quick reference of restricted items/activity
quick reference of restricted items/activity
QUICK REFERENCE OF RESTRICTED ITEMS/ACTIVITY For your safety and the safety of other residents, the following items are RESTRICTED from being stored or used at University Courtyard. Residents who are found in possession will be subject to confiscation of the restricted item and disciplinary sanction which may result in dismissal. * * * * * Amplified music/ Instrument connected to amp Alcohol or alcohol containers (full/empty) - (exception 21 and over) Display of alcohol containers in residence halls Candles or any wax product including Scentsy brand and electric candle warmers Cooking appliances- examples: hot plate, toaster, rice cooker, hot pots (except: popcorn popper, blender, coffee pot and provided microwave) *Drugs * Firearms, ammunition * Fire extinguishers: for emergency use only * Fireworks, firecrackers, explosives * Flags/Posters/Wall hangings on the CEILING * Flammable liquids such as gasoline, kerosene and Coleman fuel products * Gambling and lotteries * Halogen lamps, lava lamps * Unlawful manufacturing, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance * Drug paraphernalia (bongs/ hookahs) * Immersion heaters - space heaters * Incense, wax and oil lamps * Motorized vehicles, unless approved through Services for Students with Disabilities * Open flames (except a BBQ at the picnic area by the pool) * Pets- (except aquatic fish in a five gallon tank) * Posters- no more than 50% of a wall can be covered * Signs- stolen property signs (e.g. street signs, construction signs) * Smoke detectors: do not tamper with * Smoking in the residence halls (except in designated OUTDOOR areas) * Softball, baseball and golf ball or clubs- (use the intramural field adjacent to the residence halls) *Solicitation * Sports in the Hallways (i.e.: running, skateboarding, football, golf, baseball, etc) *Strippers *Waterbeds * Weapons- i.e.: pistols, rifles, shotguns, BB guns, stun guns, pellet guns, starter pistols, potato guns, paint guns, handbillies, dirk knives, razors, switchblades, explosives, martial arts implements, CO2 or air propelled items, etc. * Weights and weightlifting equipment (except one handed dumbbells 15 pounds or less) * Window or door displays- offensive or inappropriate signs, posters or materials (including judicial forms) Information gathered from within this student handbook _______________________________ Print Name _____________________ Hall _____________________ Room # I understand that: • It is my responsibility to adhere to the University Courtyard handbook, the 2012-2013 University Courtyard application packet and the 2012-2013 University Courtyard Student Housing and Meal Plan License Agreement. Residents and others who use the Weekly Planner and Student Handbook should note that laws, rules and policies change from time to time and that these changes may alter the information contained in this publication. • The Weekly Planner and Student Handbook is incorporated into my license agreement and constitutes a part of my license agreement. • Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information in the Weekly Planner and Student Handbook. • Weekly Planner and Student handbook is subject to change. Any changes that alter information contained in the Weekly Planner and Student Handbook will be placed in resident’s mailbox, the Housing Happenings monthly newsletter or posted in the residence halls. I have received the University Courtyard Weekly Planner and Student Handbook which includes the policies for the 2012-2013 academic year and understand it is my responsibility to read this handbook. ______________________________ ______________ Signature Date Return signed copy to the check- in table or the atrium desk Mailing Address: Your Name Hall, Room Number, Bed Letter Fresno, CA Zip Code Each residence hall has its own zip code which needs to be used to avoid delays in mail delivery. ii Aspen93710-8230 Baker93710-8231 Birch93710-8232 Cedar93710-8233 Graves93710-8234 Homan93710-8235 Ponderosa93710-8236 Sequoia93710-8237 Sycamore93710-8238 iii Release of Liability, Promise not to sue, Assumption of risk and agreement to pay claims Activity: University Courtyard Programs/Activities Activity Date(s) and Time(s): August 10, 2012-May 30, 2013 Activity Location(s): University Courtyard and/or California State University, Fresno In consideration for being allowed to participate in this Activity, on behalf of myself and my next of kin, heirs and representatives, I release from all liability and promise not to sue the State of California, the Trustees of The California State University, California State University, Fresno, the California State University, Fresno Association Inc., University Courtyard and their employees, officers, directors, volunteers and agents (collectively “University”) from any and all claims, including claims of the University’s negligence, resulting in any physical damage or psychological injury (including paralysis and death), illness, damages, or economic or emotional loss I may suffer because of my participation in this Activity, including travel to, from, and during the Activity. I am voluntarily participating in this Activity. I am aware of the risks associated with the traveling to/from and participating in this Activity, which include but are not limited to physical or psychological injury, pain, suffering, illness, disfigurement, temporary or permanent disability (including paralysis) economic, or emotional loss, and/ or death. I understand that these injuries or outcomes may arise from my own or other’s actions, inaction, or negligence; conditions related to travel; or the condition of the Activity location(s). Nonetheless, I assume all related risks, both known or unknown to me, of my participation in this Activity, including travel to, from, and during the Activity. I agree to hold the University harmless from any and all claims, including attorney’s fees or damage to my personal property that may occur as a result of my participation in this Activity, including travel to, from and during the Activity. If the University incurs any of these types of expenses, I agree to reimburse the University. If I need medical treatment, I agree to be financially responsible for any costs incurred as a result of such treatment, I am aware and understand that I should carry my own health insurance. I am 18 years old or older. I understand the legal consequences of signing this document including (a) releasing the University from all liability, (b) promising not to sue the University, (c) assuming all risks of participating in this Activity, including travel to, from, and during the Activity. I understand that this document is written to be as broad and include as legally permitted by the State of California I agree that if any portion is held invalid or unenforceable, I will continue to be bound by the remaining terms. I have read this document, and I am signing freely. No other representations concerning legal effect of this document have been made to me. Participant Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Participant Name (print):____________________________________Date:__________________ If Participant is under 18 years of age: I am the parent or legal guardian of the Participant. I understand the legal consequences of signing this document, including (a) releasing the University from all liability, (b) promising not to sue the University, (c) assuming all risks of participating in this Activity, including travel to, from, and during the Activity. I allow Participant to participate in this Activity. I understand that I am responsible for the obligations and acts of participant as described in this document. I agree to be bound by the terms of this document. I have read this document and am signing freely. No other representations concerning the legal effect of this document have been made out to me. __________________________________________________ Signature of Minor Participant’s Parent/Guardian ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Minor Participant’s Parent/Guardian (print) Date __________________________________________________ Minor Participant’s Name (print) iv v LIABILITY RELEASE AND WAIVER OF CLAIMS REGARDING LOFTED OR BUNKED BED SPACE I, the undersigned resident of University Courtyard, expressly acknowledge and agree that 1) my assigned bed space is or may be lofted or bunked, 2) my use of lofted or bunked bed space presents certain risks and dangers including an increased risk of injury or death from falling, rolling or jumping from heights, 3) natural forces and the actions of myself and other persons cannot necessarily be anticipated or controlled such that my safety cannot be guaranteed while using lofted or bunked bed space, 4) University Courtyard requires that every resident assigned a loftable or bunkable bed space be provided with continuous and free access to both delofting/de-bunking and safety bedrails, 5) University Courtyard has at all times provided me with continuous and free access to both de-lofting/de-bunking and a safety bedrail, and 6) I have at all times and I do hereby decline and refuse both free de-lofting/de-bunking and a free safety bedrail as offered to me by University Courtyard. In full recognition, appreciation, and acknowledgment of the dangers and hazards set forth above, I freely and voluntarily agree to assume all of the risks and responsibilities surrounding my use of lofted or bunked bed space without a safety bedrail. I accept full and complete responsibility for the safety of my personal property and myself and for my conduct hereunder. I do hereby for myself, my heirs, successors, legal representatives and assigns, give up, discharge, and waive any claims, whether now existing or arising in the future, against California State University, Fresno, the California State University, Fresno Association, Inc., d.b.a. University Courtyard, and all their trustees, directors, officers, representatives, agents, employees, and assigns, as a result of death, damage, or injury to myself or my property, from any cause arising hereunder. I further agree to defend, hold harmless, indemnify, release, and forever discharge the California State University, Fresno, the California State University, Fresno Association, Inc., d.b.a. University Courtyard, and all their trustees, directors, officers, representatives, agents, employees, and assigns, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions and causes of action, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses whatsoever, including the costs of defending such, which might arise on account of or from death, injury or damage to any other person or their personal property, or which may result from my use of the bed space set forth herein. I also agree that the waiver and indemnities contained herein shall be binding on my heirs, successors, legal representatives and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of The California State University, Fresno, the Licensor, and all their trustees, directors, officers, representatives, agents, employees, and assigns, and that any dispute, claim or controversy arising hereunder or related hereto shall be first submitted to mediation, and if unresolved then to arbitration, under the rules of the American Arbitration Association with discovery as provided at California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1283.05. Judgment thereupon may be entered by any competent court and the prevailing party therein shall be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees and costs in addition to any other relief. I represent and warrant that I am over 18 years of age, or if under 18 years of age that my parent or guardian has signed below, and that I am fully competent and authorized to enter into this liability release and waiver of claims. Without limiting the foregoing, the California State University, Fresno and the California State University, Fresno Association, Inc., d.b.a. University Courtyard shall have no liability or responsibility for damages, injuries, or death, or for providing to me or on my behalf any form of consideration, compensation, benefits or insurance coverage, employment related or otherwise, except as may be expressly set forth herein or otherwise provided by written agreement between the parties. BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT I AGREE THAT I HAVE READ THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT, DIRECTED ANY QUESTIONS TO UNIVERSITY COURTYARD, AND UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS AND AGREE TO THEM. Dated: _________________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Printed Name: ___________________________ Hall: ______________ Room: _____ Bed: ______ Phone: __________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian if under 18 years Dated: _________________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Printed Name: ___________________________ vi vii Photo Consent and Release I hereby grant to the California State University, Fresno Association, Inc., and its operating unit, University Courtyard, and to California State University, Fresno, and to all of the aforementioned entities’ employees, agents, representatives, nominees, designees, successors, and assigns (hereafter collectively referred to as “ASSOCIATION”), full authorization and the permanent and absolute right and permission to sell, assign, convey, display, transmit, reproduce, copyright, and/or use in any way, any depiction or representation of me in which I may be included in whole, in part or in composite, or in which the character or form is distorted, in conjunction with my own or any other picture, product, person, place, event, name or reproduction, in color or otherwise, made through any media, including but not limited to the Internet (hereinafter “depiction”), for such purposes as the ASSOCIATION may in it sole discretion, deem appropriate. I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect, approve or reject the depiction as well as any finished product or advertising copy which may use said depiction. I further hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect, approve or reject the use to which said depiction may be put. I hereby forever release, discharge and agree to hold harmless the ASSOCIATION, the State of California, the Trustees of the California State University, California State University, Fresno, and all of said entities’ employees, agents, representatives, successors, boards, committees, directors, officers, administrators and volunteers, from any and all liability, suits, and/or claims of any nature or description by virtue of any use whatsoever of the aforementioned depiction of me, whether intentional or otherwise, or in any processing tending towards the completion of a finished product, unless it can be shown that the use of the depiction is solely and intentionally for the purpose of subjecting me to conspicuous ridicule, scandal, reproach, scorn and indignity. I am 18 years of age or older. Signature:______________________ If under 18 years old, the parent or legal guardian of the person must also sign below. I, the parent or legal guardian of __________________________ do hereby consent and grant my permission to all of the foregoing. Parent/Legal Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________ Signature:______________________ viii ix Table of Contents 2012-2013 This Weekly Planner & Student Handbook belongs to: ________________________________________________________ NameHall ________________________________________________________ Email address If found, please contact student or return planner to the Atrium Customer Service Desk. Table of Contents Quick Reference List of Restricted Items/Activities.........Inside Front Cover Director’s Message........................................................................................xii University’s Mission......................................................................................xiii Welcome...........................................................................................................2 Staff & Employment........................................................................................3 Services & Facilities.........................................................................................7 Things You Need to Know.............................................................................15 Successfully Living in a Community.............................................................35 Conduct System.............................................................................................39 Policies............................................................................................................47 University Information..................................................................................58 Organizational Chart.....................................................................................70 Weekly Planner..............................................................................................71 Quick Reference Calendar.............................................................................73 Index............................................................................................................ 183 Frequently Called Numbers................................................Inside Back Cover Campus Map................................................................................... Back Cover x Subject to Change xi Welcome to University Courtyard, the only on-campus living facility located on the Fresno State campus! We’re glad you decided to spend this year with us. We hope the information in this student handbook will be useful in answering your questions, outlining our services and providing guidelines for effective living and learning in our community. The calendar gives you a place to record important dates to remember. Keep the planner with you to refer to when you have questions. All of us at University Courtyard want you to know that we care about your on-campus living experience. At University Courtyard we’ve created a living and learning environment that will enhance your personal growth and development. This unique community will give you quality facilities to ensure your comfort, vital services to enhance your safety and meals to meet your health (and taste) requirements. We hope that your experience at University Courtyard will be rewarding to you. You will meet a diverse group of people and have opportunities to get involved in a variety of ways. What you get out of your residence hall experience will depend on what you put into it. We hope that you seek opportunities to learn more about yourself and the people who live around you. We also encourage you to try new experiences and get involved in activities so that you can enhance your skills. The Housing and Residential Life Staff are ready to challenge you and guide you in creating a beneficial experience apart from the classroom. Visit our website at www.universitycourtyard.org or like us on facebook for information and events. Again, we welcome you and hope you’ll be proud to call University Courtyard “HOME”. xii 2012-2013 Director’s Message Director’s Message Subject to Change 2012-2013 The University’s Mission The University’s Mission The university offers a high-quality educational opportunity to qualified students at the bachelor’s and master’s levels, as well as in joint doctoral programs in selected professional areas. To carry out this mission, the university provides a General Education program and other opportunities, to expand students’ intellectual horizons, foster lifelong learning, prepare them for future professional study and instill within them an appreciation of cultures other than their own. The university offers undergraduate degrees and programs in the liberal arts and sciences as well as in a variety of professional disciplines emphasizing agriculture, business, engineering and technology, health and human services, and education, preparing students for productive careers and responsible world citizenship. Building upon the strength of these undergraduate programs, graduate programs provide opportunities for personal and career enhancement through advanced study, preparing students for positions of leadership in the arts, sciences and professions. The university encourages and protects free inquiry and expression, ensuring a forum for the generation, discussion and critical examination of ideas. By emphasizing the primacy of quality teaching and the close interaction between faculty and students, the university seeks to stimulate scholarly inquiry and discourse, inspire creative activity, heighten professional and technical competency, encourage and support research and its dissemination, and recruit and develop outstanding teacher-scholars/artists. The university fosters an environment in which students learn to live in a culturally diverse and changing society. Within that environment, it strives to develop a community founded upon mutual respect and shared efforts, in which individuals can communicate openly and work together to enrich the lives of all and to further the growth and excellence of the university. The university seeks and encourages historically underrepresented students to embark upon and complete a university education. The university serves the San Joaquin Valley while interacting with the state, nation and world. The university is a center of intellectual, artistic and professional activity. Through applied research, technical assistance, training and other related public service activities, the university anticipates continuing and expanding partnership and linkages with business, education, industry and government. Subject to Change xiii Welcome! Welcome to University Courtyard 2012-2013 University Courtyard Staff You are about to embark on an exciting journey in your life. The University Courtyard Residential Life Staff is responsible for developing and maintaining a comprehensive living/learning program that provides opportunities for residents to broaden their academic, social, physical and cultural experiences. The motto of the Residential Life Staff is, “We’re about the Journey:” • • • • Staff 2012-2013 The journey and transition from High School to College The journey and transition from one college to Fresno State The journey and transition from College Freshman to Alumni The journey in the development of an identity – “Who am I” & “Where Do I Belong?” As staff members, we are committed to challenging and supporting students along their individual journeys. To do this, our goals are: • Providing you personal support • Providing a place in University Courtyard where you feel like you belong, no matter where you are along your journey • Providing social, recreational and athletic programming – We want University Courtyard to be a fun place to live! It’s our desire to help you enjoy your year! • Maintaining a sense of community and an academically supportive environment by establishing limits and enforcing policies • Promoting an atmosphere that is conducive to creating an appreciation, understanding and acceptance of individual differences and lifestyles • Developing student growth through providing services and educational programs which both challenge and support our residents • Providing student leadership and training opportunities We want residents to get involved with their community, succeed academically, find opportunities for learning both in and outside the classroom, be satisfied with their experience living on campus, and ultimately graduate from Fresno State. • Erin Boele, Director of Housing: ensures that the goals and budget can be met and is responsible for policy implementation and administration, marketing, financial and continuous professional growth and campus outreach of the housing program. • Tyler Miller, Assistant Director of Housing: oversees the day-to-day operation of the Residential Life Program & Summer Conferences • Michele Davis, Residential Life and Student Conduct Coordinator: oversees the Residential Life Staff, meets with residents regarding interpersonal conflicts and policy violations for both University Courtyard and California State University, Fresno. • Laura Pimentel, Coordinator of Housing Operations: responsible for the application procedures, housing assignments and daily operation of the Atrium Customer Service Desk and Computer Lab. • Toni Marchini, Marketing and Summer Conference Coordinator: responsible for overseeing communications and publicity, special events and marketing to groups considering University Courtyard as a site for overnight accommodations during the summer. • Anthika Nammavongsa, Accounting Supervisor: responsible for maintaining financial records for all students living on campus including student accounts, financial aid/special payment plans, and Summer Conference invoices. • Diana O’Daniel, Accounts Technician: provides support to the accounting department. • Patrick McKinney, Facilities Coordinator: responsible for the daily operations of maintenance, housekeeping, groundskeeping and the electronic key system. • Heidi Nakayama, Office Coordinator: responsible for accounts payable and provides support to the housing staff. The housing office is located in the Atrium at University Courtyard. It houses administrative personnel as well as the professional staff. Staff members who live in the residence halls during the academic year include: three Resident Directors (RDs), five Assistant Resident Directors (ARDs), one Public Safety Student Coordinator, seventeen Resident Advisors (RAs), seven Public Safety Assistants (PSAs), and two Student Maintenance Assistants. This group works together to help create a “home away from home” environment for all residents. The staff is responsible for nine halls whose capacity is 1,100 students. Everyone supports each other to accomplish the goals of University Courtyard. 2 Subject to Change Subject to Change 3 Student Employment 2012-2013 STUDENT POSITIONS University Courtyard employs a variety of student staff year round. Job openings will be posted online and applications available in the Atrium for any available positions. All University Courtyard Student Employment is subject to the submission of all required documents and proof of eligibility to work in the United States. ATRIUM CUSTOMER SERVICE DESK ASSISTANTS: Provide 24-hour customer service during the academic year at the Atrium Customer Service Desk by answering phones, filing, processing lockouts/lost keys, checking out recreational equipment and providing information. (Summer Atrium Desk positions are also available.) COMPUTER ASSISTANTS: Provide assistance to residents using the computer lab, except during Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring recess. Mail Clerk: Responsible for sorting resident mail, creating package slips, keeping daily logs of incoming mail and packages, and updating forwarding addresses of previous residents. (A Summer Mail Clerk position is also available). Student Clerical Assistant: Responsible for processing applications, updating clarifications, scheduling the Atrium Desk and Computer Lab assistants, filing, and assisting the Coordinator of Housing Operations. Prior Atrium Desk experience is required to be eligible for this position. MAINTENANCE: Assist with the general maintenance and repairs to the facilities, related equipment and furnishings; make repairs to or send KeyCard locks back for repair when needed; keep a good working lock inventory on hand; program and replace locks as needed; run lock interrogations and reports, perform routine maintenance and clean locks. Work in the summer months and maintain binders, make keys for groups staying on campus. Available to come out after hours to make emergency repairs or keys. 2012-2013 Residential Life Staff RESIDENTIAL LIFE STAFF OPPORTUNITIES While most of these positions are selected the year before, there may be openings available during the year. Resident Directors (RD) are graduate students who are responsible for the day-to-day operation and administration of a residence hall complex ranging from 200-400 residents. RDs supervise Assistant Resident Directors and Resident Advisors, handle student conflict and conduct issues within their complex, and intervene in crisis when it occurs. There is a Resident Director always on duty to handle situations that arise in the residence halls. Assistant Resident Directors (ARD) assist the Resident Directors with the supervision of the Resident Advisors in their area, serve as mentors to the RA staff, and functions as a Resident Advisor to the residents living on their floor. Public Safety Student Coordinator (PSSC) assists the Student Conduct Coordinator with the supervision of the Public Safety Assistants, serves as a mentor to the PSA and RA staffs, and functions as a PSA within the community. Resident Advisors (RA) are responsible for building their wing, floor and building communities. RAs advise and counsel residents, mediate conflicts, develop and present programs on a variety of topics, create opportunities for interaction, enforce hall policies, and support the academic environment within University Courtyard. Public Safety Assistants (PSA) are responsible for the general security and safety of the University Courtyard community. PSAs handle a variety of conflicts and crisis, and patrol the halls and grounds throughout the evening and early morning hours. PSAs also provide late night escorts to residents who do not want to walk alone on campus. MARKETING ASSISTANTS: Responsible for assisting with the delivery of a successful marketing campaign to prospective and current residents, campus, and community. Examples include the development, maintenance and execution of a website, printed publications, providing tours, planning University and University Courtyard events and answering phones. Marketing Assistants work together to produce a monthly online newsletter for residents called Housing Happenings. OFFICE ASSISTANT: Responsible for mailbox combination process, interoffice mail processing and mail runs, inventory of storage areas, office forms, office supplies, common areas (furniture, kitchens, rec rooms); ordering, storing, restocking and distributing office supplies; and additional miscellaneous duties. ACCOUNTING ASSISTANTS: Provide customer service during the academic year by answering phones, receipting housing payments, filing & providing housing account information. TELEMARKETING ASSISTANTS: Contact prospective residents via telephone and provide them with positive information about living on-campus and assist them with completing and submitting their on-campus living application packet. 