4th Sunday after Epiphany January 31, 2016
4th Sunday after Epiphany January 31, 2016
4th Sunday after Epiphany January 31, 2016 SERMON RESPONSE TO THE WORD Assisted Listening devices and large print hymnals are available. Just ask an usher. * HYMN RINGING OF THE BELL WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS INVITATION CONFESSION AND PARDON PRELUDE AND LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES PASTORAL GREETING This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! “Spirit of the Living God” UMH 393 * MORNING PRAYER Gracious God, we seek you and want to be like you, but sometimes we do our best to put distance between us. We are glad you are better at bringing us together than we are at keeping us apart. You confront us with a power we cannot manipulate, a goodness we cannot match, and a love we cannot deny. Let your power become to us not merely an object of awe, but a source of renewal; let your love become to us not merely an inescapable force, but a contagious presence. Help us make love the motivation for all our actions, indeed for our whole lives. Let your love so live in us that we let go of the anger that often consumes us, and find ourselves not only willing, but eager, to forgive and live in the peace that only you can bring. As we share your love, help us remember that you are why we know love. Amen MOMENTS FOR YOUNG DISCIPLES (A nursery is available for those still in diapers and Children’s Church is available for children through third grade. The children will be escorted after the young disciples’ message) “Surely the Presence” UMH 328 A WESLEYAN TRADITION of Sharing our Joys and Concerns “How is it with your soul?” ANTHEM FIRST LESSON SECOND LESSON SENDING FORTH * HYMN “They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love” FWS 2223 * BENEDICTION * RESPONSE “Shalom to You” UMH 666 Shalom to you now, shalom my friends. May God’s full mercies bless you, my friends. In all your living and through your loving, Christ be your shalom. VOLUNTARY _____________________________________________________________________________________ 10:45 service PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE and THE LORD’S PRAYER PRAYER and PRESENTATION OF OFFERINGS * DOXOLOGY UMH 95 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below: Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. THE GREAT THANKSGIVING BREAKING THE BREAD GIVING THE BREAD AND CUP While communion is being served, you are invited to meditate in silence *Please stand as able PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD CALL TO PRAYER UMH 408 SERVICE OF WORD AND TABLE ENTRANCE AND PREPARATION * HYMN “The Gift of Love” UMH 895 “Peace Like a River” Participants in Today’s Service Sermon: Pastor Marty Lector: Cindy Rainger Music: Joan Bacot Acolyte: Courtney Childers Children’s Message and Church: Pastor Marty, Kristy Buzzi and Pam Kalinsky Ushers: Ed and June Wagner Holy Host: Donna Broadbent Sunday Morning Coordinator: Rosanne Williamson Parking: (9:15) Lewis Lee, Roger Broadbent, Bill Nelson Prayer Room: Murray Edwards Altar Guild: Valerie Kenney Counters: Stan Walus, Steve Yocum and Roger Broadbent Flowers: Ken and Pat Adams* *The flowers are given to the glory of God & in celebration of our 57th wedding anniversary! Jeremiah 1: 4-10 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 This service has ended, now your service begins. As you leave church today, you are entering the mission field. Welcome to this service of worship! We pray God will touch you in a meaningful way while you are here and that you will worship with us again. Please leave a note on the registration pad if you would like information about Bethel Church, or if you would like a call or visit from the pastor. Stewardship Worship Attendance (average) Sunday School Attendance Offering for week Weekly avg. needed Offering to date Budgeted needs $436,901.00 Ahead/(Behind) 01/17/2016 152 TBA $ 8,996.25 $ 8,401.94 $21,120.25 $25,205.83 $(4,085.58) 01/24/2016 SNOW DAY LECTIONARY READINGS for February 7 Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 99; 2 Corinthians 3:12-4-2; Luke 9:28-36 BETHEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH STAFF Pastor: Marty Martin Music Director: Joan Bacot Administrative Assistant: Christine Winters Youth Director: Aly King Nursery: Tiffany Kines, Raquel Kines, Rebecca Ramey HOW TO CONTACT US Visit our church website: www.bethelumc.com Church Phone: 540-347-4874 Pastor’s Home Phone: 540-972-2798 Pastor’s E mail: patandmarty@comcast.net Church Office Email: bumcofficeassistant@comcast.net Sunday school and adult Bible study – 9:30 am – 10:30 am Worship (with