October 25, 2015— Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time


October 25, 2015— Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thirtieth Sunday in
October 25, 2015
2950 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32935
Rev. Eamon Tobin ....................... Ext. 3070
Pastor, email: tobin2@live.com
Tel. 321-254-1595  Fax 321-255-3490
Rev. BK Tran ................................ 254-1595
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Associate Pastor
Email: thadbkt0035@msn.com
Deacon Sergio A. Colon ............. Ext. 3082
Bereavement Ministry, Hispanic Community
October 25, 2015—
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deacon Tom Stauffacher
Deacon Bill Terneus
Deacon Chris Meehan
Sr. Joseph Barden ........................ Ext. 3003
Development Director
Sr. Immaculata ............................. Ext. 3039
Pastoral Care
Anita Brady ................................... Ext. 3001
School Principal
Betsy Glasenapp........................... Ext. 3080
Religious Education Director
Mary Birmingham........................ Ext. 3068
Music/Liturgy Director, Catechumenate
Mark Kniepmann ......................... Ext. 3501
High School Youth Minister
Mary Blucker ................................ Ext. 3069
Middle School Youth Minister
Ashley Breaux ............................... Ext. 3077
Contemporary Music
Monica Sutton .............................. Ext. 3076
Volunteer Coordinator
Monday-Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Teresa Romano ............................ Ext. 3050
Maria Sittig................................... Ext. 3072
U.S. Department of Education
School of Excellence
Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade
Religious Education (Pre-K - 6)
Tuesdays, 4:00 - 5:15 p.m.
Religious Education (Grades 1-8)
Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m.
Sundays after 5:30 p.m. Mass
Mary Russo ................................... Ext. 3078
Business Manager/Bookkeeper
Ascension Thrift Store: 259-7291
Ascension Social Concerns: 259-5685
Anne Dorros ................................. Ext. 3074
Assistant Bookkeeper
Mondays & Thursdays
6:00 p.m., Parish Hall
Brian Carley
Facilities Manager
Saturday Vigil Mass
4:30 p.m.
Sunday Masses
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (free childcare)
11:30 a.m. (free childcare)
5:30 p.m.
Weekday Masses
Monday-Friday: 7:25 a.m.
Sat. 9:00 a.m
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 3:15 - 4:25 p.m.
Wednesday: 6:00 p.m.
(or by appointment)
As a good steward of the Lord’s blessings, please remember to consider
your Parish Family or School Endowment in your Last Will and Testament.
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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time B
October 25, 2015
blind lot. They just don’t get it. (Mark presents the
disciples in a denser light than the other evangelists.)
When Jesus speaks about himself as a suffering
Messiah, the disciples are busy jockeying for key places
in his new Kingdom. In this way, they show themselves
to be blinder than Bartimaeus, the blind beggar.
Now let us look at several parts of this beautiful and
profound story.
He gives expression to his pain.
The healing of Bartimaeus
and how this story connects
to our lives
Today’s readings, especially the Gospel, are very
powerful. Before I comment on the Gospel, I’d like to
begin with a commentary on a verse from the second
reading from Hebrews:
“Beset by human weakness, the priest is able to
deal patiently with others.”
This is a reference to the high priest of Israel who,
according to the author, is “able to deal patiently with
others because of his own weaknesses.” Hopefully, I
can say that about myself and you can say it about
yourself. Sometimes a person would say to me, “I need
to go to confession, but I’m a bit embarrassed by my
sins.” Or sometimes people think that their sins would
shock me. My usual response is: “There’s nothing
you’re going to tell me that I haven’t done myself or that
I couldn’t do, given the right set of circumstances.” Do
you believe that about yourself? Our own weaknesses
should make us more compassionate. Unfortunately,
that is not always the case. Sometimes, for conscious or
usually unconscious reasons, we may rail against the
very sin that we are guilty of. A good example of this is
a famous television evangelist who railed against sexual
sins only to be caught himself soliciting a prostitute.