4 Subject to Change Subject to Change 5 Summer Conference Staff 2012-2013 2012-2013 Services & Facilities SUMMER CONFERENCE STAFF OPPORTUNITIES Overnight accommodations are provided for groups hosting events such as educational seminars, family reunions, workshops and sports camp. Groups of all sizes reside at University Courtyard for as short as a weekend to as long as several weeks. These positions provide professional development and excellent job training and experience. SUMMER CONFERENCE SUPERVISORS: Organize, deliver and ensure the successful day-to-day operation of Summer Conferences. LIFEGUARD: Responsible for monitoring the pool area, enforcing rules, working with all age groups and a variety of diverse summer programs. SUMMER CONFERENCE ASSISTANT: Responsible for providing clerical support to the Summer Conference operation including preparation of proposals, confirmation packets, answering phones, maintaining group information, binders and folders. This position is a 2 year commitment. Services & Facilities In this section, you’ll find details about the amenities offered at University Courtyard. SUMMER CONFERENCE PUBLIC SAFETY ASSISTANT (PSA): This position offers a rewarding role as a leader/helper. In direct communication with the University Police Department, PSAs patrol grounds and interior of the halls for safety and security, University Courtyard grounds, parking lots and surrounding areas, provide escort service and close propped doors. SUMMER Live on clerical assistant: This position has two different areas of responsibility. One is advising and counseling the summer residents and acting as their summer Resident Advisor. The other area of responsibility is assisting the Student Clerical Assistants with processing applications, updating resident information, and helping assist the Coordinator of Housing Operations. This position requires that you live on-campus during the summer months. Need a Job? Information regarding open positions at University Courtyard is available 1) On our website at www.universitycourtyard.org under Job Opportunities 2) In Housing Happenings, our weekly newsletter 3) Posted in the Atrium and throughout the halls 6 Subject to Change Subject to Change 7 8 2012-2013 Services & Facilities 2012-2013 Atrium & Living Options PARKING LOT University Courtyard is comprised of 10 buildings and can accommodate more than 1,100 residents. NO OVERNIGHT PARKING HEALTH CENTER ATRIUM DESK: The Atrium is open 24 hours a day during the academic year and contains a conference room, computer lab (open 7 am - midnight), gated patio area, fitness center, lounge with big screen TV, filtered water dispenser, ice machine, vending machines and a 24-hour customer service desk. For residents’ safety, exterior doors and gates are locked from 5 pm-7 am daily, with a resident’s electronic key providing access during those times. • Pick up and sign for packages or new mailbox combination card (must have photo ID--key card, driver license, passport, etc.) • Pick-up and sign for registered, certified and overnight delivery mail (must have photo ID) • Obtain a new electronic key to your room when you have locked yourself out or lost your key • Request and submit Facility Service Request forms and check status of request • Request Bed Rails • Check for lost and found articles (also check the University Police Department) • Check out recreation equipment (volleyball, horseshoes, etc.) • Check out Baker, Graves and Homan Hall kitchen keys • Check out hall laundry keys Misuse of equipment: Misuse or abuse of any • Check out vacuum residence hall equipment, including kitchen • Telephone available for on-campus calls supplies, sports equipment and games/ • Seek first aid; request emergency assistance. electronics is not allowed. Also, failing to • Rent DVD player for evening (ID required) return checked-out equipment promptly is a violation of accepted use. COMMUNITY STYLE DESK: In community-style halls (Baker, Graves and Homan) the hall desks are open from 7 pm-11 pm daily (including weekends), except Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring recess, and are staffed by Residential Life Staff. F Pool STAFF ONLY LOT hall Dining E University 24-hour Atrium Customer Service Desk: 559.278.2345 Services & Facilities • • • • PARKING LOT G • OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMITTED • Subject to Change COMMUNITY-STYLE HALLS (BAKER/GRAVES/HOMAN): Co-ed (women live on one floor/wing, men on another) House approximately 620 residents Majority of rooms are double occupancy, with limited large singles Each wing shares a common bathroom with private dressing and shower rooms Recommended for first-time freshmen, international students and new transfers as community-style living provides opportunity to meet a diverse group of residents Have laundry facilities, central resident mailboxes, study rooms, recreation rooms, kitchenettes available for use, information desks that are staffed from 7-11 pm each night (all located on the first floor for easy access) Subject to Change • • • • • • • • SUITES (ASPEN/BIRCH/CEDAR/PONDEROSA/ SEQUOIA/SYCAMORE): One, two or three bedrooms with a common living room and bathroom Majority of individual rooms are double occupancy, with limited number of single or triple occupancy House approximately 450 residents Gender designated suites Preference is given to returning, graduate, upper division, and transfer students (56+ units) Cedar and Sequoia halls are designated for freshmen who want to experience suite living Laundry facilities are located in Aspen, Birch, Sequoia and Sycamore Mailbox center is located in the Atrium Lobby 9 Services & Facilities 2012-2013 CABLE TV: Basic cable hook-up and service is provided at no additional cost for residents who bring a cable-ready television and who pick up a digital box from the Comcast table during opening check-in. Roommates share the cable television jack provided in each room. There is no start-up cost or monthly fee. If you do not have a cable-ready TV or you would like a premium channel, you will need to contact Comcast. An additional rental fee/cost and deposit for extra services are billed directly to you by Comcast. For a cable box, premium channels or for service concerns, residents should call Comcast at 1-800-COMCAST. CONFERENCE ROOM: A Conference Room is available for resident use by reserving a time in advance by completing a Facility Reservation Request form at the Atrium Customer Service Desk. This room can be used for group meetings or study groups. For weekly, monthly or semester use, pre-approval from the Assistant Director is required. Individual reservation for solitary use is restricted. (Preference will be given to University Courtyard staff.) FILTERED WATER: University Courtyard has provided a filtered water dispenser for your use in the Atrium. FITNESS CENTER: Weight machines, stationary bicycles, ellipticals, and treadmills are available for the exclusive use of residents 24 hours per day during the academic year (ID required) in the University Courtyard Fitness Center located in the Atrium. Residents can keep fit using a variety of fitness equipment. Guidelines and instructions for use are posted. Children under 16 are not permitted and staff may request to see photo ID any time. During Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Recess, read Housing Happenings for availability. FURNISHINGS/FURNITURE: All bedrooms in the suites and community style halls are furnished with a loft-style bed, mattress, mattress pad, large desk (except triples), desk with drawers (triples only), book carrel with desk light and bulletin board (except triples), dresser, file cabinet (except triples), and two-position chair. Also included in the suite living room or community-style room is a smoke detector, overhead light, window(s) with vertical blind(s), window screen(s), wastebasket(s), closet(s), storage cupboard(s), telephone jack, cable television jack and microfridge. Carpeting throughout the rooms, suites and halls are provided. Living rooms in the suites are furnished with a couch, chair, coffee table, bookcase and wastebasket. You are asked to take extra care with the furniture and not to deface or damage the furniture. You may bring extra furnishings with you as long as they do not damage the room and your roommate agrees. GRASS AREAS: Large grass areas are provided on the athletic field for outdoor competitive sports. In order to prevent disturbances for those trying to study and to reduce the chance of broken windows, screens, shrubbery and bodies, do not play softball, baseball or golf in the immediate area around the halls. However, frisbee, volleyball, football, wiffle ball and badminton are permitted in the large grass areas at University Courtyard (subject to quiet hours). Volleyball and horseshoe areas are available near the pool. Golf, softball, and baseball can only be played in designated areas determined by the Athletic Department. Housekeeping: Community-style • Bathrooms are cleaned once daily (including weekends) between 8:45 am and noon • While bathrooms are being cleaned, residents need to use a bathroom on another floor or arrange your schedule around the cleaning time • Common areas are cleaned daily (stairwells, junctions, lobbies, recreation rooms, hallways, laundry rooms) beginning at 8 am • Personal items left in areas being cleaned will be disposed of Residence suites • Bathrooms are cleaned three times per week • Deadbolts must not be set during scheduled cleaning times, and bathroom must not be in use or bathroom will not be cleaned until the next scheduled cleaning time • Remove all items from shower, countertops and floor (area will not be cleaned if personal items are left on these surfaces) • Housekeepers are required to work in pairs 10 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Services & Facilities Residents are expected to clean their own rooms and suite living rooms, including the regular disposal of waste. Trash should be disposed of in outdoor dumpsters, not hallway trash receptacles. Bathroom Cleaning Schedule Baker/Graves/Homan • 1st Floor: Daily 11 am-noon • 2nd Floor: Daily 10 am-11 am • 3rd Floor: Daily 8:45 am-9:45 am Aspen • T/Th/Sat 11 am-2:30 pm Birch • T/Thu/Sat 2 pm-3:30 pm Cedar/Ponderosa • M/W/F 2:30 pm-4:15 pm Sequoia/Sycamore • 1st Floor: M/W/F 2 pm-4 pm • 2nd Floor: M/W/F 12:30 pm-2 pm • 3rd Floor: M/W/F 11 am-12:30 pm HOUSING HAPPENINGS: The newsletter is available on the University Courtyard website (www. universitycourtyard.org). It will be published on the site once per week. Housing Happenings strives to keep you informed about what is happening in your community, with information about programs and policies, as well as upcoming deadlines. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning): Your room heater and air conditioning unit can be regulated by the thermostat and the heat pump (HP) switch (suites only). Each room is equipped with a thermostat that will enable you to select a comfortable temperature setting. Due to the State of California energy crisis, the State mandates that you set your heat to 68 degrees or lower and air conditioning to 78 degrees or higher. 1. Suites: You can select heating or air conditioning any time of the year by positioning the control (and setting the fan to auto). Suite rooms are equipped with energy-saving motion sensors. When you are not in your room, the heat or air conditioning will automatically shut off, unless your bedroom door is closed. As soon as there is movement in your room the heater or air conditioning unit resumes functioning. The door to each bedroom within the suite must be closed for the unit to maintain your thermostat setting. HEAT-COOL OPERATIONS- The HP or red switch by the thermostat must be ON. Allow up to one hour for room to heat or cool. The room sensor must sense motion to initiate operation cycle. During the winter set the control to heat and set the fan switch to auto. During the summer set the control to cool and the fan to auto. If the system doesn’t activate with motion within 5 minutes follow the reset instructions next to the thermostat. FAN OPERATION- set the fan to the AUTO position, not the ON position. Setting it to the ON position does not affect the temperature in the room and uses unnecessary energy. 2. Community-style halls: Your hall and room will have air conditioning in the Fall and Spring and will have heat during the cooler months. During the wet and cold months, keep the heater on and window cracked to keep an airflow to prevent mold. HEAT-COOL OPERATIONS- The fan switch by the thermostat must be on. Set the thermostat to desired temperature. Fan will run to maintain desired temperature. Allow up to one hour for room to heat or cool. Also, because our buildings are positively ventilated, opening windows with the air conditioning on only serves to draw warm air into your room and waste energy. Please keep windows shut when you have the air conditioning on. If problems arise with air conditioning or heating, a Facility Service Request form must be filled out at the Atrium Customer Service Desk for repair. HVAC continued on page 12... Subject to Change 11 Services & Facilities 2012-2013 HVAC continued... 3. Special note on October-March periods: For those residents living in Baker, Graves and Homan, during the winter months, it is important to keep air circulating in your rooms. With the windows being constantly closed, it creates an environment that is conducive to mold. By keeping your heater running (or at least the fan on) you will reduce the possibility of mold in your room. If you notice any mold in your room, please contact University Courtyard staff immediately. University Courtyard staff will complete monthly room checks to reduce the possibility of mold growth. ICE MACHINE: An ice machine is located in the corridor of the Atrium and available at no charge for the exclusive use of residents. KITCHENS: In each of the community style halls (Baker, Graves and Homan) there are kitchens available for resident use. All residents (including those living in suites) have access to these kitchens. Residents may leave their photo ID card at the Atrium Customer Service Desk and check out the key for one of the community-style hall kitchens. After 24 hours if you do not return the kitchen key, you will be subject to a $25 replacement key charge. Residents must follow all posted instructions regarding kitchen use and must remove all personal items when finished, as all non-University Courtyard items will be discarded. If kitchen equipment is missing or lost, those who used the kitchen and checked out a key may be held financially responsible for missing items. A partial list of charges assessable for damaged or missing kitchen items appears below (in dollars): Solid Spoon6 Pasta fork6 Slotted Spoon6 Slotted turner6 Pizza cutter10 Can opener12 10-pc measuring cups/spoons18 Peeler8 Spatula11 2 quart saucepan/lid20 3 quart saucepan/lid 30 9.5 inch fry pan 17 Salt & pepper shakers 9 12 inch pizza pan 11 Colander12 Scrubber7.50 Oven mitt 14 3.5 quart mixing bowl 12 9 x 13 inch cookie sheet 12 LAUNDRY ROOMS: Washers and dryers are available in each hall except Cedar and Ponderosa. Cedar and Ponderosa residents have access to Aspen or Birch laundry facilities by providing a photo ID and checking out a key at the Atrium Customer Service Desk. These machines are provided and maintained by Web Service Company. In order to use the laundry facilities, residents must obtain a reloadable Webcard. The cost for the card is $5.00, and upon purchase $3.00 will automatically be credited to the card. The card may be reloaded in the Atrium at the add value machine. The cost for laundry is $1.25 for a wash, $1.50 for a super wash and $1.00 to dry. If there are problems with a machine, you should fill out a Facility Service Request form, providing the machine number and problem at the Atrium Customer Service Desk. LOBBY AND RECREATION ROOMS: Each community style hall and the Atrium have a lobby with a television and comfortable furniture where you can sit and talk or study. Vending machines with snacks and drinks, as well as gaming equipment, are located in the recreation room in each community style hall. Pianos are available in some areas for residents to use (24 hour courtesy hours apply). Do not move the pianos, as each one has been tuned. The first floors of Baker, Graves and Homan have at least one study room equipped with table and chairs. The lobbies are the center of many of the social and educational programs that occur in each hall. LOST AND FOUND: If you find something, turn it in to the Atrium Customer Service Desk or your hall desk. If you have lost something, check for it at your hall desk or the Atrium Customer Service Desk. Items in the lost and found will be held for 30 days. After 30 days these items will go to the University Police Department. You can call them at 559.278.8400. 12 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Services & Facilities MAIL: A mailbox is provided for each resident. All residents are expected to check and empty their mailboxes daily. They are located in each lobby of the community-style halls (Baker, Graves or Homan) and in the Atrium for suites (Aspen, Birch, Cedar, Ponderosa, Sequoia and Sycamore). The mailbox has the same number as your room. Mail should be addressed as follows: YOUR NAME HALL AND ROOM NUMBER AND BED ASSIGNMENT FRESNO, CA 93710 Each residence hall has its own zip code which needs to be used to avoid delays in mail delivery. Aspen93710-8230Homan 93710-8235 Baker93710-8231Ponderosa93710-8236 Birch93710-8232Sequoia93710-8237 Cedar93710-8233Sycamore93710-8238 Graves93710-8234 *Do not use the University Courtyard business address, it will delay mail delivery.* • During check-in you received your mailbox assignment and combination. On the reverse side of the card are operation instructions. If you cannot open your mailbox ask your RA for help. If you are still unable to open it, complete a Facility Service Request form. • University Courtyard mail is picked up and delivered by the US Post Office carrier to the Atrium Customer Service Desk once a day except on Sunday, US Post Office holidays and December 25-January 1. An outgoing mail receptacle is provided in the mailbox center at the Atrium. UPS, Federal Express and other carriers also deliver packages to the Atrium Customer Service Desk (same dates apply). Mail is usually placed in mailboxes by 4 pm. Publicity or other informational material distribution: Will not be placed in resident mailboxes, unless it is first-class mail addressed specifically to the resident or unless the material originates from University Courtyard or University Offices. Mail forwarding: When you move out of University Courtyard, you must complete a mail forwarding card. For thirty (30) days following your vacancy, only First Class mail will be forwarded to you. If you do not complete a mail forwarding card, all mail will be returned to sender. The U.S. Post Office does not accept change of address forms from individuals living in the residence halls. Packages from UPS, FedEx, etc. will not be forwarded. Packages from these carriers will be returned to sender. Packages: If a package is too large to fit in your mailbox, a package slip will be left in your mailbox. To claim large envelopes/packages bring your package slip and a photo ID to the Atrium. All packages require a signature and COD will not be accepted by University Courtyard. If express mail or a perishable package has arrived for you, you will be notified by telephone (if a telephone number has been provided), or your RA will be notified and a package slip will be placed in your mailbox. Residents with temporary bed assignments should pick up all mail in the Atrium, including packages. During Thanksgiving/Winter/Spring Recess package pick-up days and times will be posted and included in Housing Happenings. Maintenance: Residents can request that room, suite or common area items be repaired by completing a Facility Service Request at the Atrium Desk. Examples: ceiling lights, desk lights, heating/air-conditioning repairs, door locks, bathroom repairs. Service requests are picked up by the housing and maintenance staff at least twice daily. Due to the number of residents, maintenance is not available to rearrange furniture or hang pictures. Repairs are usually completed within 48 hours of the request being submitted, and maintenance concerns are addressed Mon.-Fri. between 8 am and 4 pm (Exception: During the first two weeks of each semester, repairs may require additional processing time due to the typical volume of requests experienced during that time). Emergency repairs approved by the Facility Coordinator are completed after hours or on weekends. Repairs are prioritized based on health and safety concerns, order of receipt and extensiveness of repair. Repairs made as a result of damage caused by the resident are billed to the resident. MICROFRIDGE: One combination microwave/freezer/refrigerator is provided in each suite living room (two if the suite contains more than four residents) and in each bedroom in the community style halls. You may bring an additional fridge (not in excess of 2.5 cubic feet) but not a microwave, as it is a violation of fire/safety codes for residents to install and use their own microwaves. Subject to Change 13 Services & Facilities 2012-2013 PARKING: Parking permits are required to park vehicles on campus every day. Permits are on sale at the Parking Office at the University Police Department or online at www.my.csufresno.edu. Daily Permits may be obtained from the machines located at the various entrances to the campus. Anyone who has purchased a general parking or daily parking permit may park in designated general lots. Parking is enforced in all campus parking lots. Overnight parking is permitted in Lot G only. On Thursdays, Fridays or Saturdays during football season Lot G is used by Fresno State Athletics for patrons. On game day, residents may still park in Lot G by showing their parking permit for entrance into the parking lot. A parking attendant will turn you away on game days without your parking permit. Also, if you leave on game day and all parking spots are taken by football patrons, you are not guaranteed a space when you return. Football games end at approximately 10 pm (Aug./Sept./ Oct.) and 5 pm (Nov.). The first row of Lot G may be chained off for University Catering if an event is scheduled in the UDH. If your car is behind these chains contact University Police at 559.278.8400. 2012-2013 Things You Need to Know Things You Need to Know In this section, you’ll find plenty of information about living on campus and how to make the most of your experience! PEST CONTROL: If you have a problem with ants, bees, cockroaches etc., fill out a Facility Service Request form at the Atrium Customer Service Desk. Maintenance will spray for them. All residents are required to leave the building for six (6) hours during spray times. All buildings are sprayed two times a year, early August and Winter Recess. Remember- pest control measures are not effective if food is left out in the open or appropriate sanitary levels are not maintained. QUIET LIVING: Aspen, Homan and Ponderosa are quiet living areas and have been designed to meet the needs of residents who desire to live and study in an environment with pre-established guidelines about noise and quiet. If you are assigned to a quiet living area you are expected to observe the guidelines that have been established. Quiet hours: Sunday - Thursday 8 pm - 7 am Friday - Saturday Midnight - 7 am RECYCLING: Recycling containers are available in the junctions of all community style halls and in various locations throughout the Atrium, as well as at multiple locations on campus. Please do not dispose of non-recyclables in the recycling containers. SWIMMING POOL & OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA: Our outdoor swimming pool is located between Graves and Homan Halls and is exclusively for the use of University Courtyard residents. No lifeguard is on duty during the academic year. The pool is open 10 am to dusk during the early part of Fall and the later part of the Spring semesters (the pool is not heated). During the summer, a certified lifeguard is on duty. The pool is open and available to summer session residents, as well as summer conference participants of all ages. For your wing exchanges, floor parties or just for fun, you will find BBQ pits, a sand volleyball court and horseshoe pit conveniently located in the University Courtyard complex (between Graves and Homan Hall). VENDING MACHINES: Vending machines are provided in Baker, Graves, Homan and the Atrium. A change machine is located in the Atrium corridor. If a machine takes your money without returning an item, put an “Out of Order” sign on the machine and fill out a Facility Service Request form for repairs. You will receive an immediate refund by completing a refund form at the Main Office of the Dining Hall on the lower level, Monday-Friday 8 am-5 pm. After hours please complete a refund request form at the Atrium Customer Service Desk, the dining hall will call you when your refund is ready to be picked up. 14 Subject to Change Subject to Change 15 Things You Need to Know 2012-2013 2012-2013 Things You Need to Know How to Get Involved How to Get Involved...................................................................... 17 Make a Difference........................................................................... 18 Safety................................................................................................... 19 Meal Plans & University Dining Hall.......................................... 23 Important Info.................................................................................. 25 Get Involved!!! Leadership at University Courtyard: At University Courtyard, we want you to get involved with the activities of our community and develop as a leader. There are many ways to develop and implement your leadership potential: Hall meetings: One important way for you to become active is by attending hall meetings. These meetings provide you with the opportunity to meet and get to know your hall staff and other residents. At the meetings, you’ll receive important information from staff about check-ins/check-outs, policies, expectations and upcoming events. Discussions will take place on topics such as quiet hours, social and educational programs and expectations of other residents. Residence Halls Association: Our Residence Halls Association (RHA) is the premier leadership opportunity in University Courtyard. RHA is the representative body of the students living on campus. RHA deals with issues and concerns, makes University Courtyard a better place to live, and provides financial resources for programs and activities. Programming Committees: We offer five student programming committees that plan activities around different issues that our residents face. These are great ways to get involved: • • Drug and Alcohol Committee – addresses the issue of alcohol and other drugs. Diversity Committee – plans programs and activities around social justice issues, and promoting an appreciation of differences within our community. • Academic Success Committee – plans activities to support our residents academically. They plan the “Academic Success Banquet” each Spring semester for students who achieve a 3.5 or higher GPA in the fall semester. • Health and Wellness Committee – plans programs and activities boosting our residents consciousness of issues relating to physical, psychological and emotional health. • UC BEST (Bulldog Energy Sustainability Team)– implements and plans initiatives towards better sustainability within our living area. To get involved with ANY of the above committees, contact your Resident Advisor or Resident Director or email tymiller@csufresno.edu. Leadership Class: At the beginning of the Spring Semester, we offer the RA 70 Leadership class – it is a 9 week, two unit class that covers the foundation of Leadership, and provides activities and discussions around different skills required to be a leader. All students are encouraged to take the class. It is a great way to further develop your leadership potential. Staff Leadership Positions: Both the Resident Advisor (RA) and Public Safety Assistant (PSA) positions are excellent ways to fully develop your leadership potential at University Courtyard. The Leadership Class is a requirement for these positions. Recruitment generally begins in November of each year, with applications due at the end of February. Keep an eye out on your floor for more information on how to join the Residential Life Leadership team! 16 Subject to Change Subject to Change 17 Things You Need to Know 2012-2013 Take a Minute to Make a Difference University Courtyard staff is committed to maintaining an energy efficient living and working environment. We’d love for you to take part--there are many ways that you can decide to “go green” . Besides adhering to the current energy policy requiring you to set your heater to 68 degrees or lower and AC to 78 degrees or higher, here are some basic principles for energy saving that you can incorporate into your daily routine: • Turn off the lights when you leave the room, and set them to auto during the day. Doing this on a regular basis really adds up! • If you’ll be gone for a few days, unplug your appliances (except your refrigerator). Leaving them on standby slowly consumes lots of energy. • Think: recycle. Instead of disposable utensils and plates, use environmentally-safe plastic or glass. • Get a water filter or refill your water bottles at the filtered water dispenser in the Atrium. It’ll not only save you money not having to buy water bottles all the time, but it means a lot less plastic waste. If you do use water bottles, recycle! • Do larger loads of laundry, and use a rack to dry your clothes instead of putting them in the dryer. • Use energy conserving lightbulbs, and turn off lights when you’re not using them. • Print only what you have to for class, and when possible, use both sides of the paper. • Purchase used books, ebooks or rentals. Not only is it less expensive, but it’s good for the environment! • If you need produce or groceries, buy from local farm markets. • Share cleaning supplies with a roommate or friend. You likely won’t use an entire container of cleaner, and you can help eliminate the harmful waste of mixed leftover cleaner. Throughout the academic year, look for opportunities to join the effort. There will be opportunities to win individual and group prizes for participation in specific energy conservation efforts. For more information, check out www.universitycourtyard.org or speak with a staff member. 2012-2013 Safety Things You Need to Know Contact a Residential Life Staff member for assistance with any injury or emergency. EMERGENCY CONTACTS: Fresno State classroom and office phones may be used to dial 911 or 8-8400 for direct police assistance. ON CAMPUS RESOURCES: University Police Department University Courtyard Main Office (24 hours) Atrium Customer Service Desk (24 hours) Health Center (Fresno State) Psychological Counseling Center (Campus) Violence Prevention Program (24 hours) Campus Radio Station (24 hrs) 559.278.8400 559.278.2345 (option 1) 559.278.2677 559.278.2734 559.278.6738 559.278.5696 KFSR FM 90.7/1040 AM OFF CAMPUS RESOURCES: Poison Control Center 1.800.222.1222 Suicide Prevention Hotline (24 hours) 1.800.273.8255 Rape Counseling Services 559.497.2900 Rape Counseling Hotline (24 hours) 559.222.7273 Fire Safety It is up to you to keep your living areas safe and prevent fire hazards. Always use a surge protector when plugging in multiple cords, especially computers or laptops. Use caution when cooking or utilizing the kitchens located in the community style halls. SMOKE DETECTORS: All rooms are equipped with smoke detectors. If your smoke detector needs maintenance, notify staff immediately by filling out a Facility Service Request at the Atrium Desk. If a smoke detector emits a low battery beep, fill out a Facility Service Request FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND EQUIPMENT: All halls are equipped with fire extinguishers which are to be used in the event that a minor fire should occur. If you find a fire extinguisher that is not in its proper place, please notify a member of the Residential Life Staff. Tampering with extinguishers is a $50 fine. False alarms, removal or unnecessary discharge of fire extinguishers, propping doors and removal of exit signs compromise the safety of the residence halls. Residents found engaging in the above listed activities may be dismissed from the residence halls. Other fire safety violations will be dealt with through the disciplinary process. Whenever a smoke detector alarm sounds, the alarms sound only in the room where they are activated. It is important to determine whether or not a fire emergency exists and if one does, or if it cannot be determined because the door to the room is locked, then immediately pull a fire alarm located in the center and at the end of every hallway. An alarm will sound throughout the building and the University Police will be notified automatically. Fire alarm pull boxes are located throughout the complex. Once a fire alarm is pulled, it is the responsibility of each resident to evacuate their residence hall when the alarm sounds or be subject to criminal prosecution, fine and/or Residence Hall disciplinary action. Tampering with a smoke detector or a fire alarm is a $100 fine. Certain items are not allowed on University Courtyard premises because of the fire hazard they pose to residents. For a list of prohibited items, please see inside front cover. FIRE ALARMS/DRILLS: Fire drills will be held periodically. Please note that all rooms are checked as a standard evacuation procedure and that all University policies are enforced during this time. You are REQUIRED to leave the building whenever the fire alarm is sounded. Residents with disabilities are cleared from their room first. Staff is directed to knock on the door first, then key into every room. Failure to evacuate may subject you to criminal prosecutions, fines and/or disciplinary action. In the event of a fire alarm/drill: Baker, Homan, and Graves residents are required to report to Lot G and Suites residents are required to report to Lot E. It is important for all residents and staff to evacuate immediately to designated areas in order for Residential Life Staff and emergency personnel to be able to determine if halls have been evacuated. 18 Subject to Change Subject to Change 19 Things You Need to Know 2012-2013 Personal Safety General Safety Tips Be alert: Look around you; be aware of who else is around. If you think someone is following you, turn around and check. The surprise of a hostile look or aggressive words might avoid problems. If you feel you are in danger, make as much noise as possible. Trust your instincts—if you feel uneasy, get out of the situation as quickly as possible. Use the Blue Light Emergency Phones on campus to contact University Police. Stay in the light: Use well-traveled routes and well-lit areas. Avoid short cuts. Report any broken or damaged lights or emergency phones. Park in well-lit areas or move the car before dark. Check you car: Have your keys in hand and check inside and under the car before entering. Keep your car doors locked. If followed, drive to a busy store, police station or hospital, rather than directly home. Do not leave valuable items in plain view. Go in groups: Walk with a companion or group of friends after dark or request an escort from University Police. Lock your bike: Use a strong lock attaching the frame of the bike to a bike rack (U-shape locks are recommended). Register your bike through University Police by filling out the Bike Registration form on www.univeristycourtyard.org. Report bike thefts or any suspicious behavior to University Police immediately. Room/Personal Safety Tips Be alert in your room: Living communities are only as safe as the residents make them. Take your share of the responsibility. Again, be alert, for yourself and others. Look out for each other. Report any suspicious behavior to the Residential Life Staff and University Police. Check visitors: Never open the door without checking who is there. Ask for identification if you are not sure. Use your peephole. Lock-up: Keep your room door locked even when going to the bathroom and lock ground floor windows. Internet safety: Do not provide personal information on social networking websites. This includes but isn’t limited to addresses, phone numbers, photos, locations and place of employment. Don’t post this information about other people on their sites. ID your belongings: Engrave valuables, record all serial numbers of your property and make copies of your credit cards and driver’s license in case of theft. The University Police Department has several etchers that you can use to engrave your name or driver’s license number on your valuables. In the event the property is stolen and located, this information may help the police to identify and return your belongings to you. If you are interested in using an etcher contact the University Police Department at 559.278.8400. Safety Resources Pedestrian Safety Throughout University Courtyard mirrors and signs have been posted in blind zones to help prevent collisions between pedestrians, cyclists, skateboarders, etc. Pedestrians have the right of way so if you choose to use skateboards or other devices please slow down, be kind and share the walkway. Safety Escort Radio-equipped, uniformed, and trained safety escort officers will accompany persons to their destinations on campus 24 hours a day. If a safety escort officer is unavailable, a police officer will provide this service. Call 559.278.8400 or locate an emergency phone to request a safety escort officer. 