nursery available) – 8:30 am & 10:45 am SERVING IN WORSHIP NEXT SUNDAY – February 7 Acolyte: (8:30) Charlie Muma (10:45) Kate Laing Altar Guild: (8:30) Valerie Kenney (10:45) Valerie Kenney Children’s Church: Kathy and Ryan Crabtree Lectors: (8:30) Nancy Matthews (10:45) Therese Crowther Holy Host: (8:30) (10:45) Dotty Crane Sunday Morning Coordinator: Rosanne Williamson Parking: (7:45) Ralph Thwaite, Ed Wagner (9:00) Steve Church (10:15) Prayer Room (8:30) Rosanne Williamson (10:45) Debbie Mroczek Ushers: (8:30) Joe and Christen Miller (10:45) Ken Adams, Steve Church Tech Team: (8:30) Tim Kenney (10:45) Ed Worsham Counters: Debbie Mroczek, Bill Nelson, and Roger Broadbent Flowers: Prayer List Week of January 31, 2016 January Prayer Focus: How can I serve God in the new year? Those Serving in Uniform Bill Atwell (Fairfax Co EMT) Marshall Braun (Fauquier EMT) Grant Brooks (US Army) Will Corbitt (US Marine) Rick Crowther (Fauquier EMT) Robert Egan (Alexandria Police) Dan Janickey (Fairfax Co Police) Ben McGee (US Capital Police) Cody Nagy (USMC) Jason Reichel (Fairfax Co Police) Joshua Rinker (US Army) Jacob Robertson (US Coast Guard) Shawyne Smith (US Army) Greg Steinmeyer (US Army) Brian Tollefson (US Navy) Charlie Wolfert (Fairfax Co Police) Benjamin Worrall (US Air Force) Kevin Zak (US Coast Guard) Sharon McClary Sutton Marc Ortiz David Jaskowiak Lorraine and Family Cathy Kistler Elise Rodgers Derwood Strunk Muriel Defazio Family of Larry Wilkes Ryanne Bergman Austin McCorkle Mila and family Family of Lindsay Hayes Elwood Krieder Mrs. Greg Pierce Marian Rognlien Tom Falkowski and Family Jeanne Cooper Family and Friends of Muriel DeFazio Kevin Smith Jennifer Sellers and Family Uncle Sid I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. John 16:22 Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve. Mark 10:45 Of Special Concern Bethel Church Members Bishop, Young Jin Cho Alexandria District Superintendent, Jeffrey Mickle Our covenant missionary, Becky Parsons Victims of violence, war and natural disasters Those grieving the loss of loved ones or suffering debilitating illness Those in the midst of financial upheaval Those facing medical tests, procedures and treatments Barb Backus Doloris and Fred Baker Edythe Burton Childers Family Gretchen Davis and Family Leo and Alice Federline Joice and David Fredenburg Ralph Head Tom Hughes Pam and Steve Kalinsky Bea Keefer Peg Kierstead Mark Langan Sarah, Bethany, and Caleb Lilley Bill and Elsie Mayo Bill Nelson Mae Nelson Jill Wilson The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18 Family and Friends Walt and family Bob and Sue Cornell Ingrid Boyonton and Family Evelynne Koch Jim Brown Betty Robson Family of Linda Lee Adolf Kaleb Leigh and his Family John Sieber Robin and family Joshua Ron Ozzie Oswald Notes of Encouragement or Sympathy To have a note of encouragement or sympathy mailed to your loved one from Bethel Church, please give the name and address to Murray and Helen Edwards. Place the name and address in the offering plate, or contact them by calling 347-3271 or via email at medwards419@yahoo.com and/or hedwards4@yahoo.com. Names will remain on this list for 3 weeks, unless requested for a longer period of time. Prayer for January Thank you, O God, for another new day; another new year. Open my heart to those around me who need to experience your presence. If I can be a light to someone else, shine through me. Use me to serve others today. Amen. EXTRAVAGANT GENORISITY **Financial Peace University (FPU) is a nine-week class on money taught by America's most trusted financial guru, Dave Ramsey. Dave and his teaching team will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more! The class will be facilitated by Kevin Lee, President & Chief Credit Officer, Oak View National Bank. Classes are Sundays 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and start February 21. There is a $100 cost for couples (you get to keep the materials) and childcare will be provided. Sign up at the Welcome Center. **Sign up for Altar Flowers 2016: We need volunteers for the altar flowers. The calendar is posted behind the Welcome Center by the water fountains. Anyone may sign up to supply the flowers. They need to be delivered to the sanctuary the Saturday before your chosen Sunday. Thank you. Save the Date: February 10: Pancake Supper, 5:30 p.m. February 10: Ash Wednesday Worship Service 7:15 p.m. February 13: UMM Dance and Dinner – 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. February 18: Ruritan Dinner, Social Hall, 7:00 p.m. February 19-20: Hunger Awareness Event for BUMY February 20: UMW Breakfast, Social Hall, 8 to 10 a.m. February 