On the other hand, our own weaknesses should not
cause us to water down the Gospel. Every preacher
knows, or should know, that he could be preaching a
message that he does not practice perfectly. The great
St. Francis de Sales used to say: “Woe to me if I only
preach what I practice.” All of us, including the clergy,
are always trying to catch up on the Gospel that we are
The healing of Bartimaeus
In today’s Gospel, we encounter a blind beggar who
becomes a disciple of Jesus. At this time in Mark’s
Gospel, Jesus is teaching on discipleship. He is having a
tough time of it because the disciples are a dense or
When Bartimaeus hears that Jesus is coming down the
road, he begins to cry out: “Jesus, Son of David, have
pity on me.” In crying out thus, Bartimaeus gives
expression to his pain and suffering. Commenting
on this verse in today’s Gospel, Fr. Dennis McBride
sees in Bartimaeus’ cry a wonderful example of what
is called in the Scriptures the ‘Prayer of Lamentation.’
Prayers of Lamentation are cries from the heart, shouts
of suffering, groans of anguish, screams for help.
They are written on a bed of pain, but they express the
hope that things will change, that God will listen.
Lamentation is the voice of suffering:
Have mercy on me, Lord, I have no strength….
I am exhausted with my groaning;
every night I drench my pillow with tears;
I bedew my bed with weeping.
My eyes waste away with grief;
I have grown old surrounded by my foes.
Psalm 6
The expression of suffering is intended to be more than
just self-expression; it is made out of the hope that
things can change. Lamentation, therefore, is not pessimistic; it refuses to remain powerless and passive, so it
expresses its longing for change. The Prayer of Lamentation makes a bridge between silent endurance and
Bartimaeus’ cry stresses the importance of giving
expression to our pain. He could have said to himself:
“God already knows my need; I don’t need to bother
him,” or “Jesus is too busy to be concerned about a
nobody like me.” But Bartimaeus does neither. Instead,
he verbally expresses his need to Jesus. We might ask
ourselves: How easy or hard is it for us to give expression to our pain? To what extent is our tendency to suffer in silence?
The uncaring and oppressive crowd
Mark continues his story, noting that “many rebuked
[Bartimaeus] telling him to be quiet.” How insensitive
and uncaring! Some of these people could have been
Jesus’ disciples. They are totally blind to the pain and
suffering of this poor man. Most likely, they all know
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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time B
October 25, 2015
Next Sunday’s Readings
November 1, 2015 B
All Saints
Veteran’s Day Show
Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14 - Psalm 24:1-6
1John 3:1-3 - Matthew 5:1-12
Ascension Catholic School students will be
presenting their annual Veteran's Day Show
Welcome All Veterans!
How has your patron saint
influenced your life?
Wednesday, November 11,
in the Church at 1:30 pm.
Monday, November 2, 2015 -7:00pm
Please join the Ascension students
in honoring our veterans with
patriotic music, poetry,
and dramatic readings.
Sunday Action Nights
after the 5:30pm Mass
Youth Room 411 in Buescher Center
Bible Study: Monday evenings, youth room, 7:00-8:30pm.
All high school teens are welcome to come, socialize with
friends, learn and talk about our faith.
For info regarding Youth Ministry, contact Mark Kniepmann
at ascensioncatholicteens@gmail.com.
Middle School
For all 6th, 7th, & 8th graders,
no matter where you attend school
Please come and celebrate
our Veterans and our beloved Country.
Ascension 8th Grade School Students
Thank you for your ministry to the church!
Mrs. Owens and her 8th grade students
refilled all the Welcome Envelopes
and pencils within the pews.
Many hands make light work!
October 28: Wednesday After School!
Every Wednesday, come to the Ministry Center
Room 313 anytime 3:00–6:00 pm for faith, fun and food!
Check out www.ascensioncatholic.net/Middle for news
and forms. We need updated forms for everyone.
For more information, contact Mary Blucker at 254-1595
ext. 3069 or mblucker@ascensioncatholic.net.
Next Sunday,
At Ascension
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
5:00-6:00 pm,
School Cafetorium
MENU: Ham with special ham sauce, potatoes au
gratin, vegetable salad, dinner rolls, assorted
desserts, and hot and cold drinks
Adults: $7.00; Kids under 12 years old: $3.00
Sign up in the parish hall or by calling the church office
no later than noon of October 27, 2015.
