRACKER OSN SPORTS 3 ULTIMATE JOURNEYS TREASURE QUEST FISH HOOKS TOP 14 HIGHLIGHTS I’LL DO ANYTHING RICK STEIN’S FAR EASTERN ODYSSEY PSYCHIC DETECTIVES ASIAN TOUR GOLF SHOW IRON CHEF AMERICA THE FIRST 48: MISSING PERSONS WORLD COMBAT LEAGUE COME DINE WITH ME CHARLY’S CAKE ANGELS CHASING CLASSIC CARS CURIOUS & UNUSUAL DEATHS AMERICAN CHOPPER: SENIOR VS JUNIOR KIDS CHANNELS PRO BULL RIDERS 2011 CHOPPED CURIOUS & UNUSUAL DEATHS CHASING CLASSIC CARS 11:00 PM EXTREME SPORTS UNIQUE EATS CAFE RACER INSIDE STORY FOOD NETWORK GOOD LUCK CHARLIE PEOPLE & POWER LIVE MSNBC THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW BBC LIFESTYLE TOP 14 A.N.T. FARM REGULAR SHOW 8:00 PM CRIME & INVESTIGATION SNAPPED GOLFING WORLD EXTREME MAKEOVER: HOME EDITION UNIQUE SWEETS BARGAIN HUNT HAVE CAKE, WILL TRAVEL MONSTER JAM ENFUSION LIFESTYLE CHANNELS DOCUMENTARY CHANNELS MENA GOLF TOUR HIGHLIGHTS SPORTS CHANNEL TELEVISION LISTING AL JAZEERA 00:00 NEWSHOUR 01:00 News 01:30 Fault Lines 02:00 NEWSHOUR 03:00 News 03:30 Inside Story 04:00 Empire 05:00 NEWSHOUR 06:00 News 06:30 Activate 07:00 News 07:30 The Stream 08:00 News 08:30 News 09:00 Witness 10:00 News 10:30 Inside Story 11:00 News 11:30 The Stream 12:00 News 12:30 Fault Lines 13:00 NEWSHOUR 14:00 News 14:30 Inside Story 15:00 The Fight for Amazonia 16:00 NEWSHOUR 17:00 News 17:30 The Stream 18:00 NEWSHOUR 19:00 News 19:30 People & Power 20:00 News 20:30 Inside Story 21:00 NEWSHOUR 22:00 News 22:30 The Stream 23:00 Witness ANIMAL PLANET 00:50 Animal Cops Phoenix 01:45 Tigers Attack 02:35 I’m Alive 03:25 Gator Boys 04:15 New Breed Vets With Steve Irwin 05:05 Wildest India 05:55 Wild Britain With Ray Mears 06:20 Orangutan Island 06:45 Clinically Wild: Alaska 07:10 Clinically Wild: Alaska 07:35 Wildlife SOS 08:00 Monkey Life 08:25 Natural Born Hunters 08:50 Natural Born Hunters 09:15 Dogs/Cats/Pets 101 10:10 Bad Dog 11:05 Wildest India 12:00 New Breed Vets With Steve Irwin 12:55 Vet On The Loose 13:20 RSPCA: On The Frontline 13:50 Wildlife SOS 14:15 E-Vets: The Interns 14:45 Animal Cops Phoenix 15:40 Wildest India 16:35 Orangutan Island 17:00 The Really Wild Show 17:30 America’s Cutest... 18:25 The Jeff Corwin Experience 19:20 Dogs/Cats/Pets 101 20:15 Monkey Life 20:40 E-Vets: The Interns 21:10 Wild Britain With Ray Mears 21:35 Orangutan Island 22:05 Wildest Latin America 23:00 The Magic Of The Big Blue 23:55 Mutant Planet BBC LIFESTYLE 00:00 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 00:45 Come Dine With Me 01:35 Antiques Roadshow 02:30 Holmes On Homes 03:20 Holmes On Homes 04:05 Out Of The Frying Pan 05:00 House Swap 05:45 Saturday Kitchen 2008/09 06:10 Out Of The Frying Pan 07:00 House Swap 07:45 Saturday Kitchen 2008/09 08:10 MasterChef Australia 09:00 MasterChef Australia 09:30 Holmes On Homes 10:20 Holmes On Homes 11:10 Bargain Hunt 11:55 12:50 13:30 14:20 15:05 15:50 16:35 17:30 18:10 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:50 21:40 22:20 23:15 Antiques Roadshow Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Come Dine With Me Baby Borrowers USA Baby Borrowers USA Bargain Hunt Antiques Roadshow Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Come Dine With Me Raymond Blanc’s Kitchen Secrets Raymond Blanc’s Kitchen Secrets Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey Come Dine With Me Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Antiques Roadshow Bargain Hunt BBC WORLD 00:00 Business Edition with Tanya Beckett 00:30 HARDtalk 01:00 BBC World News America 02:00 Newsday 02:30 Asia Business Report 02:45 Sport Today 03:00 Newsday 03:30 Asia Business Report 03:45 Sport Today 04:00 Newsday 04:30 Asia Business Report 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC World News 05:30 Asia Business Report 05:45 Sport Today 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 Asia Business Report 06:45 Sport Today 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 HARDtalk 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 World Business Report 08:45 BBC World News 09:30 World Business Report 09:45 BBC World News 10:30 World Business Report 10:45 BBC World News 11:30 World Business Report 11:45 BBC World News 12:30 HARDtalk 13:00 BBC World News 13:30 World Business Report 13:45 Sport Today 14:00 BBC World News 15:00 GMT With George Alagiah 16:00 Impact with Mishal Husain 17:30 World Business Report 17:45 Sport Today 18:00 BBC World News 18:30 HARDtalk 19:00 The Hub with Nik Gowing 20:30 BBC Focus On Africa 21:00 BBC World News 21:30 World Business Report 21:45 Sport Today 22:00 World News Today with Zeinab Badawi 23:30 World Business Report 23:45 Sport Today BOOMERANG 00:05 Popeye 00:20 The Jetsons 00:45 Duck Dodgers 01:10 Puppy In My Pocket 01:35 Tom & Jerry Kids 02:00 Scooby Doo Where Are You! 02:25 The Flintstones 02:50 Pink Panther And Pals 03:15 Looney Tunes 03:40 Help! It’s The Hair Bear Bunch 04:00 Dexter’s Laboratory 04:25 Tom & Jerry 04:50 Looney Tunes 05:15 The Scooby Doo Show 05:40 Johnny