- Macedonia Baptist Church


- Macedonia Baptist Church
Sunday (May 15)
9:30 AM Praise Band Rehearsal - Sanctuary
9:45 AM Sunday School
Youth practice in Sanctuary
11:00 AM Worship Service
3:00 PM Missions Council Meeting
5:00 PM Building & Grounds Team Meeting
Monday (May 16)
6:30 PM Finance Team Meeting
Tuesday (May 17)
6:30 PM Nominating Team Meeting
7:00 PM Cub Scout Meeting
Wednesday (May 18)
5:30 PM Fellowship Meal
6:20 PM Adult Bible Study
Youth & Children’s Activities
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
8:15 PM Praise Band Rehearsal
Thursday (May 19)
7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study at Barry’s Café
6:30 PM Stewardship Team Meeting
7:00 PM Boy Scout Meeting
TCP Council Meeting
Friday (May 20)
6:30 PM Family Game Night
Calendar of Events
Receipts for May 8
Offering & Tithes
Weekly Offering & Tithes Goal
Debt Retirement
Church Attendance
VBS Kick Off
July 17 ~ 2-4 PM
July 18-21 ~ 6-8 PM
May 18 Fellowship Meal
Chicken Salad
Cold Cut Hoagie
Chicken Noodle
Broccoli Cheese
Chips and Pickles
May 20…...Family Game Night
June 5…….Graduate Sunday
June 19…...Father’s Day
July 5-9…...M-FUGE Youth Camp
July 17…....VBS Kick Off Event
July 18-21...Vacation Bible School
Assistive Listening
System Available.
See sound technician
for assistance.
7100 Holly Springs Road, Raleigh, NC 27606
Phone: 919.851.3216
Fax: 919.851.1920
Web: www.mbcnc.org
Jimmy Brown, Senior Pastor
Ran Whitley, Minister of Music
Kathy Beckett, Administrative Assistant
Karen Kochies, TCP Director
Ellen Scott, Church Organist
Joelle Page, Church Pianist
Macedonia Baptist Church
Youth Sunday
May 15, 2016
Macedonia Baptist Church
Week of May 15
Deacon of the Week: Ramey Beavers
Unlocking/Locking: Kevin Harris
May 15, 2016
His People Gathered
*Gathering Hymn 78
Scriptural Call to Worship
Welcome and Greeting
“I Love You, Lord” (2xs)
1 Timothy 4:11-12 Zach Truelove
Emily Lewis
His Name Praised
*Songs of Praise and Adoration
Hymn 82
“Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him” (all vs.)
Hymn 106
“Worthy, You Are Worthy” (all vs. w/tag)
Hymn 152
“The Majesty and Glory of Your Name” (1x)
Offertory Prayer
Lizzie Montague
“Sweet Hour of Prayer”
Andrew Whitley
His Word Proclaimed
Norah Mitchell & Elizabeth Wargo
“Amazing Grace/My Chains Are Gone”
John 8:1-11
Braxton Montague
“Exploration of True Faith”
His People Respond
*Hymn of Response 501
*Hymn 501
Dr. Jimmy Brown
“Now I Belong to Jesus” (all vs.)
Greeters: Lee & Leigh Holmes, Rose Austin
Counters: George Sumerlin, Eleanor Upchurch
Extended Care: N: Caroline Brady, Brenda Holladay
2’s/3’s: Carol & Lea Berry
Children’s Church: Melanie Edwards
Ushers: Youth
Youth Breakfast: No breakfast this week ~ Youth to
practice in sanctuary at 9:45
Serving/Cleaning: Group 3 - Ritter (5/18)
Mowing: Team B - J. Holladay (5/21)
3-Year Bible Reading Plan
May 15: Revelation 5
May 16: Revelation 6
May 17: Revelation 7
May 18: Revelation 8
May 19: Revelation 9
May 20: Revelation 10
May 21: Revelation 11
“...You are worthy to take
the scroll and to open its
seals, because you were
slain, and with your blood
you purchased men for
God from every tribe and
language and people and
Revelation 5:9
Thank You - We want to extend to you our deepest and most heartfelt THANK YOU
for your generous gift. It seems like, ever since we got to MBC, one or the other of our
vehicles (which are both 14 years old) has constantly given us trouble, often leaving us
stranded with just one car. It was difficult, but we tried our best to balance life’s demands with just one vehicle. When we got the word of how much it was going to cost
to fix the head gaskets on our old van, we were discouraged. We knew two things: 1)
we couldn’t really afford the repairs, and 2) the cost of the repairs wasn’t worth it considering the age of the van. Never in a million years would we have expected our
church family to pitch in together to purchase us a vehicle. We are truly humbled and
overwhelmed by your THOUGHTFUL and GENEROUS expression of love, support,
and provision. We feel SO VERY BLESSED to be a part of this wonderful church family. We love our new van. It is perfect for us. While we want to thank everyone who
pitched in, we especially want to thank the Montagues and the Robertsons for initiating
and spearheading this generous and loving gesture. THANKS SO MUCH! We love
you all! ~Jimmy, Jennifer, Devon, Maks, and Lili
Family Game Night ~ Friday, May 20~ 6:30 pm - Join us in the Fellowship Hall for
food and fun with the family! Pizza & snacks will be provided. Admission to this
event is a non-perishable food item to donate to the Swift Creek Food Pantry. Each
family is asked to bring a dessert to share. Please RSVP to Caroline Brady at 252-9163980 or cwbrady823@gmail.com.
“Now I Belong to Jesus” (chorus only)
*Stand as Able
All songs used by permission - CCLI, Copyright License # 1235579
Women’s Ministry Survey - We want to hear from the women of MBC! A survey has
been posted on our Facebook page and there are copies of the survey in the lobby this
morning if you would prefer to take it in writing. Please take the time to complete this
survey so we may better serve the women of Macedonia. If you have questions, please
contact Whitney Rodgers at whit.rodgers@gmail.com or 919-422-3785.