
Greeters: Dorothy Hall
Liturgist: Denise Barton
Junior Church (8:30) (10:45)
Nursery (Birth-2 yr.): Keim/Wynn/Vanderwerf Pre-School (3-4 yr.): Open
Computer Operator: (8:30) Haring/Raab (10:45) Spiece/Murray/Bates/Haines
Tellers: Trish Richards, Lori Corbett
Ushers: Dot Shantz, Jean Domin, John Corbett, Kim Bradbury
Flowers: O’Connor Family In Honor of Stephanie’s Birthday
Piano Round Allen & Alice Collins In Honor of Allen’s sister, Joanne’s Birthday
Coffee Hour: “Thankful for Apples” (gluten free options)
To Bethel
Liturgist: Lori Corbett
Junior Church (8:30) (10:45)
Nursery (Birth-2 yr.): Keim/Wynn/Vanderwerf Pre-School (3-4 yr.): Open
Computer Operator: (8:30) Haring/Raab (9:30) Spiece/Murray/Bates/Haines
Tellers: Tina Abel, Joyce Shutt
Ushers: Hal & Joyce Shutt, Jeff Wynn, Tina Abel
Flowers: Blenda & Aubrey Bates
Coffee Hour: Congregation (gluten-free options)
6:30 PM – Girl Scout Troop 4959 (Fellowship Hall)
6:30 PM – Brownie Troop 4912 (Grade 4-5 Room)
Monday 11/17
No Bible Study
Tuesday 11/18
7 PM – UMW Meeting
6:30 PM – Coventry Community Chorus (Fellowship Hall)
Thursday 11/20
6:45 PM – Praise Worship Rehearsal
7:15 PM – Choir Rehearsal
Saturday 11/22
6 PM Emmaus Gathering
Sunday 11/23
8:30 AM – Praise Worship
9:30 AM– Sunday School for All Ages
10:45 AM – Worship
2-4 PM – Joint Choir Rehearsal for Advent Service at Bethel UMC
6:30 PM – Union of Churches Thanksgiving Service at St. Vincent UCC
“Growing in
Christ together,
sharing God’s
love with
Thank you for
worshipping with
us today.
Enlarged copies of
this bulletin are
available from the
Children are
welcome to remain
throughout the
service or they
may take
advantage of our
nursery or
Children’s Church.
952 Bethel Church Road Spring City, PA 19475 610 495-6807
Pastor Jacqueline Hines Pastor’s Phone: 610 495-5070
Pastor’s Email:
Secretary: Barb Hanlon Office Phone: 610 495-6807
Office Email:
Organist: Jessica Bennett Sextons: Chris and Paul Long
Bethel Christian Preschool
Director: Janet Hunter Phone: 610 495-6807 Preschool Email: Website:
Order of Worship
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 16, 2014 10:45 AM
Bethel United Methodist Church seeks to be a church that fulfills the spiritual
needs of the community, shows God’s love to all and serves God in all it does.
Prayer of Illumination
God of truth, hearing your word is often not our problem. We hear just fine,
but accepting and living these words is another matter. So, this morning,
enable us not only to hear your word, but to understand how can live it as well.
In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.
Psalter 799 (UMH #799)
Fanfare, The Chiming Hour and Lighting of the Candles (in silence)
Prayer of Meditation Awesome light, you help us walk with confidence.
Children’s Message Aubrey Bates
FWS #2233 “Where Children Belong”
*Opening Hymn UMH #399 “Take My Life and Let It Be” (verses 1, 2)
Stewardship Campaign – Part 1 Jean Domin, Finance Secretary
L. The day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night.
C. We will remain vigilant as children of the light.
L. A new day is dawning. Forsake the ways of darkness.
C. We will live soberly as children of the light.
L. Put on the breastplate of faith and love, and the helmet of hope and
C. We will prepare ourselves as children of the light.
L. Let us encourage one another and build each other up.
C. We will work for the kingdom as children of the light. Amen.
Welcome and Announcements
Hymn UMH #121 “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” (verses 1, 2)
Opening Prayer
God of fall and winter, God of spring and summer, you know the seasons of
our lives. Let the season of darkness and doubt pass away, that we may be
reborn in your light. Lead us into a season of light and warmth: a season of
joy; a season of sober judgment; a season where all your children are
clothed in the breastplate of faith and hope, and the helmet of hope and
salvation. Lead us into a season of kingdom building, and we will put aside
the ways of darkness to live as children of light. Amen.