20 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Things You Need to Know RAD/Personal Safety/Self-Defense Classes The University Police Department is staffed with certified instructors in self-defense and Rape Aggression Defense (RAD). For further information or to find out time and dates, please contact the Campus Police at 559.278.8400 or via email at rad@listserv.csufresno.edu Women’s Resource Center/Central Valley Cultural Heritage Institute The WRC/CVCHI is a compassionate, inclusive, place that provides a sense of belonging, advocacy, and resources for the campus community. It promotes success and nurtures holistic growth and development through various opportunities, activities and events that are founded in a framework that is fully inclusive of diversity. Contact them at 559.278.4435 or visit the website at www.fresnostate.edu/wrc . Violence Prevention Project The mission of VPP is to provide prevention, intervention and education for all students, faculty and staff with regard to sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking. The services are not limited to women; they are available to all students, staff and faculty, including men. The services include on campus as well as off-campus entities such as fraternities, sororities, faith-based groups and similar organizations that serve students within a one-mile radius of the campus. Contact VPP at 559.278.5696 (24 hours) or visit the website at www.fresnostate.edu/vpp/. UNIVERSITY HEALTH AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES (UHPS) Open Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:45 pm during the academic year for health care. Counseling intake and walk-up hours are 9:00 am-11:00 am and 2:00 pm-4:00 pm. UHPS is located on campus at the corner of Barton and Keats Ave. If an ambulance is needed, a Resident Advisor (RA) or member of the University Courtyard Staff should be contacted and they will call the University Police Department who will evaluate the situation, then call for an ambulance, if necessary. In an extreme emergency, you may wish to call the University Police Department directly, but be sure to notify a member of the staff as soon as possible. University Courtyard Staff cannot transport residents. All resident emergency cards are located at the Atrium Customer Service Desk. Health Center (Campus)...............................................................................................559.278.2734 Psychological Counseling Center (Campus)..........................................................559.278.6738 Nearby Hospitals: Clovis Community Medical Center Take Cedar N. to Herndon, turn R, several miles, 2755 Herndon Ave. 93611.................559.324.4000 hospital on L after Temperance Fresno Community Regional Medical Center Take Shaw to 41, S to Divisadero, R on Divisadero, Fresno and R. Street.............................559.459.6000 a few blocks, hospital on L Kaiser Medical Center Take Shaw W to Fresno Street, go R, cross 7300 N. Fresno Street..........................559.448.4500 Herndon, go two blocks, hospital on R Saint Agnes Medical Center Take Cedar N turn L on Herndon and get into 1303 E. Herndon 93720......................559.450.3000 inside lane, L on Millbrook Subject to Change 21 Things You Need to Know 2012-2013 Missing Persons MISSING STUDENT For purposes of this policy, a resident may be considered a “missing person” if the resident’s absence is suspiciously different to his/her usual pattern of behavior and/or unusual circumstances may have caused the absence. confidential missing person contact Each student living on-campus has the option to register anyone as their “confidential missing person contact” to be notified in the event that the student is determined to be missing. Any missing person under the age of 18 that are not emancipated will have their parent or guardian notified as well. Only authorized campus officials and law enforcement persons in furtherance of a missing person investigation may have access to this information. 2012-2013 Meal Plans and the University Dining Hall The meal options allow residents to choose the meal plan which best meets their needs. The 14 and 19 meal plans, 14-flex plan and 10-flex plan are offered to all residents and the 7 meal plan is offered to qualified returning residents only. With a flex plan, $125 per semester is provided on your campus ID key card which can be used at on-campus University Dining Services. The flex plans are not subject to refund. NOTE: Qualifying returning residents are those who resided in University Courtyard for the full previous license agreement term (Fall 2011 and Spring 2012). Walk-up meals are available at the following rates (plus tax): Breakfast................................$6.25 Lunch......................................$8.50 Dinner...................................$10.00 Brunch (weekends)............$9.00 To register a “confidential missing person contact,” go online to www.universitycourtyard.org. How to Report a Missing Person To report a missing person, contact University Courtyard at 559.278.2677 or University Police Department at 559.278.8400 or 911 (from any campus phone). In the event of a missing student, University Courtyard will (1) conduct a health and safety check of the resident’s room, (2) attempt to contact the student via cell phone, email or other means, and (3) identify other students who may be aware of the missing person’s whereabouts (i.e. roommate, friends, classmates, other residents, etc). If University Courtyard is unable to make contact with the potential missing student they will contact the University Police Department at 559.278.8400 and the Dean of Students. University Courtyard officials will assist UPD and the University in the investigation of any missing student. Number of Meals (per semester) Meal Plan Fall Spring 19-plan 347 341 14-flex or 14-plan 233 228 10-flex 176 170 7-plan 117 115 If all meals are used before the end of the semester, additional daily meals may be purchased through the University Dining Office at the rate of $6.50 per meal, or individual pricing is available at the cashier. The University Dining Services Administration Office is located on the lower level of the University Courtyard Dining Hall and is open Mon.-Fri. 8 am-5 pm Any meal balance at the end of the semester is forfeited. Meal Schedule Other Emergency Situations LOSS OF POWER • Remain calm, immediately turn off your television, computer, radio, etc. to avoid damage from a power surge. • After dark, remain in your room. Have a flashlight handy. Do not burn candles (The Fire Marshall prohibits burning candles in the residence halls). • Emergency lighting will be provided by a generator in common hallways and stairwells only. • Keep microfridge doors closed to maintain the temperature inside. • The water pressure for showers, sinks, toilets and water fountains may be affected in a power outage. • Laundry machines should resume cycle when power returns, but check to make sure. • Direct any questions or concerns to Residential Life Staff members who have been trained in emergency procedures and have flashlights. • University Police will respond to any emergency that may occur as a result of a blackout. EARTHQUAKES • Stay calm. • Avoid bookcases and windows, get under a desk or table. • Leave the building after the initial quake/shock. • Stay clear of buildings when outside. • Follow the directions of Residential Life Staff members and University Police. 22 Things You Need to Know Subject to Change Mon-FriSat-Sun Breakfast: 7:00 am–11:00 am Brunch: 10:00 am-4:00 pm Lunch: 11:00 am–4:00 pm Dinner: 4:00 pm-8:00 pm Dinner: 4:00 pm–8:00 pm *Subject to change Since your Fresno State ID is your meal card and room key, it is important for you to keep the card in your possession at all times. If you lose your card, you can receive passes for three days from the University Dining Office while you try to locate it. The University Dining Services Administration Office is open Monday-Friday 8 am-5 pm only. Passes are not available on Saturday or Sunday. If you are not able to obtain passes during the week, you may report to the University Dining Services office before 5 p.m. the next business day after the weekend to receive a refund. You must present valid receipt of payment. If you are not able to find the card, you will be required to purchase a new Key Card from the Key Card office at a cost of $10, plus an additional $15 to have the card reprogrammed as your room key/meal card. Dates of Operation Fall semester: August 19, 2012 – December 21, 2012 Spring Semester: January 15, 2013 – May 17, 2013 *Meal Plan changes will be accepted September 10-14 or Jan 25-31 only. Meal Plan Change applications will be accepted at the University Dining Services Administration Office , 8:00 am-5:00 pm weekdays. **Refer to 2012-2013 University Courtyard brochure section “Meal Plan and Financial Information” for additional information. Subject to Change 23 Things You Need to Know 2012-2013 GUEST MEAL: University Courtyard residents may bring a guest, however the meal will be deducted from the total number of meals available for the resident. For 7- or 10-meal plans, 10 guest meals will be permitted per semester; for 14- and 19-meal plans, up to 20 guest meals may be used each semester. Residents must present their KeyCard (campus ID). In order for the guest to be admitted, the guest must be accompanied by the resident at all times. Dining Services Policies & Procedures 1. You are expected to carry your own dishes and silverware to the conveyor. This is a prime element in keeping the cost of your meal service low. 2. You are not permitted to take dishes or silverware from the Dining Hall. 3. Sack meals will be available in lieu of lunch or dinner (but not breakfast) and can be picked up between 7:00 am - 10:30 am, Monday through Friday. You are allowed only ONE sack meal during any meal period for any subsequent meal period. Sack lunches are not available on Saturday and Sunday. 4. Sick trays are available in the event you are ill and are unable to eat at the University Dining Hall. Sick trays may be picked up for the ill individual by another person with the appropriate KeyCard. Abuse of this policy will result in disciplinary action. 5. Refunds are not made for meals missed or skipped. 6. If you have special dietary needs, you should contact the University Dining Services Office at 559.278.3904. They will be happy to work with you to solve your special dietary needs. 7. Shoes and shirt are required for entrance into the dining hall. 8. Smoking is not permitted in the University Dining Hall, on the patio or on the ramp. 9. University Dining Services will provide food items in bulk for picnics, barbecues, etc. as part of the meal plan if a minimum of 24 License Agreement participants sign-up for the event. Two separate exchange activities will be allowed on any given day. All arrangements, including an alphabetized list of participants and a signed approval from the Resident Director, must be completed with University Dining Services a minimum of seven days prior to the planned event (contact your RA for details). 10.Birthday parties may be organized monthly (during academic year only) by Residential Life Staff to celebrate all birthdays in an individual living area. Residential Life Staff will announce the date for the birthday cake, provided by University Dining Services at no charge. All residents are invited to their wing/ building birthday parties!!! 11.Any unauthorized holes punched in a KeyCard may require total card replacement at the resident’s expense. The magnetic strip on the back of your card is sensitive, so please take care of your card. 24 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Things You Need to Know Important Info ACCESSIBILITY FOR THE DISABLED: Various areas of the University Courtyard complex have been modified to accommodate the needs of residents with physical disabilities. It is the policy of University Courtyard to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C §§12101, et seq.). If you are in need of an accommodation because of a disability, please contact the Coordinator of Housing Operations. A form from Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) will be provided. This form must be completed and returned to the SSD office within 14 days of receipt. University Courtyard has identified various rooms, in certain buildings, for residents with disabilities. These rooms are available to residents who have a need for special accommodations, have submitted the request to the SSD office and a recommendation for special services is provided by the SSD office to University Courtyard. All space is subject to availability. All rooms are located on the first floor of a hall and close to an exit. The Atrium exterior doors are equipped with a motion sensor to open automatically, as are the sliding exterior doors in each community style hall. A computer workstation with accessible features is available in the Atrium Computer Lab. Residential Life Staff are trained how to evacuate a building and assist residents with disabilities. Residents provide information to University Courtyard which helps staff assist them in case of an emergency. This information is on file at the Atrium Customer Service Desk and with each emergency binder. Upon arrival or during the academic year, residents with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Assistant Director of Housing (278.2345, option 6) if the physical arrangements of the room or other areas of the complex are such that movement is difficult. Returning residents wishing to receive an accessible room due to a disability must contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office directly before room selection process each academic year. The Services for Students with Disabilities Office will then make a recommendation to University Courtyard regarding the student’s needs. Returning residents wishing to renew their accessible room must schedule an appointment at the Atrium Customer Service Desk with the Coordinator of Housing Operations prior to selecting their room during Resident Appreciation Day. APPLYING TO LIVE ON CAMPUS FOR 2013-2014: We want you back! If you submit your complete on-campus living application by 5pm on February 28th, you will receive your choice of a free fall semester parking pass, football season tickets, or $100 off your last month’s rent. In addition, you get to choose your room and roommate/suitemates. If you apply online, you save $25 off the application fee. If you miss the February 28th deadline, you have until 5pm on April 5th to still be able to pick your own room and roommate/suitemates. April 5th is also the last day to apply online and receive $25 off the application fee. Additional information about the returning resident incentives will be posted throughout the year. BED RAIL WAIVER: Every resident is required at check-in to fill out and sign a bed rail waiver or bed rail request form. If you choose not to have a bed rail, University Courtyard is not responsible for any injuries that may occur if you fall out of your bed. Checking into the halls: You must move in before 11 pm the Sunday (Academic Year) or Wednesday (Spring) before instruction begins or your room may be assigned to another student, unless you have given prior notification to the Housing Office. Upon moving in you must carefully review and complete your Room Condition Report Form, sign it and return it within two hours to the check-in table or the Atrium Customer Service Desk. You are responsible for all items listed on your check-in form. Subject to Change 25 Things You Need to Know 2012-2013 2012-2013 Things You Need to Know Checking out of the halls: At the conclusion of the Spring semester, detailed instructions are provided by the University Courtyard Housing Office prior to scheduled dates (refer to the Student Housing and Meal Plan License Agreement section and Housing Happenings). Instructions on how to check out for Spring will be provided in your hall meeting. Residents are responsible for any damage within their room that was not listed on the Room Condition Report Form at check-in. Any discrepancies, as well as missing or damaged items, will be billed. Common area damages or excessive garbage in the common areas will be charged to the floor or wing residents. Damage or garbage in suite living rooms or bathrooms will be charged to the suitemates. (Residents are not required to pack up their belongings for winter recess; however, you must complete the Winter Recess form and check-out with a Residential Life Staff Member). All residents must be checked out (and complete the checklist below) no later than 3 pm on the Friday of finals week. The following needs to be completed when moving out of your room, no matter when: 1. Follow the instructions on how to check out provided by your Residential Life Staff member 2.Remove all personal belongings from the room/suite and hallway (in community style hall). 3.Clean your entire room/suite (dust, sweep, vacuum) and put furniture in original set-up. (As a courtesy, vacuums are available at the Atrium Customer Service Desk). Failure to clean your room may result in charges. 4.Remove and dispose of trash in large dumpsters outside each hall. A minimum of $100 will be billed to clean or remove garbage. 5.Clean and defrost microfridge. A $25 fee will be charged for clean-up to all residents in the room/suite. 6.Air Conditioner/Heater should be left on the “Auto” position (suites only) and set to 68 (heat) or 78 (air conditioning). 7.Have your RA or building staff member check you out with your RCR form. You may not reenter the room once you have checked out. 8.Turn in your mattress pad. Failure to return the mattress pad results in a $25 fee. Mattress pads must be returned at the time of checkout. No late returns of mattress pads will be accepted. 9.Complete and return your forwarding address card. Failure to follow the above check list may result in a $75 improper check-out fine. Remittance of any refundable security deposit balance will be made in approximately three to six (3-6) weeks. If you choose to return , your security deposit will remain on account. Cancellation policy: A student no longer attending the University or no longer wishing to live on campus must submit a “Petition for Cancellation” form available at University Courtyard along with a $50 processing fee, subject to approval by the Director of Housing. If the petition is denied, you will be charged the full rate schedule based on your room assignment and selected meal plan. If your petition is approved, you will be assessed a minimum of 30 days room and board. Phone and cancellations are not accepted. The University Courtyard housing application and California State University, Fresno admission are separate processes. It is your responsibility to notify each office separately if you do not attend. 26 Subject to Change Cleanliness: All residents are expected to keep their own rooms free from excessive trash/debris and maintain the room/fixtures in the same condition as they were when the resident first arrived, except for normal wear-and-tear. Vacuums are available in the Atrium and at the community style hall desks for use by residents. As a courtesy, dumpsters are located near each community style building as well as the Atrium for the disposal of trash. COMPUTING NETWORK Computer lab: The computer lab is available in the Atrium for use by all University Courtyard residents during the academic year. To use the lab, you must be a current resident, sign in, leave your electronic key with the Computer Lab Assistant and respect the rules of the computer lab, including following the instructions of the Computer Lab Assistant. You are prohibited from loading any software onto the computer, modifying the hardware or moving the computer or monitor. You will be asked to leave immediately should you break any computer lab rules. There is a two hour use limit for Word and Excel and a one hour limit for internet and email if there are students waiting to use the lab. Provided in the lab is a free fiber optic high-speed connection, Dell Optiplex GX620 Pentium 4 computers and a pay-for-print service. Should you want to save your work, you must bring your own blank CD or thumb drive. During Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Recess, the lab is closed. Wireless internet: Wireless internet is available free of charge in the Atrium Lobby/ Patio area and the lobbies/junctions of each community style hall. Any resident wishing to access the wireless network should use his or her Fresno State login and password. In addition to these areas, wireless internet is available at various campus locations including the USU, Henry Madden Library and Dining Hall. Internet room access: Internet is provided free through the campus. Baker, Graves and Homan access is through wireless connections. The suites are hardwired and require a modem from ITS. Internet usage: Any resident who chooses to engage in or posts information (including but not necessarily limited to text, photos and/or sound files) depicting behaviors and conduct that are not in accordance with University Courtyard’s Policies or the University’s Code of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action and/or dismissal from the residence halls. (Includes but is not limited to MySpace, Facebook, Xanga, Livejournal, Classmate, and related sites.) As per the University computer usage policy, unauthorized file sharing, plagiarism and the illegal downloading of any files or information are not allowed. To view the computer policy in its entirety go to www.fresnostate.edu/aps/ documents/apm/622.pdf. Copyright: Peer-to-peer file sharing is a violation of federal copyright law. For more information, visit www.copyright.gov. Subject to Change 27 Things You Need to Know 2012-2013 DAMAGE POLICY: Residents who accidentally or intentionally damage any residence hall property may be charged for repair or replacement and may be sanctioned by University Courtyard or dismissed by the Director of Housing or designee (i.e. Disruptive Behavior, water fights, shaving cream fights, etc.). Damaging residence hall property destroys the community environment everyone is working to build and can increase the cost to live in the halls. You should maintain your room (and suite, if applicable) in the condition it was when you arrived. Any damages beyond normal wear-and-tear not noted on the Room Condition Report Form and any damages which occur during your residency will be repaired and maintenance costs billed to you. For Common Area Damage information, please reference “Common Area Damage” on page 51. A partial list of charges assessable for damaged or missing room items appears below (in dollars): A/C Lock Box 25 Mattress Clean 50 Bathroom DamagesCost+10% Wardrobe1500 Bed-Loft625 Blinds (vertical)75 - 250 Bedrail (Available on request) 100 Carpet Damage/Replacement 150 -1000 Bed Pins (4) 10/ea Closet Doors 300 Bookcase 250 Contact Paper Damage 100 - 500 Book Carrel (w/task light/bulletin board) 200 Doors (Suite/Bedroom) 450 Chest of Drawers 250 Double Stick Tape Damage Cost + 10% Chair - 2 position (desk) 175 Garbage Removal Charge (excess)100 Chair cover (desk) 50 Holes in Walls (each less than 1/8” hole)20 - 150 Chair (living room) 450 Light Fixture Cover (broken) 100 Chair cover (living room) 150 Mirror (Bathroom) Cost + 10% Coffee Table 250 Paint Room (per room) 250 Damaged Furniture 50 - 600 Smoke Detector (broken or damaged)100 Desk top (no rails) 150 Window Replacement 300-+ Drop Leaf Desk 500 Window Screen 75 - 200 File Cabinet (2-drawer) 200 Wastebasket 25 Love Seat Replacement 675 Reassemble Furniture 40 Love Seat Clean50 Microfridge600 Love Seat Cover 200 Mattress Pad Slipcover 50 Mattress250 Mattress Pad25 Note: Damage or replacement items not listed will be assessed at an appropriate rate. These charges are based upon labor and material costs for 2011-2012 and are subject to change. DOUBLE OR TRIPLE OCCUPANCY: The majority of the rooms are double occupancy and there are a limited number of triple occupancy bedrooms. If you do not have a roommate(s), a roommate(s) can be assigned at any time during the 2012-2013 academic year. If your roommate(s) move(s) out, you may not take over their space within the room. Double/triple occupancy rooms are available to new residents moving in during the Fall or Spring semester. It would be an unwelcoming gesture to have your belongings on their side of the room when they arrive. If you refuse a new roommate(s), the Director of Housing or designee will require you to immediately either: move to another double/ triple occupancy room or pay the difference between the room type you are assigned and the current occupancy cost of the room, if available. 2012-2013 Things You Need to Know ENTRY INTO ROOM: A. University Courtyard staff members (2 at a time) may enter a room only for work related purposes and shall adhere to University Courtyard Policies. B. Common areas, suite hallways and bathrooms are defined as service areas and will be entered by staff in performance of routine duties. C. University recesses are considered periods when maintenance staff will be entering rooms without notice for inspection. The conditions to enter a room are as follows: 1.Staff may enter rooms at reasonable times for necessary maintenance of areas, to remove unauthorized University Courtyard property, for inspection to determine occupancy where there is a possibility the room has been vacated, to add furniture and for staff performance of routinely scheduled inspections, including monthly Health and Safety checks. University Courtyard is not obligated to provide advance notice for minor maintenance and repair activities for which a Facilities Service Request has been initiated and access granted. 2.University Courtyard Staff may enter rooms to ensure discontinuance of rule violations. University Courtyard may require immediate removal of items in violation of the contract (e.g. appliances, pets, alcohol, lofts). 3.If the resident(s) is/are absent from the room and University Courtyard staff has reason to believe entry is necessary to investigate a possible emergency situation which may endanger the health or safety of the room/building, the two staff members may enter WITHOUT NOTICE. (The professional on-call staff member must be notified prior to entrance.) 4. University Staff members, including the University Police, may enter rooms WITHOUT NOTICE in the execution of a search warrant, when an emergency threatens health or safety, or with the consent of the occupant of the room. 5. Residential Life Staff will enter rooms to do check-ins and check-outs, upon the vacating or room change of a resident and during scheduled Health and Safety Inspections. 6. If violation occurs, the Residential Life Staff members will return within 48 hours to make sure the violation has been corrected. FORMS & PAYMENTS: License agreements: University Courtyard attempts to house residents at the lowest cost possible. In order to do this, there must be a high and consistent occupancy level. Therefore, all Student Housing and Meal Plan License Agreements are issued for the academic year. Academic year residents are able to stay during Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Recess at no additional charge (meals are neither included nor available). Residents are expected to read the License Agreement including the “Terms and Conditions of Occupancy,” University Courtyard Student Handbook and the University Courtyard application packet to know what is expected of them. The Academic License Agreement period is from August 18, 2012 at 9 am. - May 17, 2013, at 3 pm. The New Spring ONLY License Agreement period is from January 16, 2013, at 9 am - May 17, 2013 at 3 pm. Material safety data sheets (MSDS): These sheets contain detailed information about any chemical used by housekeeping or maintenance. In case of an emergency, spill or ingestion, the sheet gives detailed instructions for what to do. These are available at the Atrium Customer Service Desk. Meningococcal disease: According to AB1452 all incoming freshmen are required to review information provided in their housing application packet regarding the meningococcal disease. The resident is required to sign and return the information sheet indicating whether or not they intend on receiving the vaccine. All records will be collected by University Courtyard then forwarded to the University Health Center (for proper storage, beginning September 2012). Security deposit: As provided in the license agreement, a security deposit of $150 must be maintained with University Courtyard. This security deposit is used at the end of the license period if a balance remains on the account or any check-out charges occur. Remittance of any refundable balance will be made approximately three (3) to six (6) weeks after bed space is vacated. If you choose to return to University Courtyard, your security deposit will remain on the account. 28 Subject to Change Subject to Change 29 Things You Need to Know 2012-2013 2012-2013 Things You Need to Know Payments: Residents making payments for housing fees can: 1) go to the Atrium Customer Service Desk, 8 am-5 pm weekdays, 2) deposit a check (no cash) in the 24-hour drop box located next to the suite mailboxes in the Atrium or 3) fill out a credit card authorization for monthly deduction. Make sure checks are payable to University Courtyard and include your name and Fresno State ID# on the check. Payments can be mailed to University Courtyard, 5152 N. Barton Ave. M/S RH 82, Fresno, CA 93740. If your grievance is that your “Petition for Cancellation of License Agreement” has been denied, any request for relief shall not be addressed to the Assistant Director or Director of Housing, but instead shall be directed to the Executive Director of the California State University, Fresno Association, Inc. Such request shall follow the same procedure referred to above when appealing a matter to the Executive Director. Matters related to discipline shall be governed by the Discipline Process/ Procedure referred to on page 46, and not this grievance procedure. You are responsible for both room and board. Your payment must be made according to the payment schedule you selected in order to avoid delinquency. Hall closures: University Courtyard will be officially closed for Winter Recess between December 21, 2012 at 3:00 pm - January 15, 2013 at 9:00 am. All residents (whether staying for break or not) will be required to check out by December 21, 2012 at 3:00 pm which is when all keys will be deactivated. If you have completed and submitted a request to stay during Winter Recess, you will still need to check out with a Residential Life Staff member and obtain a Winter Recess key. If you do not follow these procedures you may incur a fine. Be sure to read Housing Happenings for additional information. You may leave your belongings in your room during Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Recess, however University Courtyard is not responsible for any damaged or stolen items. On May 17, 2013, at 3:00 pm, the halls close for the 2012-2013 academic year. All residents must remove their belongings and complete the check-out process between May 13 and May 17 at 3:00 pm. Residents must move out on time because summer session students begin checking in as early as May 19th, and conference groups begin checking in as early as May 20th. Graduates participating in a college/school convocation or the University Commencement may stay through May 18 at 5:00 pm. In order for you to stay until May 18 you must complete a request form at the Atrium Customer Service Desk no later than May 16, 2013, at 5:00 pm. Housing account questions: go to the Atrium Customer Service Desk and speak to an Accounting Representative or call 559.278.2396. Statements will be placed in your mailbox and an additional copy mailed to your designated payor if applicable. All payments are due on the 5th day of each month (monthly payment plan) and considered late after the 10th day of each month. There is a $25 late fee for payments received after the five day grace period. All account balances must be cleared prior to the end of your license agreement to avoid possible additional penalties, including cancellation of the following year’s license agreement, loss of assigned room and holding of registration and/or transcripts. Students who have applied for financial aid or scholarship assistance are responsible for their housing bill whether or not the amount awarded covers the entire cost. The financial aid, scholarship application and award process are separate from the housing process. The Fresno State Student Accounting, Financial Aid or Scholarship Office does not deduct your housing fees from your check, unless you have checked the box on the license agreement “Financial Aid with Auto Deduction”. It is your responsibility to make your housing payments by the dates listed on your University Courtyard special payment plan. Residents selecting Financial Aid Special Payment Plans, first payment is due September 5, 2012 (academic year) and January 5, 2013 (New Spring only applicants). Non-payment or delinquent payment, without prior arrangements with housing, may result in termination of Student Housing and Meal Plan License Agreement, dismissal and collections. All accounts for Fall services rendered must be paid in full by December 5, 2012, or the account will be considered delinquent. All accounts for Spring services must be paid in full by May 1, 2013, or the account is considered delinquent. GRIEVANCE POLICY: If you have a grievance regarding a condition or circumstance relative to your residence at University Courtyard, you may request relief by contacting the Assistant Director of Housing in writing. Such written request(s) should clearly and in detail describe your grievance and the relief you are requesting, and also be accompanied by any evidence you claim is relevant. The Assistant Director will review your request and may, at their discretion conduct an investigation to ascertain facts relative to your grievance. Within twenty-one (21) days following the receipt by the Assistant Director of your written grievance, the Assistant Director will respond to your request. If your grievance is denied, or if the Assistant Director fails to respond in a timely manner, you may appeal your grievance to the Director of Housing. The procedure for such appeal to the Director of Housing shall be the same as that used for the appeal to the Assistant Director. If your grievance is denied by the Director of Housing or if said Director fails to respond in a timely manner, you may appeal your grievance to the Executive Director of the California State University, Fresno Association, Inc. If you choose to appeal, you must submit your appeal in writing to the Executive Director. The appeal must consist of your written letter that clearly and in detail describes your grievance, the relief you are requesting, evidence your claim is relevant, and also disclose when you previously submitted the grievance to both the Assistant Director and Director of Housing. The appeal shall be addressed and mailed to the Executive Director of the California State University, Fresno Association, Inc., 2771 E. Shaw Avenue, Fresno, CA 93710-8205. The Executive Director shall review your appeal, and conduct any investigation that they deem appropriate. A written response will be provided to you within thirty (30) days from the date of the Executive Director’s receipt of your appeal. The decision of the Executive Director shall be final. 