Bravo 06:00 The Flintstones 06:25 The Jetsons 06:50 Wacky Races 07:00 New Yogi Bear Show 07:15 The Garfield Show 07:30 Bananas In Pyjamas 07:45 Gerald McBoing Boing 08:10 Baby Looney Tunes 08:35 Ha Ha Hairies 08:50 Jelly Jamm 09:05 Puppy In My Pocket 09:30 The Garfield Show 09:55 Taz-Mania 10:20 Pink Panther And Pals 10:45 Dastardly And Muttley 11:10 Tom & Jerry 11:35 12:00 12:25 12:50 13:00 13:15 13:40 13:55 14:20 14:35 15:00 15:25 15:50 16:15 16:40 17:05 17:30 17:55 18:05 18:30 18:55 19:20 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:40 20:55 21:20 21:35 22:00 22:25 22:50 23:15 23:40 Scooby Doo Where Are You! Looney Tunes Duck Dodgers Dexter’s Laboratory Jelly Jamm Baby Looney Tunes Ha Ha Hairies Gerald McBoing Boing Bananas In Pyjamas The Flintstones Popeye Top Cat The Garfield Show Pink Panther And Pals Moomins Tom & Jerry Tales Taz-Mania Looney Tunes (Hannah Barbera) Pink Panther And Pals The Garfield Show Johnny Bravo Scooby-Doo And Scrappy-Doo Dexters Laboratory Jelly Jamm Baby Looney Tunes Ha Ha Hairies Gerald McBoing Boing Bananas In Pyjamas Moomins Scooby-Doo And Scrappy-Doo The Garfield Show Taz-Mania Dexter’s Laboratory Dastardly And Muttley CARTOON NETWORK 00:40 Chowder 01:30 Bakugan Battle Brawlers 02:20 Foster’s Home For... 03:10 Courage The Cowardly Dog 04:00 The Amazing World Of Gumball 04:25 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 04:50 Adventure Time 05:15 The Powerpuff Girls 05:40 Generator Rex 06:05 Ben 10 06:55 Angelo Rules 07:00 Cow & Chicken 07:30 Casper’s Scare School 08:00 Eliot Kid 08:45 Johnny Test 09:05 The Powerpuff Girls 09:55 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 10:45 Courage The Cowardly Dog 11:35 Grim Adventures Of... 12:25 Generator Rex 12:50 Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge 13:15 The Marvelous Misadventures... 14:05 Batman: The Brave And The Bold 14:30 Young Justice 14:55 Foster’s Home For... 15:45 Ben 10: Alien Force 16:35 Powerpuff Girls 17:00 Angelo Rules 17:20 Young Justice 17:40 Hero 108 18:00 Level Up 18:25 The Amazing World Of Gumball 18:50 Johnny Test 19:15 Adventure Time 19:40 Regular Show 20:05 Green Lantern: The Animated Series 20:30 Ben 10 20:55 Generator Rex 21:20 Level Up 21:45 Grim Adventures Of... 22:10 Courage The Cowardly Dog 23:00 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 23:25 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 23:50 The Powerpuff Girls CRIME & INVESTIGATION 00:00 Born To Kill 01:00 Psychic Detectives 02:00 Curious & Unusual Deaths 02:30 Snapped 03:00 Born To Kill 04:00 The First 48: Missing Persons 05:00 Psychic Detectives 06:00 The FBI Files 07:00 The First 48 08:00 Crime Town USA 08:30 Psychic Detectives 09:00 Snapped 10:00 Crime Stories 11:00 The FBI Files 12:00 The First 48: Missing Persons 13:00 Snapped 14:00 Curious & Unusual Deaths 14:30 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 23:30 Psychic Detectives The First 48 Crime Town USA Psychic Detectives Snapped Crime Stories The FBI Files The First 48 Curious & Unusual Deaths Psychic Detectives The First 48: Missing Persons Curious & Unusual Deaths Snapped DISCOVERY CHANNEL 00:15 You Have Been Warned 01:10 Body Invaders 02:05 Ultimate Survival 03:00 Mythbusters 03:55 Border Security 04:20 Scrappers 04:50 Auction Kings 05:15 How Do They Do It? 05:40 How It’s Made 06:05 Robson Green’s Extreme Fishing Challenge 07:00 Street Customs 07:50 Mythbusters 08:45 Ultimate Survival 09:40 Border Security 10:05 Scrappers 10:30 How Do They Do It? 10:55 How It’s Made 11:25 You Have Been Warned 12:20 Body Invaders 13:15 Ultimate Survival 14:10 Border Security 14:35 Scrappers 15:05 Auction Kings 15:30 Ultimate Survival 16:25 Street Customs 17:20 Robson Green’s Extreme Fishing Challenge 18:15 Mythbusters 19:10 How Do They Do It? 19:40 How It’s Made 20:05 Border Security 20:35 Scrappers 21:00 Auction Kings 21:30 Dynamo: Magician Impossible 22:25 Mythbusters Dirty Dozen 23:20 Mythbusters DISCOVERY HD SHOWCASE 00:40 Street Customs 01:30 Deadliest Catch 02:15 Mighty Ships 03:05 Cafe Racer 03:50 Mighty Mississippi 04:40 Pyros 05:30 Ultimate Journeys 06:20 Treasure Quest 07:10 Mighty Ships 08:00 Sunrise Earth 08:55 Mighty Mississippi 09:40 Pyros 10:30 Time Warp 10:55 Ultimate Journeys 11:40 Street Customs 12:30 Mighty Ships 13:15 Mighty Mississippi 14:05 Pyros 14:50 Treasure Quest 15:35 Cafe Racer 16:25 Ultimate Journeys 17:15 Deadliest Catch 18:00 Chasing Classic Cars 18:50 American Chopper: Senior vs Junior 19:40 Mighty Ships 20:30 Cafe Racer 20:55 Cafe Racer 21:20 Ultimate Journeys 22:10 Treasure Quest 23:00 Chasing Classic Cars 23:25 Chasing Classic Cars 23:50 American Chopper: Senior vs Junior DISCOVERY SCIENCE 00:40 Gadget Show - World Tour 01:05 How Tech Works 01:35 The Colony 02:25 Build It Bigger: Rebuilding Greensburg 03:15 Mighty Ships 04:05 Weird Connections 04:35 The Colony 05:25 Da Vinci’s Machines 06:15 Gadget Show - World Tour 06:40 07:05 08:00 08:50 09:15 09:40 09:43 10:10 10:40 