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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time B
him. He is a familiar part of the landscape, just as the
many homeless people we see walking our streets on a
daily basis. The crowd represents all those who do not
want suffering people to express their plight. Hearing the
cry of the poor may mean unjust structures may need to
be changed. Listening to the cry of the suffering may
demand a change in us that we may be resistant to make.
But Bartimaeus continues to yell out.
We might think that Bartimaeus may have been intimidated by the oppressive voices of those who tell him:
“Be quiet!” and “Shut up!” But the crowd’s attempt to
quiet Bartimaeus seems to only motivate him to cry out
all the more. He yells out: “Jesus, have pity on me!”
This is a wonderful example of a man professing faith in
a hostile environment. How many of us would have the
courage to continue professing our faith if those around
us were rebuking us? How many of us would have the
courage to continue shouting “Unjust! Unjust!” if we
were being threatened with retaliation? How many of us
would tend to be very private with our faith because we
were ashamed of it or did not want to cause waves in the
workplace or in our social circle?
Jesus stops.
Jesus, like the crowd, could have ignored the cry of the
poor man. He could have said: “Call my office for an
appointment.” But he doesn’t. He “stops the procession”
and allows the cry of the poor to reach his ears and heart.
I think of all those who work with the poor inside and
outside our parish—how they, too, allow the cry of the
poor to touch their hearts. I thank God for you.
Jesus’ concern raises the crowd’s consciousness.
When Jesus says, “Call over the blind man,” the crowd’s
attitude changes. They who, a few moments ago, rebuked
the blind beggar, now say to him, “Take courage; get up,
Jesus is calling you.” The compassion of Jesus seems to
have rubbed off on the crowd. The good example of
others has great power to change our perceptions and
attitudes. Or we might say that Jesus’ attitude and behavior help to awaken the consciousness of the crowd. They
too are being enlightened. They, who previously were
blind to the plight of the blind beggar, are now awakened
to his need. Perhaps, over the years, the good example of
others have opened our eyes to the sacredness of human
life, the immorality of racism and cheating, and the
plight of the poor at home and abroad.
In the journey of life, there may be people, including in
our church family, who are either a help or a hindrance
to our faith life. Those who practice a rigid, legalistic
Christianity will not attract others to Christ. Those who
say one thing and practice another will not attract others
October 25, 2015
to Christ. On the other hand, a church family and individuals who are hospitable, faith-filled, caring, and enthusiastic about its faith life will attract seekers.
What do you want me to do for you?
With the help and encouragement of a changed crowd,
the blind man comes to Jesus who asks him: “What do
you want me to do for you? If Jesus asked us that
question, how would we respond? Jesus' question is a
good one for us to take time to pray about.
Master, I want to see.
Jesus knows well what Bartimaeus needs but he wants
Bartimaeus to give expression to his need, to name it.
We too need to give expression to our needs. Fortunately, very few of us need physical sight, but we can be
sure that all of us are in need of spiritual sight and
insight. We can always assume that each of us suffers
from spiritual blindness. There are things that we should
see but are blind to. We may be blind to our own goodness or the goodness of others. We may be blind to our
own sin or to the needs of others. We may be blind to
the meaning of the Scriptures or church teachings.
Hence, our prayer should be: “Lord, that I may see
myself as you see me. Lord, that I may see your plan for
my life.” I would appreciate it if you would often pray
for me and our parish staff, that we may see God’s plan
for our parish.
Bartimaeus receives sight.
Receiving physical sight must have been a wonderful
gift but receiving the gift of faith is even more wonderful. While all those around Jesus are blind as to who he
is, Bartimaeus receives the gift to see. John Milton, the
great poet, became blind during his life. After he came
to accept his blindness, he said his “whole being was
filled with the light of God.”
And he followed Jesus.
Following Jesus, Bartimaeus becomes a disciple. This is
the constant call of Jesus to each of us to become his
faithful disciple with all that it involves.
Have a blessed week,
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October 25, 2015
Checking on parishioners who live alone
After visiting a 94-year old parishioner, JJ suggested starting
a new ministry that would be tasked with phoning parishioners who are living alone. I think JJ’s idea is an excellent one.