30 Subject to Change HALL CLOSURE DATES: Thanksgiving recess: November 21-23, 2012, halls are open but meals are not included. Winter recess: ALL RESIDENTS (WHETHER STAYING FOR BREAK OR NOT) MUST CHECK OUT DURING FINALS WEEK (PRIOR TO 3:00 PM ON DECEMBER 21ST) OR BE SUBJECT TO A $75 IMPROPER CHECK OUT CHARGE. Residents who are leaving for break must be out of their rooms by 3:00 pm on Friday, December 21, 2012, and must check out in the Atrium (by turning in your blue check out form) immediately prior to leaving for break. Since you are not being charged a room fee during winter recess, no refunds will be given if you chose to leave. Residents who desire to stay in their room during winter recess from December 21, 2012-January 15, 2013 must follow the following procedures, or risk being charged $75 for an improper check out. For Health and Safety, University Courtyard needs to know who is in the building during break. Meals are not included during winter recess. Step 1: Complete and return the “Staying for winter recess” form in Housing Happenings by December 14, 2012 (additional copies of this form may be picked up from the Atrium desk). Step 2: During finals week (December 17 - 20, 2012) you need to stop by the Atrium and turn in your blue “check out form” (which was placed in your mailbox). A. If you are leaving after finals (prior to 3:00 pm on Friday, December 21, 2012) but returning sometime during Winter break, you need to indicate on the form you are leaving for break. Please turn in your form right before you leave for break. Upon your return, you will check back in with the Atrium desk (or Residential Life staff ). B. If you plan on staying in University Courtyard after 3:00 pm on Friday, December 21, 2012, you need to indicate on your blue form that you are staying for break and get your key re-programmed. Step 3: Get your key re-programmed when you return to University Courtyard during winter break. Spring recess: Halls are open but meals are not served or included during Spring Recess. Since you are not being charged a room fee during recess, no refunds will be given if you choose to leave. Subject to Change 31 Things You Need to Know 2012-2013 INSURANCE: University Courtyard does not assume responsibility for personal items lost, mislaid or stolen in the Residence Halls or from your automobile. Unfortunately, community living has the potential for providing irresistible temptation for some residents and nonresidents. We strongly urge you to prevent the possible loss of property by keeping your door locked and windows closed whenever your room is unoccupied. In your check in packet, University Courtyard provided you information for purchasing a personal fire and theft insurance policy, if your personal items are not covered by your parents’ homeowner’s policy or your private insurance carrier. If you need information about purchasing a policy, go to the Atrium Customer Service Desk. Renters insurance: Affordable renters insurance is available if you desire to protect your belongings from theft or damage. University Courtyard does not provide or endorse any specific renters insurance providers. Health insurance: All residents are required to carry health insurance as explained in the “Terms and Conditions” section of your “Student Housing and Meal Plan License Agreement.” Residents who do not purchase insurance within the first two weeks of their Student Housing License Agreement may face dismissal from University Courtyard. Updates to the emergency card must be completed by September 5 (2012-2013 residents) or January 30 (Spring 2013). In case of an emergency, the information you provided on your Emergency Card will be provided to emergency personnel. Keys: At check-in and specific designated time periods, each resident is provided with a temporary keycard for electronic access to their room. By the start of each semester, residents must have their Fresno State KeyCard (Student ID card) programmed as their room key, as the temporary keycard will expire. Your Fresno State KeyCard (student ID) provides access to your room, all exterior doors and junction/stairwells in your hall. What Electronic Light Indicators Mean: The three light indicators (green, yellow and red) are located on the face of the lock. When the electronic key card is inserted into the lock and removed, a green light indicates you have access to the locked area. The following are some of the more common lights you could encounter and what steps you should take: 12 flashing yellow lights: deadbolt or privacy button/switch has been set from inside the room. Resident Instructions: When using your key on your assigned room, you should not receive 12 flashing yellow lights as roommate keys override the deadbolt or privacy button. 2 flashing yellow lights: incorrect keycard was used in the lock. Resident Instruction: Make sure you are using your key on the correct lock. If you are, retry the key. If the key still doesn’t work and it’s the correct room, go to the Atrium Customer Service Desk for assistance. 1 or 2 flashing red lights: keycard was used improperly (upside down, backwards, not removed). Resident Instruction: reinsert key card correctly. 2 yellow and red flashes: the lock was unable to properly read the lock code on the keycard. Resident Instruction: reinsert the key card. If the card still will not work after several attempts, see the Atrium Customer Service Desk for assistance. Simultaneous flashing green and red lights: the locks clock needs to be updated. Resident Instruction: Within 24 hours, complete a Facility Service Request at the Atrium Customer Service Desk. Alternating flashing green and red lights: the locks batteries are low and need to be changed. Resident Instruction: Within 24 hours, complete a Facility Service Request at the Atrium Customer Service Desk. No light: invalid key shutdown which means the key switch is broken or the lock batteries are dead. Resident Instruction: Immediately complete a Facility Service Request at the Atrium Customer Service Desk. 32 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Things You Need to Know Key Safety: Always carry your key with you. Your key is coded specifically for you and is not to be loaned out to anyone else, as it gives unauthorized access to your room and residence hall. If you give your key to another resident you will be responsible for any incidents that may occur. For your safety, when you are issued a new temporary key, you will need to show proper photo identification or provide your Fresno State student ID number and an alternate form of identity confirmation. 1. Damaged Key: If your lock is not reading the key at all and there are NO visible signs of damage, return your key to the Atrium Customer Service Desk so your card can be reprogrammed. You will not be charged for the first two (2) damaged key requests. On the third (3) damaged key request, you will be required to pay a $25 fee for the continuous storing of your key improperly. (Keep key out of direct sun, away from cell phones or from touching another magnetic strip or magnets.) If your Fresno State Key Card does not have any visible signs of damage and does not work after it has been reprogrammed, you will need to follow the “Reprogram” process outlined below. If at any time your student ID card cannot be coded because it is visibly damaged (i.e. scratched, bent, chipped, broken, or cannot be coded, etc.) see “Reprogram” instructions below. 2. Lost or Stolen Keys: If your key is lost or stolen, go to the Atrium Customer Service Desk. You will be issued a temporary key so that you may have access to your room until a new Fresno State ID card can be issued. Fresno State ID cards are $10 and issued at the Bulldog Card Office. Once you have obtained your new student ID card, you must return the temporary key to the Atrium Customer Service Desk and have your student ID card reprogrammed. You will be charged a nonrefundable fee of $15 to cover the cost of issuing a temporary key and/or reprogramming your new ID card. 3. Lock-Outs: If you have left your key in your on-campus room, go to the Atrium Customer Service Desk. You will be issued a temporary key so that you may have access to your room to retrieve your student ID card and return it, along with your temporary key, to the Atrium Customer Service Desk. You are allowed to obtain a temporary key to your room for a lockout two (2) times without a charge. On the third (3) time, you will be charged a $25 fee. Failure to meet the 30 minute timeline will result in an additional $25 Timed-Out charge. 4. Reprogram: If at any time you receive a new Student ID card without first visiting the Atrium Customer Service Desk or the Atrium Desk assistant coded you a temporary card because your student ID was visibly damaged (i.e. scratched, bent, chipped, broken, cannot be coded, etc.) you must visit the Atrium Customer Service Desk to have your new student ID card programmed with access to your room. You will be charged a nonrefundable fee of $15 to cover the cost of reprogramming your new ID card. Temporary Keys: All temporary keys for lockouts are set to expire (time out) on the issued date and time. Failure to return an issued temporary key will result in an additional nonrefundable fee of $25. *If you are issued any University Courtyard key (i.e. kitchen, laundry, etc.) you will be charged a $25 fee if not returned within designated time or if lost. LOFTS & BUNKBEDS: Since loft style, modular furniture has been provided, you may not bring or build your own loft. You may debunk the bed yourself but you will be held liable for damage or lost pins. Tools are available at the Atrium Customer Service Desk. It is your responsibility to return your bed to the loft configuration prior to check-out to avoid an improper check-out fee. Megan’s law: In 2004, a California law was passed allowing any individual with access to the internet to search a list of registered sex offenders in their neighborhood. This list is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via www.meganslaw.ca.gov. REPAIRS: Necessary room repairs should be requested and submitted on a Facility Service Request form available at the Atrium Customer Service Desk. The form must be completed in its entirety for service to be provided. Service may be completed in your absence, if indicated. Staff is required to work in pairs. Subject to Change 33 Things You Need to Know 2012-2013 ROOM CHANGE POLICY: University Courtyard is full for the 2012-2013 academic year and we do not expect to have empty beds available for room changes. However, we understand that roommate conflicts may develop or residents may wish to move to a different room. In order to establish who has checked in, cancelled, or delayed their check-in date and to ensure all residents have moved into their proper spaces, no room changes will occur during the first two weeks of the semester. After this two week period, we will consider room changes on a case by case basis. Residents may not switch rooms without approval from the Coordinator of Housing Operations. We strongly encourage residents to first try and resolve the conflict with their roommate, and ask for help if necessary. Resident Advisors, Assistant Resident Directors, Resident Directors and the Residential Life and Student Conduct Coordinator are all resources for students who are trying to work through their problem before switching rooms. Failure to utilize these resources before asking for a room change will result in a delay in the process. Once you have explored all of the options in resolving the conflicts you may discuss a room change with the Coordinator of Housing Operations. If you switch rooms, a $50 processing fee per student moving will be charged. If you would like to waive the $50 fee, there is a Room Change and Room Swap process that occurs beginning the second week of the semester. Students going through this process successfully will not be charged the $50 processing fee. Please keep in mind that going through this process does not guarantee approval, and only students who are approved may move. Do not move rooms unless you are notified that your application was approved. Failure to go through the correct Room Change or Swap process may result in each resident who has changed rooms moving back to their original room and a fine of $75 for moving without approval. 2012-2013 Successfully Living in a Community Successfully Living in a Community This section will guide you in dealing with conflict while living in University Courtyard. RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE: University Courtyard reserves the right to refuse to extend accommodations and/or services to any person(s). Safety Inspections: University Courtyard Staff, together with RLS staff, will check resident rooms to ensure that all health and safety requirements are being met. These checks are scheduled once per semester. Typically, you are informed at least twenty-four hours in advance of a room check, unless an emergency arises, when no notice may be given. During the wet and cold months, facilities may be entering rooms to check for any mold issues. In addition, room checks are done during periods such as Winter Recess and Spring Recess. See University Courtyard Policies section for more information. SUMMER HOUSING: If you plan to enroll in summer session courses or workshops and would like to live at University Courtyard, you must complete a separate application and pay a daily occupancy fee. Summer occupancy is not included as part of your Student Housing and Meal Plan License Agreement. Applications are available March 1, 2013, at www.universitycourtyard.org and at the Atrium Customer Service Desk. You are encouraged to apply early as space is limited. All rooms are double occupancy. Meals are not included during summer occupancy. TEMPORARY HOUSING: Residents placed in temporary housing will be accommodated in a permanent room as soon as one becomes available. Upon notification that a permanent bed has been assigned, the resident must move into the new room and out of the temporary room by the date provided. 34 Subject to Change Subject to Change 35 Successfully Living in a Community 2012-2013 LIVING WITH OTHERS: You, your roommate, and (if you live in suites) the students living in your suite will be sharing the same living space for the entire school year. You also share space with people who live on your floor, building or in University Courtyard. These people may be similar or very different, and it may take some time and energy to develop relationships with people around you. The relationships with your roommates and suitemates are critical to your experiences at University Courtyard, and this information below can help. It may be difficult to talk about differences when you and your roommates/suitemates are first getting to know each other. To live together, you will need to realize and resolve your personal differences early on. The first step is to discuss openly and honestly about the things each of you value, such as your backgrounds and lifestyles. Exchanging background information is an easy way to begin to get to know your roommate. Explore things such as birthdays, home towns, interests & hobbies, and why you chose to come to Fresno State. In the past, we have found certain issues to be “hot topics” with roommates and suitemates and cause for many conflicts. If you can talk through these areas prior to them becoming an issue, you will be able to deal with conflict before it becomes a major problem: • Messy or Neat – what is important to both parties? Do compromises need to be made? • Friends and Overnight Guests – what are the expectations regarding what is appropriate for guests in your living area? • Sleep time/Wake up time – Make sure you discuss expectations for when people expect your room/suite to be quiet and when it is acceptable to have some level of noise. WHEN CONFLICT ARISES: When conflict arises, please understand that you are responsible for resolving the conflict. University Courtyard is dedicated to the educational experience outside of the classroom, and conflict is one of the important components to that educational experience. When conflict arises, it provides an invaluable experience to test and learn new ways of dealing with conflict. Conflict resolution is a necessary skill for success in future employment opportunities, romantic relationships and future friendships. Because of this, our staff is here to assist you in resolving your conflict by providing you tools and skills to use, but we will not take ownership for solving the conflict for you. It is expected that you take certain steps in order to resolve your conflict. If you get through these steps, and are still unable to resolve your conflict, a room switch can then be explored (if space is available). • Step 1: Talk to the person you are having a conflict with and share your concerns. If you need help in how to approach a person, the University Courtyard Residential Life Staff is here to assist you with strategies in which to do this. Make sure you read and understand the Aggressive Behavior/Harassment policies before confronting the person you are having a conflict with. • Step 2: If you are unable to bring resolution by talking to the person you are having conflict with, it is expected that you speak with your Resident Advisor. At this time, they can provide more tools for you, including online modules and training on assertiveness. They will either encourage you to talk to the person who you are having a conflict with again, or set up a mediation between the parties involved with the conflict. Please keep in mind to avoid bringing your conflict onto social media sites such 36 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Successfully Living in a Community as Facebook, Twitter, etc. We have found that generally when conflict is brought into a public space it does not resolve conflict in a healthy manner, and could be grounds for being asked to move out of your room and into another. • Step 3: Sit down with the person you are having a conflict with and the Resident Advisor. Look for opportunities to compromise in order to bring resolution to the problems at hand. • Step 4: If the situation still is not resolved after the mediation, the next step is to talk with the Resident Director. They will assess the conflict and determine what steps need to be taken. • Step 5: If, after talking with the Resident Director, the situation is still unresolved, then talk with the Residential Life and Student Conduct Coordinator (SCC), who will work to bring resolution of the situation through a final mediation, arbitration or room change. If you follow all of these steps, you will have the greatest chance of success in resolving the conflict. If you skip steps, you will likely need to go back and do those steps again, so make sure you follow the process outlined. THE COMMUNITY STANDARDS & ROOMMATE/SUITEMATE AGREEMENTS: This process is an opportunity for roommates, suitemates, and community members to voice their opinions and desires regarding the climate of their community. Guidelines for behavior and communication between members will be established at various times throughout the year. The staff will meet with their communities to monitor adherence to the standards and address community member concerns. These community standards and roommate/suitemate agreements will not, however, replace the baseline policies and procedures established by Federal, State, Campus and University Courtyard laws, ordinances, policies and procedures. If you are interested, Fresno State’s policies and procedures are listed in the Students Rights and Responsibilities Manual and a copy may be obtained in the Dean of Student Affairs office or reviewed in the library. All University Courtyard regulations and policies are subject to changes, revisions and additions upon notice thereof. One final note about policy violations and roommate conflicts: It is often a very difficult situation when your roommate is violating University Courtyard policies behind closed doors. We understand the difficulties that our students face when encountering this ethical dilemma. Our staff will enforce policies that we are aware of. You have a few options if you are uncomfortable with your roommate/suitemate violating policies: • Discuss with your roommates/suitemates your lack of comfort with their behavior. Let them know that their behavior needs to stop in the room/suite. Give them the opportunity to correct their behavior • Discuss with your RA, RD or the SCC strategies on how to deal with this difficult situation. Any communication between yourself and University Courtyard staff is privileged, and would not be shared with other students. The information you provide may be shared with the Director or designee and/or police. • Although it may be a difficult choice, inform our staff when policy violations are occurring. Our staff will confront and deal with the policy violations. You may inform our staff anonymously if you choose. • If policy violations are the cause of potential conflicts, mediations may not be appropriate. The SCC will determine if a mandatory room switch or an arbitration hearing is appropriate. If you are uncomfortable confronting your roommate or suitemate who is violating policies, and you do not want staff to confront your roommate or suitemate, the staff will be limited in their ability to assist you. Subject to Change 37 Successfully Living in a Community 2012-2013 If the conflict isn’t related to a policy violation, but instead is because your roommate/suitemate has different values than you, we encourage you to share your discomfort (focusing on specific behaviors) with your roommate/suitemate. When behaviors may be uncomfortable for you, but are not a violation of University Courtyard policy, our staff will be unable to force your roommate/ suitemate to live by your values. Please keep in mind that bigotry has no place within our community, nor does the denigration of another human being on the basis of age, physical ability, national origin, sexual orientation, race, gender, religious or political affiliation. If your conflict is because of one (or more) of these issues, our staff will do our best to ensure that any discrimination is addressed appropriately and, if necessary, may confront you should they determine that you are discriminating against your roommate/suitemate. Finally, if you have explored all of your options, and if space is available, you can switch rooms. You may be charged a fee associated with a room change. 2012-2013 Conduct System Conduct System This section will familiarize you with the University and University Courtyard conduct systems and discipline processes. Questions to Help You Talk to Your Roommate: The following questions are designed to begin the process of setting expectations with your roommate. We have found these are the topics that are the cause of MOST of the roommate/ suitemate/floor conflicts we, as a staff, have encountered. We provide these to you in order to help you communicate with your roommate and avoid conflicts. Some questions to consider: Cleanliness: What is clean to you? What are the expectations for vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, taking out the trash, recycling, dirty dishes, cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the common areas? Noise: What are your expectations regarding study hours, when can friends visit, how loud can it be or how quiet does it need to be while we are studying, stereo expectations, TV/video game expectations? Overnight Guests: How late/early can guests visit during the week? Weekends? Can guests use the bathroom? Opposite gender guest expectations? Expectations of guests’ behavior? Frequency of overnight guests? Advance notice for overnight guests? Common Spaces: What are the expectations of the cabinets, common room space, bathroom usage, refrigerator usage (spoiled food, cleanliness, sharing food, etc), bathroom expectations? Hygiene: Expectations of dirty laundry, shoes/feet, showering, body odor, deodorant, air freshener? Use of Personal Possessions: Expectation of items than CAN and CANNOT be shared, asking permission to used shared items, replacing items that are used up or broken, guests use of items in the living space (stereo, television, video games, computer, food, etc)? Sleeping Arrangements: Light vs. heavy sleepers? Who snores? Night person vs morning person? Music or TV on/off while sleeping (using earplugs or earphones?) Wake up alarm? How many times do you hit the snooze button? Lights/night light usage while sleeping? Safety: How will you ensure each others safety? Propping doors, staying out all night, who is allowed in the room? Communication and Conflicts: What happens when we disagree? What happens if the other is not following our expectations? When do we involve the Resident Advisor? How do we communicate (leaving notes is disrespectful vs. I would rather you leave me a note)? 38 Subject to Change Subject to Change 39 Conduct System 2012-2013 2012-2013 Conduct System Residence Hall Conduct System Students found in violation of the regulations included in this handbook will be held accountable for their actions and will face disciplinary action and/or legal prosecution. University Courtyard is recognized as a University Judicial Officer and therefore may provide disciplinary action in regards to all students, including residents. Students will also be held accountable for the conduct of their guests, and could face educational and administrative sanctions for the behavior of their guests. University Regulations Process Residents are not only responsible for University Courtyard policies, but for University Conduct Regulations (California Code of Regulations) as well. Residents found to be in violation of University Policy will be referred to the University Courtyard Student Conduct Coordinator (who is recognized as a University Judicial Officer) and/or the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee. UNIVERSITY CONDUCT REGULATIONS The University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy living and learning environment for students, faculty and staff. Each member of the campus community must behave in a way consistent with this commitment. Student behavior that is not consistent with the Student Conduct Code is addressed through an educational process that is designed to promote safety and good citizenship and, when necessary, impose appropriate consequences. A) Student Responsibilities: Students are expected to be good citizens and to engage in responsible behaviors that reflect well upon themselves and the university, to be civil to one another and to others in the campus community, and to contribute positively to student and university life. B) Unacceptable Student Behaviors: The following behavior is subject to University disciplinary sanctions: 1. Dishonesty, including: • Cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty that are intended to gain unfair academic advantage. • Furnishing false information to a University official, faculty or staff member or campus office. • Forgery, alteration or misuse of a University document, key or identification instrument. • Misrepresenting one’s self to be an authorized agent of the University or one of its auxiliaries. 2. Unauthorized entry into, presence in, use of or misuse of University property. 3. Willful, material and substantial disruption or obstruction of a University-related activity, or any on-campus activity. 4. Participating in an activity that substantially and materially disrupts the normal operations of the University, or infringes on the rights of members of the University community. 5. Willful, material and substantial obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or other traffic, on or leading to campus property or an off-campus University related activity. 6. Disorderly, lewd, indecent or obscene behavior at a University related activity or directed toward a member of the University community. 7. Conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person within or related to the University community, including physical abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment or sexual misconduct. 40 Subject to Change Subject to Change 41 Conduct System 2012-2013 8. Hazing, or conspiracy to haze, as defined in Education Code Sections 32050 and 32051: “Hazing” includes any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a student organization, or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such an organization which causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger, physical harm or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm, to any student or other person attending any school, community college, college, university or other educational institution in this state; but the term “hazing” does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions. A group of students acting together may be considered a ‘student organization’ for purposes of this section whether or not they are officially recognized. Neither the express or implied consent of a victim of hazing, nor the lack of active participation while hazing is going on is a defense. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing is not a neutral act, and is also a violation of this section. 9. Use, possession, manufacture or distribution of illegal drugs or drug-related paraphernalia, (except as expressly permitted by law and University regulations) or the misuse of legal pharmaceutical drugs. 10. Use, possession, manufacture or distribution of alcoholic beverages (except as expressly permitted by law and University regulations), or public intoxication while on campus or at a University related activity. 11. Theft of property or services from the University community, or misappropriation of University resources. 12. Unauthorized destruction or damage to University property or other property in the University community. 13. Possession or misuse of firearms or guns, replicas, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, knives, other weapons or dangerous chemicals (without the prior authorization of the campus president) on campus or at a University related activity. 14. Unauthorized recording, dissemination, or publication of academic presentations (including handwritten notes) for a commercial purpose. 15. Misuse of computer facilities or resources, including: a.Unauthorized entry into a file, for any purpose. b.Unauthorized transfer of a file. c.Use of another’s identification or password. d.Use of computing facilities, campus network or other resources to interfere with the work of another member of the University community. e.Use of computing facilities and resources to send obscene or intimidating and abusive messages. f. Use of computing facilities and resources to interfere with normal University operations. g.Use of computing facilities and resources in violation of copyright laws. h.Violation of a campus computer use policy. 16. Violation of any published University policy, rule, regulation or presidential order. 17. Failure to comply with directions, or interference with, any University official or any public safety officer while acting in the performance of his/her duties. 18. Any act chargeable as a violation of a federal, state or local law that poses a substantial threat to the safety or well being of members of the University community, to property within the University community or poses a significant threat of disruption or interference with University operations. 19. Violation of the Student Conduct Procedures, including: a.Falsification, distortion or misrepresentation of information related to a student discipline matter. b.Disruption or interference with the orderly progress of a student discipline proceeding. c.Initiation of a student discipline proceeding in bad faith. d.Attempting to discourage another from participating in the student discipline matter. e.Attempting to influence the impartiality of any participant in a student discipline matter. f. Verbal or physical harassment or intimidation of any participant in a student discipline matter. g.Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under a student discipline proceeding. 20. Encouraging, permitting or assisting another to do any act that could subject him or her to discipline. 