11:30 11:55 12:20 13:10 14:00 14:50 15:45 16:10 16:35 17:00 17:03 17:30 18:00 18:25 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 22:35 23:00 23:50 How Tech Works Meteorite Men Build It Bigger: Rebuilding Greensburg How Do They Do It? How Do They Do It? Head Rush Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger How Stuff’s Made Meteorite Men Gadget Show - World Tour How Tech Works Mighty Ships Da Vinci’s Machines Build It Bigger: Rebuilding Greensburg Sport Science How Do They Do It? How Do They Do It? Weird Connections Head Rush Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger How Stuff’s Made Gadget Show - World Tour How Tech Works Mighty Ships Meteorite Men Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman Da Vinci’s Machines Gadget Show - World Tour How Tech Works Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman Meteorite Men DISNEY CHANNEL 00:10 Kim Possible 01:00 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 01:50 Replacements 02:40 Emperor’s New School 03:30 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 04:20 Replacements 05:10 Kim Possible 06:00 Phineas And Ferb 06:15 Suite Life On Deck 07:05 A.N.T. Farm 07:30 Recess 07:55 So Random 08:20 Good Luck Charlie 08:45 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 09:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 09:25 Handy Manny 09:35 The Hive 09:45 Mouk 10:00 Jonas Los Angeles 10:25 So Random 10:50 Hannah Montana 11:15 Fish Hooks 11:40 Kim Possible 12:05 Shake It Up 12:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 12:55 Phineas And Ferb 13:20 Hannah Montana 14:10 So Random 14:35 Suite Life On Deck 15:25 Shake It Up 15:50 Austin And Ally 16:15 Jessie 16:40 A.N.T. Farm 17:00 Good Luck Charlie 17:30 My Babysitter’s A Vampire 17:55 Suite Life On Deck 18:20 Austin And Ally 18:45 Phineas And Ferb 19:10 A.N.T. Farm 19:35 Good Luck Charlie 20:00 Jessie 20:30 That’s So Raven 20:50 Cory In The House 21:15 Kim Possible 21:40 Hannah Montana 22:05 Good Luck Charlie 22:55 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:45 Fish Hooks DISNEY JUNIOR 00:20 Little Einsteins 00:50 Special Agent Oso 01:15 Lazytown 01:40 Jungle Junction 02:10 Handy Manny 02:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 02:55 Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of Friendship 03:00 Lazytown 03:25 Special Agent Oso 03:50 Imagination Movers 04:20 Handy Manny 04:40 Special Agent Oso 05:00 Timmy Time 05:10 Lazytown 05:35 06:00 06:30 06:50 07:15 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:45 09:10 09:20 09:50 10:05 10:15 10:20 10:45 10:55 11:20 11:45 12:10 12:35 13:00 13:10 13:25 13:40 14:05 14:15 14:30 14:55 15:20 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:25 16:50 17:05 17:30 17:45 18:10 18:40 19:10 19:35 20:00 20:05 20:20 20:25 20:40 21:10 21:20 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:00 23:10 23:15 23:20 23:30 23:45 23:55 Little Einsteins Jungle Junction Little Einsteins Special Agent Oso Jungle Junction Handy Manny Special Agent Oso Little Einsteins Mickey Mouse Clubhouse The Hive Jake & The Neverland Pirates Handy Manny The Hive Animated Stories Mouk The Hive Mickey Mouse Clubhouse New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh Art Attack Imagination Movers Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of Friendship Handy Manny Jungle Junction Imagination Movers The Hive Special Agent Oso Lazytown Mickey Mouse Clubhouse New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh Jake & The Neverland Pirates Mouk The Hive Art Attack Doc McStuffins Art Attack Jake & The Neverland Pirates Art Attack Mouk Jake & The Neverland Pirates Mickey Mouse Clubhouse New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh Animated Stories Timmy Time Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of Friendship Doc McStuffins Jake & The Neverland Pirates The Hive Timmy Time Mouk Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Clubhouse The Hive New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh Timmy Time Animated Stories A Poem Is... Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of Friendship Jungle Junction Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DISNEY XD 00:00 Programmes Start At 7:00am KSA 07:00 Kickin It 07:25 Phineas And Ferb 07:50 Ultimate Spider-Man 08:15 Bw Rival Destinies 08:40 Kick Buttowski 09:05 Zeke & Luther 09:30 I’m In The Band 09:55 Scaredy Squirrel 10:20 Fort Boyard - Ultimate Challenge 10:45 Rated A For Awesome 11:10 Aaron Stone 11:35 Rekkit Rabbit 12:00 American Dragon 12:25 Kick Buttowski 12:50 Kid vs Kat 13:20 Pair Of Kings 13:45 Zeke & Luther 14:10 Kick Buttowski 14:35 I’m In The Band 15:00 Phineas And Ferb 15:25 Ultimate Spider-Man 15:50 Bw Rival Destinies 16:15 Rekkit Rabbit 16:40 Pair Of Kings 17:05 Lab Rats 17:30 Kickin It 18:00 Ultimate Spider-Man 18:25 Zeke & Luther 18:50 Phineas And Ferb 19:40 Mr. Young 20:05 I’m In The Band 20:30 Zeke & Luther 20:55 Scaredy Squirrel 