The Baptist Herald - Mountain Area Information Network
The Baptist Herald - Mountain Area Information Network
The Baptist Herald 6 Daylight Savings Time Ends 13-20 Week of Prayer & Special Offering for NC Baptist Children’s Homes 6 Rest Home Schedule 2:00 p.m. Mtn. Trace - First Baptist 3:00 p.m. Morning Star– First Methodist 2:00 p.m. Skyland - Greens Creek 3:00 p.m. The Hermitage - Hyatt’s Chapel 20 Rest Home Schedule 2:00 p.m. Mtn. Trace - Laurel Branch 3:00 p.m. Morning Star– Little Savannah 2:00 p.m. Skyland - Locust Field 3:00 p.m. The Hermitage - Long Branch Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer 22-23 Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday 7 14-15 Baptist State Convention of NC, Greensboro, NC 27 Rest Home Schedule 2:00 p.m. Mtn. Trace - Lovedale 3:00 p.m. Morning Star– Moses Creek 2:00 p.m. Skyland - Mt. Pleasant 3:00 p.m. The Hermitage - New Hope Please call the facility if you are unable to lead the service as this will prevent residents from sing there with no one to lead them. If you cannot do a parcular Sunday, please try to switch Sundays with another church. The residents are so disappointed when no one shows up and the staff also gets discouraged when they have taken the me to get the residents out of their rooms for the service. Pray for Buff Creek, Long Branch, New Savannah, and Ochre Hill as they seek a pastor. Volume 19, Number 11 Thirty-two Churches on Mission 24 Thanksgiving 13 Rest Home Schedule 2:00 p.m. Mtn. Trace - Jarrett Memorial 3:00 p.m. Morning Star– Johns Creek 2:00 p.m. Skyland - Liberty 3:00 p.m. The Hermitage - Lighthouse Gracella Morris Secretary Please call 586-6011 for Available Supply Preachers. Buff Creek Calvary Cashiers Cullowhee Valley Dicks Creek El Centro Del Señor East Fork Faith Greens Creek Hyatts Chapel Jarrett Memorial La Primera Iglesia Bautista De Amor Liberty Lighthouse Little Savannah Locust Field Long Branch Lovedale Moses Creek Mt. Pleasant New Hope New Savannah Ochre Hill Old Savannah Pine Creek Promised Land Rockdale Scotts Creek Sols Creek Speedwell Unity Webster November 2016 E-mail: Gerald Morris Director of Missions Thoughts from Your Director of Missions The Missions Conference was a great success again this year. Those that attended were blessed to hear how God is using Southern Baptist missionaries to reach the lost in Nepal, Senegal, London, Australia and several areas through the NC Baptists on Mission. Hearing from our missionaries that are supported by the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering makes me proud to be Southern Baptist. When December comes around, remember that 100 per cent of the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goes to our missionaries all over the world. God showed up again at our Annual Meeting in October. The unity and worshipful Spirit only gets stronger each year. The sermons, singing, missions reports, fellowship and even the business was all done to the glory of God. The sermons were encouraging and uplifting. The missions reports were exciting and challenging. The singing and fellowship was edifying. God is always pleased when His people come together in unity and love to worship and serve Him. On a completely different note. I have been asked by several people about what to do for the victims of the flooding in Eastern North Carolina. I have been checking with the NC Baptists On Mission (BOM) to follow their progress. The latest update at the time of publication is printed on page 3. It contains information on how to volunteer and give to this needed ministry. I have also been asked about collecting supplies for the flood victims. The best way to help is to send money to BOM. Money is best because they can use it where and when they need it. They can also buy supplies (ie. water, cleaning supplies, etc.) in bulk for much cheaper than we can. To give directly to Hurricane Matthew relief send a check to Baptist on Mission with Hurricane Matthew in memo line or go to All of the money given will be earmarked just for Hurricane Matthew relief. If there is a desire to collect items to send east, we can do that, but I would need several volunteers. I have an offer of a semi and driver (I still need an enclosed semi trailer) and BOM is collecting items at their Shelby and Red Springs Missions Camps but they are requesting that they be palletized and shrink wrapped (this is to help with handling such a large quantity of items). This means