As he said, “A call from a fellow parishioner might be the only
call someone receives all day.” For this ministry to go into
effect, we would need a list of parishioners who would like to
receive a daily call and parishioners who are willing to make
the call. Sr. Immaculata will coordinate the ministry until
further notice. So if you know of parishioners who would
welcome a daily call, pass on to Sister their names and
phone numbers, and yours as well if you would like to make
the call. (Fr. Eamon)
October is Clergy Appreciation Month so all
If interested, please contact Sr. Immaculata
at 254-1595 ext.3039 or
JustFaith Community and ACCW
The JustFaith Community and ACCW are collecting
items for an upcoming project to help the homeless. With help from the Seaside Stitchers, our ‘hopeful
bags’ will be filled, then distributed to our parishioners
to have available in their cars when they see those in
need. Please consider donating needed items of socks,
T-shirts, and sample size hygiene items. Toothpaste/
toothbrush, cotton bandanas, first-aid items, sunscreen
and ‘on the go’ snacks (no items that will melt, please).
And we will also be adding in a dollar or two to go in
the bags. There is a box in the church foyer for your
items. If you or your ministry would like to help with
this endeavor, please contact Terry at 321-536-1075.
The Vocations Cup for October will go out at the
Sunday 7:30 am Mass. Chuck Lauer will be taking
the Cup home this Sunday, October 25.
If you’d like to sign up, please contact Jim Chatman
at 321-223-8963 or jimchat@cfl.rr.com.
Monday, October 26, 2015, 1:00 - 2:30 pm,
Church Library.
For more information, contact Carol Gessler
at 779-7850.
parishioners are invited to show your appreciation and
gratitude to all the clergy and religious here at
Ascension who minister to our parish family and our
spiritual needs. Please join the Ascension Knights of
Columbus, Council 14573, to honor our clergy and
religious on October 28 at the Wonderful Wednesday
Please see the announcement in this bulletin for the
normal sign-up for the Wonderful Wednesday or
contact the parish office.
The month of November is the month we remember
our deceased loved ones. During the weekend liturgies of Oct. 31/Nov. 1, we invite anyone who lost a
loved one this past year to carry a candle during the
entrance procession in memory of your deceased
loved one. Candles will be provided at tables in the
lobby. Before Mass starts, secure a candle and get
in line for the entrance procession. Place your candle
in the urns by the handrails at the altar. Candles
will be protected with paper bobeches. Please remove
the paper before placing the candle in the sand to
avoid fire.
“All expressions of love, even the highest and the most profound, are verified in the Eucharist. This is a Love that is crucified, a Love that unites, a
Love that adores, a Love that contemplates, a Love that prays, a Love that
delightfully satisfies.”
- Fr. Stefano Manelli. O.F.M. Conv., S.T.D.
Vacations, illness, absent snowbirds and just life take a toll on the
availability of adorers. If you can find an hour to commit to Jesus,
consider the Adoration Chapel. Jesus wants you there and
through the Holy Spirit is calling you!
For information, please contact Sam Rodríquez at 321-795-9813
or adoration.ascension@gmail.com.
3am, 4am, 7am, 12pm, 6pm , 8pm
12am, 1am, 2 am, 3am, 1pm
12am, 1am
1am, 2am, 4am, 11pm
12am, 1am, 3am, 1pm
2am, 7am
1am, 2am, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm
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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time B
Join us at our Sixth Annual
Latin- American Dinner/Dance
Good food and great music for dancing.
Saturday, November 7, 6:00 pm
Social Hall
Cost $15 per person (age 10 and up)
Tickets on sale now. For information,
call Deacon Sergio at 253-5443.
Rosary Ministry meets Sundays, 1:00-3:00 pm
in Buescher Center, Room 413
Next Meeting: November 8, 2015
If interested in joining, call Michi Davis
at 242-8092.
Knights of Columbus
Council #14573
We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
in Ministry Building Room 312. We pray the Rosary in Our
Lady's Chapel at 6:30pm on the 3rd Thursday of the month.
For more information, call Grand Knight Jim Voltaire
at 557-1694, or Membership Director John Miller
at 794-6620, or Jerry Grillo at 652-2266.
October 25, 2015
Halloween Trunk or Treat
at Ascension
The Knights of Columbus, Council
#14573, are hosting the 2nd Annual
Trunk or Treat - Friday, Oct. 30, 6:00–7:30 pm.