21:20 Rated A For Awesome 21:45 Kick Buttowski 22:10 Phineas And Ferb 22:35 Ultimate Spider-Man 23:05 Pair Of Kings 23:30 Kid vs Kat EXTREME SPORTS 00:30 M1 Challenge 01:25 Gotta Grudge 02:20 Pro Bull Riders 2011 03:15 World Combat League 04:10 Enfusion 05:05 Monster Jam 06:00 M1 Challenge 06:55 Pro Bull Riders 2011 08:00 Ride Guide Mountainbike 2009 08:55 Tread BMX 09:50 The Alli Show 10:45 AMA Motocross 2011 11:40 Fantasy Factory 12:35 Pro Bull Riders 2011 13:30 Mantracker 14:25 I’ll Do Anything 15:20 World Combat League 16:15 Fantasy Factory 16:40 Fantasy Factory 17:10 Tread BMX 18:05 The Alli Show 19:00 Mantracker 19:55 Pro Bull Riders 2011 20:50 I’ll Do Anything 21:45 World Combat League 22:40 Monster Jam 23:35 Enfusion FOOD NETWORK 00:15 Aarti Party 00:40 Guy’s Big Bite 01:05 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 01:30 Heat Seekers 01:55 Reza, Spice Prince Of India 02:45 Guy’s Big Bite 03:35 Aarti Party 04:25 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 04:50 Heat Seekers 05:15 Guy’s Big Bite 05:40 Grill It! With Bobby Flay 06:05 Unwrapped 06:30 Iron Chef America 07:10 Barefoot Contessa - Back To Basics 08:00 Food Network Challenge 08:50 Barefoot Contessa - Back To Basics 09:40 Healthy Appetite With Ellie Krieger 10:30 Kelsey’s Essentials 10:55 Cooking For Real 11:45 Food Crafters 12:10 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 12:35 Heat Seekers 13:00 Iron Chef America 13:50 Guy’s Big Bite 14:15 Cooking For Real 14:40 Barefoot Contessa - Back To Basics 15:30 Food Crafters 15:55 Unique Eats 16:45 Chopped 17:35 Barefoot Contessa - Back To Basics 18:25 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 18:50 Heat Seekers 19:15 Guy’s Big Bite 19:40 Unique Eats 20:30 Chopped 21:20 Iron Chef America 22:10 Charly’s Cake Angels 23:00 Unique Sweets 23:50 Have Cake, Will Travel ITV GRANADA 00:00 Auction Party 01:00 60 Minute Makeover 02:00 Emmerdale 03:00 Coronation Street 04:00 May The Best House Win 05:00 Doc Martin 06:00 Vera 07:35 You’re Wearing That?!? 08:00 Auction Party 09:00 60 Minute Makeover 10:00 Emmerdale 11:00 Coronation Street 12:00 May The Best House Win 13:00 Doc Martin 14:00 Vera 15:35 You’re Wearing That?!? 16:00 Auction Party 17:00 60 Minute Makeover 18:00 Emmerdale 19:00 Coronation Street 20:00 May The Best House Win 21:00 Lewis 22:35 Property Match 23:00 Love/Hate Wednesday, November 14, 2012 CHANNEL SURFING 25 BEST ON TV TONIGHT 7:00 pm OSN Movies Action: THE UNTOUCHABLES 8:00 pm OSN First: WAREHOUSE 13 7:00 pm MBC MAX: NANNY MCPHEE 10:00 pm Nat Geo Adventure: BONDI RESCUE TV PRIME TIME GUIDE 7:00 PM OSN CINEMA OSN MOVIES ACTION HANNA THE UNTOUCHABLES OSN COMEDY OSN FIRST NECESSARY ROUGHNESS MODERN FAMILY 7:30 PM MBC 2 MBC MAX NANNY MCPHEE SHORTCUT TO HAPPINESS NAT GEO WILD HD ZEE AFLAM NAT GEO ADVENTURE NAT GEO CHANNEL HD NORDIC WILD BILLU [4:00] LONG WAY DOWN SEA PATROL THE OFFICE MY SRI LANKA WITH PETER KURUVITA 8:00 PM THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY LENO 8:30 PM WAREHOUSE 13 SILENCE OF THE BEES WORLD’S DEADLIEST DAVID ROCCO’S DOLCE VITA 2 THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART 9:00 PM KALIFORNIA BLACKTHORN THE COLBERT REPORT COMBAT HOSPITAL PLANET CARNIVORE JUST LIKE HEAVEN ARMORED BONDI RESCUE PAAGALPAN [7:00] 9:30 PM BONDI RESCUE BORED TO DEATH 10:00 PM DANGEROUS ENCOUNTERS WITH BRADY BARR SMASH 10:30 PM DAVID ROCCO’S DOLCE VITA 1 DANGEROUS ENCOUNTERS WITH BRADY BARR ENTOURAGE SEA PATROL DAVID ROCCO’S DOLCE VITA 1 FAMILY GUY 11:00 PM 11:30 PM NO STRINGS ATTACHED THE RUNNING MAN LATE NIGHT WITH JIMMY FALLON SUPERNATURA MBC CHANNELS GENERAL ENTERTAINMENT CHANNELS MOVIES CHANNELS MARIE AND BRUCE CRANK MONSTER CROCS HALLA BOL [10:00] HD CHANNELS INDIAN CHANNELS PRESSURE COOK SITUATION CRITICAL FACTUAL CHANNELS TELEVISION LISTING JIM JAM 00:10 Anthony Ant 00:35 Angelina Ballerina 00:46 Oswald 01:00 Barney And Friends 01:25 Bob The Builder 01:35 Thomas And Friends 01:45 Mumuhug 01:50 See The Sea 01:55 My Animal Family 02:10 Benjamin’s Farm 02:15 Monkey See Monkey Do 02:25 Barney And Friends 02:50 Lots & Lots Of... 03:03 Igloo Gloo 03:15 Anthony Ant 03:40 Angelina Ballerina 03:52 Oswald 04:05 Dragon 04:30 Barney And Friends 04:55 Bob The Builder 05:05 Thomas And Friends 05:15 The Magic Key Adventures 05:25 Kipper 05:35 Wild Life 05:45 Pingu 05:55 Igloo Gloo 06:10 Anthony Ant 06:35 Angelina Ballerina 06:50 The Magic Key Adventures 07:00 Angelina Ballerina 07:15 Oswald 07:30 Dragon 07:55 Bob The Builder 08:05 Thomas And Friends 08:15 Mumuhug 08:20 Kipper 08:30 Wild Life 08:40 Barney And Friends 09:05 Igloo Gloo 09:17 Lots & Lots Of... 09:30 See The Sea 09:35 My Animal Family 09:50 The Magic Key Adventures 10:00 Rubbadubbers 10:10 James The Cat 10:25 Monkey See Monkey Do 10:35 Baby Antonio’s Circus 10:40 Mega Minimals 10:55 Jarmies 11:10 Wild Life 11:15 Pingu 11:25 Benjamin’s Farm 11:35 Baby Antonio’s Circus 11:40 Rubbadubbers 11:47 Jarmies 12:00 James The Cat 12:05 Mumuhug 12:10 Mega