Choir Anthem
“His Grace” Larry Norred
*Gospel Lesson Matthew 25.1-13 (page 26 NT pew Bible)
“Thanksgiving for a Light” Pastor Jacqueline Hines
Invitation to Christian Discipleship
UMH #206 “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light” (verse 1)
Joys and Concerns
The Lord’s Prayer
*Passing of the Peace (ushers please come forward as people are seated)
Offering For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life ” (John 3:16,
*Doxology UMH#694 “Come Ye Thankful People, Come” (verse 2)
*Prayer of Dedication
*Closing Hymn
UMH #413 “A Charge to Keep I Have” (verses 1-4)
*indicates please stand if able
8:30 AM Praise Worship
9:30 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Worship
November 16, 2014
Worship Attendance: 105 Sunday School Attendance: 34
Giving Last Week: $3211.13 Amount Needed per Week: $3535
Thank you to everyone who helped and participated in the UMW Bazaar.
Thank you to everyone who helped and participated in the Chicken and Waffle
Dinner. The tantalizing smells of good food are still in the hallways.
Not a Silent Night-video & discussion “Faith Journey” adult Sunday School
Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM in the basement “office” green room.
The Nurture Committee invites you to participate in Special Themed Coffee
Hours. In November the theme “Thankful for Apples” is Today, Sunday,
November 16th. Anytime you want to sponsor a Coffee Hour you are welcome
to sign up in the narthex.
SOMETHING NEW! “Walk in the Light” is a WINGS organized activity for the
whole Bethel family along with any friends you want to invite! This month our
walk is the Schuylkill River Trail access at Rt. 724 and Bethel Church Road –
walking toward Spring City at 1 PM on today.
Bids for Construction - anyone interested in bidding should send a notice to
Nathan Fry at
Campaign I Building Fund - $200,000. Total commitments through the end of
October are $175,138.76 with $42,727.81 received. We need $13,576.87 more
to reach our Campaign I Building Fund Goal!
“Believe” Website – For all the latest news on the Building Campaign see the website.
“Bethel Believe” Prayer - Dear Lord, We ask that you continue to guide us
through the renovation project of your church and the capital campaign
required to fund it. Open our hearts so we may hear your voice as you direct
us as to what our part in the process should be. In your holy name. Amen.
B.U.S. Sign up for the Fulton Theater trip to see “White Christmas” on
December 10h. (We have 15 tickets. Sign up sheet is in the narthex.
Thanksgiving Dinner at Bethel –November 27th - Kay and Rocky Weikel are
preparing Thanksgiving Dinner. They have accommodations for twenty Bethel
guests. The dinner will be held in the café on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day from
11:30 -1. Sign up in the narthex or see Pastor Hines for your reservation.
Bethel Generosity –The UMW Soup and Hoagie sale raised $962.85 for food for
the Spring City Pantry. The Boscov’s Shopping Day raised $430 for the Building
OJR Christmas Concert and Tea – The annual concert and tea for senior
citizens is Monday, December 15th at noon. Please tell Peggy Linderman that
you are attending so she can give a count.
Christmas Poinsettias – Order forms for Christmas Pointsettias are in the
narthex. Deadline for orders is Sunday, December 7th. Money and orders can
be given to Allen Collins or put in the offering plate.
Coming Up at Bethel UMC
East Coventry Union of Churches Services
Sunday, Nov. 23rd Thanksgiving Service at St.Vincent UCC 6:30 PM
Sunday, Nov. 30th Advent Service at Bethel UMC 6:30 PM
Sunday, Dec. 21st Choir Cantata
Wednesday, Dec. 24th “The Angels Surrounding Jesus”
6:30 PM Pre-service Music 7 PM Worship
Sunday, Dec. 28th Musical Message from Member & Pastor
Mark your Calendar – for the East Coventry Union of Churches Thanksgiving
Service to be held at St. Vincent UCC on Sunday, November 23rd at 6:30 PM.
Newly installed Pastor Ray Jochowski (pronounced Ju-husky) will be preaching.
The ECUC Advent Service will be held at Bethel UMC on the following Sunday,
November 30th at 6:30 PM. We will be blessed to hear the most beautiful music
of the 40 member choir combining the hearts and talents of each church in the
Deck the Halls - The Bethel sanctuary will be decorated for Christmas on
Monday November 24th at 10 am. The iron-rod pew candles will be mounted on
November 30 after worship. Two or three helpful hands are needed. If you are
available, show up or call Kathy Gresko or Sandy Davies.
Congrats to Mark Murray, now teaching television media at Cabrini College.
The audio visual team will need more help as a result. If you are hearing the
call to assist in worship, please let the team know immediately.
Victoria’s Candy –Rocky Weikel is again selling this wonderful candy. Great as
Christmas gifts. See Rocky for order forms.
Youth Rally – in Ocean City MD January 9-11, 2015. Contact Elaine O’Connor
for more information. 610 469-6974 There is still time to
Ministry to Our College Students - Addresses and address changes for college
students are needed so we can keep in touch. Leave info in the church office
or give to Jeanne Haring. Thank you.
