Alberti - Miles Lewis
Alberti - Miles Lewis
ABPL 90228 Post-Renaissance Architecture Alberti COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969 Warning This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of the University of Melbourne pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further copying or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. do not remove this notice Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472) an anonymous portrait Biblioteca Nazionale, Rome Loggia dei Lanzi [Loggia dei Priori], Florence, by Benci di Cione & Simone Talenti, 1376-81 Firenze, no 24 the palazzi Palazzo Pitti, Florence [?by Filippo Brunelleschi or Michelozzo], 1458-66 Biblioteca Nazionale, Rome Palazzo Pitti: distant modern view Fine Arts RE20.43.19 Palazzo Pitti, original façade Bates Lowry, Renaissance Architecture (London 1968 [New York 1962]), fig 14 Palazzo Pitti detail of stonework Fine Arts RE20.43.25 Palazzo Medici, Florence, by Michelozzo di Bartolomeo, 1444-59 Pru Sanderson Palazzo Medici section & plan Fine Arts 172/ F632/ 3MED/ PLAN/ 3; RE20.44.72; 172/ F632/ 3MED/ PLAN/ 4; RE20.44.73 Palazzo Medici Fine Arts 172/ F632/ 3MED/ EXT/ 3; RE20.44.56; Pru Sanderson Palazzo Medici, courtyard Fine Arts 172/F632/3MED/ EXT/ 12; RE 20.44.65; L H Heydenreich & Wolfgang Lotz , Architecture in Italy 1400 to 1600 (Harmondsworth [Middlesex] 1974), pl 11 Alberti & his time Leon Battista Alberti ((1404(1404-1472)) from an exiled Florentine family studied Latin, Greek & law i t interested t d iin physics h i & mathematics th ti a papal official treatise on painting, Della Pittura (1436) architectural work from c 1440 De Re Aedificatoria [On Building], 1452 Architecture is a great thing, which cannot be undertaken by all. One must have intelligence, and persevering zeal, the best knowledge and long practice, and above all grave and severe judgement and counsel to succeed in the profession of architect. For in matters of building the first glory of all is to judge well that which is fitting. To build, in fact, is a necessity. To build conveniently responds to necessity and utility, but to build so that one is praised by men of glory and not criticized by the frugal, can only come from, the ability of a learned, wise and judicious artist. Johnson, 'Leon Battista Alberti', pp 49-50 Vitruvius & architectural theory Vitruvius’s Vitruvius s text discovered by Poggio in 1415 Vitruvius: utilitas, firmitas, venustas (function structure & beauty) (function, concinnitas universarum partium (harmony and concord in all the parts ) Alberti refers to ‘temples’ and ‘gods’ f favours circular i l and d polygonal l l plans l mathematical harmonic proportions a harmony and concord of all the parts ... fitted together g could be added or subtracted except p for ... so that nothing the worse' from Ferrara to Florence Arco del Cavallo Cavallo, Ferrara Borsi, Alberti, the Complete Works, p 20 Ferrara Cathedral, F C h d l view, & detail of the campanile Borsi, Alberti, the Complete Works, pp 22, 23 Ferrara Cathedral F C th d l campanile, details Borsi, Alberti, the Complete Works, pp 23, 24 L Loggia i R Rucellai, ll i Fl Florence, b by Alb Alberti, ti ?1450 ?1450s inset: Loggia dei Lanzi Miles LewisFirenze, no 24 Loggia Rucellai, details Borsi, Alberti, Complete Edition, p 76; Miles Lewis Tempio Malatestiano Arch of Constantine, Rome, AD 312 Miles Lewis Arch A h off A Augustus, t Rimini, 27 BC W L MacDonald, The Architecture of the Roman Empire. II. An Urban Appraisal (New Haven [Connecticut] 1986), p 85 S Francesco [Tempio Malatestiano], Rimini, by Alberti, ?1450- c 1461 Fine Arts c.89.7.104 Tempio Malatestiano de' Pasti's medal reconstruction of Alberti's scheme Borsi, Alberti, the Complete Works, pp 95, 100 Tempio Malatestiano: Plan & section Fine Arts C91.1.8; 172/R576/2fr/plan; C91.1.9; Icarus