Minimals 12:25 The Magic Key Adventures 12:40 Monkey See Monkey Do 12:50 Baby Antonio’s Circus 12:55 Benjamin’s Farm 13:05 Barney And Friends 13:30 Mega Minimals 13:45 Jarmies 14:00 Igloo Gloo 14:12 Lots & Lots Of... 14:25 See The Sea 14:30 My Animal Family 14:45 Benjamin’s Farm 14:50 Angelina Ballerina 15:05 Oswald 15:20 Dragon 15:45 Barney And Friends 16:10 Mumuhug 16:15 Bob The Builder 16:25 Thomas And Friends 16:35 James The Cat 16:40 Jarmies 16:50 The Magic Key Adventures 17:00 Monkey See Monkey Do 17:10 Lots & Lots Of... 17:22 Igloo Gloo 17:35 Jakers! The Adventures Of Piggley Winks 18:00 Angelina Ballerina 18:15 Oswald 18:30 Wild Life 18:40 Kipper 18:50 Bob The Builder 19:00 Thomas And Friends 19:10 Mumuhug 19:15 Kipper 19:25 Dragon 19:50 Jakers! The Adventures Of Piggley Winks 20:15 Jarmies 20:30 Angelina Ballerina 20:45 Mega Minimals 20:57 See The Sea 21:00 My Animal Family 21:15 Benjamin’s Farm 21:20 Monkey See Monkey Do 21:30 The Magic Key Adventures 21:40 21:50 22:00 22:10 22:20 22:35 22:45 22:55 23:00 23:10 23:35 23:45 Thomas And Friends Bob The Builder Rubbadubbers Kipper Mega Minimals Pingu The Magic Key Adventures Mumuhug Monkey See Monkey Do Barney And Friends Kipper Jakers! The Adventures Of Piggley Winks MBC 2 01:00 02:35 04:00 05:30 07:30 09:00 11:00 12:45 14:30 16:30 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:00 Taking Lives AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Bickford Shmeckler’s Cool Ideas Friends with Money Beyond Borders Anywhere But Here The Illusionist Bickford Shmeckler’s Cool Ideas Scoop with Raya Beyond Borders Nanny McPhee Armored Crank MBC 4 00:00 00:30 01:30 02:30 03:15 04:00 04:30 04:45 05:30 06:00 06:30 06:45 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:15 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:45 14:30 15:15 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Two and a Half Men Ezel Over The Decade Third Party Grey’s Anatomy Entertainment Tonight The Insider Late Show With David Letterman Two and a Half Men Mike & Molly Entertainment Tonight Late Show With David Letterman Charmed Mike & Molly Two and a Half Men The Talk Days of Our Lives DR OZ The Doctors Home Shopping Third Party Over The Decade Ezel Charmed Days of Our Lives DR OZ Grey’s Anatomy The Doctors Ezel Over The Decade Third Party Grey’s Anatomy MBC ACTION 00:00 Blade II 02:00 Action ya Dawry 03:00 NCIS 04:00 Wrong Turn 05:45 Most Daring 06:30 Rush 07:15 Supernatural 08:15 Eureka 09:00 Blue Bloods 09:45 Alcatraz 10:30 Supernatural 11:15 Jack Osbourne: No Limits 12:00 Driven 13:00 Alcatraz 13:45 Blue Bloods 14:30 Dollhouse 15:30 Action ya Dawry 16:30 The Bank Job 18:00 NCIS 19:00 WWE Superstars 20:00 The Death and Life of Bobby Z 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 Action ya Dawry MBC MAX 00:30 Osmosis Jones 02:00 The Good Night 03:30 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain 05:05 06:45 08:00 10:00 11:30 13:15 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:00 Flawless Miss Potter Almost Heaven The Good Night Osmosis Jones The End of The Affair An American Tail: Fievel Goes West The Greatest Game Ever Played Shortcut to Happiness Just Like Heaven Marie and Bruce NAT GEO ADVENTURE 00:15 My Sri Lanka With Peter Kuruvita 00:45 By Any Means 01:40 Ultimate Traveller 02:35 Cruise Ship Diaries 03:30 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled 04:25 Long Way Down 05:20 Bondi Rescue 06:15 David Rocco’s Dolce Vita 1 07:10 My Sri Lanka With Peter Kuruvita 08:05 By Any Means 09:00 Ultimate Traveller 09:55 Cruise Ship Diaries 10:50 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled 11:45 Long Way Down 12:40 Danger Beach 13:35 David Rocco’s Dolce Vita 2 14:30 My Sri Lanka With Peter Kuruvita 15:25 The Frankincense Trail 16:20 Ultimate Traveller 17:15 Cruise Ship Diaries 18:10 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled 19:05 Long Way Down 20:00 My Sri Lanka With Peter Kuruvita 20:30 My Sri Lanka With Peter Kuruvita 21:00 David Rocco’s Dolce Vita 2 21:30 David Rocco’s Dolce Vita 2 22:00 Bondi Rescue 22:25 Bondi Rescue 22:55 David Rocco’s Dolce Vita 1 23:20 David Rocco’s Dolce Vita 1 23:50 Pressure Cook NAT GEO CHANNEL HD 00:00 Alaska State Troopers 01:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 02:00 Blowdown 03:00 Animal Impact 04:00 Jurassic C.S.I. 05:00 Dangerous Encounters With Brady Barr 06:00 Racing To America 07:00 Situation Critical 08:00 Alaska State Troopers 09:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 10:00 Blowdown 11:00 Racing To America 12:00 Alaska Wing Men 13:00 Dangerous Encounters With Brady Barr 14:00 Racing To America 15:00 Situation Critical 16:00 Alaska State Troopers 17:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 18:00 Blowdown 19:00 Sea Patrol 20:00 Silence Of The Bees 21:00 Dangerous Encounters With Brady Barr 22:00 Sea Patrol 23:00 Situation Critical NAT GEO WILD HD 00:00 Rescue Ink 01:00 Bear Nomad 01:55 Nordic Wild 02:50 