42 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Conduct System C) Procedures for Enforcing This Code The Chancellor shall adopt procedures to ensure students are afforded appropriate notice and an opportunity to be heard before the University imposes any sanction for a violation of the Student Conduct Code. D) Application of This Code Sanctions for the conduct listed above can be imposed on applicants, enrolled students, students between academic terms, graduates awaiting degrees and students who withdraw from school while a disciplinary matter is pending. Conduct that threatens the safety or security of the campus community, or substantially disrupts the functions or operation of the University is within the jurisdiction of this Article regardless of whether it occurs on or off campus. Nothing in this Code may conflict with Education Code Section 66301 that prohibits disciplinary action against students based on behavior protected by the First Amendment. Housing Regulations Process In addition to University Conduct Regulations, there are additional behavior standards for residents who occupy campus housing. INCIDENT REPORTS Incident Reports are information that is documented as to what a staff member saw, heard, or smelled. Incident reports can be written for potential violations, illness or injury, fire alarms or to pass along information to the Resident Directors and Professional Housing Staff. Residents may write incident reports if they encounter a policy violation. Names of all individuals who are present during a potential violation will be included on the incident report. Just because someone’s name is on an incident report does not mean that they are in violation of a policy. Some individuals may be witnesses to the events and may be called to give their account of what happened. Please understand that just because an incident report is written does not mean disciplinary action will be taken. Discipline Meeting: Should an investigation or disciplinary action become necessary, the student will receive written notification concerning the alleged violation of a policy. This notification may request that the student meet with one of the following: Resident Director (RD) For first time violations, lower level violations and situations requiring follow up, students will likely meet with the Resident Director of their building. Student Conduct Coordinator (SCC) For more serious violations, students will meet with the Student Conduct Coordinator. The SCC is also recognized as a Campus Judicial Officer, and may hold students accountable for university violations committed within the Residential Area of University Courtyard. Assistant Director/Director If the Student Conduct Coordinator is unavailable, students may be asked to meet with the Assistant Director/Director to adjudicate serious violations. Subject to Change 43 Conduct System 2012-2013 Failure to Appear: Our staff will make every effort to meet with a student before adjudicating policy violations. A student who fails to appear for a conduct meeting or appeal is not excused from pending action and may lose the right to appeal. The conduct meeting will take place as scheduled, evidence will be reviewed and a decision made. The student will be informed of that decision in writing and/ or through email. A student who voluntarily withdraws from the University or leaves University Courtyard prior to the completion of a proceeding is not excused from pending action. Standards of Evidence: Formal rules of evidence are not applicable to the housing judicial process. If a student denies responsibility for an alleged policy violation, University Courtyard staff must make their decision based upon the “preponderance of the evidence.” Temporary Reassignment of Bed Space: Under certain circumstances, a professional staff member of University Courtyard may decide to temporarily relocate someone’s bed space when a report is received regarding a potential violation dealing with the safety and security of the community. The purpose of relocating a resident temporarily is to allow for time to sort out an investigation. Reassignment does not mean that they will be found in violation, and could return to their former space if found not responsible. If someone is assigned to a temporary space, they may be precluded from entering certain areas of University Courtyard without staff escort in order to ensure the physical and emotional safety of the community and resident. Parental Notification: Responsible parent(s) or guardian(s) of students may be contacted by a professional staff member of University Courtyard if the Director or their designee determines that a parental contact is needed. The decision to contact a parent will be made if the student is under 18, or the incident presents an immediate and substantial threat to the health, safety or welfare of a person or property. The emergency contact information will be used to contact the parent(s) or guardian(s) of University Courtyard students. Housing Disciplinary Sanctions Housing disciplinary sanctions include but are not limited to: Charges associated with educational Administrative Sanctions: sanctions are not intended to be • Financial restitution for damages fines. These charges offset the costs • Mandatory room change associated with these sanctions, • Reassignment so that all University Courtyard • Verbal warning residents are not paying for them. • Written warning • Housing probation • Housing probation with loss of housing for the following academic year • Termination of your Housing License Agreement without release of financial obligation • Referral to university student disciplinary process • Mandated counseling assessment • Confiscation and/or destruction of personal property related to the violation Educational Sanctions: • Alcohol & drug education class (fee charged-TBD) • Community service hours • Online educational modules ($15 use fee charged) • Other projects and reading/writing assignments 44 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Conduct System Other university sanctions may be imposed for violations of the University Conduct Regulations listed in this guide. Please consult the University Judicial Affairs website at www.fresnostate. edu/judicialaffairs/ for more information. Also, the Student Conduct Coordinator may refer the student to the Director/Assistant Director of Housing and/or the Office of Student Affairs. Failure to comply with educational sanctions will result in more severe disciplinary sanctions and continued accountability for completion of the original sanction. Definition of Disciplinary Terms Possession University Courtyard interprets possession to include a resident’s bedroom, or any other area or property reasonably under control of the resident, even if guests are responsible for the items in violation of policy. Verbal Warning A verbal warning is a conversation between housing staff and the student informing them that the student’s behavior is not acceptable within our community. A written note may be placed in the student’s file, but no further action beyond the verbal warning will be taken. Written Warning A written warning is a formal notice from University Courtyard sent to the student found to be in violation of a University Courtyard policy. This notice documents that the student has been officially warned that their behavior is in violation of University Courtyard policies and if that behavior continues, more severe sanctions will be given. Educational sanctions may be given with the Written Warning. Failure to complete assigned sanctions may result in the student receiving more severe sanctions. Housing Probation Probation is given when severe policy violations occur, and signify that a student’s choices are in conflict with the values of the residential community. Residents placed on probation are warned that any other violation of policy could result in the revocation of his or her Housing License Agreement without release of associated financial obligations. Loss of Housing for the Following Academic Year Students who are given the sanction of loss of housing are not eligible to contract for campus housing during the next academic year. Loss of housing privileges, a supplement to housing probation, is given to a student whose violations are deemed a disruption to the residential community at large. This is the strongest sanction before dismissal. Termination of License Agreement (Dismissal) License Agreements are terminated when residents fail to follow the University or Housing Regulations. A resident’s agreement can be terminated for one offense or for several policy violations, which may include Written Warning or Resident Probation. Residents who have been dismissed have forty-eight hours after notification to vacate the premises. Residents who have been dismissed will not be allowed to visit within the Residential Community, including University Dining Hall, for a period of at least one year from the date of dismissal and will not be eligible for another housing license without the approval of the Director of Housing. Dismissal does not relieve the student of his/her financial and/or other obligations under the Student Housing and Meal Plan License Agreement. A dismissed resident may be held responsible for the entire “Student Housing and Meal Plan License Agreement” for the remainder of the academic year, as well as any/all other claims/causes available as under law or equity. All dismissed residents must complete proper check out and payment of all housing and meal plan balances. Subject to Change 45 Conduct System 2012-2013 OTHER CONDUCT PROCEDURES Appeal Process Students found responsible for violating policies and issued sanctions may appeal the decision by the given deadline. Appeals must be made in writing, and should include the reason for appeal. Appeal of sanctions can only be submitted based on the following: 1. Lack of due process 2. Sanction too severe for the violation 3. New evidence that comes to light after the decision is made Based on who adjudicated the violation, that person’s supervisor will hear the appeal. You will be informed in your discipline notice/letter as to who the adjudication appeals officer is. The hearing will usually occur five to ten business days after the student has submitted the appeal request. In the case of a dismissal, while awaiting an appeal, the student may request to live in the residence halls until their appeal is heard. If approved to continue living in the residence halls, any additional violations of policy prior to the appeal hearing may result in the immediate termination of the resident’s Housing License Agreement. Appeals of housing disciplinary decisions should be submitted to the person listed in your judicial letter. • Please note: Failure to meet with the appeal hearing officer by dates given to you through email will result in automatic upholding of the original sanction Confidentiality: No judicial documents and materials possessed by University Courtyard shall be released to anyone without the consent of the Director of Housing or their designee. Confiscation: If a resident is found in possession of contraband under any University Courtyard policy, campus policy, state or federal law, the item in their possession maybe confiscated by the Director of Housing or designee with no advance notification. This includes, but is not limited to, controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, candles, incense, alcohol, hookah, cooking appliances, halogen lamps, weapons, airsoft or pellet guns, etc. Items confiscated may or may not be returned depending on the severity of the contraband. Entry Into Room: As listed in the Housing Procedures section, staff members may enter a room or suite under certain conditions. Please consult the “Entry Into Room” section under Housing Procedures. Safety Inspections: During safety inspections (see “Housing Procedures” section for more information), any identified policy or safety violation must be corrected immediately. A staff member will return to verify that the violation is corrected within 48 hours. Any illegal item or items in violation of University or University Courtyard policy or state/federal law will be confiscated without notice. Violations found during safety inspections may result in disciplinary action. Victim/Reporting Information: Because University Courtyard staff is responsible for the entire University Courtyard community, any report or Incident Report which, in the opinion of the University Courtyard staff, involves conduct of a criminal nature or conduct posing an immediate threat to the health, safety or welfare of any housing resident, University Courtyard staff will inform any victims and/or students reporting violations that: • He/she may file a report with the Campus Police; and • University Courtyard will, in any event, file a Third Party Report with the Campus Police • University Courtyard will file a report with Title IX Coordinator. Process to Review Conduct File: At any time, you may request to see your conduct file. Just stop by the Atrium Customer Service Desk and fill out a “Request to Review University Courtyard file” request form. You will be contacted when the file is available, no later than 45 days from submission. At no time may you remove the file or its belongings from University Courtyard. University Courtyard upholds the 1974 Family Education and Privacy Act. If a resident is over 18, he/she may grant University Courtyard the right to release information to a parent or guardian if the “Release of Information” is marked on the license agreement. 46 Subject to Change Policies 2012-2013 Policies In this section, you can review the standards of conduct that you are required to understand and with which you are expected to comply. Subject to Change 47 Policies 2012-2013 Residence Hall Policies Community Standards: University Courtyard is a community of persons from diverse cultural, racial and ethnic backgrounds. We are a community with a broad spectrum of national origins, religious beliefs and political persuasions. We have different physical abilities, genders and sexual orientations. Amidst our diversity, we must strive to understand the individuality of those around us. We need to learn from one another in an atmosphere of positive encouragement and mutual respect. Everything we do must be rooted in a genuine desire to learn from one another. In addition, we must give the respect which we, ourselves, desire. Our policy on respect includes treating yourself, others and our environment with the goal of increasing their value. We strongly believe that one’s actions demonstrate one’s commitment to respecting individual differences. We believe that we are individually and collectively responsible for our behavior and are fully accountable for our actions. We must take initiative and responsibility for our own learning and awareness of the differences which exist in our community. Bigotry has no place within our community, nor does the denigration of another human being on the basis of age, physical ability, national origin, sexual orientation, race, gender, religious or political affiliation. We will not tolerate threats, intimidation, violence, or other forms of harassment against any member of our community. Likewise, we will not accept ignorance, humor, anger, alcohol or substance abuse as an excuse, reason or rationale for such behavior. Such behavior will be subject to disciplinary action which may include, but is not limited to, immediate removal from the residence halls. All of us who work and live in University Courtyard have chosen to be here and are committed to these principles which are an integral part of our purpose, values and daily activities. ABANDONED BELONGINGS: Residents are responsible for the removal of all personal property upon vacating the premises. Property left will be boxed, labeled and stored for up to six months. University Courtyard will charge a fee for boxing and storing these items. Items not claimed will be disposed of by University Courtyard without liability. ACADEMIC SUCCESS: Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA in order to remain in good standing with the University. Any student who falls below 2.0 will meet with an RD in January and may have sanctions they will be required to meet. ADVERTISING GUIDELINES: Bulletin boards are conveniently located in each community style hall’s lobby as well as the lobby of the Atrium. All material posted on the bulletin boards must be approved through the Housing Office. RAs decorate floor and stairwell bulletin boards but all other materials posted must have a University Courtyard approval stamp. Residents removing or defacing bulletin boards are subject to disciplinary action. 48 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Policies AGGRESSIVE/ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR: Aggressive/Abusive behavior is not appropriate in University Courtyard. Residents who are confronted with conflict situations are expected to deal with such conflict in a constructive, non-aggressive manner which will lead to resolution of the differences. Violence in any form (physical or verbal) or the threat of violence is not an acceptable method of dealing with conflict, nor is dealing with conflict on social networking sites and will not be tolerated in the residence halls. Those who choose to engage in such behavior are subject to disciplinary action or dismissal from the halls, depending on the severity of the behavior. For assistance, contact the Atrium Customer Service Desk at 559.278.2677 or a Residential Life Staff member. In an emergency, call the University Police at 559.278.8400 or use the call box or the blue emergency phones. For more information, please consult the harassment policy and the section “Dealing with Conflict.” ALCOHOL POLICY: The University and University Courtyard are committed to creating a safe and healthy learning environment for all members of the campus community. Therefore, the University and University Courtyard will not tolerate alcohol abuse and intoxication, and any use resulting in unacceptable conduct. Violations of State laws pertaining to the possession, use and sale of alcoholic beverages, including underage violations, are enforced on campus. The following are considered violations of the University Courtyard Alcohol Policy: 1. Possession of bulk alcoholic beverages, that is, amounts for storage or use that are excessive under the circumstances of personal use, which may include the number of persons present, the type of beverage and the existing degree of intoxication. Kegs, pony kegs, cases of beer/ other beverages with an equivalent amount of alcoholic content in any form of container are bulk alcohol. 2. Hosting a gathering where alcohol violations are occurring is prohibited. Students who host will face stronger sanctions than those who attend such gatherings. 3. Furnishing alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 21. Furnishing includes allowing students under the age of 21 to drink in your room or suite if you are over the age of 21. 4. Alcohol may not be consumed in any public areas including but not limited to bathrooms, hallways, lobbies, balconies, lounges or areas outside the residence halls, including parking lots. 5. Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by individuals under the age of 21. 6. Possession of beer bongs or items used to facilitate the rapid consumption of alcohol are not allowed. 7. Drinking games, items or other activities that encourage the excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol are not allowed (i.e. beer pong tables). 8. Behavior which is disruptive to the community while under the influence of alcohol 9. Behavior which is a violation of other University Courtyard policies while under the influence of alcohol. • Please note: Intoxication is not an excuse for violating other University Courtyard Policies. Students will be held responsible (both judicially & financially) for their behaviors while intoxicated. 10. Behavior which demonstrates that a student is unable to care for themselves or others 11. Individual room parties that create disturbances, damage, excessive noise or messes are not allowed in the residence halls. a. Parties that involve more than one room (i.e. progressives) are not allowed b. A maximum number of five individuals will be allowed in each resident room or a total of ten in a suite. 12. Alcohol may not be purchased, sold or delivered in the residence halls. Selling tickets, stamps, chips or receiving required donation, which can be exchanged for or entitle bearer to consume alcohol, is not allowed under State Alcoholic Beverage Commission regulations. 13. Attending a gathering where alcohol policy violations are occurring is prohibited. 14. Public displays of alcoholic beverage insignias or themes (including posters) that encourage drinking are prohibited. 15. Within a person’s living area, displays of containers, boxes, labels, caps and other alcoholic beverage remnants are prohibited. 16. Given the above guidelines for alcohol in University Courtyard, students who are 21 years of age or older may consume alcohol within the following additional guidelines: a. Alcoholic beverages must be consumed in student rooms or suites and not in public. b. Alcoholic beverages must be consumed with doors closed. c. Alcoholic beverages must be consumed with no minors (under the age of 21) present. (continued on next page...) Subject to Change 49 Policies 2012-2013 d. Alcoholic beverages may not be stored in common areas of a suite when a resident of the suite is under the age of 21, whether or not that under 21 resident is home at the time the alcohol is stored. e. All alcoholic beverages must be unopened and concealed while being transported into or through the residence halls. Failure to do so will result in confiscation and immediate disposal of the beverage. f. Residents who are 21 years of age or older in group areas (wings/floors/suites/buildings) that show a disregard for the alcohol policy may have the right to use alcohol withdrawn at the discretion of the Director of Housing. g. After consuming alcohol, beverage containers must be disposed of immediately. Storing empty containers for the purposes of recycling is prohibited. Staff may request to smell/see a beverage in your possession for identification purposes. BICYCLES, SKATEBOARDS, SCOOTERS AND ROLLERBLADES: Throughout University Courtyard mirrors and signs have been posted in blind zones to help prevent collisions between pedestrians, cyclists and skateboarders etc. Pedestrians have the right of way so if you choose to use skateboards or other devices please slow down, be kind and share the walkway. 1.Bike racks are provided on the patios of Baker, Graves and Homan halls and in areas surrounding the Atrium for the residence suites. 2.Bikes may not be parked on the sidewalks, at the entrance to any buildings, nor should they be locked to stairwells, trees, fences, handrails or near the entrance to the University Courtyard Dining Hall. 3.Bikes should not be placed in bathrooms, study rooms or other public areas. 4.Bikes parked illegally may have their locks cut and be impounded by the University Police Department. 5.Bikes, skateboards, scooters or rollerblades are not permitted in the Atrium and residents should lock their bikes at bicycle racks conveniently located at each entrance door. Anyone riding or walking a bike, skateboard, scooter or rollerblades in the Atrium (or any other indoor area at University Courtyard) will have it confiscated for one week. If a second offense occurs it will remain in storage until the end of the semester. 6.We discourage residents from bringing or keeping bikes in rooms/suites. If you do, you will be held responsible for any damages and charged appropriately. 7.You may not put hooks on your ceiling or walls to hang your bicycle. 8.Bikes will be tagged for impounding in May. If not removed or claimed by May 31, they will be removed/impounded by the University Police Department. 9.Electric and Gas powered vehicles are not permitted to be stored in resident’s rooms. Students with disabilities who need scooters must have a letter on file from Services for Students with Disabilities. Note: We highly recommend that you register your bike with the University Police Department after you arrive on campus. You can do this by visiting www.universitycourtyard.org and selecting “Forms”. Fill out the Bike Registration form. There is no fee for this licensing. U-shaped bicycle locks are available to rent from the University Police Department for $5 per semester, and $15 refundable security deposit, and $8 key replacement fee if a new one is needed. BREAKING AND ENTERING: Anyone seen or determined to have entered a room without authorization, will be subject to disciplinary action, dismissal and possible prosecution. If you believe an unauthorized entrance into your room has been made, immediately notify a Residential Life Staff member. CANDLES/INCENSE/OPEN FLAMES: Because of fire marshal regulations, candles in any form (including electric candle/wax warmers such as Scentsy brand) are prohibited in University Courtyard. Open fires, including burning candles and activities potentially dangerous to property or disruptive to the community, such as incense and aromatic oils are also prohibited within University Courtyard. All items (including candles) will be confiscated and violators of any of these policies are subject to disciplinary and/or legal action. 50 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Policies COMMON AREA DAMAGE: As a “community of students,” it is necessary that everyone living in the halls assume responsibility for maintaining the buildings that they live in. The Student Housing and Meal Plan License Agreement states that under Terms and Conditions of Occupancy, paragraph III, that residents “...refrain from altering, disturbing or damaging the housing facilities, furnishings, common areas and surrounding environment; pay individually or in combination with other Licensees, a reasonable charge for any such damage...” This means that you will be held responsible for damages to the residence halls or damages or loss of common area furniture unless any damage or loss can be specifically assigned to individuals. The following procedures will be used for common area damage: 1. Damage in common areas (i.e. lounges, recreation rooms, junctions, hallways, stairwells, balconies and bathrooms) which cannot be attributed to known individuals will be considered common area damage. This includes items taken from an area and not returned (see furniture policy for more details) 2. The Director of Housing or designee will review with staff and residents how the damage occurred and to what extent the wing, floor, suite or building is held financially responsible for the damage. 3. The Facilities Coordinator will evaluate the type and extent of the damage to determine the total replacement or repair cost. 4. Residents are notified through signage and are given five days or until the end of the License Agreement period, whichever is first, to make an appointment with the Director of Housing or designee to appeal the notification of billing and/or provide verifiable information that would allow the Housing Accounting office to bill the damage to the proper individual(s). 5. At the end of the notification period, any common area damage that has not been identified as being done by specific individual(s) will become the responsibility of the residents in the area being charged. Residents’ billing statements will reflect the damage charges. These charges will include a $2 administrative fee for the cost to invoice the damages. This is separate from any labor costs associated with fixing the actual damage being charged. Residents are expected to pay the amount during that billing period. 6. Residents will be notified of the damage, replacement or repair cost by an invoice. 7. A resident’s security deposit will be used to offset any unpaid common area charges or unpaid balances at the end of the license agreement period. If charges exceed the security deposit, residents must pay the unpaid balance. COOKING: Fire regulations require that certain cooking appliances not be permitted in rooms or suites except for the microfridge provided by University Courtyard. For safety reasons, any resident found using any prohibited cooking items will have the item(s) confiscated and returned at checkout. Please consult the Facilities policies (appliances) for a list of approved appliances. DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR: University Courtyard exists to complement the educational mission of the University. Our expectations and standards of acceptable behavior are reflective of our purpose. Behavior that disrupts the orderly functions in/or around the halls and the surrounding community or behavior that results in additional clean-up in/or around the halls is prohibited. Additionally, intentional acts or behaviors that unreasonably interfere with others’ normal use of facilities or privileges are prohibited. DRUGS: The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance on the campus (including University Courtyard) is subject to immediate disciplinary action and criminal prosecution. University Police will be contacted. The Supreme Court determined that possession and distribution of marijuana violates federal law, irrespective of any state law that permits the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Because University Courtyard is located in proximity to a high school, and Fresno State receives federal monies under the “Drug Free Schools” Act, University Courtyard enforces federal law. Besides the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance (including marijuana), the following are also considered violations of University Courtyard’s Drug policy: 1. Possession of pipes, bongs, grinders, scales or other items used to manufacture, distribute, dispensate, possess or use marijuana (or other drugs) are not allowed. 2. Attending a gathering where the smell of marijuana is present. (continued on next page...) Subject to Change 51 Policies 2012-2013 3. Possession or use of other “experimental” substances are not allowed. 4. Possession of prescription drugs not prescribed to you. EXPLOSIVES/FIREWORKS: Discharging firecrackers, fireworks, projectiles or any explosive device. Violations of this include, but are not limited to, discharging or in anyway attempting to discharge types of manufactured or homemade fireworks or flaming projectiles including cannons or bottle rockets inside or adjacent to University Courtyard. The size of the explosive is irrelevant. Violations of this policy may result in the termination of your housing license upon the first offense. FACILITIES POLICIES: • APPLIANCES: Electrical devices such as stereos, TVs, hair dryers, coffee pots, air popcorn poppers, blenders, radios and personal computers are permitted, if they are UL approved and portable. Space heaters and cooking appliances (examples: hot plates, toasters, rice cookers) are NOT permitted! • BALCONIES/PATIOS: NO SMOKING! No personal items, trash, or bikes may be kept on the balconies. No BBQs are permitted on the balconies, sidewalks or grass. Anyone in violation of these policies will have the bike, furniture or BBQ confiscated and returned at check-out. Lawn furniture may be brought onto the patios. • CEILINGS: You may not display any type of wall hangings, flags or posters on the ceiling. This is a fire hazard. During health and safety inspections you will be required to remove them. If not removed by resident in the time stipulated, Housing reserves the right to remove them. • CLEANING: Each resident is expected to clean up after themselves. Residents must maintain appropriate health and sanitary levels in their personal living area. All food should be kept in sealed containers and refrigerated if needed. Spoiled food should be discarded in dumpsters located outside the halls. When the condition of a room/suite is offensive and/ or jeopardizes the health of one or more occupants, the resident will be asked to correct the condition. If the resident fails to correct the condition within 48 hours, they will be subject to disciplinary action, including fees associated with correcting the issue. • ELECTRICAL, UTILITY AND CABLE ACCESS PANELS: Access panels are located in communitystyle hallways, common areas and also in suites. All residents must refrain from accessing, opening and tampering with any and all electrical/utility/cable access panel(s) and/or closet(s) and/or the contents thereof located within the halls or resident units. The area in front of these panels must be kept accessible at all times (no furniture in front of the door). (Full text of Electrical/Utility/ Cable Access Panel information available at the Atrium Customer Service Desk and on the back of the Room Condition Report.) • FIRE EQUIPMENT: Tampering with fire equipment, e.g. fire alarms and extinguishers, and smoke detectors (in room and public area) is a violation of University Courtyard policies. Violations of this include, but are not limited to, removing a fire extinguisher from its prescribed location, fully or partially discharging a fire extinguisher for any purpose other than putting out a fire, tampering with smoke alarms located in public areas or in bedrooms, taping smoke alarms in bedrooms, setting off false fire alarms, or removing or damaging exit lights and starting fires. Violations of this policy may result in the termination of your housing license upon the first offense. • FURNISHINGS/FURNITURE: Furniture in bedrooms, lobbies, junctions, pool and other public areas are not to be removed by residents. This includes closet doors, mirrors, bulletin boards, desks, bookcases, beds and other items in the halls. Beds/desks may be dismantled and moved within the suite or room. University Courtyard cannot store furniture for you or assist you with dismantling the bed/desk. University Courtyard furniture is not permitted outdoors, moved to another floor or taken to individual rooms or suites. Items removed from any common area are subject to residents being charged a replacement fee. If the item is not returned and no one is found responsible, a replacement fee will be charged to the community where the item is taken (see community damage fee). If the item is found to be in a room, a $10 a day replacement fee will be assessed to the occupants of the room Also, pianos in common areas may not be moved because each one has been tuned. Any stolen items will be cause for dismissal as well as campus sanction and criminal prosecution. Outdoor furniture must remain in the gated areas. Room searches may be conducted for missing community area furniture, when possible a 24 hour notice will be given. • HALLWAYS: For health and safety reasons, hallways and walkways are to be kept clear of furniture, equipment, trash and any other obstacles that might obstruct the passage. Loitering is not permitted and residents should move to the junction or lobby. 52 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Policies • KEYS: Residents may not give their keys to any other individuals (including guests). If a resident is found to have given their key to another individual, they may face disciplinary action. • MICROFRIDGE: A combination microwave, freezer and refrigerator in one, compact unit has been provided in your living area. If you live in a suite, one microfridge is provided in the living area, and must remain in the living room for use by all residents. If you live in a community-style hall (Baker, Graves, and Homan) a microfridge is located in every large single or double room. You may bring a refrigerator which does not exceed 2.5 cubic feet. It is in violation of fire and safety codes for residents to install and use their own microwaves. Microfridges (provided by University Courtyard) and refrigerators that students bring to campus are subject to searches during closing times to ensure they have been cleaned out and defrosted. If contraband items are found in the fridge, items will be confiscated and disciplinary action will be taken. • PAINT: It is not permitted for any touch-up work or repainting to be done by residents. • POSTERS: If you would like to hang or display posters, pictures or other decorations, use removable tape that does not damage the walls or leave residues (scotch tape and double-stick tape remove paint). You may not nail or thumb tack objects to the walls or closets. Please be aware that the ceiling and no more than 50% of the wall space in your living area can be covered with flammable material. • ROOFS: Residents are not permitted on the roof of any building. The roofs are not designed for excessive walking, which may cause leaks. If you lose something on the roof, contact the University Courtyard Housing Office at 559.278.2345 option 1 or 559.278.4690 and they will assist you. • SCREENS: Screens are installed on windows to improve safety. In addition to keeping insects, wildlife and people from entering the room, screens keep trash and other objects from being thrown out. Do not remove screens from windows. Residents who remove screens will be charged a minimum replacement cost of $75. If the screen is damaged or missing or is on the 2nd or 3rd floor the charge will be substantially more. • SIGNS: Stolen property (e.g. street signs) that is visible from your room window or in your room may be confiscated by the Director of Housing or their designee. University Courtyard will turn all illegal items to University Police. Residents may be subject to disciplinary or legal action. • SWIMMING POOL & RECREATION AREA: During the academic year, no children under the age of 16 are allowed in the pool area. Guests are permitted if they are accompanied by their host (please see Guest Policy). No glass, running or diving is permitted. During the summer, a certified lifeguard is on duty. The pool is open and available to summer session residents as well as summer conference participants of all ages. Except in University Courtyard provided BBQs, no open fires (including use of BBQs with briquettes or wood fires) are allowed in the pool or recreation areas. • TREES: During holiday periods, residents may want live, perishable decorations (including Christmas trees and wreaths). It is expected that residents ensure that all live trees and wreaths are sprayed with a fireproofing agent to reduce the risk of fires. It is also expected that all perishable holiday decorations be removed before residents leave for winter break, or January 1, 2012. If holiday perishable items are found after a student has left for break, or January 1, 2012, the resident will face disciplinary actions, including fees associated with the removal of these items, by University Courtyard staff. • VACANT SPACES AND ROOM RESTORATION REQUIREMENTS: During the year you may have a vacant space in your room or suite. Your license agreement with University Courtyard is for a bed space; therefore you are not entitled to decide who will occupy the vacant space. You are required to maintain the bedroom or suite so that a potential roommate will be able to move in. This means you are expected to: 1.Keep vacant furniture assembled and accessible, as well as all storage and surface areas clean and empty at all times in case a new resident is assigned to that space. This is especially important at the end of the Fall semester when new roommates will probably be moving in for the Spring. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in disciplinary action that may include probation, loss of housing or dismissal, as well as being charged for the staff labor to make the second space available for the new roommate. 