AT010 1990 Tempio Malatestiano, side flank Lowry, Renaissance Architecture, p 28 Palazzo Rucellai Palazzo P l R Rucellai, ll i Florence, façade by Alberti, ?14521470 MUAS 9861 Palazzo Rucellai Rucellai, Florence Florence, façade by Alberti Alberti, ?1452 ?1452- / 1470 suggested reconstruction of originally proposed façade; view Borsi, Alberti, the Complete Works, p 52; MUAS 9861 Palazzo Rucellai,, Florence,, façade by Alberti, ?14521470 view & elevation MUAS 9861 ; Borsi, Alberti, the Complete Works, p 53 Palazzo Rucellai, details Pru Sanderson Palazzo Rucellai ground floor detail Miles Lewis Santa Maria Novella Fresco of the Arts, with the plans of Santa Maria Novella, Palazzo Rucellai, Florence, by Il Pomarancio [Christoforno Roncalli] Fine Arts RE20.46.12 Santa Maria Novella, Florence (1278-1350), façade by Alberti, 1458-71 Fine Arts RE20.37.61 Santa Maria N Novella ll proportions of the façade, as analysed by Borsi Franco Borsi Borsi, Leon Battista Alberti (Oxford 1987), p 84 Santa Maria Novella the fallacies underlying Borsi s Borsi’s analysis Miles Lewis Santa Maria Novella, façade Miles Lewis Santa Maria Novella details Miles Lewis Pru Sanderson attic c 1200 arcading early C11th zebra striping possibly C13th comparison of ordonnance Santa Maria Novella and the Baptistery of San Giovanni Miles Lewis Tomb of San Petronio, or Santo Sepulcro [the Holy Sepulchre], Cappella Rucellai in San Pancrazio 1460 Pancrazio, 14601472 Fine Arts 172A/A332/2C; 96.10007.02 th Mantuan the M t churches h h San Sebastiano, Mantua, by Alberti, 1460-72 [not completed until 1529, restored 1925] Fine Arts 172/M291/2se; C6-82 B55 the 'Etruscan Temple' of Temple Alberti's De Re Aedificatoria, woodcut from Bartoli's edition of 1550 Borsi, Alberti, the Complete Works, p 148 San Sebastiano: plans & sections Fine Arts 87.76.1 San Sebastiano: Wittkower's reconstruction of the façade as originally proposed Borsi, Alberti, the Complete Works,, p 154 San Sebastiano, p proposed p scheme, compared p with the Cappella pp Pazzi, Florence, by Brunelleschi & Guiliano da Maiano, 1443-61 Brian Lewis San Sebastiano, p proposed p scheme, compared p with the triumphal arch at Orange, France, c 30 BC Miles Lewis San Sebastiano: view from the north-west Heydenreich & Lotz, Architecture in Italy, pl 24 Sant' Andrea, Mantua, byy Alberti, 1470-72 [not completed until til 1481] Bruce Boucher [ed], Andrea Palladio: the Architect in his Time (Abbeville Press, New York 1998), p 170 Sant' Andrea, Mantua: plan Fine Arts 172/M291/2an/pl Sant' Andrea, Mantua: longitudinal section Icarus AT 004, 1990 Sant' Andrea, Mantua: interior Fine Arts 172/M291/2an/int Sant' Andrea, Mantua: details of the ordonnance Fine Arts 172/M291/2an/in; 172/M291/2an/tr The Arch of Titus, Rome, after AD 81, and Sant’ Andrea,Mantua Miles Lewis, Fine Arts 172/M291/2an/tr contemporaries Pienza plans of the piazza and the town Fine Arts 172/P614/1: 86.10.4 86 10 4 Icarus AT 095:1990 Pienza, aerial view of piazza Icarus AT 095, 1990 Piazza Pio II, the Duomo & the Palazzo Piccolomini, by Rossellino, c 1460 Fine Arts 172/P614/1 Cathedral of Pienza, by Bernardo Rossellino, 1462 Fine Arts 172/P614/2 ca: c88.20.653 Palazzo Strozzi, Strozzi Florence, by Benedetto a Maiano from 1489, completed l t db by Il C Cronaca, 1539: close view Fine Arts 172/F632 SQ/ 3/ (1) Palazzo Strozzi: half elevations, with and without the cornice Fine Arts 172/F632/ 3STR / 20; RE20.46.42 Palazzo Strozzi: final elevation Fletcher, A History of Architecture [1961 ed], p 885 Palazzo Strozzi: plan & section Fletcher, A History of Architecture [1961 ed], p 885 Palazzo Strozzi: cornice Fine Arts 172/F632/ 3STR / 11; RE20.46.29 Fletcher, A History of Architecture [1961 ed], p 885 Palazzo Strozzi, Strozzi façade details Pru Sanderson
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