World’s Deadliest 03:45 Planet Carnivore 04:40 Journey Into Amazonia 05:35 Built for the Kill 06:30 Nordic Wild 07:25 World’s Deadliest 08:20 Planet Carnivore 09:15 Dangerous Encounters With Brady Barr 10:10 Monster Crocs 11:05 Hunter Hunted 12:00 Predators In Peril 13:00 Wild India (aka Secrets of Wild India) 14:00 World’s Deadliest 15:00 Planet Carnivore 16:00 Dangerous Encounters With Brady Barr 17:00 Hunt for the Giant Squid 18:00 Hunter Hunted 19:00 Nordic Wild 20:00 World’s Deadliest 21:00 Planet Carnivore 22:00 Dangerous Encounters With Brady Barr 23:00 Monster Crocs 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 OSN ACTION HD 00:00 Carrie 02:00 Death Race 2 04:00 The Scorpion King 3: Battle For Redemption 06:00 True Justice: Lethal Justice 08:00 The Rocketeer 10:00 Rocky IV 12:00 Reign Of Fire 14:00 The Rocketeer 16:00 The Transporter 18:00 Reign Of Fire 20:00 Faster 22:00 13 Assassins OSN CINEMA 02:00 Muhammad And Larry 03:00 Olentzero And The Magic Log 05:00 Life In A Day 07:00 Bangkok Adrenaline 09:00 Muhammad And Larry 11:00 Big Fat Liar 13:00 Quest For Zhu 15:00 Restless 16:45 Another Year 19:00 Hanna 21:00 Blackthorn 23:00 No Strings Attached OSN COMEDY 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 01:00 The Colbert Report 01:30 American Dad 02:00 The Ricky Gervais Show 02:30 Family Guy 03:00 How I Met Your Mother 03:30 Last Man Standing 04:00 Samantha Who? 04:30 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 05:30 Seinfeld 06:00 Seinfeld 06:30 Friends 07:00 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 08:00 Samantha Who? 08:30 How I Met Your Mother 09:00 Seinfeld 09:30 Seinfeld 10:00 Modern Family 10:30 Community 11:00 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 12:00 Friends 12:30 Samantha Who? 13:00 Seinfeld 13:30 Seinfeld 14:00 Last Man Standing 14:30 Community 15:00 Modern Family 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 16:00 The Colbert Report 16:30 Friends 17:00 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 Last Man Standing 19:00 Modern Family 19:30 The Office 20:00 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 21:30 The Colbert Report 22:00 Bored To Death 22:30 Entourage 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon OSN FIRST 00:00 Grey’s Anatomy 01:00 Homeland 02:00 Breaking Bad 03:00 Private Practice 04:00 Supernatural 05:00 Good Morning America 07:00 The Glades 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Coronation Street 09:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:00 Criminal Minds 11:00 The Practice 12:00 Grey’s Anatomy 13:00 Private Practice 14:00 Live Good Morning America 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 18:00 Emmerdale 18:30 Coronation Street 19:00 Necessary Roughness Warehouse 13 Combat Hospital Smash Supernatural OSN FIRST HD 00:20 Parenthood 01:10 Breaking Bad 02:00 Homeland 03:00 Justified 04:00 Private Practice 05:00 Grey’s Anatomy 06:00 Parenthood 07:00 Emmerdale 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 C.S.I. New York 09:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:00 Grey’s Anatomy 11:00 Private Practice 12:00 Emmerdale 12:30 Coronation Street 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:00 C.S.I. New York 15:00 Parenthood 16:00 Emmerdale 16:30 Coronation Street 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 18:00 C.S.I. New York 19:00 Bunheads 20:00 Warehouse 13 21:00 Combat Hospital 22:00 Smash 23:00 Downton Abbey OSN MOVIES ACTION 01:00 Rollerball 03:00 The Scorpion King 3: Battle For Redemption 05:00 Four Brothers 07:00 So Close 09:00 Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle 11:00 Four Brothers 13:00 The Fourth Kind 15:00 Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle 17:00 Taxi 19:00 The Untouchables 21:00 Kalifornia 23:00 The Running Man OSN MOVIES COMEDY 00:00 The Banger Sisters 02:00 The Dilemma 04:00 The Bad News Bears (1976) 06:00 Rebound 08:00 Melinda And Melinda 10:00 Open Season 3 12:00 Desperately Seeking Santa 14:00 Wayne’s World 16:00 Open Season 3 18:00 The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou 20:00 The Decoy Bride 22:00 Extract OSN MOVIES FESTIVAL 01:30 Red Rock West 03:15 Seabiscuit 05:30 Dear John 07:15 Sunny And The Elephant 09:00 The 19th Wife 11:00 Oranges And Sunshine 13:00 Unanswered Prayers 15:00 The 19th Wife 16:45 The Terminal 19:00 Burlesque 21:00 Separate Lies 23:00 Up Close And Personal OSN MOVIES HD 00:45 Seabiscuit 03:15 Ice Age 05:00 According To Greta 07:00 Backwash 09:00 Teen Spirit 11:00 Battle For Terra 13:00 Call Of The Wild 15:00 Glee: The Concert Movie 17:00 Teen Spirit 19:00 Thor 21:00 Blackthorn 23:00 Hereafter OSN MOVIES KIDS 01:00 Horrid Henry 02:45 Arthur And The Revenge Of Maltazard 04:30 The Ugly Duckling In The Enchanted Forest 06:00 The Proud Family Movie 08:00 Rh+ The Vampire Of Seville 09:45 The Muppets Take Manhattan 11:30 Scooby-Doo 13:00 Marco Macaco 14:15 Horrid Henry 16:00 Kung Fu Panda 2 18:00 