Confirmation 2015 – Parents of children who are at least in sixth grade please
let Pastor Hines know if you plan to participate in the 2015 Confirmation Class
which begins in January.
Thank You – To my Friends at Bethel, Thank you for the birthday cards you
sent for my 95th. They made my day. Hope to see you in November. Millie
UMW Reading Group –will meet Monday, December 8th at 1 PM.
In Ian’s Boots - Thank you to all who have contributed and continue to
contribute shoes and boots. In Ian’s Boots needs donations of new Children’s,
Men’s and Women’s socks. Socks can be placed in the blue barrel downstairs.
YES retreat for Senior High Youth. This retreat sponsored by the Eastern
Pennsylvania Conference helps youth to Y. yield to the call to ministry, E.
explore the call to ministry, and S. stay with the call to ministry. If you think
you have a call to ministry, see Pastor Hines to register for this event on
November 22, 9:00—5:00 at New Life United Methodist Church 2600 Bond
Avenue Drexel Hill, PA, 19026.
Giant Cards –Don’t forget Giant Gift Cards make great and easy gifts especially
for Christmas. Order them now in November for early delivery. They come
in 5-10-20-25-50 and 100 dollar denominations. Sign up on the 1st and 2nd
Sunday and receive your card on the 3rd Sunday.
Junior Church- Adult leaders are needed to lead Junior Church during the 8:30
and 10:45 services. Sign up sheets are in the hallway outside the classroom.
There are several curriculum guides in the cabinet in the classroom or you can
design your own lesson. Teenagers can act as helpers or two adults can do a
lesson together. Please contact Amy Keller or Mary Kelly with any questions or
concerns. Thank you!
Prayer chain - call Peggy Linderman 610-323-0841 or Barb Moore 610-495-7775
with your prayer requests. If after two weeks, you would like your prayer
request to continue, please contact the chain again and we will continue to
hold your request in prayer.
Prayers of Celebration, Thanksgiving, and Petition
Give thanks and pray for persons celebrating birthdays this week: Jennifer
Rowley, Kaye Hetrick, Kevin Horvath, Dawn Allison, Sarah Handwork, Stephanie
O’Connor, Carol Osiol, Becky Bishop.
Congratulations to: New baby, Grace Elaine Nesspor-Mourar, daughter of
Amber and Bobby, was welcomed into the world on October 16, 2014 at 4:31pm
at 9 lbs 6 oz, 22" long; Marisa Bishop who won Year end Grand Champion for
Baby Green Hunter division on Skylark (that is the horse) at Shannodell Horse
Show on 9/21 and 10/19;Ray Ayers, 5th time grandpop with the arrival of
Jackson Thomas Winn born on Wednesday, October 8th weighing 5 ½ lbs and 18
½ inches long (6 weeks early). His mom and dad are Shellee and Kyle of
Reading, PA. Everyone is doing great; the Weikel’s grandson who was lead
soloist in the annual cavalcade; the Meissner’s grandson, Liam Conway, for
winning the OJR PAC-10 race against Boyertown; Aubrey Bates whose successful
completion of the Dewees Grant yielded $2400 for audio assistance for worship.
Thanks to: Edie Duranto and Terrie McKinley’s splendid cafe décor; all of those
who worked so diligently to make soup and hoagies.
Pray for those who are ill, homebound, receiving treatment or recovering
from illness or surgery: Mary Kelly’s parents, Mary Pavlichko, lung surgery and
Michael Pavlichko, heart and kidney disease; Mary Tyson; Kay Hetrick; Bob
Mauer; Gene Barton; Harrison Groman; Doug Kutz; Ronald Hopson; Harry Forbes
is now living at the Hollidaysburg Veterans Home, PO Box 319, Hollidaysburg PA
16648; Rhonda Maxwell (lung surgery); Kruna Kovach; Laura McKissic; Alice
Collins; Millie Stauffer; Ruth Peterman; Jeanette Horvath (parent of Cheryl
Emery); Marty Hale; the Meissner’s niece who has had a recurrence of cancer;
family and friends struggling with addiction; physical and emotional well being.
Other prayer needs: Military personnel; employment concerns of members,
family and friends. Family and friends who mourn the loss of… Jean Jaggers,
friend of Sandy Davies; Ruth Moyer; Marie Pick’s mother, Margaret Himes;
Donna Kunsch’s father, Bill Blatt; Mary Parke’s sister, Irene Bowers; Trish
Richards’ sister, Gloria Jean Henry; Paul Long’s sister, Joyce Ottinger; Diane
Raab’s father, Ray Clites; Susan Woods’ grandmother; Elaine Richardson; Dr.
John Peterman; Chet Kehs.