2.Welcome the potential resident into the vacant space without harassing, threatening or intimidating the individual. If the resident or suitemates, in anyway, behave in the manner mentioned above or discourage the resident from moving in, there may be disciplinary consequences with the possibility of being placed on probation with loss of housing for the following year. Subject to Change 53 Policies 2012-2013 2012-2013 Policies • WINDOW/DOOR DISPLAYS: Residents may be required to remove prohibited, offensive or inappropriate signs, posters or materials from their windows, doors or in the hallway immediately adjacent to the room door. Such items may be confiscated. GUEST POLICY: Many residents look forward to inviting family and friends to visit them at the residence halls. For their safety and as a courtesy to other residents, all residents must adhere to the following guest policy: FAILURE TO COMPLY:Failure to comply with official requests or directives of University Courtyard and CSU Fresno Staff members (i.e. RA, PSA, ARD, PSSC, ARD, RD, Facilities, Police Services, etc) while in the performance of their duties (including, but not limited to providing false information or failing to comply with assigned educational sanctions) is a violation of University Courtyard policy. Public Safety/University Police are sworn California State Peace Officers with full police jurisdiction. 1.A guest is defined as any person (student, non-student, University Courtyard resident, or nonUniversity Courtyard resident) present in the community, floor, room or suite who does not live in that particular area. Even though a person may be a resident of University Courtyard, they are considered a guest when they are not in their particular room or living area. 2.A host shall be defined as a University Courtyard resident who is being visited by another individual. All guests have a host – that host is defined as the person who the particular guest defines as their host. If a guest does not identify their host, and they are not registered to a particular individual, then the residents who live in the area where the guest is present will be responsible as their host. 3.All guests (whether they are staying overnight or not) are required to be escorted at all times within University Courtyard by their host. 4.An overnight guest shall be defined as a person who is present between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. a.Residents wishing to have overnight guests, including friends and relatives (who are staying past 11:00 p.m.) must complete the “Guest Registration Card”. This form is available online at www.universitycourtyard.org b.The hosting individual must obtain permission from his/her roommate before an overnight guest is permitted. (Any issues seek a staff member for assistance.) c.Residents will be permitted overnight guests for a maximum of four (4) nights per calendar month, not to exceed two consecutive nights. A guest may not move from one host’s room to another in order to extend their stay in the residence halls. Guests are not allowed to cohabitate, and therefore are limited to (4) nights per calendar month as well. Roommates who know of a violation should report this to University Courtyard staff. Residents may be held financially responsible for an overnight charge for any guest who stays beyond the 4 nights per calendar month. 5. The following guidelines apply to all guests (whether they are here overnight or not): a.All residents must get their roommates’ and suitemates’ permission before bringing guests into their living areas. If roommates or suitemates are uncomfortable with a certain guest, please consult your Resident Advisor, Assistant Resident Director or Resident Director. b.Guests are not allowed to bring pets, to check out equipment or receive University Courtyard keys. c.Guests must abide by all University and University Courtyard regulations and policies. d.The Residential Life Staff will require a guest to leave the residence hall complex, if he/she is causing a disruption. e.Guests must be housed only in resident rooms, not in common areas. f. Guests will not be allowed during finals week. g.Residents must escort their guests within the building at all times. h. There may be no more than five people present in one community style room at a time. For suites, there may be no more than ten people present in a suite at a time. These limits include residents and guests. i.Guests may not use opposite gender restrooms. Guest restrooms are located on the first floor of Baker, Graves and Homan. Guests are not allowed to use wing bathrooms unless shower facilities are needed. If showers are needed for opposite gender guests, you must have a friend of that gender escort the guest to the shower. 6.RESIDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BEHAVIOR OF THEIR GUESTS AT ALL TIMES AND MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR THE ACTIONS OF THEIR GUESTS. Residents may also face disciplinary action for the behavior of their guests. FINAL EXAMS WEEK: Finals week can be a very stressful time for students living on campus. While some people have only one final, others have anywhere from 3-5 during the course of the week. One of our goals is to maintain an environment that is conducive to academic success. This includes having the following policies and guidelines for Finals Week: 1. Finals quiet hours are 22 hours a day every day during finals week. Finals week quiet hours begin at the regular quiet hour times on the Friday before finals. 2. We require that students leave within 24 hours after their last final or 3pm Friday, whichever is sooner. While you may be done with your finals, there are many others still studying. Please know your finals schedule and make arrangements accordingly. 3. When you are leaving either at semester break or at the end of the year, please keep in mind that people are studying and try to be respectful as you pack and move out. Please also remind your guests of this fact. 4. Sanctions for policy violations during finals week will be stricter. Typically, sanctions given for violations during finals week will be increased by one level. We hope you realize the importance of this time of year and the need for respect of those on your floor, in your suite, building and community. If you violate policies during finals week, letters will be sent home to inform you that you still have responsibilities to take care of prior to closing out your time at University Courtyard. Failure to respond to communications over the summer regarding policy violations may result in holds being placed on your Fresno State record, additional educational sanctions and/or referral to the Dean of Students FIREARMS/WEAPONS: Possession/use of firearms or a deadly weapon is prohibited. Violations of this include possession of any device deemed “deadly weapon” by the California Penal Code 12020, including possession or use of any pistols, BB guns, paint ball guns, air soft guns, pistols, revolvers or other objects that resemble firearms or use of other items in a manner intended to harm or threaten. Deadly weapons include: blackjacks, sling shots, billy club, sand club, sandbag, metal knuckles, any dirk, dagger, switchblade, bows and arrows, ice pick, or a knife having a blade longer than 2 1/2 inches, any razor with unguarded blade, any metal pipe or bar used or intended to be used as a club. Standard kitchen knives are an exception unless used in a manner intended to harm. If a resident wishes to bring a gun, ammunition, bow/arrow, or archaeology tools on campus, it must be registered and stored within the University Police Department Office. If bows and arrows or archaeology tools are necessary for a University class, exceptions can be made with permission from the Student Conduct Coordinator. Violations of this policy may result in the termination of your housing license upon the first offense. GAMBLING AND LOTTERIES: Gambling and lotteries are not permitted in any campus building including the residence halls. Violators will be sanctioned by the Student Conduct Coordinator or designee and subject to legal action. 54 Subject to Change HARASSMENT: University Courtyard does not tolerate violent or abusive behavior. Behavior in the form of harassment is also not tolerated. Any such behavior may be grounds for dismissal. Harassment is the unwanted imposition of attention, usually in the form of repeated or unwanted verbal or physically abusive behavior (i.e. sexual, racial, religious, etc.), and is strictly prohibited. For assistance, contact the Atrium Customer Service Desk at 559.278.2677 or a Residential Life Staff member. In an emergency call the University Police at 559.278.8400 or use the call box or the blue emergency phones. For more information, please consult the Aggressive/Abusive behavior policy and the section “Dealing with conflict” located in this student handbook. Subject to Change 55 Policies 2012-2013 NOISE POLICY: Because University Courtyard strives to be an academic living environment which supports students in their academic endeavors, the following are violations of the University Courtyard noise policy: 1. DISRUPTIVE NOISE: At all times, noise considered “disruptive” is prohibited. This means your stereo, voice or other noise should not be heard down the hall or outside the building. Remember everyone has different study and sleep habits. Because of the noise level, musical instruments and amplified music may be prohibited in the residence halls. Stereos are not to be played through open windows. Please keep in mind that “bass” carries between rooms and should be kept to a minimum. Residents in violation of this policy may have the items confiscated by Housing and held until the end of the semester. At all times, staff reserves the right to require that your door be closed if noise inside your room is disturbing to others. Please note, repeated violations of the disruptive noise policy because of amplified music or musical instruments, may result in confiscation of the source of noise. 2. QUIET HOURS: Baker, Birch, Cedar, Graves, Sequoia and Sycamore halls must adhere to a quiet time from 11 pm-7 am Sunday - Thursday and 1 am-7 am on Friday and Saturday. During quiet hours, the noise inside a room or suite should not be heard outside the room or suite. During quiet hours residents should avoid any loud talking or disturbances in the halls. You should keep radios, TVs and stereos set at a low volume. If students wish to socialize, the Atrium is available, as well as lobbies and rec rooms. Again, noise should be kept to a minimum in these locations. 3. QUIET LIVING AREAS: These areas have been designed to meet the needs of residents who desire to live and study in an environment with pre-established guidelines about noise and quiet. If you are assigned to a quiet living area (Homan, Aspen and Ponderosa Halls) you are expected to observe the guidelines that have been established. Quiet hours in these areas are from 8 pm-7 am Sunday through Thursday and midnight through 7 am on Friday and Saturday. Residents who fail to adhere to the guidelines for quiet living areas more than twice in one semester, will be subject to disciplinary action and may be moved to an available space in a regular living area. Each resident assigned to this area signs an agreement to adhere to the quiet living area rules when they check-in. 4. COURTESY HOURS: Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day. This means that at any time someone (whether they are a staff member or resident) asks you to lower the volume of noise in your room or area, you must honor that request. The right to quiet supersedes the right to make noise at all times. 5. FINALS WEEK 22 HOUR QUIET POLICY: A 22-Hour Quiet Policy is in effect in preparation for and during final exams. All residents must adhere to the 22 hour quiet policy (relaxed 5 p.m.-7 p.m.). Infractions, sanctions, and/or fines are handled by the Director of Housing or designee. This time starts at quiet hours the Friday prior to finals week. PETS: Pets of any kind (i.e. snakes, mice, puppies, kittens, etc.) are not permitted upon University Courtyard premises. Exception: any aquatic fish in aquariums of maximum five gallons total capacity per resident. If a resident is found with a pet, they will be given a warning to remove the pet within 24 hours. Larger animals (including small cats and dogs) will need to be removed immediately. If the resident fails to remove the pet, University Courtyard staff will confiscate the animal. Pets that are confiscated may or may not be returned to residents. In the case of animals such as cats and dogs, when confiscated the animal will be sent to a shelter. Residents who require service animals need to work through the Services for Students with Disabilities Office. 56 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Policies Residence Hall Access policy: All non-residents must be escorted within the halls at all times. SMOKING AND TOBACCO USE POLICY: Fresno State is a smoke free campus and allows for smoking ONLY in designated smoking areas. This policy includes students, faculty, staff, administrators, visitors and the general public. University Courtyard has designated four (4) areas where smoking (including electric cigarettes) is permitted: • Table located outside on the north side of the Atrium • Table located outside to the south of Birch and north of Cedar • Tables located outside between Graves and Homan next to the BBQs • Red wooden bench outside the east main lobby of Baker near the bike racks Students found smoking in other areas (including their rooms) may be subject to disciplinary action. There are also other behaviors related to smoking which are not permitted in University Courtyard: • Smoking or otherwise consuming any substance other than tobacco. Examples include (but are not limited to) the use of Salvia, K2 or Spice. • Possession or use of pipes and hookahs. Because of the potential fire hazards of smoking tobacco in pipes and hookahs, they are not allowed in University Courtyard and will be confiscated. SOLICITATION: Solicitation is defined as any uninvited contact, generally involving a request or distributing literature. No soliciting can be conducted in the residence halls or the grounds of University Courtyard. Don’t hesitate to confront solicitors and ask them to leave your community. Solicitors should be referred to the Housing Office. Do not ever purchase anything from a solicitor or let anyone into your room. Because of liability issues, residents may not establish or run a business out of their University Courtyard room. SPORTS IN THE HALLWAY: Sports or similar activities are not permitted inside the residence halls. Sports equipment used in the halls will be confiscated and returned at the end of the semester. Continuous violators will receive disciplinary sanction. THEFT: Taking items that do not belong to you is prohibited and could result in the termination of your license agreement without release from your financial obligation. If you find yourself a victim of theft, please contact University Police (559.278.8400) to report your missing items. University Courtyard staff will work in conjunction with the University Police department to deal with any reports of theft. VANDALISM: Deliberate vandalism and/or destruction of University Courtyard property is prohibited. This includes Common Area Damage (i.e. defacing bulletin boards, breaking glass, holes in the walls, graffiti, etc). Students who are found responsible for violations of this policy are subject to dismissal. VIOLENCE: Violent acts ranging from assault to battery will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action, eviction and/or criminal prosecution. If you are in need of help dial 911 from a campus phone and University Police will respond. If you are not sure where to turn, contact your RA or RD for assistance. WATERFIGHTS: Waterfights are not allowed on University Courtyard premises. Any type of container used for the purpose of water fighting may be confiscated on sight and returned to the resident at the end of the semester. If excessive water damage occurs, you and all parties involved may be assessed and charged. This type of behavior will not be tolerated and could result in dismissal. Subject to Change 57 University Information 2012-2013 2012-2013 University Information Academics and Catalog Information University Information Looking for a handy reference of what the University has to offer? In this section you’ll find descriptions and contact information for various University-related groups and offices. SEE GENERAL CATALOG AND COURSE SCHEDULE FOR MORE DETAILS This section of the Student Handbook offer students a brief overview of key academic policies, focused specifically for full-time, undergraduate students. For a detailed explanation of academic policies and procedures, all students are encouraged to consult the University Catalog or to check with the Office of Advising Services, Joyal Administration, Room 224; University Outreach Services, University Center, Room 125, and Student Affirmative Action in Joyal Administration, Room 250; or the student’s department advisor. ACADEMIC DISQUALIFICATION: Students placed on academic disqualification at the end of a semester must be readmitted to attend the subsequent semester. An information letter is mailed to disqualified students when semester grades are available advising them of their options. The assigned date and time to register for the next semester (see Course Registration letter) will be invalidated when students are academically disqualified. If students are readmitted, they will be eligible to participate in Course Registration on or close to their original assigned date and time. (See Course Schedule) ACADEMIC Integrity: The University has a written policy on cheating and plagiarism which includes specific steps that will be taken in the event that an incident of cheating or plagiarism is suspected or alleged. The full text of the document is available in the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Student Office, Joyal Administration. Bldg., Room 262 or be found on www. fresnostate.edu/aps/documents/apm/235.pdf ACADEMIC HONORS: At graduation, students who complete the undergraduate program with the following cumulative averages are eligible for the listed honors: Summa Cum Laude (3.9 -4.0), Magna Cum Laude (3.7-3.89) or Cum Laude (3.5-3.69) ACADEMIC PETITIONS: Students must file academic petitions in the Office of Advising Services, Joyal Administration, Room 224. Record adjustment request forms can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office, Joyal Administration, Room 106 (or online at www.fresnostate.edu/are). ACADEMIC PROBATION AND DISQUALIFICATION: A student whose grade point average falls below a 2.00 (“C” average) in either total or campus GPA will be placed on academic probation or disqualification. If you have questions about your academic standing, you may schedule an appointment with an academic counselor in Joyal Administration 224, 559.278.1787. ACADEMIC SERVICES: The Office of Advising Services provides a variety of services designated to help you achieve your educational goals and effectively use the resources of the university. Academic counselors can assist you in undergraduate academic advising, undeclared major advising, academic petitions procedures, change of major services, general academic problem solving and appropriate referrals. You may also stop by the Office of Advising Services located in the Joyal Administration Building, Room 224, 559.278.1787. Freshman students are required to meet with an advisor during their spring semester. A hold will be placed on your account if you fail to meet with an advisor prior to registration. 58 Subject to Change Subject to Change 59 University Information 2012-2013 ACADEMIC YEAR: The Academic year for full-time students consists of two 15 week semesters. In addition, a short winter session and summer sessions are offered in a three-week, six-week or eight-week session format. The University offers weekday and evening classes as well as some arranged classes. A student level classification in school is broken down as follows: Graduate & Post baccalaureate, Senior (90+ units), Junior (60 + units), Sophomore (30 + Units) and Freshman (0 to 29 units). Students taking 75 percent of the normal academic load are considered full-time students (12 or more units). For the purpose of financial aid, graduate-level courses are weighted for graduate students. Each graduate unit attempted by a graduate student is considered as 1.5 units. Full-time..................................12 or more units Three-quarter time...............9 to 11 1/2 units Half-time....................................6 to 8 1/2 units ACCESS TO STUDENT RECORDS: The 1974 Family Education and Privacy Act defines students’ rights of access to records and information maintained by the University. Fresno State students may request access to those campus records which personally identify the student. The student may challenge the accuracy of the record or the appropriateness of its retention in the campus file. Student consent is needed for the release of records covered by the Act to outside parties (e.g. prospective employers) except for those agencies entitled to access under the provisions of the Act (e.g., campus offices, other schools, federal officers and requests in connection with the application or receipt of financial aid). These provisions apply to records received and used on this campus after November 19, 1974. A student may request a copy of the record which he/she has requested or consented to be released. Copies of the full text of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 are available at the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students. Particular questions with respect to a student’s prerogative under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 should be directed to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Student’s Office or the Director of Admissions and Records. Agencies of the State of California may request for recruitment purposes information including the names, addresses, major fields of study and total units completed of Fresno State students and former students. The University is required by law to release student’s information to state agencies that have made a request in writing that such information be released. Students wanting or not wanting to be included in such releases should come to the Student Affairs Office, Joyal Administration. Bldg., Room 262, to sign a release form. Adding/Dropping Courses: After initial registration, a student may continue to add classes up through the tenth day of instruction without permission. After the tenth day of instruction and through the 20th day of instruction, all adds require permission from the instructor or the department. After the official census date (20th day of instruction) adding is no longer allowed. A student may drop a course without permission up through the 20th day of instruction. After the 20th day of instruction, a student may drop a course for a serious and compelling reason that makes it impossible for the student to complete course requirements. A serious and compelling reason is defined as an unexpected condition that is not present prior to enrollment in the course that unexpectedly arises and interferes with a student’s ability to attend class meetings and/or complete course requirements. The reason must be acceptable to and verified by the instructor of record and the department chair in which the course is offered. The condition must be stated in writing on the appropriate form. The student must provide documentation that substantiates the condition. Failing or performing poorly in a class is not an acceptable serious and compelling reason within the university policy, nor is dissatisfaction with the subject matter, class or instructor. During the final three weeks of instruction, dropping an individual course is not permitted unless special approval is given by the dean of Undergraduate Studies in cases such as accident or illness where the cause of the drop is due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. If the student has completed a significant portion of the required coursework, incomplete grades are often assigned. 60 Subject to Change 2012-2013 University Information ADDRESS: Please remember to keep your residence hall and university address up to date. Go to the University Courtyard Housing Office located in the Atrium to update the residence hall information. University student records can be updated on my.csufresno.edu in the Student Center under Personal Information. Students should also advise major department offices of address change. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS, INC. (ASI): ASI is the recognized student body government organization at California State University, Fresno (Fresno State). Through ASI, we are able to participate in the share governance of Fresno State, foster awareness of student opinions on campus issues, assist in the protection of student rights, and take advantage of programs and services that meet your needs as students. The office is located upstairs in the University Student Union, Room 317. To find out how you can get involved in ASI please visit our website at www.asi.fresnostate.edu or if you have questions please call 559.278.2656. ATHLETICS: Academic excellence and athletic accomplishment go hand in hand at Fresno State a member of the prestigious Mountain West. The broad-based intercollegiate athletics program provides athletes with opportunities for high-level competition while pursuing a quality education. Facilities: Bulldog Stadium features a 41,031-seat capacity. Beiden Field is a 6,575-seat baseball stadium and Bulldog Diamond a 5,767-seat softball stadium. Fresno State has track and field, two gymnasiums, indoor/outdoor swimming complex, 12 newly surfaced tennis courts and six indoor handball racquetball courts. The men’s and women’s basketball teams call the Savemart Center at Fresno State their home. Sports: Fresno State’s sports programs include: Baseball, Men’s & Women’s Basketball, Men’s & Women’s Cross Country, Men’s & Women’s Track & Field, Football, Equestrian, Men’s & Women’s Golf, Women’s Lacrosse, Softball, Women’s Soccer, Women’s Swimming & Diving, Men’s & Women’s Tennis, and Women’s Volleyball. Athletics offers “All Sports Pass” (year round) for students. For ticket information call 559.278.DOGS, or check website @ www.gobulldogs.com. Auxiliaries: The Office of the Chancellor for the California State University system has authorized each campus to establish nonprofit organizations to assist the campus in administrating areas where funds are generated from non-state sources. The following auxiliary organizations provide direct and indirect services for Fresno State students: The Agricultural Foundation of California State University, Fresno The California State University, Fresno Association Inc. The California State University, Fresno Foundation bulldog pantry: The Bulldog pantry is operated and maintained almost exclusively by Fresno State student volunteers. In November 2007, the pantry opened its doors in response to emergency food needs in the campus area. Almost every Saturday from 9-10:30 a.m. the pantry gives groceries to students and families in need around the community. The pantry currently serves anywhere from 100-175 families each week. The pantry relies 100% on the help of Fresno State volunteers and donors to keep their doors open. Food is purchased each week from the Community Food Bank and is picked up on Wednesday mornings. Friday afternoons at 2 p.m. the pantry volunteers pack anywhere from 150-250 bags of food in preparation for distribution of the following morning. To support the pantry, contact 559.224.9052. CAMPUS RECREATIONAL SERVICES: Many University Courtyard residents are very involved with campus recreational services which offer a variety of activities including intramurals, group fitness, personal training, informal recreation, outdoor activities and leisure activities. Rec Sports and Fitness: Offering a variety of extracurricular sports and fitness opportunities at Subject to Change 61 University Information 2012-2013 the Student Recreation Center. These include intramural sports, group fitness classes, personal training, and informal recreation. The SRC is a state-of-the-art weight and fitness facility with two multipurpose gyms, racquetball courts, and locker rooms. For more information on getting active call 559.347.3800 or check the website: www.auxiliary.com/SRC. Intramurals: The campus intramural program is one of the largest programs at Fresno State. Comprised of the following sports, the intramural program has something for both male and female athletes of all ages and ability levels: volleyball, soccer, flag football, basketball, racquetball, tennis, innertube waterpolo, kickball and softball. For more information visit the SRC or call 559.347.3800. Complete Withdrawal: A student may totally (completely) withdraw from all courses up through the fourth week of instruction without any restriction or penalty. Complete withdrawal after the fourth week of instruction and up to the last three weeks of instruction, are only approved for a documented serious and compelling reason. Permission to withdraw during this time shall be granted only with the approval of each individual instructor(s) and the department chair(s) of the department in which each course is offered. Undergraduate students will not be allowed to withdraw from more than a total of 18 semester units during their undergraduate career at Fresno State. Complete withdrawal during the last three weeks of instruction is not permitted. Exceptions are only allowed where the cause of the withdrawal is due to circumstances clearly beyond the student’s control and the assignment of incomplete grades in all classes is not practical. Students are responsible for obtaining the approval of the instructors of each of their courses, the department chairs for the department in which the courses are offered, and the Dean of Undergraduate Studies or the Dean of Graduate Studies, as appropriate. The 18 units limit, described above, does not apply when the withdrawal is approved during the last three weeks of the semester. A student who withdraws from the university after the tenth day of instruction and who is in good academic standing (not disqualified) is eligible to enroll the following semester without reapplying for admission. A student remaining unenrolled at the university for only one semester and not enrolling at another accredited institution during the interim must apply for readmission, and is not required to pay the application fee. However, a student attending another accredited institution or not enrolled for two or more consecutive semesters must reapply and pay the application fee. Contact the Evaluations Office regarding possible consequences if you remain away from California State University, Fresno more than one calendar year. Consult the Admissions, Records, and Evaluations Web site at www.fresnostate.edu/are for specific withdrawal instructions, procedures and deadlines. COMPUTING LABORATORIES: Although ITS does not maintain any campus wide open use computing laboratories, there are a number of labs supported by university colleges/schools and departments. In all, more than 600 workstations are available in student labs throughout the campus. Contact the Help Desk at 559.278.7000 or to visit the ITS Help Desk online at help.fresnostate.edu/students/computerlabs.index.jsp COURSE REGISTRATION: Fresno State advanced technology provides class registration through the University website my.csufresno.edu. The system can be accessed throughout the United States and the world. Students in good standing will be sent a letter which includes the student’s Course Registration and payment date, worksheet and schedule of courses for the semester. Students may add/drop courses using the website. CREDENTIAL: Persons seeking a credential should file an application with the Credential Analyst in the Education Bldg., Certification and Graduate Office, Room 151 at the end of the semester. There is a Commission on Teacher Credentialing fee and a Fresno State processing fee charged for all basic services and specialist credentials. DEAN’S LIST: Undergraduate students completing a minimum of 12 units and earning a grade point average of 3.50 or better each semester are eligible for the Dean’s List. 62 Subject to Change 2012-2013 University Information DIRECTION SPORTS: An after-school tutoring and sports program for fifth grade children is offered through the Neighborhood Tutoring Association. Its purpose is to raise the achievement level in the classroom by reinforcing what is presently being taught, but also have fun and learn a sport. For more information call the Direction Sports office at 559.224.9051. EDUCATIONal OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM: The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is designed to make higher education a possibility for students who have the potential and motivation to achieve academic success with the assistance of comprehensive support services. To qualify for EOP, you must be a California resident and a first-time undergraduate student with a family history of low income. In addition, you must demonstrate potential for success and be motivated to achieve your educational goals. EOP also admits regularly eligible students with specific economic and educational support needs. For more information call 559.278.1787 or stop by Joyal Administration Room 224. GRADES: Via the web, Fall grades will be available beginning January 2013, and Spring grades will be available beginning June 2013. Visit my.csufresno.edu or call 559.294.7827 from 8:00 am - 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday (except holidays). A grade mailer will not be sent. Grade Symbols and Grade Points: A = Excellent (4.0) B = Very Good (3.0) C = Satisfactory (2.0) D = Unsatisfactory (1.0) F = Failure (0.00) W = Withdrawal (not used in grade point calculation) WU = Withdrawal Unauthorized (0.00) CR = Credit (0.00 units allowed for the degree) NC = No Credit (Replaces I grade in courses where CR/NC work is not completed) I = Incomplete (not used in grade point calculation) RD = Report Delayed. Grade must be cleared before a degree is awarded. (Not used in grade point calculation) RP = Report in Progress (No units allowed and not included in grade point calculation until grade is assigned.) AU = Audit. Grade indicated student’s status as an auditor and does not earn degree credit. GRADUATION: The Baccalaureate Degree is not granted automatically when students complete degree requirements. YOU MUST APPLY FOR GRADUATION! Forms are available at the table outside Joyal Administration Bldg., Room 115 and online at www.fresnostate.edu/are/forms/. You are encouraged to file on the first day of the filing period to receive a timely response. Pay the nonrefundable $35 graduation application fee at the Cashier’s Window, South Lobby, Joyal Administration., and turn in your completed application with your cashier’s receipt to the table outside Joyal Administration. Bldg., Room 115. Students receiving a baccalaureate degree and intending to continue for post baccalaureate and graduate study at California State University, Fresno must reapply for readmission to post baccalaureate and graduate status at www.csumentor. edu and pay the nonrefundable application fee. Subject to Change 63 University Information 2012-2013 GRADUATION RATE: At Fresno State graduation rates surpass the system averages. The first-time freshman data for 2007 shows that the Fresno State retention rate is more than 82%, which puts us third in the entire CSU system for retention. Based on data compiled over the last five years, nearly 50% of all students graduate within six years. LEARNING CENTER: The Learning Center is your connection to success! As the most comprehensive academic support center on campus, the Learning Center provides: -FREE tutoring in most lower division courses (first year requirements) -Academic success workshops (time management, test preparation, relaxation, and more) -Study space -Student computer labs -Supplemental instruction (group tutoring outside of class) -SupportNet (a referral program for students who need academic or personal support) Whether you are struggling in your classes or doing well but want to do better, the Learning Center can help. Data indicates that students who use Learning Center tutorial services make better grades in their classes than those who don’t get tutoring. The Learning Center is located in the basement of the library. No appointment necessary. For more information and hours of operation visit in person or call 559.278.3052, or visit the website at www. fresnostate.edu/learningcenter. LIBRARY SERVICES: The Henry Madden Library is a center for study, learning and scholarship at Fresno State. Its collections and services are central to undergraduate and graduate instructional programs and to research of all kinds. For more information call 559.278.2596 or check the library’s website at http://www.fresnostate.edu/library/. Services available: Research assistance, information literacy through library instruction, research databases and periodicals, interlibrary loan, laptops for checkout, government publications, music and video recordings and copy machines. Online System: The library catalog enables you to locate books, journals, and other library holdings quickly and easily. You can gain access to online research databases, renew books and find materials not available at the Henry Madden library. MIGRANT SERVICES (UNIVERSITY): The office of University Migrant Services (UMS) serves students from migrant and seasonal farm worker backgrounds. Services and activities are designed to help migrant students maximize their academic skills and abilities as well as support their personal development throughout their university experience. Participation in activities such as community service, internships and leadership development activities enrich the academic experience and success of migrant students. For more information call 559.278.1787. NON-DISCRIMINATION DISABILITY: The California State University does not discriminate on the basis of disabilities in admission or access to or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the regulations adopted therein prohibit such discrimination. Inquiries concerning compliance may be addressed to Janice A. Parten, Joyal Administration. Bldg., Room 211, phone 559.278.2364. NON DISCRIMINATION POLICY ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Discrimination on the basis of sex is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts as well as the Title IX of the Education Act. Sexual harassment is a violation of Section 703 of Title VII. Sexual harassment refers to the unwanted imposition of sexual attention usually in the context of a relationship of unequal power, rank or status, as well as the use of one’s position of authority in the university to bestow benefits or impose deprivations on another. This applies equally to all students, staff, faculty and administrators at California State University, Fresno. Harassment includes verbal, nonverbal, and /or physical conduct that has the intent or effect of unreasonable interference with individuals’ or groups’ education or work performance. This may also include actions that create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or learning environment. Both men and women can be the victims of sexual harassment. 