The Muppets Take Manhattan 20:00 Spy Kids: All The Time In The World 22:00 Marco Macaco 23:30 Rh+ The Vampire Of Seville OSN NEWS 00:00 MSNBC Martin Bashir 01:00 MSNBC Hardball With Chris Matthews 02:00 MSNBC Politicsnation 03:00 Live NBC Nightly News 03:30 ABC World News With Diane Sawyer 04:00 MSNBC The Ed Show 05:00 MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 06:00 MSNBC The Last Word W/ Lawrence O’Donnell 07:00 Live NBC Nightly News 07:35 ABC Nightline 08:00 ABC World News With Diane Sawyer 08:30 Live NBC Nightly News 09:00 MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 10:00 MSNBC The Last Word W/ Lawrence O’Donnell 11:00 ABC World New Now 11:30 Live ABC World New Now 12:00 NBC Early Today 12:30 ABC America This Morning 13:30 Live ABC America This Morning 14:30 MSNBC First Look 15:00 Live NBC Today Show 18:57 Live MSNBC Hardball With Chris Matthews 19:38 Live MSNBC The Ed Show 20:19 Live MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 21:00 Live MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 22:00 MSNBC Newsnation 23:00 MSNBC The Cycle OSN PREMIERE 00:00 The River Why 02:00 Senna 04:00 Tomorrow, When The War Began 06:00 Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure 08:00 West Is West 10:00 Monte Carlo 12:00 Source Code 14:00 What’s The Worst That Could Happen? 16:00 West Is West 18:00 Puss In Boots 20:00 Crazy, Stupid, Love. 22:00 Prime Mover OSN SPORT 3 00:00 Golfing World 01:00 Top 14 03:00 MENA Golf Tour Highlights 04:00 Mass Participation 06:30 Sea Master Sailing 07:00 Golfing World 08:00 Ladies European Tour Highlights 09:00 MENA Golf Tour Highlights 10:00 Mass Participation 12:30 Sea Master Sailing 13:00 Golfing World 14:00 Show Jumping La Baule 15:00 Anglo Welsh LV Cup 17:00 Ladies European Tour Highlights 18:00 Golfing World 19:00 Top 14 21:00 Top 14 Highlights 21:30 Asian Tour Golf Show 22:00 Golfing World 23:00 MENA Golf Tour Highlights OSN SPORT 4 00:00 WWE SmackDown 02:00 NHL 04:00 UFC Prime Time 04:30 UFC Countdown 05:00 UFC The Ultimate Fighter 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 UFC Unleashed WWE Vintage Collection WWE NXT Prizefighter V8 Supercars WWE SmackDown WWE Vintage Collection European Le Mans Series V8 Supercars Highlights V8 Supercars Highlights NHL UFC Prime Time UFC Countdown UFC OUTDOOR CHANNEL HD 00:15 Penn’s Big Water Adventure 00:40 Penn’s Big Water Adventure 01:05 Penn’s Big Water Adventure 01:30 SCI Expedition Safari 01:55 SCI Expedition Safari 02:45 Western Extreme 04:00 Trophy Hunter’s TV 05:15 Sasquatch 06:30 Penn’s Big Water Adventure 08:00 The Crush With Lee And Tiffany 09:15 Penn’s Big Water Adventure 10:30 The Crush With Lee And Tiffany 11:45 Speargun Hunter 13:00 Buccaneer And Bones 14:15 Tarpon Of Boca 15:30 Speargun Hunter 16:45 Buccaneer And Bones 18:00 Tarpon Of Boca 19:15 Speargun Hunter 20:30 Buccaneer And Bones 21:45 Tarpon Of Boca 23:00 The Crush With Lee And Tiffany TCM 01:30 03:20 05:00 08:00 11:25 13:15 15:00 17:05 19:00 20:45 23:00 Kim The Opposite Of Sex Grand Prix Ben-Hur Kiss Me Kate Private Lives Of... The Yellow Rolls-Royce The Tender Trap The Two Mrs. Carrolls The Champ Lust For Life THE STYLE NETWORK 00:05 Chicagolicious 01:00 Fashion Police 02:00 Bridalplasty 02:55 Big Boutique In The City 03:20 Videofashion Collections 03:50 Videofashion News 04:20 How Do I Look? 05:15 Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? 06:10 Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? 07:05 Clean House 08:00 Videofashion News 08:30 Videofashion News 09:00 Videofashion Daily 10:00 Open House 10:30 Big Boutique In The City 11:00 How Do I Look? 11:55 Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? 12:55 Clean House 13:50 Videofashion News 14:20 Videofashion Collections 14:50 The Amandas 15:45 How Do I Look? 16:40 How Do I Look? 17:35 Clean House 18:30 Clean House 19:25 Big Rich Texas 20:25 Big Rich Texas 21:20 Tia And Tamera 22:15 Tia And Tamera 23:10 Empire Girls: Julissa And Adrienne ZEE AFLAM 01:00 Mahaanta 03:45 Dalaal 06:30 Keemat - Dharam 09:30 Hathkadi 12:30 Bol Radha Bol 16:00 Billu 19:00 Paagalpan 22:00 Halla Bol Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Advertising Hotline : 00974 4456 92 43 Email : 21 22 Wednesday, November 14, 2012 AL MUFTAH RENT A CAR AL MUFTAH RENT A CAR P.O. Box 1316, 'RKD4DWDU0DLQ2I¿FHD-Ring Road 7HO )D[ C- Ring Road7HO )D[ Grand Hamad Avenue7HO )D[ Airport7HO Ras Laffan,QGXVWULDO&LW\5/&&RPSOH[ 7HO Al Khor7HO ZZZUHQWDFDUGRKDFRP Documents Clearing Services We offer our services in all your document clearance at government departments and ministries Part-time Maid Service. Reliable maids for cleaning and general housekeeping duties Flexible packages at low rates. For booking : 66144629, 44186738 Fax. 44862727, Tel. : 33282892 Email : HOME TUTORS NEEDED FOR THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS DRIVER & OFFICE BOY www. qatartribune. com HELPLINE GROUP DRIVER - \HDUVRIH[SHULHQFH .QRZOHGJHLQ4DWDUURDGV9DOLG4DWDUL/LFHQVH OFFICE BOY - 0XVWKROGUHVLGHQVH SHUPLW12&WRWUDQVIHUVSRQVRUVKLS SEND CV TO : / Fax : 44694010 INTERIOR DESIGNER IMMEDIATE HIRING \HDUV RI H[SHULDQFH :HOO H[SHULDQFHG LQ $XWRFDG ' ' '6 0D[ 95D\ 3KRWRVKRS 0XVW EH FDSDEOH WR FUHDWH LQWHULRU FRQFHSWV 0XVW EH FDSDEOH IRU PDNLQJ GHWDLOHG VKRS GUDZLQJ IRU LQWHULRUV ZRRG ZRUNV J\SVXP ZRUNVIXUQLWXUHGHVLJQVHWF7UDQVIHUDEOHYLVDLVD0867 6HQGZRUN6DPSOHVDORQJZLWK&9 SEND CV TO : &HUWL¿FDWHDWWHVWDWLRQIURP,QGLD8.86$$XVWUDOLD*XOI FRXQWULHVDQG&DQDGD$SSURYHGDJHQF\ZLWK\HDUV H[SHULHQFHLQWKH¿HOGRI&HUWL¿FDWHDWWHVWDWLRQ:HRIIHU$WR= %XVLQHVVVHWXSVHUYLFHV352VHUYLFHV/LFHQVHUHQHZDO&5 .VHUYLFHV5HDO±HVWDWHVHUYLFHVDQG3&&LQ4DWDUDQG8$( 0RE/DQG:HEZZZKHOSOLQHJURXSV FRP(PDLO±TDWDUKHOSOLQH#JPDLOFRP URGENTLY NEEDED Electrician on call basis (OHFWULFLDQZLWKNQRZOHGJHRQLQVWDOODWLRQ RI$FFHVV&RQWURO6\VWHPZLWKDELOLW\WRGR WUXQNLQJQHWZRUNLQJDQGDOVRLQVWDOODWLRQRIH[LW SXVKGRRUEXWWRQLVUHTXLUHGRQFDOOEDVLV )RUIXUWKHUGHWDLOV please contact 44688014 / 44688065 FOR RENT IN OLD GHANIM. $EXLOGLQJRIÀDWV DQGHYHU\ÀDWFRQVLVWVRIURRPV bathrooms, hall,kitchen) For rent, companies only SITUATION WANTED FILIPINO, ACCOUNT MANAGER/SALES/CONTROL ROOM OPERATOR: 5HVXOWVRULHQWHGSHUVRQZLWKRYHU\HDUVH[SHULHQFHDV$FFRXQW0DQDJHULQDFDOOFHQWHU&RQWURO5RRPRSHUDWRUIRUDOPRVW\HDUVLQ*&&([SHULHQFHG5HDO(VWDWH6DOHV $JHQW 3UR¿FLHQW LQ 0LFURVRIW 2I¿FH 6XLWH$872&$' WUDLQHG :LOOLQJWRVWDUWLPPHGLDWHO\7UDQVIHUDEOH9LVD3OHDVHcontact – 33391256 or email at For queries please contact : 70343404 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FRU7HQDQF\7UDQVIHU $W3ULPH/RFDWLRQ6TU0WU &5LQJ5RDG1HDU*XOI&LQHPD *RRG3DUNLQJ$UHD *RRGDQGQHZO\GHFRUDWHGZLWK (3$%(;/$11HWZRUN&DEOHDQG 5HFHSWLRQ&RXQWHUUHDG\ 'LUHFW5HQWDO&RQWUDFWZLWK/DQGORUG Rent Monthly QR 10,000 Asking Price QR. 50,000.00 Contact Mr. Mostafa Tel. : 44355577 / 55383403 Fidelity Services Company :RUOG/LQH6HUYLFHV&R PART-TIME TUTOR Part-Time Science Home Tutor (Grade 1-12) Al Abdulla Trading Co. Auto Electrician & Spare Parts Car A/c. Repairing Mobile No. 77392743 Khalidiya Street, Najma P.O. Box : 17241 ,I\RXQHHGDSDUWWLPHKRPHWXWRUIRU \RXUFKLOGUHQZDUGVJUDGHNLQGO\ FRQWDFW0RELOH70152834(PDLO URGENTLY NEEDED Urgently needed Mechanical Engineer. 6KHKHPXVWKDYHJRRGH[SHULHQFHLQ$XWR&$' interested may contact 1. Mathematics 2. English 3. Sciences (Biology/Physics/Chemistry) The candidate must be a Native English Speaker Preferably with International Baccalaureate Middle Years (IB MYP) / Diploma Programmed (IN DP) Teaching Experience For more information please e-mail us: URGENT REQUEST ENGLISH TEACHER With a high bachelor degree in English and long experience in teaching, western or American nationality, age not less than 35 years and not more than 48 years, willing to give private lessons. To be available anytime, any day. For more information please contact Mobile : 66470880 Mob: 55510132 email: WANTED STAFF FOR ARABIC RESTAURANT 2 Waiters 2 Employees in-charge of making sandwiches and serving plates 2 co chefs Transferable of Sponsorship is required .LQGO\FDOO6682 1888 or VHQGWKH&9WKUXHPDLO URGENTLY NEEDED 9HWHULQDU\&OLQLFIRUSHW DQLPDOELUGVQHHGFilipino AssistantIRUGRFWRU. Contact : Mob : 55559283 TENTS & TARABEEL )RU VDOH DOO VL]HV ZLWK VSHFLDO SULFHV IRU FDPSLQJ VHDVRQ VWDUW 0RKDPHG $KPHG (O =LDE 7UDGLQJ (VW 6RXT :DTLI)DFLQJROG&DSLWDO3ROLFH6WDWLRQ For inquiries please call : 70343404 Fidelity Services Company A/C. Maintenance, Cleaning,Relocation Repair for all types 2I¿FH of ACs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ontac : 77563473 SIX WHEEL CARS, TRUCKS FOR RENT 7KHUHDUHVL[ZKHHOFDUVWUXFNVIRUUHQW ZLWK RU ZLWKRXW GULYHUV 5HQW FRQWUDFWV FRXOGEHIRUVKRUWWHUPRUORQJWHUP For more information 7HO 0RE)D[ CAMERA FOR SALE Canon Powershot SX30 IS PHJDSL[HOV_´VFUHHQ_±PPî 7KHFDPHUDRIIHUVS+'UHFRUGLQJD0LQLDWXUH HIIHFWPRYLHPRGH3$60VKRRWLQJPRGHVDQGD =RRP)UDPLQJ$VVLVWIXQFWLRQWKDWKHOSVXVHUVTXLFNO\ WRJJOHEHWZHHQWKUHHSUHVHW]RRPHGRXWSRVLWLRQVDW WKHORQJHUHQGRIWKHOHQVIRUEHWWHUIUDPLQJ 3ULFH45&RQWDFW Wednesday, November 14, 2012 23 24 Wednesday, November 14, 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT To all our valued customers We would like to bring to the kind attention of our valued customers, owners of marine machines and motor bikes that there are many products lying on our services uncollected after necessary repairs 3 months ago. We failed to contact them due to the wrong contact numbers and details. All customers are requested to collect their products within 15 days from the date of publishing of this notice. Failure to do so will result in Speed Marine disposing of WKHVH SURGXFWV DV WKH\ VHHP ¿W Speed Marine will be under no obligation to the owners of these uncollected products after disposing them off. No claims what so ever be entertained by Speed Marine against these products. Tel: 44688858/ 55706699 Midmac Branch: 55344915 / 44410109 Al Mathaf Branch: 55792333 / 55325211 Al Wakra Branch ( workshop )
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