This event will take place at Ascension in the grassy
area southwest of the church. Trunk or Treat will also
include fun activities and games and is open to all children
of Ascension. Each family is asked to donate one canned
good which will go to the Food Pantry at Social Concerns.
Please join us for an evening full of Halloween activities for
the entire family. Come in costume and be eligible to win
a prize.
For information, contact Chuck and Karen Mitchell at
chuckloveskaren@aol.com or 321-752-3838.
We are looking to explore the possibility
of adopting a Syrian refugee family.
Pope Francis has asked every parish in Europe to consider adopting such a family. Hearing that call, we would
like to look into what such an undertaking would involve.
If you are interested in helping in this endeavor, please
contact Georgette Hoppenbrouwer at 321-537-9576 or
Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of
Columbus #14573
We invite all Ladies of the parish whose husbands are current
or past members of the Knights of Columbus to please join
us for our monthly meetings held on the 3rd Thursday of
the month at 7:00pm in Ministry Bldg, Rm 311. Our mission is
to support the men's Council #14573 Knights of Columbus.
For membership, please contact Doreen Boudreau at
CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER (Prayer of the Heart)
bdoreen52@aol.com or Laurie Chatman at lschat@cfl.rr.com.
“Be still and know that I am God” (Ps 46:10)
Ministry Bldg, Rm 304, every Tuesday at 7:00 pm
We begin with 1/2 hour of silence (method explained).
For more info, contact Pam Lackie at 259-2431.
Smoke-free Bingo, 6:00-10:30pm in the Parish Hall
We have a great snack bar open beforehand.
Invite your friends and come enjoy a fun night.
Proceeds benefit Ascension School!
Great News!
Habitat for Humanity will be starting a build on
Cedarwood Ave in Melbourne. Ascension will be
joining the Apostle Build with other churches.
We will be looking for volunteers to help build a home for a
single mother in need. No experience necessary! We will
also need volunteers who would help provide lunch for the
workers. If you would like to learn how to build a home,
please join us. If interested, please contact John & Cathy
Miller at 255-4952.
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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time B
SAVE THE DATE of November 13, 2015
for Community of Hope!
This year we are celebrating our 10-year anniversary! To
continue our mission of helping homeless families, we are hosting our 10th Anniversary dinner and fundraiser with a Silent
Auction event, themed “Mission Possible.” The event will be
held at the Azan Shrine Temple in Melbourne. Tickets are $40
for dinner, drinks, door prizes, raffles, entertainment, and other
exciting surprises to make our event successful. Contact Terry
at 321-536-1075 if you would like more information, or perhaps
you would like to donate, or even volunteer for the evening!
We still have room for Sponsors—if you would like to purchase
program ad space and reserve your table, visit us at
About 250 homeless and needy folks eat each day at the Daily
Bread, Melbourne's free downtown soup kitchen. Be a friend to
them and serve at the Kitchen Let us know if you would like to
help from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 27: Contact Betsy or Bill Hampton at
Friday, Oct. 30: Contact Rachel Benevente at
rbenevente@yahoo.com or
(813) 735-0352
October 25, 2015
Social Concerns & Food Pantry
Reminder: Next weekend is our monthly food collection
A Big Thank You to Girl Scouts Kiona &
Leila Rollins working on their Catholic
badge. They helped for two hours stocking
shelves, unloaded and re-boxed 4 cases of
eggs, 432 eggs. You did an awesome job
and we appreciate you.
Another Big Thank You to the Knights
of Columbus and Viera Walmart. The Knights chairman, Norm
Boudrean, and the K of C volunteers ran a food drive at the Viera
Walmart Oct 16 & 17 to benefit our food pantry. They collected 1½
times our Sunday collection! Great job, Knights, we appreciate it!
Thank you so much for your continued support. Next Sunday after
the 5:30pm Mass, we need 4 or 5 people to help unload the truck at
Social Concerns. and place on tables in the food pantry.