64 Subject to Change 2012-2013 University Information Students who believe they are the victim of sexual harassment or have concerns related to sexual harassment should contact the Dean of Student Affairs 559.278.2541. The Staff can explain the informal and/or formal complaint procedures available to students on campus. OUTREACH SERVICES: The Office of University Outreach Services (UOS) coordinates many of the university’s ongoing outreach programs and recruitment. As a regional university, Fresno State concentrates its major outreach activities in high schools and community colleges in the Central Valley which extends from Sacramento to Bakersfield. The primary focus of UOS is to assist students with preadmission procedures necessary to attend Fresno State and to develop and maintain a viable relationship with all segments of the community for a better understanding of the university and its services. Another important outreach service is to improve access for students from underrepresented populations. The following are some of the services provided by UOS: * High School Outreach * Community College/Transfer Services * Campus tours * Student Ambassadors * Early Outreach * School-based Recruitment Program * Orientation Programs For more information call 559.278.2048. PRESIDENT’S LIST: Undergraduate students completing a minimum of 12 units and earning a grade point average of 4.0 each semester are eligible for the President’s List. RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN OR DISABILITY: The California State University complies with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended by the Americans with Disability Act or disability and the regulations adopted thereunder. No person shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program in the California State University. READMISSION OF DISQUALIFIED STUDENTS: Students placed on academic disqualification at the end of a semester must be readmitted to attend the subsequent semester. An information letter advising disqualified students of their options is mailed when semester grades are available. Undergraduate disqualified California State University, Fresno students who have been away one semester or longer must submit an application for readmission in addition to the appropriate petition approved by an academic adviser. Students readmitted under a special disqualification “probation” contract must fulfill the terms of that contract or again face disqualification. Contact 559.278.2191 for more information. Graduate students who seek readmission who have been away one semester or longer must submit an application for readmission and schedule an advisement interview in the Division of Graduate Studies. See your catalog for more information. Subject to Change 65 University Information 2012-2013 REGISTRATION: Registration is open to new and returning students who have been admitted and to continuing students in good standing. Former Fresno State students returning after an absence of one semester or more must apply for readmission, subject to University enrollment limitations and filing deadlines. Students who are returning after an absence of two semesters or more are required to pay the non-refundable $55 application fee when applying to Fresno State. Those students who have been absent one semester and attended another institution since last registered at Fresno State must pay the same fee. Registration priority for all students is determined by the number of academic units completed with limited exceptions. After a priority group is processed, then first-time freshmen register, followed by students with the highest number of completed units. All tuition and fees must be paid according to payment schedules established by California State University, Fresno. REGISTRATION FEES: A full refund may be made to a student who is unable to continue a course because of a university regulation, compulsory military service, death or disability at any time prior to the date the student receives any academic credit for any course or courses for which he or she is registered. Details regarding which fees may be refunded, the circumstances under which fees may be refunded, and the appropriate procedure followed in seeking refunds may be obtained from Student Financial Services, Joyal Building, Room 181, 559.278.2876. For non-residents and foreign students, beginning with the fall semester 2005, students are entitled to a pro-rated refund determined on the basis of the date of the student’s withdrawal and the length of the academic period. Students will be entitled to a full refund of mandatory fees and/or nonresident tuition only if they cancel their registration or drop all courses prior to the first day of instruction for an academic term. Students who drop all courses prior to the end of the designated drop period or who officially withdraw no later than the 60 percent point in the academic period shall be entitled to a pro-rated refund of nonresident tuition and/or mandatory fees. Any refund due to a student is to be applied first toward any required return of student financial aid funds from federal, state, institutional or external sources and then the balance may be returned to the student. The campus may withhold an administrative fee from the refund amount. 2012-2013 STUDENT INVOLVEMENT: Student Activities and Leadership Development is the home for a variety of student involvement activities and programs. Opportunities for student involvement include Greek life, student clubs and organizations, leadership training and development, club sports, leadership retreats, Ropes Course team building grants for clubs and organizations, and Associated Students, Inc. (ASI). Special programs offered by the office in partnership with the University Student Union (USU) include Vintage Days, a four-day campus celebration planned and executed by students. Vintage Days offers fun and entertainment for Fresno State, students, faculty, staff, and the Fresno community. Other student involvement activities support collaborative programs with USU Productions, the Central Valley Cultural Heritage Institute, Women’s Resource Center, Richter Center for Community Engagement, and the Diversity Awareness program. The Leadership Development program also provides support and training to volunteer Boards, including the USU Board of Directors, USU Productions Board, Vintage Days, and other campus groups. For more information about how to get involved, please call 559.278.2741 or stop by the USU, Room 306. Check out our web page at: www.fresnostate.edu/studentactivities/ or www.auxiliary.com/USU/. Jan and Bud Richter Center for Community Engagement and Service-LEArning: This program is dedicated to promoting the value of volunteer community service to students, staff and faculty, and is responsible for coordinating and tracking service activities for the university. We currently help to coordinate and facilitate over 20 distinct service programs providing thousands of hours of volunteer service work to over 200 organizations each semester. For information call 559.278.7079. STUDY ABROAD OPPORTUNITIES: Fresno State offers various opportunities to study across the United States and in other countries. Contact the following departments: Extended Education Study Programs...............................................559.278.0333 London Semester (Spring) ...................................................................559.278.3056 South Pacific Semester (every other Spring)..................................559.278.3936 University Study Abroad Consortium...............................................559.278.6452 SCHEDULE OF COURSES: An official Schedule of Courses is published each semester listing registration procedures, courses offered, class hours and locations, and other important deadlines and updated policy changes as applicable. The schedule is available for purchase at the Kennel Bookstore. An electronic schedule of courses is also available on my.csufresno.edu. SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: SSD provides specialized resources that help students with physical, psychological and learning disabilities to achieve maximum independence while pursuing educational goals. Students who have temporary or permanent disabilities affecting academic functioning may be eligible for a variety of support. Academic support services available to students with disabilities include: * Readers* Scribes * Sign language interpreters * Real time captionists * Notetakers * Electronic and audiotaped textbooks * Assistive computer lab and equipment * Print enlargement * Speech Input & Voice Output Programs * Braille embosser * Testing accommodations * Disability management On-campus transportation via SCOUT, the Student Community Transportation service, is also available for eligible students. For more information, call 559.278.2811, TTY 559.278.3084 or stop by the SSD office, Library 1202. STONE SOUP PARTNERSHIP: It is dedicated to building community and offering positive alternatives for children at risk. For more information call 559.224.7613. 66 Subject to Change University Information Countries Include: Australia, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Ghana, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, & Thailand. TAKING COURSES AT OTHER INSTITUTIONS (VISITOR REGISTRATION/ CONCURRENT REGISTRATION): You may register at another CSU campus concurrently without any additional fees. You may attend another CSU campus for one semester as an “Intrasystem Visitor” without applying for admission. Prior to registering, undergraduate students should check with the Office of the Registrar and graduate students should check with the Division of Graduate Studies. (See concurrent registration, University Catalog) TRANSCRIPTS: Each request for a transcript requires payment in advance. The fee for transcripts is as follows: $4 for the first original and every transcript following is $2 each. Any orders over ten are $1 each. Please allow a 3 week processing time during peak periods. Transcripts will not be provided unless all overdue accounts and administrative holds have been cleared. All transcripts received from other institutions are retained by Fresno State. Copies can not be provided for any purpose except academic advising. (For more information or to order transcripts online, visit www. my.fresnostate.edu) Subject to Change 67 University Information 2012-2013 2012-2013 UNIVERSITY HEALTH AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES: University Health and Psychological Services is located on campus in the Student Health Center building just east of University Courtyard. The Student Health Center provides a variety of medical, educational and psychological services to Fresno State students. We encourage you to visit our website at: www.fresnostate.edu/health/ The Student Health Center primarily operates on a walk-in basis and the hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am-4:45 pm (opens at 9:00 am on Wednesdays), for immediate and urgent care. To be seen, you must be at the UHPS at 4:45 pm. Walk-in hours for psychological services are from 9:00 am-11:00 am and 2:00 pm-4:00 pm. For general information or to make an appointment, please call 559.278.2734. For more information on psychological counseling services, please call 559.278.6738. Services are not available on weekends. In case of an emergency, CALL 9-1-1. Health Insurance: It is strongly recommended that students carry some sort of health insurance. Student health fees that are paid with tuition fees are not a form of health insurance. Medical conditions that exceed the scope of Student Health Services and/or require the care of an outside physician or medical facility are the financial responsibility of the student. Associated Students Inc. offers health insurance to students. For more information visit www.csuhealthlink.com. USU SEMESTER HOURS: (subject to change) Lounge & Pavilion Area Mon-Sun........................ 7 am - Midnight Recreation Center Mon-Thurs............................6 am - 11pm Friday.............................. 6 am - Midnight Saturday......................... 9 am - Midnight Sunday.................................Noon - 11pm UNIVERSITY HOPE: Provides an excellent opportunity to become involved and to make a significant difference. If you care about this community this is a great way to contribute to the future. For more information contact the University HOPE office at 559.224.9052. WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER (WRC): Provides services to enhance the learning, work, and life experiences of women in the university community and to educate the campus on women’s issues. The WRC is a place to find a sense of belonging, advocacy, and resources through activities, events, groups, and student clubs. The Violence Prevention Project, a part of the WRC, provides services to victims of relationship violence, sexual assault, and stalking. These services include: peer counseling, education, advocacy and resources. Contact the Women’s Resource Center or just come in to find out more about: • Volunteering • Take Back the Night • Healthy relationships • Community resources • Discussion groups for Latina & African American women • The Bookworm book club • Campus resources and tips for staying safe UNIVERSITY POLICE DEPARTMENT: The University Police Department consists of Patrol Operations and Traffic Operations. The University Police Department is located at 2311 E. Barstow Avenue (in front of the campus water tower). The department is operational 24-hours a day, year round to protect the campus and to provide services to the students, faculty, staff and campus visitors. Some of the services offered are: • 24-hour emergency response: fire/medical/physical • Safety escorts through university property • Incident investigation • Patrol services • Lost and found property • Crime prevention programs Information concerning campus safety (including the campus Clery Report) may be found on the University Police Department website: www.fresnostate.edu/police UNIVERSITY STUDENT UNION: The University Student Union (USU) is the living room of the campus. The USU serves as the home base for students’ university life and supports the educational mission of the university by providing an environment in which all students have the opportunity for personal development. The USU provides conference rooms; a spacious lounge; a food court featuring Subway, Chick-Fil-A and Panda Express; USU Snack Bar; and the USU Pavilion with Golden One Credit Union, Pro Hair and Nails, U.S. Postal Express, and Dog Prints. The USU also houses the Recreation Center (278.2015), featuring bowling, including night strike (glow-in-the-dark) and 40-frame game bowling, billiards and video games; and the Information Center (278.2078), which sells Fresno Transit bus passes, movie passes ($7.50), money orders, event tickets, theme park tickets (6 Flags Magic Mountain, Sea World, Universal Studios and Disneyland) at discounted rates and provides a variety of other services. 68 Subject to Change University Information United States Post Office Express Mon - Fri...............................10 am - 3 pm Information Center Mon - Thurs..................... 9 am - 7:30 pm Friday................................ 9 am - 4:30 pm Saturday...............................10 am - 3 pm VETERANS AFFAIRS: The Registrar’s Office acts as a liaison to the Veterans Administration, the State Department of Veterans Affairs, and other related agencies for veterans, dependents, or reservists eligible to receive educational benefits. A student may obtain information and assistance regarding certification of benefits, V.A. Work Study, advance pay, and processing of tutorial assistance paperwork by visiting the Admissions and Records Office, North Lobby, Joyal Administration Building, Window # 10, or by calling 559.278.7030. Call us at 559.278.4435 or visit http://www.fresnostate.edu/wrc MAJOR TEST DATES FOR 2012-2013: See the calendar/planner for finals week schedule. Please check with the Office of Testing Services at 559.278.2457 for registration deadlines and applications and/or information on other exams not listed. Information/registration bulletins for tests are available at the Office of Testing Services. If you are unable to test on any of the scheduled dates because of religious beliefs, please contact the Office of Testing Services for special arrangements. You may also arrange for special testing in the event that a documented physical, visual, hearing or learning disability prevents you from testing under standard conditions, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 559.278.2811. Subject to Change 69 70 Coordinator of Housing Operations Laura Pimentel Accounting (Student ) Assistants Mail (Student) Clerk(s) Maintenance (Student) Assistants Vendors Housekeeping (Contractor) and Maintenance (Contractor) Resident Advisors Public Safety Assistants Public Safety Student Coordinator Resident Directors Karina Harris Clifford Frazier Erick Rozigas Summer Lifeguards Assistant Director of Housing Tyler Miller Director of Housing Erin Boele Executive Director of Auxiliary Services Deborah Adishian-Astone Res Life & Student Conduct Coordinator Michele Davis Assistant Resident Directors Groundskeeping Facilities Coordinator Patrick McKinney Computer Lab (Student) Assistants Office (Student) Assistants Office Coordinator Heidi Nakayama Atrium Customer Service (Student) Assistants Clerical (Student) Assistants Accounts Receivable Clerk Diana O’Daniel Accounting Supervisor Anthika Nammavongsa Food Services Staff Director of Food Services 2012-2013 California State University, Fresno Association, Inc. University Courtyard Organizational Chart Summer Conference Supervisors Graphic Design (Student) Assistant Summer Conference (Student) Assistant Marketing (Student) Assistants Marketing & Summer Conference Coordinator Toni Marchini AVP of Student Life and Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Carolyn Coon Web Design (Student) Assistant Telemarketing (Student) Assistants Organizational Chart 2012-2013 Subject to Change 2012-2013 Subject to Change Weekly Planner Weekly Planner Use the calendars in this section to keep track of your classes and activities. You can also use the calendars to reference the important University and University Courtyard dates and deadlines already printed. Consult your course catalog and class schedule for any changes or updates. 71 Semester Schedule 2012-2013 Fall 2012 Class Schedule Class Day/Time Location Spring 2013 Class Schedule Class 72 Day/Time Location Subject to Change 2012-2013 Dates & Deadlines Quick Reference Calendar August 18 & 21.................................................................... Mandatory hall opening meetings August 22........................................................................................................................Classes begin September 3.................................................................................................. Labor Day- No classes September 10-14..............Room Swap/Change applications available (Due September 14) September 10-14...............................................Meal plan/payment plan changes available October-November.........................................................................Health & Safety Inspections October 1.................................2013-2014 On-campus living application available online November 12..........................................................................................Veteran’s Day- No classes November 23-25............................................................................................. Thanksgiving recess December 1.......................................Room Swap/Change Forms available (Due December 8) December 9-11.......................................................................Mandatory hall closing meetings December 12................................................................................................ Last day of instruction December 17-20.............................................................................................................. Final exams December 21-January 15.....................................................................................WINTER RECESS January 15.........................................................................................Spring 2013 check-in begins January 16............................................................................ Mandatory Hall Opening Meetings January 21............................................................... Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday- No classes January 17.......................................................................................................................Classes begin January 28-February 1......... Room Swap/Change applications available (Due February 1) February-March................................................................................Health & Safety inspections January 25-31.............................Meal plan/payment plan change applications available February 18......................................................................................... Presidents’ Day - No classes February 28............................................................Returning Resident Incentives end at 5pm March 1..................................................... Summer on-campus living applications available March 25-29.............................................................................. ..............Spring Break - No classes April 1...........................................................................................Cesar Chavez Day- No classes April 17-18.......................................................................... Returning Resident Room Selection May 5-7......................................................................................Mandatory hall closing meetings May 8...............................................................................................................Last Day of Instruction May 13-16........................................................................................................................... Final exams May 17................................................................................................................. Halls Close @ 3 p.m. May 18.......................................................................................................................Commencement Subject to Change 73 August 2012 Tuesday Monday Sunday 5 6 7 Thursday Wednesday Saturday 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 Early arrivals begin Monthly housing payment due 12 Friday 13 14 15 16 17 First day of semester 18 opening • Check-in begins at 9 a.m. • Petition to cancel ‘12-’13 application available • Mandatory hall opening meetings 19 20 opening Weekend Check-in ends at 11 pm 26 74 21 22 23 24 30 31 25 First day of instruction Mandatory hall/floor opening meetings 27 28 29 75 August August 2012-2013 9 thursday Monday 6 2012-2013 7 10 friday tuesday Early arrivals begin 11 Subject to Change Subject to Change 12 sunday 76 saturday wednesday 8 77 august august 2012-2013 16 thursday Monday 13 2012-2013 17 friday tuesday 14 15 18 Subject to Change Subject to Change Check-in ends at 11 pm 19 sunday 78 saturday wednesday Check-in begins at 9 am Petition to cancel ‘12-’13 housing application available Mandatory hall opening meetings 79 august August 2012-2013 23 24 Mandatory hall/floor opening meetings 25 First day of instruction Subject to Change Subject to Change 26 sunday 80 saturday wednesday 22 friday tuesday 21 thursday Monday 20 2012-2013 81 September 2012 Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday Wednesday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 14 15 Monthly & Financial Aid housing payments due Labor Day (No Classes) Last day to add/drop classes 9 10 Room Swap/Change Info meeting at 7 pm (forms available) Room Swap/Change forms available at Atrium Desk 11 12 Room Swap/Change forms due at 12pm Meal plan change forms due by 5 pm to Dining Services Meal plan change forms available @ 8am at Dining Services 16 17 18 Meal Plan changes begin 23 24 19 20 Room swap/changes begin 25 26 21 22 Room swap/changes end 27 28 29 30 82 83 august August/september 2012-2013 30 thursday Monday 27 2012-2013 31 friday tuesday 28 29 Subject to Change Subject to Change 2 sunday 84 saturday wednesday 1 85 september september 2012-2013 6 Labor Day (No Classes) thursday Monday 3 2012-2013 4 8 Monthly & Financial Aid housing payments due Last day to add/drop classes Subject to Change Subject to Change Room Swap/Change Info Meeting at 7pm (forms available) 9 sunday 86 saturday wednesday 5 friday tuesday 7 87 september 10 2012-2013 september 2012-2013 13 thursday Monday Room Swap/Change forms available at Atrium Desk Meal plan change forms available @ 8am at Dining Services 11 15 Subject to Change Subject to Change 16 sunday saturday wednesday 12 88 14 friday tuesday Room Swap/Change forms due at 12pm Meal plan change forms due at 5pm to Dining Services 89 september september 2012-2013 20 Meal Plan changes begin thursday Monday 17 2012-2013 18 21 22 Room swap/changes begin Subject to Change Subject to Change 23 sunday 90 saturday wednesday 19 friday tuesday Room swap/changes end 91 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 2012-2013 27 thursday Monday 24 2012-2013 28 friday tuesday 25 29 Subject to Change Subject to Change 30 sunday 92 saturday wednesday 26 93 October 2012 Tuesday Monday Sunday 1 2 Thursday Wednesday 3 4 2013-2014 Housing Application available Friday 5 Saturday 6 Monthly housing payment due 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 94 95 95 october october 2012-2013 4 2013-2014 Housing Application available thursday Monday 1 2012-2013 2 5 friday tuesday Monthly housing payment due 6 Subject to Change Subject to Change 7 sunday 96 saturday wednesday 3 97 october october 2012-2013 11 thursday Monday 8 2012-2013 9 friday tuesday 12 13 Subject to Change Subject to Change 14 sunday 98 saturday wednesday 10 99 october october 2012-2013 18 thursday Monday 15 2012-2013 19 friday tuesday 16 20 Subject to Change Subject to Change 21 sunday 100 saturday wednesday 17 101 october october 2012-2013 25 thursday Monday 22 2012-2013 23 friday tuesday 26 27 Subject to Change Subject to Change 28 sunday 102 saturday wednesday 24 103 November 2012 Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday Wednesday 1 Friday Saturday 2 3 Last day to submit Petition for Cancellation if leaving at end of Fall semester 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 Monthly housing payment due Spring 2013 registration begins 11 12 Veteran’s Day (No classes) 18 25 19 26 2013-2014 RA & PSA applications available 20 27 21 22 23 24 Thanksgiving Break (No classes) Thanksgiving Day (No classes) Thanksgiving Break (No classes) Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium closes at 7 pm Atrium closed Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Computer Lab closed Computer Lab closed Computer Lab closed 28 29 30 Computer Lab closed Atrium and computer lab open at 7 am and resume regular operating hours 104 105 October november 2012-2013 Last day to submit Petition for Cancellation if leaving at end of Fall semester 30 friday tuesday 2 31 Subject to Change Subject to Change 4 sunday wednesday 3 saturday 106 1 thursday Monday 29 2012-2013 107 november november 2012-2013 8 Monthly housing payment due Spring 2013 registration begins thursday Monday 5 2012-2013 6 friday tuesday 9 10 Subject to Change Subject to Change 11 sunday 108 saturday wednesday 7 109 november november 2012-2013 2013-2014 RA & PSA Applications Available Veteran’s Day (No classes) 13 friday tuesday 16 17 Subject to Change Subject to Change 18 sunday saturday wednesday 14 110 15 thursday Monday 12 2012-2013 111 november 19 2012-2013 november 2012-2013 22 thursday Monday Thanksgiving Break (No classes) Thanksgiving Day Atrium closed Computer lab closed 20 23 Thanksgiving Break (No classes) Atrium closes at 7pm Computer lab closed Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Computer lab closed Subject to Change Subject to Change 25 Atrium & Computer lab open at 7 am to resume regular operating hours sunday 112 24 saturday wednesday 21 friday tuesday Thanksgiving Break (No classes) Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Computer lab closed 113 December 2012 Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday Wednesday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Staying for Winter Recess form available Monthly housing payment due 9 10 11 12 13 14 Mandatory hall closing meetings Mandatory hall closing meetings Mandatory hall closing meetings Last day of instruction Dead Days Dead Days Atrium closed from 5 pm-8 pm Staying for Winter Recess form due 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Finals Finals Finals Finals Computer lab closed Atrium open 8 am-7 pm 15 Halls close at 3 pm Atrium closes at 10 pm 23 24 Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium Closed 30 114 Atrium open 8am-5pm (subject to change) 25 26 27 28 29 Christmas Day Atrium Closed Atrium Closed Atrium Closed Atrium Closed Atrium Closed Atrium Closed 31 115 november 2012-2013 november/december 29 thursday Monday 26 2012-2013 27 friday tuesday 30 1 Subject to Change Subject to Change 2 sunday 116 saturday wednesday 28 117 december december 2012-2013 6 thursday Monday 3 2012-2013 4 7 8 Monthly housing payment due Subject to Change Subject to Change Mandatory hall closing meetings 9 sunday 118 saturday wednesday 5 friday tuesday Staying for Winter Recess forms due 119 december december 2012-2013 13 Mandatory hall closing meetings Dead Days Atrium closed from 5 pm-8 pm Mandatory hall closing meetings Dead Days Staying for Winter Recess form due 14 15 Last day of instruction Subject to Change Subject to Change 16 sunday 120 saturday wednesday 12 friday tuesday 11 thursday Monday 10 2012-2013 121 december december 2012-2013 Finals Finals Finals Computer lab closed Halls close at 3 pm Atrium closes at 10 pm Finals Atrium open 8 am-7 pm 20 21 Subject to Change Subject to Change Atrium open 8 am-7 pm 23 sunday 122 22 saturday wednesday 19 friday tuesday 18 thursday Monday 17 2012-2013 123 december december/january 2012-2013 Atrium open 8 am-5 pm (subject to change) Atrium Closed Atrium Closed Atrium Closed Atrium Closed Atrium Closed 27 28 Subject to Change Subject to Change Atrium Closed 30 sunday 124 29 saturday wednesday 26 friday tuesday 25 thursday Monday 24 2012-2013 125 January 2013 Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday Wednesday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 Atrium Closed Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Monthly housing payment due 6 7 8 9 10 Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium open 8 am-11 pm Atrium open 8 am-11 pm Atrium open 8 am-11 pm Atrium open 8 am-11 pm 11 12 Spring 2013 Early Arrivals begin 13 14 Atrium open 8 am-11 pm Atrium open 8 am-11 pm 15 16 17 Atrium & Computer Lab open at 8 am to resume regular operation hours Mandatory hall opening meetings Instruction Begins 23 24 18 19 25 26 Spring 2013 check-in begins @ 9 am Financial Aid housing payments due 20 21 22 Meal plan change