21: Financial Peace University Begins, 6:00 p.m. February 23: UMM Meeting, Parish House, 7:00 p.m. Living Our Faith, Sharing God’s Love: Week of January 31 PASSIONATE WORSHIP **”Shrove Tuesday on Ash Wednesday” Pancake Dinner: The Youth Group will be serving our pancake dinner on Wednesday, February 10, in the Social Hall from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Please join us for dinner and stay for our Ash Wednesday worship service. **ASH WEDNESDAY, February 10: The Worship Committee has planned a special service for us after the Pancake Supper. Please join us in the Sanctuary at 7:15 p.m. **Got Prayer? Need Prayer? The prayer team gathers at 6:30 p.m. on Monday evenings to pray for the church, its mission and ministry and its people. Join us in the sanctuary. We finish by 6:55 p.m. No requirement to pray out loud if that is not comfortable for you. RADICAL HOSPITALITY **UMM's Sweetheart Dinner Dance: The United Methodist Men are hosting a Sweetheart Dinner Dance on Saturday, February 13 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Social Hall. Tickets are $15 Single, $25 Couple (Singles - come with a friend & pay couple's price & enjoy the savings!) Our menu will be Roast beef, baked potato, vegetable & dessert. Are you looking for fun, fellowship and a SWEET evening? Bethel UMC has your “share the love” event! Please adults only. Thank you. **New Member Classes: If you are interested in learning about Methodism and Bethel Church, please contact Pastor Marty. All are welcome. The next class has been rescheduled for Sunday, February 14 after the 10:45 a.m. worship service in the Parish living room. **Got Facebook? If so, please LIKE the public Bethel UMC page (https://www.facebook.com/bethel.umc.warrenton) Be sure to check out our Facebook page DAILY for prayer thoughts, inspiration, kudos, and news. No Facebook? If you would like a custom and private Facebook training session, please contact Therese "T." Crowther (540) 428-4365 rtcrowther@comcast.net Also, you can find Bethel online at BethelUMC.com. By visiting our website and online calendar WEEKLY, you're helping us show up higher in the search engines and helping those in our online communities find us faster. Thank you! **Vacation Bible School is a fun and exciting ministry that stays with Children throughout their lives. Bethel's VBS planning committee is looking for a few members to bring Joseph's journey alive! VBS is scheduled for the week of June 20. Please contact Ruthann Litchford or Lisa Muma for more information. **UMW Meeting: Please join us, Saturday, February 6 at 9:30 a.m. All women are welcome and we look forward to seeing you. Please see Barbara Plummer for more information. RISK TAKING MISSION AND SERVICE **BUMY Snow Nite: Sunday Jan 31 is the last day to sign up for our Snow Nite and have your money turned in. So far, very few have signed up. So please let me know if you are planning to go. This is a great event for families and friends! INTENTIONAL FAITH DEVELOPMENT **Children’s Church: Our Children's ministry is in need of additional Sunday School teachers for our pre-school and elementary age children. We use a rotating schedule so you will not be committing to teach every Sunday. If you want to be a part of this rewarding ministry please contact Lisa Muma. mumas@live.com **Crosswalk 2016: Sunday, February 28 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. For Children - pre-K through 5th grade, A worship experience for children describing the events of Holy Week through crafts, stories, drama, prayer and prayer pretzels. Bring your children and invite your neighbors and friends to bring theirs as well. A sign up sheet is available at the Welcome Center or please call (540) 3474874. Pre-registration will help us prepare our supplies for the children. Additional Questions? Please see Lisa Muma **YOUTH Mission Trips for 2016: Please note the dates and point of contacts for the summer mission opportunities. Deadlines are here for some sign-ups. Monday February 1 is the last day to sign up and deposit $25 for the mission trip opportunities! Harvest of Hope for Middle Schoolers, July 15-17, Aly King Harvest of Hope for High Schoolers July 17 – July 23, Aly King **BUMY Hunger Awareness Event: This event will be like the 30 Hour Famine, but we will be focusing on local hunger and what we can do to help! Prepare to be hungry! We will be spending Friday night hanging out at the church and Saturday volunteering in the community. Our event will end with motel ministry and dinner at the Jefferson Motel! Come for part of the event or stay the whole time! February 19 through February 20. See Aly for more details.