Pantry Needs: soups & stews, canned meats (ham, chicken), tuna, vegetables (all varieties), tomatoes, fruits. Dry
Goods: beans (all kinds), rice, cereal, pasta/macaroni,
tomato sauce, mac & cheese, peanut butter, jelly, instant mashed
potatoes, shelf sustainable milk, juice, tuna helper. Baby items:
diapers, baby wipes Toiletries: deodorant, sample size shampoo,
soap, and toothpaste.
Father Tobin and members of Ascension,
Thank you so very much for your donation of $10,000 to Solar Light for
Africa. This summer we were able to complete our project, lighting all of the
occupied homes at Restoration Gateway – thanks to your generous gift! In the
few days we were there, we were able to light the homes by working sun-up to sun-down. By doing
these installations of solar lights, we removed the toxic lanterns from their homes and gave them
clean, bright, reliable light.
The mamas and children were so thrilled to receive this gift of light. They were really excited to
now have light in their bathrooms. When I visited at night, I found a
couple of different mamas singing praise songs from their showers!
We were also able to give the mamas and teachers portable solar
lanterns they will be able to move around safely outside at night and
they can use them to charge their cell phones.
Many, many thanks of blessing so many!
God bless,
This plaque
Charlene Turner
Executive Director of Solar Light for Africa
[Charlene is the wife of Rev. Eric Turner, Pastor of
St. John’s Episcopal Church in Melbourne.]
[The $10,000 was from the Tithe part of our budget]
appears on the
homes of the
recipients of the
Solar Lights
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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time B
October 25, 2015
Wedding Anniversaries
Jeremiah & Anna Brosnan
Jerry & Florence Jackson
Frank & Marcella Johnson
Sal & Mary Arrigo
George & Maureen Spisak
Fred & Linda Allard
Daniel & Rae Stark
Bob & Diane Selner
61 years
60 years
57 years
57 years
54 years
52 years
51 years
36 years
Michael Stitzel, David Humes, Ava Sophia,
CVS, LK Barone, Flo McCaffrey, Daniel
Walsh, Greg Grasso, Gerald Cardile, Harry
Wright, Fred Barlow, Betty Elko, Madeline
Maiello, Magda/Claire Grasso, Lydia Vazquez,
Mia Moore, Grace Carlin, Brian Robinson,
John Toppa, Nancy Costello, Denise Buckley Mayhew, Catherine
Reid, Chuck Hegland, Kenneth Pearsall, Walker Alldredge, John
Doyle, Midge Sauer, Caridad Mederos, Carmelia Navarretta,
Peggy McKelvey, Donna & Susan Baker, Mary Moore, William
Burke, Phyllis Owens, Baby Ethan, Helen Burzese, Mike Bobitka, Michelle Tocci, Marie Passarella, Cathi Hurd, Jim Eisenmann, Gary Tam, Fran Kammerdener, Al Odorizzi, Connie Fears,
Orlando Sanchez, Shirley Peck, Joe Sarino, Bill Sears, Justin
Miller, Lynette Carney, Glenn Bowles, Connie Martorella, Rita
Chabot, Myra Griffin, Patricia Shemp Robinson, Cliff Farides,
Ted Stoner, Jeanne Danenza, Anthony Tynes, Louise & Ira Adams, Betsy Coradine, Gwen Myers, Leticia Ortiz, Elizabeth Johnson, Tom Falcone, Shirley R. Bridge, Gerri Peek, Frank Conley,
Mary Liebau-Speaks, Sarah Noah, Santos Castro
Please pray for those in the nursing homes.
Pray for our Armed Forces Personnel overseas
Dan Murray, Steve Cabsky, Joseph Marci, Amanda Outly, Joshua Outly, Bryan Outly, Jesse Outly, Jason Brown, Andrew Grazing, Heather Schmitt, Paul Wells, Anthony Torres, Craig Static,
Jason Melbourne, Sherwin Separa, Jesse Catellier, Joseph
McDuffie, Samuel Luke, Michael Walsh, Robert Crowl, Bryan
Calenda, David Barlow, Dylan Traver, Brian Fleming, Wesley
Henry, Marty Martinez, Jonathan Martinez, Bryan Satterwhite,
Capt. Kyle McDermott, John Kinsora, Nicholas Owens, Nick
Dorros, Josh Grier, Robert Grover, Rory O’Connor, Shane
O’Connor, Alex Ritner, Kyle Mimbs, Kristin Agresta, Edwin
Cuebas, Troy Schaber, Andrew Nemethy
“Walk with Jesus in His Land”
Join Fr. B.K. and Deacon Sergio on a
spiritual pilgrimage to the
Holy Land in April 2016.