forms available @ 8am at Dining Services Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No Classes) 27 28 Room swap/change forms available @ Atrium Desk 29 30 31 Meal Plan Change forms due @ 5 pm at Dining Services Last day to add/drop classes 126 127 December/january january 2012-2013 Atrium Closed Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium Closed Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Monthly housing payment due 3 4 Subject to Change Subject to Change Atrium open 8 am-7 pm 6 sunday 128 5 saturday wednesday 2 friday tuesday 1 thursday Monday 31 2012-2013 129 january january 2012-2013 Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium open 8 am-11 pm Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium open 8 am- 11 pm Atrium open 8 am-11pm Spring 2013 Early Arrivals begin Atrium open 8 am-11 pm 10 11 Subject to Change Subject to Change Atrium open 8 am-11 pm 13 sunday 130 12 saturday wednesday 9 friday tuesday 8 thursday Monday 7 2012-2013 131 january january 2012-2013 17 Instuction Begins Atrium open 8 am-11 pm 18 Atrium & Computer Lab open at 8 am to resume regular operating hours Spring 2013 check in at 9 am Financial Aid housing payments due 19 Mandatory hall opening meetings Subject to Change Subject to Change 20 sunday 132 saturday wednesday 16 friday tuesday 15 thursday Monday 14 2012-2013 133 january january 2012-2013 24 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No Classes) thursday Monday 21 2012-2013 22 26 Subject to Change Subject to Change 27 sunday saturday wednesday 23 134 25 friday tuesday Meal plan change forms available @ 8 am at Dining Services 135 February 2013 Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday Wednesday Friday 1 Saturday 2 Meal Plan Changes begin Room swap/change forms due at Atrium @ 12 pm 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Room swap/changes begin Monthly housing payment due Room swap/changes end 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 RA & PSA applications due Returning resident incentives end at 5 pm Presidents’ Day (No Classes) 24 136 25 137 JANUARY Room swap/change forms available @ Atrium Desk January/february 2012-2013 Meal Plan Change forms due @ 5 pm at Dining Services Last day to add/drop classes 29 1 friday tuesday Meal Plan Changes begin Room swap/change forms due at Atrium @ 12 pm 2 Subject to Change Subject to Change 3 sunday saturday wednesday 30 138 31 thursday Monday 28 2012-2013 139 february february 2012-2013 7 Room swap/changes begin 8 Monthly housing payments due 9 Room swap/changes end Subject to Change Subject to Change 10 sunday 140 saturday wednesday 6 friday tuesday 5 thursday Monday 4 2012-2013 141 february february 2012-2013 14 thursday Monday 11 2012-2013 12 friday tuesday 15 16 Subject to Change Subject to Change 17 sunday 142 saturday wednesday 13 143 february february 2012-2013 21 Presidents’ Day (No classes) thursday Monday 18 2012-2013 19 friday tuesday 22 23 Subject to Change Subject to Change 24 sunday 144 saturday wednesday 20 145 March 2013 Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday Wednesday Friday 1 Saturday 2 Summer 2013 Housing Applications Available 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Monthly housing payment due 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Computer Lab closed 24 Computer Lab Closed Atrium desk open 8 am-7pm 25 26 Spring Break Spring Break Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Atrium & Computer Lab Closed Computer Lab closed Computer Lab closed 27 28 29 30 Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Computer Lab closed Computer Lab closed Computer Lab closed Computer Lab closed 31 146 Easter Sunday 147 february 25 2012-2013 February/march 2012-2013 26 tuesday Summer 2013 housing applications available 2 Subject to Change Subject to Change 3 sunday wednesday RA & PSA applications due saturday 148 1 friday 27 28 thursday Monday Returning resident incentives end at 5 pm 149 march march 2012-2013 7 8 Monthly housing payment due friday tuesday 5 thursday Monday 4 2012-2013 9 Subject to Change Subject to Change 10 sunday 150 saturday wednesday 6 151 march march 2012-2013 14 thursday Monday 11 2012-2013 12 friday tuesday 15 16 Subject to Change Subject to Change 17 sunday 152 saturday wednesday 13 153 march march 2012-2013 21 thursday Monday 18 2012-2013 19 friday tuesday 22 23 20 Subject to Change Subject to Change 24 Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Computer Lab Closed sunday 154 saturday wednesday Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Computer Lab Closed 155 march march 2012-2013 Spring Break Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Computer Lab Closed Spring Break Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Computer Lab Closed 28 Spring Break Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Computer Lab Closed Spring Break Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Computer Lab Closed 29 Spring Break Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Computer Lab Closed Atrium desk open 8 am-7 pm Computer Lab Closed 30 Subject to Change Subject to Change Easter Sunday Atrium desk Closed Computer Lab Closed 31 sunday 156 saturday wednesday 27 friday tuesday 26 thursday Monday 25 2012-2013 157 April 2013 Tuesday Monday Sunday 1 2 Cesar Chavez Day (No Classes) Computer Lab opens @ 7 am to resume regular operation hours Atrium opens @ 7 am to resume regular operation hours Thursday Wednesday 3 4 8 15 6 Final housing payments due 9 10 11 Returning Resident roommate request forms available at 8 am 14 5 Saturday Returning Resident last day to apply at 5 pm for room selection & $25 online application discount Computer lab closed 7 Friday 12 13 Returning Resident roommate request forms due at 12 pm 16 Returning Resident room selection appointments available 17 18 19 20 Returning Resident Room Selection Returning Resident Room Selection Vintage Days Vintage Days Computer lab closed 11 am-5 pm Computer lab closed 11 am-5 pm 26 27 Resident Appreciation Day 21 22 Vintage Days Fall 2013 Registration begins 28 29 158 23 24 25 30 159 april april 2012-2013 4 Cesar Chavez Day (No classes) Atrium opens @ 7 am to resume regular operation hours Computer lab closed Computer lab opens @ 7 am to resume regular operation hours Returning Resident last day to apply at 5 pm for room selection & $25 online application discount Final housing payments due 6 Subject to Change Subject to Change 7 sunday saturday wednesday 3 160 5 friday tuesday 2 thursday Monday 1 2012-2013 161 april april 2012-2013 11 Returning Resident roommate request forms available at 8 am thursday Monday 8 2012-2013 9 13 Subject to Change Subject to Change 14 sunday saturday wednesday 10 162 12 friday tuesday Returning Resident roommate request forms due at 12 pm 163 april Returning Resident room selection appointments available april 2012-2013 18 Returning Resident Room Selection Computer lab closed 11 am-5 pm thursday Monday 15 2012-2013 16 19 Vintage Days Returning Resident room selection Computer lab closed 11 am-5 pm Resident Appreciation Day Subject to Change Subject to Change Vintage Days 21 sunday 164 20 saturday wednesday 17 friday tuesday Vintage Days 165 april april/may 2012-2013 25 Fall 2013 Registration Begins thursday Monday 22 2012-2013 23 friday tuesday 26 27 Subject to Change Subject to Change 28 sunday 166 saturday wednesday 24 167 May 2013 Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday Wednesday 1 Friday Saturday 2 3 4 11 Extension to Stay forms available (Graduates) 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mandatory hall closing meetings Mandatory hall closing meetings Mandatory hall closing meetings Last day of instruction Dead Days Dead Days 12 13 14 15 16 17 Finals Finals Finals Finals Halls close at 3 pm, Commencement Check out appointments required 12 pm-3 pm Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Atrium closed 11 am-2 pm Extension to Stay forms due at 12 pm (Graduates) 18 Atrium closes at 11 pm Computer lab closed 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 25 Summer 2013 Check-In begins @ 9 am 26 168 Memorial Day **Atrium hours will vary after halls close at 3 pm on Friday, May 17th - If you will be a summer resident, please check your email for Atrium hours from May 18May 31 169 April/may may 2012-2013 2 thursday Monday 29 2012-2013 30 4 Extension to Stay forms available (Graduates) Subject to Change Subject to Change Mandatory hall closing meetings 5 sunday 170 saturday wednesday 1 friday tuesday 3 171 may may 2012-2013 9 Mandatory hall closing meetings Dead Days Atrium closed 11 am- 2 pm Mandatory hall closing meetings Dead Days Extension to Stay forms due at 12 pm (Graduates) 11 Last day of instruction Subject to Change Subject to Change 12 sunday 172 saturday wednesday 8 10 friday tuesday 7 thursday Monday 6 2012-2013 173 may may 2012-2013 16 Finals Finals Finals Halls close at 3 pm, Check out appointment required 12 pm-3 pm Atrium closes at 11 pm Computer lab closed Finals Commencement Atrium open 8 am-7 pm Subject to Change Subject to Change Summer 2013 Check-In begins @ 9 am 19 sunday 174 18 saturday wednesday 15 17 friday tuesday 14 thursday Monday 13 2012-2013 175 may may 2012-2013 23 thursday Monday 20 2012-2013 21 friday tuesday 24 25 Subject to Change Subject to Change 26 sunday 176 saturday wednesday 22 177 Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Index 2012-2013 Index Abandoned Belongings....................................... 48 Cooking...................................................................... 51 Academic Advising................................................ 59 Copyright.................................................................. 27 Academic Information.......................................... 59 Counseling Center................................................. 21 Accessibility for Disabled..................................... 25 Course Registration.............................................. 62 Activities and Organizations.............................. 17 Course Withdrawal................................................. 62 Add/Drop.................................................................. 60 Courtesy Hours........................................................ 56 Address Information...................................... 13, 61 Credential.................................................................. 62 Advertising Guidelines......................................... 48 Damage Policy......................................................... 28 Advising..................................................................... 59 Dean’s List................................................................. 62 Air Conditioning and Heat.................................. 11 Delinquent Payment (Housing)........................ 30 Alarm Boxes.............................................................. 21 Designated Payor................................................... 30 Alcohol Policy.......................................................... 49 Desk Hours—Atrium Desk.....................................9 Appliances................................................................ 52 Desk Hours—Community Style Hall..................9 Applying to Live On Campus............................. 25 Dietary Needs (Special)........................................ 24 Assistant Resident Directors..................................5 Dining Services....................................................... 23 Associated Students.............................................. 61 Guest Meal........................................................... 24 Athletics..................................................................... 61 Picnics, BBQ etc.................................................. 24 Atrium Desk Services...............................................9 Direction Sports...................................................... 63 Auxiliaries.................................................................. 61 Director of Housing..................................................3 Balconies................................................................... 52 Director’s Message.................................................... x Bathrooms................................................................. 11 Disabled Student Policy................................ 25, 64 BBQ Pits............................................................... 14, 53 Disabled Student Services.................................. 66 Bed Rails..................................................................... 25 Disciplinary Process/Procedures....................... 43 Bed Rail Waiver Form...............................................v Dismissal From Halls.............................................. 45 Bicycles....................................................................... 50 Disqualified .............................................................. 65 Billing.......................................................................... 30 Disruptive Behavior............................................... 51 Birthday Cake........................................................... 24 Double/Triple Room Occupancy...................... 28 Blackouts................................................................... 22 Drug and Alcohol Committee............................ 17 Breaking and Entering.......................................... 50 Drugs.......................................................................... 51 Bulldog Pantry..........................................................61 Earthquakes.............................................................. 22 Cable TV..................................................................... 10 Education Opportunity Program (EOP).......... 63 Campus Policies...................................................... 59 Electrical, Utility & Access Panels...................... 22 Campus Recreational Services........................... 61 Emergency Assistance.......................................... 19 Cancellation Policy................................................. 26 Employment Opportunities.................................. 4-6 Catalog....................................................................... 59 Energy Conservation............................................. 18 Ceilings................................. Inside Front Cover, 52 Entry into Room...................................................... 29 Check-in/Check-out....................................... 25-26 Escort Policy............................................................. 68 Check-in................................................................ 25 Evacuation................................................................ 19 Check-out Process.................................................. 26 Exterior Doors/Locks............................................. 22 Cleaning Schedule - Bathrooms....................... 11 Facilities and Services..............................................7 Cleaning - Halls and Suites.................................. 27 Facility Service Request........................................ 33 Closing Halls............................................................. 31 Family Education & Privacy Act......................... 43 Comcast..................................................................... 10 Financial Aid/Housing.......................................... 30 Common Area Damages..................................... 50 Firearms/Fireworks/Weapons..................... 52, 54 Community Hall Desk Services.............................9 Fire and Safety Information................................ 19 Community Meetings........................................... 17 First Aid...................................................................... 21 Computer Lab................................................... 27, 62 Fitness Center.......................................................... 10 Conference Room.................................................. 10 Forwarding Mail...................................................... 13 Confiscation............................................................. 46 Frequently Called Numbers....Inside Back Cover Controlled Substances......................................... 51 Furnishings........................................................ 10, 52 Subject to Change Subject to Change 183 Index 2012-2013 Index (continued) Index (continued) Furniture ............................................................ 10, 52 Gambling and Lotteries....................................... 54 Grades........................................................................ 63 Graduation................................................................ 63 Grass Areas................................................................ 10 Grievance Policy..................................................... 30 Guest Meal................................................................ 24 Guest Policy.............................................................. 55 Guns............................................................................ 54 Halls Close................................................................. 31 Hall Desks.....................................................................9 Hallways..................................................................... 52 Handbook Agreement............................................iii Harassment............................................................... 55 Health and Psych Services........................... 21, 67 Health Insurance..................................................... 32 Health & Safety Inspection.................................. 34 Heat & Air Conditioning....................................... 11 Help...........................................................................186 Hospitals.................................................................... 21 Housekeeping & Maintenance.......................... 10 Housing Happenings............................................ 11 Housing Staff..............................................................3 Ice Machine.............................................................. 12 Illegal Drugs............................................................. 51 Insurance................................................................... 32 Internet Access........................................................ 27 Internet Usage ........................................................ 27 Intramural Program............................................... 60 Kegs............................................................................. 49 Keys............................................................................. 32 Indicator Lights.................................................. 32 Damage................................................................ 33 Lost......................................................................... 33 Lockout................................................................. 33 Safety..................................................................... 33 Replacement Cost............................................. 33 Kitchens..................................................................... 12 Laundry Rooms....................................................... 12 Learning Center...................................................... 64 Library Services....................................................... 64 License Agreements.............................................. 29 Lifeguard......................................................................6 Lobbies and Recreation Rooms........................ 12 Lock Outs................................................................... 33 Lofts & Bunkbeds.................................................... 33 Lost and Found....................................................... 12 Mail and Zip Codes................................................ 12 Maintenance ........................................................... 13 Maintenance/Saflok Assistants............................4 184 Index 2012-2013 Marketing Assistants................................................4 Material Safety Data Sheets................................ 29 Meal Cost for Guests.............................................. 23 Meal Plan................................................................... 23 Meal Plan Changes................................................ 23 Meningococcal Disease....................................... 29 Microfridge........................................................ 13, 52 Microwaves........................................................ 13, 52 Migrant Services..................................................... 64 Missed Meals............................................................ 24 Mission Statement University...............................................................xi Music & Musical Instruments..Inside Front Cover MSDS........................................................................... 29 Noise........................................................................... 55 Office Assistants.........................................................4 Outreach Services.................................................. 65 Package Pick-up...................................................... 13 Paint............................................................................ 53 Parking....................................................................... 14 Payments—Housing............................................. 30 Petition to Cancel License Agreement........... 26 Pest Control.............................................................. 14 Pets.............................................................................. 56 Pianos......................................................................... 12 Photo consent and release form........................vii Physically Disabled Residents............................ 25 Police (University)................................................... 68 Poster Display.......................................................... 53 Power Outages........................................................ 22 President’s List......................................................... 65 Process to Review Personal File......................... 46 Programming........................................................... 17 Prohibited Items (Restricted Items)...................... ..................................................Inside Front Cover Public Safety Assistants...........................................5 Quiet Hours....................................................... 14, 56 Quiet Living Areas........................................... 14, 56 Readmission of Disqualified Students............ 65 Recreation Area............................................... 14, 53 Refund Policy........................................................... 66 Registration.............................................................. 66 Registration Fees.................................................... 66 Registration of Firearms....................................... 54 Release from License Agreement..................... 26 Renters Insurance .................................................. 32 Repairs........................................................................ 33 Resident Advisors......................................................5 Resident Directors.....................................................5 Right to Refuse Service........................................ 34 Subject to Change Rollerblades.............................................................. 50 Roof Access............................................................... 53 Room Change or Swap......................................... 34 Roommate Conflict Resolution......................... 36 Room Selection 2013-2014................................. 25 Sack Meals................................................................. 24 Safety......................................................................... 19 Checklist............................................................... 20 Inspections.......................................................... 34 Keys........................................................................ 32 Sanctions................................................................... 44 Scooters..................................................................... 50 Screens....................................................................... 53 Security Deposit..................................................... 30 Service Charges....................................................... 28 Services for Students with Disabilities............ 66 Sexual Harassment......................................... 55, 64 Sick Trays.................................................................... 24 Signs............................................................................ 53 Skateboards.............................................................. 50 Smoke Detectors.................................................... 19 Smoking and Tobacco Policy............................. 57 Solicitation................................................................ 56 Sports - Grass, Hallway......................................... 57 Spring Recess Housing......................................... 31 Staff Profile...................................................................3 Statements—Housing Payment....................... 30 Stone Soup Partnership....................................... 66 Strippers.....................................Inside Front Cover Student Involvement............................................ 67 Student Records (University).............................. 60 Students-Community Service............................ 67 Study Abroad Opportunities.............................. 67 Summer Housing................................................... 34 Summer Staff Opportunities.................................6 Swimming Pool....................................................... 53 Table of Contents.....................................................ix Telemarketers.............................................................4 Temporary Housing............................................... 34 Test Dates for 2012-2013..................................... 69 Thanksgiving Recess............................................. 31 Theft............................................................................ 57 Tutoring..................................................................... 64 Transcripts................................................................. 67 Triple Room Occupancy....................................... 28 University Dining Services.................................. 23 University Health Center............................... 21, 68 University Hope...................................................... 68 University Mission....................................................xi University Student Records................................ 60 Subject to Change University Student Union/Student Life.......... 69 Vandalism.................................................................. 57 Vacuum Cleaner Check-out...................................9 Vending Machines................................................. 14 Veterans Affairs....................................................... 69 Violence..................................................................... 57 Volleyball Court....................................................... 14 Washers & Dryers.................................................... 12 Waterfights............................................................... 57 Weapons.................................................................... 54 Window/Door Displays........................................ 53 Winter Recess Housing......................................... 31 Withdrawal From University............................... 62 Women’s Resource Center................................... 69 185 Help 2012-2013 Need help with..................... Who to talk to * Alcohol abuse................................ University Health and Psychological Services * Career planning............................ Advising Services/Career Services/Testing Services * Changing a course....................... Website @ my.csufresno.edu * Choosing a major......................... Academic Advisor * Escort to your car.......................... University Police and University Courtyard * Escort from the library................ University Police and University Courtyard * Financing your education......... Financial Aid * Food Services................................. University Dining Hall * Graduation...................................... Evaluations Office (Joyal) * Greek Life......................................... University Student Union & Student Life * Hall Government.......................... Your Hall of Residence * Intramurals..................................... University Student Union & Student Life * Joining a club or organization.University Student Union & Student Life * Lost and Found............................. University Police and University Courtyard * Lost Residence Hall key.............. Atrium Customer Service Desk * Meal plan......................................... University Dining Services * Medical insurance........................ Health Center (weekdays only) * Orientation Leaders..................... Orientation & Transition Services * Paid Internship.............................. Career Services * Parking permit............................... Traffic Operations * Parking ticket................................. Public Safety Office * Part-time or full-time job........... Career Services * Paying a bill.................................... Joyal Administration * Paying a housing bill................... Atrium Customer Service Desk * Phones (campus & room).......... ITS * PSA selection................................. Atrium Customer Service Desk (Housing/Residential Life) * RA selection.................................... Atrium Customer Service Desk (Housing/Residential Life) * Special diet..................................... University Dining Services * Student Government.................. University Student Union * Study Skills...................................... EOP/Migrant Services/Library * Studying for classes..................... Learning Center * Transcripts....................................... Joyal Administration * Varsity athletics............................. Athletic Department * Volunteer......................................... Richter Ctr for Comm. Engagement and Service-Learning * Work Study Job............................. Financial Aid 186 Subject to Change Frequently Called Numbers Academic Colleges or Schools: Agricultural Sciences and Technology--------------------------------- 559.278.2061 Arts and Humanities-------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.3056 Business (Craig School of )------------------------------------------------ 559.278.2482 Education and Human Development (Kremen)--------------------- 559.278.0210 Engineering------------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.2500 Health and Human Services---------------------------------------------- 559.278.4004 Science and Mathematics------------------------------------------------- 559.278.3936 Social Sciences--------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.3013 Extension Program---------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.0333 Graduate Studies (Division of )------------------------------------------- 559.278.2448 Admissions, Records, and Evaluations--------------------------------------- 559.278.2191 Admissions - International------------------------------------------------------ 559.278.2409 Associated Students, Inc.-------------------------------------------------------- 559. 278.2656 Atrium Accounting Desk -------------------------------- Fax 559.408.5330, 559.278.2396 Atrium Customer Service Desk------------------------------------------------ 559.278.2345 Bulldog Ticket Office-------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.3647 Campus Information-------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.4240 Career Services--------------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.2381 Cashier - Joyal---------------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.2641 Counseling Center (Health & Psychological Services)------------------- 559.278.6738 Dean of Student Affairs---------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.2541 Disabilities, Services for Students with-------------------------------------- 559.278.2811 Dog Days---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.4885 Educational Opportunity Program------------------------------------------- 559.278.1787 Evaluations-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.4076 Financial Aid Office---------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.2182 Food & Meal Plan Questions---------------------------------------------------- 559.278.3904 Health Center (Health & Psychological Services)-------------------------- 559.278.2734 Housing (24 hour Information Line)----------------------------------------- 559.278.2345 International Student Services------------------------------------------------- 559.278.2782 ITS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.3923 Kennel Bookstore------------------------------------------------------------------ 559.278.4062 Learning Center-------------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.3052 Library Information Desk (H. Madden Library)---------------------------- 559.278.2174 National Student Exchange Program---------------------------------------- 559.278.6452 Parking and Transportation----------------------------------------------------- 559.278.2950 Phone Service-Campus (ITS Office)------------------------------------------- 559.278.5000 Police Dept. (Campus)------------------------------------------------------------ 559.278.8400 Registrar----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.2191 Scholarship Office----------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.6572 Smittcamp Family Honors College-------------------------------------------- 559.278.8160 Student Activities/Union Board - USU--------------------------------------- 559.278.2741 Student Recreation Center------------------------------------------------------ 559.347.3800 Student Success Services-------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.1787 Testing Services-------------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.2457 Tours (Campus & Residence Halls)-------------------------------------------- 559.278.2048 Tours (Residence Halls only)---------------------------------------------------- 559.278.5630 University Dining Hall (UDH)--------------------------------------------------- 559.278.4351 University Migrant Services----------------------------------------------------- 559.278.1787 Veterans Services ----------------------------------------------------------------- 559.278.7030 University Courtyard California State University, Fresno 5152 N. Barton Ave. M/S RH 82 Fresno, CA 93740-8013
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