that we would need a source of pallets and a means to handle them. We would also need several volunteers to man the trailer during collection times and to palletize and wrap what we get. Please let me know ASAP if you or someone that you know is willing to volunteer. The work to help with the flood victims will take months and years to complete. Please be in prayer about how God can use you to help with this disaster. Annual Meeting Survey In order to better serve the churches of the Association, the Annual Meeting Committee is looking at possible alternative meeting arrangements for the Annual Meeting. To help us with this task, please go to the link below and answer a few questions to help us know your wishes. Tuckaseigee Baptist Association PO Box 266 Sylva, NC 28779 Phone: (828) 586-6011 243 Lyle St ELKIN, NC 28621 Johnny Enloe The Baptist Center is open Monday through Wednesday Hours: 8:00 a..m. - 3:00 p.m. For your convenience, please call for additional appointments. Gerald’s Cell 506-0356 NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 3 SYLVA, NC 28779 Address Service Requested Calvary - celebrated Old Timer’s Day on October 9th with a lunch after worship service. Daniel Morrison was ordained as deacon on October 16. Old Savannah - is having a Drive thru Christmas Story on Dec. 9 and 10, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Scotts Creek - held a baby dedication on October 16. The XYZ’s went to the Farmer’s Daughter in Chucky, TN for lunch on October 21. Unity - celebrated pastor appreciation day (for Craig Tucker) with a meal afterwards in the community building. Tuckaseigee Baptist Association’s 187th Annual Meetings Hosted by Lighthouse and Ochre Hill October 13 and 14, 2016 Ochre Hill’s Round Top Picnic 10/16/16 Locust Field Baptist Church renovated their church and started meeting in their sanctuary again on September 18, 2016. Benefit for Massengill Family Hosted by Lovedale Baptist Church on 10/2/16 More than 250 people attended this fundraiser for the pastor and his family’s medical expenses and collected over $6,000. The following churches were represented and some of their choirs sang. Calvary, East LA Porte Grace Community, Cedar, Moses Creek, Jonathan Creek, Sugar Creek, Balsam Grove, Trout Creek, Tuckasegee Wesleyan, Little Savannah, Promised Land, and Ochre Hill. Isaac's Well singing group was part of the program. Winter Tribal Challenge Camp Caraway is excited to introduce a new twonight winter camp for your church’s childrens group over MLK Weekend. This winter camp experience will be unique from our traditional summer camp sessions. Through ongoing tribal team challenges, worship, and teaching, we will learn what the Bible teaches about unity. Date: January 14-16, 2017 (MLK Weekend) Who: Boys & Girls in 3rd - 6th grades Cost: $95 per person Deadline: Register by January 4, 2017 Register your group now by visiting: Or calling (336) 521-9207 2016 OCC Collection Site in Sylva Sylva First United Methodist Church 77 Jackson Street, Sylva, NC 28779 Monday, November 14, 2016: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tuesday, November 15, 2016: 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 16, 2016: 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Thursday, November 17, 2016: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Friday, November 18, 2016: 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Saturday, November 19, 2016: 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. Sunday, November 20, 2016: 11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tuckaseigee Baptist Association Financial Summary for O ctober 2015 through Septe mber 2016 Funds Re ceived Sept. 2016 O ct.-Sept. 2016 Expense s Buff Creek 330.22 T ruett Camp Calvary 300.00 Office Supplies Cashiers 375.00 4,416.74 Postage Cullowhee Valley 180.00 Conference & Conv. Dicks Creek 50.00 350.00 Sunday School East Fork 2,092.00 Youth El Centro Del Senor 142.08 1,878.50 Vacation Bible School Faith 2,553.43 Evangelism Greens Creek 412.00 3,079.00 Senior Adults Hyatts Chapel 1,800.00 Singles Ministry Jarrett Memorial Music La Primera Iglesia Bautista de Amor 82.31 198.44 Property Insurance Liberty T elephone Lighthouse 70.00 840.00 Electricity Little Savannah Office Equip/Repairs Locust Field 225.00 2,720.00 Bldg/Grounds Long Branch 600.00 600.00 T ravel/Ministry Expense Lovedale 217.00 3,851.00 Assoc. Leader T raining Moses Creek 75.00 1,250.00 Library & Audio/Visuals