For more info, call Deacon Sergio at 253-5443.
Week beginning Monday, October 26, 2015
and ending Sunday, November 1, 2015
Mon. 7:30 am
Tues. 7:30 am
Wed. 7:30 am
8:30 am
Thurs. 7:30 am
7:30 am
9:00 am
4:30 pm
Sun. 7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
5:30 pm
Healing Intention — Joan Dietrich
Healing Intention — Thomas
† Joe & Evelyn Greenough
† Al Ayers
Special Intention — Souls in Purgatory
† Jim Doyle
† Per Brix
† Harold Mergy
† Deceased members of Sanders Family
† Al & Jo Cadacamo
† Mary Wise
† Deceased Members Hibernians
† Olga Jean-Marie
† June Grantham
† Mary Kilpatrick
† Delolinda Costa
† Delena Schnieders
People of the Parish
† Lorraine Matteucci
† James Sabella
† Sue Skopelja
† Margaret Newton
SERVERS’ SCHEDULE – October 31/November 1, 2015
Sat 4:30 pm:
Sun 7:30 am:
Sun 9:30 am:
Sun 11:30 am:
Sun 5:30 pm:
Cory Calandra, Jillian Fitch
Matthew Kanarick
Alex Kieu, Luke Dickinson
Evan Bolin
Mallory, Nick & Tommy Jost
Antonio Carrion, Julia Graham
Quinlan McMenamy
Leila & Blaine Timmer
Nathan Wackley
St. Maria Goretti
The major relics of St. Maria are making a pilgrimage to the
United States. In March, His Holiness, Pope Francis, announced an Extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy beginning
December 8. This visit of the major relics of St. Maria Goretti
is an effort on the part of the Holy See and Treasures of the
Church to prepare and catechize the United States for this
great celebration in the life of the church.
The Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the
Universe, is honored to be hosting St. Maria on Oct. 30, 2015.
Public veneration will begin at 10am. There will be a Solemn
Mass celebrated in her honor held at 7:00 pm, after which
veneration will continue until midnight.
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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time B
October 25, 2015
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be
shown mercy.
(Matthew 5:7)
Next weekend, the annual
collection for Catholic Charities
of Central Florida will be held at
our parish. Please support this
important ministry and sustain
the works of mercy we provide.
Last year, your support helped
us serve over 100,000 people
living in poverty.
Your donation will help
individuals and families in crisis
to obtain rent, food,
and emergency medical care as
we empower them to
become self-sufficient.
Numbers helped 2014-2015
People received emergency
family services and case
People received food assistance.
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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time B
October 25, 2015
Annual Fall Sale sponsored by JustFaith Community
Buying fair trade merchandise ensures that artisans
and farmers are paid a fair price for their products.
This provides much needed income, improving the
quality of their lives.
Our mission is to serve the poor by empowering our
brothers and sisters around the globe. This sale will
feature beautiful handcrafted items from all over the
world, as well as our popular coffee, tea, olive oil, and
chocolate products.
Empowering Women * Building Community
Sustaining Livelihoods * Giving Dignity
*Preserving Cultural Arts*
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Ascension Parish Hall following
morning Masses
Military Ministry—Honor Flight Reunion
Emotions were running high at the
Honor Flight Reunion party on Oct 4.
They were reminiscing the most recent
flight's visit to Washington, DC, and
celebrating the 100th birthday of
Al Hamblen. We sponsored our own
Eddy Merlet to be Al's companion for
the flight. Listening to some of the
veterans recounting their special day
and also sharing memories from back
in time had most all the room choking
back tears. We continually heard how
special they felt and how wonderful
they were treated the whole day. We
are very honored to help by sponsoring
companions for the veterans. (See
photo of Al, Eddy and Sen. Bob Dole.)
Come join us as we make plans for upcoming projects—Monday, Nov. 2, at
7:00pm, in Ministry Building, Rm 300.