Mt. Pleasant 20.00 260.00 Director's Salary New Hope 720.00 7,920.00 Secretary's Salary New Savannah 100.00 1,200.00 Secretary's Retirement 403 (b) Ochre Hill 150.00 1,800.00 Sec. SS. -Assoc. Share Old Savannah Sec. Medicare - Assoc. Share Pine Creek Honorarium for Clerk Promised Land DOM Retirement 403 (b) Rockdale 175.00 2,100.00 DOM Housing Allowance Scotts Creek 2,868.00 Assoc. Minutes Sols Creek Executive Committee Expense Speedwell 450.00 Miscellaneous Unity 1,102.50 Petty Cash Webster 600.00 Outreach Supplies Wilkesdale 300.00 Hoyle Endowment *** Total Church Support 3,413.39 45,039.83 Designated Projects & Gifts** Bapt. State Conv. of NC (Coop. Agr.) 825.00 2,474.99 Annual Singing Bapt. State Conv. of NC (State Missions) 490.64 Total Expe nses Interest on Savings & CDs Funds Re ceived Less Expenses Private Gifts and Donations 30.00 11,445.16 32,143.53 ***Hoyle Endowment La P r ime r a Igle sia Ba ut ist a de Amor Ne w Chur c h Bldg Handyman Gifts Mission T rip (Faith) Annie Hoyle Endowment Funds 4,766.09 Mission T rip (Cashiers/Ochre Hill) Annual Singing Collection 4,045.98 Mission T rip (Vermonth) Designated Gifts 2,086.50 Mission T rip (KY Race Ministry) Total Funds Received 4,268.39 102,492.72 **Designated Projects & Gifts Computer (Baptist Foundation) Vermont Mission T rip Book Link WNC As of Septembe r 30, 2016 Youth Picnic (Discipleship funds) Total General Fund $19,730.28 La Primera's New Church Bldg Total Restricted Funds $29,325.84* Backyard VBS June 4th (*O nly for Missions & Capital Re pairs) Sr. Adult Mission Project Grant Sept. 2016 65.46 188.01 311.43 1,000.00 1,362.92 136.30 84.51 19.77 193.34 933.37 26.81 - O ct.-Sept. 2016 100.00 144.53 1,146.58 20.00 250.00 40.00 250.00 1,537.00 783.68 1,903.54 682.44 809.32 1,172.56 30.50 12,000.00 16,355.04 1,635.60 1,014.12 237.24 200.00 2,320.08 11,200.00 34.03 11.20 96.79 4,692.19 34,177.30 1,838.99 4,321.92 94,682.73 (53.53) 7,809.99 1,000.00 3,000.00 570.29 121.90 785.61 961.08 33.50 150.00 32,143.53 91.34 12.24 WMU News, Submitted by Lee Lillard Hispanic News, Submitted by Robert Fernandez The TBA WMU is excited to announce we collected over 800 toothbrushes for Operation Red Box. These toothbrushes will be packed in gift boxes for women incarcerated in N.C. prisons this Christmas. They will also receive the Gospel of Jesus. Thank you to all those who participated in this collection. I would also like to thank all those who helped plan, collect, pack and distribute the Pastor Appreciation Gifts. We enjoyed working with our sister churches to show our pastors just how much we appreciate all the hard work they do. We enjoyed sharing at the Annual TBA Meeting about all the TBA WMU has been able to accomplish with the Lord and for His Glory this year. We look forward to growing relationships among our WMU groups, and working with the churches to share the love and Gospel of Jesus with our community and beyond. As you pray about opportunities to Go, Tell, Love and Work for the Lord, please let TBA WMU know how we can support your efforts in missions. We can do more together. *Pastors Felix Villarreal (Primera Iglesia Bautista de Amor, Cashiers) and Matt Ledbetter (Lighthouse Baptist, Sylva) traveled to Mexico September 23-October 4. They worked with a team who visited that country to share the Gospel. We look forward to hearing what great things the Lord did on this trip. *Juan Martinez, Jr lead the devotion time at El Centro del Señor's quarterly business meeting on October 4th. Mr. Martinez has been part of our youth group for a couple of years. He spoke on the importance of obeying Christ's command to love one another taught in John 14: 34, 35. Recently, Juan also had an opportunity to teach one of the Sunday school classes as well. *El Centro del Señor's youth have been planning to attend the annual Hearts on Fire conference. We have organized a yard sale in order to help cover some of the costs of this trip. They are pictured making signs to announce our event along Main Street in Sylva. Thank You Note to WMU Thank you for your thoughtful gifts, but most of all your prayers for the ministers in Jackson County. There are wonderful and glorious moments in the gospel ministry, but nothing means more in difficult times than loving prayers. It holds our hands up! Php. 1:3 “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you” Scott Carter, Pastor of Webster Baptist Church El Centro Del Senor Mission Trip to Mexico NC Disaster Relief Update on 10/21/16 Hurricane Matthew devastated many parts of eastern North Carolina. As N.C. Baptists, we are currently working across the affected areas to help victims of this tragic storm. Right now, many volunteers are involved in relief efforts which include, feeding, disaster recovery (mud -outs, tear-outs, chainsaw work), chaplaincy, providing showers, doing laundry and much more. We have large feeding kitchens and volunteers serving in Fayetteville, Lumberton, Kinston, Greenville, Whiteville and Wallace. Thousands of homes and many thousands of people were affected by Hurricane Matthew, and we need volunteers to assist with cleanup over the long term. We will need many recovery volunteers for many months and even years to come. Please share this at your church. Please continue to pray, go and give. 1. Mud-out and tear-out volunteers are needed in many different locations across NC. Right now, we are taking volunteers in the Lumberton area, Red Springs, Fayetteville area, Warsaw area, Windsor area, Goldsboro, Greenville, Hope Mills and Kinston area. Other locations will be operational soon. Please go to HurricaneMatthew and click on the “volunteer now” button. 2. Consider taking a few minutes this Sunday to pray for people affected by Hurricane Matthew. Pray for the volunteers who are going to minister. Pray for safety and the witness of our disaster relief volunteers. Pray for churches in the affected areas. Pray that God’s love will be shown to hurting people. Faith And Hollerin’ Home sang At the Riverbend Campground in Pigeon Forge, TN 9/24/16 Faith 10/15/16 Raymond’s Youth Raiders Building a Ramp 3. Give to help those in need. If you would like to make a contribution, please make your check payable to N.C. Baptist Men/Baptists On Mission, designated for Hurricane Matthew Disaster Relief, and mail to: NCBM, P.O. Box 1107, Cary, NC 27512. You may also give online. Thank you for your prayers and support. Thank you for shining the light of Jesus into the lives of North Carolina children and families through the ANNUAL OFFERING. Without churches participating in the offering, it would be impossible to provide safe, caring homes and ministries. Most of all, your offering makes it possible for us to introduce THE GREAT I AM to those we serve. 80% of Baptist Children's Homes' residents come to us unchurched and unreached for Christ. Showing the unconditional love of Jesus to children, many who have experienced family dysfunction as well abuse, neglect and abandonment, is so important. The Week of Prayer is November 13 -20, 2016, but your church can participate in the offering any time. Share the Baptist Children's Homes story with your church. Free offering materials for your church are available by calling 336-474-1209. Invite a Baptist Children's Homes speaker to share the ministry with your congregation. Call 336-474-1209 or e-mail your request to: Please be in prayer for Baptist Children's Homes of North Carolina (BCH). As is the case with others who were in the path of Hurricane Matthew, several of BCH's statewide locations have been hit hard by this devastating storm. The good news is all the children and families we serve are safe. However, as a result of the storm's impact, some of the residents and staff were evacuated. If you or your group wish to assist with clean-up, please contact BCH's Sam Barefoot at 336-474-1278 or You can help immediately by giving to BCH's Hurricane Relief Fund. and choose "Hurricane Relief" to make a donation. Fall Singing Total Collected $2,512 for the Baptist Children’s Homes of NC and Tuckaseigee Baptist Association October 9, 2016 Faith Baptist —Host Collected $314 Old Savannah Baptist Promised Land Baptist Dicks Creek Baptist Participated: 154 Mt. Pleasant Baptist —Host Collected $325 Participated: 90 Calvary Baptist Lovedale Baptist Moses Creek Baptist Little Savannah Baptist —Host Collected $208 Participated: 81 Buff Creek Baptist Ochre Hill Baptist Scotts Creek Baptist—Host Collected $619 Participated: ? Locust Field Baptist Long Branch Baptist Cullowhee Valley Baptist—Host Collected $186 Participated: 47 Pine Creek Baptist Speedwell Baptist Hyatt’s Chapel Baptist —Host Collected $860 Participated: 77 Rockdale Baptist New Hope Baptist Little Savannah Hyatt’s Chapel Mt. Pleasant Church Promised Land Buff Creek Old Savannah Rockdale Calvary Lovedale Dicks Creek Moses Creek All Choirs at Little Savannah Faith New Hope Ochre Hill Ochre Hill